Recruitment & Co - Spring 2023

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RECRUITMENT & CO Spring 2023

The Association of Professional Staffing Companies in Australia

Awards for Excellence The The best best of of the the best best in in recruitment recruitment and and staffing staffing Winners announced at APSCo Australia's Gala Dinner - Thursday October 26, Sydney

Included in this issue 7


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Recruitment & Co is published by the Association of Professional Staffing Companies Australia (APSCo Australia).


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Getting out and about in 2023 As we gear up for the 2023 APSCo Awards for Excellence and look to the final quarter of the year I find myself reflecting on everything we have achieved in 2023 so far. Much of the year has been consumed with lobbying and advocacy work alongside our lobbying partner Cornerstone Group, it’s been an interesting journey so far and to some extent a frustrating one.

Lesley Horsburgh Managing Director APSCo Australia

There is no doubt that the focus on Labour Hire and the broader IR landscape from Government is taking a toll on our profession and the prospect of further cost and complexity will add another challenge to an already shifting market. We are however buoyed by indications that we have achieved our ask to carve out professional contractors and continue to consult to the Department on the lack of appetite for permanent employment among the vast majority of flexible workers engaged by our members. In previous updates I have stated that lobbying is a long game and while we often don’t see eye to eye with Government, it is important to continue to educate and nurture those relationships with calm and consistency. On a different note, we have literally been everywhere this year to date. Alongside the Greg Savage Tour across six cities in late July, we continued to bring members together in meetings in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Canberra, Perth and Adelaide and look forward to wrapping up the year with you all in November as we host drinks for our valued members. While our physical events ramp up we have carefully curated a strong range of webinars – which are seeing large numbers in attendance. It’s always a balancing act to ensure we give the broadest value in the most accessible format, yet also bring opportunity for members to connect in the local markets and most importantly for my team to talk with members and hear how APSCo can evolve in order to stay relevant. Our work never stands still and so our final round of member meet ups and celebrations are an important opportunity for us to hear how we need to evolve heading into 2024 to add real value to your business. I hope to see you in your city soon!

LESLEY HORSBURGH APSCo Australia Managing Director



The winds of change we're currently witnessing are not new Welcome to the Spring edition of Recruitment & Co. It's amazing how quickly this year has rushed toward its final quarter. In Sirius, my business, we cover a wide spectrum of recruitment offerings, from white-collar contract and permanent placements to the more flexible blue-collar staffing solutions.

Steve Smith Director, Sirius People

This year has been a testament to the diversity of our industry, with some regions and sectors achieving exceptional results, while others have faced real challenges in a market where the forces and control have shifted from candidate to client. In many ways we seem to have revolved back to a more predictable cycle (rather than the environment we were pushed into post lockdowns). The challenges we face today resemble more the challenges of yesterday. In 2003, when I started my journey with founding Sirius Technology, we grappled with similar core challenges. One constant has been the struggle to unearth top-tier talent for our clients, even as the dynamics of job supply have evolved. What I firmly believe is that, regardless of the shifting tides, the key to success for recruitment consultants remains unwavering: a steadfast focus on delivering quality service, a refined recruitment process, and nurturing strong client and candidate relationships. These principles are more pertinent than ever this year. Trust and respect remain the foundation upon which a recruitment consultant can build a thriving campaign for business and earn the loyalty of new clients. To my fellow recruitment consultants, I implore you to recognize that the winds of change we're currently witnessing are not new. By centering your efforts on client satisfaction, impeccable service, and relationship cultivation, you will emerge from this period with a more robust network and enhanced offerings for your clients. As we look toward the year's end and the forthcoming quarter, I hope that our industry can collectively prioritize delivering exceptional service. Let's continue to advance our industry's standing in the hearts and minds of our clients. Moreover, let's aspire to provide a well-deserved respite to our hardworking teams as we approach the conclusion of this peculiar and demanding year, following several years of exceptional growth and relentless work.

STEVE SMITH Director, Sirius People, APSCo Australia Chair



People2.0 welcomes Matt Levin as CEO In a significant stride towards advancing its vision of a flexible, mobile, and ondemand work environment, People2.0 has announced the appointment of Matt Levin as its new Chief Executive Officer. Matt Levin brings with him a wealth of experience in human capital management services, technology, and employee benefits. Before joining People2.0, he served as President and CEO at Benefitfocus and led the company to a successful sale to Voya Financial. Prior to that, he worked as Chief Strategy officer at ADP. With his proven track record of transforming companies into industry leaders, Levin is set to lead People2.0 into an exciting new era. A visionary leader to propel transformation With over two decades of leadership experience and a background deeply rooted in the dynamics of modern workplaces, Levin is the ideal choice to lead People2.0. His expertise in navigating the changing landscape of work aligns seamlessly with our mission. Levin's leadership will drive our continued growth and reinforce our position as a global leader in flexible work arrangements. Unlocking potential: How People2.0 supports Australian firms For firms in Australia seeking to expand into new markets, People2.0 offers a transformative solution. Our global network of company-owned establishments, combined with our employer of record (EOR) and agent of record (AOR) services, facilitates compliance with both local and international regulations. This streamlined approach mitigates risks and allows businesses to embrace a contingent workforce without the traditional challenges. We are committed to empowering Australian firms to unlock their potential by transforming talent suppliers into comprehensive talent solution providers. This strategic shift enables businesses to engage talent globally, leveraging diverse work arrangements. By reducing employment and compliance risks, People2.0 provides the foundation for accelerated growth, improved profitability, and enhanced enterprise value. Embracing the future: Our vision At People2.0, we firmly believe in a future where adaptability and efficiency are paramount. We are dedicated to empowering businesses and reshaping the global talent marketplace. As we welcome Matt Levin as our CEO, we stand ready to lead the charge into this future of flexibility and unparalleled opportunities for talent suppliers in Australia and around the world.



Talent Rise ‘Step Up Challenge’ Talent RISE is pleased to announce that $86,569 has been raised in the 2023 ‘Step Up Challenge’ fundraising initiative which is aimed at helping young people with challenges to finding employment. These vital funds will be used for three life-changing initiatives. Over 300 global employees from Talent and Talent RISE volunteered their time on September 8 for the Talent RISE global ‘Step Up Challenge’ initiative. The initiative enters its second successful year running. To date, Talent RISE has raised $194,047 and has helped over 1,000 young people with coaching, mentoring, training and secured meaningful employment for 75 young people. Karen Graham, Talent RISE CEO ANZ said she was humbled with the outpouring of generosity shown. “It is incredibly heart-warming to see our team members rally together with friends, family and clients to help raise $86,569 to help young people facing barriers to employment. Our Talent RISE team are extremely excited to be able to launch the three life-changing initiatives and know the huge impact that they will have on helping fight youth unemployment here in Australia and New Zealand.” The three life-changing initiatives are: Tech Academy: The Tech Academy will fund a group of young people through work placements and training to acquire invaluable skills and experience, providing them with a clear pathway into tech roles. Paid Internship Scheme: Paid internships can be life-changing but are often impossible to secure for the young people we work with. This scheme will fund internships which provide critical experience to help young people gain confidence and secure employment. Equal Access Program: This program will support young people from refugee, asylum seeker, or Indigenous backgrounds by covering the cost of training (alongside RISE work readiness support) to provide a platform for future security. APSCo Australia was proud to join this year’s Step Up Challenge as a Corporate Partner, and support the fundraising initiative. APSCo’s Victorian team (Jessica Leong and Carly Fordred) joined the Step Up Challenge through Melbourne’s picturesque gardens and to the Shrine of Remembrance (below).


Finalists revealed for the 20th year of the SEEK Annual Recruitment Awards SEEK, is honoured to reveal the finalists for the 2023 SEEK Annual Recruitment Awards (SARAs). With this year’s awards, SEEK marks two decades of recognising the individuals and agengies striving for excellence within the recruitment industry, all while providing a positive impact within their community. The awards focus on celebrating the dedication, innovation and passion of those in the recruitment profession. SEEK saw a record number of submissions this year, a testament to the incredible work accomplished within the recruitment industry. Brendan Gibson, Head of Hirer at SEEK says: “The Australian workforce is constantly evolving, and recruiters play a crucial role helping candidates and businesses navigate through change. This year’s SARAs period reflects Australia’s adjustment to the new workforce normal, a demand-heavy labour market peaking in 2022, and candidate activity bouncing back strongly in 2023. It is clear that recruiters across ANZ have adapted and thrived through it all. We are honoured to be able to recognise and reward the passion, expertise and talent of this year’s finalists - as well as celebrate the achievements of recruitment professionals over the past twenty years.” Visit the SARAs website to view the full list of finalists.


Bullhorn Engage Sydney 2024 Engage Sydney, Bullhorn’s industry recruitment conference is taking place again on 14th March 2024. Next year’s event promises to take innovation, collaboration, and insights to the next level, bringing together hundreds of recruitment leaders and experts from around Australia and the globe. For years, Bullhorn Engage has been a cornerstone event on the calendars of recruitment professionals worldwide. From Boston to London, the Engage series has garnered a reputation for fostering unparalleled networking opportunities, thought-provoking discussions, and the unveiling of cutting-edge recruitment solutions. Engage Sydney 2024 is poised to continue this legacy, further solidifying its position as the premier event for recruitment professionals. In 2024, Engage Sydney is breaking new ground by moving to a spectacular new venue – the iconic Royal Randwick Racecourse. This shift to such a prestigious and dynamic setting reflects the evolution and growth of Engage as it continues to adapt to the changing landscape of recruitment. The Royal Randwick Racecourse provides the perfect backdrop for a conference that merges business acumen with the spirit of community. Engage Sydney 2024 isn’t just an event; it’s an immersion into the latest trends, strategies, and technologies shaping the recruitment industry. Attendees can look forward to:

Thought-provoking keynotes: Industry luminaries and thought leaders will take the stage to share their insights, providing attendees with fresh perspectives and actionable takeaways. Networking galore: Engage Sydney has always been celebrated for its networking opportunities. This year, the spacious and vibrant atmosphere of the Royal Randwick Racecourse will foster connections and engaging discussions with your recruitment industry peers. Tech showcase: Get up close and personal with Bullhorn’s cutting-edge recruitment solutions and witness firsthand the tools that are revolutionising the way recruitment agencies operate. Panel discussions: Hear in-depth discussions on pressing topics and challenges facing the recruitment industry. Gain insights from experts who’ve navigated the same waters. With its global reach, new venue, and promises of unparalleled learning and networking, this event is set to redefine what it means to be a part of the world of recruitment. Mark your calendars for Bullhorn Engage Sydney on 14 March 2024 and register for your ticket today. RECRUITMENT & CO | 9


LinkedIn unveils major product upgrades to help employers navigate the new talent landscape LinkedIn has unveiled a new series of powerful generative AI-driven tools and features to enhance the talent acquisition and development capabilities of HR professionals and employers.

The 2024 Recruiter Release with generative AI-assisted recruiting experience allows recruiters to articulate their hiring goals in natural language. By pairing generative AI with LinkedIn’s unique insights gained from the more than 950 million professionals, 65 million companies, and 40,000 skills on our platform, LinkedIn has reimagined their Recruiter product to help customers find that short list of qualified candidates — faster. With the new Recruiter 2024 experience, talent leaders can use natural language and put their hiring goal in their own words like “I want to hire a senior growth marketing leader.” And with generative AI combined with LinkedIn insights, we can infer the type of candidate the hirer is looking for and provide higherquality candidate recommendations from a much wider pool of candidates — moving beyond the brand-name companies that have traditionally been the default.

Generative AI will enable LinkedIn Recruiter to conduct searches across all of LinkedIn's data, identifying candidates based on relevant skills without the need for rigid checkboxes. The updated LinkedIn Recruiter will also offer proactive suggestions to recruiters, such as recommending searches in new locations or suggesting hybrid roles to expand the pool of suitable candidates. LinkedIn Learning users will soon have access to an AI-powered coach. The AI coach will provide real-time career advice and personalised content recommendations to users. Instead of providing generic answers, the AI coach asks questions to understand the learner's specific situation or goal, offering tailored responses from LinkedIn Learning's extensive library.

For example, they can guide employees on how to respond when asked for feedback by a manager or leader. This innovation aims to democratise access to learning and coaching, benefiting new employees and those entering the workforce. These new tools aim to empower HR and talent professionals to drive significant changes within their organisations. They help identify barriers, prepare talent for the future, and create thriving workplaces. For more information on the 2024 Recruiter Release wave 1 plan and new functionalities, visit t-solutions/productupdate/recruiter-release Connect with your LinkedIn representative today to explore the new product updates.

The AI coach can assist employees in navigating complex work scenarios.


How generative AI is transforming the recruitment industry Imagine a world where your team’s most time-consuming recruitment tasks are automated, allowing them to perform at a higher level. This is no longer a fantasy, but a reality with the advancement of generative AI in the recruitment sector. APSCo Australia Partner, JobAdder, explains. What is generative AI? Generative AI is designed to create new content based on existing data it has been trained on. Think of it as an advanced tool capable of reading all of Shakespeare’s works and then writing a new play in his style almost instantly.

While the focus for today’s recruitment industry is on language models, like OpenAI's ChatGPT, generative AI also includes image and video models like DALL-E. Transforming the role of recruiters Generative AI will not replace recruiters but it will unquestionably transform their roles. The technology removes or speeds up many administrative and compliance tasks. Here's a handy breakdown: Ad writing and outreach Instead of consultants having to start from scratch for tasks like ad writing, social media posts, and LinkedIn outreach communications, AI can draft these within minutes, reducing a 40-minute task to about 15 minutes.

Search queries Even junior team members can now formulate high-quality Boolean search strings, thanks to AI, thus levelling the playing field within recruitment agencies. Candidate screening Imagine arriving at your desk to find that your AI tool has already screened hundreds of resumes and shortlisted the most viable candidates for interviews. This is not a distant future but a near reality, decreasing manual candidate screening time from approximately 23 hours to a mere fraction of that.

Practical applications Job ads Chris South co-developed an app integrated with JobAdder that uses OpenAI API to write job ads. The technology has analysed millions of existing ads and can draft new ones effectively, although as with any AI writing you’ll need to fine-tune for formatting and tone.

Adoption challenges Setting expectations AI is not a magic wand; it needs training and iteration. Once we remove the expectation for a perfect outcome, adoption rates increase. Skill development Teams need to practice and share new AI use cases regularly. Teams like those at Kingston Human Capital have “GPT Tuesdays,” where they discuss new use cases and learn from each other. Technical barriers The technology is not yet plugand-play for everyone. There’s a learning curve, and in some cases, a need for custom software to take care of prompt engineering. Utility question While AI can list daily jobs, its capability to look beyond core job sites is still developing. Businesses need to weigh the return on investment and not adopt technology just for its sake.

Reporting and analytics AI can not only fetch daily job ads for lead generation but also write business development summaries by analysing candidate profiles and CVs. RECRUITMENT & CO | 11

Final thoughts Generative AI in recruitment is not a question of "if" but "when" and “by how much”. The technology has already begun to alter how recruiters function, automating mundane tasks and allowing them to focus more on what truly matters. It’s clear that it’s here to stay, and its widespread adoption and finetuning are just around the corner.

Whether you’re new to this technology or looking to scale, remember these three key takeaways: 1. Experiment and iterate with different inputs (or “prompts”) 2. Start testing, learning and understanding today 3. Embrace it and share your successes

The future of recruitment is unfolding right before our eyes, and it’s incredibly exciting. To discover more insights and tips and interesting statistics on AI in recruitment and HR, download the new eBook: How generative AI is shaping the future of recruitment.

Congratulations to our Finalists

Huntsman Recruiting Keane Consulting Talent The Network Troocoo

Leaders IT MAYDAY Recruitment Group Recruitment Hive Whizdom

Small teams of 20 or less

Medium teams of 21 - 40

Hunter Professional Lime Recruitment Sapture International

1Medical Medacs Healthcare Whizdom

Allegis Group Keane Consulting Launch Recruitment ManpowerGroup

Calleo OzStaff Sapture International Sapture International Troocoo Troocoo Whizdom Paxus Zeep Medical

Large teams of 41+ Cornerstone Medical Recruitment Peoplebank

Congratulations to our Finalists

Kylie Wood, Keane Consulting Martyn Hill, Zenith Search Melanie WallaceSmith, Michael Page Michael Higgins, Ignite

Allegis Global Solutions Cornerstone Medical ACRWORLD Recruitment Comensura Allegis Group Halcyon Knights Hays Huntsman Recruiting ManpowerGroup Talent Keane Consulting Talent MAYDAY Recruitment Solutions Group TalentWeb

1Medical Elective Recruitment Launch Recruitment Patch Personnel Paxus Sapture International

Harrier IMS People Possible Randstad Sourceright Talent

Aquent Australia Launch Recruitment Randstad TalentWeb

Thank you to our Sponsors

Closing Loopholes Bill – Regulating Labour Hire Earlier this year, we foreshadowed the swift approach of the Albanese government’s “same job same pay” measures, which have been rebranded to “closing the labour hire loophole”. On 4 September 2023, the Federal government introduced the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Bill 2023 (Bill), with one of the proposed amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act) aimed at enabling labour hire employees to be paid at least the same as their directly employed counterparts who are performing the same work and paid under the host’s enterprise agreement. The Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee’s reporting date for an inquiry into the Bill has been delayed until 1 February 2024, and the reintroduction of the Bill into the Senate is anticipated to follow soon after. Please see our “Unlooping the Closing Loopholes Bill 2023” article located here for more information on the other major amendments proposed in the Bill.

Regulated Labour Hire Arrangement Orders The Bill proposes to insert a new Part 2-7A into the FW Act that allows the Fair Work Commission (FWC) to make “regulated labour hire arrangement orders” (RLHAOs) on application by a regulated host, employee or their union. RLHAOs will govern workers’ pay arrangements between employers who supply employees to perform work for a “regulated host”, those employees and the “regulated host”, i.e. the organisation that needs the worker to be supplied to it.

According to the Bill’s explanatory memorandum, the proposed effect is that the RLHAOs would protect rates in enterprise agreements that host businesses have negotiated with their employees from being undercut by the use of labour hire personnel.

Kim Hodge Partner, Squire Patton Boggs

The FWC would be required to make a RLHAO if satisfied that: An employer supplies or will supply employees to a regulated host to perform work, either directly or indirectly.

Genevieve Mascarenhas Associate, Squire Patton Boggs

Where, had the regulated host employed those employees directly to perform that work, a covered employment instrument (e.g. an enterprise agreement) that applies to the regulated host would apply to the employees. The regulated host is not a small business employer.


Certain exemptions that apply include: Where an employee supplied under the arrangement is engaged for a short-term period (there is a proposed default three-month exemption period, similar to the approach in the UK) to minimise the impact on arrangements for surge work or where a short-term replacement worker is needed. The FWC may extend, remove or shorten this period. Where a training arrangement applies to the employee. An RLHAO will state the regulated employee/s, labour hire employer/s, regulated host and host employment instrument that it covers, as well as the date on which it comes into force and an end date, if appropriate.

What Will the FWC Consider? The scope of the application is broad and may encompass more than just “traditional labour hire”, such as where the labour supply arrangement involves several tiers of contractual relationships, for example contractor management services, and recruitment and placement services. There are no express carve outs for services or specialist contractors – rather, the FWC must be satisfied that it is “fair and reasonable” to make the RLHAO. The FWC will determine this by having regard to submissions from affected businesses and employees, as well as considering a range of factors, such as:

The pay arrangements that apply to employees of the regulated host (or related bodies corporate of the regulated host) and the regulated employees. Whether the performance of the work is, or will be, wholly or principally for the provision of a service rather than the supply of labour to the regulated host. The history of industrial arrangements applying to the regulated host and the employer. The relationship between the regulated host and the employer, including whether they are related bodies corporate or engaged in a joint venture or common enterprise. The terms and nature of the arrangement under which the work will be performed. Any other matter the FWC considers relevant. Further guidelines on what is “fair and reasonable” will be published by the FWC.

Alternative Protected Rate of Pay Orders The FWC may also (on application) specify an alternative protected rate of pay that the employer must pay and how it is to be calculated where the parties consider that the host enterprise agreement that applies under the RLHAO should not apply to certain employees.

This may occur in circumstances where the agreement does not adequately reflect the type of work performed or where the FWC is satisfied that it would be unreasonable for the employer to pay the protected rate (for example, the rate is insufficient or excessive) and there is a better alternate employment instrument that applies to the host employer or their related body corporate that should apply instead.

Obligations If the FWC Makes an Order Where the FWC makes an RLHAO, the employer that supplies the employees to the regulated host must pay those regulated employees no less than the “protected rate of pay” for work performed for the regulated host. This is the “full rate of pay” that they would be paid under the host’s enterprise agreement if they were directly employed by the regulated host, and includes any incentive-based payments, bonuses, loadings, allowances, overtime and penalty rates, as well as other separately identifiable amounts. Casual employees who are not provided for in a host’s enterprise agreement will be entitled to an additional loading of 25%. The regulated host employer would be required to provide information to employers supplying the employees on request to assist them in meeting their “protected rate of pay” obligations.


The regulated host may either To prevent a business from provide the information requested engaging an independent or provide the employee’s contractor to replace a labour hire protected rate of pay for each worker who would otherwise be relevant pay period. There are covered by this scheme, to perform protections in place for employers the same work. reasonably relying on incorrect information from the regulated host That Will This Mean in Practice? when calculating the “protected rate of pay”. These changes will impact any labour hire employers and any Enforcement employer who utilises labour hire in their operations. In The FWC will be able to resolve summary: disputes about the operation of the new Part 2-7A, including by Labour hire employees covered mandatory arbitration. The parties by an RLHAO will be entitled to must first attempt to resolve a be paid at least what they would dispute at the workplace level, receive under the host’s before making an application to enterprise agreement, even FWC. The FWC must then deal with where they are not the dispute by means other than contemplated for under the arbitration unless exceptional enterprise agreement. circumstances apply. If the dispute Employers will need to consider remains unresolved, then the FWC the cost impact this will have on may proceed to arbitrate the the commerciality of engaging dispute. labour hire arrangements, as well as the operational impact The Bill also includes civil penalty where existing labour hire anti-avoidance measures: providers are unable to supply workers due to the changes. To deter individuals from entering into arrangements to Wages of host employees will avoid the application of the new not impact labour hire provisions, for example employees who are already engaging successive short-term being paid more than what they arrangements for less than three would receive under the host’s months to enliven the enterprise agreement. exemption.

Employers will be required to be more mindful of the impact of these provisions when negotiating their enterprise agreements. Labour hire employers can request information from hosts to assist their compliance with this obligation, where information is needed to calculate the correct rate of pay, and hosts must comply. Employers should consider the administrative burden that complying with this obligation may have. At this point in time, we encourage affected businesses to monitor the Bill and consider the impact future compliance with the proposed amendments may have on their existing operations. If you would like more information on how the “Closing Loopholes” amendments may affect your business, please contact our Labour & Employment team for assistance.


Harnessing the power of resilience Navigating a recruitment agency through a boom to markets stabilising can be tricky. By focusing on the resilience of your consultants you may uncover Kristan De Sousa opportunities that a changing market can bring and Director, Six Degrees Executive enable a more sustainable model for success over the APSCo Director long term. Throughout my 16 year recruitment journey I’ve had to navigate through many changes both at a macro and micro level. The only way to endure this over a sustained period has been with resilience and a problem-solving mentality. Resilience is listed by the World Economic Forum in the Top 3 skills that are most in demand for 2023, and Top 5 Skills on the rise. It can be a key strategy that helps employees tackle stress and is associated with greater job satisfaction, organisational commitment and increased productivity. Especially during challenging times, the ability to bounce back from changes in the industry is more critical than ever. For our business it’s been important to understand not only how to support employees to be resilient, but how you can view it as a springboard for opportunities. Skills-based learning and experience Consultants need guidance on how to build and refine their skills to set them up for success in a changing market.

Constant candidate and client rejections can be difficult and add to that the attrition of recruitment talent over time which for us brought new consultants into the business, some that may never have needed to make a BD call because of the boom during COVID. To mitigate this, we leveraged our Learning & Development framework to provide consistent and targeted training through on demand learning to address identified skill gaps and promote cross-skilling. These peer-led sessions not only provided excellent transfer of knowledge, but allowed consultants to share stories, building a sense of camaraderie and providing tangible examples of how others navigated or bounced back from difficult situations. Having a skills-focus should also translate to your internal hiring processes. Demonstrable soft skills and life experience are just as important as a track record, delivering a more wholistic 360 recruitment mind-set to identify potential recruitment consultants and their potential to navigate the changing market demands to come.

Activity & Outcome Focused Resilience isn't just about bouncing back; it's also about staying ahead, never giving up, and driving consistent activity of the things you can control. We reviewed the metrics we tracked to ensure they were outcome focused and then provided visibility to live dashboards that consultants could anchor decisions to and provide tangible results for active monitoring of their, and the broader teams, activity. From Business Development, Candidate and Client meetings, Revenue and Net Promoter Score Results; we wanted consultants and leaders to have access to metrics at every point of the customer journey at their fingertips and to develop the commercial acumen to use these to drive business outcomes. In parallel, we refreshed our organisational values to align with these metrics and our strategic imperatives to create unified behaviours that supported achieving individual and business wide outcomes. RECRUITMENT & CO | 20

Like most orgnisations, we see technology and enablement as key to providing the bandwidth for recruiters to deliver value-add for customers as a focal point by providing a more seamless customer and employee experience. Building stronger relationships During economic downturns, one of the first things that can get put on the back burner are the softer valueadds like good customer service. However, there is no silver bullet that sees the return of or growth in revenue in the long run. This is where resilience and grit truly make an impact. Building long term relationships that foster loyalty and trust in both clients and candidates have a pay-off that is often hard to monitor

and measure, and in times of economic pressures its almost a reflex to priortise activity that is seen to directly drive the bottom line.

consultants and the business an opportunity to refine the experience and lay foundations for repeat job opportunities into the future.

Take for example, the value in our reinvigorated temp workforce. We wanted to wrap our arms around this community for the next 20 years and provide a branded service experience with a hightouch model and looked to redesign our end-to-end candidate experience to align with this.

Resilience is a skill that is critical to the sustainability of both organisations as well as consultants who want a career in the recruitment industry.

Activities such as this, or any that contribute to building stronger relationships, monitored and improved on using mechanisms such as Net Promoter Score, give

It is something that can be strengthened overtime so supporting your consultants to do this through L&D while also having them out in market refining these skills is critical to future proofing your place in the recruitment industry over the next phase.

Building a Business Plan I have had the pleasure of being involved with 3 recruitment businesses that have successfully scaled and either floated on the stock market, or have primed themselves ready for a potential external investment. So, how do you scale a recruitment business effectively?

There are many facets and factors to consider when a board of directors and company owners get together and makes the ultimate statement of intent... let’s take this to the next level! Every business plan has a blueprint based on 3 simple questions… 1. 2. 3.

Where are we now? Where do we want to be? How do we get there?

The ‘Where are we now?’ needs to have a brutal and honest assessment of the true current landscape of the business. The ‘Where do we want to be?’ needs to take egos and overenthusiasm off the agenda and fully understand the ‘What do we want?’ and more importantly the ‘Why do we want it?’

Russell Webb Operations Director Evolution Australia APSCo Director

The ‘How do we get there?’ question. Well, that’s the whole point, right? THIS is the ‘business plan’ part!

What areas need to be considered when measuring success? Revenue? EBIT? Headcount? Capability? Customers? KPIs?

How much detail should you to go into? Macro or micro?

My advice to those business owners who are about to, or who are currently building their strategic business plan, is to engage with an external business consultant or consultancy to help you to identify how a business strategy comes together when you are scaling your business… use an expert to achieve what you need to achieve.

How many people (and who) should get involved in building it? What milestones need to be agreed along the way? Linear or accounting for known traditional market fluctuations? What tactics need to be employed? What are they and who needs to take accountability to implement? Is there an appropriate amount of capability existing in the business? Can you upskill or do you need to attract new talent?


The rise of Statement of Work to manage services procurement Companies are increasingly using Statement of Work (SOW) to drive outcome-based value from their services procurement, creating opportunities for recruitment suppliers.

SOW is an alternative to inputfocused time and materials contracts and enables companies to scale at pace, better control costs and generate savings, with suppliers paid based on agreed deliverables and milestones. For recruitment suppliers, SOW creates an opportunity to compete with consulting firms and increase the bottom line through the delivery of people-based services. The rise of the non-permanent workforce, from freelancers to contractors, is one of the most significant changes to the world of work in recent times. Remote working has also given organisations access to a more diverse and geographically spread talent pool. And it’s changed the way we measure a worker’s contribution, from valuing presenteeism and hours worked, to focusing on their output.

This, in turn, has contributed to a shift in the way organisations tackle projects to focus more on operational outcomes aligned to clear milestones. When a piece of work has a beginning, middle and end, services procurement provides more bang for your buck. It changes the focus from the provision of skills or labour to the management and delivery of a project, with exacting timelines, predicted costs and clearly defined scope. With SOW, suppliers get paid based on results. This means additional responsibility to manage performance, quality, and churn amongst resources, but also allows for higher margins for the service.

Mark Coyle CEO APAC Impellam Group APSCo Director

This shift to centralised SOW management will only accelerate in 2024 as companies seek greater visibility, control and compliance of their services procurement spend. Now is the time for recruitment suppliers to develop their approach to SOW delivery and proposals to capitalise on this trend. Engage with your MSP partners to let them know your SOW capabilities for inclusion in supply chains that help companies engage the right people, for the right projects.

We’re seeing increasing demand for the inclusion of SOW management or services procurement in Managed Service Provider (MSP) contracts.


Is hybrid working really an issue? It is roughly a year since the worst of Covid and our daily lives have now returned to some level of normality, so why is there still diverse thinking and views regarding hybrid working? Those of us working in the whitecollar space are in the main fortunate that we can work from anywhere that has a stable internet connection. Those less fortunate, people who perform roles that require face-to-face interaction aren’t afforded this so called luxury like our trades people; teachers, medical professionals right down to the owner of the corner café. The pandemic forced us to change the way we worked, but is it all roses?

Let us take a brief look at some of the benefits of working from home (the Pro’s). Improved Work/Life Balance – this is the big-ticket item and people often referencing their improved mental health as the biggest single benefit, followed by more quality time spent with their immediate family. Removal of Office Distractions – this can take many forms from constant interruptions from work colleagues; phone calls and meetings and we all know it takes time to re-engage the brain after any form of disruption. Financial Savings – no more bus, tram or train expenses and/or huge savings for those that drive to and from work each day with no car parking or car running costs. ·Even small savings from not buying your morning coffee or lunch each day all adds up over the year.

No Commuting – the big saving here is ‘time’ unless you are disciplined and listen to pod casts to and from work, and let’s not mention the frustration of being constantly stuck in traffic. Removing this ‘dead’ time can save you between 1-2 hours daily. Improved Productivity and Enjoyment – by having the freedom to create your own working space at home, employees are in a better position to go about their tasks by being in a better frame of mind, resulting in superior work output than those that don’t.

Where there’s Pro’s there are also Con’s: Social Isolation – One of the huge benefits of working in an office is the social or ‘fun’ aspect of going to work. We have seen a dramatic increase in employees seeking help due to poor mental health as a result of being isolated, many of these people saying that they are lonely and losing touch with society. Not another Online Meeting – There is a new medical condition called Zoom Fatigue. The phenomenon has been attributed to an overload of nonverbal cues and communication that does not happen in normal conversation and the increased average size of groups in video calls. If an online meeting is required; dress appropriately; have your camera on and your microphone on mute and keep them to under 30 mins.

Anthony Whyte General Manager Talent International APSCo Australia Vice Chair New Distractions - whilst office distractions are removed, new ones can take their place. School drop-off/pickups; courier deliveries; friends dropping in unannounced; a great TV show on in the background; barking dogs; building works; do I need to go on! It can be hard to concentrate and get into the zone some days. Work / Life balance – for some people they struggle to separate the two, especially those that don’t have a home office or lack routine. On the other hand, some people work harder and longer from home without any ‘me time,’ thus creating other longer term health issues. We all need to be mindful that blanket rules no longer work in todays new world of work and that your health plays a critical role in both your wellbeing and success. So in summary, do what best works for you and your employer.


How to supercharge business development efforts for recruitment leaders Recruitment business development is the process of identifying and pursuing new business opportunities to grow and expand your business. Most new staffing agencies make the mistake of focusing only on building their talent pipeline without driving a culture of business development. APSCo Partner, The Access Group, explains.

How can you foster a culture of accountability? Highly effective business development teams align with senior management to identify, prioritize, and implement incremental growth opportunities. In a recruitment agency, leading from the front embraces change and empowers employees. Leading through your actions, with integrity, accountability, and innovation helps drive progress and actualize our goals successfully. It’s about understanding your area and knowing how to support your team while encouraging them to take ownership and responsibility for their work. Performance skyrockets when everyone feels like a valued part of the puzzle. To create a culture of accountability, you should give them the autonomy, resources, and tools they need to perform their tasks, as well as the opportunities to learn and grow from mistakes. It’s essential to encourage collaboration and innovation among your members, also creating a safe environment where they can share freely their ideas and challenges.

If the results and outcomes of work are not always going smoothly, you should hold your team members accountable for their performance and admit the errors to take corrective action afterwards. Acknowledging and appreciating the contributions of your team members will also encourage them to grow and develop. How to transform Business Development with a CRM system? Business development is about facilitating communication between departments to achieve new business goals. The best way to align your company is through a CRM. Another important metric to supercharge your business development is your CRM usage and activity levels. Consultant’s engagement with your CRM should be constantly monitored and measured on a longer-term basis to track whether your system is being adequately utilized or not. CRM solutions help to increase productivity through automation, better understand client behaviors and deliver a better customer experience.

A CRM system supports a customer-centric strategy and helps to centralize all your customer data. In the recruitment industry, a CRM system enables agencies to focus on the client relationship throughout the sales process, from the prospect stage to each recruiting campaign. that gain momentum over time. A comprehensive CRM is the most effective way to achieve business success.Business development for recruitment agencies can be especially challenging but it should always start with a long-term plan by building systems and processes that gain momentum over time. Always keep in mind that each tactic you are using down the line will maximize the value of your business. It’s an ongoing process that should influence everything you do to grow your agency. If you’re interested in learning tips and tricks to drive a culture of business development across your recruitment business, catch our latest webinar here: Driving Business Development Performance, Mindset and Culture.


LAUNCH OF ACCESS RECRUITMENT ANZ Dedicated to the recruitment community. Come visit our website. Specifically for ANZ. Our new website launch is a testament to our growth as we unify under The Access Group umbrella, bringing together a streamlined online experience across Access FastTrack360, Vincere and Access Volcanic.

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Generational Battle or Learning Exchange? In the dynamic landscape of the 2023 corporate office, we typically see three to four generations working together despite the differences in viewpoints, workstyle and priorities.

We've all indulged in the lighthearted memes circulating on Instagram and TikTok, which humorously spotlight the generational contrasts in our daily corporate routines. Yet, the crucial question that beckons is this: Is it truly a generational battleground or rather a real opportunity for an enriching knowledge exchange? Within the recruitment sector, we are fortunate to embrace a diverse cross-section of generations, ranging from fresh graduates to seasoned industry veterans. In this unique blend, what invaluable insights can we glean from the youngest cohort in our midst? I personally love being challenged by the Generation Z cohort at Page, as they really have so much to offer as they share insights through their lens.

Specifically: Their remarkable willingness to self-challenge and venture beyond conventional boundaries on their path to career progression. They are not afraid to ask the direct questions. A natural affinity for embracing technological tools. We recently implemented Salesforce, and they are the early adopters leading the way. Questioning whether there are better ways of doing things. They tend to be more inclusive and diverse in their thinking. Their push for positive social impact outcomes A quest to continue to learn and have new experiences.

Sharmini Wainwright Co-Head of Australia PageGroup Australia APSCo Director

At the opposite end of the generational spectrum, our 2023 Michael Page Talent Trends survey (with 70,000 respondents globally), highlighted a pressing concern. Ageism ranked as the #1 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion concern across the respondents. Surprisingly, this concern eclipses the spotlight often reserved for issues like “Women in Leadership positions”. It is a hidden dilemma that deserves greater attention, compelling us to take a more proactive role in addressing agerelated biases within our selection and shortlisting processes for clients. As leaders of recruitment businesses across Australia and for the greater good of our industry, let’s lean-in to a new way of working which seeks to understand what each generation uniquely brings to the table.


Insights from the world of Local Government Our team at Davidson recently released our annual Australian Local Government CEO Index, a comprehensive report gleaning insights obtained by surveying the CEOs of Local Authorities across the nation. This year 119 CEOs took the time to respond and to provide their views across a range of areas including Shared Services, AI, Operational Excellence, Financial Sustainability, Ways of Working, Talent Attraction and Retention and Organisational Resilience. Perhaps unsurprisingly the highestranking area of priority noted was that of People, Leadership and Culture. In a post-pandemic world, it is interesting to note the challenges presented by the ever evolving area of hybrid working, the growing need to balance the factors related to positive workplace culture, productivity and engagement. 60% of CEOs believe that pandemic driven shifts toward remote working have positively impacted technology integration across the

Stephen Veness Group manager Davidson APSCo Director

sector, with the rapidly evolving world of AI having an impact on LGAs around the country, accelerating the need to adapt processes, develop skills and embrace change.

the sector…it is the focus on people that clearly emerges as the key theme…something that our APSCo Australia membership is undoubtedly well positioned to support.

Talent attraction and retention remains a critical component of the people challenge with 94% of the CEOs surveyed reporting concerns relating to talent gaps within their respective organisations over the coming 12 months.

As factors relating to climate change and resilience, financial sustainability (particularly in regional locations) and collaboration across boundaries continue to evolve, it seems inevitable that the impact on people, leadership and culture will ensure as the primary area of focus for executive leaders across Australia…it appears that we are in the right business!

Most notable the three areas in which CEOs see the highest skillshortage are in engineering (58%), project management (54%) ad statutory planning (52%). From a personal perspective I found it reassuring that despite the avalanche of changing external, environmental factors impacting


Early signs of slowdown emerge For the first time in over 3 years, we are seeing some extra capacity in the market with Recruitment Consultants. In the recruitment industry, this shift is reminiscent of the proverbial “canary in the coalmine” historically used as an early warning system to detect dangerous gases and elevated risk to workers.

The underlying premise is that if Recruitment Consultants are being let go, it suggests a decrease in work opportunities and less work for recruitment agencies. A similar trend is evident with internal recruitment being scaled back as inhouse recruitment requirements are reduced or staff are being offered redundancies within many IT Industry organisations. However, it is crucial to consider other factors influencing these shifts. The rapid emergence of AI being used as a productivity tool in recruitment and hiring processes alongside its broader adoption in the business world, is automating certain human processes.

Additionally, global economic conditions are signalling a slowdown potentially leading to a recession. Recent changes in Industrial Relations are adding complexity and uncertainty to the mix. On top of these challenges, businesses are grappling with higher operational and interest costs while striving to maintain profitability. In the coming months, it will be interesting to see if business start to invest or continue to rein in spending. While there is no need to panic, there are some positive signs such as flattening of interest rates and a sustainable but slightly higher unemployment rate.

John McCluskey Managing Director Whizdom APSCo Director

Resilient businesses and effective leadership often come out stronger amidst challenging operational conditions Locally in Canberra, we have noticed a market slow down, however with the establishment of the Federal Government People Panel phase 1 (permanent placements) and more recently phase 2 (labour Hire), this may stimulate hiring requirements within some government departments. The government has signalled a shift away from reliance on consultancies and labour hire, for what is referred to as “above-theline work.” We should see the consequences of this fall out in the local market over the next 6-12 months.


Am I out of a job? Is it possible to replace a Tender team with a ChatGPT subscription? AI-driven tools like ChatGPT are changing the dynamics across various professions, including the niche of tender writing. The real question, however, is whether AI frameworks such as ChatGPT are ready to replace professional tender writers or merely aid them. Understanding ChatGPT's Role in Tender Writing ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a powerful large language model that's adept at generating humanlike text. Its core strength lies in processing extensive datasets from the internet, enabling it to tackle a vast array of topics. Specifically, in tender writing, ChatGPT can: Generate boilerplate text: This aids in crafting standard sections of proposals quickly. Identify crucial information: Extracting important criteria or client needs from tender documents. Offer relevant suggestions: Including case studies, testimonials, and other content. Assist in proofreading and editing: By detecting grammar and style errors, suggesting improvements. Generate responses to RFPs and RFQs: It can examine such documents and generate relevant responses, which can be a boon for tendering teams. However, tender writing isn't just about churning out text; it requires deep insights into client needs,

Carolyn Rogers Director Redbid

industry specifics, and the competitive landscape. ChatGPT, despite its capabilities, cannot replicate human creativity and expertise.

That will enable you to create a tender response that doesn’t look like everyone else’s and is a way that I find really effective.

The Strengths and Limitations of ChatGPT in Tendering There's no denying that tools like ChatGPT can save significant time, especially when dealing with repetitive or standard text. Consider the scenarios where ChatGPT shines:

Human Expertise: Still Irreplaceable Despite the allure of AI for tasks like drafting RFP’s, relying solely on them is rife with pitfalls. For instance, while ChatGPT can produce a draft, I prefer working with clients on a one on one basis to understand their story and their journey to ensure uniqueness, better quality which leads to overall client satisfaction. It's not just about drafting but understanding the nuances, ensuring alignment with client needs, and securing optimal outcomes.

Streamlining complex concepts. Offering clarity or brevity to passages. Providing generic examples or explanations. Assisting with technical document creation. However, its outputs are generic which means that your response will look almost identical to anyone else using ChatGPT as a tender writing tool. For more tailored outputs, you might consider training ChatGPT you’re your proprietary data used in previous responses to similar questions to ensure that the output is contextual to the tender and resonate with the company's tone.

In conclusion, while ChatGPT presents a promising adjunct tool for professional tender writers such as myself, it isn't set to replace human expertise and creativity. However, as a supplementary tool in a tender writer's toolkit, it definitely streamlines certain aspects of the process and enhance efficiency. This article was written with the assistance of ChatGPT. RECRUITMENT & CO | 30

More amendments to the Fair Work Act – Closing Loopholes On 4 September 2023, the Federal Government introduced the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Bill 2023 (Bill), its third tranche of Industrial Relation reform in the last 12 months following the passing of the Secure Jobs, Better Pay and the Same Job, Same Pay amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (Act). Parliament will not consider the Bill until after 1 February 2024. This delay will be welcome news to businesses that are inundated with significant workplace change. We set out below a summary of the proposed amendments. We anticipate further changes ahead of the amendments being introduced.

Definition of casual employee Amending the definition of casual employee to implement a legislative response to High Court decisions. Definition of employment Amending the definition of employment to revert to requiring consideration of the totality of the employment relationship, in response to High Court decisions. Small business redundancy exemption The small business redundancy exemption will no longer apply in circumstances where a business has downsized to fewer than 15 staff due to insolvency like events. Labour hire changes Allowing employees and employee organisations to apply to the Fair Work Commission for an order that would require the labour hire provider to pay their employees no less than what they would be entitled to if they were directly employed by the host. Sham arrangements Amending the sham-contracting provisions to make it more difficult for employers to defend claims.

Wage theft Introducing a new federal criminal offence for wage theft.

George Haros Partner, Gadens

Gig-economy Empowering the Fair Work Commission to set minimum standards for ‘employeelike’ workers and to deal with disputes. This is intended to capture workers such as ride share drivers. Strengthening protections against discrimination Including being subjected to, or continuing to be, subjected to family and domestic violence as a protected attribute. Model terms and modern awards Amending the model terms and Modern Awards through various means.

Will Marshall Gadens

Bargaining changes Adjusting the recently amended bargaining framework. Workplace delegates’ rights Introducing a framework for workplace delegates’ rights.

Work health and safety changes Introducing a new federal industrial manslaughter offence, increasing penalties and addressing silica disease and first responders PTSD.

Lauren Chappill Gadens

For more in-depth information please see the following link to the article regarding these changes on Gadens' website. We will continue to keep businesses updated on any changes to the Bill as it progresses through parliament. RECRUITMENT & CO | 31

Staffing Industry Metrics Market Update Results from 87 staffing and recruitment firms in Australia for the first 8 months of 2023 bring some significant trends and shifts that demand our attention. 1. Impressive Growth in Temporary and Contract Sales

4. Decline in Productivity

One of the most striking facts is the continued and substantial 32% growth in temporary and contract sales when compared to 2022. This surge reflects the dynamic nature of the Australian labour market, where businesses are increasingly turning to flexible staffing solutions to meet their evolving needs.

Productivity, measured as gross profit produced per income producer, has declined by an alarming 17% compared to 2022. This decline from $262k to $217k over 8 months is a cause for concern. Leaders should focus on strategies to boost productivity, potentially through technology adoption, training, or process optimization.

2. Plateauing Permanent Sales On the flip side, while permanent sales also grew by 20% compared to 2022, it's crucial to note that this growth has plateaued during the first two quarters of 2023 with the market showing signs of further slowdown. 3. Margin Compression in Temp and Contract Gross Profit Despite the booming demand for temporary and contract staffing, there's been a surprising 5% decline in gross profit as a percentage of sales compared to 2022. This anomaly raises concerns about margin compression, as 78% of participants experience a softening in margins. Finding ways to optimize operational efficiency without compromising quality is imperative in these high-demand times.

5. Escalating Operating Expenditure Operating expenditure has surged by a significant 16% compared to 2022. This increase well above inflation levels is putting additional pressure on profit margins. Controlling costs without compromising quality is crucial for maintaining financial health.

Nigel Harse Director Staffing Industry Metrics In conclusion, the sector has experienced remarkable growth however, this growth is accompanied by concerning trends, including margin compression, declining productivity, escalating operating expenditure, and declining profits. As Owners, CEOs, CFOs, and Finance Directors, it's crucial to address these challenges head-on by implementing strategic measures to optimize efficiency, control costs, and diversify service offerings. The ability to adapt swiftly in this ever-changing landscape will be the key to long-term success.

6. EBIT Decline Perhaps the most alarming trend is the 22% decline in profit (EBIT) compared to 2022. Increased operational costs, falling productivity, and margin compression are all contributing factors. To reverse this trend, it is essential to implement a comprehensive cost control strategy and explore innovative ways to drive revenue growth.


Integrating Compliance at Every Stage of the Recruitment and HR Process Workforce compliance is central to all recruitment and HR processes due to its critical role in ensuring legal and regulatory adherence, mitigating risks, and maintaining a compliant and ethical work environment. APSCo Australia Partner, WorkPro, has compiled a checklist of critical stages to ensure you meet these requirements. Here's how workforce compliance is integral to different stages of the recruitment and HR processes: 1. Job Advertising and Candidate Screening: During job advertising and candidate screening, compliance comes into play with equal opportunity and non-discrimination regulations. Employers must ensure that job advertisements and candidate selection processes comply with anti-discrimination laws, such as those based on gender, age, race, or disability. Compliance measures help organisations avoid discriminatory practices and promote fair hiring practices. 2. Background Checks and PreEmployment Screening

Workforce compliance involves conducting background checks and pre-employment screenings to verify the accuracy of candidates' qualifications, work history, criminal records, and other relevant information. These checks help ensure that candidates meet the necessary requirements and are suitable for the job role, safeguarding the organisation's reputation and reducing potential risks.

3. Onboarding and New Hire Compliance

5. Ongoing Compliance Monitoring

During the onboarding process, compliance ensures that new hires complete all necessary documentation, such as employment contracts, tax forms, and confidentiality agreements. Compliance also includes verifying work authorisation and ensuring adherence to immigration laws and regulations, particularly in the case of international hires. By properly managing onboarding compliance, organisations maintain legal and regulatory obligations from the start of an employee's tenure.

Workforce compliance involves ongoing monitoring to ensure employees' adherence to policies, regulations, and industry standards. This may include tracking license renewals, certification updates, ensuring compliance with occupational health and safety guidelines, and monitoring adherence to data protection and privacy regulations. Regular compliance audits and monitoring help identify and address any gaps, reducing legal and operational risks.

4. Training and Development Compliance extends to training and development programs. HR teams must ensure that employees receive mandatory training on topics such as workplace safety, diversity and inclusion, harassment prevention, data privacy, and any industryspecific regulations. Proper training helps organisations create a culture of legal and ethical behavior while reducing the risk of non-compliance and associated consequences.

6. Offboarding and Termination Compliance Compliance continues even during the offboarding and termination process. Organisations must ensure that they follow legal requirements regarding employee termination, provide necessary notice periods, handle severance packages appropriately, and protect sensitive data during the exit process. Compliance in offboarding helps maintain legal obligations and protects both the organisation and the departing employee's rights.


WorkPro is an essential component in addressing your company's compliance obligations, offering seamless integrations with the most widely used HR systems. Since its establishment in 2007, WorkPro has carefully built strong connections with prominent HR systems such as Bullhorn, FastTrack, JobAdder, Referoo, CTC People, Expr3ss!, and Powerhouse. These integrations have been developed based on feedback and requirements gathered from subject matter experts, decision-makers, and partners in the HR and Tech industry. WorkPro's collaborative approach has enabled the creation of tailored solutions that address pain points and compliance requirements. By working closely with government agencies and industry leaders, WorkPro has gained valuable insights into the evolving compliance landscape. As a result, WorkPro continues to expand its integration capabilities and will be partnering with global industry leaders such as PageUp, Smart Recruiter, SuccessFactors, and Workday. These strategic partnerships allow WorkPro to leverage proven technologies and by integrating WorkPro into your HR tech stack, you can streamline workflows, enhance efficiency, and ensure seamless compliance management.

Here are some HR tech integrations and capability WorkPro has to ensure your compliance with systems that you use: 1. Applicant Tracking System (ATS) Integration WorkPro integrates with popular ATS platforms, including Bullhorn, FAstTrack and JobAdder. This integration enables a smooth transition from candidate selection to onboarding and compliance checks. It streamlines the process by automatically triggering background checks, eLearning modules, and other compliance requirements, reducing manual effort and ensuring a compliant workforce. 2. Learning Management System (LMS) WorkPro’s eLearning modules that are easily accessible with most of our partner integrations cover various industries and essential WHS training and are customisable to your company’s operation. This capability offers seamless transfer of employee training records, certifications, and compliancerelated learning modules. It ensures that employee training and development align with compliance requirements, providing a centralised and comprehensive view of employee learning activities.

3. Single Sign-On (SSO) WorkPro supports Single Sign-On when logging in with integration partners. This essential feature simplifies user authentication and access management, allowing employees to seamlessly access WorkPro through their existing company credentials. It enhances security, reduces login complexities, and improves user experience.

4. Agile Integrations WorkPro’s partnership with Workato has provided us the capability to establish integrations with trusted HRIS and HRMS solutions where data exchange between WorkPro and these systems is streamlined, eliminating the need for duplicate data entry and ensuring consistency across platforms. It simplifies the onboarding process, automates compliance checks, and keeps employee records up to date. Watch this space as we launch our integrations with PageUp, SmartRecruiter and SuccessFactors. By leveraging these HR tech integrations, your team is assured of streamlined processes, improved data accuracy, and time and costs savings which results to an overall enhanced compliance management. WorkPro's collaborative approach and commitment to integration ensure that you stay ahead in the HR industry and drive success in talent acquisition and compliance management.

Download WorkPro’s Workforce Compliance Checklist here


5 Steps to an Inclusive Recruitment Process Inclusivity has never been more important in the careers and employment sector, as now more than ever companies are driving recruitment via online applications. APSCo Partner, Recite Me, writes. 4.4 million people in Australia have a disability and often encounter obstacles when applying for jobs. Nearly 40% of disabled applicants feel insecure about getting hired as they believe employers will disregard their application based on their impairment or condition. Hidden talent is often undiscovered because users do not have the tools to use your website effectively. Who Needs Support? The short answer is approximately 20% of the population. Candidates that are susceptible to access barriers are those who have: Visual impairment Learning difficulties Neurodevelopmental and neurological conditions Mobility and physical impairments Linguistic problems

What Barriers Do Applicants Face Online? The disabled are the largest minority group in the world, as approximately 1 in 5 adults has at least one of the conditions listed above. This can make website content difficult to access for three main reasons: Applicants Can’t Read It Applicants Don’t Understand the Information Applicants Can’t Navigate Through the Application Process

5 Steps for a Inclusive Recruitment Process To ensure you are providing a inclusive recruitment process, below is a list of suggestions: Write inclusive job descriptions A job description should use plain language to define the job and the requirements clearly. You should avoid using genderbased language terms as well as industry jargon. Someone from outside your organisation should be easily able to understand what is needed. Expand where you advertise jobs Using different places for seeking new employees opens up the chance of recruiting a more diverse population. A great way to extend your candidate search is to post your openings on diverse job boards.

Allow for reasonable adjustments Check whether the interviewee needs any reasonable adjustments ahead of the interview, then make sure these are actioned and communicated with the candidate.

Use Assistive Technology Accessibility software helps support a variety of applicants, recruiters, and staff by providing a variety of tools that allow users to create a fully customisable experience. “Your website is the shop door to your business, you should make it clear that everyone is welcome and make sure that door can be opened by everyone.” Jo Major, Founder of Diversity in Recruitment.

Seek Advice Committing to an inclusive recruitment process is a significant step forward. Get advice from organisations leading the way. For more information check out Recite Me’s Toolkit.

Thank you to our 2023 Global Partners

Thank you to our 2023 Premium Partners

Thank you to our 2023 Associate Partner

Our Affiliate Partners The Access Group Achieve Corporation Australia PEO Bookssorted Certex International Cloud Firm Daxtra Technologies HHMC Global JobAdder IMS Group Maynard & Barrett Mercury ONE Recruiter

PayMe Australia Platinum WFM Ready Set Recruit Legal Red Bid SafeScope SDP Solutions Seek Sovereign Private Staffing Industry Metrics TargetRecruit WorkPro Younique Coaching

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Articles inside

5 Steps to an Inclusive Recruitment Process

page 36

Integrating Compliance at Every Stage of the Recruitment and HR Process

pages 34-35

Staffing Industry Metrics Market Update

page 33

More amendments to the Fair Work Act – Closing Loopholes

page 31

Am I out of a job? Is it possible to replace a Tender team with a ChatGPT subscription?

page 31

Early signs of slowdown emerge

page 30

Insights from the world of Local Government

page 29

Generational Battle or Learning Exchange?

page 28

How to supercharge business development efforts for recruitment leaders

pages 25-26

Is hybrid working really an issue?

page 24

The rise of Statement of Work to manage services procurement

page 23

Building a Business Plan

page 22

Harnessing the power of resilience

pages 20-21

Closing Loopholes Bill – Regulating Labour Hire

pages 17-19

How generative AI is transforming the recruitment industry

pages 11-15

LinkedIn unveils major product upgrades to help employers navigate the new talent landscape

page 10

Bullhorn Engage Sydney 2024

page 9

Finalists revealed for the 20th year of the SEEK Annual Recruitment Awards

page 8

Talent Rise ‘Step Up Challenge’

page 7

People2.0 welcomes Matt Levin as CEO

page 6

The winds of change we're currently witnessing are not new

page 5

Getting out and about in 2023

page 4
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