05.L3 Interna�onal BTEC Subsidiary Studies in Business Studies
07.Computer Science
08.Design and Technology
10.English Literature
11.Fashion and Tex�les
12 Fine Art
13. French
14. Further Mathema�cs.
15. Geography
16. German
17. History
18. L3 Interna�onal BTEC Subsidiary Diploma In Applied Science
19. Mathema�cs
20. Media Studies A Level
21. International BTEC in Creative Media
22. Physical Educa�on
23. L3 Interna�onal Level Subsidiary Diploma In Sports
24. Physics
25. Psychology
26. Spanish
27. L3 BTEC Interna�onal Subsidiary Diploma In Informa�on Technology
28. Uniform Policy
This Course Guide will give you an introduc�on to the poten�al* A Level and Level 3 courses we offer here in Sixth Form at Amity Interna�onal School. Our courses are well-established Level 3 or A Level Qualifica�ons and we know that gaining these will mean that you are able to move on to your next des�na�on, whether that be a top university or other routes into employment.
Course entry requirements: This explains what GCSEs and grades are recommended in order to access the course.
How you are assessed: Look at the balance of coursework and examina�ons.. It is really important to note that you do not simply choose A Levels from reading this guide. Please use a range of strategies to research your future pathways such as the below:
• Speak to your GCSE teachers or course leaders, either on Open Evening or during school.
• Visit the website of the examina�on board and look at the specifica�on – a lot of the document is for teachers, but you will get more details on units and topic areas.
• Some courses have addi�onal summaries that teachers will share.
• Talk to current Sixth Form students about their experiences on the course.
• Speak to the Head of Sixth Form, Careers & University Guidance Counsellor or the Sixth Form tutor team about your choices.
• Research online – there is a website called ‘The Student Room’ where a lot of our Sixth Form seek advice.
• Visit the website “Russell Group – Informed Choices” as there are certain careers that require you to study set A Levels for example to study Medicine many universi�es s�pulate that student’s study both Chemistry and Biology.
• Use the Unifrog pla�orm to look at poten�al university courses and seek informa�on on popular A Level course combina�ons that would support your entry to university.
You will be choosing three courses to study for the next two years and students learn best when they are enthusias�c and interested therefore that should be your main aim. In addi�on, we offer Enrichment Programmes that you can learn more about at our Open Evening such as the mini-MBA programme or our pres�gious Amity Horizons programme. Good luck. And remember, if you are in doubt...ask!
David Slade Head of Secondary
Choosing a pathway…
Making a decision about what to study in Sixth Form can be difficult for students. In terms of general advice for students we would recommend that you think of the following factors.
Your ap�tude in the subject. The transi�on to A Level from GCSE is a big jump in terms of difficulty and expecta�ons. In order to achieve success on your courses it is therefore important that you have laid solid founda�ons with your GCSE performance in that subject. Details about subject entry requirements for each course can be found in this booklet.
Your passion and enthusiasm for that subject. Students learn best when they are enthused and engaged with their learning. As you will be studying these 3 or 4 courses for 2 years it is vitally important that you display a genuine passion and commitment for them.
Your future career aspira�ons. If you have a very clear pathway laid out or a future career in mind it is important that you take �me to review the subject entry requirements and carefully select your subjects based on this informa�on. Chemistry and Biology become pre�y much essen�al for aspiring medics. Likewise, Maths and Physics for aspiring engineers. University websites and / or Unifrog would be a great tool to use at this �me as you begin researching courses.
GCE Advanced Level (A Level subjects)
As a Bri�sh Curriculum Sixth Form we offer an extensive range of GCE Advanced Levels (A Levels). A Levels are usually examined a�er two years with a number of examina�ons occurring at the end of Year 13 and are graded from A*-U.
Level 3 Interna�onal BTEC Subjects
As an inclusive school, we are proud to offer a growing range of Level 3 Interna�onal BTEC
Subsidiary Diploma qualifica�ons. Voca�onal Qualifica�ons have no examina�ons and instead rely on ongoing assessment of coursework and are graded from Pass to Dis�nc�on Star. This is the the equivalent of 1 A level graded E – A*. BTEC subjects that are offered for the academic year 2024-5 include Business Studies, ICT, Sports and Applied Science.
A blended pathway of A level and Level 3 BTEC
Our op�on blocks are also designed so that students may study a combina�on of A Level and BTEC courses. Students can select two A Levels and one BTEC or one A Level and two BTEC subjects.
Exam Board: Oxford Interna�onal AQA
Subject Code: 9610
Entry requirement: 6 in GCSE Biology or a 6/6 in Combined Science, plus 6 in GCSE Mathema�cs English Language
About the Course
This qualifica�on is designed to harness pupils’ interest in the world of living things. The four units each take an overarching topic such as diversity or disease. These topics allow pupils to see links between concepts to bring the subject to life. Pupils must carry out 10 required prac�cal ac�vi�es in the course. The inves�ga�ons in this specifica�on include enzymes and photosynthesis as well as using equipment such as microscopes and potometers. Examina�on ques�ons will be asked on the prac�cals, but there is no coursework or prac�cal examina�on.
Course Content
Unit 1 – The diversity of living organism (AS)
Unit 2 – Biological systems and disease (AS)
Unit 3 – Popula�ons and genes (A2)
Unit 4 – Control (A2)
Unit 5 – Synop�c paper (A2)
AS - Component 1 – 1 hour 30 mins
AS - Component 2 - 1 hour 30 mins
marks 50% of AS and 20% of the A Level
marks 50% of AS and 20% of the A Level
A2 - Component 3 - 1 hour 30 mins 75 marks 20% of the Interna�onal A Level
A2 - Component 4 - 1 hour 30 mins
75 marks 20% of the Interna�onal A Level
A2 - Component 5 - 1 hour 30 mins 75 marks 20% of the Interna�onal A Level
Future Careers
This course provides an opportunity to the students to persue careers where they can become Biochemist, Botanist, Forensic Scien�st, Nursing, Doctor, Pharmacist, Farming, Ecology, Landscaping, Personal Trainer, Professional Sportsperson, Physiotherapist, Biological Engineer, Environmental Engineer, Biomedical Engineer, Crime scene Inves�gator, Firefighter, Ambulatory Staff or Den�st.
Exam Board: Pearson Edexcel
Subject Code: 9BS0
Entry requirement: 5 in GCSE Business or a 5 in English and Mathema�cs if not previously studied at GCSE
About the Course
Business Studies has become immensely popular today and a�racts pupils with all varie�es of backgrounds and aims. A very large propor�on of pupils go on to universi�es and colleges to study Business Studies and related degree courses - by far the biggest single subject area within higher educa�on. New term for A Level enables pupils to develop a strong founda�on for further management studies and enable them to seek various career prospects.
Course Content
Unit 1: Marke�ng and People
Unit 2: Managing Business Ac�vi�es
Unit 3: Business Decisions and Strategy
Unit 4: Global Business
Future Careers
This A level will give pupils the skills and knowledge to progress to higher educa�on, and eventually work for a corpora�on, or maybe a management consultancy. All businesses (and other organisa�ons like chari�es and hospitals) need sound business skills behind them. Pupils who take Business Studies o�en also study Accoun�ng, Compu�ng, Economics, Modern Languages, or Mathema�cs but pupils commi�ed to the Arts or Sciences may also consider taking Business Studies.
Exam Board: Oxford AQA
Subject Code: 9620
Entry requirement: A minimum of a 6 in GCSE Chemistry or a 6/6 in Combined Science, plus a 6 in GCSE Mathema�cs and 5 in English language
About the Course
Studying A Level Chemistry provides a deeper insight into the physical universe, covering various aspects of our lives from bodily func�ons within us to the atmosphere around us, o�en bridging the Biological and Physical phenomena. In addi�on, prac�cals are at the heart of this course, preparing pupils who wish to pursue Science further in Higher Educa�on and in their future careers.
Course Content
Includes Atomic structure; Amount of substance; Bonding; Energe�cs; Kine�cs; Chemical equilibria; Le Chatelier’s principle and Kc; Oxida�on, reduc�on
Includes Introduc�on to organic chemistry; Alkanes; Halogenoalkanes; Alkenes; Alcohols; Organic analysis
Includes Periodicity; Group 2, the alkaline earth metals; Group 7(17), the halogens; Proper�es of Period 3
Future Careers
This course provides an opportunity to the students to persue careers where they can become Academic Researcher, Analy�cal Chemist, Biotechnologist, Chemical Engineer, Clinical Scien�st, Biochemistry, Forensic Scien�st, Nanotechnologist, Pharmacologist, Research Scien�st (physical sciences), Toxicologist, Civil service fast streamer, Environmental Consultant, Higher Educa�on Lecturer, Management Consultant or Nuclear Engineer.
Exam Board: Oxford AQA
Subject Code: 9620
Entry requirement: A minimum of a 6 in GCSE Chemistry or a 6/6 in Combined Science, plus a 6 in GCSE Mathema�cs English Language
About the Course
Computer Science is the study of the founda�onal principles and prac�ces of computa�on and computa�onal thinking and their applica�on in the design and development of computer systems. This syllabus aims to encourage the development of computa�onal thinking, about what can be computed and how by the use of abstrac�on and decomposi�on. It includes considera�on of the data required. Learning computa�onal thinking involves learning to program, by wri�ng computer code, because this is the means by which computa�onal thinking is expressed.
Course Content
Year 12
1. Informa�on representa�on
2. Communica�on
3. Hardware
4. Processor fundamentals
5. System so�ware
6. Security, privacy and data integrity
7. Ethics and ownership
8. Databases
9. Algorithm design and problem-solving
10. Data types and structure
12. So�ware development
Year 13
13. Data representa�on
14. Communica�ons and internet technologies 15. Hardware and virtual machines
16. System so�ware 17.Security
18. Ar�ficial intelligence (AI)
19. Computa�onal thinking and problem solving
20. Further programming
Future Careers
Every industry uses computers so naturally Computer Scien�sts can work in any. Problems in science, engineering, health care, and so many other areas can be solved by computers.The most important aspect of Computer Science is problem solving, an essen�al skill for life.
Exam Board: Pearson Edexcel
Subject Code: 9DT0
Entry requirement: 6 in GSCE DT, B in iGCSE DT or a 5 in English and 6 in Mathema�cs if not previously studied GCSE DT
About the Course
Product Design equips students with design skills for the future - Students will be able to recognise design needs and develop an understanding of how current global issues, including integra�ng technology, impacts on today’s world. It encourages crea�vity and innova�on - At A level students will have the confidence to innovate and produce crea�ve design solu�ons as they develop their own design brief with a client/end user. All aspects of Design and Technology will be with taught with the emphasis being on Graphic Products. Key skills and processes will include-:
• CAD (Adobe Photoshop, Solidworks, Techso�)
• CAM (laser cu�er, 3D printer, laser image transfer)
• Prin�ng processes, plas�c forming, metal forming and woods
• During year 12 mini projects (mock component 2) will be used to gain and further develop
Course Content
Unit 1 - Topics include: materials; performance characteris�cs of materials; processes and techniques; digital technologies; factors influencing the development of products; effects of technological developments; poten�al hazards and risk assessment; features of manufacturing industries; designing for maintenance and the cleaner environment; current legisla�on; informa�on handling; modelling and forward planning; further processes and techniques.
Unit 2 - A coursework project, chosen by the student. The project will be researched, designed, modelled, planned, made and thoroughly evaluated. A final prototype will be produced.
Entry requirement: 6 in Drama or 6 in English Language / Literature
About the Course
Drama A level has a prac�cal focus, which aims to enable students to develop interest in, and las�ng enjoyment of, drama and theatre as a unique means of human communica�on and expression. Students will appreciate the aesthe�c power of drama and theatre, and expand their ability to stage imagina�ve interpreta�ons of exis�ng repertoire and devise crea�ve prac�cal work of their own. Students will develop their prac�cal skills in drama, and understand the contribu�on of actors, designers and directors in a produc�on situa�on. Students are introduced to a wide range of theatrical styles and contexts as they explore plays prac�cally, devise and work on performances. Students will develop as a: performer, designer (ligh�ng, sound, set, costume, puppets) Director or a combina�on of these. Whichever op�on they choose, students will gain many invaluable skills, both theatrical and transferable, to expand their horizons.
Course Content
The subject content for A-level Drama is divided into four components: Wri�en exam, and coursework; Prac�cal Drama, Theatre in context and Theatre making.
Unit 1 - Wri�en exam, 2 hours
Unit 2 - Prac�cal drama – Coursework
There are two compulsory parts: devising and performing.
1) Candidates work in a group to devise and perform a play based on the s�mulus prescribed in the syllabus.
2) Candidates work in a group to prepare and perform an extract from a published play of their own choice. 60 marks,
Unit 3 – Theatre-making and performing – Coursework
There are two compulsory parts: devising and performing.
Candidates work in a group to devise and perform a play
inspired by one of the theatre prac��oners, tradi�ons or styles prescribed in the syllabus. There are two parts to the devising coursework
Unit 4 - Theatre in context – Coursework
Candidates explore performance texts, a theatre genre, a theatre prac��oner ’ s work or a performance style. There is one part to the research coursework: – 2500 word research essay.
Future Careers
60 marks, 25% of the A Level
Actor, Arts administrator, Community arts worker, Digital marketer, Drama therapist, Entertainer, Events manager., Image Consultant.
Exam Board: Cambridge
Subject Code: 9708
Entry requirement: 6 in GCSE Business/Economics or a 6 in English and Mathema�cs if not previously studied at GCSE
About the Course
Through the Cambridge Interna�onal A Level Economics syllabus, learners study how to explain and analyse economic issues and arguments, evaluate economic informa�on, and organise, present and communicate ideas and judgements clearly. The syllabus covers a range of basic economic ideas, including an introduc�on to the price system and government interven�on, interna�onal trade and exchange rates, the measurement of employment and infla�on, and the causes and consequences of infla�on. Learners also study the price system, the theory of the firm, market failure, macroeconomic theory and policy, and economic growth and development.
Course Content
Unit 1 - Basic economic ideas and resource alloca�on
Unit 2 - The price system and the micro economy
Unit 3 - Government microeconomic interven�on
Unit 4 - The macro economy
Unit 5 - Government macro interven�on
Future Careers
Comple�ng A Level Economics provides pupils with an appropriate founda�on for further study in Economics or related studies. The course provides a launchpad for careers in commerce-related fields such as banking and finance. The course will promote the important skills of decision-making and problem-solving.
Exam Board: Pearson Edexcel
Subject Code: YET01
Entry requirement: 6 in English Literature
About the Course
Pupils will read a variety of canonical texts and develop cri�cal enquiry skills, essay wri�ng skills and a familiarity with some of the greatest authors in the English language. Different forms are inves�gated and compared, providing pupils with a thorough grounding in analy�cal thinking and abstract reasoning. Texts studied are lively and relevant to our everyday lives, and pupils will learn to place popular modern texts in context as they develop a deeper apprecia�on for the importance and ever-changing tradi�ons of wri�ng in English.
Course Content
Unit 1: Post-2000 Poetry and Prose – authors studied may include Colm Toibin, Khaled Hosseini, Yann Martel and others.
Unit 2: Drama - authors studied may include Christopher Marlowe, Aphra Benn, Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller or Samuel Becke�.
Unit 3: Poetry and Prose – authors studied may include Joseph Conrad, Alice Walker, Kazuo Ishiguro, Emily Bronte and others.
Unit 4: Shakespeare and Pre-1900 Poetry – a major work by William Shakespeare will be studied in rela�on to a collec�on of works from either the Metaphysical, Victorian or Roman�c poe�c tradi�on.
Future Careers
English Literature is a facilita�ng subject that is highly regarded by universi�es for its level of academic rigour. Pupils may go on to study English, Linguisi�cs, Crea�ve Wri�ng, Law, Journalism, Media and Communica�ons, Film, Philosophy, Poli�cs, History, Theatre Studies, Interna�onal Rela�ons and many other courses at degree level.
Careers may include Teaching, Law, Journalism, Marke�ng, Diplomacy, Poli�cs, Communica�ons and any other work requiring a high level of Presenta�onal and Communica�ve Ability.
Exam Board: Pearson Edexcel
Subject Code: 9TE0
Entry requirement 6 in art / fashion and tex�le / DT
About the Course
Students will be introduced to a variety of experiences that explore a range of tex�le media, processes and techniques. They will be made aware of both tradi�onal and new media. Students will explore the use of drawing for different purposes, using a variety of methods and media on a variety of scales. They will explore the poten�al for the use of colour. They will have the opportunity to use sketchbooks/workbooks/journals to underpin their work where appropriate. Students will explore relevant images, artefacts and resources rela�ng to a range of art, cra� and design, from the past and from recent �mes. This will be integral to the inves�ga�ng and making processes. Students’ responses to these will be shown through prac�cal and cri�cal ac�vi�es that demonstrate their understanding of different styles, genres and tradi�ons.
Course Content
Students will be required to work in one or more of the disciplines to communicate their ideas. By working across disciplines, they will extend their understanding of the scope of tex�le design; by focusing on one discipline, they will gain a deeper understanding of specific processes within tex�le design- fashion design, fashion, tex�les, costume design, digital tex�les, printed and dyed fabric, interior design, constructed tex�les, art tex�les, installed tex�les.
Component 1 - Personal Inves�ga�on
Incorporates three major elements: suppor�ng studies, prac�cal work, and a personal study. Suppor�ng studies and prac�cal work will comprise a por�olio of development work and outcomes based on themes and ideas developed from personal star�ng points. The personal study will be evidenced through cri�cal wri�en communica�on showing contextual research and understanding in a minimum 1000 words of con�nuous prose, which may contain integrated images. The personal study comprises 12% of the total qualifica�on and is marked out of 18.
Component 2 - Externally Set Assignment
Incorporates two major elements: preparatory studies and the 15–hour period of sustained focus.
Art provides opportuni�es for pupils to develop their personal prac�ce, enrich their understanding of key concepts and improve their prac�cal skills in a wide range of tradi�onal and contemporary techniques. It allows pupils to explore and build on their interests. The syllabus encourages independent expression and the development of a cri�cal, reflec�ve prac�ce. It is designed to accommodate a wide range of abili�es, materials and resources, and allows the different skills to be fully exploited.
Course Content
Unit 1. Title: Personal Inves�ga�on
This allows students opportuni�es to generate and develop ideas, research primary and contextual sources, record prac�cal and wri�en observa�ons, experiment with media and processes, and refine ideas towards producing personal resolved outcomes. Incorporates three major elements: suppor�ng studies, prac�cal work, and a personal study.
•Suppor�ng studies and prac�cal work will comprise a por�olio of development work and outcomes based on themes and ideas developed from personal star�ng points.
•The personal study will be evidenced through cri�cal wri�en communica�on showing contextual research and understanding in a minimum 1000 words of con�nuous prose, which may contain integrated images.
Unit 2. Title: Externally Set Assignment
This component allows students opportuni�es to generate and develop ideas, research primary and contextual sources, record prac�cal and wri�en observa�ons, experiment with media and processes, and refine ideas towards producing personal resolved outcomes in response to an externally set theme. Incorporates two major elements: preparatory studies and the 15–hour period of sustained focus.
Future Careers
Career pathways include: Fine Ar�st, Art Gallery Curator, Illustrator, Costume Designer, Interior designer, Architect, Fashion Designer, Graphic Designer, Web designer, Animator.
Exam Board: Cambirdge
Subject Code: 9FR0
Entry requirement: 6 in GCSE French
About the Course
An A Level qualifica�on in French will allow pupils to develop their linguis�c skills alongside their understanding of the culture and society of countries where French is spoken. Pupils will study social and technological change alongside highlights of French-speaking ar�s�c culture, including Francophone music and cinema. Pupils will also explore the influence of the past on present-day French-speaking communi�es. Throughout the course, pupils will learn the language in the context of French-speaking countries and the issues and influences which have shaped them. Pupils will study a film and a play.
Course Content
Component 1: Listening, reading and transla�on (9FR0/01)
Component 2: Wri�en response to works and transla�on (9FR0/02)
Component 3: Speaking (9FR0/03)
Addi�onally, pupils will study 4 themes which address a range of social issues and trends, as well as aspects of the poli�cal and ar�s�c culture of France and French-speaking countries.
Unit 1: Les changements dans la société française
Unit 2: La culture poli�que et ar�s�que dans les pays francophones
Unit 3: L’immigra�on et la société mul�culturelle française
Unit 4: L’Occupa�on et la Résistance
Component 1: Wri�en examina�on - 2 hours 40% of the qualifica�on - 80 marks
Component 2: Wri�en examina�on - 2 hours & 40 minutes 30% of the qualifica�on - 120 marks
Component 3: Internally conducted and externally assessed - Total assessment �me: between 21 and 23 minutes, which includes a single period of 5 minutes’ formal prepara�on �me
30% of the qualifica�on - 72 marks
Apart from being beneficial at a personal level, an A Level in Modern Foreign Languages can help with many career paths. For those who want to specialise in languages, there is transla�on or teaching or the travel and tourism industry. But even as, say, an engineer or designer, being proficient in a language will give pupils broader career op�ons as the A-Level specifica�on fosters a range of transferable skills including communica�on, cri�cal thinking, research skills and crea�vity which are valuable to pupils, as an individual, and to society.
Exam Board: Pearson Edexcel
Subject Code: 9FM0
Entry requirement: 7/8 in GCSE Mathema�cs
About the Course
Further Mathema�cs is taken along with Mathema�cs. There are 6 units to complete for Further Mathema�cs over the 2 years. Compulsory units are FP1 and either FP2 or FP3, op�onal units will then be Sta�s�c 2, Mechanics 2 or Decision 1.
Course Content
FP1 – Complex numbers; roots of quadra�c equa�ons; numerical solu�on of equa�ons; coordinate systems; matrix algebra; transforma�ons using matrices; series; proof.
FP2- Inequali�es; series; further complex numbers; first order differen�al equa�ons; second order differen�al equa�ons; Maclaurin and Taylor series; Polar coordinates.
FP3- Hyperbolic func�ons; further coordinate systems; differen�a�on; integra�on; vectors; further matrix algebra
S2 - The Binomial and Poisson distribu�ons; con�nuous random variables; con�nuous distribu�ons; samples; hypothesis tests.
M2- Kinema�cs of a par�cle moving in a straight line or plane; centres of mass; work and energy; collisions; sta�cs of rigid bodies.
D1 - Algorithms; algorithms on graphs; algorithms on graphs II; cri�cal path analysis; linear programming.
6 units are externally assessed.
Wri�en examina�on of 1 hour 30 minutes per unit. Each unit has 75 marks.
Future Careers
Actuary, Sta�s�cs and Econometrics, Mechanical Engineering, Finance, Medicine, Aerospace engineering and Avia�on, Economics, Accoun�ng, Architecture, Computer science and AI, So�ware Engineering.
Exam Board: Cambridge
Subject Code: 9696
Entry requirement: 6 in GCSE Geography
About the Course
Pupils undertake a geographical issues evalua�on (an alterna�ve to coursework) within their final examina�ons. At A Level Geography, pupils will be assessed for both human and physical content, as well as decision-making and contemporary geographical issues. All papers include short, data-response style ques�ons, extended essays as well as skill and generic fieldwork ques�ons.
Course Content
In Geography, we look at the challenges faced by people in an ever-changing world with increased globalisa�on, a rapidly growing popula�on, greater movement of migrants and refugees, unsustainable pressure on energy, food supply issues, and health concerns. Physical units include river flooding management and hydrology, atmospheric processes, climate change and the impacts of global warming. The course also focuses on fluvial and tectonic processes.
Component Weigh�ng
Paper 1 - Core Physical Geography 1 hour 30 minutes
Sec�on A: Three data response ques�ons (30 marks)
Sec�on B: One structured ques�on from a choice of three (30 marks) 25%
Paper 2 - Core Human Geography 1 hour 30 minutes
Sec�on A: Three data response ques�ons (30 marks)
Sec�on B: One structured ques�on from a choice of three (30 marks) 25%
Candidates answer ques�ons on two of the op�onal topics.
Each topic consists of one structured ques�on (10 marks) and a choice of essay ques�ons
(20 marks). 25%
Paper 4 - Advanced Human Geography Op�ons 1 hour 30 minutes
Candidates answer ques�ons on two of the op�onal topics.
Each topic consists of one structured ques�on (10 marks) and a choice of essay ques�ons
(20 marks) 25%
Future Careers
Careers include, and are not limited to; digital cartography, commercial surveying, environmental consultancy, planning and development, research, educa�on, astronomy, interna�onal aid worker, logis�cs and distribu�on manger, marke�ng, conserva�on, sustainability consultancy, tourism sector, pilot and risk analysis.
Exam Board: Pearson Edexcel Subject
Code: 9GN0
Entry requirement: 6 in GCSE German
About the Course
An A Level qualifica�on in German will allow pupils to develop their linguis�c skills alongside their understanding of the culture and society of countries where German is spoken. Pupils will study social and technological change alongside highlights of German-speaking ar�s�c culture, including Germanophone music and cinema. Pupils will also explore the influence of the past on present-day German-speaking communi�es. Throughout their studies, pupils will learn the language in the context of German-speaking countries and the issues and influences which have shaped them. Pupils will study a film and a play. Assessment tasks will be varied and cover listening, speaking, reading and wri�ng skills. Not only will pupils know more about the mechanics of the language –like grammar and vocabulary – but also about how people live and use language on a day-to-day basis.
Course Content
Component 1: Listening, reading and transla�on (9GN0/01)
Component 2: Wri�en response to works and transla�on (9GN0/02)
Component 3: Speaking (9GN0/03)
Addi�onally, pupils will study 4 themes which address a range of social issues and trends, as well as aspects of the poli�cal and ar�s�c culture of Germany and German-speaking countries.
Unit 1: Gesellscha�liche Entwicklung in Deutschland
Unit 2: Poli�sche und künstlerische Kultur im deutschen Sprachraum
Unit 3: Immigra�on und die deutsche mul�kulturelle Gesellscha�
Component 3: Internally conducted and externally assessed - Total assessment �me: between 21 and 23 minutes, which includes a single period of 5 minutes’ formal prepara�on �me
Future Careers
40% of the qualifica�on - 80 marks
30% of the qualifica�on - 120 marks
30% of the qualifica�on - 72 marks
For those who want to specialise in languages, there is transla�on or teaching or the travel and tourism industry. But even as, say, an engineer or designer, being proficient in a language will give pupils broader career op�ons as the A-Level specifica�on fosters a range of transferable skills including communica�on, cri�cal thinking, research skills and crea�vity which are valuable as an individual, and to society.
Exam Board: Pearson Edexcel
Subject Code: YHI01
Entry requirement: 6 in History or 6 in English Lang / Literature
About the Course
A qualifica�on in History is highly respected by both universi�es and employers. History complements many other subjects, and the skills learned in the History classroom are helpful in many other areas. The study of History allows the development of important communica�on skills, both wri�en and oral. It encourages the collec�on of evidence and use of own knowledge to form effec�ve arguments, to select and deploy relevant informa�on, and to put forward personal ideas in a coherent and incisive way. The study of historical sources enables pupils to dis�nguish truth from propaganda and to appreciate the validity of different views.
Edexcel A-Level History consists of four units, studied over 2 years. In Year 12 pupils complete a Depth Study with interpreta�ons (unit 1) and a Breadth Study with source evalua�on (unit 2). In year 13 pupils complete a Thema�c study (unit 3) and Extract evalua�on (unit 4).
Skills taught include evalua�ng differing historical interpreta�ons, evalua�ng contras�ng sources and applying historical context, deba�ng historical themes and evalua�ng sources in rela�on to historical controversies.
Course Content
Unit 1: France in Revolu�on 1774-1799
Unit 2: South Africa 1948-2014 from Apartheid state to death of Mandela
Unit 3: Civil rights and race rela�ons in the USA, 1877-2009
Unit 4: The world divided: superpower rela�ons 1943-1990
Assessment is in the form of 2 hour examina�ons, where pupils are required to write two essays, apart from the breadth study where assessment consists of two short answer ques�ons plus one essay over 2 hours.
Future Careers
The skills learned through the study of History are applicable to many professions, including law, poli�cs, diplomacy, management, journalism and finance. Many Universi�es look favorably on the study of History at A-Level as it demonstrates the ability to construct effec�ve arguments and essays, have excellent research skills and be independent thinkers.
Exam Board: Pearson Edexcel
Subject Code:
Entry requirement: 5 in GCSE ICT or a 5 in English if not previously studied at GCSE
About the Course
BTECs are designed for progression into employment and higher educa�on. This qualifica�on is recognised by higher- educa�on ins�tu�ons as fully mee�ng admission requirements to many relevant courses in
•BSc (Hons) in Bioscience
•Higher Na�onal Diploma (HND) in Applied Science
This qualifica�on supports progression to job opportuni�es in the science industry at a variety of levels. Jobs available in this area include:
•Chemical Technician
•Biomedical Scien�st
•Clinical Scien�st
•Science Teacher
Course Content
Unit 1: Principles and Applica�ons of Biology
Unit 2: Principles and Applica�ons of Chemistry
Unit 3: Principles and Applica�ons of Physics
Assessment for this course is 100% coursework based and there are no examina�ons. Students will complete two units in Year 13 and a further two units of work in Year 13. The qualifica�on is graded as Dis�nc�on *, Dis�nc�on, Merit, Pass and is the equivalent of one A Level.
Future Careers
Students with a qualifica�on in Applied Science can typically go onto work in a diverse variety of fields. As well as those that may be typically expected with science such as the healthcare sector, Applied Science students can also progress to courses such as environmental sciences and conserva�on.
The course has 6 modules which are completed over the 2 years. The course has 4 Pure units and 2 Addi�onal units. In the first year pupils will cover Pure Mathema�cs 1 and 2 units along with Sta�s�cs 1. In year 2, the course is Pure Mathema�cs 3 and 4 units with Mechanics 1.
Course Content
Unit 1 - Algebra and func�ons; coordinate geometry in the (x, y); trigonometry; differen�a�on; integra�on.
Unit 2 - Proof; algebra and func�ons; coordinate geometry in the (x, y) plane; sequences and series; exponen�als and logarithms; trigonometry; differen�a�on; integra�on
Unit 3 - Algebra and func�ons; trigonometry; exponen�als and logarithms; differen�a�on; integra�on; numerical methods.
Unit 4 - Proof; algebra and func�ons; coordinate geometry in the (x, y) plane; binomial expansion; differen�a�on; integra�on; vectors.
Sta�s�cs 1 - Mathema�cal models in probability and sta�s�cs; representa�on and summary of data; probability; correla�on and regression; discrete random variables; discrete distribu�ons; the Normal distribu�on.
Mechanics 1 - Mathema�cal models in mechanics; vectors in mechanics; kinema�cs of a par�cle moving in a straight line; dynamics of a par�cle moving in a straight line or plane; sta�cs of a par�cle.
6 units are externally assessed.
Wri�en examina�on of 1 hour 30 minutes per unit. Each unit has 75 marks.
Future Careers
Actuary, Sta�s�cs and Econometrics, Mechanical Engineering, Finance, Medicine, Aerospace engineering and Avia�on, Economics, Accoun�ng, Architecture, Computer science and AI, So�ware engineering.
Exam Board: Cambridge
Subject Code: 9607
Entry Requirement: 6 in English First Language
About the Course
This exci�ng course enables students to develop cri�cal understanding of interna�onal media through engagement with media products and concepts, engage in producing their own media products with the crea�ve applica�on of prac�cal skills, and explore the impact of the media within a variety of cultures and how this influences social values. Through a mix of prac�cal and theore�cal ac�vi�es, students will take a look ‘behind the curtain’ of TV, Film, News, Print and Online Media to consider how they represent the events that shape our daily lives and the industries that influence this process.
Course Content
Skills and understanding are common to all areas of study.
•Media forms and media pla�orms.
•Case studies.
•The ability to apply prac�cal skills crea�vely, the ability to analyse their own and published media products cri�cally, research and evalua�on skills and informa�on management and project management skills.
•Knowledge and understanding rela�ng to the key concepts of Language, Representa�on, Industry and Audience.
Candidates must study:
•Media texts, Technical elements, Media contexts.
Candidates must study at least one media area specified below:
•Film, Music, Print, Radio and podcasts, Video games
In addi�on to the above, candidates must study at least two of the following topics:
•Media regula�on, Postmodern media, Power and the media
Candidates must also study Media ecology.
Founda�on Por�olio
Media texts and contexts (2 hour exam)
Advanced Por�olio
Cri�cal Perspec�ves (2 hour exam)
Future Careers
50 marks, 25%
50 marks, 25%
50 marks, 25%
60 marks, 25%
A Level Media students possess a diverse skill set that opens avenues to various careers in the media industry. Poten�al roles include journalism, across print, broadcast, or online pla�orms. Opportuni�es also exist in adver�sing and marke�ng, with roles such as copywriters, social media managers, or marke�ng strategists. Digital content crea�on skills offer paths in filmmaking, video edi�ng, and content produc�on for pla�orms like YouTube or streaming services. Public rela�ons specialists leverage media skills to manage and enhance public image. Scriptwri�ng for film or television, graphic design, anima�on, and game development are addi�onal avenues. 7
Exam Board: Pearson BTEC Interna�onal Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Crea�ve Media – 360 GLH.
Subject Code: 50198N
Entry Requirement: 6+ in English Language, good ICT skills are beneficial
About the Course
Interna�onal BTEC in Crea�ve Media (Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma) is a course designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the Media industry. Whether through the study of tradi�onal outlets like film and print media, or more modern op�ons such as podcasts, games and other online media pla�orms, this engaging, prac�cal course is 100% assessed on coursework, making it a great op�on for those who prefer a hands-on approach to essay-based learning. Students learn to interpret a brief, research and deliver a proposal, then deliver a final product, encouraging individual crea�vity and refining presenta�on skills.
e course covers the following mandatory areas:
• Informing ideas
•Problem solving
•Technical skills
•Professional prac�ce
• Communica�on
As with other Level 3 BTECs, this course is equivalent to one A Level. The comple�on of an extensive por�olio that showcases learners’ skills and knowledge will prepare them for progression in the net steps of their educa�on interna�onally. Minimising the number of assessment units allows for large-scale projects and provides a holis�c learning experience. This enables a diagnos�c process that balances development of skills with personal growth and inten�ons.
e course covers the following mandatory
A1: Skills Development, you will explore key fundamentals of media prac�ce, learning how skills are integrated and connect to generate developed outcomes.
A2: Responding to a brief, Pearson will set a Pearson Set Assignment that will have a voca�onal scenario and allow you to demonstrate the skills you have developed.
A3: Crea�ve Project, you will apply the skills you have been developing throughout the programme to a crea�ve project that demonstrates your ability to self-direct a response to a brief, from incep�on to communica�on of outcomes.
Possible Career Options:
Journalist, Media Specialist (Film Maker, Adver�sing Crea�ve, Social Media Manager, Digital Ar�st, Photographer, etc.), Adver�sing Execu�ve, Media Analyst, Film/Television Professional. 7
Exam Board: Pearson Edexcel
Subject Code: YEN01
Entry requirement: A minimum of a 6 in GCSE Chemistry or a 6/6 in Combined Science, plus a 7 in GCSE Maths and 5 in English language
About the Course
A Level Physical Educa�on builds on the understanding developed at IGCSE level while also suppor�ng pupils choosing to begin their study of PE for the first �me. The course develops pupils’ theore�cal knowledge and understanding of the factors that underpin physical ac�vity and sport and use this knowledge to improve their own and others performances. This qualifica�on encourages pupils to become more competent, confident and expert in their techniques, and apply them across different sports and physical ac�vi�es.
Course Content
This qualifica�on expands on the content covered in IGCSE PE and covers a range of topics within four key components. These components are, Scien�fic Principles of Physical Educa�on, Psychological and Social Principles of Physical Educa�on, Prac�cal Performance and Performance Analysis and Performance Development Programme. Elements of the prac�cal unit can be completed and assessed as a player or as a coach.
This qualifica�on in Physical Educa�on consists of four different components, two of which are externally examined papers and two non-examined assessments. There is a strong emphasis on the theore�cal element of the course and the wri�en examina�on, worth 70% of the overall grade. The prac�cal aspect of the course as a player/performer or coach is worth 30%.
Future Careers
This course would poten�ally be the start of embarking into a range of careers which might include; sport scien�st, sports rehabilita�on, sports analysis, PE teacher, leisure centre management, sports development, sports media and sports marke�ng, personal trainer and sports coaching.
Exam Board: Pearson Edexcel
Entry requirement: Equivalent to one A Level
About the Course
BTEC Interna�onal Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Sport develops the understanding previously obtained as part of the IGCSE course, while also suppor�ng pupils choosing to begin their study of PE for the first �me. The course covers a range of units that will build student knowledge across the sports industry.
Course Content
This course has a number of mandatory and op�onal units to build the overall qualifica�on. Within this course, students will complete five units across the two years of study. Some examples of the units are: Health, Wellbeing and Sport; Careers in the Sport and Ac�ve Leisure Industry; Business in Sport; Talent Iden�fica�on and Development in Sport; Nutri�on for Physical Performance.
The BTEC Interna�onal Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Sport is assessed by a mix of Pearson Set Assignments and Internal assessments. The method of assessment varies between case study responses, sports performance, project based work and coursework.
Future Careers
This course is designed to support an individual going onto work within the sports industry or going onto University to study Sports or Physical Educa�on. Careers include Sports Scien�st, Sports Analysis, PE teacher, Leisure Centre Manager, Sports Development and Personal Trainer. University courses linked to this courses content include Sports Management, Sports Coaching and Development, Sports Science, Sports and PE, Sports Therapy.
Transferable Employability Skills
Cogni�ve and problem-solving skills – using cri�cal thinking, approaching non-rou�ne problems, applying expert and crea�ve solu�ons, using systems and technology. Interpersonal skills – communica�ng, working collabora�vely, nego�a�ng and influencing, self-presenta�on. Intrapersonal skills – self-management, adaptability and resilience, self-monitoring and development.
Exam Board: Oxford AQA
Subject Code: 9632
Entry requirement: A minimum of a 6 in GCSE Chemistry or a 6/6 in Combined Science, plus a 7 in GCSE Mathema�cs and 5 in English language
About the Course
This course is ideal for pupils with a strong interest in taking Physics at university or any kind of Engineering course in the future. It is also ideal for any pupil who would love to find out the way things work and are intrigued about the world and universe around them. The course covers tradi�onal Newtonian Physics before delving into more advanced and abstract concepts of Quantum Physics. The prac�cal skills will be assessed through the wri�en examina�ons.
Course Content
Unit 1: Mechanics, materials and atoms
Unit 2: Electricity, waves and par�cles
Unit 3: Fields and their consequences
Unit 4: Energy and Energy resources
Unit 5: Physics in prac�ce
Component 1: Mechanics, materials and atoms (Wri�en examina�on: 2hr paper ) 20% A level
Component 2: Electricity, waves and par�cles (Wri�en exami na�on: 2hr paper) 20% A level
Component 3: Fields and their consequences (Wri�en examina�on: 2hr paper ) 20% A level
Component 4: Energy and Energy resources (Wri�en examina�on: 2hr paper ) 20% A le
Component 5: Physics in prac�ce (Wri�en examina�on: 2hr paper ) 20% A level
Entry requirement: 6 in GSCE Psychology or a 5 in English Language if not previously
About the Course
This course offers an introduc�on to a number of areas to Psychology. Students will learn the fundamental topics in Psychology and develop a range of key skills needed to be successful at Higher Educa�on and to employers. Throughout the course students will develop their cri�cal thinking and analysis, interpreta�on, communica�on, wri�en language and independent study skill and much more. This course is suitable to those who have an interest in human behaviour and want to have discussions about research, theories and the issues and debates involved in psychological topics.
Course Content
Psychology is a science and therefore students will learn how psychology experiments are designed, conducted and interpreted. In Year 13 students will further learn a number of different sta�s�cal tests to analyse their data more accurately. They will also look at the human bodily func�ons such as the role of the Endocrine system, Central Nervous System and areas of the brain. Students are expected to have a sound understanding of Mathema�cs and Biology concepts. Students will be exploring different explana�ons of human behaviour to understand how our mind works, which influences our behaviour. Students will be looking at a large number of research studies, case studies and theories to understand human behavior and explain psychological concepts to real life. Students will further need to evaluate psychological research and theories and the implica�ons of such findings. Some topic areas are Memory, Social Influence, Biopsychology, Schizophrenia, Sleep and the workplace.
Component 1: Introductory Topics in Psychology
Component 2: Biopsychology, Development and Research Methods 1
Component 3: Advances topics and Research Methods 2
Component 4: Approaches and Applica�on
Future Careers
Clinical Psychology, Counsellor, Therapist, Educa�onal Psychologist, Forensic Psychologist, Sports and Exercise Psychologist, Wellbeing Prac��oner, Teacher, Health Psychologist, Banking, Finance, Life Coach, Marke�ng, Play therapist, HR, Social Care Worker, Sports Coach, Border Force Officer, Prison Officer, Police Force, Researcher, Youth Worker and much more.
Exam Board: Pearson Edexcel
Subject Code: 9SP0
Entry requirement:6 in GCSE Spanish
About the Course
An A Level qualifica�on in Spanish will allow pupils to develop their linguis�c skills alongside their understanding of the culture and society of countries where Spanish is spoken. Pupils will study social and technological change alongside highlights of Spanish-speaking ar�s�c culture, including Hispanophone music and cinema. Pupils will also explore the influence of the past on present-day Spanish-speaking communi�es. Throughout their studies, pupils will learn the language in the context of Spanish-speaking countries and the issues and influences which have shaped them. Pupils will study a film and a play.
Course Content
Component 1: Listening, reading and transla�on (9SP0/01)
Component 2: Wri�en response to works and transla�on (9SP0/02)
Component 3: Speaking (9SP0/03)
Addi�onally, pupils will study 4 themes which address a range of social issues and trends, as well as aspects of the poli�cal and ar�s�c culture of Spain and Spanish-speaking countries.
Unit 1: La evolución de la sociedad española
Unit 2: La cultura polí�ca y ar�s�ca en el mundo hispanohablante
Unit 3: La inmigración y la sociedad mul�cultural española
Unit 4: La dictadura franquista y la transición a la democracia
Component 3: Internally conducted and externally assessed - Total assessment �me: between 21 and 23 minutes, which includes a single period of 5 minutes’ formal prepara�on �me
Future Careers
40% of the qualifica�on - 80 marks
30% of the qualifica�on - 120 marks
30% of the qualifica�on - 72 marks
Apart from being beneficial on a personal level, an A Level in Modern Foreign Languages can help with many career paths. For those who want to specialise in language, there is transla�on or teaching or working in the travel and tourism industry. But even as, say, an engineer or designer, being proficient in a language will give pupils broader career op�ons as the A Level specifica�on fosters a range of transferable skills including communica�on, cri�cal thinking, research skills and
Entry requirement: A minimum of 5/5 in Combined Science and a 5 in English Language
About the Course
A qualifica�on in IT provides a great founda�on for studying ICT or a related area in higher educa�on. It also provides students with a wealth of skills and knowledge for being future ready in entering the employment market.
Course Content
Unit 1: IT Systems
Unit 2: Crea�ng Systems to Manage Informa�on
Unit 3: Social Media in Business Unit 6: Website Development
Assessment for this course is 100% coursework based and there are no examina�ons. Students will complete two units in Year 13 and a further two units of work in Year 13. The qualifica�on is graded as Dis�nc�on *, Dis�nc�on, Merit, Pass and is the equivalent of one A Level.
Future Careers
Studying an IT qualifica�on can open up a broad range of pathways, including further studies in ICT or Computer Science. There would be op�ons to progress into a vast amount of courses ranging from so�ware development and project management, to cybersecurity.
Form Uniform
List (Year 12 and 13)
In the Sixth Form, fi�ng with their status as young adults, students are encouraged to dress
>Make-up should be kept to bare minimum (founda�on, mascara and colourless nail varnish only.) Coloured nail vanish is not permi�ed, unless specifically allowed by the school for that
>Boys should have a clean shaven appearance unless permi�ed by the Head of Secondary for
All black or Brown (including soles). Closed
Boys should wear a white shirt with the school tie. Girls who choose to wear a skirt should ensure that it comes to the knee or