Revista AOA N°40

Page 107

Vista interior encuentro social zona de restaurant. Interior view social meeting and restaurant.

Interior networking zona de Pavillions & Playgrounds. Interior networking Pavilions & Playgrounds area.

• Las redes (uso interno) Para las oficinas en los niveles superiores, y la mayor parte del proyecto, se plantea una estrategia de apropiación por fases: pabellones y patios de juego (Pavillions & Playgrounds) que propiciarán redes entre las distintas unidades de oficinas. Los pabellones prefabricados de 55 m² pueden ser ensamblados por los usuarios y se instalan con mínima ayuda en la estructura modular original, generando una unidad climatizada que cada cual puede intervenir. A su vez, los pabellones se conectan a través de espacios comunes de estilo informal, maximizando la interacción entre las distintas actividades, oficios y profesiones que conviven en el edificio.

• Networking (internal use) A phasing strategy is proposed for the offices in the upper levels, the largest part of the project: pavilions and playgrounds that will facilitate networking between the different office units. The prefabricated pavilions of 55 sqm can be assembled by users and installed with minimal help in the original modular structure, generating a climate-controlled unit that everyone can intervene. In turn, the pavilions are connected through informal common spaces, maximizing the interaction between the different activities, trades and professions that coexist in the building.

(*) Giulio Di Giuseppe es arquitecto de la Universidad de Chile (2012), Master of Science con especialización en Heritage & Architecture en TU Delft, Holanda (2018). Lideró el diseño, desarrollo y construcción del nuevo Terminal de pasajeros de cruceros VTP en Valparaíso (2012-2016), de RE arquitectos, y es coautor de la nueva Biblioteca y Archivo Regional de Magallanes BRAR en Punta Arenas (2014-2018), de Forma Colectiva junto a Rodrigo Aguilar. Ha sido docente de taller en la Universidad de Chile y actualmente se desempeña como arquitecto independiente en Forma Colectiva y colabora con oficinas como Gt2p y PAR arquitectos (@ formacolectiva,

Giulio Di Giuseppe is an architect of the University of Chile (2012), Master of Science with specialization in Heritage & Architecture at TU Delft, The Netherlands (2018). He led the design, development and construction of the new VTP - Cruise Passenger Terminal in Valparaíso (2012-2016), by RE arquitectos, and is co-author of the new BRAR - Regional Library and Archive of Magallanes in Punta Arenas (2014-2018), by Forma Colectiva with Rodrigo Aguilar. He has been a workshop teacher at the University of Chile and currently works as an independent architect in Forma Colectiva and collaborates with offices such as Gt2p and PAR arquitectos (@formacolectiva,

REFERENCES N. John Habraken, Supports: an alternative to mass housing, 1961. Ignasi de Solà-Morales, Quaderns d'Arquitectura i Urbanisme 175, 1987. "While for Aldo Rossi the term Monument means permanence, for Ignasi de Solà-Morales in contrast, the notion of monument is linked to the persistent resonance of poetry after having been listened to, with the memory of the architecture after it has been seen. By the strength of weakness. The strength that art and architecture are capable of producing when they adopt a position that is not aggressive and dominant, but tangential and fragile." 3 Wim J. van Heuvel, Structuralism in Dutch architecture (Uitgeverij 010 publishers, Rotterdam, 1992). "In Forum magazine, ideas such as ‘Structure and coincidence’, ‘Historic cities and reciprocity of forms’, ‘Multipurpose forms and individual interpretations’, ‘Structure and infill’ and ‘User participation’ were developed. Concepts such as coherence, growth and change are present at all levels of the urban structure, along with the idea of a Sense of Place and Identification Tokens (identification devices). In this context, the use of the ‘polyvalent form’ and the possibility of individual interpretations allows user participation in housing and the integration of ‘high’ and ‘low’ culture in architecture (fine architecture combined with everyday forms of construction), generating a more pluralistic architecture". 1 2


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