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FICB International Congress ~ REPORT

By now you are all tired of hearing what a crazy and unfortunate year 2020 was for most. The F.I.C.B. underwent the same turmoil and worse as it was a Congress year! Undaunted, the 2021 F.I.C.B. General Assembly was held in Paris as scheduled on January 30, 2021 but, of course, was held virtually for most of us and voting was permitted by mail. The decisions made were “teed up” by the Board of Administration which held its meeting virtually on January 21. Fortunately, it was possible to make some adjustments and, ultimately, there was a quorum with 44 members present or represented or having voted by (e)mail, out of a total of 57. The main decisions of the General Assembly were as follows: The president’s report, income statement and balance sheet for 2020 were all approved, with ratification of the possibility given to members in difficulty due to the pandemic to pay only one membership fee for 2020 and 2021. The KOV had decided at a previously held KOV Grand Council meeting to pay both the 2020 and 2021 dues as a show of support for this important international benefit of our organization. Eleven international members also decided to pay their dues for both years.

1. International Congress & Extension (Alba & Turin) in Italy, postponed last summer has now officially been cancelled due to ongoing health concerns and travel restrictions. This cancellation by the organizers will result in refunds of 80% of paid fees plus bank transfer fees. Our Brotherhood appealed to Langhe Travel Tour Operator to consider an option to offer full credit for future travel that they may organize on an individual basis as has been offered by other tour operators, hotels and resorts. I am happy to report that they responded positively to this suggestion and are offering a voucher representing 100% of the registration fee paid, to be used for an individual stay organized by Langhe Roero Experience Tours to be used before the end of 2022. Information regarding the cancellation of the Congress and refund options was emailed out directly to those KOV members who were registered for the Congress. Unfortunately, as you will see below, because of the rest of the International calendar, postponing Italy another time was not an option.

The calendar of F.I.C.B. international events was reviewed and approved as follows (with updates that have occurred since the meeting):


The Arbor

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