The Angle Daily- Issue 29

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november 6th 2015 Issue twenty-nine

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ŒŒ ABOUT US 5 ŒŒ on the cover


ŒŒ balcony sessions




ŒŒ angle radar playlist


ŒŒ rising music REVIEWS


ŒŒ Film reviews


ŒŒ comment articles


ŒŒ Face in the crowd




Today's cover is a photograph of Josh Fear of The Holiday taken at Printers Playhouse by Lee Edwards.

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This magazine, as the name probably made quite obvious, will be released everyday - Monday to Friday. Its purpose will be to relay to you the highlights of the days’ news in music and in film. We will endeavour to publish an issue every evening. The Angle Daily is an interactive magazine. That means that unlike a lot of other publications that just talk about music and video, we can actually show them to you and include them on the page itself. The majority of the images inside are clickable- doing so could allow you to play a video, listen to a song or just visit a website. The article will probably tell you what to expect. We’re currently looking for unsigned bands and artists to feature in this magazine. To have a news piece written about something you have coming up- be it a new record, a massive tour, something you’ve released that you want streamed, whatever- or to have something reviewed, just send an email.

CONTACT US: Sessions: Reviews: Advertise: EDITORS: Martha-Jane Smith, Andrew Nicholls / VIDEO/PHOTOS: Josh Paine-Lewis, Lee Edwards / DESIGN: Tori Olson / ILLUSTRATIONS: Millie Watson, Zoe Jackson, Eve Yarnton, Lydia Howell / WRITERS: Hannah Aston, Cleary Mallard, Lorelle Tilbury, Carina Lawrence, Jodie Allan.

on the cover The Holiday

photo by lee edwards where are they from?

“The band was initially formed in Eastbourne although one of us is from Worthing so we just say we’re from Brighton as it’s in between.”

who 's in the band? “Richard Dack on Vocals and Rhythm Guitar, Mike Ghent on Lead Guitar, Josh Fear on Bass and Brody Packham on Drums.”

how do they define their genre? “The Holiday are a four-piece pop rock/pop punk band.”

what are their influences?


“Our influences would have to be bands along the lines of You Me At Six, Paramore, Mallory Knox, Don Broco.”

click to watch and hear

see them live: If you want to see them in action, The Holiday will be playing at the Hope and Ruin in Brighton on the 29th of November along with River Jumpers, Six Time Champion and Standing Tall.


You can watch the video via WHAT ARE THE BALCONY SESSIONS? the image above. We work from an office with a balcony surrounded by stun-

ning views of the cityscape around it. As the sun sets that view is absolutely fantastic, with beautiful architecture in every direction. We couldn’t waste that. Every week we take performers outside for a professionally filmed and recorded acoustic session with great sound and visuals. Above is just one of those videos, you’ll find more on our website.



Harry Whitburn

Logan Wilson

Zakk Haydon

GET INVOLVED: If you think you’ve got what it takes to be featured in a future Balcony Session just send an email with links and info to

jamie rush- COMING SOON


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SIMON JONES- coming soon

SEAN FENNESSEY- coming soon


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NEWS: heck release new video HECK embarked on their UK tour following Halloween. With ten dates left to shred this month, they’ve got a lot more mosh pits to burn. Last week the band released a video (which can be watched via the image above) for their new song, Brain, the B-side to their latest single, The Breakers. The single has been released via RPAG Industries and if you catch them touring they’ll be smashing them out live. Matt Reynolds, front man, said, “Brain is a belligerently spiteful song about fighting and f*cking.” The band are touring on the following dates this month: 5th- Glasgow, Audio 7th- Huddersfield, The Parish 10th- Birmingham, Cellar 12th- Derby, Venue 14th- Burnley, Sanctuary Rock Bar

6th- Carlisle, The Brickyard 8th- Leeds, Key Club 11th- St Albans, Horn 13th- Leicester, Soundhouse 28th-London, The Black Heart

NEWS: vukovi stream single Scottish-based pop rock quintet Vukovi have made their new single Bouncy Castle available to stream and pre order, prior to its release date later this year. Vukovi recently completed a stint of live shows with Young Guns and Boy Jumps Ship and also headlined their first show in London, following their signing up with LAB Records. Another upcoming supporting performance is set for later this month, November 27th at Glasgow’s The Garage 2. Bouncy Castle is released via LAB Records and can be preordered before its release on December 11th. HA.

NEWS: the fifth alliance release new track Netherlands doom/sludge metallers The Fifth Alliance have made their return. Following on from their release of Unrevealed Secrets Of Ruin two years ago, they released the long-awaited follow-up, Death Poems, on Halloween. Quite appropriate. To give a taster of the album, they have unleashed new song, Your Abyss, which you can check out via the image above. CL

NEWS: my iron lung release new music video My Iron Lung from San Diego, California are experimenting with their sound before their full length release, and this can be heard In their new video for Set Of Stairs. Of the track and its video the band stated, ‘“We wanted to experiment with our writing style as a band and see what we could accomplish with just two songs before we started working towards a full length.” Set Of Stairs is the first song on the new release. The two song EP, SOS is to be released digitally on the 6th November through Pure Noise Records. Check out the video for Set Of Stairs via the image above. CL

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NEWS: light years unveil new track Pop Punk quartet from Cleveland Light Years have unveiled another new song from their upcoming full length titled, I’ll See You When I See You, which is due for release on the 13th November via Rude Records. This new song, Are You Sure, is the third uncovered so far, and is also accompanied by a lyric video. You can own this track now with all pre-orders of the upcoming record physically and digitally. Are You Sure, was actually the first song the band finished for the new release. Light Years had this to say about it, “The song is about realizing it is almost impossible to change someones mind, or opinion of you once they have it made up.” Check out the track via the image above.The band are playing the following UK dates in February with support from Neck Deep: 1st- 02 Institute, Birmingham 4th- Manchester Academy, Manchester 6th- O2 Forum Kentish Town, London

2nd- 02 Academy, Glasgow 5th- The Great Hall, Cardiff

NEWS: pomegranate tiger release new video Canadian Instrumental Progressive Metal band Pomegranate Tiger, formed by multi-instrumentalist Martin Andres, have unveiled the beautiful and psychedelic video for Cyclic. The video offers the first taster of the band’s highly anticipated upcoming record, Boundless, which is due to be released on December 11th this year. Check out the video for Cyclic via the image above. CL

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the angle

radar wesley fuller melvista

cut this way that way

good foxy high watt

late hala don't look now

castaway-hexes beat

hot co ps televis ua l

bourbon street crossing on a bend

see more at Here are a few highlights from The Angle Radar, a regular mixtape, compiled by us,of unsigned and rising bands from around the world.


RISING reviews

LP review: the red paintingsthe revolution is never coming The Red Paintings have re-released their debut album, The Revolution Is Never Coming, which was five years in the making and includes a 35-piece orchestra, recorded in 8 different studios across the world. The new album is experimental and would appeal to a vast amount of people due to its combination of rock, metal, pop, electro and, well, basically there’s something for everyone. The band are about to embark on a world tour. During this tour, they’ll also be sending The Revolution Is Never Coming up into space with the use of huge balloons in the shape of Geisha’s. They will have cameras attached to the balloons and the music will be playing on its way up into space. There is also a competition to find the balloons once they’ve made it back down into our atmosphere and landed. The idea of sending it into space makes a lot of sense because their music often sounds out of this world. This is definitely an exciting album that should be heard by everyone. Ironically, it’s quite revolutionary. You can tell that a lot of work has been put into it. It’s a true piece of art. During their gigs, The Red Paintings also like to incorporate performance art. This often sees artists painting volunteers models as the band performing live. Their upcoming world tour looks to be quite the spectacle and includes the following UK dates throughout November: 5th- Stoke, Underground 7th- Glasgow, Audio 9th- Birmingham, Rainbow 12th- London, Borderline 14th- Bristol, Exchange

6th- Manchester, Sound Control 8th- Sheffield, Corporation 11th- Milton Keynes, Crauford Arms 13th- Barnstaple, The Factory 15th- Southampton, Joiners

Check out the album via the image above. JA

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film review: the martian If you like the idea of watching an isolated Matt Damon wander around a desolate planet for two and half hours, then this is the film for you. However, if you’re like me and don’t have that in your ‘list of what makes films good’, then you will probably get quite bored, like me. From the trailers and general overview of The Martian, we know that the film is about a man who is stuck on Mars for a long time. Spoiler alert! It really isn’t much more than that. Like a lot of books that have been made into films, it seems that the action and ideas are really much more suited for the written medium. You only see the character’s thoughts and feelings through their actions in film, but books allow the character’s mind to speak to you directly. I think that would work better for a guy who’s alone on Mars. Matt Damon’s character, Mark Watney, constantly reels off jokes, which are subpar. They feel far too geared towards knowing there’s a cinema audience sitting in front of them. Obviously, all films know that there’s an audience watching them (you would hope), but this one doesn’t do well in hiding the fact. Mark Watney reels off pop culture references and jokes about his situation just to keep you entertained, rather than himself. Obviously it’s meant to show how bright his attitude is in the face of danger, but it would be better if he were actually funny. Not only that, but the film treats you like a fool. There were far too many moments where complicated mathematics and space ship trajectories were explained through the use of condiments and general stationary. I know I’m not a rocket scientist, but save me the floating staplers and whooshing noises, Ridley. Ok, so there are some good elements to this film. The cinematography is stunning and if you want to see top budget renditions of the orange, endless and lifeless Mars, then you won’t be disappointed. Much of the film is spent overlooking the vast orange terrains with a classically sci-fi score from Harry Gregson-Williams… and a lot of 70’s disco music (Guardians of the Galaxy appears to have started a trend). Another part, which I appreciated, was that there was no love interest! Finally Hollywood, you break one rule of your rigid film structure! Those two points however, don’t make up for the boredom and sheer length of the film. But if you’re a fan of Matt Damon, then I’m sure you’ll find some joy in the dusty desert of Mars. CM

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Does the Progression of Technology Aid the Regression of Culture?

M-J Smith looks into how technology is turning us all into a society of technology obsessed Neanderthals


n this day and age innovation is the theme, technology is constantly progressing. So why does it feel like culture is regressing, and is there a direct correlation between the two factors? I would argue that there is. It shouldn’t be a struggle to maintain eye contact with your loved one of choice for more than 5 minutes without being interrupted by a beeping noise from everyone’s favourite touch screen rectangle, but it is. When I think about it I spend 98% of my day watching some sort of screen, from morning till night. Mayhaps the screen eventually make real life obsolete and we’ll all just live in the Matrix or some shit. But ‘till then I’m going to continue bitching about screens and their world domination whilst looking at this screen, and you can shut up and read this on your screen of choice and we can all just bathe in the hypocrisy of it all. So firstly, screens are more or less responsible for Txt Tlk as some like to call it, or as I like to call it – needless abbreviation. This is all well and justified what with character limitation in some formats of cyber commu-

nication, though it has started to filter into real life. Be your use of the acronym “LOL” ironic or sincere it is unwarranted and is aiding the deterioration of ethos – hanging is too good for you. Secondly technology is giving us a really bizarre attitude towards relationships and more specifically sex. On social networking sites such as Facebook superficiality is encouraged and actually rewarded (in a weird, valueless kinda way – with likes). It’s totally warped the human mating ritual process – when before you had to go out and socialise now you can do it all from your dimly lit room while eating doritos with your non-wanking hand. On that note here is the new age guide to Facebook baby making. Step one – find a girl with a profile picture where her boobs are partially visible. Step two – Like everything. Especially holiday photos from 4 years ago to make it really obvious that you’ve devoted a lot of time to internet stalking your potential mate. Comment as and where appropriate – either be way too familiar, and refer to her by a sickening pet name of your choosing ending the

message with a thousand x’s or simply state ‘nice rack’. Step three – Message her, if she doesn’t respond try again several hundred times, but never say anything too interesting, simply saying ‘hey’ repeatedly is bound to ensnare her eventually. Or alternatively pretend that you added her by accident thinking she was someone else. “What an uncanny coincidence, it must have been fate.” she’ll say and fall dotingly into your cyber arms. And the final step – Poke her. Whoever said romance was dead? Tinder is another one that in my opinion has aided this decline in social standards as it has taken out all the boring bits like making a bond with someone and sharing memories with another sentient being and cuts right to the chase. Straight to the action like skipping the first 10 minutes of a porno only hastier. A friend of mine had an iPhone with Tinder on it briefly, and while it served as a constant source of amusing chat up lines to store in the brainbox and use when I finally work up the courage to break into Megan Fox’s house, it also became pretty evident that a platform where you can apply for almost stringless, but entirely superficially based relations with complete stranger inevitably turns people into dicks. Needless to say if I were a more enthusiastic journalist and went and bought an iPhone, set up two accounts on Tinder, one fronting as a brainless blonde with double D’s and the other an unattractive but interesting type I think it goes without saying, given the premise, who would get more attention out of the two. Similarly themed concepts include the eloquently titled Fuckbook – a website which’s name is relatively self-explanatory – and the cam girl phenomenon. This is essentially a low level form of prostitution, more socially acceptable due to the distinct distance between the lady and the punter, though some, myself included argue it to be weirdly empowering to females, as they are paid a disproportionate rate for doing very little at all, and what they do is far from the most degrading work – I’d sooner be paid for sitting about topless than on my hands and knees scrubbing toilet bowls or beheading chickens ready to be made into

McNuggets – and in this financial climate few can afford to be picky. This is almost definitely the main factor that has made cam-girling a popular side earner for normal women. Though cam-girling is beneficiary for all parties involved – the girls make their paper, as do the people who run the websites, and the men get to see some boobs – though once again all of this objectifying beautiful women and rejecting the very existence of what society deems to be unattractive women is not healthy for human nature. Many people’s standards have been set unrealistically high from a lifetime of being bombarded with images of the outstandingly beautiful. I recently returned from Amsterdam, where I attended my first peep show. It was sickening, I myself am far from prudish but something about the way she looked me in the eyes as she revolved on that platform frisking herself emotionlessly was so desolate and miserable that I actually cried. If she felt half as unhappy as she looked then there’s something wrong there, and if cam girls feel the same when they’re being displayed and gawped at then it ceases to be a more efficient alternative to attending a strip club and becomes morally questionable. Obviously free will must be accounted for, but I can’t help wondering if some of these girls do it for the ego boost as opposed to the cash, in a vain endeavour to feel more relevant in a world that tells us women you only matter if you sport bountiful sweater meat and are prepared to get it out for the camera.



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face in the crowd @ EASTBOURNE COCKTAIL CLUB

A new feature, Face In The Crowd will see us roaming about bars and clubs with a camera in tow, taking as many photos of revellers and gig goers as we possibly can. If you see yourself here and we haven’t contacted you, drop us an email and, if you’re nice, we might just send you a JPEG of your photo. Enjoy and see you soon!

we visited


Eastbourne Cocktail Club

Printers Playhouse

GET INVOLVED: Do you want us to come along to your venue and take photos? Send us an email and we’ll talk!



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HIGHLIGHTS fraser a gormanshiny gun

Artwork by Carl Carzana

A Beautifully composed track about pushing through times of hardship, and inevitably drinking your way through your pain. The Musicianship on display in Shiny Gun is of the highest order; Shiny Gun gives us everything that we desire from country music, the authentic twang of the guitar that lets you know what you’re listening to, and the classic guitar solo before the final chorus. RH


the big moon-nothing without you Lyrics filled with Irony about social beliefs and your standard song about love, loss, romance and all things in between. Think Kate Nash or KT Tunstall with some distortion on the guitar and some foot stomping drum beats that Mumford and Sons would be proud of. However, this fails to distinguish itself outside the realms of ordinary Indie Rock. Having just come back from New York and now off on tour, Expect big things from these girls. RH


Welcome To My Asylum is a bombardment and overload of awesome insane metal, executed to precise and sublime standards. It has everything and more you could hope for, for an extreme metal track; its infectiously melodic, dark, with hard hitting rhythms, tech sounds and beats, not to mention, lots of varied crazy vocals that are compelling, making you feel like you are at the ‘asylum’ – a true welcome to their mad house! Once you enter, I don’t think you will want to leave! CL

To be featured on our mixtape email us at

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