THE BADGER Quarterly Magazine Year 1 Volume 3

Page 8

PEACE SHRINE BUILDING As Given by Joseph Beautiful Painted Arrow at the 2006 Mystery School We look at the Circle. We stand in the middle. The Center of the Circle has Directions. We give blessings to the Four Directions in clockwise fashion (E, S, W, N). Then, we honor the Quarters counter-clockwise (NE, NW, SW, SE). We dig a circular hole in the Center. We make figurines of eight Deities with the earth we dig out, mixing earth, corn meal, tobacco, and gull feathers (eagle feathers were used traditionally). We place the eight Deities in a square grid within the dug circle. Then, we put two stones over the buried Deities. Only half of the stones should show above ground. We honor the Shrine thus built with tobacco and corn meal. Joseph said: “Here’s my best way to explain the eight Deities. Light from the Sun as rays of light travels to the Earth as packets and not in a straight line of light. The first packet is full of radiation that can burn the human skin if we do not take precautions. The second packet that follows immediately behind the first packet has eight Deities carrying eight spiritual vibrations. These vibrations are made of musical light that is singing powerful levels of Divine Presence. In our case, or shall we say in Shrine Building, we try to awaken them as clay figurines.” Joseph said that the Shrine will radiate out 200 miles in all directions. We may also anchor our four cardinal directions 200 miles out in ways appropriate to the guidance being received. There is no need to anchor out at sea, as done for the Sound Chambers. We can then bless the covered area with ceremonies at the shrine. Our blessings may also go out inconspicuously.

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