The Loyal Disorder

Page 34

Nick was upset over Salvano’s call. He knew Salvano was looking for an envelope. He was an enforcer and collected from everyone. It was pretty much the same routine for everybody. Nobody operated without paying tax, no matter who you were. Nick was getting a little tired of Salvano’s ways and felt he better go to Chicago to straighten it out and then get back to? He told his men that he would be gone for a few days and gave them instructions on what to do in the meantime. He told them to watch themselves, and that Romero was to contact him every day with an update. The next day Nick was on a plane to Chicago. He hoped everything would be all right in? It was a very critical position. The tables could turn from one day to the next and Nick wanted to be there when they did because he was sure they would turn his way. Upon arriving in Chicago, Nick called Salvano and told him he would meet him at their usual place. The cloak and dagger talk made Salvano feel more secure. When they met, the look on Salvano’s face told Nick that he was furious that nothing was turned over to him yet. Nick told him that he was doing some traveling for their friends and was set back and had not done books yet. Salvano, swearing and flaring, started to get smart with Nick. Then Nick got up and walked out like a gentleman, telling Salvano to call him when he calmed down. Nick was that way, but Salvano didn’t know anything about being polite; he was a real low life. Nick had more pressing things to do at the moment and Salvano was not a part of them.

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