Hoban Magazine, Spring/Summer 2022

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ABOUT MITCH WHY IS HOBAN SPECIAL? “This is a community where people care about each other and support each other. I was taken in as a young teacher and treated very well and given the opportunity to contribute, and I hope I’ve given some of that back as I’ve become a veteran teacher. I had only been teaching here a couple years when I knew that this is where I wanted my kids to come to school to have the Hoban experience. This is a place full of great teachers and great coaches. It’s a place where between our shared faith and our commitment to helping young people grow, we live up to our mission statement. Hoban is a place committed to helping young people and their families be everything they can be.” WHICH HOLY CROSS VALUE RESONATES MOST FOR YOU? “I think at different points in my career I would give you a different answer. Right now, I’m going to say Inclusiveness. There is a very conscious and continuous effort from our administration and faculty to make sure that people are not only made to feel welcome here, but are celebrated in a place that brings people together.” WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU OFFER CURRENT/FUTURE EDUCATORS ABOUT BEING A PART OF THE HOBAN FAMILY? “This is a school where you need to be prepared to give a lot of yourself, but you will get far more in return if you are willing to be there for the kids and the people you work with in every possible way. It is incredibly rewarding.” ABOUT MITCH “My wife Noreen and I have been married for 39 years. We have two children who are Hoban alumni - Renee ’01 and Marcus ’04. I also have three grandchildren ages 4, 3 and 1. Noreen and I are very involved in the music scene and love traveling to Nashville and Key West. I play the guitar, harmonica and keyboard and have been involved in several bands throughout the years. Another big part of our family life is competing in local running events.”

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Mitch Wagner, pictured with Brother James Spooner, was awarded the 2022 Brother James Spooner Heart and Mind Award.

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