amirisu issue3

Page 14

Designer in Focus: Olga Buraya-Kefelian デザむナヌ・むン・フォヌカスオルガ・ブラダケフェリアン

amirisu: Knitting on an Italian beach in your bikinis
! So, what's your background? Did you study design or fashion before or after that? Olga: I have been educated as a linguist and a teacher of English. As I have mentioned my mom is a seamstress, so I have learnt a lot from watching her work and I have actually drafted some patterns for her as a teen and through that I have learnt construction of garments and draping. I have always been interested in fashion and I constantly keep up with the trend reports as I am always excited to see what is new in style.

amirisu: むタリアのビヌチでビキニを着お線み物笑 それで、もずもずは䜕をしおいたのデザむンやファッ ションを勉匷したの オルガもずもずは蚀語孊ず英語教垫の資栌をずる勉匷を しおいたの。でも母が仕立おの仕事をしおいたから、その 仕事ぶりを芋お孊んで育ったし、ティヌン゚むゞャヌのず きパタヌンを起こすお手䌝いもしたわ。それで掋服の構造 やドレヌプに぀いお孊んだの。ファッションにはい぀も興 味があったし、新しいスタむルを芋るのが倧奜きなので、 流行レポヌトは必ずチェックしおいるのよ。

amirisu: You have been doing this for many years then. Do you remember what was your first design and what motivated you to start?

amirisu随分長い間デザむンをしおいるっおいうこずなの ね。最初のデザむンしたもの、なんでデザむンしようず思っ たのかなど芚えおる

Olga: From what I can remember my real first design was this pullover I attempted at in High school, made with leftover baby type acrylic yarn which was soft, but thin. I designed a striped and cabled pullover but it had a very loose gauge, so it was very stretchy and long. I suppose that was my phase of some punk dressing, only in lighter colors. Motivation for it was as a teenager wanting to have something new to wear and not having resources for patterns.

オルガ思い出す限りでは、最初にデザむンしようずした のは高校の時で、现くお柔らかい癜のアクリル毛糞を䜿っ たセヌタヌだったず思うわ。ストラむプずケヌブル暡様が 入ったセヌタヌなんだけど、ゲヌゞが緩すぎ、䌞びお長く なっちゃった。圓時はパンクな栌奜をする幎頃だったのね、 色は薄い色だったけど。ティヌン゚むゞャヌだから新しい 掋服が欲しかったけど、線みたいパタヌンが手に入らな かった、ずいうのが動機ね。


amirisu issue 3

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