(23) 2012.12.12 - Elec Board, STC-HEC Week, GS Math Club, Math Dept., General Updates (S)

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 Academics Department Problem Solving Seminar 2: The attendance was approximately the same as the first one. The also did not have a hard time getting the speaker. FMIC: Final schedule is on January 11, 14, and 15. Incentives for the students who joined the event is still being decided upon. AMO: Judges can come from the Grade School and High School. Sipnayan: Final schedule is on Saturday, December 15. They will also sell the Other 4 shirts during the event. Agimath: So far, only BOX has approached. They should also set a schedule for Tutor Training. LT Drive: The ExeCom discussed systems of how to compile the LTs. NSTP: Ask Ate Lara for data on Synergy effort. PotW: The ExeCom discussed if PotW should still be continued. They decided that PotW will temporarily be stopped during the Christmas Break but will be Member Relations Department AMS Week: The core team for both AMS Week and YEP are collaborating to contact sponsors. Jacobian questions are done but core team is delayed in the Time Table for other events. YEP: They will sell pizza rolls for fundraising. Family Day 2: Final Schedule is on Monday, December 17 in the Sec Field. Also, another parent should be chosen to take the place of Hilary. XMath: Mr. Mallari informed AMS that JSEC would be used on the 19th for the employees' Christmas Party. The MemRel Department Head and the projects heads would talk to him on Tuesday, December 13, regarding this matter. The ExeCom also talked about their performance for the said event. PaP Updates The event is scheduled on a Saturday. The morning schedule is for private school teachers and the afternoon schedule will be for the public school teachers. The ExeCom also talked about possible speakers for the event. There would be a Php 200 registration fee.

Prepared by: Joana Alicia ragos Ams sECgen apprentice

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