The Nationalist Times Dec. 2014

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THE NATIONALIST TIMES Voice of the Real America No. 320

November/December 2014

Our 30th Year

Americans Are Trained Not To Think For Themselves

Starting in the public schools, Americans are taught to conform and regard patriotism as love of the government rather than love of country. - See Page 2

Ferguson and Racial Politics - Page 5

‘New Divisionist’ Tactics - Page 11

Currents of Power - Page 16

Page 2 The Nationalist Times November/December 2014

Ignorance and Deception in America The difference is huge. In a Constitutional Republic there is a social and legal anchor, which in our case is the Constitution and Bill of Rights. These instruments of law and natural rights tie the government as well as the citizenry to a known set of rules, which, like the Ten Commandments are not negotiable. A democracy — a now holy word that Americans are told over and over they live in — is mob rule, more accurately a top-down directed society in which the votes of the underclass cancels out the votes of the ever-shrinking productive class. There is no anchor and this is then the second point of change, which is the ludicrous pronouncement by the Supreme Court that the Constitution is a “living document” which judges can at their discretion interpret as they see fit. This is not governance, it is mayhem. The enactment of the American Patriot Act along with the passage of the equally noxious NDAA has in fact destroyed the rights in the U.S. enjoyed by English speaking society since the 12th century. Habeas corpus was enacted in the Magna Carta in 1215; it granted every accused the legal right to chal-

torship of the executive branch of the federal government. Deception has many faces and the most comDeception can only be forced on an individual if mon ones are government statistics issued by the alhe was deceived in his education, being programmed phabet soup of bureaucratic agencies. The decepto uncritically accept or analyze what is conveyed to tion of unemployment is the presently produced Buhim. reau of Labor Statistics (BLS) claim of a 5.8% rate It requires two parties to succeed in this enof unemployment. What they don’t tell you is that deavor. First is the state (government) and secondly this is the U-3 statistic and that the U-6 statistic used the citizens’ acceptance of the lies of the state, often 8 years ago today would deliver a 13% unemploybecause they are unable to recognize them. ment rate. But that is also wrong because it does not While this may appear to be difficult for the state count the dramatic, mostly involuntary, change from to do, it is in fact very simple. Since the federal govfull-time to part-time work by many Americans. ernment has taken over the education of American When those no longer getting unemployment checks children, student competency beginning in 1980 has and those no longer looking for work are also fallen from number four in the world to well down counted, the real unemployment rate is around 24 the list, depending on the subject. American society percent. has been dumbed down so that Americans will acAnother deception from BLS concerns inflation, cept the lies and deceptions of the power structure. which BLS reports as 1.7% for 2014. How is that The most basic change has been the elimination possible when every consumer knows that fuel prices, of teaching how to think, how to reason, and how to food, and everything else are skyrocketing? Fuel, solve problems, replaced by repetitive indoctrinawhich has seen a rise of over 100% in the last 7 tion of government accepted and taught lies. It is years, has been removed from the BLS calculation, “education” by rote. and methods for calculating food and housing have This is most obviously seen in the simplistic been changed. bumper sticker The real inflation type of slogans rate for 2014 has and phrases now been around 7%, reflecting the naa number that has tional mindset. been constant for “You are either the last 6 years. for us or against Also, taxes and us” (Bush Jr.) no government fees thought reand licenses are quired. “Hope” not counted when is another along the government with “Change” calculates its deand “Forward.” ceptive inflation These particurate. larly insipid One cannot words mean address decepnothing by themtion without conselves, which is sidering the corof course the exporate, “lameact reason why stream” media. Lenin and then Of course the meObama used dia goes far bethem. The entire process of de- With each passing day the Constitutional Republic bequeathed to Americans becomes a receding memory yond deception into wholesale ception is to indoctrinate the listener into acceptance of the lies being lenge his accuser, be represented by council, and to fraud. The media acts in concert with the governprovided. This would not be possible if the listener cross-examine any witness presented by the state. ment and the government schools in disseminating applied proper logic and analytical thought processes. The so-called Patriot Act eliminates those rights and the accepted lies and deceptions. It creates a semiIn the absence of having been educated in reason- the NDAA obliterates the Posse Comitatus Act, totalitarian system of thought control. Fortunately ing, thinking and solving problems and issues, the which prohibits the government from using Ameri- the alternative media exists and has grown in recent desired political indoctrination is all but a done deal. can military domestically against its own population. years thanks mainly to the internet, but its overall The Posse Comitatus Act was enacted because influence is still small as most Americans remain igConsider now the change in the way the younger generation looks at the United States. Some of the of the gross military crimes that occurred during norant and apathetic. But very difficult circumstances in the near fuolder generation still remembers America as a Con- Reconstruction. It’s difficult to understand how Congress passed these laws with a near 99% majority. ture may force genuine “change” in the days ahead, stitutional Republic; we knew that it began as a ConAre all our legislators deaf, dumb and blind or are rather than the government-approved “change” that federation and gradually over a decade came to be the Constitutional Republic we so loved. But a Con- they simply getting along to get re-elected by the has been foisted on Americans for generations. stitutional Republic does not fit in with the New World special interests that finance and direct them? The passage of these two laws makes America a dicta- For more information go to Dr. Krieg’s website: Order that is now upon us. by Dr. Adrian H. Krieg

The Nationalist Times November/December 2014

In this issue of The Nationalist Times: Ignorance and Deception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2 -- by Dr. Adrian H. Krieg Workers of the World, Goodbye. . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4 -- by Jim Goad

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The Nationalist Times Voice of the Real America Vol. XXX No. 11 Issue #320 Nov./Dec. 2014 “Men by their constitutions are naturally divided into two parties: 1. Those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes; 2. Those who identify themselves with the people, have confidence in them, cherish and consider them as the most honest and safe, although not the most wise depository of the public interests.

Ferguson and U.S. Racial Politics. . . . . . . . . . Page 5 -- by Kevin MacDonald, Ph.D.

“In every country these two parties exist, and in every one where they are free to think, speak, or write, they will declare themselves.” - Thomas Jefferson

Francis Parker Yockey: Foe of the NWO . . . . Page 6 -- by Sartre

The Nationalist Times is dedicated to returning Liberty to the Land by helping the American People liberate themselves from the elites who have manipulated and plundered the People and the Constitution in order to attain total power for themselves.

Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 7 Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7 The 2016 Presidential Election and War . . . . Page 9 -- by Paul Craig Roberts A Southerner Repents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10 -- by Fred Reed

The Nationalist Times is published monthly, except for an occasional double issue, by the American Nationalist Union. E-Mail: Internet Domains: Subscription rates: $59 for one year, $109 for two years, $159 for three years. Outside the U.S.: Canada $70 per year, elsewhere $75 per year. Subscription rate is payable to The Nationalist Times, P.O. Box 218, Wildwood, PA 15091. For subscriptions outside the U.S. payment must be made by international money order, a check drawn on a U.S. bank, or with U.S. cash. Advertising is generally on an agreed to reciprocal basis. EDITOR and FOUNDER: Don Wassall

The Root of ‘New Divisionist’ Tactics . . . . . . . Page 11 -- by Colin Liddell The White Geek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14 -- by Ralph A. Brandt Currents of Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 16 -- by Yancey Ames World War One Betrayals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 16 -- by Yancey Ames Intelligence Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 17 -- by Don Wassall


John W. Altman Yancey Ames Ralph A. Brandt J. B. Cash Ralph Filicchia Dr. Adrian H. Krieg Patrick McCaffrey H. Millard Dave Rollins Nelson Waller Carson Watkins

The Nationalist Times believes strongly in the First Amendment, thus the opinions expressed in each issue are those of the author only and not necessarily endorsed by The Nationalist Times or the American Nationalist Union. Nothing may be reprinted from The Nationalist Times that is protected by the author’s copyright without that author’s permission. Other material contained herein may be reprinted provided The Nationalist Times is identified and full address and subscription rate given. The Post Office does not forward third class mail. Send all address changes to The Nationalist Times well in advance.

Page 4 The Nationalist Times November/December 2014

Workers of the World, Goodbye by Jim Goad There was something pathetically nostalgic at the specter earlier this month of fast-food workers demanding compensation to the tune of $15 an hour for performing jobs that require almost no skills beyond not being in a coma. It recalled a halcyon age very long ago when management depended on menial labor, when a general strike of unskilled workers could bring bosses to their knees. But now a company called Momentum Machines is touting a device that can allegedly shoot out 360 custom-ordered and fully wrapped burgers per hour, rendering the very idea of an exploited and undercompensated “fast-food worker” a quaint relic of a musty bygone age. According to the company’s website, “It does everything employees can do except better.” The machine will also presumably never call in sick, never get an order wrong, and will not tamper with food due to spite or boredom. It will also never demand a raise. According to the company’s co-founder, “Our device isn’t meant to make employees more efficient. It’s meant to completely obviate them.” As someone who worked a string of dirty, lowpaying, soul-smashing jobs — including a stint as a french fry chef at Wendy’s — to put myself through college, I bear witness that there is nothing remotely noble about being a menial laborer. It is a rancid myth, only a notch or two up the evolutionary ladder from the myth of the noble savage. While at college, I had my first encounters with a loathsomely clueless and punchably arrogant breed of born-bourgeois Marxist academics, who prattle endlessly about the proletariat’s virtues but have conveniently managed to insulate themselves from the rotten vicissitudes of working-class existence. You know the type — they reflexively use “capitalism” and “corporations” as pejoratives. They seem to have been energized and ennobled by the economic crash of 2007, blaming it on a “crisis of capitalism” rather

than more likely suspects such as fiat currency, global finance, unsustainable government debt, off-shoring, and unchecked immigration. But most importantly, this might not have been a “crisis of capitalism” so much as it was a crisis of human capital. The fact is, technology is rapidly rendering human labor next to worthless. Many of the snarkier, radicalized neo-Marxists that emerged in the recession’s wake are furious at “capitalism” for the fact that they owe $100,000 in student loans yet can’t find jobs, when they should be furious at themselves for digging a $100K debt to bankster gangsters all for the dubious privilege of tacking up useless sociology degrees to their studioapartment walls. For some reason, despite all of Marxism’s historical failings, these dupes still consider Ol’ Karl “relevant” — more relevant than ever, if you can swallow that without choking. But Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto back when employers depended on manual labor — in other words, back when hammers and sickles were actually useful devices. But technology has rendered Marx supremely irrelevant, because it has rendered the value of human labor irrelevant. Whatever blue-collar American jobs haven’t already been shipped overseas are rapidly being supplanted by embarrassingly more efficient hi-tech gizmos, thingamabobs, and doodads. Cashiers have been pushed aside in favor of self-checkout scanners. Factory workers and fruit-pickers are getting pink slips to make way for robots. Taxi drivers will soon be run over by driverless cars. And soldiers are increasingly useless when you can push a button and summon a drone. Some argue that these developments are ultimately good for workers, that it will free up more time for them to get a better education and adapt to our new “knowledge economy.” This presumes that much of the populace is educable, that those whose

menial skills aren’t needed anymore will suddenly and magically muster the cognitive skills necessary to cut it in a more brain-intensive vocation. But it is not only blue-collar jobs that technology is chewing up and spitting out. Tech-oriented jobs such as “data entry” and “word processing” — ubiquitous only a few decades ago — hardly exist anymore. Increasingly sophisticated computer programs have likewise sent many jobs in accounting and finance the way of the dodo bird. A California company called Blackstone Discovery has developed software than can allegedly analyze over a million legal documents for less than $100,000, which should strike fear in the hearts of lawyers coast to coast. And IBM’s Watson supercomputer is well on its way to becoming the world’s best medical diagnostician. There is even software that will make writing and reporting obsolete, which is confoundingly problematic for me because the fastfood robots will make it impossible for me to return to my lowly post as a french fry chef. More and more, workers can no longer be exploited because they offer nothing worth exploiting. There will be no need for labor, and thus no need to exploit it. In a not-too-distant dystopian future where machines have supplanted laborers, the great bulk of humanity will be left idle and abjectly dependent — parasites who can only take because they have nothing to give. It’s quite a wretched, gloomy scenario. What’s the answer? I’m not sure there is one. A very human frailty lies in believing that every question has an answer, every problem a solution. In this case, nearly all humans except a tiny technological elite may have ceased to serve any evolutionary function, at least in an economic sense. Workers of the world, goodbye. You have nothing to lose but your jobs. Originally printed by

Both Democrats and Republicans support replacing jobs that can be done by people with robots as Big Money owns both parties.

The Nationalist Times November/December 2014

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Ferguson Will Speed Up the Racialization of U.S. Politics there remains a very large black underclass operat- the results of Ferguson can only be positive. It will ing completely outside the institutional structures cre- lead Whites to having greater cohesion and a realFifty years after the Civil Rights movement and ated by White society. For this group, nothing re- ization that it is suicide for Whites to become a misix years into the “post-racial” Obama presidency, mains except anger at a system they cannot com- nority in an America where there is so much irrational hatred against them. we have Ferguson. It will make Whites One of my themes is more concerned about that politics in the U.S. massive non-White and other Western immigration, legal and countries is getting illegal. Calls for yet steadily more racialized more liberal programs as Whites and nonto address the patholWhites gravitate to ogy of the black separate political parunderclass will fall on ties with vastly diverincreasingly deaf ears. gent interests and attiWhites will be more tudes. motivated than ever to Ferguson will acmove away from racial celerate this process. diversity. Apart from those Whites are one Whites who make a livstep further down the ing in the bastions of libroad of getting where eral power in the methey need to be to bedia and academic, the gin rolling back the digreat majority of sastrous policies of reWhites will see this as cent decades and bea justified shooting in Rioters in Ferguson, Missouri gin the process of eswhich an out-of-conprehend and blaming their failures on White racism. tablishing White areas without the possibility of a trol, enraged, and very physically imposing black thug Like the racially divergent attitudes on the O.J. Ferguson. attacked a White police officer. That’s what the evidence pointed to, and St. Simpson double murder Louis prosecuting attorney Robert McCulloch made verdict and Trayvon it clear that some of the testimony implicating Of- Martin, Ferguson will be ficer Wilson was wildly at odds with the facts of the another event stored case. To put it charitably, these people saw what deep in the brains of America. they wanted to see, and the black underclass and White Ferguson will make them the black activists went all in with that narrative. Obama’s statement that the anger was “understand- identify more with being able” is outrageous since the anger flies in the face of White and as having inthe evidence. And even if you buy the idea that what terests that are radically happened in the past at least makes the reaction un- divergent from Black derstandable, it certainly doesn’t justify an indict- America. It will make them vote along with ment, much less the shooting, burning and looting. White America watching the TV coverage once other Whites. It will furagain had its stereotypes of the black underclass ther polarize the racial confirmed — irrational, violent, White-hating, and landscape. If this were the prone to criminality. Implicitly at least, there will be an uptick in race realism. Hollywood’s continuing 1980s, I likely would Many Americans still have good instincts and are fair-minded but have attempts to stereotype blacks as intelligent computer have deplored such a little or no exposure to Nationalism from an actual Nationalist source. experts with the wisdom of Gandhi will face an in- reaction. But it’s 2014, and the left has created Give friends, acquaintances and relatives a strong, healthy dose of creasingly uphill battle against reality. After enabling a black middle class, after all the so many facts on the unabashed pro-American perspectives by purchasing for them a oneaffirmative action, after electing a black president and ground via massive non- year subscription to The Nationalist Times. getting a race-obsessed Attorney General, after the White immigration and massive, incredibly expensive, futile efforts to im- the constant drumbeat List the name and address of the recipient(s) you wish to receive The prove the academic performance of black children, about the evil of White Nationalist Times and include $34 per gift recipient. Mail to: The after all the billions in the welfare programs, after all America and the glories Nationalist Times, P.O. Box 218, Wildwood, PA 15091. the programs aimed at lowering black criminality, of multi-culturalism that by Kevin MacDonald, Ph.D.

Give the Gift of Enlightenment — Gift Subscriptions to The Nationalist Times Just $34 for one year of issues

Page 6 The Nationalist Times November/December 2014

Francis Parker Yockey: Foe of the NWO who sought to plunder our historic landmass for its own ends. Writes Yockey: “These conspirators saw Europe as a source of Sincere and serious scholars understand the deception and untruth of the linear political spectrum booty for extra-European forces; Europe as a res— Marxism on the Left and Fascism on the Right. ervoir of manpower for the disposition of the AmeriThose who recognize Hegelian fraud for its men- can generalate; Europe as a loan-market for the New dacity, understand that the only difference between York financier; Europe as a beggar-colony watchcommunism and nazism is their packaging. Both are ing for crumbs from the table of rich America; Euone and the same in that they both are totalitarian. rope as an historical sight for visiting colonials, a place History and politics can only be accurately under- where once there were great happenings; Europe as stood if the hoax of diametrically opposed authori- a museum, a mausoleum; Europe as a moribund tarian regimes is exposed for what it is: namely, sib- collection of petty-states and squabbling peoples; Europe as an economic madhouse where every tiny lings of despotism. Many observers have a mistaken perception of unit is against each other; Europe as a backward Francis Parker Yockey. They may have heard of his population waiting for re-education by the Ameriforemost treatise, Imperium; but few have read it or can world-clown and the sadistic Jew; Europe, as a laboratory for gigantic social experiments by Mosunderstand its value. Most cow and for the genocide exreadily and ardently accept perimentation of New York Kevin Coogan’s viewpoint of and Tel Aviv; Europe as a Yockey as being an internaBlack Mass of scaffold-trials, tional fascist. As is the usual backward-looking persecupractice, few delve into the tion, treason, terror, despair source writing in order to and suicide.” evaluate its merits or confirm Americans have been its failures. For this reason a taught to view the European brief analysis may shed insight theater in WWII as a moral for today’s relevance of “Ulick crusade against fascism. In Varange,” the pen name used reality the conflict wholly by Yockey when he wrote achieved the triumph of the Imperium in 1948. globalists. Their creature — So consider the synopsis International Marxism — was of Spengler written by Egon saved and then expanded. Friedell in his A Cultural HisYockey has it right when he tory of the Modern Age: What concludes: “The fact is that Spengler gives us in his two only American intervention in volumes is the “outlines of a Yockey after his arrest the Second World War premorphology of history.” He sees, in place of the “monotonous picture of linear vented Europe from completely destroying Bolsheworld-history” the “phenomenon of a plurality of vik Russia as a political unit.” Today, history is written from the Marxist standmighty Cultures.” “Each Culture has its own new possibilities of self-expression, which arise, ripen, de- point of economics, linear progress and class warcay and never return. There is not one sculpture, fare. The originators, designers and masterminds of one painting, one mathematics, one physics, but many, NWO Totalitarianism, in every and all forms, suceach in its deepest essence different from the others, ceeded in transforming the United States into the each limited in duration and self-contained, just as great defender of the “International” . . . The neceseach species of plant has its peculiar blossom or fruit, sity to inflict multiculturalism as the categorical reits special type of growth and decline. These Cul- ducing and retarding leveler, results in the demise of tures, sublimated life-essences, grow with the same Western Civilization. Denying that the tribe is the superb aimlessness as the flowers of the field.” essential community element is the foremost fraud Spengler’s deference for our Western cultural or- that underpins contrived and manufactured emotional guilt, parity and self-admonishment. The controllers ganism is essential. While the defense of Western Culture and Civi- of the mythical mass colorless race and congenial lization is an exercise for only the bold, the few, the culture that drives assimilation into the world combrave and the courageous, Yockey may well present munity — must destroy the uniqueness of every group a model for the task. From “The Proclamation of — to squeeze the shackles of bondage under the London 1949 of the European Liberation Front,” new age society of the New World Order. Imperium presents the case for a vigorous deYockey presented a brief summary of the most crucial ideas and historical issues such as: The Unity of fense and alliance of Western societies for the deWestern Culture, The Age of Materialism, Class fense and preservation of their common heritage. War, Social Degeneration, and The Destruction of Yockey writes: “Marx gave to the conspiratorial the Political Unity of Europe. In the aftermath of the Culture Distorter the necessary ideological mask to Second World War, he saw that Europe was now hide its mission of ruthless, total destruction. He prodominated by a secret cabal of materialist gangsters vided an ugly and invalid theory of man, cloaked in by Sartre

putrefying equality, mewling hypocrisy, the disease of undiscriminating altruism and the ‘science’ of economics. By so doing, he thrilled the rationalists with a totally specious verity, something their stunted, guilty souls desperately needed after they killed God.” Yockey offers the counter thesis that opposes these globalists and the Prison Planet that is their ultimate goal. Francis Parker Yockey died a political prisoner, the guest of the U.S. government in a San Francisco jail. But his pseudonym, Ulick Varange still lives . . . Ulick is an Irish given name, derived from Danish, and means “reward of the mind.” Varange, of course, refers to the Varangians, that far-roving band of Norse heroes led by Rurik who, upon invitation from the Slavs, came to civilize Russia in the 9th Century, built the Russian Imperial State and formed the gifted and handsome Russian aristocracy until they were butchered by the Bolsheviks — along with some 20 million other Christians and Muslims — in that bloody terror. The name, therefore, drawn as it is from the Eastern and Western antipodes of Europe, signifies a Europe united “from the rocky promontories of Galway to the Urals,” as “Varange” himself, exhorts. Finally, the surname, Varange, by itself signifies the Western origin of historic Russia. The essential America of its founding was drawn from European stock and based upon Western heritage. The chronicle of the last century demonstrates the abandonment of that tradition and the intermingling of races and cultures, resulting in a defective pluralism. The politics of hope that enacted the Bill of Rights has been traded for the dread of Leon Trotsky. The emergence of the Khazars deceived America and pushed this once proud country into the camp of the global commissar village. Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini and Japanese militarism sought national and regional empires. Trotsky professed the goal of total world domination. The fascism of the Axis, while cruel and unforgiving, lacked the ability to conquer the world. The Soviets and Maoists lacked the economic paradigm to annex the globe. But the amalgamation of American technology and military muscle with global finance, orchestrated propaganda and media culture, based upon the reverie of the New World Order, has the power to achieve the ultimate incarnate evil. While the United States has the predominance of influence, the league of co-conspirators and sympathizers for the world tyranny community are not lacking. Yockey recognized the impact of modern technology and the danger of international hyperpower. With the abnegation of America’s heritage, the inheritance from our forefathers has been betrayed. Yockey’s prescription is to revive Western Civilization, among and for Europeans and their American cousins. For this, the supreme sin against Trotsky — the patron saint of neo-cons — Yockey is smeared as a fascist. The march into slavery is directed by the globalists. For exposing the enemy, Yockey is condemned. Only Liberty, a Western concept, is the alternative to despotism.

The Nationalist Times November/December 2014

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The Nationalist Times Founded 1985

Voice of the Real America

Phony from the Beginning The United States had a strong and powerful populist-nationalist movement in the 1930s. Led by the great American Charles Lindbergh, Father Coughlin and other notables, some 80 percent of Americans were opposed to U.S. intervention in the Second World War after it broke out in Europe in 1939. “America First” was the movement’s best-known slogan, a cry that still resonates today although the movement is much smaller and not understood by most Americans some 75 years later. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor abruptly ended America’s “isolationism” on December 7, 1941. As with so many bellwether events in U.S. history, there is a large body of “alternative” evidence indicating that elements in Washington were aware of the Japanese attack ahead of time and welcomed it. But irregardless, the bottom line is that Americans time and time again will “rally round the flag” when told that their country faces a dire threat, whether the threat is legitimate or not, and Pearl Harbor was no exception. Within days the country was awash with war fever. The America First movement was under constant attack during the 1930s with cries of “anti-Semitism” from the usual suspects amplified a thousand times by the media of the day. After Pearl Harbor, the movement’s leaders were not only smeared, some were imprisoned on trumped-up charges. After WWII ended, in place of the genuine nativist, common sense opposition to American imperialism and globalism that existed in the 1930s, the new “opposition” came about in the form of “conservatism.” The best known leader of conservatism was William F. Buckley, who was an FBI informant while at Yale, and after graduating was recruited by the CIA. Buckley’s magazine, National Review, was started and funded by CIA money. Buckley associates such as James Burnham, William Casey and others also had CIA connections. The post-WWII “conservative movement” was not interested in opposing globalism and the welfare-warfare state that began to expand dramatically under Franklin Roosevelt and continued to after the war ended. For the Buckleyites were strong supporters of the welfare-warfare, more oriented to the warfare side of the equation than the welfare side, but unapologetic supporters of the top-down total state nonetheless. Buckley himself made this explicit when he wrote: “[W]e have got to accept Big Government for the duration — for neither an offensive nor a defensive war can be waged. . . except through the instrumentality of a totalitarian bureaucracy within our shores.” For the past 70 years, the “conservative movement” has been mainly concerned with purging and making sure that “nativist” and “isolationist” sentiments are kept out of “mainstream” discourse. No honest discussion of the issues that were honestly discussed in the 1930s and all through American history up until WWII is allowed, with mostly imaginary “racists” and “anti-Semites” denounced by “conservatives” with the same hysterical shrieking that spews forth from the left when it comes to forbidden viewpoints. The “conservative movement” has been a fraud from the start. Its net effect, as the “loyal opposition,” expressed mostly through the Republican Party and its front groups and covertly through the “intelligence community,” is to be a yoke around the neck of productive Americans and all those who believe in limited government, self-responsibility, and moral boundaries. The two-party paradigm must be broken, and self-described conservative Americans, of which there are tens of millions of good folks, must renounce “conservatism” and understand and support America’s true roots and traditions, not the lies and dead ends promoted by Conservatism, Inc.


Time for Truth Race, culture and civilization cannot be separated. Only the people who created a culture can sustain it. If third world immigration changes the face of America and of Europe, what will remain of White civilization — the greatest the world has ever seen? It will become but a memory, like that of ancient Greece and Rome. John W. Altman Tuscaloosa, Alabama What did 9/11 signify? We have all heard: “9/11 changed everything.” And it did. It generated the Patriot Acts and the terrorist anti-terror state. That is indisputable. But what, in the historical sense, did 9/11 really signify? The average American has not a clue. Muslims dislike America not because they hate our freedoms. They dislike America because we support the state of Israel and its criminal abuse of the Palestinians. How does 9/11 relate to all this? After the First World War the old League of Nations issued a mandate over Palestine to the British Empire The crime of all crimes? to protect the embryonic Jewish state then developing in Palestine. On July 24, 1922 the League approved the mandate. On September 11, 1923 the British proclaimed the mandate; on September 29, 1923 the mandate went into effect. September 11, 1923 was a date with great significance to the Arabs of Palestine. It was a date that, in effect, proclaimed their impending doom. It was a date that no Arab would ever choose for a terror attack upon the U.S. It is, however, precisely a date which an elder of Zion, laughing at the historical

Page 8 The Nationalist Times November/December 2014 ignorance of Boobus Americanus, would choose for a set-up. Therefore, the next time you hear or read that 9/11 “changed everything” kindly reflect that September 11, 1923 is a date that will “live in infamy” in Arab Palestine.

security issues has endangered the safety of the American public. He tried to restrict pro-life protestors’ First Amendment rights to speak. He ignored his duty to enforce statues passed by Congress. Holder racialized the prosecution of federal anti-discrimination laws. He Yancey Ames made it easier for voter fraud to occur. Cincinnati, Ohio He politicized the enforcement of federal law and the administration of jusGood riddance, Eric Holder tice in a way that is unprecedented. He It was with a great sigh of relief filled the career ranks of the Justice that I learned that Eric Holder resigned Department with political allies and the office of Attorney General of the Democrat Party donors in violation of United States. He will leave as soon civil service rules. as a successor is confirmed by the SenHolder leaves behind a contemptate. ible legacy, an embarrassing one! Holder is the worst Attorney GenThe un-Justice Department is out eral in U.S. history. As the nation’s of control. chief law enforcer who was supposed to honor the rule of law, Holder was a Ray F. Dively complete failure. The damage he Baden, Pennsylvania leaves behind is going to be very difficult to correct in the future as he was Academic charlatan involved in many scandals. A professor Schmuel Stampfer in Just a few: Holder’s handling of Israel has proposed the ridiculous theory that the Khazar conversion to Judaism is a myth. The not overly bright professor claims that had the conversion actually taken place, all the surrounding powers would have noticed. The professor is full of it. Plenty of evidence exists for the Khazar conversion. Khazar burial mounds have been found containing Torah scrolls. Coins bearing the inscription “Moses is the messenger of God” printed in Hebrew letters have also been Holder found. The correspondence between the Spaniard Hasdai and Kagan Joseph testifies eloquently to the Khazar conversion. The not so learned professor ignores the numerous Arab visitors to Khazaria who spoke of the profusion of Jews there. One in the ninth century wrote that “the Khazars were all Jews but had only become Jews recently.” When Stampfer writes that there is no evidence of a Khazar conversion one can only wonder what he is talking about. Several centuries after the breakup of the Khazar empire, Italian travelers of Marco Polo’s time testified to an all-Jewish tribe living in the Black and Caspian Seas area. The best explanation for the failure of surrounding powers to notice the Khazar conversion is probably that it took place gradually over the course of several centuries. It therefore failed to raise the alarm that a sudden conversion would have. If Professor Stampfer’s utterly nonsensical theory has any value, it is as a paradigm for the Jewish capacity for inverting the truth.

other. Why does the central government feel compelled to act as “policeman for the world,” posting American troops in dozens of countries around the world? Why does Washington keep enlisting in foreign military alliances such as NATO, SEATO, the anti-Iranian conspiracy in the Middle East, etc? Washington’s behavior is that of an empire, not a republic. It is bad enough to forget who we are, to lose the respect that the world once had for our ethical and moral young Republic. . . but now Washington’s recklessness is leading the country toward total destruction. We cannot afford to gamble like this in a nuclear world. To rush recklessly from confrontation to confrontation is to push the risk that some nuclear nation will yield to the temptation to deliver a devastating “first strike” against what they see as an arrogant aggressor. We do not know for sure who has nuclear arms, or who has a close relation with a nuclear-armed ally. Russia has viewed the formation of NATO as a threat, especially as NATO has exTom Richards panded eastward. At what point might Fort Wayne, Indiana Russia decide to act? Ukraine? Vladimir Putin recently stated that he Playing with fire intends to expand Russia’s nuclear arWhy does Washington insist on senal. Or does he intend to lend some playing with fire? to China? America First! The Founding Fathers all wisely advised the young USA to avoid “forCushman Cunningham eign entanglements.” But for more than Fort Myers, Florida a century now Washington has continuously been poking its nose into for- Send your letters to The Nationaleign affairs, which has caused the U.S. ist Times, P.O. Box 218, Wildwood, to get into foreign wars one after an- PA 15091; e-mail:

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The Nationalist Times November/December 2014

Page 9


The Next Presidential Election Will Move the World Closer to War by Paul Craig Roberts


lenn Greenwald has revealed that Hillary Clinton is the presidential candidate of the banksters and warmongers. Pam and Russ Martens note that Elizabeth Warren is the “populist” alternative. I doubt that a politician who represents the people can acquire the campaign funds needed to run a campaign. If Warren becomes a threat, the Establishment will frame her with bogus charges and move her aside. Hillary as President would mean war with Russia. With neo-con nazis such as Robert Kagan and Max Boot running her war policy and with Hillary’s comparison of Russia’s president Putin to Adolf Hitler, war would be a certainty. As Michel Chossudovsky and Noam Chomsky have written, the war would be nuclear. If Hillary is elected president, the financial gangsters and profiteering war criminals would complete their takeover of the country. It would be forever or until Armageddon. To understand what we would be getting with Hillary, recall the Bill Clinton presidency. The Clinton presidency was transformative in ways not generally recognized. Clinton destroyed the Democratic Party with “free trade” agreements, deregulated the financial system, launched Washington’s ongoing policy of “regime change” with illegal military attacks on Yugoslavia and Iraq, and his regime used deadly force without cause against American civilians [the Branch Davidians of Waco, Texas] and covered up the murders with fake investigations. These were four big changes that set the country on its downward spiral into a militarized police state with massive income and wealth inequality. One can understand why Republicans wanted the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), but it was Bill Clinton who signed it into law. “Free trade” agreements are devices used by U.S. corporations to offshore their production of goods and services sold in American markets. By moving production abroad, labor cost savings increase corporate profits and share prices, bringing capital gains to shareholders and multi-million dollar performance bonuses to executives. The rewards to capital are large, but the rewards come at the expense of U.S. manufacturing workers and the tax base of cities and states. When plants are closed and the work shipped overseas, middle class jobs disappear. Industrial and manufacturing unions are eviscerated, destroying the labor unions that financed the Democrats’ election campaigns. The countervailing power of labor against capital was lost, and Democrats had to turn to the same sources of funding as Republicans. The result is a one party state.

The weakened tax base of cities and states has made it possible for Republicans to attack the public sector unions. Today the Democratic Party no longer exists as a political party financed by the union dues of ordinary people. Today both political parties represent the interests of the same powerful interest groups: the financial sector, the military/security complex, the Israel Lobby, the extractive industries, and agribusiness. Neither party represents voters. Thus, the people are loaded up with the costs of financial bailouts and wars, while the extractive industries and Monsanto destroy the environment and degrade the food supply. Elections no longer deal with real issues such as the loss of constitutional protections and a government unaccountable to law. Instead the parties compete on issues such as homosexual marriage and federal funding of abortion. Clinton’s repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act was the initiating move followed by the removal of more constraints that allowed the financial system to transform itself into a gambling casino where bets are covered by the public and the Federal Reserve. The full consequences of this remain to be seen. The Clinton regime’s attack on the Serbs was a war crime under international law, but it was the Yugoslavian president who tried to defend his country who was put on trial as a war criminal. When the Clinton regime murdered 76 people at Waco, subjecting the few survivors to a show trial, the regime’s crimes against humanity went unpunished. Thus did Clinton set the precedents for 14 years of Bush/ Obama crimes against humanity in seven countries. Millions of people have been killed, maimed, and displaced, and it is all acceptable. It is easy enough for a government to stir up its population against foreigners as the successes of Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama demonstrate. But the Clinton regime managed to stir up Americans against their fellows as well. When the FBI attacked the Branch Davidians, a religious movement that split from the Seventh-day Adventist Church, with tanks and poison gas, causing a fire that burned 76 people, mainly women and children, to death, the mass murder was justified by the Clinton regime with wild and unsubstantiated charges against the government’s murdered victims. All efforts to bring accountability to the crimes were blocked. These were the precedents for the executive branch’s successful drive to secure immunity from law. This immunity has now spread to local police who routinely abuse and murder U.S. citizens on their streets and in their homes. Washington’s international lawlessness about which the Russian and Chinese governments increasingly complain originated with the Clinton regime. Washington’s lies about Saddam Hussein’s “weap-

ons of mass destruction” originated in the Clinton regime, as did the goal of “regime change” in Iraq and Washington’s illegal bombings and embargoes that costs the lives of 500,000 Iraqi children, lost lives that Clinton’s Secretary of State said were justified. Hillary Clinton is a warmonger, and so will be the Republican candidate. The hardening anti-Russian rhetoric issuing from Washington and its punk EU puppet states places the world on the road to extinction. The arrogant neo-conservatives, with their hubristic belief that the U.S. is the “exceptional and indispensable” country, would regard a de-escalation of rhetoric and sanctions as backing down. The more the neo-cons and politicians such as John McCain and Lindsey Graham escalate the rhetoric, the closer we come to war. As the U.S. government now embraces preemptive arrest and detention of those who might someday commit a crime, the entire cadre of neocon warmongers should be arrested and indefinitely detained before they destroy humanity. The Clinton years produced a spate of books documenting the numerous crimes and cover-ups — the Oklahoma City bombing, Waco, the FBI crime lab scandal, Vincent Foster’s death, CIA involvement in drug running, the militarization of law enforcement, Kosovo, you name it. Most of these books are written from a libertarian or conservative viewpoint as no one realized while it was happening the nature of the transformation of American governance. Those who have forgotten and those too young ever to have known owe it to themselves to acquaint or re-acquaint themselves with the Clinton years. Recently I wrote about Ambrose EvansPritchard’s book, “The Secret Life of Bill Clinton.” Another book with substantial documentation is James Bovard’s “Feeling Your Pain.” Congress and the media aided and abetted the extensive coverups, focusing instead on the relatively unimportant Whitewater real estate deals and Clinton’s sexual affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Clinton and his corrupt regime lied about many important things, but only his lie about his affair with Monica Lewinsky caused the House of Representatives to impeach him. By ignoring numerous substantial grounds for impeachment and selecting instead an insubstantial reason, Congress and the media were complicit in the rise of an unaccountable executive branch. This lack of accountability has brought us tyranny at home and war abroad, and these two evils are enveloping us all. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during the Reagan administration and is an author and a former editor of The Wall Street Journal.

Page 10 The Nationalist Times November/December 2014

A Southerner Repents by Fred Reed


There is no avoiding facts, such as the overwhelming number of fine blues singers from Maine and Vermont. The South, lacking the creative spark, satisfied itself with repeating the tired music of Europe, the Beethovens and Mozarts. It was pretty fair music, I grant, and they played it tolerably well for mere copiers. Or talk to visitors from foreign climes and remote lands. To a man they will attest, I promise you, of a preference for the relaxed courtliness of New York to the acerbic harshness of Memphis. A Southerner will lie about this. Yes. He will tell you, with no trace of shame, that as you go south you notice a change of atmosphere, of mood, even of sunlight. It shows, he will say, even in the distance from Washington to Fredericksburg, only an hour to the south. People in the Yankee Capital are neutral, neither welcoming nor hostile, having the character and savor of wallpaper paste. There is nothing to them. They are just a passel of people in the same place — so will say the mendacious Southerner.

Now, if I were a vile friend of Dixie, which I assuredly am not, I would say that Yankees constitute the most glitteringest, most self-satisfiedest and preening collection of pious frauds ever to afflict a groaning earth. The first thing a damn Yank does in any circumstance is to adopt a moral pose. His every action is driven by goodness. Why, before the Yankees destroyed Iraq, they could hardly sleep so great was their urge to spread democracy. Oil, Israel, and the Lincolnian craving for empire had nothing to do with it. Aggression abroad? Not a trace of it. So I would say were I an apologist. I am not, so I will not say it. But it is the attitudes of the South to those of darker hue that are most damning. Southerners were unembarrassed by these reprehensible notions. Consider: “There is a natural disgust in the minds of nearly all white people to the idea of indiscriminate amalgamation of the white and black races. . . A separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of amalgamation, but as an immediate separation is impossible, the next best thing is to keep them apart where they are not already together. If white and black people never get together in Kansas, they will never mix blood in Kansas.” Now, I am a poor sinner, and a man of little education, and cannot remember with confidence whether this was said by Jesus Christ, Joan of Arc, or Abraham Lincoln. I expect it was Joan of Arc. If it had been Mr. Lincoln, he would be revealed as a…pious fraud, an early George Wallace. There you have it. I have revealed the stains of perfidy and crime that come of being a Virginian. Yet I will atone. I plan to spend the rest of my life helping black children from Alabama to move to Detroit, where they will enjoy the splendid education, the But go south, he will say. By Fredericksburg, perfect social equality, and the high economic stayou find yourself assured of a smile, of courtesy with- tion that Yankees, never hypocritical, provide for out distance, of helpfulness. Relations between the those darker than they. races grow easier and more natural — the silvertongued apostle of Dixie will say. He will imply that Fred Reed’s website is in the South you could even come to like humanity, though I grant it would be a pretty far stretch. It was Marse Bob, Robert E. Lee, who said of confederation as distinct from central power, “I con“Nor does the sexual promiscuity of Brave sider it as the chief source of stability to our political New World seem so very distant. There are alsystem, whereas the consolidation of the states into ready certain American cities in which the numone vast republic, sure to be aggressive abroad and ber of divorces is equal to the number of mardespotic at home, will be the certain precursor of that ruin which has overwhelmed all those that have riages. . . As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly practiced it. . .” I reluctantly confess this to be a slander upon to increase. And the dictator (unless he needs this nation. Heaven forbid, so mad was General Lee cannon fodder and families with which to colothat in his crazed imaginings he may have thought nize empty or conquered territories) will do well that the Federals might wage war in — this is almost to encourage that freedom. In conjunction with too absurd for utterance — Afghanistan, or Iraq. the freedom to daydream under the influence of Indeed, he may even have conjured up armored dope and movies and the radio, it will help to military vehicles in the hands of uncontrolled police reconcile his subjects to the servitude which is all across America, or — here I may strain the reader’s credulity — little boys being led from school their fate.”

y sins creep up on me, sent by the Devil, and beset me by surprise. I know not what to do. A month ago, in Fredericksburg, Virginia, I sat on the banks of the Rappahannock River, upon which as a stripling I had canoed and fished, and reflected on how much I liked the South. I knew I should not. At least I am told that I should not, chiefly by people who would make a hoe seem a pinnacle of intellect, but these are the bedrock of Yankee society, and I must respect them. Besides, I fear that meridional leanings are in my blood. Yes, alas. I am tainted. I am Frederick Venable Reed. Charles Scott Venable was on Lee’s staff, and Andrew Reid Venable on the staff of Jeb Stuart. We have never looked fondly on Federal intrusion. So there I am. And yet, much as I loved the peace and light of the riverbank in that Southern town, much as I treasured a boyhood of BB guns and bare feet and dogs with no licenses and people who talked slow and supple as the Good Lord intended, I had to concede the sins of the South. Even today, the dark stains remain. The signs are everywhere. Although it wrenches my soul to confront it, there are reasons why the South has so often been wracked by racial rioting — by outpourings of the rage of the downtrodden against an unjust civilization. However much the states of the old Confederacy may seek to deny it, they cannot. People do not take to the streets, burn their homes and cities, unless pressed beyond forbearance by the cruelty of the oppressor’s iron fist. Thus these eruptions of racial desperation have occurred all across Dixie: in Detroit, Ferguson, Los Angeles, Brooklyn, Berkeley, Seattle, Washington D.C., Watts, St. Louis, Cincinnati, and Philadelphia. Yes. Though I am a son of the Southland, I will not lie. The truth is the truth. I bow my head in shame. And I am further forced to own that, while the black population of the North prospers, and mingles easily with its White brethren in casual but sincere amity, in the South the Negro huddles in the slums, denied schooling, and living on the meager charity of Whites. Should you doubt this, look to Newark, Trenton, Camden, Detroit, Chicago, Flint, and Gary. The flowering of blacks in the North a century and a half after the end of the Civil War, the rise in scholarly achievement, the frequent and accepted intermarriage of the races — here we have irrefutable proof of the superior moral culture of the North. There is worse. The absence of all artistic expression in the South, of anything higher than the dull, the stolid, the ignorant and industrial — oh, I can hardly go on, so greatly does it pain me. Yet I will bear up manfully, and say it: The South has been devoid of all culture. Yes. From Massachusetts came country music, gospel, jazz, blues, bluegrass, Cajun, Zydeco, indeed all music that is originally and characteristically American. And it was in handcuffs for pointing chicken fingers and saying a young man from Tupelo, New Jersey, who brought “Bang.” Aggression abroad? Despotism at home? Fah. A crass libel on all Yankees. about rock ‘n roll.

— Aldous Huxley, writing in 1947

The Nationalist Times November/December 2014

Page 11

The Roots of ‘New Divisionist’ Tactics by Colin Liddell


ou’ll have seen the now ubiquitous “F-Bombs for Feminism” video, featuring very young girls swearing and acting angry that has predictably gone viral – yawn! – and is now quickly swishing its way round the amnesia U-bend of the great internet toilet. It was designed to get a lot of attention by triggering people and of course it has. Congrats to whichever low-rent genius conceived it. The central message is the usual feminist bundle of crap that women should be paid more than they deserve (the unequal pay thing is a myth) and be allowed to behave any way they want (i.e. dress like tramps and go out and get stoned and drunk) and still have the most feral elements of the male population respect them. This last point may be more of a race issue than a gender issue, but don’t go there. The video has been praised by the usual suspects and criticized by almost everybody else. Here is a typical well-meaning counterblast: “Using kids as props in ideological propaganda videos is disgusting. It’s inherently exploitative, since there is little chance the youngest of the girls understands a thing about the perspective she’s selling. Worse still, the girls are being taught that screaming expletives at people who disagree with them is an effective or praiseworthy form of advocacy.” Some articles, including the one just quoted from, also make an effort to debunk the stats used by the potty-mouthed princesses. But essentially it’s a case of someone counting the deck chairs on the Titanic to see if any of them are missing while the ship slips beneath the waves. In other words, most critiques focus on the trivial by accepting the basic premise that women should have something called “equality” and that it is only the details of the debate — the style and stats — that need to be hammered out. The essential problem here is that the precondition of “equality” is division and atomization. You can

only talk about equality once you have “inequality” and you can only have “inequality” once things that are whole have been broken apart. The first big “equality” issue was class inequality. That only became an issue when classes were divided from each other and conceptualized as class war by the divisive critique of the Old Left (remember them?). That, of course, fundamentally threatened the power of the rich, so in short order, other divisions were activated, mainly state nationalism, with horrific results starting one hundred years ago. After that experiment, the ruling elites were forced to compromise to a certain extent with the Old Left critique, with the result that conditions for the common man greatly improved. But the elites soon found a way to nullify the Old Left critique by creating what can best be described as a “new divisionism”: From the 1960s onwards, multiculturalism/ anti-racism, feminism, and gay rights started to emerge as ways to create new, less threatening divisions to obscure the Old Left’s economicbased critique. This is essentially what this f-bomb video is – a mere slime encrusted tendril of that New Left project, which, in essence, is not an ideological movement at all, but simply a tactical form of social control by elites. Feminism seeks to disrupt a class-based critique by dividing men from women, by breaking down the family, the unit that matches and unifies the radically different but ultimately complementary attributes of male and female. In this way the New Leftist serves his or her elite masters by creating new social divisions that deflect attention from their accumulation of ever-greater wealth and power. The negative effect of this on society, however, is immense, and can be seen in the demographics of the West, which are genocidal and suicidal. This is only feasible when a particular society has no serious rivals, so toxic feminism is essentially a luxury that a triumphant West could only afford between the fall of communism (1991) and the point

at which Whites are directly threatened by demographic displacement in their own homelands, which is about now. Before the fall of communism, all Western societies had to be prepared, to some extent, to fight total wars and therefore needed to keep the new divisionism relatively confined. The end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, however, meant that the new divisionism could be fully unleashed, completely nullifying the class injustice critique of the Old Left that all Western societies had been paying some lip service to. This is why the super rich have astronomically increased their wealth and dominance of society in the last 20 years at the expense of everyone else. We are now entering a period where the new divisionism is now seriously undermining the power of the West itself. The ruling elites, however, are naturally reluctant to rein it in, as it neutralizes the Old Left’s critique on their power. For this reason, rather than curtailing it, they are looking at whether they can weaponize it for export against their main rivals — Russia, China, and even India and the Islamic world. This is the nature of the global culture war that is now being fought. If these societies resist the new divisionism then the deleterious effects of that system will rebound on the West and either destroy it or force the severe curtailment of the new divisionist narratives. If it does destroy the West, which is definitely one possibility, then the “little princesses” in this video may grow up to face rape and sexual assault statistics a lot worse than the fake ones cited in the video. They may also find themselves in a much more vulgar and profanity-rich environment, ironically one where the swearing and baboon-like body language they were trained to use in the video will help them to navigate the low-level chaos and constant petty squabbling (over crusts of bread, etc.) that make up the texture of collapsed and dysfunctional societies.

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In Unity there is Strength

Join the American Freedom Union The American Freedom Union is a group of Americans who seek to influence the political process by making nationalist solutions to America’s problems better known and accepted. The AFU is not affiliated with any political party; rather we support individual candidates along with independent and third parties which share the same basic outlook.

Basic Platform of the American Freedom Union Repeal U.S. participation in NAFTA and GATT and protect American jobs and industries. Balance the federal budget now and return to a constitutional money system. Abolish the IRS and the federal income tax, to be replaced with tariffs and a consumption tax of no more than 8%. Establish a ten-year moratorium on all immigration, construct a security fence along the entire Mexican border, and deport all illegal aliens back to their place of origin. Repeal all gun control legislation, and reaffirm the Second Amendment right of all law abiding Americans to be armed in order to protect their family and property, and, when necessary, be able to defend against governmental tyranny. Withdraw from the United Nations and oppose the New World Order in all its forms. Greatly reduce the size of the federal government, ending the permanent welfare/warfare state by restricting the federal government only to those powers granted it by the Constitution. Support private schools and home schooling, and return control of public schools to local communities. Return to a strengthened family unit as the norm for society, rejecting feminism, homosexuality and all other types of so-called “alternative lifestyles.” Reject liberalism and neo-conservatism as the ideologies of the New World Order, alien, totalitarian creeds that must be regarded as America’s internal enemies and be resisted as strongly as communism has been. Return to freedom of association in all matters, including voluntary racial separation, along with the abolishment of all forms of racial discrimination, including affirmative action and quotas. Give Americans freedom of choice in all matters concerning health and medical treatments. Let abortion be a states rights issue, decided by the people and legislatures of each state rather than by a Supreme Court which acts too often as an unelected legislature. Allow self-determination for all peoples and nations, while opposing the exploitation or oppression of any country or group of people. Dismantle the federal government’s police state spying apparatus and return to Americans their privacy rights; end all totalitarian guilty-until-proven-innocent roadblocks. Greatly reduce foreign aid. Terminate NATO and substantially reduce the United States’ worldwide military empire, end internal meddling in the affairs of others countries, while maintaining a strong military for legitimate defensive purposes. Have equal ballot access laws for all political parties, and return to the paper ballot in elections in order to cut down on election fraud and manipulation. Begin a renewed commitment to space exploration as a healthy expression of Western man’s inherent need to discover and explore.

America badly needs a united bloc of voters who will vote for those candidates who stand for these principles. It’s time to end the fracturing of America’s dispossessed working and middle class into endless factions and splinter groups. A united bloc of Nationalist Americans can elect a government that will serve the great Middle American core which built America and which still sustains it, but which finds itself today without political representation. ____ Enclosed is $30 for membership for 2015 in the American Freedom Union. ____ Enclosed is $85 for membership and a one-year subscription to The Nationalist Times, the monthly newspaper of the AFU. NAME_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIPCODE___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Check or money order should be made out to American Freedom Union (or simply AFU) and mailed to: American Freedom Union, P.O. Box 218, Wildwood, PA 15091. Thank you very much for your support.

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Page 14 The Nationalist Times November/December 2014


The White Geek by Ralph A. Brandt The Rotherham Scandal in Englandis heating up by the day. In order to better understand the forces and players involved, it helps to go into a bit of history. One interesting organization is the Board of Deputies of British Jews. It is commonly known as the Board of Deputies. It was founded in 1760. The Sephardic congregation of Spanish and Portuguese Jews in London sent its elders to appoint seven Deputies. The Deputies formed a standing committee to pay homage to George III when he took over the throne. Not to be outdone, the Ashkenazi community in London formed its own committee as well. They often held meetings together, and, around 1810, the two groups merged. I often listen to old audio clips of speeches by John Tyndall, the late founder of the British National Party. In these speeches, Tyndall makes occasional references to the Board of Deputies. Another interesting organization was the Paedophile Information Exchange, commonly known as PIE. PIE was founded in 1974 and disbanded in 1984. PIE worked to promote public acceptance of pedophilia. In 1975, PIE submitted a 17 page document to the Home Office’s Criminal Law Revision Committee. This document proposed that there should be no age of consent for sexual intercourse. It proposed that criminal law should concern itself only with sexual activity where consent is not given or to activities which continue after being prohibited by a civil court. PIE published a magazine called MagPIE. In 1978, PIE conducted a survey among its members to find out what their preferences were. The survey revealed that PIE members are mainly attracted to girls aged 8-11 and boys aged 11-15. In the summer of 1978 the police raided the homes of several PIE committee members. They charged five activists with printing contact advertisements in MagPIE which were calculated to promote indecent acts between adults and children. Others were offered lesser charges of sending indecent materials through the mail if they testified against the five. Steven Adrian Smith, one of the five, fled to Holland before the trial. The logo for PIE was a butterfly. The butterfly has two wings. Each wing has a large lobe and a small lobe. One large lobe is blue, the other large lobe is pink, one small lobe is blue, and the other small lobe is pink. The large blue lobe symbolizes a man and the large pink lobe symbolizes a woman.

The small blue lobe symbolizes a boy and the small pink lobe symbolizes a girl. Next we introduce a character named Harriet Harman. Harman was employed between 1978 and 1982 as the Legal Officer for the National Council for Civil Liberties. This entity later became known as Liberty. At the time the National Council for Civil Liberties was officially affiliated with two organizations: the Paedophile Information Exchange and the Paedophile Action for Liberation. The members of these two groups openly argued for abolition of the age of consent. Harman’s career proceeded to even greater things. In 1997, Tony Blair gave her a position in his cabinet. She became the Secretary of State for So-

Harriet Harman cial Security. She also became the first ever Minister for Women. In May of 2010, Gordon Brown resigned from his position as prime minister. Upon his resignation, Harriet Harman became the Leader of the Labour Party and the Leader of the Opposition. She held both these posts temporarily until our Jewish friend Ed Milliband won the Labour Leadership Election in 2010. Whenever Milliband is absent, Harman assumes the role of Shadow Deputy Prime Minister. Harriet Harman is currently the longest continu-

ously-serving female MP (Member of Parliament) in the House of Commons. In recent years the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) under the leadership of Nigel Farage has been winning a lot of elections. Currently UKIP has 24 Members in the European Parliament (MEPs). The European Parliament is based in Brussels. This year UKIP participated in a European Parliament election. Jane Collins ran as the UKIP candidate for the district that covered the Rotherham area. She got elected, and now she is the MEP for the Rotherham area. Much to the chagrin of the Labourites and the apparatchiks of political correctness, Collins has become a real attack dog. She is demanding that anyone who knew about the Rotherham scandal and anyone who participated in the cover-up should be held accountable. During the 16 years that this scandal went on, three Members of Parliament (MP’s) were in office in Collins’ district. All three of them were Labourites. She wants criminal investigations initiated against all three of them. Jane Collins has stated on the BBC that the Labour Party should rebrand itself. She said that they should call themselves the PPP (Paedophile Protection Party). The most culpable character in this scandal was Shaun Wright. In November of 2012 he was elected to the post of Police and Crime Commissioner of a district that included Rotherham. When the role he had played in the cover-up came to light, MEP Jane Collins demanded that he resign. At first he refused to resign. He said that because he was an elected official, he could not be fired. Eventually Wright received an ultimatum from Theresa May, the Home Secretary. If he did not resign from his job, he would be expelled from the Labour Party. Finally he did resign. Jane Collins has a Twitter account. Her handle is @JaneCollinsMEP. Collins turned her crosshairs onto the above-mentioned Harriet Harman. On October 5, 2014 she sent a tweet about Harman and used the following URL as a reference: 04/02/harriet-harman-in-butterfly-brooch/ The title of this article was “Harriet Harman of the Paedophile Information Exchange Wears a Butterfly brooch.” The article had photographs of a four-page letter as evidence. The letter was dated April 28, 1978. Although Harman did not sign the letter, her name was typewritten at the end of it. The title of the letter was Briefing Paper on Protection of Children Bill. The contents of this letter focused on three points. First, she supported the lowering of the age of consent to 10. Second, she opposed the law on incest. Third, she wanted to water down a proposed ban on child pornography. The contents of the letter were published by The Daily Mail. On February 24, 2014, Harriet Harman responded to what she called a politically-motivated smear campaign. First she denied that she wanted to lower the age of consent. She simply wanted the age of consent for homosexual sex to be the same as the age of consent for heterosexual sex. Second she said that the document opposing the law on incest was written in 1976, before Harman started to work at the National Council for Civil Liberties. Third she denied that she opposed the criminalization of child pornography. She simply opposed the criminalization of parents taking pictures of their children on the beach or in the bath. She proposed that the word “obscene” be used in place of “indecent.” Oddly enough it was MEP Jane Collins who suffered the severest repercussions. A British newspaper called Jewish News wrote an article about her tweet. They mentioned that Jane Collins had referred to Harman as a “Jewess.” They also said that they had a problem with, which Collins had used as a reference. Elsewhere on that blog was a book review of “Jewish Supremacism” by David Duke. Another article on the blog questioned the Holocaust. At first Collins refused to apologize for her tweet. The Jewish community then put the screws to UKIP. Eventually UKIP caved in and apologized. Shortly afterward Jane Collins apologized. The Board of Deputies even got involved in this one. The Board of Deputies Vice President Jonathan Arkush said: “We are amazed by the UKIP spokesperson’s response. Not only have they failed to acknowledge the irresponsibility of an elected politician retweeting an article posted on a White supremacist and racist website, but they totally missed the point that reference to Harriet Harman’s supposed faith was wrong, irrelevant, deeply offensive to Jews and could encourage anti-Semitism.” Missed the point indeed! An anti-Semitic tweet is apparently more heinous than sexual slavery. This is a blatant example of the Jewish Prime Directive in action. The Jewish Prime Directive is: “yes . . . but is it good for the Jews?” Apparently there are times when obstruction of justice is good for the Jews. If the Board of Deputies is not careful, they may suffer a PR disaster. It could be similar to the PR disaster that the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) suffered when they defended NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association). Fortunately, this spot of bother has not slowed UKIP down. There is going to be an election of a new police commissioner for Rotherham. UKIP has been using a campaign poster that shows the picture of a traumatized girl. The caption says, “There are 1,400 reasons why you should never trust Labour again.” British politicians are starting to feel the heat. A few years ago UKIP had the support of 3 percent of British voters; now its support is up to around 30 percent.

The Nationalist Times November/December 2014 “It is no secret that Barack Obama is one of the supreme illusionists of modern times. The disconnect betwen his words and his deeds is so profound as to be almost sublime, far surpassing the crude obfuscations of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. Their projections of unreality were more transparent, and in any case were merely designed to put a little lipstick on the pig of policies they were openly pushing. For example, they openly wanted to conquer Iraq and expand the militarist state, they openly wanted to redistribute national wealth to the elite, so they just gussied up this unhidden agenda with some fantasies about WMD and the occult magic of ‘tax cut,’ whereby enriching the rich and degrading all notion of the common good would somehow create a utopia of prosperity. . . “There was a disconnect between their rhetoric and reality, to be sure, but it was easily seen through (except, of course, by the highly-paid credulous cretins of our national media). Indeed, the Bushists seemed unconcerned by how threadbare their lies were; they delivered their lines like bored performers at the end of a long stage run, not caring whether they weere believed or not -just as long as they go to do what they wanted. “But Obama has taken all this to another level. He is a consummate performer, and strives to ‘inhabit’ the role and mouth his lines as if they make sense and convey some sort of emotional truth. Also, most of the time his rhetoric, his role, his emotional stance are in stark opposition to his actual policies. He is not just gilding his open agenda with some slap-dash lies; he is masking a hidden agenda with a vasty array of artifice, expending enormous effort not to prettify an ugly reality but to create an entire counter-reality, an alternate world that does not exist. “Again, no one was in any doubt about the Bushists’ militarism, their dedication to the financial elite or their disdain for anyone who was not, in their view, a ‘normal American’ (white, traditionalist, bellicose, greedy). In fact, that’s exactly why millions of ‘normal Americans’ voted for them. But Obama’s image -- cool, compassionate, progressive, peace-seeking, non-traditionalist, anti-elitist -- is so far at odds with his actual policies, and with the world as it actually exists, that you can get severe whiplash turning from his rhetoric to reality. . . “This is the reality, and tragedy, of the situation. But in the artfully hallucinated world of Barack Obama -- a fantasy-land in which the entire American political and media elite also live -- none of this matters. All that matters is the real agenda (which was also the agenda of George W. Bush): advancing the dominance of a brutal ruling class through manipulation, militarism, and deception, whenever the opportunity arises.” -- Chris Floyd

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“Washington’s real target is and always has been Russia: with their nuclear arsenal and deep spiritual antipathy to the West, the Russians pose the biggest threat to the Americans’ uni-polar conceit. “In this sense, the Cold War never really ended. There was a brief interruption immediately after the Soviet collapse: Boris Yeltsin’s drunken rule gave free rein to outright criminals who ‘privatized’ Russian state assets and turned the country into an oligarchic basket case. However, the emergence of Vladimir Putin signaled an end to the looting and set the country on the road to some kind of order — and a fresh confrontation with the West. “Who or what can stop the American Borg from destroying and assimilating everything in its path? While we can’t know the future, what we can know is that such a purely destructive course cannot be indefinitely maintained. Something’s gotta give, as the old song goes: whether it’s the financial time-bomb ticking away at the heart of the American Empire or some other catastrophe, natural or man-made. For the sake of the long suffering peoples of this earth, let’s hope it comes sooner rather than later.” — Justin Raimondo “The current stage of international relations is marked by a transition to a fundamentally new world order — a polycentric model based on due regard for the appearance of new economic and financial centers. And political weight comes with economic and financial influence. Transition to a polycentric world order reflects an objective trend according to which the world order should be based on the world’s cultural and civilizational diversity. This is objective reality, which no one can deny. “After a long period of dominance in global economy and politics, these countries are trying to keep their positions by artificial means. They know that their economic positions are not as strong as they were after WWII, when America accounted for over half of global GDP, but they are trying to use all available military and political instruments, social media, regime-change technology and other instruments to keep back the objective process of the development of a democratic world order based on the equality of all sides. “Not everyone has realized yet that it is impossible to move contrary to an objective historical process. We strongly hope that this will happen, because otherwise more illegal unilateral sanctions will be approved against Russia, to which we will respond accordingly, as we have already tried to do. But this, I repeat, is not our choice; we don’t want confrontation.” — Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign Minister

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Currents of Power by Yancey Ames Americans cannot understand what most political machinations really amount to because they do not understand the relationship between Communism and Zionism. Thus, they fall for nonsense about “ISIS” and supposed Islamic threats while ignoring the real wire-pullers behind the scenes. The story begins in the Czarist Empire circa 1860-1880. The Jews of Russia and Poland were torn between the Zionist and Communist ideologies. One group of Jews believed the solution to the Jewish problem was for Jews to make Aliyah to Arab Palestine and create a Jewish state there. Another group believed that Marxism or Communism in Russia was the solution. By creating a “classless society” stripped of the profit motive, Jewishness would cease to exist and the age old Jewish problem would simply disappear. Some Jews combined the two ideologies and wanted a Jewish-Bolshevik state in Palestine. The two systems erupted simultaneously in the great October revolution and the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917. A largely Jewish Communist regime came to power in Russia; a bogus Jewish title to Arab Palestine was created in the same week. The Jewish commissars in Russia regarded Zionism as heresy. They bottled up the Jewish masses and largely prevented them from immigrating to Palestine. That was fine with the British then in control of Palestine, who regarded Jewish emigrants from the revolutionary areas in Russia as a distinct danger to Arab tranquility. The Jews in Russia had all the Czarist restrictions on them lifted. They rapidly filled the commissariats as the leading officials. The British believed that one way of controlling Jewish Communist revolution in Europe (Hungary, Germany and other locations) was to promise the Jews a nation of their own in Arab Palestine. This perverse idea of controlling Jewish Communism by betraying the Arabs of Palestine was epitomized by Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill in his infamous newspaper article “Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People” pub-

lished in The Illustrated Sunday Herald of February 8, 1920. There Churchill contrasted the evil of Jewish Communism with the supposed benefits of Jewish nationalism in an Arab country. Zionism would be a constructive force, as opposed to the destructive force of Communism. As it turned out, Zionism in Arab Palestine has proved as destructive as Communism in Russia. The Arabs were driven into the desert to starve. They remain an unsolved problem in Gaza and elsewhere. The Jews flourished in Stalinist Russia until the creation of Israel in 1948. Then Josef Stalin realized that many of his trusted Jewish commissars might be

more loyal to Israel than to the workers’ paradise. At this point Jewish loyalties began shifting from Soviet Russia to the newly created state of Israel. Stalin started liquidating the Jewish commissars and Jews started a new faith in Jewish Nazism. Of course, the intertwining of Jewish nationality and Jewish Communism had long preceded all of this. The Jewish Communist agricultural colonies in the Crimea had been an initial attempt to synthesize Jewish nationality and Communism. The Agri-Joint, the Joint Distribution Committee and the American Jewish Committee had all joined with Stalin in spon-

soring the collective farms. The next Soviet experiment in Soviet nationality was Birobidzhan or the Jewish Autonomous region in Siberia. It was the Soviet alternative to Zionism and was known as “Palestine in Siberia.” For two decades it seriously split Jews between the Communist and Zionist projects. Two organizations in the West, Ambijan (American Birobidzhan Committee) and ACOR (Association for Jewish Colonization in Russia) promoted Birobidzhan among American and Canadian Jews. Thousands were persuaded to go to Russia to build a Jewish Communist homeland. The project was a public relations ploy and eventually fizzled out. Nevertheless, it illustrated very precisely the rivalries between the Zionist and Communist Jews. People today, bombarded with pro-Israel propaganda, cannot remember that there was a time, in pre-World War Two days, when Soviet Russia was glorified the same way the Zionist state is today. The USSR was known in the 1920s and ’30s as the land where there was “no anti-Semitism.” Jews predominated at all levels in Soviet society but particularly in the gulag and secret police administrations. Today all this has been forgotten as Soviet anti-Zionism has been conflated with anti-Semitism. America went to war in 1941 to save Jewish Communism from destruction. Over eleven billion 1941 dollars were given to the Soviets as LendLease aid. Today, America pours similar gigantic sums into the state of Israel. This aid is used to conquer the Middle East for Israel’s sole benefit and to brutalize the Palestinians. Prostitute politicians, like Senator Ted Cruz, proclaim that Israel represents Western values, just like Senator Warren Magnussen used to proclaim that Soviet Russia had eliminated anti-Semitism. America conducts insane bombing raids against terrorist ghosts as Zionist media liars laugh at the stupidity of “Boobus Americanus.” And there you have the history of the 20th-21st centuries from the ghettos of pre-Bolshevik Russia to the news rooms of New York City and Washington, D.C.

World War One Betrayals by Yancey Ames Of all the disastrous consequences of World War One, undoubtedly the most corrosive effect was the destruction of good faith and fair dealing. The malicious propaganda about crucified Canadians, handless babies and human soap factories was but the beginning of the process. Far worse was the infamous Article 231 assigning sole blame for the war to Germany. This was the fundamental injustice that led to Adolf Hitler and the rise of the Nazis. The translation of that false verdict into the post-war peace treaties laid the foundation for all the problems to come.

Germany was territorially mutilated. Large sections of Germans were placed under the control of vengeful neighboring populations in Poland and the newly created Czechoslovakia. Black Senegalese troops were used by the French to rape German women in the Ruhr. The Germans scuttled their fleet at Scapa Flow to avoid turning it over to the British. Hungary was brutally cut-up with two-thirds of its territory given to Romania and Czechoslovakia. The Habsburgs in Austria were similarly dismembered. A totally artificial Yugoslavia was pieced together out of Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia and Herzegovina. Ethnic incompatibilities and artificial states were everywhere.

All these territorial changes were a repudiation of Woodrow Wilson’s “fourteen points” which were the pre-condition of the armistice. One of those pompous points was that no territorial changes would take place without the consent of the peoples involved. The Arabs of Palestine would doubtless have died laughing. As bad as the European peace treaties were, the carving up of the Middle East was far worse. The problems are still with us today. The process began with the 1916 Sykes-Picot Treaty splitting Arabia into French and British zones. The post-war creation of French mandates in Lebanon and Syria and British mandates in Iraq, Transjordan and Palestine really made a mess of things. The French mandates expired in the late 1930s; the British mandates have left scars extending until the present. Iraq was a totally artificial creation of Gertrude Bell and Percy Cox combining Shi’ite Muslims and Kurds with a Sunni king from the Hejaz. The Hashemite, Feisal, had originally been installed as king of Syria by the English before the French kicked him out in March 1920. The British then made him king of Iraq before installing his brother, Abdullah, as king of Jordan. The kingdom of their father

The Nationalist Times November/December 2014 Hussein, the Hejaz on the east coast of the Red Sea, fell to ibn Saud and the Wahabis in 1923-1924. Of all the mandates, Transjordan under Abdullah and his chief advisor, John Bagot Glubb, proved the most stable and successful. Palestine, by contrast, remains a problem to this day. Anyone who has read the British White Papers of the 1920s and 1930s knows what a headache it was for British foreign policy. Indeed, no problem before the rise of Hitler caused the English more grief. It was the predictable and foreseeable result of imposing a Jewish state upon an unwilling Arab population. The folly of Lord

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Balfour remains a perpetual problem today. The legacy of the Great War remains. As the German admiral Tirpitz sagely remarked the war was “the greatest folly ever committed by the White race.” Its legacy of meaningless bloodshed, cultural destruction, Bolshevik terror and abysmal betrayal still underlies the problems of today. Although the Great War began a century ago, no one can understand the world of today without a firm grasp of those tumultuous years of 1914-1923.

INTELLIGENCE REPORT Perhaps the logical endgame of the neo-feudal psychopaths who run the Washington/New York/Hollywood Axis was displayed when U.S. Senator Steve Cohen, a rabid liberal Democrat from Tennessee, suggested that a moat should be erected around the White House. Yes, a moat, to protect the sock puppet emperor of the High-Tech Banana Re-

brim with criminal ‘riggers’ . . . where bubble mania was so pervasive not a single bank would have survived absent a global central bank bailout, and where bank executives wouldn’t bend over for anything less than a million. Nation #2 just sentenced two senior officials of a bank that collapsed under (a measly by New Normal standards) $1 billion in debt to 15 years in prison each for embezzlement and fraud. Nation #1 is, of course, the U.S. (or any other Western nation). Nation #2 is Afghanistan. Which one is the banana republic again?” . . Sen. Steve Cohen . . . . . . . . . . In bankster/ public should the peasants ever de- psychopath run Amerika Inc., the rulcide to take up “pitchforks” and ing class wins every election no descend upon the rulers who have sub- matter what spin the system’s media verted their republic and sold them out. arm puts on it. Voter turnout was Cohen believes that a moat roughly six- very low for the November mid-term feet wide would be “attractive” and election that the media breathlessly “effective.” James Clancy, the act- reported on — so low, that if it ocing director of the scandal-plagued curred in any other country the power Secret Service, didn’t dismiss structure would call that country’s “deCohen’s idea out of hand. “Sir, it may mocracy” illegitimate — and as always be,” said Clancy at a House Judiciary the candidates, including the RepubliCommittee hearing after Cohen made can Party “insurgents” were amply his neo-Dark Ages suggestion. . . . . bought and paid for by corporate in. . . . . . . . . . “America Watches terests. The securities and investin Stunned Disbelief as Afghanistan ment industry, e.g., bankers and Jails Two Failed Bank Executives” hedge fund vultures, poured $169 was the mocking headline for an ar- million into the election, about twoticle on the website thirds of it going to the system’s ReThe article aptly begins: “Spot the publican wing. House Speaker John banana republic: Nation #1 spends Boehner, Senate Minority Leader and issues tens of trillions in taxpayer Mitch McConnell, and Minority funds and debt, crushing the growth Whip John Cornyn each received potential of future generations, just to more than $1 million from the industry bail out a banking sector full to the from the beginning of last year through

October 15th. The orange-skinned Boehner, Obama’s favorite golfing buddy, and McConnell, who looks like a caricature of a saggy-faced White nerd, worked together with establishment Republicans to purge as many genuinely conservative candidates as possible from the party, with the result that not a single challenger with ties to the (long ago co-opted and emasculated) Tea Party movement won a GOP primary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David Stockman, the onetime whiz kid economic advisor to

the election, titled “Black Tuesday — The War Party Won.” The entire lengthy article should be found and read online; in the meantime here are excerpts: “The robots and day traders greeted last Tuesday’s Republican election sweep with another knee-jerk rally because the GOP’s new Capitol Hill dominance will allegedly be good for investors. Would that there were any real investors left — but, in any event, what the election really did was populate the Imperial City with a huge new phalanx of neo-cons and

David Stockman President Reagan — along with Paul Craig Roberts and James Watt he was among the very few genuine conservatives in the pseudo-conservative Reagan administration which was long on rhetoric and extremely short on action — wrote a brilliant summary after

hawks. In a word, the War Party won. This means that the Warfare State will prosper, the budget deficit will again soar, more government shutdowns will materialize and the day of fiscal reckoning will come that much sooner. How that is good for investors

Page 18 The Nationalist Times November/December 2014 is hard to fathom. But never mind. The casino previously known as the stock market trades one day at a time based on the monetary juice and word clouds emitted by the world’s central banks. This new Wall Street casino anticipates no future, remembers no history, discounts no risks and discovers no honest prices. It is a hothouse colony of the central banks. To be sure, once upon a time the prospect of escalating war and blood in the trenches caused markets to tank. Investors knew that cranking up the war machine meant higher taxes, currency inflation, capital market dislocations, economic regimentation, trade disruptions and productive asset destruction. They down-rated the value of current profits accordingly. But we are in a different world today — an unreal one where government debts are massively monetized and wars are fought on the far side of the earth with high altitude bombers, sealaunched cruise missiles and drones piloted from the Nevada desert. When boots are needed on the ground, they are worn by mercenary soldiers who are hired from an underclass that has been discarded by a failing economy. And when it comes to funding such remote and antiseptic warfare, Washington extracts heavy payroll levies (income and social security taxes) from the diminishing share of citizens still employed, and places enormous liens on unborn taxpayers (i.e. borrowing) to cover the rest. . . The hard-pressed Main Street masses take their tax-shrunken paychecks to the grocery store and the mall, hoping to get by for another week. So doing they remain utterly disconnected from the strum and drang of the Beltway war rooms. They encounter Washington’s costly and destructive foreign excursions only as war game videos on CNN and as defense jobs and other military pork spread widely among the provinces. The War Party thus has no political burden in making its case. Money politics, remote control warfare, and anti-Islamic hysteria have been more than enough to purge opposition from both the left and the right. The antiwar left, which brought the folly of Vietnam to an end and sent the most power-hungry President in American history, Lyndon Johnson, to early retirement, is no more. Instead of courageous dissenters like Fulbright, Church and McGovern, the Senate Democrats

are led by intellectually challenged warmongers such as foreign affairs committee chairman, Robert Menendez, and intelligence committee chair, Diane Feinstein. On the Republican side, instead of fearless doves like Mark Hatfield and George Aiken, we have AIPAC water boys like Senator Mark Kirk. And forget the anti-interventionist right. That died with Senator Robert Taft and had been dormant for 50 years until Rand Paul showed up in the Senate. But thanks to Black Tuesday the GOP establishment and neo-con mafia will surely launch a ferocious new campaign to isolate and destroy him as an ‘isolationist.’ Undoubtedly, in an effort to escape the big smear and complete marginalization, Senator Paul has already begun to trim his anti-interventionist sails, and has regrettably even endorsed the bombing campaign in Syria-Iraq. That’s sad, but its also indicative of the overwhelming dominance of the War Party inside the Beltway. And the emphasis is on the Beltway part. By contrast, during the congressional election campaign there was no Republican more in demand out in the provinces than Rand Paul — and we are talking about real Republican rallies and fund-raising events, not the Dartmouth libertarian club. Stated differently, the rule of the War Party is embedded within the Beltway which encircles the Imperial City. The striking prosperity there has been fueled overwhelmingly by the vast expansion of the Warfare State and the homeland security and spying apparatus that has mushroomed since 9/11. It amounts to the epitome of Big Government, and the irony is that it has been ushered in by the neocon-dominated GOP. . . So this is the context in which to understand Tuesday’s election results. They mean that the most eager and enthusiastic backers of Washington’s imperial enterprises will move front and center. Foremost among these is Senator John McCain, who will now become chairman of what used to be the Senate Armed Services Committee. From now on, however, it might as well be called the just plain ‘War Committee.’ And folks don’t be confused. The Senator from Arizona has truly lost his marbles. He has strutted around the Imperial City for so long that he fancies himself a Roman Emperor — commanding the legions and bringing swift and brutal justice to any tribe or nation that does not genuflect to Washington’s rule. . .” . . . . . . . . . . . . The godfathers of the neo-con mafia are billionaires like Sheldon Adelson, George Soros, and Haim Saban. Casino mogul Adelson pumped $150 million into the Republican Party in 2012 (because, see, those supposed laws such as those limiting ordinary Americans to a total of $20,000 per calendar year in political contributions don’t apply to the 1%). “Conservative” Republican Adelson and “liberal” Democrat Saban recently appeared on stage together, doing vaudeville shtick to see which one could be the most extreme in their desire to “force U.S. policy into a ‘proIsrael’ template,” as blogger Justin Raimondo of put it, adding: “Both expressed intransigent opposition to current U.S.-Iran talks over the latter’s nuclear energy

about all the good things in life. He didn’t talk about Israel remaining as a democratic state, otherwise Israel isn’t going to be a democratic state — so what?’ When the single biggest donor to the GOP – yes, bigger than the Koch brothers – starts musing in public about God’s indifference to democracy, you have to wonder where it’s going to end. Insofar as Israel is concerned, Adelson may be getting the despotism he apparently longs for, as [Israel] clamps down on internal dissent, expelling Arabs from the Knesset and edging closer to the wholesale expulsion of the Arab population from the country.” . . . . . . . . . . . . Even though the Republican Party despises its White base, the party remains overwhelmingly White, mostly because the Democrat Party is so blatantly anti-White that Whites indoctrinated in the lesser of two evils

Sheldon Adelson (left) and Haim Saban (right) program, with Adelson averring that if he were Prime Minister of Israel and the U.S. sealed a deal with Iran that didn’t meet with his approval he ‘would not just talk, I would take action’ — against whom, it wasn’t quite clear. Saban, for his part, pushed well beyond that frontier, declaring that if he were in Netanyahu’s position ‘I would bomb the daylights out of these sons of bitches!’ As the conversation got around to Israel’s domestic problems, Adelson upped the ante, declaring that there is no Palestinian problem because there are no Palestinians: they are, he said, ‘an invented people.’Yes, yes you’re right, averred Saban, but we still need a two-state solution because Israel must preserve its identity as a democratic Jewish state. Here was Adelson’s chance to win the contest, and he took it: ‘I don’t think the Bible says anything about democracy. I think God didn’t say anything about democracy. God talked

mentality feel they have no one else to vote for. The result is that the GOP to its horror is becoming more and more “the White Man’s party.” Great example: In Alabama, all the Republican state senators are White, and there is only one White Democrat left in that state’s senate. In Alabama’s 105-member house, the number of White Democrats fell from 10 to just 6 when it reconvenes in 2015. The South is the most dramatic example of the Republicans becoming the White party and the Democrats the party of everyone else, but the pattern is taking place all over the country. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Southern Democrats explicitly played the “race card” during the mid-term election, using blatant anti-White ads. According to an article by Jeremy W. Peters of The New York Times, “In the final days before the election, Democrats in the closest Senate races across the South are turning to racially charged messages — invoking Trayvon Martin’s death, the unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, and Jim Crow-era segregation — to jolt African-Americans into voting and stop a Republican takeover in Congress. The images and words they are using are striking for how overtly they play on fears of intimidation and repression. And their source is surprising. The effort is being led by national Democrats and their state party organizations — not, in most instances, by the shadowy and often-untraceable political action committees that typically employ such provocative messages.” And not surprisingly, the race-baiting was not denounced by the corporate media, which still lambastes the Republicans for the “Willie Horton ad” back in 1988. . . . . . . . . . . The long-time Jewish publication The Forward proudly detailed in an article in early October how Beto O’Rourke, a young freshman Democrat Congressman from Texas was “set right” by the Israel Lobby. Excerpts from an article by Nathan Guttman (“How the Israel Lobby Set Beto O’Rourke Right”): “It took only one wrong vote to teach a freshman Democrat from Texas how sensitive, and even wrathful, the Jewish community can be when it comes to Israel. But the real story of what happened to Rep. Beto O’Rourke did not stop with the angry reaction he got when he cast one of only eight votes in Congress against special funding for Israel’s Iron Dome rocket defense system during the recent Gaza war. What is notable is how quickly the carrot followed the stick. It was almost a textbook case of how the establishment pro-Israel lobby works its magic — and a story not yet completed in early September, when The New Yorker magazine took note of what had happened to O’Rourke. In an in-depth report on the work of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the large Washington-based lobby, during the Gaza war, New Yorker writer Connie Bruck recounted the blasts that rained down on the El Paso congressman following his vote. The reactions, as Bruck reported, included a mass email blast labeling O’Rourke as ‘an anti-Israel congressman’ and denouncing his vote as ‘shameful.’ Critical local press coverage included a public comment by one of his own Jewish donors to the El Paso Times that in voting as he did, O’Rourke ‘chooses to side with the

rocket launchers and terror tunnel builders’ of Hamas. But since then, behind the scenes, what has followed is a long process of mutual outreach and hours of hashing out differences, until the final act, which is now in the works: an El Al flight to Tel Aviv on the pro-Israel lobby’s dime. ‘He’s a good guy, but he didn’t know how the Jewish community would react,’ said Daniel Cheifec, executive director of the Jewish Federation of El Paso. ‘Now he knows that this community is not going to be very happy if he screws up again.’” . . . . . . . . . . . . Russ Baker of the website writes that The Boston Globe wrote two articles about the “double government,” which is highly unusual given that the Globe and the rest of the corporate media are enablers of the unaccountable and lawless forces behind the scenes who “own” the politicians of both twin monopoly parties. Maybe the Globe believes that the great mass of Americans is sufficiently ignorant that such disclosures won’t even create a ripple in the pond of mass consciousness, which is undoubtedly the case. Writes Baker: “You know something is going on when the cautious Boston Globe publishes not one, but two, pieces dealing with the ‘double government.’ This cryptic phrase encapsulates a serious claim about the American body politic: That a permanent and largely unaccountable bureaucracy keeps on doing what it wants to do, no matter who the voters elect to the White House. Both of the Globe articles refer to ‘National Security and Double Government,’ a book by Michael J. Glennon, professor of international law at Tufts University. From the descriptions of its contents, the author is talking, with due academic caution, about an out-ofcontrol security/military apparatus. The fact that the Globe thinks this book is important enough to warrant not one but two analytical pieces is significant, because Boston was the scene of the mysterious Boston Marathon Bombing. In the aftermath of that tragedy, the national security apparatus and its allies in the media, academia and corporate America (including, significantly, the Globe itself) rushed to discourage us from looking deeper at what happened — while at the same time the nat-sec folks used the event to further expand their influence at the expense of civil liberties.” . . . . . . .

The Nationalist Times November/December 2014 . . . . . An establishment-supporting website recently published an interesting op-ed about the American political scene. Ron Fournier, a former reporter for AP, the government worshipping monopoly “news service,” notes on that a majority of Americans are dissatisfied with both monopoly parties and that “independent presidential bids, a third party, and other big changes may be just over the mid-term horizon,” adding that, “from time to time. . . I predict that the United States is entering an era of great political disruption, a bottom-up revolution on the scale of what upended the music, television, movie, media and retail industries. Fueled by the radical connectivity of the internet, abrupt new actors in those fields dismantled the status quo, shifted power downward, and created an explosion of options for consumers. . . I don’t know the answers. I do believe it’s a matter of when, not if. Because, while we may be a presidential cycle or two away from the Great Disruption, you can already spot green shoots of populism emerging from an otherwise bleak mid-term landscape.” . . . . . . . . . . . Last month’s Intelligence Report wrote about the rise of “social justice warriors” (SJWs), mostly young liberal totalitarians who specialize in destroying the reputation and careers of anyone who doesn’t follow the ever-changing cultural communist party line. SJWs operate anonymously on the internet and on college campuses. Another facet of totalitarian liberal insanity that operates virtually unopposed on colleges is the concept of “microaggression,” which the excellent writer Heather MacDonald of recently covered at length. Her article begins: “In November 2013, two dozen graduate students at the University of California at Los Angeles marched into an education class and announced a protest against its ‘hostile and unsafe climate for Scholars of Color.’ The students had been victimized, they claimed, by racial ‘microaggression’ — the hottest concept on campuses today, used to call out racism otherwise invisible to the naked eye. UCLA’s response to the sit-in was a travesty of justice. The education school sacrificed the reputation of a beloved and respected professor in order to placate a group of ignorant students making

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a specious charge of racism. The pattern would repeat itself twice more at UCLA that fall: students would allege that they were victimized by racism, and the administration, rather than correcting the students’ misapprehension, penitently acceded to it. Colleges across the country behave no differently. As student claims of racial and gender mistreatment grow ever more unmoored from reality, campus grown-ups have abdicated their responsibility to cultivate an adult sense of perspective and common sense in their students. Instead, they are creating what tort law calls ‘eggshell plaintiffs’ — preternaturally fragile individuals injured by the slightest collisions with life. The consequences will affect us for years to come.” MacDonald’s article goes on to explain the absurd “microaggression” incident at UCLA in detail and is well worth a read. In Minnesota, the liberal lunatics are pushing a “transgender” policy for government high schools that will force girls to share bathrooms and locker rooms with boys who are “transgendered,” i.e., boys who consider themselves to be female, and boys will have to do the same with “transgendered” girls. The Minnesota policy is meeting with widespread opposition and hasn’t been passed yet, but if past history is any guide, and it certainly is when studying how the Permanent Cultural Communist Revolution in America took place and continues to unfold, it’s only a matter of time until it does pass, in Minnesota and then slowly but surely across the rest of the country. In 10 or 20 years time, “conservative” Republicans will be doing public penance for the “bad old days” before the “transgendered” were granted “full and equal rights.” “Conservatives” never face the revolutionaries head on because they are afraid of being labeled “fascist” or “anti-semitic,” and so the “conservatives” always eventually lose and end up supporting what previously had been consigned to the ultra-liberal margins of society. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Several months ago, Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, began instituting some negative interest rates for banks for borrowing. And now, the first bank has begun to pass the scam onto the ultimate target, customers. As of November 1st, customers of the German bank Deutsche Skatbank who hold more

Page 20 The Nationalist Times November/December 2014 than 500,000 euros will begin paying 0.25% interest — to Deutsche Skatbank. For now it’s just the wealthier customers, but who doubts that eventually it will be all customers? For bank customers now, including in the U.S., earn virtually no interest on their money and haven’t for years, while at the same time the real inflation rate is around 7% and the sheeple pay banks 10% or more on credit cards, and upwards of 30% and more if they have bad credit or fall behind in payments. . . . . . . . . . . . . Nationalist Times Editor Don Wassall was interviewed for two hours on October 28 on the internet radio show Sacred Cow BBQ, hosted by Patricia Aiken. Wassall will continue to be a periodic guest on the show and discuss topics such as the U.S. surveillance state, for which attorney John W. Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute calls Americans “useful idiots.” Writes Whitehead: “In an Orwellian age where war equals peace, surveillance equals safety, and tolerance equals intolerance of uncomfortable truths and politically incorrect ideas, ‘we the people’ have gotten very good at walking freely into the slaughterhouse, all the while convincing ourselves that the prison walls enclosing us within the American police state are there for our protection. Call it doublespeak, call it hypocrisy, call it delusion, call it whatever you like, but the fact remains that while we claim to value freedom, privacy, individuality, equality, diversity, accountability, and government transparency, our actions and those of our government overseers contradict these much-vaunted principles at every turn. For instance, we disdain the jaded mindset of the Washington elite, and yet we continue to re-elect politicians who lie, cheat and steal. We disapprove of the endless wars that drain our resources and spread thin our military, and yet we repeatedly buy into the idea that patriotism equals supporting the military. We chafe at taxpayer-funded pork barrel legislation for roads to nowhere, documentaries on food fights, and studies of mountain lions running on treadmills, and yet we pay our taxes meekly and without raising a fuss of any kind. We object to the militarization of local police forces and their increasingly battlefield mindset, and yet we do little more than shrug our shoulders over SWAT team raids and police shootings of unarmed

citizens. And then there’s our love-hate affair with technology, which sees us bristling at the government’s efforts to monitor our internet activities, listen in on our phone calls, read our emails, track our every movement, and punish us for what we say on social media, and yet we keep using these very same technologies all the while doing nothing about the government’s encroachments on our rights. This contradiction is backed up by a recent Pew Research Center study, which finds that ‘Americans say they are deeply concerned about privacy on the web and their cellphones. They say they do not trust Internet companies or the government to protect it. Yet they keep using the services and handing over their personal information.’ Let me get this straight: the government continues to betray our trust, invade our privacy, and abuse our rights, and we keep going back for more?” Whitehead is correct in his analysis, but until the two-party tyranny is broken, Americans have no choice but to keep re-electing the same politicians who are enslaving them. The U.S. greatly needs “glastnost,” the opening up of a closed political system of, by and for the 1%, so that the middle and working classes can have political leadership. Until then the problems destroying the U.S. will only continue to get worse, as voting for the “lesser of two evils” has conclusively demonstrated for decades. The Nationalist Times needs distributors. If you believe this newspaper should be read by more Americans who are searching for the truth, use the ad on this page to sign up to sell or give away 10 or more copies of each issue. “The evil was not in bread and circuses, per se, but in the willingness of the people to sell their rights as free men for full bellies and the excitement of the games which would serve to distract them from the other human hungers which bread and circuses can never appease. The moral decay of the people was not caused by the doles and the games. These merely provided a measure of their degradation. Things that were originally good had become perverted and, as Shakespeare reminds us, ‘Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.’”

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