WAM 04 Issue

Page 6

World Architecture Masters - Manfredi Nikoletti


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20 years International academy of Architecture

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The International Academy of Architecture has its 20th anniversary. For this period the world in which we live has achieved great developments in any aspect: science, technology, politics, demography, economics etc. IAA was born in a moment when the aureole of the fathers of the modern architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, Gropius, Mies Van der Rohe enlightened the whole planet with their great insights. Unfortunately they were not between us anymore and couldn’t create their immortal architecture examples. In that moment the Earth was flooded with non-spiritual imitations of epigone. The bitter reaction came from the inheritors of CIAM in the face of “Team ten” who invested lots of energy to continue the creative flame, but not for so long. New eclectic messiahs appeared on the architecture scene with programmed hostility towards the work of the pioneers. The ideas, the criterions, the values disappeared. There was the necessity of new international structure and it was – IAA International Academy of Architecture. In the new organization took part “Team Ten” and their fellows: Georges Candilis, Sir Denis Lasdan, Aldo Van Ayck, Oscar Niemeyer, Kenzo Tange, Bruno Zevi, Felix Candela, Luis Barragan, Karl Objork, Pedro Ramirez Vazquez, Gunter Behnisch, Aymeric Zublena, Gottfried Bohm, Michael Posohin, Ralph Erskine, Paul Rudolf, Reima Pietila, Harry Seidler, Kiyonori Kikutake and others. Later the most talented from the young generation were chosen to join IAA: Richard Mayer, Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, Ricardo Legorreta, Massimiliano Fuksas, Jorn Utzon, Daniel Libeskind, Teodoro de Leon, Jan Hoogstad, Paul Andreu, Renzo Piano, Santiago Calatrava, Frank Gehri, Jean Nouvel, Manfredi Nicoletti, Toyo Ito, Mario Bota, Zaha Hadid and others. The academy attentively and responsibly observes the pulse of the world architecture. Today under any avant-garde project is written the name of a member of IAA. These are the masters, who bring in their soul the flame of the eternal architecture creativity. The membership in IAA is a sign for the highest architecture level. The academy organizes the world biennale (triennale) Interarch, exhibitions, conferences, contests, researches, workshops for the young, gives annual prizes to laureates and the “Grand pries - Crystal Globe” to the members for complete architecture work. For the active work of the academy in the stimulating the world architecture, the theory and the architecture education received from UN the special status in ECOSCO-UN. The academy feels the deep changes in the social psychology and looks towards the new spiritual values of the architecture, fighting against the dogmas of the organic and pluralistic architecture, the architecture of the holistic way of thinking. To these cause serves also the journal of IAA - WAM.

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Georgi Stoilov, President of IAA

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