Sophia's Diary Magazine - Spring 2021

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During this lockdown, there’s no denying that many of you have let your brows go. After all, you’re not seeing anyone in person, right? Plus, pixelated Zoom calls and fantastic filters do regrowth a lot of justice. But with freedom in sight, now is a good time to think about brow recovery. If you aren’t sure where to begin, you aren’t alone! Never fear, though! I’m here to help! There are loads of wonderful treatments out there that can help you to turn eyebrow tragedy into Instagram fire. Here’s the perfect roadmap for you to get the brows you deserve: 12th April Release – Tidy up those bad boys with a threading treatment. Make sure that you find someone who’s not too thread-happy! After all, the current fashion is full and fluffy, so you don’t want your therapist to thread away that full lockdown growth! If in doubt, check their social media to see their Best of Brows! Threading gives you the best definition, but if you prefer to wax, look out for the gentle and effective Lycon treatment!

Microblading Miracles – if you’re still looking like you’re about to roll out of bed and onto a Zoom meeting, microblading will get you prepared for those socially-distanced, face-to-face chats. Since you’ve got your mask on, your eyes and brows will have to do the talking, after all! You’ll get that flawless brow look every day with no effort and feel ready to face the outside world. 22 | Spring 2021

Could they do with a little tint? Over time, eyebrows can lose some of their colour. So, to help you to capture that beautiful, full look, a tint could be perfect for you!

Still looking a little sparse? You can fill them in with a brow pencil, brow powder and gel. Bring in the drama! Brow laminations are all the rage right now, and for good reason! This little brow tamer sets those unruly hairs so that you look ready for the public at all times.

Nita McEvoy Brow Queen @nitamcevoy

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