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Dear Graduating IMSE Master students, congratulations on the completion of your program. All of your hard work has finally paid off! There are 24 MS students graduating this Spring semester – 3 from Industrial Engineering; 4 from Manufacturing Engineering; 7 from Systems Engineering and 10 from online Systems Engineering. Among these 24 talented graduating MS students, we learned that many of our graduates already obtained job offers from several prestigious companies like Microsoft, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, AT&T, Johnson & Johnson, and many others. All

IMSE faculty & staff are very proud to know you have achieved your dream jobs!

The following principles are gifts to the Class of Spring 2021:

• The ABC principle – Keep good Attitude all the time, Be prepared, and show Confidence when you face challenges.

• “Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” – Steve Jobs

• The 5F principle: Focus on your future, Follow-up on your plan, Follow-through on your goal, Finish-up your works, and put Faith on your journey.

Year 2021 is a very special year to us. Although we are still facing many challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems like we are almost at the end of the dark tunnel due to the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine. To live a normal life is no longer a dream, and it is almost around the corner. Very soon, you will become UTEP alumni after this graduation. Please don’t forget to support our current and future students from the department once you leave UTEP.

There are no never-ending banquets! I hope we will meet again soon! Wish you and your family all the best and stay safe! Go Miners!


MASTER OF SCIENCE IN INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING 1. Franco, Cesar 2. Reverol, Jesus Enrique

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING 1. Guerra Cardenas, Eunice 2. Lopez, Edgar 3. Mendoza Hernandez, David 4. Rubio Hidalgo, Adolfo

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 1. Aranda, Andres 2. Babcock, Brett 3. Chong, Edgar 4. Contreras, Joe 5. Cuevas, Kuyey 6. Garcia Ramos, Luis 7. Hernandez Anaya, Gustavo Adolfo 8. Laster, Jason 9. Mendez, Andres 10. Nwabueze, Ifeanyi 11. Ochoa, Ngozi Ph.D 12. Rivera, Jose 13. Shaheed, Hasan 14. Tapia, Aileen 15. Urenda Sirko, Amanda 16. Velazquez Garcia, Rayfield

Students that have completed a degree with a thesis option.


JESUS ENRIQUE REVEROL| Master of Science in Industrial Engineering Con amor dedico este logro a mi esposa e hijos, gracias por su paciencia. A mi mamá por siempre enseñarnos a buscar la excelencia. En especial, a mi padre. Hombre fuerte, y perseverante que nos mostró hasta su último respiro lo que era luchar y salir adelante cualquiera fuese el reto que se presentara. Te quiero hasta el cielo papá!

DAVID MENDOZA HERNANDEZ | Master of Science in Industrial Engineering I want to thank family, friends and faculty that have always encourage me to keep learning and never stop looking for opportunities to get to this point, to become a professional. Special dedication to my parents that never stopped working so that the dreams of their children come true. Gracias! GO MINERS!

ANDRES ARANDA | Master of Science in Systems Engineering First off, I wanted to take the opportunity to thank my family for supporting my decision of pursuing a new educational career. At the same time, a huge thanks to my employer for paying my education and provide me the flexibility needed to continue my professional duties while I go to school.

BRETT BABCOCK | Master of Science in Systems Engineering I want to thank my family, especially my parents, the faculty of the UTEP College of Engineering, and the US Army for providing me the tools, knowledge, and hardworking mentality to earn such an achievement. It is truly an honor to call UTEP my home and alma mater. Picks Up!

JOE CONTRERAS | Master of Science in Systems Engineering To the two most important people who were the backbone to my pursuit of higher academia, mom and dad, thank you, I love you both. Lilly, my love, I would not be the man I am today without you. Thank you for your encouragement and belief that anything I worked towards was attainable to my countless teachers and mentors!

KUYEY CUEVAS | Master of Science in Systems Engineering I want to thank UTEP for the education they have given me and the opportunity to study with such a diverse group of students and professionals. UTEP has expanded my view of the world.


Master of Science in Systems Engineering To my family, I dedicate this achievement to you. To my classmates: Let’s think big and help create the world we all know we can become.

IFEANYI NWABUEZE |Master of Science in Systems Engineering Graduation reminds me of everyone who has touched my life. The gift of your presence and acknowledgement is truly appreciated.

JOSE RIVERA | Master of Science in Systems Engineering The first time my girlfriend helped me with school happened when she met me halfway to UTEP from Horizon to bring my book for an open book exam. So, I want to thank my now wife and family for supporting me through all my endeavors. Without this support system, I would not be where I am today. I love you!

HASAN SHAHEED | Master of Science in Systems Engineering Family and Friends, it is a pleasure to reach this point in a long journey. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my family, classmates, and professors. I look forward to using the knowledge acquired at UTEP, to share with others in my professional endeavors, and to design systems that will have a positive impact on our communities.

AILEEN TAPIA | Master of Science in Systems Engineering UTEP’s College of Engineering created a space for me to learn and apply valuable transferable skills in my engineering practice. I was able to grow as an engineer, researcher and professional since early on in my journey as well as diversify my portfolio of experiences. I’m grateful for the long-lasting relationships and impact I’ve been able to root in my Miner community.

RAYFIELD VELAZQUEZ GARCIA | Master of Science in Systems Engineering My parents have shown me the importance of hope, effort, and believing in a higher power. Surround yourself with people who understand what it takes to persevere. I’d like to thank my family for being my support network. Thank you to Dr. Smith, Dr. Greig, and Dr. Stewart for being core pillars in enlightening me with engineering expertise. I am grateful to God for the opportunity He has given me.