Sophia's Diary Magazine - Spring 2021

Page 16


LOCAL BUSINESSES LAUNCHED IN LOCKDOWN! You finally go for the plunge, go ahead with your dream and launch that businesses! Then Lockdown strikes! How did these business women feel? How did they adapt? Here are 2 stories of how they coped.

diddi dance, Enfield and Potters Bar Owner: Constantina Menezes Date the Business Launched: 14th February

HI COS, HOW DID YOU FEEL WHEN LOCKDOWN WAS ANNOUNCED SO SOON AFTER BUYING THE FRANCHISE? Hi Andrea, I felt really empty, stressed anxious and angry as I just started the business and literally had to stop running overnight. I only managed to run 3 sessions before restrictions were announced. After taking out a loan and spending thousands on the franchise fee, I knew I would not be able to monetise the business for a while. Although diddi dance was established, I barely knew the parents, so their loyalty to still remain as clients was questionable at this point. I was not entitled to any financial help as this was a brand new business.

HOW DID YOU ADAPT YOUR BUSINESS? I changed the business to online only and ran Zoom Classes and Facebook Lives. I taught parents how to make props at home so children could still participate. Although I had so much support from head office on how to run our business online and to not be afraid, I missed out the franchise’s in person team building session and awards night so I did not feel as connected to the team. I had not connected with my teachers properly and resources had to be delivered in a contactless way. I did not even have the chance to introduce myself properly and establish a relationship with them. 16 | Spring 2021

WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FORWARD TO MOST WHEN RESTRICTIONS EASE? I cannot wait to launch classes and see children’s happy faces in real life. I am so excited about teaching in nurseries. I have not had the opportunity to host a birthday party even. diddi dance has now has a permanent home that we have not been able to use yet. Get in touch Tel: 07983972095 Email: FB: /diddi dance Enfield and Potters Bar IG: @diddidanceenfieldpottersbar

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