Alchemy (PERUSAL SCORE) by Amy Gordon

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Commissioned by Indianola Presbyterian Church, Christopher Dent, Director of Music, to celebrate the generations of children’s music ministry leadership of Carol Winans, Sharon Renkes, and Mary Rebekah Fortman.


Music by Amy Gordon

Text by Libby Weber

Instrumentation: SATB Choir (with Mezzo Soloist) & Piano

Duration: 4.5 Minutes

(ASCAP). All Rights Reserved. |
Copyright © 2023 by Amy Gordon

Alchemy, commissioned by Indianola Presbyterian Church, Christopher Dent, Director of Music, to celebrate the generaGons of children’s music ministry leadership of Carol Winans, Sharon Renkes, and Mary Rebekah Fortman, sets the powerful poem by Libby Weber. The poem and piece are inspired by a real-life charity called Swords to Plowshares (Northeast USA), which collects firearms from the community, melts them into gardening tools, distributes the tools to community gardens, harvests the food grown, and then donates the food to local food banks. This piece features a repeaGng refrain that traces each step of the alchemical cycle that transforms guns into sustenance. This poem form is called a circular, in which the last item of each stanza becomes the first item of the next stanza, similar to the famous "Where Have All the Flowers Gone" by Peter, Paul, and Mary.

Visit hBps:// to find out more about the Swords to Plowshares charity, research ways to get involved, and/or make a donaGon.

This piece is suitable for any Mixed-Voice ensemble and would fit well in any concert about acGon-based love.

ABOUT THE POET: Libby Weber is a San Diego-based singer and writer. Raised in a log cabin in rural Illinois, she earned a theatre degree from Northwestern University where she also studied voice and leBered in fencing. Her published works include short ficGon, lyrics, arts blogging, science wriGng, and a year-long sonnet cycle. She maintains an acGve performance calendar with a focus on sacred and contemporary choral repertoire. She and her spouse are agreeably tolerated by two giant dachshunds.

ABOUT THE COMPOSER: Amy Gordon is an acGve composer, arranger, songwriter, and vocalist based in Los Angeles, CA. As a choral composer, she has worked with and been commissioned by numerous choirs, including being the composer-in-residence for Nova Vocal Ensemble. She has also scored numerous films and webcasts. She has a BA in ComposiGon from Loyola Marymount University and an MM in ComposiGon from California State University, Long Beach.

What should we do with deadly arms?

Everywhere Everywhere

What should we do with deadly arms?

Star5ng here and now.

What should we do with deadly arms?

Forge them into garden spades.

Change by change. Change by change.

What should we plant with garden spades?

Everywhere Everywhere

What should we plant with garden spades?

Star5ng here and now

What should we plant with garden spades?

Ample fruit for harves5ng.

Change by change. Change by change.

What shall we do with harves5ng?

Everywhere Everywhere

What shall we do with harves5ng?

Star5ng here and now.

What shall we do with harves5ng?

Share with neighbors, those in need.

Change by change. Change by change.

What shall we do for those in need?

Everywhere Everywhere

What shall we do for those in need?

Star5ng here and now.

What shall we do for those in need?

Open doors to welcome them.

Change by change. Change by change.

What shall we do to welcome them?

Everywhere Everywhere

What shall we do to welcome them?

Star5ng here and now.

What shall we do to welcome them?

Set the table, share the feast.

Change by change. Change by change.

Pensively but with Strength q (q. ) ? # ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ ˙ œ œ œ œ Alchemy
Copyright © 2023 by Amy Gordon (ASCAP). All Rights Reserved. | Commissioned by Indianola Presbyterian Church, Christopher Dent, Director of Music, to celebrate the genera;ons of children’s music ministry leadership of Carol Winans, Sharon Renkes, and Mary Rebekah Fortman.
Music by Amy Gordon

What should we do with

dead ly arms?

Forge them in to

gar den spades.

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What should we plant with œ

gar den spades?

Start ing

here and now.

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This page has been left intentionally blank for perusal purposes.

To purchase the full score, please visit:

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Start ing

here and now.

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