THE BADGER June 2018

Page 27

VOICES FROM THE STARS The Revolution of the Elements II Laura Bottagisio In the planetary living room a mutation is happening among the Four Elements. The Planets producing this new amalgam are Jupiter (from Lybra-Air to Scorpio-Water), Saturn (from Sagittarius-Fire to CapricornEarth), Uranus (from Aries-Fire to Taurus-Earth). According to tradition each element corresponds to a color, three primary and one secondary: Fire-Red, Air-Yellow, Water-Blue, Earth-Green. The new combination will therefore change the furniture and the topics of conversation among the signs and the planets. The planets revolving around the Sun move in the sky following the rythms beaten by their orbits. When we observe them during starry nights, we can see them in different spaces of the sky. The ancient Assirian-Babylonese measured their cycles and invented the Zodiac, the seasonal clock that allows to "calculate" the movement of the planets in connection with time on earth. The Zodiac Wheel is made up of 12 stations, one per month, to each one was given the name of the constellation the Sun goes trough in its yearly path. From this process arises the misunderstanding about the real symbolic and byological value of Astrology which is a perfect tool of observation and understanding about life on our planet, since it always runs according to a specific sequence of the Four Elements.

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