Vejetilforandring web

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Veje til forandring: Hvordan museer skaber relevans med outreach Tools for Change: How Outreach Makes Museums Matter


Tema 1: Relationer: Hvem blåstempler hvem? Theme 1: Relations: Who Endorses Who?

14 Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt: Værdien i nye fællesskaber The Value of New Communities 20 Case 1: Flyverne The Flyers 26 Case 2: Bydelsmødrene The Neighbourhood Mothers 32

Tema 2: Museet som samfundsaktør Theme 2: The Museums as an Important Player in Society

34 Søren Friis Møller: Museets mange roller New Roles and Functions 40 Case 1: Modellen – Palle Nielsen The Model – Palle Nielsen 46 Case 2: Helhedsplanen The Unified Plan 52

Tema 3: Museet som et socialt sted Theme 3: The Museum as a Social Place

54 Niels Righolt: Museet i forandring The Museum in Transition 60 Case 1: Gellerup Museums børneklub Gellerup Museum Club for Children 66 Case 2: Familiesøndage Family Sundays

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