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PATEK PHILIPPE Possibly piece unique, Ref. 5207/1P-001, minute-repeater, perpetual calendar à guichets (with apertures), leap-year indication, moon phases, AM-PM indication, tourbillon regulator; platinum The Watch of Sultan Qaboos Bin Said (1940-2020), former Sultan of Oman

Qaboos, a member of Oman’s Āl Bū Saʿīd dynasty, was educated at Bury Saint Edmunds, Suffolk, England, and at Sandhurst, the Royal Military Academy, in Berkshire, England. He was called home in 1965 by his father, Saʿīd ibn Taymūr, who kept his son a virtual prisoner for six years while maintaining his subjects in a state of relative underdevelopment despite the country’s growing oil revenues. In 1970 Qaboos took over the palace in a coup with British support and exiled his father. He immediately undertook a range of ambitious modernization projects, including constructing roads, hospitals, schools, communications systems, and industrial and port facilities. He abrogated his father’s moralistic laws and established a Council of Ministers (cabinet) and first one and later two consultative bodies. Political power, however, remained concentrated in the royal family, although Qaboos’s regime gradually allowed other Omanis (including women) to participate in the government. In 1996 he promulgated Oman’s first constitution, which formalized both a consultative legislature and the sultan as the unifying symbol of the state. Universal suffrage was granted to all Omani citizens at least 21 years of age, though political platforms, parties, and unauthorized public gatherings remained prohibited. Qaboos made considerable progress in ending Oman’s isolation. He opened diplomatic relations with Oman’s neighbours, and Oman joined the Arab League and the United Nations. The country became a founding member of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in 1981, though it has resisted efforts toward military and economic unity. Notably, however, Qaboos maintained cordial relations with a wide range of countries regardless of their political alignment, including Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Israel, and navigated neutrality on a number of contentious regional issues, including Iranian nuclear ambitions, the GCC’s blockade of Qatar, and the civil war in Yemen. At times, Qaboos was able to position himself as a trusted mediator in the region’s tensest situations, including an interim nuclear agreement between the United States and Iran in 2013.

Qaboos bin Said, Sultan of Oman November 18, 1940 – Muscat (Oman), January 10, 2020

He transformed Oman from a backward and isolated country into a prosperous, modern and unified state. The Guardian

「卡布斯蘇丹是阿曼卓越領導人,為推動阿曼 發展建設、維護中東海灣地區和平穩定作出 了重要貢獻,深受阿曼人民敬仰和愛戴。」 人民日報

Qaboos began seeking treatment for terminal colon cancer in 2014. Because he centred the state on himself and had no children of his own, observers began to speculate about potential successors. Constitutional law dictated that the royal family would choose a successor, but, should they fail to reach a consensus, a letter left by the deceased sultan would determine the successor. In December 2019 Qaboos was treated for an illness in Belgium but unexpectedly returned just a week later, prompting rumours that he was in his final days. His death was announced on January 10, 2020, and the next day the royal family opted to open Qaboos’s envelope, which named his cousin Haitham bin Tariq as his successor. Source:

卡布斯蘇丹(1940-2020),全名卡布斯 ‧ 本 ‧ 賽義德,為阿曼王國第 13 任 蘇丹。他少年負笈英國,就學於英國皇家軍事學院。1965年受父王所召回國, 遭軟禁長達6年。後來在英國幫助下策動政變成功推翻其父統治,並於1970年 繼任蘇丹。 卡布斯即位後,銳意在國內推行改革,興建公路、工廠及港口,建立醫 療、教育及電訊網絡。又籌組內閣、成立咨詢委員會,並逐步允許阿曼國 民(包括女性)擔任政府工作。他在 1966 年頒授阿曼第一部憲法,確立立 法機構及以蘇丹作為國家象徵,而 21 歲或以上的國民亦被賦予選舉權。 對外方面,他也一改其父封閉鎖國的政策,外交政策開放而積極。阿曼 先後加入了阿拉伯國家聯盟及聯合國,及多個國際組織。他任期中阿曼亦 與多個國家建交,而不論政體是否相同,其邦交國包括伊朗、沙地亞拉伯、 以色列等,他亦在調停中東地區緊張局勢事件中起到關鍵協調作用,當中 包括 2013 年美國伊朗在核問題上的紛爭及磋商。 卡布斯在位長達 50 年,晚年患上腸癌,並在 2020 年 1 月逝世。由於他沒有 子女,因此皇位最終由其堂弟海賽姆(Haitham bin Tariq)繼承。


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