The Power Of Masterminding

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Now, That’s What I Call The Power Of Masterminding! /the-power-of-masterminding/ Anam Tahir

It’s four in the morning. As I stood in my terrace I think of my last day. Probably it was the best day in the last month. My soul soaked in every ounce of the sweetly cold, gentle breeze. Never had my mind been so clear before. As I kept staring at the white full moon, playing hide and seek behind the grey thick clouds, I started feeling a little itchiness. The mosquito had bitten me all over – on my left toe’s thumb, the neighboring two fingers, both elbows, my jaw bone, my neck right below my jaw bone. The summers have just started in Lahore and the mercury has already touched a forty degrees Celsius mark. I decided to move in and offer my morning prayers. I feel over-the-top happy and satisfied today. Why is that so? I haven’t done my spilling shoe rack as yet. Why am I feeling so light today? I haven’t lost a Kg in these last four five months despite regular workout :/ Did I check off every to-do item on my list today? The monster has been scaring me for months now! I’m afraid to confess, but the answer is ‘no’. I hadn’t done anything worth mentioning last day. Then what was it that made me get my butt out of the bed so early? It’s nothing but the power of masterminding. The concept of masterminding was first introduced by the legendary Napolean Hill in his all-time-famous-book


“Think and Grow Rich”. He defines Mastermind as,

The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work towards a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.”

Yesterday I had a long conversation with my friend. We sat and virtually put our heads together in figuring out where we were going wrong. What strategies we need to implement in our business to give it a boost. In the beginning of our conversation we both were meh. But as if out of magic, ideas began to spring up. Well, it was no magic. It was nothing but the collective outcome of our brains that ideas flowed to us naturally. It’s the collective sum of energy released in the form of brain waves that ideas that were already there but never sprung up in isolation gained momentum and showed up as if they were born out of magic. I was pumped up! In fact, I was so pumped up on making a crack in this Earth that I ended up doing nothing at all! Yes, I know I’m weird. Honestly, I think there is something wrong with my DNA! Whenever I feel motivated to work harder, I end up doing no work at all out of sheer happiness of being motivated. Haha :p Has that ever happened to you? Anyway, today I’ve decided to defeat that whooping monkey in my brain and not just stare at the blank laptop screen but actually write!


As I sip my full-cream morning mug of tea, I start writing this post as my growling stomach calms down and teaaddict brain gets past the writer’s block. I know it’s no epic piece. No eighth wonder of the world. I am not really moved as I re-read it. But waking up to the alarm for the first time in months and making myself write a post at five in the morning is what I call the power of masterminding! I never really understood the concept at its core until today as I write this up and all set to hit that publish button on the right! Have a great day! Anam *P.S* Don’t forget to answer the question that I had asked. Hop into the comment box and tell me if you have ever experienced what I went through. And pass this on to your friends as well. I want to know if it’s only me or them as well. Want to know more about me?


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