Formation for Justice

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Formation for Justice

Life in ‘Relationship’ encounter, relationship and solidarity with others, especially the marginalised

Living in ‘Peace’ promoting peaceful communities through a spirituality of nonviolence

Prepared for ‘Activism’ being creative to draw attention to unmet rights - inform, guide and transform


“an unreflected life is like an unopened letter”

Today has written you letters, insights into you and those around you take time to read them

in Context

“place our experience in the context of our bigger affairs, through the lens of our eternal wisdoms, and beliefs - take time to compare and sift deeply

for Mission

“reflected unopn action & acted upon reflection”

One constantly informing & guiding the other what can I learn from today that will shape who I am tomorrow?

Offering ‘Services’ establishing systems for providing education, development and social particpation

Identifying ‘Needs & Rights’ through deep listening, community engagement and analysis.

Acts of ‘Charity’ generous giing asnd serving to support and meet immediate needs.

understanding ‘Justice’ and educating myself about the world and the changes required for a more just society./

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Formation for Justice Middle School Planner
Formation for Justice

An Aquinian, will strive to be the best he can be… for others

What are you doing to; Understand Celebrate Nurture and Fulfill

your identity as an Aquinas student, part of a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice Tradition

Self Advocacy

Individual Advocacy

Systematic Advocacy

I can speak up fro my own dignity or rights

I speak up on behalf of another person’s dignity or rights

We amplify the voices of whose voice is not being adequately heard

“We cannot remain indifferent before the cries of our brothers and sisters. These ask of us not only material assistance – needed in so many circumstances – but above all, our help to defend their dignity as human persons, so that they can find the spiritual energy to become once again protagonists in their own lives.

They ask us to fight, in the light of the Gospel, the structural causes of poverty: inequality, the shortage of dignified work and housing, and the denial of their rights as members of society and as workers As Christians we are called together to eliminate that globalisation of indifference which today seems to reign supreme, while building a new civilisation of love and solidarity ”

Pope Francis November 2014

Middle School Planner
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