Work Experience
08/2022 - Present
Design Engineer
E-Sports Kft (Budapest, Hu)
Created detailed designs and construction plans for complex projects, delivering exceptional results in creativity, functionality, and precision. Notable examples include:
Sokac Ferry Renovation and Danube Riverbank Arrangement (Mohács, Hu): Led the renovation of a workshop into a hotel with an upscale restaurant and coordinated boat mooring arrangements along the river.
II Lajos Memorial Site Development (Mohács, Hu): Led the design of a historic memorial site, including a 600-meter footbridge along the Danube River, an exhibition center, lookout points, and a restaurant.
Mohács Swimming Pool Construction (Mohács, Hu): Created designs and plans for a covered swimming pool, including steel structures, hall supports, catwalks, ceiling design, glass railings, and skylights.
Swimming Pool and Thermal Bath Solar Panel Park (Mohács, Hu): Designed and planned innovative solar panel structures, considering optimal location, orientation, aesthetic integration, and sustainability.
12/2020 - 07/2022
Architectural Designer
Demonstrated expertise in diverse building planning and design, ensuring precise architectural details. Facilitated seamless coordination among multi-disciplinary teams. Notable examples include:
Dry food factory PPVD for Nestlé (Bük, Hu): Designed facades, and roof plans. Prepared BOQ for sandwich panels and paints, while preparing tender and execution plans with architectural details. Created 3D visuals Logistic building for Schaeffler (Szombathely, Hu): Led interior space design, drafting tender and execution plans. Prepared bill of quantities for sandwich panels, gypsum wall boards, and paints.
Cement factory "Compressor room" for Cimpor (Portugal): Applied FLS drawing and design standards. Prepared tender and execution plans,designed architectural details. Prepared materials BOQ.
Office building for BPW-Hungária and New factory "Test Lab" for Schaeffler (Szombathely, Hu): Devised optimal workshop space designs. Provided bill of quantities for paints, tiles, and false ceiling. Created 3D visuals. T5-factory for Nestlé (Bük, Hu), Apartment (Pécs, Hu), and Vacuum distillation room for FAG (Debrecen, Hu): Crafted innovative concept plans and skillfully drafted detailed tender and execution plans.
Education & Training
09/2020 - 07/2022
Interior & Spatial Design MA
University of Pécs FEIT (Pécs, Hu)
Participating in the futuRE:build online ideathon competition organized by Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions.
09/2015 - 07/2020
Architecture MSc
University of Pécs FEIT (Pécs, Hu)
Lakni kell workshop. 3 Feb 2020 - 4 Feb 2020. Participated in the workshop titled "We All Need a Home" as a group leader of five students and achieved second place in the competition. Teaching Assistant. 14 Sep 2019 - 14 Des 2019. Acted as a Teaching Assistant, providing educational support, facilitating communication between the institute and students, assisting during site visits, and conducting consultations on ArchiCAD utilization as a BIM software.
Architectural Engineering Drafter. Kertvéllesy Ingatlan Kft. 31 Jul 2019 - 31 Aug 2019. Professionally engaged in drafting using ArchiCAD, demonstrating expertise in 3D modeling and visualization techniques, while contributing to the planning and designing of residential and public buildings.
Construction Site Worker. 30 Jun 2019 - 31 Jul 2019. Engaged as a Construction Site Worker, actively participating in the Architectural Competition, Solar Decathlon Europe '19, as a valued team member of the Someshine team for the Hungarian Nest + Project. Demonstrated construction skills while serving as a key presenter to esteemed Jury members.
Energy designer trainee. 15 Sep 2019 - 15 Dec 2019. Trained in energy design for buildings, specializing in energy simulation software (IDA ICE). Applied skills to real-life projects at various construction stages. Summer School for Nearly Zero Energy Buildings. 17 Sep 2018 - 21 Sep 2019. Summer school of V-Educa2 project for nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB), between University of Pécs and University of Osijek.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • •
Mérnöki Iroda kft (Pécs, Hu)
Rehabilitation Centre
Pécs Mecsek mountains (northern part).
Healing with nature was the main key in the design process.
Reinforced Concrete was the main construction material, while Plaster and Wood were used for cladding.
Spirit Body Enviroment
Rehabilitation Centre
Holistic treatment helps the user with the healing process which relates body, mind, and spirit aspects by the integration of surrounded nature into their living areas and then healing and positive emotional changes, which have an indirect impact on stress levels and physical and emotional wellbeing
Using features the design
zoning ensuring supervision different levels on the site ensuring supervision
Lakeworking as a water tank because of the deep slope in the site which gives the advantage to collect more amount of water
It is working as a reflective surface to reflect the sunlight and store it in the solar panel which is attached to the traces
-coolling down the weather in the summer time
8 GSEducationalVersion
M ind
Natural Cooling
Passive Circle
Using sustainably features within the architectural design
This concept embodies the vision of welldesigned architectural spaces that encourage healing by the architectural manipulation of space which can provide the platform for other natural factors like light, colour, privacy, views, and even smell to promote a healing environment that effects the physical and psychological healing of patients.
Thermal Comfort Air Quality CO2 - VS
Noise Absorption Biophilia
Mental recovery place with a quote and narrow place
Noise cancellation and acoustical buffer
Sketch of the transfer structure Loading from a column is carried to the beam then to the column/load bearing wall below The load from the columns above are carried on the downstand beams 600mm thick acting as a transfer structure Floor slabs are 250mm thick in order to bridge long spans in some area
+0.0 +5.0 + 10 .0 + 15 .0
Rrduced impact of the wind on the roof terraces and at pedestrian level by deflecting the wind and additional vegtation windbreak barrier Concept
10 GSEducationalVersion
Simple Box Curved form to fit in the site and best views and gain maximum solar energy
Adding green terraces to have the Biophilia feeling.
Creating a shaded quiet space at the back of the building for mental recovery place as in acoustic buffer.
to give solar
The building is stepped from the back of the site to avoid the construction problems and the coming water from the slope also to create a shaded space for relaxing and meditation.
Welcoming gate of the building and giving a flexible flow to move around the building
Concept / Mass Formation
12 GSEducationalVersion 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3 3 DOWN UP 33Rx15 32G 35 ±0.00 Sterilization room Analysis room EKG room Sampling room Examination Ro o m 12 m 2 33 45 56 1 00 1 00 1.00 1 .00 1 .00 1 00 1.00 1 00 1 .00 1 .00 1 .00 1 .00 1.00 1 .00 1.00 1.00 1 .00 1 .00 1 .00 1. 00 1 .00 1 0 0 1 00 1.00 1 00 1 00 1.00 1. 00 1 .00 1 .00 1.00 1. 00 11.03 45 10.00 45 7.43 39.48 7.43 12 .44 260 260 260 260 1561 45 S -25
Ground Floor / M = 1 : 200
13 5, 587 45 m 2 ±0.00 ±0.00 S -26 S-26 1 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 DOWN UP 33R x 15 32G x 35 6 33 6 100 1. 00 1 .00 1.00 1.00 1 .00 1 00 1 .00 1.00 1 .00 1 .00 1.00 1.00 1 .00 1 .00 1.00 1.00 1 .0 0 1 .00 1 .00 1.0 0 1 .00 1 .00 1.00 1.00 1 00 1 .00 1.00 1 00 1 .00 1. 00 1. 00 52 45 11.05 45 10 45 39.70 7.43 45 25 .56 260 260 260 260 2 92 7.43 S -24 -25
0.4 cm Steel mesh
5 cm Dranage system
0.2 cm Membrane - Waterproof
17 cm Insulation - Fiber Hard
25 cm Concrete - Structural
0.2 cm Membrane - vapor proof
22 cm Air Space - Frame
10 cm suspended gypsum boards + structures
50 cm Soil
0.4 cm Steel mesh
5 cm Dranage system
0.2 cm Membrane - Waterproof
25 cm Concrete - Structural
2.5 cm Plaster - Gypsum
1.5 cm Tile - Floor
5 cm Screed
0.2 cm Membrane layer sapration separation
12 cm Insulation - Fiber Hard
0.2 cm Membrane - Waterproof
25 cm Concrete - Structural
45 cm Gravel
14 GSEducationalVersion -0. 64 ±0. 00 +4. 00 +5. 00 +9. 00 + 10 00 + 14 . 00 + 15 00 L1
L5 D2
L4 L3
D3 D4
20 cm Soil L1 L6
2.5 cm Plaster - Gypsum
25 cm Concrete - Structural
15 cm Insulation - Fiber Hard
2.5 cm Plaster - Gypsum
4 cm Thermal Wood
0.2 cm Membrane - Waterproof
4cmTimber - Structural
12 cm Air Space - Frame
17 cm Insulation - Fiber Hard
60 cm Concrete - Structural downstand beam 2.5cmGypsum boards
1.5 cm Tile - Floor
5 cm Screed
0.2 cm Membrane layer sapration separation
5 cm Insulation - sound ins.
25 cm Concrete - Structural
0.2 cm
Membrane - vapor proof
52 cm Air Space - Frame
10 cm
suspended gypsum boards + structures
Sketch of the transfer structure
Loading from a column is carried to the beam then to the column/load bearing wall below
The load from the columns above are carried on the downstand beams 600mm thick, acting as a transfer structure Floor slabs are 250mm thick in order to bridge long spans in some area
2519 L6 L1
Section A-A / M = 1: 100
16 GSEducationalVersion
Vacation House
South side of Orfu Lake.
Designing moderntiny cabins used for vacation purposes.
Lightweight construction, Cross-laminated timber (CLT).
22 GSEducationalVersion N Floor Plan M = 1: 25 11.72 11.72 1.122.382.402.361.12 1.17 1.17 47 47 23 .94 m 2 22 .14 m 2 2.121.15 91 47 3.62 47 4.18 47 5.45 47 2.76 6.15 2.76 8.91 8.91 2.76 47 5.01 47 ±0.00 -0,30 ±0.00 A-A A-A B-B B-B terrace floor area 472.05222.36 47
23 GSEducationalVersion +0,00 -0,30 15 2.35 47 4.63 43 10 +0,00 +4,20 +2,90 4 2 3 5 D3 D2 D4 D1 1 12 o 47 2.45 22 1.98 47
Section B-B M = 1: 25
Plastic Protective mesh
Wood parquet 15 mm
Screed 50 mm
Seperation layer 3 mm
Step noise insulation.
50 mm
Thermal insulation
membrane 5 mm
Non freezing R.C
slab 200mm
Ridge flashing, Monopitched roof
Schüco Triple track Patio Door
Structural mat
OSB underlay 30 mm
Battens 50 mm
Waterproofing membrane 5 mm
Rockwool Thermal Insulation 150mm
CLT(cross laminated
timber) 150mm
Service space 25mm
Knauf Gypsum Board
Battens 40 mm
Drainage Space space 120 mm
Non freezing 200mm
24 GSEducationalVersion 2 3 4 18 12 6 1 1 3 3 6 15 18 1
L 1
L 2
RHEZINK steel cladding
L 3 Wooden deck
CLT(cross laminated timber)
Service space Knauf Gypsum Board
Vapour Barrier
Steel L - Profile
Timber Lintel Beam
Covering Plank 27mm M
= Detail 1
= 1:10
Waterproofing membrane 5 mm
Rockwool Thermal Insulation
RHEZINK Hem seam cover
Structural mat OSB underlay
Galvanized steel gutter
Ring Plank 27 mm
Counter battens 25 x 38 mm
Water proof Vapour permeable membrane 0,2mm
Wood cladding
deck 40 mm mm
Space/Rib mm freezing R.C slab
L 4 Wood cladding 21 mm
Counter battens 25 mm
Battens 38 mm
Water proof Vapour permeable membrane
Thermal insulation 180 mm
Vapour Barrier
CLT(cross laminated timber) 120mm Service space/Battens 60 mm
Knauf Gypsum Board 12,5mm
Rockwool Thermal Insulation
L 5 Knauf plaster 12,5 mm CLT(cross laminated timber) 120mm
Battens 60 mm
Knauf plaster 12,5mm x 2
25 D4 3 3 6 15 18 1 1 1 6 1218 4 2 2 2
Detail 4 = 1:10
Art School
Designing an art center to be an iconic building for the community.
Reinforced Concrete with Brick cladding.
Pécs, Király u. 69, 7693.
28 GSEducationalVersion +12,00 +8,00 +8,00 +10,00 +10,00 +8,00 +8,00 +8,00 +8,00 +8,00 +8,00 +8,00 +12,00 +10,00 +4,00 +6,00 +4,00 +4,00 +4,00 +9,00 +9,00 +9,00 +4,00 +4,00 Site Analysis
Function Analysis
Restaurant Digital Workshop Workshop
Conference Room ART SCHOOL Exhibition
30 GSEducationalVersion 3D 2D
Shape Analysis
32 GSEducationalVersion N 23 494 52 82 10 8 .4 8 7.3 .3 5 Site plan / M=1:500
33 23
Elementary School
Pécs, Szigeti út 35.
Using modular units Which have the hexagon shape for more planning flexibility.
Reinforced Concrete was the main construction material, while Plaster was used for cladding.
reduce fire danger
the chance to use the skylights in a more efficient way
direct connection with nature easy to escape from building in case of fire best view
reduce fire danger
direct connection with nature easy to escape from the building
the chance to use the skylights efficient way
best view
36 GSEducationalVersion 120 ° Mass studing
one story building multi story building
Ftructural Form Generative Clustering urban hi long corridors
1000 N 1000 N less deformation less displacement Concept
too wide area
better space for the students because of the used area rather than rectangular room more interior walls which used in the teaching process. more openings then more views.
nature building in case of fire
skylights in a more
Shape analysis
Geometrical shape Organic shape
urban planning flexibility
more displacement more deformation
Classroom Lobby Rest room Hedmaster's office Teacherss room Library School doctor's room Cafiteria + Canteen Auditorium Gym hall
38 GSEducationalVersion Medical school Lidl Elementary school ! Medical school Lidl Elementary school ! AB CD
39 Medical school Lidl Elementary school ! Medical school Lidl Winds Elementary school ! Residential Residential Residential Residential Residential AB CD
Family House
“Every house is not a home.”
R.C & Ytong masonry as construction materials, while corrugated metal covering & white plaster for the cladding.
7635, Pécs, Kismélyvölg-hegyhát dűlő 28.
44 GSEducationalVersion F 60 120 pm.: 150 210 100 120 120 pm .: 90 120 120 pm .: 90 120 120 pm .: 90 120 60 pm .: 90 210 120 pm.: 0.0 210 120 pm.: 0.0 210 120 pm.: 0.0 210 120 pm.: 0.0 210 120 pm.: 0.0 210 120 pm .: 0.0 210 120 pm .: 0.0 210 120 pm .: 0.0 210 120 pm .: 0.0 210 60 pm .: 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16R x 20 15G x 25 210 80 210 80 210 100 210 90 210 75 210 80 210 90 25 90 35 2.00 12 3.50 12 3.50 35 1.50 35 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 75 60 1.17 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.45 25 90 10.00 1.85 13.20 35 90 15 1.60 10 1.00 10 2.20 10 2.85 10 2.15 35 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 50 75 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.35 1.50 1.25 5.45 6.80 50 1.50 35 1.15 10 4.15 10 1.90 10 3.80 35 1.35 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 75 50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.55 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.45 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.80 15.50 15.50 50 1.50 9.00 3.00 1.50 7.45 46 1.20 4.40 25 5.20 60 3.50 25 25 5.70 60 5.00 25 25 4.80 25 1.00 25 5.00 25 35 5.20 30 5.80 35 +3.20 +0.00 +3.20 +3.20 +3.20 +3.20 Parkett a Kerámia Kerámia 14 Szoba A:5.82 m 2 08 Szoba A:13 44 m 2 10 Konyha A:18 25 m 2 07 Fürdőszoba A:5.41 m 2 06 wc A:2.15 m 2 12 Szoba A:16 44 m 2 13 Fürdőszoba A:4.45 m 2 11 Nappali A:24.1 m 2 05 Előszoba A:4.5 m 2 09 Folyosó A:6.51 m 2 210 120 210 120 35 5.67 13 3.51 35 35 11.30 35 35 3.55 1.26 60 10 1.88 10 3.81 35 35 5.07 13 4.11 35 B B Parkett a Parkett a Kerámia Kerámia Kerámia Kerámia Parkett a A A A 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 7 7 6 6 13 13 8 8 5 5 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 F J B C D E G H I N
Ytong falazat
Vasbeton lemez
EPS hőszigetelés
Szálas hőszigetelés
Szigetelést tartó fal, kisméretű tégla
Engedélyezési terv - első kiadás
45 01 02 03
297420 x Változás Kiadás Munka megnevezése:
Lapméret Lap
Munkaszám Rajz megnevezése: Rajzszám: File név: Dátum 7635, Pécs, Kismélyvölg-hegyhát dűlő
hrsz.: 2344/4 ±0.00 = 258.25
DiánaAlmarayat Mohammad
Engedélyezési terv É21-01
2021.04.28 M=1:100 Családiház
Vakolat Gipszkarton Üveg Jelmagyarázat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 35 1.50 35 3.50 10 50 12 2.90 12 1.95 45 90 25 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.45 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 60 35 1.50 9.65 35 1.25 13.20 25 3.50 60 5.20 25 A F J B C D E G H I
Emeleti alaprajz
É21-01_A-AR-000-03-01 Emeleti alaprajz
46 GSEducationalVersion 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 6 ±0.00 +0.90 +2.50 +3.20 +4.10 +7.25 90 1.60 7090 1.881.25 3.01 1.503.00
3 4 5 6 7 8
Jelmagyarázat 2
1 vakolat 9010 fehér színben üveg korlát
nyílászáró RAL7016 antracit színben
bádogozás RAL9006 szürke színben
áttört téglafal RAL9010 fehér színben korcolt szendvicspanel burkolat
fa árnyékoló
látszóbeton felület
47 01 02 03 297420 x Változás Kiadás Munka megnevezése: Tervező Lapméret Lap Lépték Munkaszám Rajz megnevezése: Rajzszám: File név: Dátum 7635, Pécs, Kismélyvölg-hegyhát dűlő 28. hrsz.: 2344/4 ±0.00 = 258.25 mBf Sándor DiánaAlmarayat Mohammad Engedélyezési terv - első kiadás Engedélyezési terv É21-01 2021.04.28 M=1:100 Családiház 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 1.001.00 5075 1 3 2 7 ±0.00 +1.55 +2.10 +3.20 +4.10 +5.30 +6.00 +7.25 1.55 55 1.00 90 1.20 70 1.25 2.33 66 3.00 57 3.00 96 50 13.57 színben színben színben burkolat RAL9006 szürke színben Déli Homlokzat É21-01_A-AR-000-08-01 Déli homlokzat A-AR-000-08-01
Engedélyezési terv - első kiadás
Változás Kiadás
File név:
±0.00 = 258.25 mBf
É21-01_A-AR-000-10-01 Látványtervek
Munka megnevezése: Tervező
Rajz megnevezése:
Dátum 7635, Pécs, Kismélyvölg-hegyhát dűlő 28. hrsz.: 2344/4
297420 x
Lap Lépték
Engedélyezési terv
49 01 02 03