The 22 telltale signs why you should quit your job

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The 22 Telltale Signs Why You Should Quit Your Job /why-you-should-quit-your-job/ Anam Tahir


There was not a single morning during those six months when I would not wake up grumbling to myself. Every morning, five days a week, for six months, I would drag myself out of the bed into the bathroom. Every morning would look the same. Bathe and curse that bloody small mouth of the shower! It made me take so long to get done with the whole bathing process. (Now don’t ask why I didn’t get it fixed. It’s a story in itself.) Spill tooth paste in the sink almost-every time I squeeze it on the bristles as my entire world would be blur at that time of the day. My eyes would be inundated with sleep and they just would not slit open! Brush my teeth with my hand moving back and forth as lazily as it could. Dress up with a heavy heart and almost-tripping over at least once as I would get my right leg into the pants. Bless you ‘the closet handle’ – my savior! Wearing eyeliner in a dark room would be another challenge each day for my fucking ex would wake up and growl at me if I would light up a small bulb. (Why didn’t I go into any other room to get my make-up on? That’s another story. May be I’ll tell you some other time). Every God damn morning I had to gulp down my breakfast in either two minutes or take that not-at-all-delicious sandwich with me in the car so I could eat it on my way. As I would enter the school premises I would be totally lost in my own world. As if the time had stood still. As if the whole world and the life around was on play but my life was paused. I could hear parents and children greeting me. I would greet them too. Robotically. As if it was programmed in my mind. The thought of staying inside that class room on the top floor for the next seven hours would haunt me each morning. Each day I would take a quick glance at the wall clock infinite number of times and do a quick calculation as to how much time was left for the heavenly school bell to ring. As the school bell would ring, my encapsulated suffocated soul would feel a gust of air and take a sigh of relief. It was my life’s first job (not the one that I usually talk about). Why I applied there in the first place?…. It’s a long story. Forget it. The thing is, I hated it! I just HATED it! Aaarghhh! My skills were being wasted down the drain as any high school graduate could have taught those eighteen, three years olds. There was no need of any M-Phil graduate. But NEVER for a single moment did I think of quitting my job. Why? It was “THE Escape“ from my then f*$king husband and bloody (slash #itch) mother-in-law. (Excuse my french, but that’s the most decent word I could come up with :p)


My only incentive was to spend seven to eight hours outside the house that could never become my home. Okay. Pause. Why am I telling you all this? Because, I think only and only if you have a spouse as *$#! as my ex and a mother-in-law as bitchy as her, should you still be working at a job that you hate as much as I did mine! For any other situation in your life, you know my answer already – a bold,CAPS, NO! Now a million dollar question.

Why You Should Quit Your Job? Because if you don’t quit it, it will make you quit on yourself!

The 22 Telltale Signs It’s Time To Quit Your Job

1.You think of quitting each day. Going to work haunts you day in and day out! 2. You get bored to death at work. You don’t enjoy your work. You just do it out of obligation. 3. You feel your natural talents, your inclinations are being wasted down the drain. 4. You know somewhere deep within that you were not made to do this. 5. You are doing it because you just can’t ‘see’ any other option. 6. Your “survival” mode is switched on. You are not living your life. You’re simply existing. 7. You can’t visualize yourself working here for the next three years. 8. Your life no more seems exciting to you. Or even if a chunk of it does seem exciting then that part has nothing to do with your work. 9. You feel exhausted to your bones. You are burnt out! 10. You don’t play anymore.


11. You are least interested in business slash work-related meetings. You don’t give a shit where the company wants to head or the strategies they want to implement. 12. It’s-none-of-my-fucking-business thought is always on your mind while you are sitting with your boss and listening to his instructions. 13. You are not interested in getting promoted. 14. Your self-motivation is dead. 15. You feel uninspired. 16. Each day you die for the clock’s hands to hit five point O. Your Prison-Break-Moment. 17. Just ‘thinking’ about going to work gives you anxiety. 18. You consistently feel the guilt of not having done anything worth while to leave a legacy behind. 19. You live for the weekends. Every Friday is the best day of your life and every Sunday night is a nightmare! 20. Your performance level is not improving. Or worse, falling. 21. You don’t want to get out of your bed each day. Or worse, there are days when you just don’t want to wake up! 22. That piece of paper, what they call paycheck, is the only reason you are still working for “General Zod”. I believe the above 22 symptoms are enough to convince you to type your resignation letter tonight! Okay that was a little over the top. Maybe in the next few days. But if there is any other reason for why you should quit your job jump straight into the comment box below and let me know of that. As always I would love to hear your part of the story! If you like it, it! And it would be so nice of you if you share it with your friends who are trapped in their job-web and they still can’t figure out ‘why I should quit my job ?‘ for themselves. Happy quitting :D Anam *P.S.* Why did I quit? Well he “forced” me to quit! Let’s not dig into the why for now. :) But I must confess, it was a blessing in disguise! Please don’t wait for some blessing in disguise!


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