Michigan Residential Architects 1 (MIRA1)

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16 Ionia Avenue SW, Suite One Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503 rbsears@searsarchitects.com www.searsarchitects.com 616.336.8495 6HDUV $UFKLWHFWV LV D ERXWLTXH DUFKLWHFWXUH DQG SODQQLQJ ÀUP ORFDWHG LQ *UDQG 5DSLGV DQG Harbor Springs. Robert Sears, Principal, has a passion for working with clients to design their personal KRPH 2XU ZRUN LV KHDYLO\ LQà XHQFHG E\ VKLQJOH VW\OH DUFKLWHFWXUH DQG WKH (DVW &RDVW YHUQDFXODU DV D UHVXOW RI WLPH 6HDUV VSHQW SUDFWLFLQJ RQ 1DQWXFNHW DQG LQ &RQQHFWLFXW LQ KLV FDUHHU Sears Architects, launched in 1995, provides a suite of design and planning services to clients WKURXJKRXW WKH GHVLJQ SURFHVV 7KH ÀUP ZRUNV ZLWK SULYDWH LQGLYLGXDOV GHYHORSHUV DQG KLVWRULF residential associations throughout the Midwest, and as far as Seattle, New Jersey, and Florida. New construction homes and cottages, historical renovations, neighborhood design and neighborhood planning are highlighted in our online portfolio at SearsArchitects.com. Sears Architects KDV D IXOO WHDP RI SURIHVVLRQDOV ZLWK D QXPEHU RI WKHP KDYLQJ ZRUNHG DW WKH ÀUP IRU RYHU \HDUV

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