[Saturday] BRIDGE Yum-Yum Guidebook

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PopularNoodle (Group1・2・3) PopularSnacks (Group4・5・6) PopularDrink (Group7・8・9) PopularMainDish (Group10・11・12) MealforaSpecialDay (Group13・14) 1 2 3 4 5





Facilitator: Sakurako


Xi Xin

Theme 1 Popular Noodles



Riddho (Bangladesh) (Mongolia) (Cambodia) (China) (Bhutan) (PNG)

Group 1 Facilitator Jonah


Facilitator: Shigemi



Mei (Japan) Haruichi (Japan)

Kosei (Japan) (Singapore) (Japan) (Bangladesh) (India) (Maldives)

Alish (Nepal) (Thailand) (Mongolia) (Japan) (Cambodia)

Group 2


Group 3




The noodles are clear Egg and are made out of rice vermicelli. The soup is curry and it is mild spicy ˙ᵕ˙

Main Ingredients


Soup & Noodles

POPUL R NOODLE*Theme*Irecommend you …


Name: Chloe Yap Singapore Group No. 1 LAKSA

Even though Singapore has many different types of noodles, Laksa is one most popular noodle in the country.

Udon is one of Japan's leading noodle foods, made by wheat flour with a small amount of salt water. It can be eaten with dipping it in a bonito stock and

Name: KOSEI OKADA (岡田 倖誠) Country/Region: JAPAN Group No : 1 Sat *Theme* I recommend you …

flavored soup

Popular Noodle

In Bangladesh, noodles is a very common snack item. It takes no time to make and its also healthy as well as tasty to eat . Different dishes can be made by noodles but my favorite and the most famous one is egg noodles with lot of vegetables and chopped sausages.

Bangladeshi Style , Egg Noodles with Vegetables and Sausages INGREDIENTS : Chopped Vegetables Chopped Sausage Egg Seasonings Soy sauce Ketchup 1

I recommend you……

Name: MithilaBhowmick Country:BangladeshGroup:1

Name: Country/Region:YozaSaleemIndia Group No. : 01 In India, not only kids but adults also like Noodles. The most favourite is Veg. Noodles. Ingredients: Packedwithhealthyvegetables:CabbageCarrotsFrenchBeansCapsicumVinegarSauceNoodlesmadeofanyofthese: Nutritional Facts It makes my stomach feel good………. Semolina Whole Wheat Flour Rice Popular Noodle *Theme* Indian Style Veg. NoodlesI recommend you ….…

Name: Country/Region___________: Group No. : *Theme* I recommend you … Poplular Noodles ChhounCambodiaNoraksith 3 Num banhchok Num Banhchok is a tasty cambodian dish with rice noodles , a type of soup and you can also put different type of topping too. Rice noodle Topping Soup Soup & Noodle KhmerSoup riceNoodlesoupnoodles ToppingCucumberlime(ifyou like a little bit of sour) pepper My favorite soup Thin and long This PDF document was edited with Icecream PDF Editor. Upgrade to PRO to remove watermark.


Name: Country/Region: Group No: *Theme* I recommend you … Popular Noddle Palden Chosel Wangmo 3Bhutan


2. ½


Heat the vegetable oil in a large pot. Don’t skimp on the oil, as it will be the sauce for the noodles. Add the sliced onions and the chili, sauté until the onion is glowing and turning slightly golden.

Add the green onions and stir for 30 seconds, add the cooked buckwheat noodles, soy sauce, and any optional ingredients that you choose to use. Stir until mixed well, add salt and pepper to taste. Add a splash of water if it seems dry. May be served at room temperature or chilled.

Puta Buckwheat Noodle




1. 2 bundles dried buckwheat noodles. cup vegetable oil. ½ medium red or yellow onion, thinly sliced, then roughly chopped. 1 bunch green onions, thinly sliced. 4 5 fresh green chili, thinly sliced, seeds removed for less heat. 1 tsp. soy sauce. Optional: sliced snap peas, snow peas, asparagus or green beans


Popular Noodle Dishes in Bangladesh recommend you

Maggi is a popular instant noodle brand in Bangladesh. It can be cooked as soup noodle or fried noodle. I prefer egg fried with vegetable.

*Theme* I

Name: Riddho Country/RegionHassan:Bangladesh

Group No. : 3

Maggi Egg Fried Noodles

Lanzhou‘s Hand-Pulled Noodles

Name: Xi Xin Country/Region:Qi China Group No. : 3

The noodle is an important food in Chinese cuisine. There are a lot of Chinese noodles such as Zhajiangmian Noodles Shanxi Sliced Noodles Sichuan Dan-dan Noodles. But I like “ Lanzhou's Hand Pulled Noodles ” that is from Lanzhou of Gansu Province in China the Noodles is known for its colorful presentation of white radish red chili oil green coriander leaves and yellow noodles in a clear beef both. recommend you

Chinese Popular Noodles *Theme* I

Myat (Myanmar) Tsukasa (Japan) Koudai (Japan)

Hesara (Sri Lanka) Jolene (PNG)

Prodpran (Thailand) Krati (India)

Group 4 Facilitator: Shino

Joyeta (Bangladesh) Kritansha (Nepal)

Sera (Japan) Konosuke (Japan)

Towsif (Bangladesh) Tugsujjin (Mongolia)

Aryan (Nepal) Thuta (Myanmar)

Narumi (Japan)

Liang Liang (Singapore) Douglas (PNG)

Philomenah (PNG) Takuma (Japan)

Group 5 Facilitator: Genki

Group 6 Facilitator: Mayumi

Chiaki (Japan)

Theme 2 Popular Snacks

 Made by buffalo milk

The secret of Juju Dhau

When the milk boils, the secret element of the Juju dhau is mixed in it i.e some amount of brown sugar. Yes, Brown sugar, it arose the sweetness in this curd. As a result, we allure the taste of curd and want to have it more and more.

Dhau (धौ) is yogurt prepared by Newars(a community of people) of Nepal. It is traditionally made in clay pots. The most famous and delicious variety of dhau is Juju dhau, which is known for its rich taste and thick consistency. Juju dhau literally translates to "king of yogurt" in Nepali language.It is a specialty of the town of Bhaktapur

Name:Chiaki Country/Region:KanamaruJapan GroupNo.: #:5 Koara no ma-ti PopularSnacks*Theme*Irecommendyou… CRISPY!! CUTE!! Chocolate inside

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This is one of the popular biscuit snack in Papua New Guinea. The name comes from the Pidgin spelling of the word Snacks as SNAX. It is made from flour, oil, sugar, salt and different flavours beef and chicken.

Popular Snack



COUNTRY/REGION: Papua New Guinea NO: 5

NAME: Philomenah Stephanie Norrie

I recommend you………. Our PopularSnacks

Patishapta is a famous sweet dish of our country.

Inner layer is filled with layer is made from powdered rice


Name: Joyeta Banik Country: Bangladesh Group:6

I recommend you…. Patishapta Pitha Pitha is a food similar to pancakes. There are a variety of Pithas in Bangladesh. But among all of them Patishapta Pitha is my favorite.

Name: Konosuke Iwaki Country/Region: Japan Group No. : 6 Jagariko Kyushu shoyu flavor Popular Snack *Theme* I recommend you … is delicious!! There are many other flavors of Jagariko Jagariko is very delicious. So , please try it!! Jagariko kyushu soy sauce flavor is very delicious. Potato sticks




Eventhoughmostpeoplethinkitisstinky (thatincludesme!),Singaporeansloveit.It canbefoundatalmosteverywetmarket duringthepeakseasonandthereareeven dedicateddurianparties! InSingapore,durianisawardedas“Kingof theFruits”.However,Singaporeisnotits origin.Durianaremainlyplantedand collectedinMalaysiaandThailand,andJuly toSeptemberisusuallythepeakseason. Durianssmellawful,buttastesdelicious. Durian

Presentation title3

Manami (Japan)

Sosuke (Japan) Mirei (Japan)

Athoof (Maldives) Ria (India)

Ethan (Singapore) Hein (Myanmar)

Yue Zhong (China) Dheem (Maldives)

Yue Dan (China) Rathnayaka (Sri Lanka)

Group 7 Facilitator: Nanako

Group 9 Facilitator: Yumiko M.

Theme 3 Popular Drink

Group 8 Facilitator: Inoa

Alexis (Singapore) Kagetsu (Japan)

Haru (Japan) Hana (Japan)

Sirawit (Thailand) Herath (Sri Lanka)

Minako (Japan)

Popular drinks in Maldives

The reason for that is our country has lot of palm trees in every island.Our islands are very greenery.We can have fresh coconut water whenever we want because its everywhere.

In Maldives there a lot of drinks like faluda,ice tea,ice milo,jugo,non alcohol cocktails,milk tea and many more but the most famous drink in Maldives is coconut water.

Sour Plum Juice is a Chinese traditional healthy drink with a history of over 1000 years. It’s sour and sweet. Chinese people love to drink it in summer because it can help people to quench thirst and feel cool.

Name: Wang Yuedan Country/Region: China Group No. : 9

MATERIALS:Hawthorn Roselle Flower Plum Candy Brown Sugar OsmanthusMint Sour Plum Licorice Dried Orange Peels HOW TO MAKE SOUR PLUM JUICE? ①Put the materials in the ②After it cooled, put it in the refrigerator, water, boil it for 30 minutes add some ice cubes when drink it. Popular Drink-Sour Plum Juice *Theme* I recommend you …




Group 10 Facilitator Mizuki

Tair (Kyrgyzstan) (Mongolia)



Zarif (Bangladesh) (PNG)

Sayara (Nepal) (Japan) (Japan)



Yangchen (Bhutan) (Myanmar) (Japan) (Japan) (Japan)




Group 11

Yuzu (Japan) (Japan)

Facilitator: Sae

12 Facilitator: Yumiko I.

Theme Popular Main Dish


Jigme (Bhutan) (Cambodia)

Bhudis (Thailand) (Sri Lanka)



Name: Travis Country/RegionBill: PNG Group No. : 10 Sago with coconut cream Coconut Coconut cream with fish Sago Traditional Dish made in Coastal villages Sago is extracted from Metroxylon palms, mostly grown in swampy areas in IPNG.t ’s quite a long process that involves a lot of manual work Popular Main Dish in PNG *Theme* I recommend you …

The main dish of Bhutan is rice, mainly plain steamed rice (white, red and corn). The rice is served with side dish of vegetables and cheese with Ema Datsi (cheese and chilli) and Kewa Datsi (Potato and cheese) being the popular ones and meat items of beef, pork, chicken and fish being the most common meat items. Beef (sha kam), pork (sikam) and fish (nya kam) are also consumed in dried form as side dish.

You can also include Ema Datsi (Chilli Cheese) OR Shakam Datsi (Dried beef cooked with chilli and cheese)


Name: JIGME YOEZER GYELTSHEN Country / Region: BHUTAN Group #: 11

I recommend you Khuli (Buckwheat pancake) with ema / kewa Datsi OR Rice with Zikam paa (pork) / Shakam Datsi (beef with cheese) (potatoPancakeBuckwheatwithKewaDatsiCheese)

White Rice with Sikam Paa (dried pork cooked with dried red chilli and radish)

Hiroshima style is to pile up each ingredient is piler up in order. Noodles are also sandwiched between them in Hiroshima style.


Osaka style is scramble eggs, flour and many different toppings and fry on the pan.

Japanese pizza

Name: Shino Kimura Country/Region: Japan Group No. 11

dried green laver

sweet and savory sauce similar to Worcestershire sauce.


In Hiroshima style

dried bonito flakes

I recommend you …

Okonomiyaki is Japanese style pizza. This is made from cabbage, flour, eggs, water with many different toppings. I like the rice cake, cheese and pork topping


In Osaka style

bonito flakes and dried green laver seaweed are essential for Okonomiyaki.

THE MOST POPULAR DISH IN BHUTAN EMA -DATSHI WHAT IS EMA DATSHI?  Emadatshi is one of the most popular dish and the most beloved curry.  Emameans chilli and datshi means Cheese.  This Bhutanese food is made up of lots of green chillies or dry chillies.  With a huge amount of local cheese made up from cow milk. 1 2

3 4

 Cut the chilles in lengthwise, and tomato, onion leaves into thin slices.

 Now, put it all together into a skillet. Add water, oil, salt and cheese on top.

1. Rinse the chillies, onion, tomato, spring leaves and garlic.

 5

 1

 Cover and cook for 3-5 minutes on high flame. Then turn off the flame and let them sit for 1-2 minutes without any touching.


 3

 Finally, give a thorough mix and check the salt. If less add and stir and serve with rice, roti, puri and so on.


9 to 10 medium size Red or Green chilies Onion (Spring onion) Tomato –6 Garlic crushed/sliced(garlic Leaves) tbsp of oil tbsp Cheese, grated(a combination of American cheese and Farmer cheese) cup of water Salt to taste

 4-5

 ½

 ½

Meal for a Special Day

Shahil (Bhutan) Risana (Bangladesh)

Ryunosuke (Japan) Rena (Japan)

Group 14 Facilitator Umi


Liang Zhou (China) Nazar (Kyrgyzstan)

Shreya (Nepal) Nazima (Kyrgyzstan)

Group 13 Facilitator: Mayuko

Kaho (Japan) Chieri (Japan)

Shreeya (India) Sonita (Cambodia)



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