Angelic Magazine Devotional: Vol. 1

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Dëvøtïøñål angelic magazine ­ two thousand and twenty V O L . I

Angelic Devotional V O L . I

THESE WORDS ARE WRITTEN with the h o l y b i b l e as our guide.

We pra y i n t h e na m e o f Jesus H i s w i ll i s pre va i led.



Day 1: New Beginnings ­ Habits Day 2: God's Faithfulness ­ Faith Day 3: Being Intentional ­ Present Day 4: Stay Committed ­ Don't Give Up Day 5: Priorities ­ I Will Day 6: New Beginnings ­ Mindset Day 7: God's Faithfulness ­ His Plan Day 8: Being Intentional ­ Comparison Day 9: Stay Committed ­ Time Day 10: Priorities ­ Godly Life Day 11: New Beginnings ­ I Am New Day 12: God's Faithfulness ­ Peace Day 13: Being Intentional ­ Courage Day 14: Stay Committed ­ Treasure Day 15: Priorities ­ Roots Day 16: New Beginnings ­ Trust Day 17: God's Faithfulness ­ Steadfast Day 18: Being Intentional ­ Voice Lessons Day 19: Stay Committed ­ Holy Spirit Day 20: Priorities ­ God

da one N E W B E G I N N I N G : H A B I T S


Someone gave me this verse a few years ago as my theme for the New Year. It couldn’t have come at a better time in my life. I was tired. I was weary. I was in a valley and couldn’t see an end in sight. I was sick of the habits that I couldn’t break and the sins that I couldn’t seem to overcome. I was tired of feeling stuck. But I found hope in this verse. God would make a way in my wilderness and streams of life in what felt like a wasteland. This verse reminds me of Chris’s redeeming power. In nature, the Lord has given us continuous examples of His grace and resurrection. There’s a morning at the end of every night. The life of spring comes after the death of winter. There’s a new week, a new month, and now a New Year, a chance to start again. Maybe this past year felt difficult or even hopeless, but fear not. God has overcome! He is with you. This New Year holds another chance for new growth, new opportunities and new mercies. Praise God that in Him, our stories aren’t finished. Whatever this past year brought you, if you are feeling stuck or disappointed, take heart Beloved. God has a purpose for your life. I pray that this year brings you closer to the Lord. May we start this year expectant for the work the Lord is going to do both in us and through us.

Isaiah 43:19 “"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”"


Faith is like a muscle you can’t see until you start to exercise that muscle. What does God say and how do we begin to believe who He is when so much of what is happening in and around our lives screams the exact opposite of God’s promises to us as individuals and a collective? It’s simple.…We pray, we bow down, we read His word, we get into our proper position and then we wait. Oh, the wait can be brutal. Time plays with our minds and wears on our emotions yet God does not lie. He is quite clear that there is a plan for each of us and it’s a good plan. God will whisper to you through His word, dreams, and signs. He will be a lamp to your feet in a dark world pointing you in the right direction. Faith is believing in God, believing in the re‐routing, believing in the storms and believing that He loves you more than your natural mind could know. He is not angry with you. He is not disappointed in you. He delights in you because you are His. We weren’t promised an easy life but we were promised an abundant life.

Hebrews 11:6 "And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him."

da hr B E I N G I N T E N T I O N A L : P R E S E N T BY AL ANIE SAY ER

All of 2ù19, I struggled with staying present. I found myself focusing more on the things that haven’t happened yet than I did on what’s really going on in front of me. With the new year, it’s time that I get intentional about being fully present. You too? Great, keep reading. When we are more intentional about being fully in the now, even though nothing around us may change, what’s inside of us creates change. We are encouraged to exist in a different way in the middle of our situations and become better for it. We position ourselves to better see our story change and we get an opportunity to praise the Lord through some of the toughest storms. I heard these words from a song by Upperroom recently, “because when I see Your face, I’ll wish I’d given more away. So don’t let me waste a trial, don’t let me miss the chance to praise” and they’ve been stirring within me. I never want to miss a chance to praise my King. The One who is good and faithful and true. There is purpose here. Lessons to be learned in these valleys and I don’t want to miss these precious moments of clinging to Him. Moments of giving Him my highest praise even when I can’t see or understand. So with every gift, in every season, with all that I am ‐ I will praise Him for He deserves it all. Matthew 6:34 “"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.”"

da four S TAY C O M M I T T E D : D O N ' T G I V E U P BY BR A N D ON LYONS

My dad use to always tell me, it’s what you do on the days that you don’t want to do it that matter. I think about that every time I want to eat junk food. I live with a 3 year old and a 5 year old, so that’s often! Yet, if I focus on what I can’t have, I’ll lose. I must focus on what I’m going towards. “Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait”. That is the key. Keep. Stick with it. Do not let go of it. Hold tightly to it. In God’s love. Sit in it. Soak in it. Bathe in it. Anoint your mind and heart with it. Remind yourself of it. God’s love for you is unshakeable, unwavering. As you wait. All good things requiring waiting. It’s why instant coffee is cheap and a pour over is coveted. We must learn to wait. The results you want are not hot pockets. No. They’re seasoned, marinated, and cooked slow. It’s what you do and the days you don’t want to do it. Those are the days we take it to God in prayer. We offer it up to him. Hands open. Palms up. Letting him sustain us as we wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring us to eternal life. Jude 1:2ù‐21 "But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life."

da five P R I O R I T I E S : I W I L L


As I get older I'm finding that I still have a lot of big dreams I haven't yet fulfilled. And a part of me is beginning to wonder if I'll just be a dreamer my whole life or if I'll indeed experience the things that dance in my mind and heart. Priorities. I need to focus. I need to make my dreams a priority instead of fantasies that live in my head to get me through my days. Daydreaming keeps me company ‐‐ but living out my dreams will fulfill God's purpose on my life. I must prioritize and write out a gameplan for how to attack these dreams. I will pray and I will prioritize. I will seek God's wisdom and I will be a person of action. I will. Dear God, please help me. Guide my hand to the dreams you've planted in my heart. Help me to priortize You and to pursue the callings you've placed on my life. I can't do this without you. Please give me wisdom and insight how I can be a person of action. Teach me Your ways and show me how to be an I will person as I pursue Your will on my life. John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

da six N E W B E G I N N I N G : M I N D S E T


The simplicity of ‘His mercy is new every morning’ gets me every time. It is, actually, finished. There (actually) is no longer (any) condemnation for us. Picture this, there stands a wide‐open door in front of you. You can sense all the color and light outside. Soft blues, golden rays, and some kind of magical sparkle in the air. You know it feels good out there. But you just ‘feel’ obligated to stay in this damp, dark room where you ‘feel’ like you belong. You don’t deserve the lighthearted life. That’d be too easy, too good to be true. Ah, but it is. The light and easy yoke. Just walk through. Breathe that in for a moment. Eyes closed. You are (actually) His delight. He put you inside of the perfection of Jesus. You are righteous as He is righteous. Perfect as He is perfect. And here’s the good news; He does all the work. He will continue to dispense His abundant life into yours. What if you (actually) live as the person you dream of being… today? What if you let go of old habits and mindsets and pick up new ones today? When is too soon? How about now? Galatians 2:2ù "My old identity has been co‐crucified with Messiah and no longer lives; for the nails of his cross crucified me with him. And now the essence of this new life is no longer mine, for the Anointed One lives his life through me—we live in union as one! My new life is empowered by the faith of the Son of God who loves me so much that he gave himself for me, and dispenses his life into mine!"

da seven G O D ' S F A I T H F U L N E S S : H I S P L A N


Do you ever have those days that are full of mixed emotions? Extra sensitive, not good enough, overthinking everything, emotional mess kind of days. The ones that leave you crying in your car in the parking lot out of just being completely overwhelmed and defeated. Unsure of what’s next or if you’ll ever step into His promises and plans for your life. Yeah, me too. I’m reminded of one of my favorite scriptures. Isaiah 55:11 reads, “"Just as rain and snow descend from the skies and don’t go back until they’ve watered the earth, doing their work of making things grow and blossom, producing seed for farmers and food for the hungry, so will the words that come out of my mouth not come back empty‐handed." They’ll do the work I sent them to do, they’ll complete the assignment I gave them”. God is who He says He is and He will do what He said He would do. He will finish what He started. We may not always understand why we are in the season we are in, but He always has a plan. A plan for deliverance and redemption. A plan that is promise fulfilling and fruit bearing. Isaiah 61:3 "For all of you who are knee deep in the trenches or fighting to keep your head above water, press in towards the truth that He promises to give a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning. The garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that we may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, so that He may be glorified."


It’s unfortunate that we live in a world that tells us to look over our fences into someone else’s backyard. Hmm, it does appear to be a prosperous backyard though. Shortly after thoughts start to cloud our judgment that perhaps the grass in greener in our neighbor’s yard. But God says, “No, don’t do that.” Why does He tell us not to be enamored with someone else’s life? Why does He tell us to be content in all seasons? Are you content? I don’t always feel content. There are things I want to see change. So how can we be intentional with what has been given to us? First, we must be intentional with our time. Who or what is occupying most of your time? God says everything you need is in Me. Yet, aren’t there things we also want? Well guess what He desires to give us so much more than we can even think to ask but it will come at a price. Being intentional about following Jesus comes with a cost. And we don’t like that deal. We think we know best. When I start to feel anxious about a situation that I do not think God is moving in, I go to the beach or walk in my neighborhood or sit on my front porch at night and look at what God has made. I am intentional about who God is. Being intentional is casting your cares and taking your thoughts captive. 1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you"


I was once given the task of making a list of what fills and empties my “tank”. I was running ragged in life and didn’t have the energy to do well at the things I loved because there were more “drains” competing for my time. Writing that list drastically changed my life that year. I had more time for ministry, for family, and for the relationships that truly mattered. One thing I felt God call me to let go of was work. No, He wasn’t calling me to quit my job. But I felt Him calling me to work less hours so that I could be more intentional in my time with my family and with the youth ministry I was a part of. Life was so much more satisfying. Now, I’m not saying you need to work less, but maybe there’s something in your life God wants to remove or surrender. Is there anything that’s keeping you from serving Him wholeheartedly? Maybe it’s a friendship that causes you to stumble, or a work environment that you know isn’t healthy for you. Maybe your tank is too full and He wants you to let go of some things. This year, I want to follow the Lord like never before. I want to hear when He calls, and be available to serve when He asks. I want my tank to have the space to say “yes” to God. Let us throw off whatever is hindering us. We are running a race and there isn’t time to waste. Hebrews 12:1 “"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”"

da en P R I O R I T I E S : G O D LY L I F E


My wife and I talk about the end often. We have a picture for where we want to be in our 5ùs, 6ùs, and what we want to be remembered for. This started years ago for us when we wrote down the priorities for our family. The truth is, we all have priorities. Some of us just don’t know what they are, but if you look at your calendar, you’ll get a pretty good picture of what you prioritize. Prioritize worldly success and you may find it, but you may also find yourself missing the things in life that ultimately give you meaning. There’s nothing like going to a memorial for a person who lived a Godly life. People tell stories of their generosity, how kind they were, and how they impacted others’ lives. That’s not an accident. We probably know people who could have had those stories be about them, but they didn’t make time for the things that matter most. Do not fear the end. Our end is the doorway to eternity. Plan for it. Think about it. What do you want people to say about you at your memorial? What will they remember you for? Prioritize them and set your schedule by it. Keep them before you that people might come to think of your presence as a sweet‐smelling aroma. Ecclesiastes 7:1 "A good name is better than fine perfume, and the day of death better than the day of birth."

da eleven N E W B E G I N N I N G : I A M N E W BY AL ANIE SAY ER

God has always been. When the Earth was formless and empty and darkness was over the surface of the deep, Holy Spirit hovered over the waters. Before He brought nothing into something, He was hovering. Even now, in the nothing He remains steadfast in turning it into something. So much change and unknown has left me feeling a bit like that day where darkness was over the surface of the deep. But the Spirit never leaves. I revel in the fact that He has always made nothing into something. Joy from mourning. Grace and mercy from sin and death. It’s His hovering that gives me peace. His notion that He will never leave and He finishes what He starts. That He knows what will be before it even gives life. Genesis 1:3 says, “and God said ‘Let there be light’ and there was light”. The light comes in His Presence. The Earth knows His voice and responds to His commands. How beautiful it all became by His breath. How beautiful my change and the unknown will be by sitting in His Presence, waiting at His feet. Feeling the weight of His hovering. Seeing just how, at the right time, the light always peaks through. My Jesus, You make all things new. Revelation 21:5 “"Then the One sitting on the throne said, “See! I am making all things new. Write, for these words are true and faithful.”"

da welve G O D ' S F A I T H F U L N E S S : P E A C E BY WHITNEY HANCOCK

This year I am asking you to anticipate my goodness from the very beginning. I’m here to deepen your experience of my love. Can you settle down and find a quiet place to return to, a sacred place, where you can lean into my peace? You will know what genuine love looks, feels, smells and tastes like. Every good gift you receive in life is my pleasure to send your way. As my child, you give me a joy that spills over daily. I delight in your efforts toward growth, connection and giving. My peace is here to silence the unnecessary noise. I have a patience for you that I will never give up. I’m here to endure when you feel like you cant. It is so easy to be kind to you. It is difficult to find fault in you because who you are brings me such joy. I long to show you how good I am. And I am always prepared to be gentle with you. No one can change my mind about you. And I have put you inside of Jesus; there is no longer any flaw in you, only the fuller transformation of your heart into His. Receive my Spirit. Soak. Abide. Take a few minutes to let yourself remember and journal five ways you experienced God’s love and kindness in 2ù19. Galatians 5:22 "But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions: joy that overflows, peace that subdues, patience that endures, kindness in action, a life full of virtue, faith that prevails, gentleness of heart, and strength of spirit. Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless."

da hirtn B E I N G I N T E N T I O N A L : C O U R A G E BY BR A N D ON LYONS

Accidental good is really not good at all. Good is an intended outcome. That’s why every heroic story includes the opportunity for the protagonist to walk away. They have every reason, but they stay. They fight. They are victorious. In those rare occasions, their victory is found in paying the ultimate sacrifice. Are you not entertained?! There’s an intention. It takes intentionality. It takes standing your ground when the forces around you desire to drive you off the course. It’s the Spartans digging in and holding their ground against the Persian empire. It’s running into the danger while others flee. It’s the true story of Welles Crowther who helped 1ù others escape the World Trade Center attacks and ultimately losing his own life as he tried to save more. In the heat of the fire, it’s never glamorous to being righteous and hold to your ways. It takes intent. It’s takes courage. It takes God putting something in you that firms you for the fight. As you stand your ground, refusing to be sullied, you will grow stronger. But it will not be a fluke, nor an accident. Courage takes intentionality. Job 17:9 "Nevertheless, the righteous will hold to their ways, and those with clean hands will grow stronger."


Staying committed to your relationship with God can be challenging. I mean we can’t even visibly see Him. We can’t reach out and touch Him and sometimes we can’t even hear Him. So, how do we stay committed when often God feels a million miles away? I like to look at it from the perspective of a treasure hunt. Have you ever been on a treasure hunt when you were a kid? Or an Easter egg hunt? Remember the golden egg? The golden egg usually had something much more valuable inside than the rest of the eggs and we were eager to hunt for and find that particular egg. It’s very much the same way with God. If you really seek Him like He’s says, you will find Him. Taking time everyday to be alone with God will help you find Him. He’s notorious for showing up when you least expect it and blowing your mind over how involved with your life He truly is. God cares about the details. He cares about what makes you happy and what hurts you. He wants to show you just how powerful He is and how absolutely nothing gets by Him. There is treasure with your name on it. Treasures just for you so make a decision to stay committed to the most important relationship you will ever have. Jeremiah 29:13" You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart"

da fiftn P R I O R I T I E S : R O O T S


With the long list of all that we desire to accomplish this year crowding around us, let’s make sure taking care of ourselves is a priority. So much of 2ù19 has left me with the realization that I haven’t really done that. And it’s quite obvious. 2ù19 was, by far, the hardest year I’ve ever had. I was in a constant state of transition, walked through so many unknowns, had to work through panic attacks, had plans I thought were good fall apart, and had to get comfortably uncomfortable. My mental and emotional health dwindled causing anxiety, constant worry and overthinking, and not really being present around loved ones. I desire a different posture this new year. One of acceptance and surrender. One that trusts Him no matter what. One that looks fear, pain and discomfort in the face without losing heart because of the truth of His faithfulness. Allowing Him to uproot every tree He hasn’t planted. Giving me new soil. A soil where seeds of righteousness, patience, promises and joy are rooted. Ecclesiastes 3:2 "there is a time to plant and a time to uproot. He’s making way for fruit to sprout forth just like the valleys make way for the river of life to flow through."

da sixtn N E W B E G I N N I N G : T R U S T


There is so much I have for you, my love. As you know I allow you to go through different seasons of life. Some seasons you will glide through with such ease. You may even wonder what else could go right? Other seasons, however, will feel painful and depleting. Stay with me beloved. Don’t fight it. Just lean in to the new thing I am doing. The valleys are where you experience and learn the most valuable life lessons about who you are. The valleys are my training ground for the new things I am working diligently to bring to pass in your life. Let me have my way. The stripping is necessary to get to the center of your identity in Me and Me alone. I won’t leave you. I know your every move. I know when you lay down and when you rise. You are my greatest gift. Give me your heart, for that is all I want. Allow me to lay your desires before you without worldly distractions clouding your thoughts. You can trust me; I know what I am doing. Ecclestiastes 3:11 "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."

da seventn G O D ' S F A I T H F U L N E S S : S T E A D FA S T B Y J E S S E A N A Y A

Is the Lord's arm too short? God posed this question to Moses in the book of Numbers ‐‐ alluding to the fact that we doubt Him, but is His arm too short, is He uncapable of doing what He's promised or for what we ask of Him? Is He our Genie? No, He is greater. He is our God. He has come through for us before and He will come through for us again. Scripture reminds us that all things are possible with Him. And His word reminds us great is His faithfulness. He is faithful but do we really believe it? Is God really faithful? The defintion of faithful means constant and steadfast. The LORD is faithful. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Let the imagery of these words rest in your soul. In Romans it states that faith comes from hearing the word of God. It is when we receive His word that it nourishes our hearts, minds and souls like water, and as a result what is sprouted is our faith. To understand His faithfulness is to know Him and we know Him by seeking Him and reading His word. We will learn to trust His faithfulness as we strengthen our faith and learn about His steadfast constance. Is the Lord's arm too short for you? LORD, I trust you and have faith in your faithfulness. Awaken my heart and mind and soul to your mysterious and miraculous ways. Numbers 11:23 "Then the LORD said to Moses, “Has my arm lost its power? Now you will see whether or not my word comes true!"

da eightn welve B E I N G I N T E N T I O N A L : V O I C E L E S S O N S BY WHITNEY HANCOCK

Just yesterday, I told the Lord, “I wish I heard your voice more while I’m at work.” And right back to me He said, “I wish I heard your voice more while you’re at work.” Oh, right. He actually waits to experience us and what we want to bring to Him. What a good reminder that He’s curious and hopeful for constant conversation. Like best friends, or lovers, always catching each other up about what matters to each other. Intentional friends are the best kind. Over the years, as friends have moved away, a few have remained constant in their pursuit of our friendship. Random texts and phone calls to find out how I am or remind me they love me; these things have built layers of trust that I matter to them. It reveals their unconditional love for me when they initiate connection. It creates a deepening desire in me to encourage, support and love them too because they care about my life. I am convinced this is how the Holy Spirit is with us. Waiting and patient, desiring sweet mutual connection and trust building. Lord, today I want to open up with you about ______. I know my voice is important to you. What can I re‐entrust to you that I’ve been carrying on my own? 2 Corinthians 3:18 "We can all draw close to him with the veil removed from our faces. And with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the Lord Jesus. We are being transfigured into his very image as we move from one brighter level of glory to another. And this glorious transfiguration comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."

da inetn S TAY C O M M I T T E D : H O LY S P I R I T B Y J E S S E A N A Y A

Commitment takes dedication. And dedication takes action. The bible tells us in 1 John 3:18 to love but not just love with our speech but with actions and in truth. I am writing this to you as much as I am writing this to myself because I need to hear it. Stay committed. Let your actions speak in ways your words will never be able to. Be a person of actions ‐‐ someone of dedication. Be committed to God. How do we stay committed when life shoots arrows our way? How do we stay dedicated when the enemy constantly tells us to quit? God. Greater is He that is in us than He who is in the world. By ourselves we are weak and weary but with God we have the roar of a lion. When we are weak, He is strong. When we are faithless, He is faithful. Staying committed cannot be done on our own strength. We get discouraged. We get unmotivated. Being committed is when we allow His Spirit to be at work within us. Lord, we surrender our commitment and dedication to you. Strengthen our spirit to have the roar of the Lion. Equip us to be in tune with Your voice and Holy Spirit promptings. Prompt us to rise to the occasion every time we are called upon. Reinvigorate our souls to be committed and dedicated to the people you've placed in our life and to You, our Lord and Savior. Let us feel your Spirit all over us. You are faithful. Psalm 139:7‐1ù "Where can I go to escape Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to the heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, You are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle by the farthest sea, even there Your hand will guide me; Your right hand will hold me fast."


I see it everywhere all the time. “Do what makes you happy”. And I hate it. At its core, the phrase is focused on you (which is kind of selfish), and on happiness. We live in a society today that glorifies happiness. It seems that for many people, the priority in life is to be happy. The problem is that happiness is extremely fleeting and unpredictable. Why would you want to build a life on something that’s bound to disappear without warning? Have you ever gone shopping and found something you really wanted? In the store it’s new and shiny and it makes you so oh happy so you simply must buy it and take it home. But once you get home the shine wears off, almost immediately. It doesn’t make you happy anymore, and now you must search for it again. Friends, happiness should not be our priority this year. I want this year to bring you everlasting JOY. Joy is rooted in Jesus Christ and the promise that His resurrection gives. Because of His sacrifice and resurrection, we are freed from our bondage of sin. We can be in right relationship with God. We have an eternity in Heaven. Our life has a purpose. Our life has meaning even in the mundane, or the heartbreak, or the difficult. We can find joy in all of life’s scenarios, because even if life isn’t good, God is. Even on our worst day, God’s promises still stand. And so this is my prayer for you as you begin this year; that your love may abound more as you fellowship with the Lord. I pray that you will grow in wisdom as you spend time in His Word. I pray that you will view God as good and true and sure, despite your circumstances. Most of all, I pray that this year will be full of a joy that’s rooted in Jesus and that spending time with Him will be this year’s top priority.

da welve

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