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Christmas in the OC

By Tom McCrystal

We also have an appetizer competition with the three members securing the highest vote totals receiving first, second and third prizes As always it was great fellowship and fun and we truly hope and pray that at some point in 2021 we can get back to gathering on a more regular basis. By the way, and more importantly, I am happy to report that all our members remain healthy.

Orange County


s in years past, the Orange County Chapter of the Knights of the Vine celebrated Christmas at the home of Knight John and Dianne Artim. Due to the COVID situation we had a number of members not participating, however, we still managed to pull off a great gathering totaling around 30 guests. Given what all 2020 had brought, our group abandoned their normal disciplined commitment to watch what they ate and drank and, instead, indulged in the culinary delights prepared and served up by our members. The bounty was plentiful and all ignored their waistline and enjoyed our time together. From appetizers to desserts, all rejoiced at our good fortune to gather. As always the fun begins after dinner when members draw numbers to open unknown decorated and concealed wine bottles that are brought by other members. It begins when the first participant selects a bottle which they must show to everyone. Then the next member in order has the option to select an unknown package of wine or to steal a wine that has already been revealed. If they steal the known bottle, then the person whose bottle was “stolen” gets to choose again. This continues until all have had an opportunity to receive a bottle, but there is some strategy along the way. A bottle can only be stolen up to 3 times then it’s frozen so members have been known to work together to end up with a particular wine which results in some fun competition. The good thing is that everyone who participates goes home with the same number of bottles they brought.

Winter/Spring 2021


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