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Now That's A Good Idea


Supermarket virtual assistant to promote healthier eating launches in Spain

Shoppers can use the technology to access information and advice on how to improve their eating habits based on their shopping list.

new AI food chatbot aimed at helping shoppers make more conscious food choices has been rolled out in the Spanish region of Murcia.

Developed by tech company Al Talentum, the pilot app uses artificial intelligence to integrate with the retailer’s loyalty programme to store information on shoppers’ individual food preferences. It then guides them to the healthiest versions of their favourite products, while also providing the full nutritional information of items.

The chatbot is available on an interactive platform called T-Assist, developed by a consortium formed by Spanish technology centre AZTI, food co-op Grupo AN, the University of Turin, the University of Helsinki and AI Talentum, with the support of EIT Food.

On the platform, users can access information and advice on how to improve their eating habits based on their shopping list.

For retailers, T-Assist provides the opportunity to collect valuable data on consumer behaviour and preferences, which can then be used for the development of predictive models.

The new solution was rolled out in partnership with Spanish supermarket chain Eroski, which trialled the system on its six million registered customers.

The process is designed to be embedded within the loyalty card customer experience, allowing the user to scan grocery receipts from food companies outside the supermarket and adding them onto the existing profile. This way, both retailers and brands benefit from the data analysis, helping them predict shopping patterns and avoid stock shortages.

“One of the main challenges facing the population in an over-informed society such as today’s is depending on reliable sources for information and advice on how to improve their eating habits and choices,” AI Talentum said.

“People are increasingly aware of the need to change to healthier and more sustainable habits, but many times the information is not clear, or we rely on non-verified sources such as social networks. “With this app, supermarket chains can play a relevant role if they are willing to help consumers understand their nutritional needs and habits and identify the products that best meet their needs.”

Being primarily targeted at families, it is also children-friendly, offering age-specific food recommendations and providing answers to frequently asked questions.

The app is also hoped to help reduce carbon footprint by promoting local Murcia products or suggesting items with a shorter expiration date, thus reducing waste. “Our content is driven by science and technology, collaborative initiatives, creative imagination, and media experimentation,” AI Talentum’s parent company Iotic Solutions said.

“We hope that this platform will become a virtual space that overcomes misunderstandings and fosters a new relationship between the public, academia, experts and the food industry based on honesty and the generation of trust.”

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