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By Ernie Grossman

SPACED OUT … Clearly has a new meaning in today’s world. Our Tahoe Region Chapter had one event this past year and we titled it Let’s Give It A Try. The rules of engagement were: • Masks when not eating or drinking • Social distancing protocol • All plastic disposables • All foods were served individually (no table platters, no sharing)

Lake Tahoe

Outdoor events only being legislated in our area, we were able to assemble one weather-friendly Sunday afternoon in August. In a space that could normally accommodate up to a hundred playful souls we set up six round tables, suitably spread, with four each per table. The twenty-four enthusiasts were well entertained and sated with great wines and suitable food pairings. The order of the day was to taste the wines first and then to enjoy the wine with a food pairing.

Up first was the 2018 Sauvignon Blanc with a mixed sushi platter, then a 2018 Albarino with a mango-papaya marinated giant shrimp. This was followed by a 2019 Proprietary White (85% Semillon) matched with a lightly lemon marinated chicken skewer and a 2016 Syrah Russian River accompanied by eggplant parmesan with sauce marinara. Next was a 2016 Russian River Zinfandel paired perfectly with cheese filled wontons with a Chinese spicy sweet, but savory, dipping sauce. For dessert the 2016 Proprietary Red (primarily Barbera) was beautiful with a fruit and cheese platter. We appreciated Chik sharing his wines with us and his gracious offer to make his wines available to our members present at deep discounts; a gesture that was well received as were his wines which were terrific!

The wine part of the program was directed by Master Commander Chik Brenneman, of the Chancellery Chapter who is also the winemaker for Baker Family Wines. We were able to enjoy and learn as he presented six of his wines. The food portion was determined and prepared by our own Charge d’Affaires, Stephanie Harris, after long discussions with Polly Brenneman, Charge d’Affaire of Chancellery and Chik on which elements of the wines he wanted to bring out.

Winter/Spring 2021


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