Volume 32 Issue 1

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New poltics podcast sparks discussion

Meet the new faculty

Is TikTok worth teenagers’ time?

Mamma Mia prepares to take the stage

Tips to exercising in class




The Student Newspaper of Algonquin Regional High School



79 Bartlett Street, Northborough, MA 01532

October 2019



VOL. 32 NO. 1

Bathroom vandalism costs school



EEE hits Northborough

How outbreak impacts sports, community CATHERINE HAYDEN & GABRIELA PAZ-SOLDAN Editors-in-Chief

With the outbreak of Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus (EEE), a fatal, mosquito-transmitted disease, the district has cancelled or moved all outdoor activities after 6 p.m., leading to adjustments in the fall sports’ schedule. Lacking a vaccine, this virus has called for preventative measures in order to protect students’ and community members’ safety.

EEE Risk As of Oct. 16, the towns of Northborough and Southborough are both classified at critical risk for EEE, the highest of five risk categories established by the

Executive Office of Health and Human Services. EEE outbreaks in Massachusetts historically last one to three years and occur in seven to 10 year cycles. The current outbreak, which began in July, has already led to 12 confirmed human cases, one of which was a Northborough resident, and four deaths in Massachusetts as of October 15. According to Executive Director at the Central Mass Mosquito Control Project Timothy Deschamps, this virus has presented more aggressively than years past. “It does appear at this point in time we’re probably looking at a more virulent strain,” Deschamps said on Sept. 26.



Top: Fans support the football team at a game on Sept. 28, which was rescheduled to a Saturday afternoon because of EEE. Bottom: Students cheer and show T-Hawk pride at last year’s homecoming football game on Sept. 21.

Three deliberate acts of student vandalism have resulted in sewer blockages this school year, costing $3,000 in repairs. The vandalism consisted of foreign objects, including padlocks, balls of paper towels and an apple, being flushed down the toilets, where they blocked the pipes. The incidents began on the first day of school with two more occurring throughout the next two weeks. However, those responsible have not been caught yet. Director of Facilities Michael Gorman stresses the far-reaching consequences of these actions. “When the majority of the sudents are doing great and one or two make poor decisions, all the money that we spend and labor that we do on this comes off the school, your education, the books, the ability of your teachers to do extra,” Gorman said. “...At the end of the day, it costs the whole establishment.” Two of the incidents required the facilities department to call in an outside service that used a camera to identify the blockages. Furthermore, custodians had to work overtime in order to get the affected bathrooms up and running for the next school day. “[Algonquin] is our home,” Gorman said. “Treat it with respect. Have some consideration for the poor guy who’s got to go and [fix] this.” According to Assistant Principal Tim McDonald, the student or students who committed these acts could face consequences including suspension and restorative justice if caught.




Breakfast club provides healthy food for those in need CLAIRE BAI

Asssistant News Editor


Science teacher Aimee Selby adjusts breakfast bars in one of the fully-stocked cabinets of the new breakfast club.

Teachers started the Algonquin Breakfast Club this year to give food to kids without the means for a nourishing breakfast. The idea for the club originated with teachers Aimee Selby and Gina Johnston, and all the other staff members jumped on board, helping to donate, distribute food, and look for ways to sustain the program. “Our goal is to make sure that kids that are not able to have breakfast at home

are able to have breakfast here,” Selby said. Students that need breakfast can go to the teacher cafe between 6:45 and 7:15, where they can choose any two items to eat. Afterward, they fill out a Google Form, so the teachers are able to keep track of the food being distributed. “They can just take their food and go, like a grab and go station,” Johnston said. The Algonquin Breakfast Club accepts perishable and non-perishable items, including fruits, granola bars and snacks, like peanut butter crackers and trail mix. Their donation bin is in the rotunda, and

students are free to drop off food anytime. “Students and parents have donated food, as well as student council and some local supermarkets,” Selby said. “It’s all been extremely helpful, and we hope more students can donate.” The student council helped give the Algonquin Breakfast Club the first few donations they needed to start off.


2 NEWS The Harbinger - October 2019

Algonquin Politics Podcast promotes political discourse


Junior Chris Carreras and senior Apple Lin were both guests on an episode from June 3, 2019 titled “How Many is Too Many7?” where they contributed to a discussion on the 2020 Democratic nominees.


With the goal of encouraging students to informatively speak about important political topics, social studies teachers Brian Kellett and John Barry founded the Algonquin Politics Podcast in May 2019. Last school year, three episodes of the podcast were published on multiple platforms including Apple Podcasts and Spotify. While at a professional development course themed around getting kids more comfortable in basic civil discourse, Barry came up with the idea to start a podcast. “The podcast just heightens the expectation [for students to voice their opinion],” Barry said. “It’s more than a casual conversation. It brings out the best in kids to stick their neck out.” The two teachers guide the podcast discussion for a couple of students in the school library. Kellett and Barry want the

podcast to be an extension of ally valuable skill.” their jobs as teachers; they want As the podcast grows, Kelto encourage discourse while lett and Barry hope to increase helping students find their voice the amount of student voice. through the podcast. Their goal is to try to talk less “A n y t i m e each episode, ulyou’re speaking timately allowing in a different “The students students to talk sort of environ- opinions and the the majority of ment, I think the time. there’s room students ideas, I “We want for growth, and think, are at the this to be a place that’s what we’re where student trying to do forefront of why voice is at the throughout our we want to do center,” Kellett jobs,” Kellett said. “We try to said. “[The pod- this.” help [students by] cast] is another BRIAN KELLET directing the conway to do it.” versation to make SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHER After besure we hit on ing approached certain issues that by Kellett in class, junior Gavin we feel are worthy of discussion. Weinberg was a guest on one of But the student opinions and the the first episodes about the Elec- student ideas, I think, are at the toral College and the 2020 presi- forefront of why we want to do dential election. this.” “I think definitely being on Controversial political topics the podcast helped me with pub- like the ones covered on the podlic speaking skills,” Weinberg cast are usually not addressed in said. “Learning how to talk to a school environment, but Kellett people in a different way is a re- and Barry aren’t afraid of that; in

fact, they are excited for it. for creating a discussion about “We want [students] to feel political issues,” Kellett said. comfortable talking about conGoing into this year, Keltroversial issues in a classroom,” lett and Barry hope to continue Barry said. “In many ways, we the podcast with the objective also want [to] put them in places of centering the topics around where they’re learning how to the 2020 presidential race. Their construct an argoal though, is to gument about... “I think there discuss different an uncomfortable viewpoints instead topic. I think that should be very of just stating the podcast is [a] few things that facts. place where they “What we can practice that.” are off limits in want to do is let Weinberg also a school, as long CNN tell us who’s expressed his supwinning in the port of this phi- as it’s respectpolls, but go belosophy. ful and as long neath it [and dig “I think there deeper],” Barry should be very as it’s intelligent said. “Why are few things that discourse.” they leading in are off limits in a the polls? What’s GAVIN WEINBERG changing in the school, as long as JUNIOR electorate in this it’s respectful and as long as it’s intelcountry?” ligent discourse,” As the new Weinberg said. school year progresses, Kellett Since the podcast began, and Barry look forward to seeing multiple students have signed up the effect the podcast has on the to be a guest. However, Kellett community. and Barry want the podcast to “Maybe we can play a small not only benefit these students, part in fostering a community but to also strike up conversa- that is thinking about issues, talktions between students listening. ing about issues, listening to the “It’s also something that we other side,” Kellett said. hope kids who aren’t participating can at least use as a vehicle


Social Studies teacher Brian Kellett discusses the amount of 2020 Democratic nominees with students for the June 3, 2019 episode of the Algonquin Politics Podcast. Kellett and Social Studies teacher John Barry started the podcast to get students to talk about politics in an informal fashion.

Algonquin Breakfast Club provides nutritious breakfast for all ‘BREAKFAST CLUB’ in to have breakfast,” Johnston said. CONTINUED FROM P. 1


Students check in on an iPad and identify the foods they will take that day.

“Student council outlined a budget of $300, and got food that was non-perishable, like breakfast bars and fruit snacks,” student council adviser John Barry said. According to Johnston, since Algonquin does not have a high enough percentage of kids without means to food, the school is not eligible for help from the Worcester Food Pantry or the federal government. This means the Algonquin Breakfast Club depends entirely on students and families to donate food. “We want to have more donations, so we have enough food for the kids when they come

The teachers have been having trouble getting the word out to students about this resource, and only one student has gotten food so far. “I’ve seen flyers for [the Algonquin Breakfast Club] around the school, but I don’t really know what it is,” sophomore Emily Tran said. “It sounds like a good idea, though.” Johnston hopes more students will learn about the Algonquin Breakfast Club, especially those who need it. “We want kids who need breakfast to be able to come and get food without any hassle,” Johnston said, “We hope to get the word out about this resource.”

NEWS 3 arhsharbinger.com

Cafeteria launches new environmental changes New items introduced to Corner Cafe MELISSA DAI & SHARADA VISHWANATH Assistant News Editor & Graphics Coordinator

The school district has implemented changes in the school cafeteria to create a more environmentally-conscious lunchroom and improve the overall dining experience at Algonquin for the 2019-2020 school year. In an effort to go green, the cafeteria has introduced environmentally friendly versions of utensils and trays. “We’ve incorporated some silverware so the students now have a choice [between plastic utensils and silverware],” Food Services Manager Dianne Cofer said. “We are trying to use reusable silverware for which disposing won’t cause a problem.” Along with the new silverware, a majority of the styrofoam trays were replaced by reusable trays in another effort to go green. Pressed paper trays may also be used later in the year. These trays are environmentally-friendly but expensive. “We’ll [start to use] a pressed paper-type tray, so it’ll at least be biodegradable,” Cofer said. “But the cost is around three times as much [as styrofoam trays]. It’s a huge cost that we have to pay for to make that change” Most of these cafeteria changes were instigated by Cofer, but the switch to more environmentally-friendly utensils and trays stemmed from the efforts of junior Sravya Tanikella and the Northborough-Southborough Interact club of which she is president. “The anti-styrofoam was initiated by some of the students here,” Cofer said. “The rest, I initiated, trying to always come up with ideas and basing it off of what the need is.” However, since not all of the styrofoam trays were replaced,

some students expressed skepti- still hungry after they have fincism toward the new modifica- ished their own lunches. tions. “[Students can drop off] “I think that the attempt to packaged products such as chips, remove plastic utensils and replace pop tarts, granola bars or whatit with silverware is dull compared ever, so that students who are to the impact of the styrofoam still hungry can grab something trays that everyone throws away,” to supplement themselves,” Cofer sophomore Jasmine Little, who said. buys lunch everyday, said. While many students appreciAnd while some appreciated ate the concept of the bowl, they the effort, they believed that the haven’t yet taken advantage of its cafeteria should try to be even perks. more environmentally-conscious “[The bowl] seems like a in the future. good idea; if someone doesn’t “It’s good that they’re try- have anything to eat, they can ing to improve the experience of just take a snack,” junior Hayden eating in the cafeteria, but I feel Rosenburg said. “I don’t think like the measures they’ve taken to that I would use it, but it seems make the cafeteria more environ- like it could be useful.” mentally-friendly with less plastic Furthermore, the cafeteria isn’t enough,” Director of the has increased variety of food opN o r t h b o rtions availough-Southable at the “The school wastes a borough Corner Cafe Interact club lot of plastic everyday such as the and sophonacho boat, at lunch so the silvermore Cynwhich conthia Rajeshsists of a ware is a great alterkanna said. cheese cup native.” “They have and a salsa to do more.” cup with WRAVEN WATANABE Overtortilla chips. JUNIOR all, despite Students can complaints now also that the cafpurchase eteria could be doing more, some mini soft pretzels with cheese. students admired the potential of “I think the school district these new changes. is getting really creative with the “Silverware is good because snack items that [the Corner Cafe] it’s less waste of single use plas- offers, and they’re adding more tics. The school wastes a lot of foods that can be meals, rather plastic everyday at lunch so the than just snacks,” Rajeshkanna silverware is a great alternative,” said as she purchased a nacho junior Wraven Watanabe said boat. Meanwhile, another change On top of the changes alconsisted of an empty bowl being ready introduced this year, Cofer placed on a cart in the middle of and the school district are planthe cafeteria, allowing students to ning on progressing towards either put a snack in the bowl or an even more environmentallytake a snack that another student friendly cafeteria in the future. dropped off in the bowl. “Moving forward, we will This “Food Share Bin” allows hopefully try to go even more people to dispose of unwanted green [with more changes],” snacks in a less wasteful manner, Cofer said. as it’s also helping those who are




For the 2019-2020 school year the cafeteria started offering students the option of either plastic or reusable utensils. This is just one of the many changes that came to the cafeteria this year. Other changes include reusable trays, a food share bin where students can place extra packaged food items for others, as well as new foods at the Corner Cafe.

Vandalism blocks sewers, causes thousands in damage ‘BREAKFAST CLUB’ Gorman believes that education could reduce backCONTINUED FROM P. 1 ups overall. Signs instructing students on what can-


Custodian Norberto Chaves [left] and Director of Facilities Michael Gorman [right] work to get everything back up and running for the next day.

In addition to the sewer blockages, urinal partitions in the H200 and H300 boys’ bathrooms were broken and ripped off the wall six weeks ago. Gorman estimates that the total cost to repair the partitions is between $800 and $1,200 dollars. For the past two years, students have been required to sign in and out of the bathrooms, with teachers stationed by certain bathrooms to monitor the students. McDonald believes the recent incidents have prompted teachers to be more vigilant. “The one difference is now I feel like [teachers] might have more of a sense of purpose of why they’re monitoring things because of [the acts of vandalism] that have happened,” McDonald said. “They have a different set of eyes on.” The administration is currently working with the APTO and having parent volunteers come in to watch over bathrooms that would otherwise remain unstaffed. While some acts are clearly intentional,

not be flushed down the toilet have been put up in bathrooms around the school. “[The sign] tells you what not to do,” Gorman said. “Please just work with us. That could cut down some [blockages].” Though these destructive acts are affecting the entire school, McDonald and Gorman emphasize that it is only a small fraction of the students that are purposely causing damage. “I know that the people here are wonderful people; the students are all wonderful,” McDonald said. “It just is a real shame when there is a person or a small group of people that are responsible for making such a negative impact.” Gorman urges students to say something if they suspect vandalism is occurring in the bathroom. “We’re trying to get the students to get behind [the effort to curb bathroom vandalism] because all the money we’re spending [to fix the vandalism] is coming right out of their education,” Gorman said.

4 NEWS The Harbinger - October 2019

Get to know John French Applied Arts

Colleen Barry

What do you love about teaching?


“In high school, it’s basically watching them [students] and viewing them as they explore things and come to the realization that they can do.”

How does it feel returning to Algonquin as a teacher? “It’s definitely weird because I’m calling my teachers I had by their first name, but I feel really welcomed back.”

What are some challenges that you face as a teacher? “Every child is different...It’s being able to develop a relationship of trust no matter what the cultural or personal differences are...I think I do extremely well with it.” Emma Moore

What do you love teaching the most? “I just love helping people. I love when a student isn’t understanding something and then it clicks, and it’s really fulfilling to know that you’re the reason why that topic clicked in their head.” Abby Arujo PHOTO ANNABELLA FERRAIUOLO


Caroline Current Health and Fitness

What’s been your favorite part so far of teaching at Algonquin? “The students. I love the students. I think that they’re very hard-working, sincere, good-hearted kids that just made every day rewarding.” What have you done in your career leading up to this that’s helped you in this job? “Prior to teaching, I was a registered dietician for Fallon Clinic, and I was a pediatric nutritionist, so I had lots of connections with teenagers. I also conducted classes there, so I had some teaching background from that position.” What have you used from your career as a dietician in this job?


“I’ve definitely become more sensitive to what teens go through… their connection with their bodies, their concerns, and their stress levels, not only nutrition wise but just in general. I have two daughters, one’s 20, and one’s 16, so I think my perspective as a parent as well as a nutritionist gave me a good background that led me to teaching.” Andrew Roberts

Fruwirth starts new role as school resource officer with goal of approachability the schools every day and working with the students and faculty.” Fruwirth explained that school resource officers help the Staff Writer school in a variety of ways. School resource officer Detective Kev “If somebody wants to report a crime, in Fruwirth is excited to see what the year they can come directly to me if they feel comfortable holds for him as he starts his new position enough,” Fruwirth said. “I’m a resource; whatever “I’m a resource; and looks forward to helping the Algonquin the students or faculty need, if I can help them out I whatever the community. will.” Fruwirth studied Criminal Justice Previous school resource officer Michael students or faculty and Communications at Curry College, and Bisset believes that Fruwirth is the perfect candidate received his masters from Worcester State for this position. need, if I can help University. He was a patrolman for the “He is open-minded,” Bisset said. “He’s them out I will.” Northborough Police Department for three always willing to consider multiple angles to any situyears, and hopes to get to know the commuation. He is also very self-motivated, which is a very KEVIN FRUWIRTH nity better in his new role. important characteristic for this position.” SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICER “I’m most excited to meet the stu Fruwirth hopes that he can be approachdents because everyone is different, and it able to students and wants the best for the commumakes this job interesting,” Fruwirth said. “I nity. think it’s a great opportunity for me to meet “They should feel comfortable to apnew students and teachers in the community.” proach me and talk to me about anything,” Fruwirth said. “I’m just As a school resource officer, Fruwirth’s schedule varies day here to help you guys.” to day. “Every day is different,” Fruwirth said. “As a detective, I still get assigned cases to follow-up on and investigate. Typically I am in Allison Tobin


NEWS 5 arhsharbinger.com

the new faculty Selvi Oyola

English Language Development

Dr. Sheri Ablaza

What inspired you to become an English Language Development teacher?

What made you decide to pursue chemistry as your career?


“I was an English language student in high school, and teaching had always been in my mind.”

“I credit my high school Chemistry teacher for inspiring me to study chemistry. Up to that point I wasn’t really interested in science, and then I took Chemistry with him and he made it so much fun.”

Did you ever have another career plan before choosing to be a teacher? “Yes, I enjoyed working as an environmental engineer prior to this.”

What is your favorite thing about teaching at Algonquin? “I’ve got really great support systems. I love the teachers I work with; everybody has been awesome. I think this is the best place to be for a first year teacher.”

What are some hopes you have for your time as an English Language Development teacher? “I hope to inspire students to be the best they can be, and to help students be confident.”

Matt Smith


Rebecca Duffy Fine Arts

What’s your favorite thing about teaching art? “I really like presenting new ways of seeing things. I do some technique-based things, but a lot of times it’s just facilitating students’ own explorations.” How did you decide teaching art was right for you? “I went to art school and I knew I loved making art. The years I worked in the museum I got to see the museum-side of things. I also taught at the deCordova Museum and did summer camps. I was more excited about teaching kids art rather than the museum world.” What interests do you pursue outside the classroom?


“I have my own art studio and I create my own art work at Redartichoke.com. I’m a part of Arts Worcester and they have shows and other things. I also like to watch the Great British Baking Show and try to bake and be fabulous; I’m not so great but that’s okay.” Lexi Myerson

Sebastian Sandorfi Special Education

New Special Education Aide and Algonquin graduate Sebastian Sandorfi has to be a special education teacher or a history teacher, and his favorite thing about being an educator is working closely with students to help them fulfill their personal goals. He loves to inspire the greatest potential from as many students as he can.

What do you like the most about your job? “I really love being a part of the classroom and meeting kids,”

Courtney Gilpin



How did you realize you wanted to pursue biology as a career?

What advice would you give to your students?

“Growing up, I was outside every day. Having the opportunity to be outside and to explore nature...instilled that passion in me, that I wanted to learn more about science.”

“The advice I would give my students is to definitely put your best effort forward.”

What are you most looking forward to about teaching at Algonquin?


Welcome to the six new Education Support Professionals:

Sebastian Sandorfi Emily McHugh Sean Smith Grace Amato Julien Maire Dan Araujo

“I’m looking forward to giving back and becoming more involved in the Algonquin community, and the community of Northborough and Southborough in general.” What is the biggest lesson you want students to take away from your classes? “I want students to make those connections between what we’re learning in class and real life, and to have a great appreciation for how complex and beautiful life is.” Kathryn Zaia

See full Q&As and articles at arhsharbinger.com



The Harbinger - October 2019

Lei makes moves towards victory now is 1754, making her the seventhbest female chess player in the United States for her age group. Lei remembers one tournament, the First Boston Elite Invitational on April 8, 2018 as a breakthrough moment. “I went to a tournament, and my chess rating hadn’t been going up for a while,” Lei said. “It was staying in place at 1500. It finally jumped to 1600, so that was a really special tournament for me. It wasn’t a big tournament, but for me, it was because my rating started going up after that and it was kind of like a turning point.” Since then Lei has been working with a chess coach who she feels is a main reason she was able to reach the international level. courtesy elshan moradi According to Yang, Lei has had Freshman Amy Lei competes at World Youth Chess Championship. to study chess for hours every day in old. Right now I am just continuing addition to attending tournaments on HALEY MICHEL to play because I just really love the the weekends and balancing schoolStaff Writer game, and it’s really unique.” work. Jingmei Yang, Lei’s mom, is in“She is so brave to take on this Nationally ranked chess player freshman Amy Lei competed in the credibly proud of how hard Lei has chess journey because it’s not easy,” World Youth Chess Championship in worked to reach this point in her Yang said. chess career, but notes Lei has found that Mumbai, India, from October 1-13. playing chess helps her After coming in second at the that it is more impor- “Before you in other areas of life, Massachusetts girls’ invitational and tant that her daughter get too serious such as how she is able then competing at two national tour- is enjoying herself. “At first we didn’t you have to to deal with failure. naments this summer, Lei’s chess “Chess games can rating qualified her for the interna- think too much about tional level. Lei had never competed tournaments, she was think it’s fun to be played for over five hours, so it can be reinternationally or been to India, so just having fun,” Yang play.” ally upsetting to finally the experience was very exciting for said. “I think that is the JINGMEI YANG lose it from one fatal her. She competed in 11 rounds in a most important thing LEI’S MOM move, but those have section with 70 other girls from 36 about any activity. Beto be dealt with,” Lei different countries. She said that she fore you really get too said. was so well prepared for the tourna- serious you have to think it’s fun to play.” Lei believes that ment that she didn’t feel nervous. Lei explained that each chess there is much more to chess than Lei has been playing chess ever since she was 7 years old. It started player has a rating that is calculated most people assume. “When people are playing they off as a hobby, but soon became a by adding a certain number of points major part of her life when she start- every time they win a match at a tour- might sacrifice a piece not because nament, or subtracting if they lose. objectively it’s good but because it ed competing. “My dad taught me how to play The highest possible rating is over puts psychological pressure on their chess,” Lei said. “I first played in 3000, but the highest in Lei’s division opponent,” Lei said. “ It’s a game of a tournament when I was 10 years is currently 2134. Lei’s rating right many aspects, not just a brain game.”

Spikeball club attracts athletes after school KARTHIK YALALA

Assistant Sports Editor

The new Spikeball club provides a laid back time for students staying after school for sports or other activities. Seniors Riley Greenwald, Ben Macaulay and Ben Zschokke started the club this school year. Spikeball is a game played with a roundnet and two teams. The teams line up across from each other. One team serves the ball by hitting the ball into the net and towards the other team. Throughout the game, the players do this, and their ultimate goal is to hit it in a way so that the opposing team cannot return it. According to Zshokke, the club, which meets Thursdays at 2 p.m., gives students a chance to meet new friends and to interact with one another. “It is a fun way for physical activity after school and lots of people of all grades come,” Zschokke said. “It’s easy to make friends.” Macaualay said they started the club since it was such a popular sport in the school. “There was a lot of people at Algonquin that enjoy playing the game,” Macaualay said. “When my friends and I were playing the game after school, we decided it would be a great idea to start a club at Algonquin to compete against other kids at our school that we might never have met.” Physical education teacher and club adviser Andrew Kinney believes it is a great opportunity for students who play sports to have some fun before their practices. “Kids usually don’t have stuff to do from 2 to 2:30,” Kinney said. “Most [club members] are people who play sports, so they may as well come down and play some Spikeball. There are usually five to six nets set up with 20 to 24 kids and the games go quick, so everyone gets in at some point.” Club member and senior Michael Rogers thinks that the club has a welcoming nature.

PHOTO jonny ratner

Senior Michael Rogers reaches for the ball to spike it down into the roundnet.

“It’s laid back and easy to get the hang of in a friendly environment,” said Rogers. “Everyone does it in gym class senior year which is a good way to practice and stay active.”

DESE offers MCAS retake after controversy JENNY LAMBERT Sports Editor

The MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) is offering students the opportunity to retake last year’s spring ELA MCAS after administering the test with a controversial question. The question was related to an excerpt from The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead, and it asked students to write from the perspective of a white woman who uses offensive language and is hesitant to help a runaway slave. Immediately after the test, students across the state expressed their concerns about the question and DESE decided not to score it. Now, they are offering an ELA retest to ensure that all students have the same opportunity for the John and Abigail Adams Scholarship. The retest will be held from November 6 to 8. “The basic premise was that the Department of Education found that [the question] could have been offensive given some characters that were referenced in it,” Assistant Principal Andrew McGowan said. Although very few students had the question on their test, English Department Head Jane Betar believes it was necessary to score the test without this question. “My understanding is that only about 35 students at Algonquin actually had that question on their test,” Betar said. “But I could see any student being uncomfortable by the question. I cannot believe there wasn’t any sort of system in place for running those questions. It was a bad choice to run it.” The Adams Scholarship provides a tuition credit for up to eight semesters of undergraduate education at a Massachusetts state college or university. With the retest, DESE hopes that all students have equal opportunity for this scholarship. “DESE wants to make sure that they administer the test so that any student who is eligible for the Adams Scholarship doesn’t get impacted negatively by the question,” McGowan said. “They want to handle the situation the right way.” Last year’s spring MCAS was also the first computer-based English MCAS administered at Algonquin. For the most part, teachers and students had very few issues with the test being on the computer. “It was definitely a learning curve for everyone involved across the state, and I think it has glitches and so forth, but overall I’d say it was very successful,” McGowan said. “It was fine being on the computer,” junior Maeve Grandpre said. “I definitely like hand-writing it better, but I don’t think it will change the way I scored on the test.” Overall, McGowan believes that in schools across the state, there is a lot of hard work that goes into administering a test this large, with many people involved in making it happen. “It’s a decent undertaking having that population all take a test at the same time,” McGowan said. “There’s a lot that goes into it behind the scenes from the end of test one year to the beginning of the test the next year. There are so many people involved in making it successful, especially in the building, from teachers to students and everyone in between.”



8 OPINION The Harbinger - October 2019

Students, faculty discuss pledge of allegiance AALIYAH YAN Opinion Editor

I’m not normally one to pay attention during morning announcements (treacherous I know), but one of the biggest things I do notice is the lack of participation during the pledge of allegiance, myself included. In all three of my years in Algonquin, none of my first-period classes have ever said the pledge in the morning. Though some may not say it for their own personal reasons, the majority seems to not say it due to peer pressure. In a silent classroom, it can be awkward to be the only one saying the pledge. This stands true for junior Olivia Ansaldi, who feels pressured by the quiet class. “I sometimes say it to myself, but not aloud because I don’t want people to judge me, especially when no one else is saying it,” Ansaldi said. After asking a few other people about why they no longer said the pledge, many like sophomore Justin Wang agreed that the classroom environment determined whether or not they would say the pledge. “I sometimes say the pledge in the morning, but not every morning,” Wang said. “It really depends on what I’m feeling because if the rest of the class is saying it, I feel obligated to say it. But I also feel obligated to not say the pledge when the whole class is silent.” One question that came to mind was why did we say the pledge all throughout elementary school and middle school, but stopped when we got to high school? Wang believes a possible reason for the sudden cessation of people saying the pledge is because it became less enforced. “I think highschoolers feel more independent of typical customs like in elementary schools and elementary schools,” Wang said. “The teachers enforced the pledge more in middle school because they were more of a source of authority than in highschool.” Senior Meredith “I sometimes say Lapidas of[the pledge] to fers another potential reamyself, but not son for why aloud because I some may don’t want people not say the pledge. to judge me.” “I believe the OLIVIA ANSALDI JUNIOR reason some people don’t pledge because of the words that it’s consisted of such as ‘under God’ and ‘with liberty and justice for all,’” Lapidas said. “Some people may not be religious and some people may not feel that there is liberty and justice for all.” However, there are some that consistently say the pledge every morning, such as science teacher Lori Mott. “I think the pledge is a time to pause and reflect on the freedoms that I have,” Mott said. “I don’t pledge the flag every day because I think our country is perfect, I pledge it because I respect the people who have gotten us to the point where we have a flag and can pledge.” As for me, I would agree with the majority of the student body that the reason I don’t say the pledge is because no one else does. My silence has little to do with my political position or way I feel about our country. In fact, I feel as though my indifference to our country also has to do with why I don’t pledge every morning. I’m simply not patriotic enough to go out of my way to fill up a silent classroom. The older I got, the more aware I became of the words within the pledge, and the more I realize how they could potentially be controversial. Instead I think when saying the pledge, we should focus less on the words and more on what you believe it stands for.

Improve school experiences with more spirit AALIYAH YAN Opinion Editor

It was freshman year when my friend wore a unicorn onesie to school for pajama day. Unfortunately, it was also the first day she realized Algonquin doesn’t really participate in spirit days. Since that tragedy two years ago, I’ve been reluctant to partake in spirit days. It’s not that I dislike spirit days; I actually love them. But this love is only because of what I see in videos or hear about from other schools. My liking for spirit days certainly didn’t come from Algonquin, as the majority of our school isn’t involved. Despite my wishful thinking, I simply can’t imagine Algonquin as one of those schools which has such enthusiasm. I admit, I am part of the issue. Though I occasionally participate in spirit days whether it be for sports or school, I rarely go all out. I often worry about how I look in a room full of people who are dressed normally. I think this bit of insecurity may be one of the biggest reasons why people don’t engage in spirit days. Word travels fast in Algonquin, and one person who says they won’t participate affects the opinion of many people. Also, because the majority of the student body doesn’t get involved, individuals have little reason to partake in spirit days. It’s almost become part of Algonquin culture to purposely not participate in the spirit day. A domino effect occurs and as a result there is little effort to advertise


them. For example, we don’t hype up spirit week before homecoming. The most advertising we do is the occasional post on our instagram stories. Also, because few people know about it, there isn’t a lot of talk surrounding it, contributing to the lack of participation in spirit days. However, it’s not just spirit days that Algonquin doesn’t hype up. It’s also the school events such as pep rallies, homecoming, and carnival. Considering we are already holding these events, we might as well go full out when we attend them. Maybe then it would feel more

fun rather than forced. Instead of wasting high school experiences by not participating because it goes against the mainstream culture of being negative towards school events, we should make the most out of what we have. We only have a handful of school held events in our high school career that we won’t get back as we get older. And like it or hate it we are forced to attend them anyways. So instead of dreading spirit days or school events, having fun and going all out when participating will make them a whole lot better.

Reflect on moment of silence


As the announcements say to pause for the moment of silence, a variety of Algonquin students stand, and many decide to take the time to sit.


“One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” The speaker blares as I spot my unfinished homework on my desk. I figured I’d finish it as soon as we were done saying the pledge, but of course, like every single day of school, the speaker blared again: “Now, please stand for a moment of silence.” I had never quite understood the reason why we had to stand in silence for less than five seconds every day. No matter what room, these five seconds seemed to mean nothing to me or to most people in the room with me. We stare ahead unaffected for a brief amount of time, and some of us even sit down, too tired to keep standing for a couple of extra seconds. So why do schools continue this tradition of a daily moment of silence? In fact, I remember that on my first day of fifth grade, the teacher had told us that the moment of silence could be used as a moment to pray, to think about the day ahead, or to

meditate. She was right. The main purpose of the moment of silence is to give students some time to let go before the rush of school begins. The brief period of time is supposed to advocate for a moment of reflection. A brief history of the moment of silence shows that it hasn’t been without its controversies. During the 1980s, a couple of seconds started off as a strategy to advocate prayer. In 1985, however, it was found unconstitutional to observe a time in which teachers would encourage silent prayer. State endorsement of religion is not permissible under the First Amendment. The minute of silence is permitted for students to “meditate, pray, or engage in a silent activity (Education. FindLaw).” Once a teacher suggests it is used for prayer, the moment of silence will no longer be constitutional. Although it may seem small to do much change, according to The Paul Robeson Elementary School in Brooklyn, N.Y, the moment of silence effected a positive change in their school community: “[Before enacting the moment of silence] overall student attendance was down, parent participation was low, and student achievement was climbing [downward] (Chabad).” After the school had started giving the students a minute to resign from their surroundings, they noticed these numbers rising. Our school environment may be considerably different than Robeson’s but this shows that the moment of silence can be beneficial. Additionally, the moment of silence can be used to unify the school community by recognizing a tragedy that had occurred. At first, standing up for an extra couple of seconds seemed meaningless on a normal day. However, now I think the school community should value these seconds more; instead of thinking about the unfinished homework on your desk or wordlessly having a conversation with your friend, perhaps you can take these moments more seriously. It may be worth it to give yourself some positive words or think of any inner goals you might want to reach for the day ahead. As for the school, the moment of silence should be longer but no greater than a minute. This gives us ample time to reflect on ourselves and the day ahead. A meaningful moment of silence is better than a meaningless string of words.

EDITORIAL 9 arhsharbinger.com


Fight for your rights:

The Algonquin

Continue working for change after the strike ends, vote when you can

The student newspaper of Algonquin Regional High School 79 Bartlett St, Northborough, MA 01532 508-351-7010 arhsharbinger@gmail.com www.arhsharbinger.com

Volume 32 Issue 1

Editorial Board Editors-in-Chief

Catherine Hayden & Gabriela Paz-Soldan

Online Editor Liza Armstrong

Photo Editors

Olivia Battles & Jonny Ratner

News Editor Laura Anderson

Sports Editor Jenny Lambert

A&E Editors

Ava Aymie & Macey Poitras-Cote

Opinion Editors

Aaliyah Yan & Cristina Stassis courtesy jack fuch

Officals estimate that about 7,000 youth skipped school and attented the Boston Climate Strike on Sept. 20.

Activism. It’s everywhere. We’re supposed to go to these marches and fight for our rights. Right now, we want a habitable environment, but what are we doing besides attending these marches? Are we educating ourselves on the issues? Do we go lobby, show support for a bill or cause, on a continuous basis and not just attend the mass protest? Do we show that we actually care about these causes and are not just sheep following the flock? While many of us may not be able to vote, our actions can speak volumes to those that can, but marching is only a small step in the larger processww With the multiple movements that have popped up in recent years, there has never been a better time for students like us to educate ourselves on these issues. Take climate change for example. According to NASA, human activity is the cause for the rapid, unprecedented rate at which the average temperature is rising (1.62 degrees Fahrenheit since the late 1800s). This phenomena has lead to a multitude of problems including ocean warming (a .4 degree Fahrenheit increase since 1969 according to NASA), and acidification of oceans, (which according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration a 30 percent acid increase in the past 200 years), and decreased snow and higher rates of extreme weather events in the United States. Even if we were to stop emitting greenhouse gases today, NASA scientists say that the temperature will still climb, yet many of us are unaware of this fact. As young people, we have a responsibility to not only educate others, but also to vote once we turn 18. According to US census results, in the 2016 presidential election only 46.1 percent of eligible 18-29 year olds voted, making it the lowest turnout of any age range. This is even more dimal when

compared to the highest turnout, 70.9 percent of voters 65 and older. Many of us will be able to vote in the next couple of years, yet the trends show that we won’t exercise this democratic right. It is one thing to advocate for a change; it is another to be an active part of the change. One of the easiest ways we can do this is to vote for representatives that care about the same issues as us. In the 2020 election, Democratic and Republican nominees have all proposed their own plans to combat climate change. Now, it is our turn to learn about their stances and plans and say what we want to happen. But, this must happen through our votes. They have all heard the cries, now they need to see the action behind it. Many people are going to the protests and educating others, but there is still a select group of people that go to the protest for the Instagram picture. While this act to posting on social media shares the larger problem, those posters also need to be informed about the problem. They essentially only know the bare minimum of what is happening. That is empty activism, fighting for a cause that you don’t know enough or care enough about to create actual change. Empty activism is not helpful. Many of those in the climate marches lead wasteful lifestyles, yet they don’t make the changes needed to promote or fix their cause. Anti-gun protesters still shop at Walmart and don’t lobby for the bills restricting guns. Thousands of protesters need to turn into thousands of informed voters or people that look for solutions to the problems that they care about. The only way to do that is to actually care about the issues that we tell others we do. The unsigned editorial reflects the views of The Harbinger Editorial Board.

Mission Statement

The Harbinger is a student run publication which strives to: • Report in a legal, objective, accurate and ethical manner • Entertain and start conversation • Be fair and impartial in its coverage

• Accurately portray the culture of the student body • Give voice to the students of Algonquin • Maintain professional standards

Assistant Photo Editor Annabella Ferraiuolo

Assistant News Editors Claire Bai & Melissa Dai

Assistant Sports Editors Karthik Yalala

Assistant A&E Editors Amy Sullivan & Brianna Tang

Social Media Editor Cecelia Cappello

Graphic Coordinators

Sofia Abdullina & Sharada Vishwanath

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Lindsay Coppens & Michelle Sheppard

Contributing Staff Kathryn Zaia, Jula Utzschneider, Allison Tobin, Matt Smith, Ben Schanzer, Sofia Roumiantsev, Lexi Myerson, Emma Moore, Haley Michel, Jason Michalik, Abby Martinek, Madelyn Kostiw, Colin Kerrigan, Aaron Hafiani, Amanda Ferris, Abby Araujo, Kayla Albers, Maryam Ahmed, Andrew Roberts, Lindsey Rodman, Jasmine Cai, Emma Shek, Caroline Raps, Karmyn Shreeve, Shakila Sivarajan, Sahana Sivarajan, Jason Parker, Eric Tang, Senna Hahn, Dana Gaudette

Editorial Policies

The Harbinger is the official news publication produced by Algonquin Regional High School students. The Harbinger has been established as a designated public forum to inform readers as well as for the discussion of issues of concern to their audience. The Harbinger is not reviewed or restrained by school officials prior to publication or distribution. Because school officials do not engage in prior review, and the content of The Harbinger is determined by and reflects only the views of the student staff, its editorial board assumes complete legal liability for the content of the publication. The expression of opinions by readers is encouraged through letters to the editor. Letters should not exceed 300 words, must be signed, and must include the writer’s phone number for verification. Letters may be submitted to arhsharbinger@gmail.com. Organizations interested in advertising in The Harbinger should contact editors for rates and policies. Advertising that appears in the publication is not necessarily endorsed by The Harbinger or its staff members. Concerns about published errors published may be submitted to arhsharbinger@gmail.com. Staff members strive to correct errors prior to publication; however, if a significant error is printed, editors will determine the manner of a correction. Typography and layout are done entirely by the staff which distributes approximately 1500 copies to the school community and paid subscribers six to eight times a year. The Harbinger is printed by School Paper Express. The Harbinger is affiliated with The New England Scholastic Press Association, The Columbia Scholastic Press Association and The National Scholastic Press Association.

10 FEATURE The Harbinger - October 2019

This Bites: EEE’s imp

teams changing practice routes to avoid mosquitoes. “In day-to-day practices, we essentially try to avoid the woods, so we’ve been running on the roads much more often than in seasons past,” girls’ cross country coach Patrick Galvin said. The home course was also modified to reduce how much of it is in the woods. However, runners still need to enter the woods to complete the course, making some students nervous about the EEE threat. “It’s mentally affecting us because I’ve been pretty rattled having to worry about mosquitoes in the woods when I just want to focus on running,” senior captain Joe Kearney said. Fall sports will continue with these modifications until the first hard frost, which is categorized by temperatures of 28 degrees Fahrenheit or less for at least four hours. Sports “We’re hoping for a hard frost but if we don’t [get one], we’ll make the best of it and we’ll continue on,” Mocerino said. With all evening activities past 6 p.m. cancelled or reschedOn average, the first hard frost for Northborough and uled, athletes and fans at Algonquin have had to adapt. Friday night football games have been moved to Saturday afternoons, Southborough falls between Oct. 1 and Oct. 10. As of Oct. 17, and girls’ and boys’ double header soccer games have been re- a hard frost has not occurred. Despite the challenges and inconscheduled from evenings to weekday afterveniences of the situation, Mocerino noons. believes everyone has done a great job Shifting the timing of games has reprioritizing the safety of the students. “It’s mentally sulted in decreased fan attendance, lower“It’s been a good opportunity to ing the revenue gained from ticket sales and affecting us see us come together and show true Ttherefore, impacting the athletics budget. Hawk spirit,” Mocerino said. “...We’ll because I’ve been Athletic Director Michael Mocerino continue to work with everybody inbelieves that this decrease in ticket sales is a pretty rattled volved to make sure that the safety of small matter when compared to the safety our kids is still top priority.” having to worry of student-athletes. “We understand that there’s going to about mosquitoes What has been done to be a little bit of a difference [in the amount in the woods when of money brought in by ticket sales], but in protect students? the full range of things, we want to make I just want to focus sure our athletes are safe,” Mocerino said. Though EEE is a rare virus, Medion running.” Junior linebacker Michael McEvoy na emphasizes that precautions should does not mind giving up parts of Saturdays still be taken. JOE KEARNEY to avoid extra contact with mosquitos dur“We do need to remember that CROSS COUNTRY SENIOR ing football games. while this is not very common, this is “I’m not too upset about it because I’d very serious,” Medina said. rather be safe than sorry,” McEvoy said. The focus of EEE prevention is on Sophomore soccer player Carlee Balreducing exposure to mosquitoes given lard, on the other hand, is annoyed about the shift in her sport’s the lack of a vaccine. schedule. “The best thing [to prevent EEE] is prevention of mos“I’m pretty upset because it’s a lot more exciting to play quito bites,” Medina said. “When you’re out, trying to be outunder the lights during the fall season,” Ballard said. “Evening side in long-sleeved shirts and pants, especially around peak games get everyone pumped up and it’s easier for fans to come mosquito times, or if you have to be around still water, to use and support the team at later games rather than right after EPA registered insect repellent that contains chemicals that we school.” know are effective against mosquitos.” Although the schedule for cross country has not changed, Medina notes that most natural bug sprays are not effective the sport has still felt the impact of the EEE threat, with the against insects. Families should instead opt for EPA registered Within the first four to ten days, the initial symptoms, which can include fever, headache, nausea, vomiting and a lack of energy, will present. More serious symptoms, such as muscle weakness, confusion and ultimately the inflammation of the brain, can present later on. Approximately 30 to 40 percent of cases result in death. “[EEE] goes very quickly from what are those very simple symptoms that can be common to any virus to some of these more serious neurological symptoms,” Northborough-Southborough school district physician Dr. Safdar Medina said. “When they happen, your condition can deteriorate pretty rapidly, so you want to get to a hospital as soon as possible.” According to Medina, the risk associated with EEE needs to be taken seriously given that a treatment does not currently exist for the virus. “While we can diagnose [EEE], we can offer only supportive care to somebody,” Medina. “Certainly some people can have long-term complications, permanent neurological damage from EEE. That’s why we are so vigilant about it.”

insect repellent. According to District Wellness Coordinator Mary Ellen Duggan, the district has prioritized to informing the community about the virus. “Knowing what to do to protect yourself and what’s going on [is the best way to stay In a Sept. 8 email, Superintendent G aged parents to have their children wear and socks and apply mosquito repellant before sending them to school. All outdoor areas at Algonquin we E4 ULV, a synthetic pyrethroid that con on Sept. 12. Furthermore, school groun daily for standing water since Aug. 19. In addition to the safety measures trict, the state has also responded to th

How has the EEE threat affected Kaley Somers Color guard senior

“It’s hot; the uniforms are velvet and that makes it sweaty. Then the sunlight is right in your eyes during the performance, which makes it hard to concentrate and see the flag if you’re actually throwing it.”

Ben Westphal Soccer junior

“It kind of is sad because we don’t have our night games under the lights and those are always fun, especially at home, but it really isn’t that big of a deal.”


“I am just was my la football g preciate it the same Not as ma being und having a r

FEATURE 11 arhsharbinger.com

pact on Algonquin

EEE IN NUMBERS The end of EEE is a hard frost

safe],” Duggan said. Greg Martineau encourr long sleeves, long pants t to their child’s clothing

ere treated with Zenivex ntrols adult mosquitoes, nds have been inspected

spraying to control the mosquito population, which is a first for the area. “We have never seen aerial spraying for mosquito control in this part of Massachusetts ever,” Deschamps said. “...I’ve been doing this 37 years; I never thought it would happen.” Deschamps believes aerial spraying was the right step to reduce the risk of Massachusetts residents contracting EEE, especially given how aggressive the virus is this year. “Each [case of EEE] is a tragedy,” Deschamps said. “But I’m very certain in saying had they not done these aerial interventions, those numbers would be significantly high“Knowing what er.” Once a hard frost kills off most to do to protect of the mosquitoes in the area, the yourself and what’s threat of EEE will end for the time being. going on [is the “Nothing will change until we best way to stay have a good frost,” Medina said. “Once we have a good, deep safe].” frost, then we know mosquitos MARY ELLEN DUGGAN will be dead and everything will DISTRICT WELLNESS be back to usual.” COORDINATOR Deschamps urges people to continue to be vigilant even as the weather grows colder. “A lot of people think that risk is less at this time of year, but sometimes the inverse is true because while there are fewer mosquitoes, there are more potentially infected mosquitoes,” Deschamps said. EEE will most likely return next year due to its cyclical nature. “The best advice that we can give [for the future] is to continue to monitor your local health departments and mosquito control programs to find out if the virus has begun to be identified and if so use those personal protection measures which will give you a lot of reduction in risk,” Deschamps said. According to Medina, the district is prepared if EEE returns next year. “If [the district starts] seeing that there is increased EEE activity starting in the spring or early next summer, then that’s when we can meet again,” Medina said. “We look at the guidelines that we tried to establish this year and see if we can improve on them.”

taken by the school dishe outbreak, using aerial

28° F for at least 4 hours

EEE outbreaks occur every

7-10 years


of those bitten by mosquitos carrying the EEE virus will develop EEE symptoms

EEE is fatal

30-40% of the time

Outbreaks last


your extracurricular activities?

Nicole Howard Cheerleader senior

t sad because I realized that last year ast chance to have a Friday night game, and I didn’t get a chance to apt while it was happening...There’s not energy [at Saturday football games]. any people go. There’s an energy to der the lights with everybody and real crowd. “

Amy Collins

Allison Subat

Pep band director

Cross country senior

“In a group like a pep band, you need to have certain instrumentation to have a viable performance, so if everyone from the trumpet section can’t make it, then you can’t really perform as a unit. That’s impacted us in a bad way [because] we’ve missed two games because of it.”

“We haven’t been able to practice in the woods which means that we’re running loops around the field which is incredibly boring and kind of the opposite of what cross country is supposed to be.”

12 OPINION The Harbinger - October 2019 The Great Debate

Which is the best caffiene fix: tea or coffee? GRAPHIC EMMA SHEK

Tea. A cup of positivi-tea. JENNY LAMBERT Sports Editor

Tea provides more energy, more health benefits than coffee for a cheaper price It’s quite common to see students yawning as they walk to their first-period class holding a Dunkin Donuts’ iced coffee. Many say it rejuvenates them and gives them more energy to start the day. However, I believe that tea not only can energize you just as well as coffee, but it has many more health benefits. There are also more flavor options, it tastes better, and it is much cheaper to buy. According to Driftaway.Coffee, tea leaves actually contain more caffeine than coffee beans; coffee only makes you feel more energized because it is a more concentrated drink. In this case, more concentrated tea could provide you with even more energy than a cup of coffee. Also, there are a variety of flavor options for tea. There are four main tea categories: green tea, black tea, white tea, and oolong. The leaves in each type of tea can be oxidized to make many different flavors. Personally, I think green tea is both delicious and nutritious. I drink it iced to wake up in the morning, and hot to wind down at night. I understand that coffee drinkers

have many different flavor options as well. However, it is healthier to make different tea flavors because there is no need to add sugary syrups like there is with coffee. Tea drinkers have much better flavor options at a lower risk for health consequences. Speaking of health consequences, the chemicals in coffee will stain your teeth, and its acidic nature can lead to digestive problems. If someone drinks too much coffee in their daily life, it can cause high blood pressure, increased risk of heart attacks, and insomnia. Tea, on the other hand, will benefit a person’s health. It contains antioxidants, could reduce the risk of heart attacks, and can even help with weight loss. Not to mention the effect drinking tea will have on your bank account. At many coffee shops, it is much cheaper to purchase a cup of tea than a cup of coffee. I’m sure you’ll be thankful spending $2.95 for a grande iced black tea lemonade at Starbucks rather than $4.45 for your daily grande caramel macchiato. So, I advise you to drink more tea. If you decide to increase your tea consumption and decrease your coffee consumption, you will certainly find that you are spending less and feeling much better than you were before.

Coffee. A brew-tiful drink. CRISTINA STASSIS Opinion Editor

Everyone knows that as high school students we usually don’t get enough sleep since our schedules are packed with homework and extracurriculars. That’s why I think it is important to be able to jumpstart your day with a cup of coffee, however you like it. I believe that coffee is the way to go when you want a drink that can energize you for hours and still have a great taste and smell to it. Everyone hated coffee when they were younger, but once you actually give it a chance, you wonder what took you so long to appreciate this great beverage. Coffee can be offered multiple ways in as many flavors as you can imagine, so you never get bored of the same old thing. You can have it iced or hot with whatever flavor you choose, from the basic caramel to the renewed pumpkin spice. Though it’s true that tea leaves contain more caffeine than coffee beans, it is only by weight. In its liquid form, coffee has three times the amount of caffeine than tea does because of higher brewing ratios. So the only way to truly wake yourself up in the morning is by starting off your day with a cup of coffee. Coffee isn’t the healthiest beverage, but it also isn’t the worst. Since many people believe that tea is better for you than coffee, they may choose to consume it in

larger quantities, but never realize how they are just hurting their bodies over the years. According to LiveStrong.com, depending on the plant used certains compounds in tea can affect one’s digestive system and can cause organ damage when the amount is abused. What many don’t know is that herbal tea is actually the one you should stay away from, not coffee. There are some types that have been considered to be natural remedies for certain bodily dysfunctions though when abused they have harmful drawbacks like affecting the digestive system. One of the most common problems associated with tea is its heavy metal toxicity. It has been reported by The World Health Organization that when you drink tea, you may also be consuming lead, aluminum and other contaminants. When you steep tea for more than three minutes, you may be increasing the concentration of heavy metals from 10 percent to 50 percent. Coffee isn’t the best for you, but it is great in moderation. It has multiple health benefits including the ability to reduce one’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes and can protect one from Alzheimer’s disease as well as dementia. Even if you don’t drink it for the caffeine, you can for the taste. We all have our own specific type brand, flavor and strength of coffee we prefer. It all just takes some getting used to at first, just like many other things in life.

New media policy ineffective, hinders student-teacher communication


Recently, the school district has taken up a new policy regarding how students and teachers can communicate. In the past, students have been able to communicate with their teachers freely, including texting. Now, students and teachers can only communicate through approved means, the Remind app, designed for school/extracurricular communication, being one of them. While the school has just reasons to implement this new policy, it is doing more harm than it is good. Personally, I have texted only two teachers, both of whom are advisers for clubs where I have a role that requires constant communication between us. This was the best way to communicate for a variety of reasons. Instead of saying the mundane ‘k’ to indicate I received the message I could just like it (thanks to the power of iPhones). Also, instead of going into the Remind app and searching their names to text them, I could just type their contact into my phone. And by far the most annoying thing about Remind is sending a picture. It’s a major hassle to send any Remind group or contact a picture, but when texting this was an absolute breeze. There was no word limit when texting, whereas Remind has a 140 character limit for the free plan. I never got the text about it being outside of their office hours, the typical response after any 7 p.m. or weekend text (even though the teacher would typically still respond and send texts on their own).


Not only has it become more of a hassle to text teachers, but student-teacher bonds are loosening because of these new rules. In the past, I would text a teacher that I was particularly close with for advice on other aspects of my life (namely boys), which the administration could deem inappropriate, but I found a nice way to get wise advice from an adult that wasn’t my parents. Now, I feel as if I can’t do that because I know the school can easily find the conversation if they want.

Obviously, the school needs a way to make sure student-teacher relationships don’t go too far, but at the same time teachers are professionals that work with kids. They would likely report a student to the proper authorities if something amiss happened, and students are the same way. If a teacher is acting weird to them via text, they will report it. While Remind gives the administration the best access, texting still gives physical evidence. Yes, Remind makes sense and texting between students and teachers should be limited, but there are cases where it is necessary. For club officers and advisers, it’s essential to have communication that does not glitch. For the teacher who knows that students struggle in their class, it’s a nice way to offer out of school help. At the end of the day, email doesn’t cut it, they can easily get lost in the barrage of spam we get, but neither does Remind. It is too much of a hassle to use and slows down what should be an easier task in our busy days. Some students have even reported having glitches with the Remind app. Administrators need to have trust that students and faculty, who already have a close, appropriate relationship, will report an inappropriate conversation if it happens over text, so Remind is not necessary for them to access the countless conversations going on between the community; conversations that we don’t even know are being checked. In both Remind and a typical text message, there is evidence that a conversation happened, so why does it need to be somewhere an administrator can see?

OPINION 13 arhsharbinger.com The Great Debate

Is TikTok worth our time?

Opinion Editors debate the effects of the new social media platform

What is TikTok?

Tik Tok is a form of social media that, like others, has begun to take over many teen lives, either for better or worse. TikTok absorbed what was formerly known as musical.ly in August 2018 and is run by a Beijing-based tech company ByteDance according to Rebecca Jenning’s article “What is TikTok?”. However, Tik Tok has turned more and more into Vine with its relatable humor, rather than continuing with the lipsyncing and dancing of musical.ly. The app lets you create short videos and post them online for others to see. If many people like and repost your video, you are likely to get on the Foryou page. This page shows videos that Tik Tok thinks you will enjoy that are the most popular throughout the app. It helps everyone find a person around the world you can relate to by just checking out their profiles. The app is for people twelve and up, but there is no way to verify a user’s age. Though mostly teens are seen using this app, there are a few Millenials and adults that find the app just as entertaining.

No. Time is tiking away. CRISTINA STASSIS

to post often to give your followers new and improved content every so Opinion Editor often, which will take up even more Tik Tok has become more and of your time. Also because anyone can see what more widespread around the world and now it seems like every teen wants you post, you can become subject to to be a part of it. The problem with public scrutiny. This can foster a toxic that is how it can draw your focus environment where people constantly from other more important things tear someone down by commenting hurtful things on that need your time the videos they and attention, like post. The comhomework and studyIt is too easy to ment sections, like ing. It is too easy to get drawn in after other social media, get drawn in after give cyberbullying only being on the app only being on an unwanted platfor a few minutes bethe app for a few form in the app. cause it is designed It can cause anyto keep you hooked minutes because one being attacked from the second you stress and anxiety it is designed to open it. over someone they This is done keep you hooked don’t even know in through the app seereal life and whose the second you ing the type of videos opinion about you like when you are open it. them does not online and then catermatter. ing the same type to The one asbe on your Foryou pect of Tik Tok page. Saying you will only spend one minute online can that many parents are worried about quickly turn into one hour or possi- would be what type of videos their bly more. The more time you spend children are watching. Younger users on it, the more likely you are to post have to risk being exposed to topics and videos they are not ready to yourself. Since it is so easy to get on the know about or see. They could see Foryou page, it’ll seem like you have posts that involve swears, sex, drugs gone viral. But with fame comes re- and other inappropriate material. Tik sponsibility. You’ll possibly gain more Tok taking over has too many probfollowers every time you get on the lems that should not be overlooked by For You page, so you will feel the need anyone participating in this app.


Yes. Offers unique chances. AALIYAH YAN

teen audience. If you are struggling with a certain subject at school, it helps to know Opinion Editor that many people out there are facing the One of the main reasons for Tik same problem by making the most of it Tok’s popularity is its likable algorithm. and posting a video making fun of the Unlike other social media apps such as situation. Tik Tok also gives a unique platform Instagram or YouTube, whose algorithms make it hard to become famous, on Tik for aspiring artists. On more than one Tok, it is possible for anyone to go viral as occasion, a dance with a song by a small long as people continue liking and shar- artist goes viral therefore prompting using the video you made. However, it is ers to use the artist’s music and checking out their other songs. similar to Instagram and Singers can also post YouTube due to the fact that popular creators Another appealing videos of them singing to get buzz genercan get sponsorships aspect of TikTok is ated about themselves and money by going live in a quick and easy and creating sponsored the way it unifies way. It can help you videos. It can create an people as they expand your music interactive environment taste because you are between the creator and recreate the same exposed to new and the audience since the dances or trends. different sounds evaudience can use real ery time you open the money to buy digital app. It is extremely coins on Tik Tok to give likely that the songs will get stuck in your to their favorite creator during a live. Another appealing aspect of Tik head, and you will be humming it for the Tok is the way it unifies people as they rest of the day. The dances that become recreate the same dances or trends. It also popular on the app will have you dancing unifies people from around the world throughout the day. Through its large and due to its large global reach, so you can global reputation, Tik Tok has successfulwatch people from Australia or China do ly become one of the most popular apps the same trends as you. With the major- among teenagers today. ity of its creators being teenagers, much of the content is relatable to the mostly

14 A&E The Harbinger - October 2019

Strong cast, crew looks to showcase talent in fall musical

Mamma Mia Cast Chats

An inside look at Mamma Mia moments


Assistant A&E Editor

This fall’s musical, Mamma Mia, directed by Fine and Performing Arts teacher Maura Morrison, will be showcased November 21-23 in the auditorium. The story follows a twenty-year-old girl named Sophie who is about to get married and wants to have her father escort her down the aisle, but she doesn’t know who her actual father is, as her mother Donna had multiple lovers. She decides to invite three men that could potentially be her father to her wedding; however, she doesn’t tell her mother about this plan, leading to chaos. Some of the production’s leads include sophomore Sarah Boush as Sophie, sophomore Mari Fellenbaum as Ali, senior Ben MacNeil as Sky and junior Miranda Slingluff as Donna. “Mamma Mia is a super high-energy show, and it’s going to be really fun for audiences to watch,” Fellenbaum said. Besides the actresses and actors, there are a lot of people involved in the production including musical director Kathrine Waters, pit conductor Eric Vincent, choreographer Denise Day and costume director Brian Kelly. “Even though I am the director technically, I really do feel like I am apart of a production team,” Morrison said. The music is based off a group from the 70s called ABBA and unlike most musicals, the music in this production existed before the storyline was created. Mamma Mia pieces songs from ABBA together to create a storyline, which makes it unique. “I hope people know that the work going into this production is incredible and that this is the most dedicated and PHOTOS JONNY RATNER motivated cast I have ever had the pleasure of working with,” Slingluff said. Top: Sophomores Lauren Dennis and Cassidy Brannon jam out together to the

Miranda Slingluff Junior Favorite song from the musical? “I’m a little partial to ‘winner takes it all,’ but I think my favorite would have to

be dancing queen because it’s such an iconic and fun song.”

Thomas Davis Sophomore What is one word or phrase that describes the play? “A jolly good time.

energetic songs in the musical, which are written by the 70s group ABBA. Bottom: Senior Bella Estes gets in the groove while rehearsing for the play.

Senior lands lead in first musical JULA UTZSCHNEIDER Staff Writer

Most people devote a significant amount of time to the performing arts before auditioning for the school play. However, senior Samantha Hostage, who is new to the theater world, has earned a lead in the upcoming musical, “Mamma Mia,” with her role as Tanya. “I just really have an appreciation for this process of theater, and I wanted to give it a chance before I graduated,’’ Hostage said. This appreciation stemmed curios-

ity about the world of theater, pushing Hostage to try out for the play. She also got encouragement from her peers. “Everyone was so supportive once they knew that I wanted to be a part of it,” Hostage said. Hostage is thrilled to have a lead in the play and knows how special it is. She will be playing Tanya, a middleaged woman and best friend of the lead, Donna. “There were a lot of people who would have liked the part,” Hostage said. Fine and Performing Arts teacher


During the Super Trouper scene, senior Samantha Hostage, who plays the role of Tanya, sings along with the Dynamos.

and musical director Maura Morrison is excited to work with Hostage. “She’s brand new to me, and it’s fun to get to meet someone in a creative way like this,” Morrison said. Although two other students were chosen for callbacks, Morrison was especially impressed by Hostage. “She definitely stood out in terms of her facial expression, she seemed very confident when she was up on stage, she learned the dance quickly, and she sang very well,” Morrison said. “She stood out to us in terms of what our vision for the character was.” Hostage said the musical’s practices and schedule are currently more laid back and will gradually get more intense as the play comes closer. “Right now it’s pretty light work,” Hostage said. “It’s three days a week practicing.” According to Hostage, she has been given a wonderful opportunity, one that she is very enthusiastic about and will remember for years to come. “I am most excited about all my new friends and how lucky I am to be a part of this for my senior year,” Hostage said. Although she has never been in an Algonquin theater production before, Morrison is confident Hostage will go a great job. “So far she’s worked really hard, and there’s been no regrets on taking a chance on her,” Morrison said. The musical will be held on November 21-23.

Sarah Boush Sophomore What is one thing the school should know? “The production is going to be

such a fun show! It’s basically just one big party on a greek island.”

Preston Green Senior What is one thing the school should know? “[The play] will have an incredible moving set, and the costumes will be fanstastic.”


A&E 15 arhsharbinger.com

Summer Reading Book Reviews Over the summer, students were required to read a non fiction book of their choice. Although options were provided, students had the freedom to choose what most interested them. With such a wide variety, opinions varied on the summer reading books.

Hilarious look inside the life of a terrible man MATTHEW SMITH Staff Writer

Tucker Max is a terrible person whose actions range from questionable to downright devoid of morals, and he knows that. However, in Max’s book “I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell,” he does an excellent job of making the reader laugh at his antics that would normally just result in abject horror. Max, who is in his mid to late 20s, spends his time at clubs and parties around the c o u n t r y, getting drunker than any h u m a n has the right to, getting into trouble, and

hooking up that they with wom- “I Hope They Serve get the en. Tucker biggest Beer in Hell” usually has laugh; Tucker Max a group the hilar288 pages of friends ity comes $13.22 with him rapid fire, that find yet never themselves wrapped up in, seems overwhelming. Max or occasionally the cause often describes people by of, his oft chaotic ad- insulting them based on ventures. their worst qualities in en T h e tertaining, though somebook is presented times unoriginal and ofas a series of short fensive ways. stories, often under This book is a hiten pages each, larious look inside the life which allows of a terrible person and the book is worth a read, though to be con- it should be noted that sumed in women are definitely not s m a l l , the target demographic. e n j o y - So, if you’re a fan of stoa b l e ries about terrible people chunks. doing terrible things being M a x told in hilarious ways, such does an as “It’s Always Sunny in expert job Philadelphia,” this book is of pacing for you. PHOTO JONNY RATNER his stories so

Navy SEAL gives insight to mak differences in life HALEY MICHEL

character by being more daring, cooperative, compassionStaff Writer ate, and brave. McRaven focuses on the Do you make your bed every morning? Admiral William 10 most important lessons he H. McRaven has been making learned, which are organized his every day of his life since into 10 chapters. Each chaphe set foot in Navy SEAL ter starts with, “If you want training. He believes starting to change your life, and maybe your day with a task completed even the world, start by….”. sets you up for success that He then tells the story of his day, slowly changing your life experience at training, followed by for the better. a connecIf you’re “Make your bed” tion to life looking for small William H. McRaven outside of ways to make a the mili144 pages big impact on tary. His your life, “Make $11.98 tone is noYour Bed” is nonsense, an engaging, insightful read that is sure to as would be expected by a high-ranking military official, help. but still manages to be en McRaven learned gaging due to the unique many incredibly valuable nature of the stories he life lessons at Navy SEAL shares. training. Though one In his easy-to-read, might not expect these inspiring nonfiction lessons to be useful in the book that ties together life of someone outside elements of an adthe Navy, McRaven vice book with connects each elements of a lesson to his evmemoir, McRaeryday life and ven leaves explains how you feeling readers can use humbled and these experiready to work ences, such to become a as the time he better person. was in a parachuting accident, to improve their PHOTO JONNY RATNER

Thoughtful commentary on the justice system KATHRYN ZAIA

the corruption of the criminal justice system. Stevenson’s use of powerIs our system of justice ful statistics and connections truly fair? Bryan Stevenson’s to history are interspersed with “Just Mercy” thoroughly ex- more personal stories, providplores this question, guiding ing a well-rounded context for the reader through the au- the book. However, his writing thor’s journey as a young law- is at times tangential and meanyer fighting against entrenched dering, moving between multiple storylines legal injustices. “Just Mercy” and seemingly Well-explained unrelated inand deeply emoBryan Stevenson formation. tional, this story 368 pages Nevertheis one of hope, less, his fact$7.89 desperation, and fueled style numerous unexcombined with emotional pected developments. narratives successfully illu“Just Mercy” focuses minates and clarifies the on a demographic largely complex subject. forgotten by American Stevenson’s book society: prisoners on provides thoughtful, death row, specifically well-researched comthose wrongly accused mentary on an issue and mistreated by the rarely given enough system. The book thought. In its exdeals primarily ploration of the with Stevenson’s shortcomings of mission to help the criminal justhese prisoners; tice system, “Just simultaneously, Mercy” paints a however, it devivid and sobering tails his transipicture of just how tion from an much progress we idealistic young still need to make. lawyer to one disillusioned by PHOTO JONNY RATNER Staff Writer

Kaling’s memoirs consist of lighthearted coming of age stories JULA UTZSCHNEIDER Staff Writer

Mindy Kaling’s “Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns)” is a light-hearted and entertaining memoir. Set in several different points in her life, Kaling gives insights into how she grew up, making sure to add in amusing comments along the way. Kaling’s story, beginning with growing up in a traditional Indian-household in Cambridge, Massachusetts, helps readers relate to her as a person. From her experiences of being bullied, overweight and enduring rejection through failed auditions, she

was not in her life, Kaa l w a y s “Is Everyone Hanging ling offers readthe per- Out Without Me? (and ers a refreshing son she sense of humor Other Concers)” is now. and positivity, Mindy Kaling T h i s while not being book fooverwhelmingly 240 pages cuses on self-involved. An $9.69 her childinstance of this hood, is shown when progresses to her life at col- she describes living in a small, lege and ends up where she rat-infested apartment in New is today: a well-known ac- York, which the majority of tress, writer and comedi- people would find revolting an. It features anecdotes and unhygienic, but Kaling regarding her involve- was simply excited to be living ment in sports (or lack with her friends. thereof), friendIf you like writing, are ships and even as interested in performing arts a writer on the or enjoy comedy, Kaling’s hirenowned “Sat- larious and insightful memoir urday Night is worth a read. This book is Live.” a must-have in all households Set in and will spark joy for many both difficult years to come. and successful moments PHOTO JONNY RATNER

16 A&E

The Harbinger - October 2019

Tang’s Insta makes food pop MADELYN KOSTIW Staff Writer

Food enthusiast, sophomore Brianna Tang runs an Instagram account (@toomanybites) with over 3,000 followers and she gets invited to events to review food for specific companies and restaurants.

Lana Del Rey’s long-awaited album leaves fans impressed

How much of a commitment is this food blog? “A lot of the restaurants I go to are in the city, so I don’t have a lot of time, especially during the school year...If we have a day off [from school], or a weekend where I don’t have stuff to do, I normally will schedule four or five restaurants per day, and they will be posted throughout the next few weeks or so.”

Who, or what inspires you? “A lot of good accounts on Instagram... Two of my favorite accounts are @nom_life and @twotastebuddiez.”

What companies have you worked with, and how did you get in touch? “I’ve been working with Edible Arrangements. They’ve been sending me monthly products to try, and I can order stuff off their website to try. I’ve also worked with a lot of local restaurants, in Boston.” How long ago did you create this account, and why? “I didn’t start using it until the end of 2018...I was bored one day in the summer, and I found some cool food accounts online. I thought, I could do this too, because I love trying different foods.”

Do you make a profit at all? “I don’t get paid, but I do get to go in to eat for free, and normally restaurants will reach out to me...I usually talk to the manager, and they tell me I can order whatever I want or they will tell me about what they are trying to promote.”

Lana Del Rey

“Norman F****** Rockwell!” Alternative



Above are recent images from Tang’s Instagram where she photographs food.

Malone’s genres and unique sounds make “Hollywood’s Bleeding” a memorable album JONNY RATNER

the track really just symbolizes how well crafted the album is. Photo Editor “Die for Me” featuring Future and Halsey is a unique It’s rare that an artist releases an album where every song as Malone, Future, and Halsey all have separate verssingle track is well-crafted and every song has real poten- es that are split evenly through the song. Even though I don’t necessarily care for Future as tial to sit at the top spots on the an artist, his voice actually fits the music charts. beat quite well. Halsey is impresThis happened to be the case sive throughout her whole verse, with Post Malone’s third album, and her style and sound achieve “Hollywood’s Bleeding.” The aleverything to make the song an bum has multiple features from instant hit. top artists including Travis Scott, “I’m Gonna Be,” which is my DaBaby, Future, Halsey, Meek second favorite song on the alMill, SZA, Lil Baby, Swae Lee, bum, is a great track to just jam to Young Thug, and even the Prince while running or working out. It’s of Darkness himself, Ozzy Oswell crafted and one that I think bourne, across 17 songs that imwill go over the heads of listeners prove the album overall. because it sits in the middle of the The flawless album starts out album, and it can be easily missed with the title track and one of the due to the high quality tracks that albums’ best songs, “Hollywood’s surround it. Bleeding,” which lets listeners unThe next three songs, “Staring derstand what living in Hollywood COURTESY GENUIS at the Sun,” featuring SZA, ‘Sunis like, as well as a little giving some flower’, featuring Swae Lee, ‘Ininsight into Malone’s everyday life. ternet’ and ‘Goodbyes’ featuring With lines such as “we’re running Young Thug are calm tracks that out of reasons, but we can’t let go, give off a mellow vibe. The album yeah, Hollywood is bleeding, but “Hollywood’s Bleeding” ends perfectly with three tracks: we call it home” and “howl at the Hip-Hop/Rap ‘Myself ’, ‘I Know’ and ‘Wow’, that moon and go to sleep in the day, gives us a peek into classic Post love for everybody ‘til the drugs Malone and all the unique beats fade away,” Malone lets listeners and sounds that brought in all the into the party lifestyle and how attention in the first place. overtime Hollywood has received From strong features to smooth guitar solos, this a bad reputation for changing people for the worst. The best song on the album, titled “Circles,” is simply project is one of the best albums of the year, and it shows unforgettable. Every part of the song flows well together, just how talented Post Malone is as well as the potential he and it’s a perfect song to play in a car on a peaceful drive. has to continue making hit songs. With its peaceful tone and Malone’s compelling vocals,

Post Malone


Lana Del Rey’s vocals flourish on her sixth album, “Norman F******* Rockwell.”ww Listeners are overwhelmed with emotions as Del Rey deconstructs the feelings of love and loneliness in Hollywood and the Hamptons. Unlike previous albums, “Norman F******* Rockwell” is almost a diss at the American dream itself. In the past, Del Rey has been seen performing in front of an American Flag and preaching themes of patriotism in her songs. Fans can notice a vast change in her opinions of America on this album. Norman Rockwell is most known for his illustrations of an idealistic AmeriListeners are overcan life. Del whelmed with Rey choosing to name emotions as Del the album Rey deconstructs “Norman F******* the feelings of Rockwell” love and lonelifeels as if she is making fun ness in Hollywood of this view and the Hampon the perfect American life. tons. Something to notice about the album is its extreme use of profanity. You can hear how raw her feelings are through her explicit lyrics and titles such as songs. Themes of loneliness are very apparent in Del Rey's songs. “I moved to California, but it’s just a state of mind” she proclaims on her song “F**k it, I love you.” She is showing how once she idolized the culture of California, but it turned out that California itself can’t change your state of mind. This highlights her goal of reaching the “mentality” of the people living there. With a voice like no other, Del Rey’s vocals are unmatchable on this album. Her pitch in “How to Disappear” hits every mark and creates music that speaks to the soul. As a Lana Del Rey enthusiast, this was an album all fans have been waiting for. In 2018, Del Rey released singles like “Venice B*tch” and “Mariner’s Apartment Complex,” leaving fans wanting more and craving the full album. It took almost a year later for the whole album to come out, but it was worth the wait. Nowadays, music seems to just be random lyrics thrown onto a track. After listening to “Norman F******* Rockwell” in its entirety, I found it very refreshing to know that someone out there still knows how to make meaningful music.

SPORTS 17 arhsharbinger.com

Athletic council builds stronger leaders LIZA ARMSTRONG Online Editor


As she looks toward her teammates, senior captain Sara Berg prepares to toss the ball in play. The team beat Tanstasqua 2-0 on October 12.

Starting this fall, athletic council will begin leadership workshops aimed at fall captains. According to Athletic Director Mike Mocerino, the captains were invited to participate in “leadership classrooms” throughout the year put on by the council to learn skills that can be used in and out of the classroom. In addition to this, the captains will hopefully increase the number of participants on athletic council by having captains continue on past their season. The idea was inspired based on the external workshops that student ambassadors, student-athletes that represent Algonquin at various MIAA and Mid-Watch league events, attend. “I thought it would be a good idea not only to incorporate anyone that would be interested in athletic council...[but] to also incorporate the same dynamics with the fall captains,” Mocerino said. “I talked to the coaches. I talked to some of the athletic council members from last year, and they thought it would be a good idea to not only include athletes that are captains, but now incorporate, and turn it into almost a workshop, leadership classroom that meets once or twice a month.” In the past, the council has put on a captains’ breakfast, where each season’s captains can learn about leadership.

“We thought as a group that the captains had more responsibilities than just their stuff at practice, and we wanted to make sure that they got some leadership quality skills,” senior and athletic council executive member Liz DeVarney said. “We’ve always done the captains’ breakfast which is where the captain’s learn leadership skills [from] people that come in and talk, but now we’re going to teach them throughout the year, so they can incorporate it to their teams.” According to Mocerino, captains can also become active members of the council as they will continue the work of their various committees that has been done in the past, such as school spirit, public relations or game day policies. Currently, workshops are planned out to be once or twice a month, and all of them will be internal. The first workshop, which had a focus on self improvement, took place on Oct. 3. “[We wanted participants to take away that] when I wake up in the morning, think about what I can do for others before I think about what I can do for myself,” Mocerino said. “Now, we do that both individually, and we relate that to a team atmosphere I think walking away from there, if the kids are able to use the concepts we talked about on the field or in the classroom, then we’re gonna be a success.”

Student ambassador and girls’ soccer captain senior Lucy Gauvin believed that they are gaining valuable leadership skills from these workshops. “They will help me reflect on what I’ve done and how I’ve acted as a captain so far, as well as talk to other captains to learn from them too,” Gauvin said. Student ambassador and boys’ soccer captain junior Nick Alock agreed with Gauvin. “I have learned that being a leader isn’t always fun,” Alcock said. “Being a captain takes on a lot of responsibility as your teammates are going to look at you when we are down. I think that going to these leadership conferences has taught me how to hold people accountable, but holding people accountable in a way that is still positive and upbeat.” Workshops and athletic council are open to all student athletes as the main goal is to better the local athletic community, but the main focus will stay on those in leadership positions. “I think that captains need to learn leadership skills because that’s why they were picked, so hopefully all the captains can understand the reasons that they were picked and things that they can do with their teams that make them more connected and more united as a whole,” DeVarney said.

New boys’ golf coaches look to improve team AVA AYMIE & LAURA ANDERSON A&E Editor & News Editor

This season, the boys golf team has two new coaches, head coach Mike Groccia and assistant coach Brian Calnan. As of October 16, the team’s record is 7-7-1.

How do you feel about your first season as new coaches? Groccia: “First season’s been a lot of fun. Definitely a learning experience. I helped out last year on a volunteer basis, so I certainly had a little bit of a head start. Being the head coach for the first time definitely some curveballs have been thrown our way, but it’s been a lot of fun. We’ve learned a lot and we’ve adapted.” Calnan: “I think for me it’s been a nice way to kind of get back to working with students a little more directly after leaving the math classroom and starting in technology, kind of like Mr. Groccia. It’s a good way to connect with students and some of them I had in class in the past and I enjoyed that part of it.”

Have you had any previous coaching experience?

Groccia: “I coached middle school basketball teams, girls and boys, and the Melican Baseball team for about 5 or 6 years each so I definitely had experience coaching, not at the high school level and certainly not at the varsity level. Working with student-athletes is kind of the same regardless of the age level, obviously, the competitiveness and seriousness does increase at the high school level, but I’ve had experience coaching.” Calnan: “At my other highschool I coached JV and varsity soccer. I coached the math team at this school and the other schools and coached my own kids. I’ve really enjoyed coaching at the varsity level at my previous school, but this is my first opportunity to do so here at Algonquin. I really enjoy coaching, feel it is a great venue for connecting with students and seeing their growth.”

What are you looking forward to in the future as golf coaches?

Calnan: “I look forward to seeing the underclassmen develop. Mr.Groccia has worked with them in the past and he sees the student who was a junior now and sees the leaps and bounds that they have improved. I want to see over the course of the next two or three years to see the players develop and gain confidence in their game and in their performance in matches.” Groccia: “Watching the student-athletes grow and continue to improve in their skills. I’m also looking forward to just work with student-athletes, as I don’t have that as a regular, not having classrooms of students anymore. Being another adult that they can have a conversation with, just being someone there as a positive role model for them.”


New coaches Mike Groccia (right) and Brian Calnan (middle) discuss the upcoming match against Leominster with team captain senior Kevin Henderson (left).

How has the team helped you adjust to your new role?

Groccia: “I’ve relied heavily on a lot of upperclassmen, especially captain Kevin Henderson. He has been on the team for a couple of years and he is very knowledgeable having his own experiences in having older brothers on the team as well so he has been good with just bouncing quick ideas off of. Always willing to offer his ideas on what he thinks will be beneficial for the team. He has been a great leader in that sense and a great help to me and coach Calnan.” Calnan: “I totally agree.”

What new strategies have you employed this year to improve the team?

Groccia: “Having helped out last year I kinda had an idea what they were doing during practices, This year I really tried to have the kids focus on gathering data and stats mostly about their putting and having them pick up on little areas where they can improve upon. Coach Calnan has been very helpful with gathering data and stats and analyzing them and putting them into numbers that we were able to share with the students to help them.” Calnan: “As a former math teacher I was very excited to use some spreadsheets and kind of look at the data and help put the students in a position to succeed.”

18 SPORTS The Harbinger - October 2019

A guide to exercising during class JENNY LAMBERT & KARTHIK YALALA Sports Editor & Assistant Sports Editor

Students are busy. Every day, we wake up early in the morning to go to school for six and a half hours. Many of us stay after school for extracurricular clubs and activities, which leaves us with very little time to exercise. How could we possibly have enough time to stay in shape? Easy: we can multitask in class! Although you might think you don’t have enough time to exercise, here are a few exercises you can do every day in class to stay active: Squats with a backpack Don’t worry if you forget about leg day, because you can do squats in class! Add a couple of textbooks to your backpack, wear it and squat. Slowly lower your body as if you are sitting in a chair, and quickly stand back up. Repeat as many times you feel comfortable. Remember to have proper form as you can hurt your back doing squats.

Wall sits A classic: lean against the wall and slide down until your legs are bent at a right angle. Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat this a few times. If you want to challenge yourself even more, try holding a backpack or some textbooks in your lap while doing them.

Leg lifts If you’re feeling angsty during a long lesson in class, try some leg lifts! While sitting in your chair, stick your leg straight out in front of you and hold for two seconds. Then, slowly lower your leg until it is slightly above the ground, then quickly raise it up again. Repeat this as many times as you’d like on each leg. Now you can entertain yourself in class while strengthening your legs! Bicep curls with your backpack The ‘freshman backpack’ is a common trend for many high school students. Oftentimes students complain about how their backpack’s weight is causing them back pain. Why not use your heavy backpack to its advantage? Hold your backpack by its handle and do some bicep curls while sitting in class!


Calf raises between classes If you have a little extra time in between classes, try calf raises on the stairs! Stand at the bottom step of the staircase with your heels hanging over the edge and your weight on your toes. Then, quickly raise onto your tiptoes, and slowly lower yourself back down to flat-footed. Repeat this as many times as you’d like.

Athletic Hall of Fame committee to induct new members

Former athletic program members to be honored

The Athletic Hall of Fame Committee will be conducting the eleventh biannual induction ceremony on November 19 at 11:30 am in the cafeteria. The event will honor coaches, athletes, and others who helped contribute to the Algonquin athletic program. Both the Student Athletic Council and the Algonquin Athletic Boosters Club take part in choosing members of the Hall of Fame. In 2017, the committee started a new tradition where they honor a member of the community that has greatly supported the athletic program with a Spirit Award. This year, Tom Lowe of Lowe’s Meat Market will be honored. The following people will be a part of the induction class of 2019:

Tom Lowe, Kelsey Bourdon, Fran Whitten, Michael Wrin, Emily Bourke, Maynard Southard, Chloe Herczeg, Eric Wright, Derek Swart, Michael Roy and Laurie Griffin COMPILED JENNY LAMBERT & KARTHIK YALALA

SPORTS 19 arhsharbinger.com

Ruffo, Moll use sisterly bond on field Communication has led them to success for five years


Junior Day Ruffo [left] and senior Alex Moll [right] patiently wait for the ball against Groton-Dunstable on Sept. 25. The team won this game 6-0 and has a current record of 11-0-2. Ruffo and Molls’ bond as sisters has helped them contribute to the team’s success.


For five years, junior Day Ruffo and senior Alex Moll have flourished on the field hockey field together as sisters. The girls’ field hockey team is currently second in the Mid-Wach A league with a league record of 3-0-2.

“Because we’re sisters, Alex and I flow really well with each other,” Ruffo said. Ruffo and Moll both made the varsity field hockey team as freshmen and have contributed to the team’s recent success. In 2017, when Ruffo was a freshman and Moll was a sophomore, the team won the Central Massachusetts championship title. In 2018, they finished with a strong 12-7-2 record. This season, Ruffo’s offensive

power and Moll playing midfield has contributed to the team’s current undefeated record (11-0-2). “I’ve been playing a lot of the midfield position so I can hit the ball up to Day and she and I can work together in the circle to score,” Moll said. According to Ruffo, communication is also a big part of the sisters’ success. “We are always able to pass the ball to each other and we communicate really well on the field,” Ruffo said. Both sisters have been on the same team since Ruffo was in sixth grade and Moll was in seventh. They enjoy playing together and believe it has increased their bond with each other. “When I decided to play field hockey in seventh grade Day wasn’t too sure if she should play, so she asked me if she should run cross country or play field hockey,” Moll said. “I told her to play field hockey with me, so she did. Now, I’m really happy we get to play together.” “We’ve definitely developed a stronger friendship,” Ruffo said. “Everyone thinks we’re a really good match.” Teammates, coaches and the girls’ parents are supportive of the sister duo on and off the field. “I love that they’re able to share their success on the team and I’m glad that they share it together,” junior Sophia Cavallo said. “They bring a lot of personality to the team.” According to Moll, their parents love to see their success both individually and as a team. “My parents are definitely really proud of both of us and honestly, just want the best for us and to see us succeed,” Moll said. As for the rest of the season, Ruffo hopes that the sister’s chemistry will benefit the team even more. “This season should be good and Alex and I are both super excited,” Ruffo said. “The team has been looking pretty good so far.” As a senior, Moll feels bittersweet because it is her last year playing field hockey in high school. “I’m really excited for the rest of the season,” Moll said. “I’m sad that it’s my last year playing on the team, but I couldn’t have asked for a better group of girls to play field hockey with.”

Seniors commit to college

Grace Oelkers Soccer

Clark University

“I’m really excited to have found a school where I can challenge myself and continue to play a sport I’ve played my whole life.”

Henry Alford Saint Anslem College

“I’m excited that I get to continue to play lacrosse at a competitive level after high school for a solid program like Saint A’s.”

Olivia & Chloe Chiota Lacrosse

Hamilton College

Olivia: “I’m super excited to continue to play lacrosse. I can’t wait to stay with my sister for college and I couldn’t be more excited for the next few years!” Chloe: “I loved the school, and I’m so excited to go into college with a team and continue being involved in sports.”

Patrick Solomon

Trevor Burns




Tufts University

Georgetown University

“I am very grateful to be able to continue to play soccer in college.”

“I’m very excited. It turned out to be a great oppurtunity to attend a college that I love while still playing the sport I live. I’m looking forward to it.”

Sydney Guidi

Noah & Nick Larsen

Christopher Newport University

St. Anslem College



“I’m honestly so happy about my decision. The school is such a good fit for me. Lacrosse has always been a sport I love and I’m so excited to spend the next four years playing it at a school I love!”

Noah: “I feel grateful for the opportunity.” Nick: “I’m really excited because I feel like a lot of the pressure’s off. It’s been a really long proccess and finally all of my hard work is paying off.”



Teams FALL into the new season


Girls’ Soccer 10-0-3

Focused on her teammates in the middle of the field, junior Lauren Cullen kicks the ball from the corner of the field. Algonquin would go on to win the game 3-1 against Westboro on Tuesday, October 1.

Boys’ Cross Country 3-2

At the Algonquin-Shrewsbury football game on Ocotber 5, the cheerleaders perform a routine during a break in the game. The cheerleaders are at home football games to support the team.

As he steadies his pace, senior Nick West tries to take the lead. West would eventually help Algonquin beat Leominster 15-50, as he came in first place and the team improved to 3-0 on the season. Other top five finishers are seen behind West.

Girls’ Cross Country 3-2

Football 2-3

Before the ball is snapped, the offense lines up, looking to gain yardage downfield. Algonquin took down Shrewsbury 17-7 on October 5.

Looking ahead to finish her lap strong, senior Julia Kardos focuses on remaining towards the front of the pack. She did just that by winning the meet. The team beat Leominster 21-40.

Girls’ Volleyball 12-1

Boys’ Soccer 8-1-5

With his eyes focused on the ball, junior Carsten Boloz launches a penlty kick to the top left of the goal, putting Algonquin up 1-0 against Shepherd Hill. Algonquin ended up winning 3-1.

As she remains focused on the ball, senior Sidney Cerro rises up to spike the ball on Hopkinton’s side. This intense game was close until the end. Algonquin lost 3-2.

Field Hockey 12-1-2 Boys’ Golf 7-7-1 *Records as of 10/17/2019 COMPILED JENNY LAMBERT, KARTHIK YALALA & JONNY RATNER

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