Aqua Marianas Episode 6: Underwater Economic Disasters

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Aqua Marianas Episode 6: Underwater Economic Disasters BEGIN EPISODE: FADE IN: MAHIMA (Stern, over the comms) Crew, this is getting out of hand. Nothing is getting done, the roster is in disarray, and all of you are basically attacking each other over nothing. So, here’s my proposed solution. The next people I see engaging in this idiotic system will be punished. If any of you see someone else engaging in it, tell me and you’ll be rewarded. We can’t afford this kind of team dissonance around here. Got it? [BEAT.] I want verbal confirmation, people. [click of the comms] ALEX (In an exaggerated southern accent) Ain’t one of us a tattler, Cap’n. [MAHIMA groans.] MAHIMA Fine. If you don’t take the carrot, you get the stick. You have until tonight to stop all of this. Or else. [Comms signs off.] [THEME MUSIC FADES IN.] [THEME MUSIC FADES OUT.] JOANNA Aqua Marianas, episode 6.

OPEN NEW SCENE: Common room ANDREW ...okay, all I’m saying is there’s no way you can pull this off. LILLIAN Oh yeah? Wanna bet? ANDREW Fuck yeah I wanna bet. It’ll be funny to watch you fail. Plus, I can finally get you back for betting me that I couldn’t beat you in a staring contest. ALEX (muttering) Which you couldn’t. ANDREW Not the point! LILLIAN Alright, then. Name your stakes. ANDREW If you win, I do your dishes for the next four days, which, seeing as the dishwasher is broken, is a goddamn blessing. If I win, you have to lie to Captain Kumar and tell her that you’re the reason for the dishwasher. LILLIAN You ​sadist.​ Alex, third-party opinion? ALEX ...Couldn’t you just fix the dishwasher? LILLIAN Very good point. Andrew, new bet on your end. ANDREW

Ugh, fine. If I win you take my next midnight observation shift. Better? LILLIAN Alex? ALEX I should probably be stopping you, but I'm not going to. This will be, if nothing else, ​very funny. LILLIAN ...okayyy then. I accept your terms, Federman. ANDREW Awesome. So let’s watch you interrupt Joanna in their work without getting yelled at. LILLIAN Oh, you will. You will. OPEN NEW SCENE: Just outside JOANNA’s lab ANDREW (hushed) Well? What are you waiting for? Go! LILLIAN Not yet… not yet… okay. Now. [LILLIAN shoves the door open, hard, to a startled exclamation by JOANNA.] LILLIAN Hey Joanna, what’s up? I just wanted to-JOANNA (exasperated and a tad stressed but not yelling) Lillian, this is a bad time. [They take a deep breath.]

This is a ​very, very bad time.​ Can you come back later to talk? LILLIAN (relieved) Yes, okay. Okay! See you later! [The door shuts. LILLIAN takes a slow breath, then smiles triumphantly.] LILLIAN Looks like you’ll be doing the dishes for the next four days, Federman. ANDREW (flabbergasted) Wha- they’d bite my head off if I did that! LILLIAN A magician, secrets, blah blah blah. Accept defeat, Andrew. ANDREW ...​Fine.​ Fine. But I’ll get you next time. [He walks away. The door shuts. There is a pause, and LILLIAN turns to ALEX.] LILLIAN Wow, he’s taking this ​way​ too seriously. ALEX Maybe. Hey, how did you know Joanna wouldn’t freak out at you when you barged in on them? I saw them almost drop that pipette. If it was me there, they’d have flipped. Yelling, the whole deal. [LILLIAN shrugs.] LILLIAN I… had just hoped that they’d be used to it at this point. I’m basically the designated

messenger, right? Have been since day one. Besides, I think-- I ​hope​ they don’t mind being around me. [LILLIAN’s voice has been getting… fond… as she talks about JOANNA.] LILLIAN (quietly) I don’t mind being around them. ALEX (dawning) ...Wait. Waaaaaaaait a minute. LILLIAN (suddenly slightly frantic to get going) Alright! If Captain Kumar finds us here she’s going to flip out, so let’s get going-ALEX Are you and Joanna a thing? LILLIAN (oh shit) --​oh, shit. ALEX You ​are!​ Why didn’t you tell me- mmmph! [LILLIAN has slammed a hand down over his mouth.] LILLIAN (hissing) Shh! They’ll hear you! [ALEX makes a muffled noise as LILLIAN drags him away. Once they’re around the corner LILLIAN carefully takes her hand away from his mouth.] LILLIAN

(in a quiet voice) We’re not a thing. We are never going to be a thing, most likely. They just think of me as a friend, and I’m just totally useless and trying to get over it. Got it? ALEX (slowly) You have a crush. On ​Joanna. LILLIAN (now a little defensive) What? They’re cute and smart and really dedicated to their work! How is it such a surprise that I like them? ALEX It really isn’t, actually. [He sighs.] ALEX Look. I’m the absolute worst person you could possibly ask for relationship advice, but I think you should go for it. It seems like they like you a lot, too. LILLIAN Oh, yeah, because an underwater research outpost is the ideal place for a whirlwind romance. Of course. And they’d just reject me, anyways. ALEX (his turn to be defensive) I’m aromantic, okay? It’s not like knowing these things comes naturally to me. But you can’t just… pine forever. It wouldn’t help anything. LILLIAN

I can and I will. It’s better than telling them and ending up with a painfully awkward coworker situation for the rest of the mission. ALEX ...Lillian, are you lonely? LILLIAN No. ALEX Really? ‘Cause it seems likeLILLIAN I meant “no, I am not going to let you into my psyche right now”, Alex. Don’t you keep saying that you’re not a therapist? ALEX Well, I’m not. LILLIAN Then why do you keep getting involved in everyone’s business? ALEX (sounding genuinely hurt) Oh, ​wow. ​Wow. That was a low blow. [LILLIAN takes a deep breath.] LILLIAN Look, just… don’t bring it up, okay? I’m not ready to do anything yet, and I don’t know how to approach them or if I’m going to approach them, and just… it’s complicated. ALEX Yeah. I understand what you mean. I won’t tell them anything. LILLIAN

Okay. Okay, good. And don’t tell Andrew or the Captain either? ALEX What? N ​ o,​ how crazy do you think I am? LILLIAN ...well. ALEX Rhetorical, Lillian. Rhetorical. LILLIAN (theatrical sigh) Fine. I’d kill you if you did, anyways. ALEX Well, you could absolutely try. But we all know I’m the brawn on this outpost. [LILLIAN laughs shakily.] LILLIAN Really? ALEX Well. I can dream. [FADE OUT.] OPEN NEW SCENE: Alex and Andrew in the kitchen. Andrew is washing dishes. ANDREW (muttering) This is such bullshit. Leave it to Lillian to hand off the most tedious and boring task she possibly could-ALEX Nope, she could have given you latrine duty. Also, you suggested this job in the first place.

ANDREW Oh, god. That’s horrible. Never tell her that, she’ll get ideas. [BEAT.] I’ll swap you the dishes for making dinner. ALEX What? Really? [Pause. ALEX considers it, but then has an epiphany: ANDREW DOES NOT MAKE GOOD BETS. Most of the time, he does not win. He can play this to an advantage.] (calculated) Well, you see, I think I’m actually starting to enjoy cooking. If you want to get out of cleaning, you’re going to have to make a more interesting offer-- or, no, wait. I have an idea. (voice drops to a conspiratorial whisper) Let’s make a bet. ANDREW I’m listening… ALEX If you can get away with switching the captain’s morning coffee to decaf tomorrow morning without her noticing, I’ll trade you dinner for the rest of your cleaning shifts. If she catches you, you still have to clean ​and​ you have to take my chore slots for this week working on the equipment diagnostic tests that Lillian is too busy to bother with. ANDREW Dammit, but those are so boring!

ALEX Does that mean you’re not going to take the bet? Because if not, I’ll leave you to your dish-washing. ANDREW (quickly) I never said that. I ​will​ take you on, and I’ll win. Just watch me. ALEX (having second thoughts) sure you can do this? ANDREW Positive. I can be very subtle sometimes. [STATIC OF SCENE CHANGE.] OPEN NEW SCENE: Andrew and Alex in the kitchen early the next morning [Cupboard door opens.] ANDREW There-- is this it? ALEX Yeah, that’s decaf. ANDREW Jesus fuck, the can’s all dusty and gross. Guess we’re all caffeine addicts here. So I just switch the coffee grounds out within the containers? ALEX Yes. Look, just do it fast, okay? Captain Kumar’s an early riser. ANDREW Okay, okay! Doing it.

[Shuffling noises as ANDREW starts. Pouring of the coffee grounds, noises, etc etc etc. Then the sound of the cupboard door shutting as ANDREW puts the “decaf” coffee away.] ANDREW Done! [Right as he says that, the door opens.] MAHIMA Done with what, Andrew? ANDREW (startling) Shit! MAHIMA I really, really hope that’s not what you meant. This is a food preparation area. ANDREW No, I-- no, of course not. I was just… done with some of my work, that’s all! [It’s a lame lie, but MAHIMA is tired and doesn’t pick up on it. She yawns.] MAHIMA Okay, sure. Whatever you say. And hi, Alex. ALEX (don’t be suspicious) Hiiii, captain. MAHIMA You two are both up awfully early. ANDREW (don’t be suspicious!) We’re morning people! I’m especially a morning person, love to see the sunrise. Nothing

better! [BEAT as he remembers that there is no sunrise under the ocean. MAHIMA laughs.] MAHIMA Right. Morning people. The sunrise, which is obviously visible through several miles of seawater. Of course, why didn’t I know that. [She shakes her head.] MAHIMA (in the brisk Captain voice we all know) Honestly, I don’t really care about why you’re up. What I care about right now is coffee, and you are standing right in front of it. So ​move, Mr. Federman. ANDREW Okay, okay! [ANDREW gets out of the way. MAHIMA starts making her cup of coffee.] MAHIMA (as coffee brews) Andrew, Alex, I have a question. Why has everyone been so on edge lately? ANDREW (shit! DON’T BE SUSPICIOUS!) N… no idea, captain! Might just be cabin fever! You know how it is sometimes. ALEX Yeah! Or maybe it was just the earthquake from last time. You know, that was kind of worrying. MAHIMA ...Right. If there’s something you’re keeping from me--

ANDREW --which there isn’t-MAHIMA --you ​need​ to tell me. I can’t keep us all on track without a little bit of help from you guys. Believe it or not, I don’t have a PhD in cat herding. [DING! The coffee maker goes off, and the coffee starts to pour into the mug. MAHIMA sighs happily.] MAHIMA Finally. [She picks the mug up and takes a sip. You can practically hear ALEX and ANDREW holding their breath. MAHIMA pauses halfway through the sip and splutters, making a face.] MAHIMA (honey, you’ve got a BIBLICAL storm comin’) Is… this…​decaf?! ANDREW (pointing his finger at Alex) HE MADE ME DO IT! ALEX (he, the second-youngest of a family of five siblings, has trained for this all his life. He is the picture of innocence.) What? Andrew, why would I ask you to switch the captain’s coffee out for decaf? [MAHIMA channels the fires of hell into one deafeningly frustrated groan-scream. ANDREW and ALEX, who have been arguing, both shut up.] MAHIMA I don’t ​care​ whose fault this is! You’re both on data-sorting for the next month!

ALEX ButMAHIMA Two​ months! [ALEX and ANDREW are both quiet. MAHIMA takes a deep breath. When she speaks, her voice is terrifyingly calm.] MAHIMA Where is the god damned ​coffee. ANDREW ...cupboard. In the… decaf tin. MAHIMA Good. Now, both of you “early birds”… ​get to work. [A&A scramble for the door. We hear their running feet, then the door opens and closes and they’re gone.] OPEN NEW SCENE: The sorting [We open to the sound of flipping paper, then ALEX clears his throat.] ALEX (loathe to say it, but…) Sorry about that. It… was supposed to be a lighthearted prank. I didn’t know she’d react so… like that. ANDREW (bitter) Bullshit. You know what the captain’s like. You just didn’t expect her to punish you, too. ALEX

No, I really didn’t expect her to react like that. I knew she’d be mad, but I didn’t know she’d be… explosive. Usually she’s a lot more even-keeled, even when she’s pissed. Believe it or not, I actually didn’t mean for this to happen. ANDREW Good, because I don’t believe it. You and the others have so much fun making me the butt of all your jokes, after all. What’s one more prank at my expense? Go fuck yourself. ALEX (genuinely taken aback) Andrew… ANDREW (continuing) You all hate me. Everyone here hates me, and I’ve done nothing to deserve it. ALEX We don’t hate you. I ​definitely​ don’t hate you. You… come off a little rude sometimes, though. A lot rude, really. Like you just don’t give a shit about anyone other than yourself. I mean, you told me ​to my face​ that I was useless once, one of the first things you ever said to Lillian was an insult about her appearance, you took Joanna’s tape recorder and you know how possessive they are of their stuff, you obviously hate being down here with us, you… are you even listening to me right now? ANDREW (no, he wasn’t) Yeah, yeah. Being rude and all that shit. What’s coming next had better be an apology. ALEX (I’m ​sorry?)

What? I just apologized to you, and you told me to go fuck myself! Why don’t ​you ​apologize? ANDREW Because I have nothing to be sorry for! ALEX Are you ​kidding-[He stops himself.] Alright. This conversation is going nowhere, and we still have… [The sound of pages flipping.] Approximately a metric ton of these papers to go through. Let’s just… work. ANDREW Fine. ALEX Fine. [There is silence for a few seconds, except for paper rustling. Then:] ALEX (offering an olive branch against his better judgement) Oooor… we could get someone else to do it. ANDREW What do you mean? [ALEX stands up.] ALEX Come on. Let’s make Lillian an offer she can’t refuse. OPEN NEW SCENE: Joanna’s lab

[Knocking on the door. JOANNA turns and calls over their shoulder.] JOANNA Come in! [The door opens. It’s ANDREW and ALEX.] ALEX Hi, Joanna. Have you seen Lillian around recently? We checked her room and the engine room and the common room and, well, everywhere, and she’s nowhere to be found. ANDREW Do you know where she is? JOANNA (suspicious) ...Maybe. Why? ALEX We have a proposal for her. JOANNA ...Well, I hope you kept the receipt for the ring, because I’m pretty sure you’re setting yourself up for a disappointment. ALEX (rolling his eyes) I’ll file that away for later, but unless Andrew knows something I don’t, that’s not the kind of proposal we meant. Andrew? ANDREW I’d rather gouge my eyes out. ALEX See? Anyways, we wanted to know if she’d like to… hypothesize on the outcome of an event with a proposed swap of chores.

JOANNA You mean a bet. ANDREW Obviously. So where is she? JOANNA (looking around) Uhhh… she’s… she doesn’t want to be bothered right now. But do you really need it to be her who takes the bet? ALEX What do you mean? JOANNA I’m not stupid. I’ve seen what’s going on around here, and I’ve seen how you people are switching around chores. I’m performing some incredibly time-sensitive experiments and there are a few things-- a lot of things, really-that I wouldn’t mind getting off my shoulders. So I have three words for you: I want in. ANDREW You haven’t even heard the premises yet. JOANNA Oh. Well, I absolutely reserve the right to refuse. As desperate as I am to get some of these off my shoulders, you’re the people who asked. And don’t forget, I can convince Lillian not to take you up on your quote-unquote “proposal” either. [BEAT.] Probably. But either way, you need this more than I do. ALEX

...Alright, fine. Bet you that you can’t type faster than Andrew. JOANNA What? That’s it? ​That’s​ your big bet? Whether or not I can ​type faster than Andrew? ANDREW What’s wrong, scared you can’t? JOANNA Scared I’ll win too easily, more like! ANDREW So you’ll take the bet? JOANNA Duh! [ANDREW snorts loudly. He sounds… preemptively triumphant. This is, however, nothing new. JOANNA doesn’t notice.] JOANNA So here’s the deal, then. I take your data sorting if I lose the typing competition. If I win, you two split up my cleaning roster for the next… [They hesitate. What’s a reasonable amount of time? They’re merciful, and this is a lot of work.] The next month. ALEX (too much of a good person to keep his damn mouth shut) Wait, but isn’t that a little— ow! [The “ow” is because ANDREW has just elbowed him in the ribs.]

ANDREW A little ​much?​ I mean, we’re already doing data sorting along with our own chores. Make it a week. JOANNA A week? Are you crazy? Three weeks. ANDREW Two. JOANNA Three, o ​ r I back out. Did you not hear me earlier? ALEX (interrupting ANDREW) Alright, alright. Three. ANDREW (betrayed) Newman, what the fuck is wrong with you?! I could have gotten them down to two and a half! JOANNA (brisk, ignoring ANDREW) It’s decided. Three weeks. I’ll meet you in Andrew’s office when I finish my experiment and we’ll settle this. ANDREW You’re damn right we will. [BEAT.] Wait, when will you be finished with your experiment? JOANNA Oh, a couple of hours, give or take. I’ll let you know. Until then— [A timer goes off. They flinch.]

JOANNA Out! Out, out, both of you. I need to make sure this doesn’t precipitate! [Running footsteps. The door closes behind them. A BEAT as JOANNA putters around, and then:] LILLIAN I can’t help feeling like taking that bet was a mistake.

Yeah, well, come out and believe they the counter

JOANNA if you thought so you should have said so instead of hiding. I can’t didn’t notice you crouching behind like that. ...Why, exactly, were you doing that?

LILLIAN Uh… uhhhhh… too much interaction with Andrew already today. You know how it is. JOANNA (Suspicious, but not enough to say anything) Okay. If you say so. LILLIAN (change the subject!!) So you’re really taking them up on it? JOANNA In two hours, yes. Are you going to be there? LILLIAN If I’m not, then call me a quadrilateral with 90-degree corners, because I’ll be square. [JOANNA laughs.] JOANNA Nice one, nerd.

LILLIAN (also amused) Thank you for that stone of input, Dr. Glass House. [BEAT. LILLIAN sighs.] LILLIAN I should probably go back to the engine room. Thanks for letting me look at your equipment, I’ll see what I can do in terms of upgrades. JOANNA Oh, thank you so much. I really appreciate it. LILLIAN No problem! See you later, Joanna. [She walks out, and the door closes behind her.] OPEN NEW SCENE: The comms room FADE IN: ANDREW -that’s the computer you’ll be on, this one’s mine. Alex will be keeping time. Whoever types the most words from this excerpt— ​spelled correctly​— in one minute wins. Got it? JOANNA Got it. [They sit down and crack their knuckles.] JOANNA Ready when you are. ALEX Alright. Lillian, would you do the honors? LILLIAN

On your mark… get set… go. [Typing. Two keyboards, one clearly going much faster than the other.] ALEX Thirty seconds. JOANNA Fuck! [The sound of the backspace key being hit in quick succession. ANDREW laughs.] ANDREW Keep up, why don’t you? [JOANNA makes a frustrated noise. More typing.] ALEX Fifteen seconds. [Again the sound of the backspace key. One of the people typing is slowing down noticeably.] ALEX 10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… LILLIAN Time’s up. [A thump as JOANNA smacks the keyboard.] JOANNA Dammit! ANDREW (condescending) Oh Joanna, there’s no need to be like that! Now, taking a look at my word counter, I have… 75 words, three misspelled. Joanna, how many do you have?

JOANNA ...40. ANDREW Well then, Joanna, I think you have some data sorting to do. Have fun getting that all… sorted​ out. [He does finger guns. Everyone groans.]

OPEN NEW SCENE: Joanna sorting data FADE IN: [The sound of flipping pages.] JOANNA I hate this. [More flipping pages.] JOANNA I ​hate​ this. [More flipping pages.] JOANNA I ​haaaaate[The door opens and MAHIMA walks in. JOANNA cuts themself off.] MAHIMA Mr. Newman, Mr. Federman, I trust you’reJoanna? What are you doing here? JOANNA Oh, Captain, uh. Hi. Just getting some data sorting done. MAHIMA (immediately suspicious)

Data sorting? You mean the same data sorting I assigned to Andrew and Alex for the next two months? JOANNA Well, I wouldn’t put it that way— MAHIMA Joanna, this isn’t high school anymore and you don’t have to do anyone’s homework for them. Did they make you do this? JOANNA No! No, not at all, no no no no no. I… volunteered! To sort! [MAHIMA makes the jeopardy buzzer noise.] MAHIMA Wrong answer, Dr. Fenistil. Care to try again? JOANNA I— I’m not lying, captain, I— MAHIMA Ten. JOANNA What? MAHIMA Nine. Eight. JOANNA What are you doing? MAHIMA Seven. Six. ​Five. Four. ​You aren’t going to like what happens when I hit zero, Dr. Fenistil. JOANNA But—

MAHIMA Three. Two. JOANNA (panicked) I lost a bet! [BEAT.] I lost a bet with Andrew and Alex that I could type faster than Andrew and this was their reward for winning. [Pause while MAHIMA takes this in.] MAHIMA A… bet. [She mutters.] This explains way too much. [In a normal voice.] So, let me get this straight. You’ve all been making bets behind my back and trading chores for who wins? You’ve been destroying the normal operations of this base… because you want to know who can ​type the fastest​? JOANNA Well, it sounds bad when you put it that way. MAHIMA (sarcasm dripping) Really? I couldn’t possibly imagine why! [She cracks her neck.] MAHIMA Put down the papers, Dr. Fenistil. I’m going to make an announcement.

[RAPID SCENE CHANGE. ZIPPING NOISE.] OPEN NEW SCENE: Common room MAHIMA Hello, crew. I think I made an announcement over the intercom yesterday that you all ignored. [EVERYONE KINDA GRUMBLING.] MAHIMA Well, here’s how we’re going to settle this issue. I’m issuing a bet for all of you. [SILENCE. Then:] ANDREW What bet? MAHIMA Glad you asked. Here’s what I was thinking: If any of you— ​any​ of you— can beat me in arm wrestling, then you can continue with this frankly idiotic practice. If I win against all of you, then everything goes back to ​normal.​ No bets. No horseshit, no screwing around. Tasks go back to the people who were originally supposed to have them, and we pretend this didn’t happen. Fancy the odds? [BEAT.] ALEX Sounds good to me. LILLIAN Yeah, same. JOANNA The logic is sound. [BEAT.]

ANDREW See, I think it’s stupid, but I’m outnumbered. MAHIMA Good. Then let’s get this party started. Who’s gonna suck it up and go first? ALEX ...I’ll do it. MAHIMA Step right up. [ALEX steps up to the table and sits down. He holds out his arm to MAHIMA. They assume arm-wrestling pose. In approx. 1 second there’s a BANG as MAHIMA slams his arm down to the table.] ALEX Ow! Ow ow ow! MAHIMA (not sounding particularly sorry) Oh, I’m sorry Dr. Newman. I guess I just don’t know my own strength. [She looks around as ALEX gets up.] MAHIMA One point for me. Who’s next? ANDREW Fuck, okay, fine. [He sits down.] ANDREW Let’s get this over with. [The same thing happens, in even quicker succession.]

ANDREW Ow! Wait, no, no, I wasn’t ready! Rematch! MAHIMA Fine. [BAM.] MAHIMA Good enough for you? I can do this all day. ANDREW Goddammit, fuck you! MAHIMA Uh-uh. No. Try that again, Federman. And this time with less of your… ​personality​ shining through. ANDREW (angry and frustrated) Respectfully, Captain Kumar sir, fuck you. MAHIMA I’ll take it. Now, are you going to get out of that chair so Dr. Fenistil can face me, or are you going to go for a third-time’s-the-charm solution? [ANDREW sighs and then gets up. JOANNA pipes up.] JOANNA (hesitant) Uh. Uhhhh. Captain… can you just write me down as a forfeit? Or a preemptive loss? ...Please? MAHIMA Oh, gladly. [She turns to face LILLIAN and smiles.]

MAHIMA And that leaves you, Dr. Vega. Are you ready? [LILLIAN snorts.] LILLIAN Ready for you to lose? Hell yeah. [Knuckles cracking as she sits down.] LILLIAN Bring it on. [They start arm wrestling, and it’s significantly harder. LILLIAN is fairly buff from mechanic working. They’re both breathing hard.] MAHIMA (through strained breaths) I… have to admit… you’re… more in shape… than the rest… of these nerds. LILLIAN (equally strained) I spend… lots… of time… lifting… heavy… objects! [She sounds triumphant as she gains a few inches on MAHIMA. MAHIMA grunts.] MAHIMA Yeah? Lift… this. [She redoubles her efforts and it goes a few inches the other way. Then LILLIAN glances at JOANNA and MAHIMA has an idea.] MAHIMA (quietly still with difficulty) You know, Dr. Vega, relationships among crew members are a… ​distinct… ​violation… of policy.

LILLIAN (startled) What? What do you mean? MAHIMA (even lower) I mean… if you wanted to pursue a relationship with— LILLIAN Captain! [BAM! Surprise has distracted LILLIAN and loosened her grip, and MAHIMA won. LILLIAN lets out a pained noise.] MAHIMA And I think that’s a decisive victory on my part. So, crew… how do you feel about pretending this never happened? [BEAT.] MAHIMA (prompting) Lillian? LILLIAN (sullen) Yes… ma’am. [EVERYONE ELSE grumbles their assent.] MAHIMA (cheery) Alright then. Glad we’ve reached an understanding. Now, don’t you all have work to do? [Footsteps, door opens, door closes. BEAT. Then:] MAHIMA

Lillian, is there any reason why you’re still here? LILLIAN I— captain, what do you know? MAHIMA (somewhat smug) Oh, enough. [More footsteps as she leaves and LILLIAN stands alone in the common room. FADE OUT.]

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