Sophia's Diary Magazine - Spring 2021

Page 5



If you are looking for inspiration in the kitchen, then this no-bake cheesecake is a great recipe for the kids to make. It’s especially good if you are looking to use up the excess chocolate eggs from Easter! It’s a good basic no-bake cheesecake recipe that can be topped with anything from fresh fruit to any of your favourite chocolate bars or biscuits. It can also be made using individual ramekin pots, you would need 6 for this recipe. YOU WILL NEED: • Ingredients 10 Digestives 75g Butter 200g Cream Cheese 150g Double Cream 75g Icing Sugar

1 Grease the tin with butter. Put Digestives into a resealable plastic bag and bash them with the rolling pin until they are like crumbs.

GET AN ADULT TO HELP: Melt the butter in a pan, once melted add the digestive crumbs and mix thoroughly. 2

3 Press biscuit mixture in to the tin and press down well, put into the fridge to set.

In the medium bowl, mix the cream cheese and icing sugar together. 4

• Decorate: 3-4 Creme Eggs or mini crème eggs 75g Icing Sugar Yellow/orange food dye 40g Milk chocolate (melted) • Utensils: 8” cake tin/dish Rolling pin Small pan Large bowl Medium bowl Wooden Spoon

5 In the large bowl whip the double cream until it is thick and forms peaks, then add the cream cheese mixture to the cream and mix thoroughly. 6 Spread evenly on the top of the biscuit base and fridge for a few hours. 7 Carefully, remove from tin and before serving, mix the icing sugar with a little water to form a thick but drip consistency. Drizzle half of this white icing across the top then add a few drops of yellow/ orange colouring to the rest of the mixture and drizzle this across the top of the cheesecake. Slice the crème eggs in half and place round the sides and drizzle the melted chocolate over the top.

I would love to see your creations, Enjoy!

Ailsa O’Shea Chef @craftychefs

Spring 2021 | 5

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