I chose to be an entrepreneur

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I Chose To Be An Entrepreneur anamtahir.com /i-chose-to-be-an-entrepreneur/ Anam Tahir

5.30 am. The alarm goes on. I curl myself up trying to catch 2 minutes of extra sleep. All of a sudden my eyes pop open. Another morning and once again I curse myself for not being able to get done with my last day’s to do list. I just want to slap myself in the face really hard! Seriously! Another consecutive day in a row over the past 5 months and I have failed once again for the 1000th time probably. Okay that’s a little exaggeration. But effective time management has been the biggest challenge that I have faced since I have started my online business to date. My day… Use the washroom, offer my prayers, try to meditate for 5 minutes and fail miserably once again, make myself a mug of tea and toast a slice of bran bread with some jam on it. One and a half hour is already gone! Fuck it! I don’t know if it has ever happened to you, in fact, I guess it’s only me who has some problem with brain neurons. I get sleepy after having my breakfast. Weird huh!!


Once again I open up my not-so-kick-ass laptop, almost clueless where to begin my work from. My to-do list has just been rolling over for almost two weeks now. It’s haunting me now. And I am sick of it! Still clueless, I just jump on to Medium.com and scroll down the home page. See top 3 recommended posts in my feed. I see a post titled “5 minutes…”. Interested by the title of the post, I just clicked on it. Read the 2 minute read. Curious to know about the author I just clicked on the link in bio and I land on this page with a never ending list of articles. Scrolling through them I happened to have a glance at “ The Digital Nomad Lie” . Hooked by the very title of the post, I just hit that left button on my mouse pad. The truth of the post, the reality reflected in it just pumped me up to sit and write this down.

I Chose To Be An Entrepreneur – A Digital Entrepreneur

Being an entrepreneur is a lonely road. Pigeons flock together, BUT Eagles fly alone!

Like any other girl or guy in their twenties, I thought being an entrepreneur, will make me sound cool and seem like a woman of substance. Well it does sound cool to me. I will be honest :p haha But let me tell you entrepreneurship is no bed of roses. It doesn’t bring you rainbows or lollipops.


It comes with a price. It gives you overwhelm. It gives you days of anxiety. It gives you loneliness. It gives you brutal lessons wrapped in failures. It demands a lot, and this means a lotttt, of sacrifice and compromise on your part. (Sacrificing your sleep time, family time, TV time might sound very petty while you are reading this, but I swear, it is wayyyy more difficult to do it than just reading or thinking about it!) If you choose to be an entrepreneur and are looking for some quick money, aka quick success, then baby, you are at the wrong place. Let me warn you! There are no shortcuts to success. Any. At all!!! Success, no matter how you define it – it might mean earning more money to you, it might mean leaving an impact on the world to you, or may be it means supporting your family, whatever it is, success does not come easy. Period. In fact the route to success is one heck of a ride. Bet your a**! It is marked by deep pitfalls and bumps. Failures are a major must-have of THE Journey. And it will take you long enough to get to your desired goals.


If you are some what like me, somewhere in your twenties, and feel like a total shit, who has wasted her life doing nothing, then sweetheart it’s absolutely normal to feel that way! But… Do NOT take it seriously! Yes, you read it right. Do not take that thought seriously. Feeling like shit and actually doing something to get rid of that shit are two different things . If you feel you haven’t done anything and just keep thinking about changing this world, leaving an impact, I bet you, you will, never, ever, leave any impact on the world. However, if you take action, and by that I mean consistent action each day, yeah each day, only then will you be able not just to live your dreams but leave an impact on this world. And taking consistent action is way easier said than done! It requires so much effort than you can even think of! It requires YOU to change yourself, which is sooo damn difficult! Probably even more difficult than carrying a baby in your womb. Someone, whose name I don’t remember and I don’t feel like Googleing it right now anyway, said, “If you want to change the world then change yourself first.” If you choose to be an entrepreneur in the near future, or if you have already done that, engrave it in your mind, success is not an overnight process or a matter of few months. If you think you will just put in some bloody few hours a week and build a business, you are hallucinating baby!


It takes long. Very long! Entrepreneurship, like any other skill, requires mastery and mastery takes years to develop itself. (If you haven’t read Mastery by Robert Greene, then get it on your list). I am dead sure you must have watched, The Secret – Law of Attraction, by now. I won’t say it’s BS! But whatever they show in the movie is not as true either. Yes, Law of Attraction works. I am not denying the law itself. BUT just having that burning desire and visualizing it day in & day out won’t get you any riches. You will, mark my words, you will, have to work like a mad man for years. There is no pre-defined time period for that. It can be as short a time span as 3 years or it might be as long as 20 years for you depending on the height you want to reach. So, next time when you say,

“I chose to be an entrepreneur“, then you better mean that in the long term. Think about what you want to be in the next 5 years at least or 10 years. And then, work your ass off and do whatever it takes with absolute perseverance, consistency and diligence! Life happens. And it will happen very often on your journey. Reality hits hard, very hard as you go along. But you just don’t have to quit! There is no secret to success. The only answer to your success is YOU! Your Hard Work! Your Ability to stand in the face of no results for longer than anybody else. Point to be noted: Do not try be the next Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg. I am not saying that it is not possible. All I want to say is, it is not probable. Just strive hard to be your own self. Be The Best Version of Yourself. No matter how many times I stress on this, it will never be enough: BE. REAL. BE. AUTHENTIC. And… Be Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable! If you enjoyed reading this or if you have a friend who you think will enjoy it, please hit the share button below. It will mean a lot to me! :) If you have any personal experience to share, jump into the comment box below. I would love to listen to your stories! :)


Have a great Sunday and wish you a very Happy Easter! Anam (27-03-2016) Want to know more about me?


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