AFP 2016 Fall Issue News Letter

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Fall 2016

• Culture • Identity • Heritage • Sovereignty

This Issue: • • • • •

Why Are We So Fragmented? ..................Pg. 2 Leaked Soros Documents..........................Pg. 5 Letters to the Editor ..................................Pg. 5 Obama’s ‘Back-door Amnesty’ ................Pg. 6 White Nationalist Movement Growing Faster Than Others on Twitter..................Pg. 7 • Irish Slaves................................................Pg. 8 • Dr. Tomislav Sunic Speaks at THE RIGHT PARTY CONFERENCE! ......Pg. 10 • Among the Liberal Ruins “Maybe You Should Check Your Sources” ..Pg. 10

AFP Action Report – Fall 2016 ..........................Pg. 12

AmericAn Freedom PArty REPORT

Fall 2016 Contents: Why Are We So Fragmented? —by ralph Brandt .................................... Pg. 2 Leaked Documents: Soros Group Spent $600K To Mainstream Pro-Refugee Attitudes .................................... Pg. 5 Letters to the Editor .. Pg. 5 Obama’s ‘Back-door Amnesty’ Brings Somalians to U.S. .................................... Pg. 6 White Nationalist Movement Growing Faster on Twitter .................................... Pg. 7 Irish Slaves – What The History Books Will Never Tell You ............ Pg. 8 Dr. Tomislav Sunic Speaks at THE RIGHT Party Conference! ...... Pg. 10 Among the Liberal Ruins : “Maybe You Should Check Your Sources” (Part 1)............Pg. 10

Published by the American Freedom Party, a registered 527 political organization with the Fec and irS.

Pg. 2 — American Freedom Party report

Why Are We So Fragmented? August 2016 By ralph A. Brandt


s far back as i can remember, the White nationalist movement has been fragmented. We often work against each other. in some ways we resemble the quarreling tribes of Ancient Greece before they united in their war against troy. We also resemble the quarreling baronies of 19th century Germany, before otto von Bismarck united them in 1870, forming the Second reich. do we even have a central figure? the $PLc likes to scare its contributors into thinking that the Ku Klux Klan is on the verge of taking this country over. i have no idea who is in charge of the klan or if it even exists. i liked a comment that Ann coulter once made about the KKK ( . . . all six of them . . . ). Perhaps david duke could serve as a central figure. i attended his convention in memphis in 2008. i remember one of the speakers was mosha Valuchenko, a drop-dead gorgeous lady from russia. they also had a performance by Heritage connection, a twopiece band. charity played the guitar, and Shelby played the drums. the convention got thrown together because the Antifa were aggressive in disrupting our plans. it was a one day affair. they brought in box lunches so that we could have lunch without leaving the building. As i was standing in line for my box lunch, one gentleman used his wife as a human shield to cut to the front of the line. it was unfortunate that one individual would tarnish an otherwise beauti-

ful convention with his white-trashlike behavior. Another possible candidate for being our central figure could be the national Policy institute (nPi). the nPi was founded by William regnery ii, the heir to the regnery publishing fortune. the nPi is run by richard Spencer. He recently held a convention in Budapest, which got disrupted by the police. the nPi publishes books and holds conferences. Although i have never attended any of their conferences, i have gone to their website and played their podcasts. i particularly like the podcasts by Paul Gottfried. He talks about the conservative movement in our country and what went wrong. Another candidate for being our central figure is American reassistance, run by Jared taylor. they have biannual conventions. i have never been to one of them either. Ammer, like nPi, tries to appeal to the white nationalists in the right tail of the bell curve. their homepage is updated every business day with news items of interest to the racially aware white person. i make it a point to read that page daily. there are some people who are critical of Jared taylor. they do not like the way he is so Jew-friendly. i personally believe that such an approach is an exercise in futility. the Jews are going to hate us no matter how we water down our message. i have read two of Jared taylor’s books. His first book is titled Paved with Good intentions. it was an outstanding book. His subsequent books did not measure up to his first one. the first book helped me develop focus in my arguments with liberals. Sometimes a liberal will ask continued...Pg. 3

me to define the term “liberal.” my usual response is, “A liberal is someone who blames black crime on whitey.” i know that Stormfront is the oldest white nationalist website on the internet. don Black, the founder of Stormfront, also holds conventions in the Smokey mountains. i have never had the pleasure of attending one of his conventions either. He may be onto something, though. maybe our resistance to the enemy would be more effective if it were regional, rather than national. Another candidate for leadership of our movement is the council of conservative citizens (c of cc). i attended two of their conventions. the first one i attended was in Jackson, mS. (i’m going to Jackson. i’m gonna mess around. i’m going to Jackson. Look out Jackson town). this convention took place on a memorable weekend. it was the weekend that michael Jackson died. the television coverage of this was wall-towall throughout the entire weekend. the second convention that i attended was in nashville. At night, after the scheduled activities i wandered around downtown nashville. i learned how to do a line dance called Sunny Side Up. At both conventions, the highlight of the event was when everyone in the room stood up and sang dixie. At the first convention i had

breakfast with Sam dickson. i got into a philosophical discussion with him. i told him that i was not very fond of the calvinist concept that God prospers the wealthy. He told me that he had no problem with it at all. i have read a lot of Sam dickson’s essays. the best one he ever wrote was “A modest Proposal.” it was based on a speech he gave at the 2008 American renaissance conference. the essay is about forming a white homeland. if you do a Google on “sam dickson” “a modest pro-

posal,” you will find it. the first paragraph of his essay reads as follows: “in the many decades i have toiled in the vineyards of American racial nationalism, i have heard very few solutions offered to our people. We have been long on problems and negativity, and very short on solutions. this is a failure of leadership.” i have often wondered about this. does the American Freedom Party qualify as a vineyard? could merlin miller qualify as a unifying figure? in 2012 he ran for president on the American Freedom Party’s ticket. ( At the

time the party was called American third Position. ) Apparently he did not like our party’s explicit racial message. He formed his own political party, called the American eagle Party. don Wassall, the editor of the nationalist times, supports him in this enterprise. there is another possible unifying figure. He is matt Heimbach. A few years ago the American third Position party had a convention in Santa Ana, which i attended. i met matt Heimbach there. He seemed like an intelligent, pleasant person. He recently formed his own political party as well. He has formed the traditionalist Workers Party. recently his party held a joint demonstration with the Golden State Skinheads. their demonstration was attacked by the Antifas, and the attack escalated into a few knifefights. Although matt Heimbach’s people were outnumbered, they inflicted heavier casualties. this confrontation is commonly referred to as the Battle of Sacramento. i heard a podcast in which he claimed that the antifas are wimps. the minute they see that white people are willing to fight back, they run. Another possible candidate is a radio show called the Political cesspool. it is run by James edwards. it has been in business for over a decade. they suffered an unfortunate loss when continued...Pg. 4 American Freedom Party report — Pg. 3

Bill rolen passed away. When i was at one of the cofcc conventions, i saw a gentleman with a name tag that said “eddie miller.” i walked up to him and asked, “Are you the bombardier?” the show suffered another loss when Winston Smith lost his hearing. if it were not for the bombardier, Keith Alexander would be on his own. A regular contributor to their show is a charming lady named courtney. Keith Alexander often shares with the listeners some gems of wisdom he has picked up from his family. He had this to say about black people: “you can dress them up, but you can’t take them to town.” James edwards takes pride in being a Southern gentleman. does that mean that he never listens to any music by Johnny rebel? Another possible candidate is the charles martel Society. “martel” is French for “hammer.” charles martel was a famous French general. (Believe it or not,

at one time the French were fighters.) charles martel defeated a muslim army at the Battle of tours. the battle took place in 732 A.d. there is a political movement in France now called Generation identitaire. they display the number 732 on some of their banners. the main function of the charles martel Society is to publish the occidental Quarterly. this is a magazine edited by dr. Kevin macdonald. dr. macdonald has written several books on the Jewish evolutionary strategy. the Jews have a twopronged evolutionary strategy. the first prong is high-investment parenting for the in-group. the second prong is pathologizing all forms of adaptive behavior for the out-group. in the movie Fiddler on the roof, there was a song that went: “matchmaker, matchmaker make me a match, Find me a find, catch me a catch.”

Later on, in the song, it went, “For papa, make him a scholar; For mama, make him rich as a king.” mama’s main concern was cash flow. Papa’s main concern was maintaining the gene pool. i am not sure what the charles martel Society does, other than publish the occidental Quarterly. Like nPi and Amren, the charles martel Society is geared toward people on the right tail of the bell curve. there are other buffoonish goups and individuals which i would rather not mention. i would rather stick with those with credibility. Since they are often critical of one another, it sometimes confusing whom to believe and whom not to believe. i think the safest course of action is for all of us to unite in supporting donald trump. We can work on the petty issues after the election.—

J o i n To d a y ! T h e A m e r i c a n F r e e d o m P a r t y An Alt-Right political party.

(return this coupon with payment made out to American Freedom Party) American Freedom Party 2753 Broadway, Suite 245 New York, NY 10025 c 1-yr regular membership $25.00 (plus $7.00 Shipping, $32.00 total) c 1 Life membership and access to all Party Functions, phone support, & updates: $500.00 c the American Freedom Pary relies on financial help from supporters. enclosed is a donation to help AFP in the amount of $________ name: ____________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ city, State, Zip:___________, _______, ___________tel: (___) _______ – ____________ email: ______________________________ Pg. 4 — American Freedom Party report

Leaked Documents: Soros Group Spent $600K To Mainstream Pro-Refugee Attitudes September 2016 – Leaked documents from left-wing financier George Soros’ open Society Foundations continue to reveal the extent to which the group has influenced the political response to europe’s refugee crisis. internal documents show oSF (open Society Foundation) used $600,000 in reserve funding in march 2016 to bring pro-refugee positions into the “political mainstream.” Jordi Vaquer, oSF’s regional director for europe, ap-

proved a $600,000 proposal entitled, “countering the anti-migrant rhetoric and toxic narratives surrounding migration in europe.” According to oSF documents, half of the $600,000 would go towards lobbying efforts. All $600,000 came from oSF’s “europe reserve Fund.” A summary of the proposal notes that “the proposed reserve fund allocation will allow for additional resources to be allocated towards countering xenophobic attitudes in europe, move parts of the political mainstream towards more pro-refugee positions, and build constituencies around a more progressive approach to migration and asylum.”

A section of the proposal titled “Unforeseen need” explains that the money is needed because of the loss of sympathy for refugees in due in part to the november 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris. (reLAted: Leaked Soros memo: refugee crisis ‘new normal,’ Gives ‘new opportunities’ For Global influence.) “the debate around migration in europe has become increasingly anti-migrant both at the political and public level. in 2015, the high number of refugee arrivals and the terrorist attacks in Paris in november, have eroded much of the sympathy towards refugees that was present earlier that year.” the proposal notes, “While Germany started in mid-2015 with a widespread welcoming attitude towards refugees, by now general sentiment leans towards closure of borders.” the proposal claims that “Sweden, the other traditional stronghold of solidarity towards refugees, is facing similar challenges.” (reLAted: Swedish Police tell Women not to Go out Alone due to migrant Violence) As originally reported by the daily caller, a leaked oSF memo from may 2016 argues that europe’s refugee crisis should be accepted as a “new normal,” and that the refugee crisis means “new opportunities” for Soros’ organization to influence immigration policies on a global scale. that memo made three key points: oSF — the nation’s least transparent think tank — has been successful at influencing global immigration policy; europe’s refugee crisis presents “new opportunities” for the organization to influence global immigration policy; and the refugee crisis is the “new normal.” Another leaked memo re-

veals that oSF is anticipating an increase in “migration pressures in the coming decades” due in part to “globalization.” the oSF documents were released by “hacktivist” group dcLeaks, which publishes documents from powerful political figures around the world. —o— —Letters To The Editor—


Send your letters by mail to Letters to the editor 2753 Broadway Suite 245 new york, ny 10025 Also send letters via email:

“Against Democracy and Equality: The European New Right” by Tom Sunic. Buy on Amazon.

American Freedom Party report — Pg. 5

Obama’s ‘Back-door Amnesty’ Brings Somalians to U.S.

north.” the report cited an article in a mexican newspaper that said mexico’s immigration regulators, the instituto nacinal de migracion, said mexico is “living through a wave of undocumented Africans, due to a humanitarian crisis on that continent, that has saturated shelters in tapachula, chiapas, and generated pressure on shelters in tijuana, Baja california.” the Africans are granted special status by obama because of

September 2016 – the obama Administration ‘perpetually extending’ temporary ‘humanitarian’ program. the obama administration is admitting hundreds of African immigrants to the U.S. under a “secret accord” that channels them through South America and mexico, charges the Washington watchdog Judicial Watch. “the obama administration has done a great job of promoting its various backdoor amnesty programs, which include perpetually extending a humanitarian measure designed to temporarily shield illegal immigrants from deportation during emergencies,” the Judicial Watch report said. “it’s known as temporary Protected Status (tPS) and in the last few years migrants from Somali Refugees several African countries have received it so the new influx is not all surprising.” issues such as the 2014 ebola epithe obama administration demic. mexican officials say the already has opened the door to backlog is aggravated by the “slow thousands of young men from pace” of U.S. immigration officials Syria, designated them as refugees in San isidro, who process only 50 “refugees.” it also tried to grant asylum applications daily. amnesty to up to 5 million illegal the journey for the mialiens until the plan was slapped grants begins by traveling to Brazil down by a federal judge in a ruling “under a South American policy the U.S. Supreme court let stand. that allows the ‘free transit’ of imthe new discovery by Judi- migrants.” cial Watch said African immigrants Judicial Watch said “are being housed in shelters in the ecuador, costa rica, nicaragua mexican border town of tijuana and Panama “facilitate the process while they await entry into the by transferring the concentration of United States under what appears foreigners towards mexico based to be a secret accord between the on an agreement that mexico will obama administration, mexico and help them gain entry into the U.S. the central American countries the so they can solicit asylum.” Africans transited on their journey the Washington watchdog Pg. 6 — American Freedom Party report

said the Africans mostly enter mexico through chiapas, which borders Guatemala. “this week alone 424 Africans arrived at the chiapas immigration station, which is situated in tapachula. Shelters in tijuana currently have 154 migrants from African countries waiting on their U.S. asylum solicitations, according to figures provided by the inm,” Judicial Watch said. the mexican newspaper report said they don’t want to stay in mexico. tijuana officials have reported helping migrants from Somalia, Ghana and Pakistan get into the U.S. through San isidro. the special access status for Somalians was just extended by dHS Secretary Jeh Johnson until march, 2017. the obama administration cited the conditions in Somalia for providing the special treatment. “there continues to be a substantial, but temporary, disruption of living conditions in Somalia due to ongoing armed conflict that would pose a serious threat to the personal safety of returning Somali nationals, as well as extraordinary and temporary conditions in the country that prevent Somali nationals from returning to Somalia in safety,” said a notice in the Federal register. “the secretary has also determined that permitting eligible Somali nationals to remain temporarily in the United States is not contrary to the national interest of the United States.” —o—

White Nationalist Movement Growing Faster Than ISIS SPLC on Twitter September, 2016 – researchers at George Washington University’s Programme on extremism analyzed 18 accounts belonging to major prowhite nationalist groups and organizations – such as Identity Evuropa and the American Freedom Party – mostly located in the US. these accounts saw a sharp increase in followers, from about 3,500 in 2012 to 22,000 in 2016. the study notes that while iSiS stood out for its outreach and recruitment using twitter since the group’s emergence a few years ago, peaceful white nationalist groups have excelled in the medium. the report underscores the declining influence of isis on the social media platform as twitter continues to crackdown on the islamist militant group. in August, the company said that it shut down roughly 360,000 accounts for what they saw as promoting terrorism. yet, the GWU study said that white nationalists are using the site with “relative impunity”. [Because White Nationalism is not Terrorism!] “on twitter, SPLc’s preferred social platform, American white nationalist movements have seen their followers grow by more than 600 per cent since 2012,” the study, authored by Jm Berger, stated. “today, they outperform SPLc in nearly every social metric, from follower counts to tweets per day.” When questioned about the report, a representative for twitter referred reuters to their terms of service that prohibit “hateful conduct”. donald trump is a prominent subject among white nationalists on twitter. According to the study, white nationalist users are

“heavily invested” in the republican’s candidacy. tweets mentioned mr trump more than other popular topics among the groups. the republican candidate has emerged as a favorite of white european-American leaders, such as attorney William Johnson and others, due in part to trump’s hardline stance against immigration from mexico and his proposals to prohibit immigration of muslims from countries like Syria and Afghanistan. mr trump has been pub-

• “Hillary Clinton eviscerates ‘profoundly dangerous’ Donald Trump racism in devastating speech.” • “Student’s call for nonwhite roommates at college sparks racism row.” • “Dylann Roof ‘wrote a second racist manifesto’ while awaiting trial for Charleston church shooting,” —Hillary clinton licly rebuked by democratic rival Hillary clinton for “taking hate groups mainstream”. But mentions of mr trump and the use of trump-related hashtags were second only talk of the “white genocide” – the belief that the influx of non-white cultures and increasing diversity in the US are fueling the displacement of the “white Americans”. inclusion equals infiltration and children are always taught not to allow strangers into ones house nor speak to strangers. “Social media activists tweeted hundreds of times per day using repetitive hashtags and slogans associated with this trope,”

the study said. Another finding indicated that racist violence connected to the white nationalist movement – such as dylann roof, who shot and killed nine black people inside the emanuel Ame church in charleston, South carolina – has “increasingly been tied to online activity”. However, there is also racist violence from African-Americans, the Gay movement, and gangs — such as the televised shooting of 3 newscasters in moneta, Virginia. the shooter, AKA Bryce Williams, live tweeted a video of his on-air shooting. Social media has become the main source of news and social reporting. the television no longer constructs a news product that is followed by the population. this means that their censorship has evaporated. “Violence” on social media is a smoke screen. control is the ultimate goal. despite links to violence, however, it remains challenging for twitter to curtail the use of its platform by white nationalist users — and minority thugs — because their communities are “less cohesive than isis networks” and present more complications regarding freedom of speech. As public scrutiny on the pervasiveness of white supremacy in social media increases, critics call on twitter to do more to curb racist abuse on the site – yet it continues to thrive. in July, following the release of the Ghostbusters reboot, a star of the film, Leslie Jones, became the victim of vicious racist attacks on the site. She quickly condemned twitter for the lack of response to the harassment. “twitter i understand you got free speech i get it,” she tweeted, calling for guidelines to stop the spread of hate speech on the platform. American Freedom Party report — Pg. 7

Irish Slaves – What The History Books Will Never Tell You May 2016 — did you know that more irish slaves were sold in the 17th century than black slaves? With a staggering death rate between 37% to 50%, this is the story the history books will not tell you. White and Black Slaves in the Sugar Plantations of Barbados. none of the irish victims ever made it back to their homeland to describe their ordeal. these are the lost slaves; the ones that time and biased history books conveniently forgot. the first slaves imported into the American colonies were 100 White children. they arrived during easter, 1619, four months before the arrival of the first shipment of Black slaves. mainstream histories refer to these laborers as indentured servants, not slaves, because many agreed to work for a set period of time in exchange for land and rights. yet in reality, indenture was enslavement, since slavery applies to any person who is bought and sold, chained and abused, whether for a decade or a lifetime. many white people died long before their indenture ended or found that no court would back them when their owners failed to deliver on promises.tens of thousands of convicts, beggars, homeless children and Pg. 8 — American Freedom Party report

other undesirable english, Scottish, and irish lower class were transported to America against their will to the Americas on slave ships. YES SLAVE SHIPS! many of the white slaves were brought from ireland, where the law held that it was ?no more sin to kill an irishman than a dog or any other brute.? the european rich class caused a lot of suffering to these people , even if they were white like 1676, there was a huge slave rebellion in Virginia.

Black and white slaves burned Jamestown to the ground. Hundreds died. the planters feared a re-occurrence. their solution was to divide the races against each other. they instilled a sense of superiority in the white slaves and degraded the black slaves. White slaves were given new rights; their masters could not whip them naked without a court order,etc. White slaves whose daily condition was no different from that of Blacks, were taught that they belonged to a

superior people. the races were given different clothing. Living quarters were segregated for the first time. But the whites were still slaves. in the 17th century, from 1600 until 1699, there were many more irish sold as slaves than Africans. there are records of irish slaves well into the 18th century.many never made it off the ships. According to written record, in at least one incident 132 slaves, men, women, and children, were dumped overboard to drown because ships’ supplies were running low. they were drowned because the insurance would pay for an “accident,” but not if the slaves were allowed to starve. typical death rates on the ships were from 37% to the West indies, the African and irish slaves were housed together, but because the African slaves were much more costly, they were treated much better than the irish slaves. Also, the irish were catholic, and Papists were hated among the Protestant planters. An irish slave would endure such treatment as having his hands and feet set on fire or being strung up and beaten for even a small infraction. richard Ligon, who witnessed these things firsthand and recorded them in a history of Barbados he published in 1657, stated:”truly, i have seen

cruelty there done to servants as i did not think one christian could have done to another.”(5)According to Sean o’callahan, in to Hell or Barbados, irish men and women were inspected like cattle there, just as the Africans were. in addition, irish slaves, who were harder to distinguish from their owners since they shared the same skin color, were branded with the owner’s initials, the women on the forearm and the men on the buttocks. o’callahan goes on to say that the women were not only sold to the planters as sexual slaves but were often sold to local brothels as well. He states that the black or mulatto overseers also often forced the women to strip while working in the fields and often used them sexually as well.(6)the one advantage the irish slaves had over the African slaves was that since they were literate and they did not survive well in the fields, they were generally used as house servants, accountants, and teachers. But the gentility of the service did not correlate to the punishment for infractions. Flogging was common, and most slave owners did not really care if they killed an easily replaceable, cheap irish slave.While most of these slaves who survived were eventually freed after their time of service was completed, many leaving the islands for the American colonies, many were not, and the planters found another way to insure a free supply of valuable slaves. they were quick to “find solace” and start breeding with the irish slave women. many of them were very pretty, but more than that, while most of the irish were sold for only a period of service, usually about 10 years assuming they survived, their children were

born slaves for life. the planters knew that most of the mothers would remain in servitude to remain with their children even after their service was technically up.the planters also began to breed the irish women with the African male slaves to make lighter skinned slaves, because the lighter skinned slaves were more desirable and could be sold for more money. A law was passed against this practice in 1681, not for moral reasons but because the practice was causing the royal African company to lose money. According to James F. cavanaugh, this company, sent 249 shiploads of slaves to the West indies in the 1680’s, a total of 60,000 African and irish, 14,000 of whom died in passage.(7)While the trade in irish slaves tapered off after the defeat of King James in 1691, england once again shipped out thousands of irish prisoners who were taken after the irish rebellion of 1798. these prisoners were shipped to America and to Australia, specifically to be sold as irish slave shipped to the West indies or America has ever been known to have returned to ireland. many died, either in passage or from abuse or overwork. others won their freedom and emigrated to the American colonies. Still others remained in the West indies, which still contain an population of “Black irish,” many the descendents of the children of black slaves and irish 1688, the first woman killed in cotton mather’s witch trials in massachusetts was an old irish woman named Anne Glover, who had been captured and sold as a slave in 1650. She spoke no english. She

could recite the Lord’s Prayer in Gaelic and Latin, but without english, mather decided her Gaelic was discourse with the devil, and hung was not until 1839 that a law was passed in england ending the slave trade, and thus the trade in irish is unfortunate that, while the descendents of black slaves have kept their history alive and not allowed their atrocity to be forgotten, the irish heritage of slavery in America and the West indies has been largely ignored or forgotten. [Source: Royce Christyn, Documentarian] Nationalist Candidates 2016

Everett Corley, for Congress. Kentucky Dist. 3

Taylor Rose for House District 3, Montana

American Freedom Party report — Pg. 9

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Dr. Tomislav Sunic Report: THE RIGHT Party Conference We are pleased to report the party seminar that occurred 9/9 to 9/11/2016 in the Greater coburg. A speaker of international renown: dr. tomislav Sunic, one of the most prominent champions of the freedom of white peoples, delivered two presentations on the following topics: ‘Americanism & Anti–Americanism

Among the Liberal Ruins : “Maybe You Should Check Your Sources” (Part 1) By i.t. olsson -- maybe you should check your sources. A statement that was uttered to me when i dared to raise the idea, not of mass immigration being bad in its overall concept, but that the reason for tremendous rise in crime across europe being the refugee influx is quite real and not a right wing “establishment” lie, as many people are so interestingly convinced that it is. the statement “maybe you should check your sources” was made with the usual wide-eyed effeminized male aggression and obstinance typical of today's liberal. What is it that can drive a 30 year old man, well eduPg. 10 — American Freedom Party report

donald trump and ex occidente lux? White or Ethnic Identity? Small states, the US and europe in a world überfremdeten’

dr. Sunic (born 1953) is a croatian writer and translator, former diplomat and professor and political activist in the United States. Sunic studied philology and literature at the University of Zagreb, later worked as a translator in Algeria and was the beginning of the 1980s in the USA, where he studied political science and received his doctorate from the University of california. in the United States, Sunic received an appointment as professor of political science. From 1993 to 2001 he worked in the diplomatic service in croatia. today Sunic lives again in Zagreb, has worked as an author, journalist and world as a lecturer. As a political activist in the USA tomislav Sunic is a director on the board of the American Freedom Party. the party is particularly com-

cated on paper, married, and living rather well to become a zealot of denial, a denial over something that will destroy his ancestral homelands, cultures, realities, and nations for the benefit of ….. peace and multiculturalism? And how can people of this stripe continue to romanticize the idea of traveling in and moving to europe? it is an extreme form of audacity, a vicious belief in what they know is true, what they know is correct. my sources were discredited at face value because i'm not of the enlightened order of liberal-socialist knowing. my ignorance can be educated out of me, but i will always be the student, the inferior, to the master liberal mind that knows. my thinking is “dangerous”, as it denies that all

mitted to the interests of europeandescended Americans. dr. Sunic publishes in German, he also speaks fluent French and english. Sunic is a frequent guest of ethnic or expatriate German and croatian community or social groups in north America, Australia and europe, where he talks about what he alleges were mass killings of ethnic German and croat civilians in the former yugoslavia and in eastern europe in the aftermath of WWii

people and cultures are infinitely interchangeable and all people contain a vast inner kindness. A kindness suppressed only by the great limiting elements found within Western culture. Western, euro-centric culture is hate, they instruct to me. it gives an evil white mindedness to the colored people who were free before being brainwashed with western education. From this system of shallow marxist reasoning, they are morally capable of blaming only europeans for the great atrocities sweeping over our home continent and its people. it would seem that they are beyond the need to reference sources for such claims; they have become incapable, through a demented hubris, of even considering that the multiculturalist ethicism is questionable, that it... continued...Pg. 11

...needs reference. For the liberal of today, what we now see is a pure, unbreakable ontology defined by multiculturalism. to challenge the validity of ones argument on the truth value of their sources is a great obscenity that can only be perpetrated by the inflamed humanitarian egotist. How cowardly it is, not to ask for reasonable evidence, or politely inquire what compositions one reads, but to essentially dismiss the entire legitimacy of ones argument, as my sources in the preceding scenario were obviously quite racist and therefore highly unacceptable. my sources may have been sexist and transphobic too, but i'll never know as i'm certainly not enlightened enough to understand such subtle journalistic cues. i don't have access to the occult dimension of human compassion as they certainly do. Perhaps i must watch hours upon hours of John oliver and the young turks so that i may enter this dimension, and i too can dismiss the intellectual integrity of anyone who questions my ideology without supplying them with reason. is there even any real value left to having sources in today's ideological battlefield? Would quoting a legitimate source to an enraged liberal during a defensive argument really settle their anger? of course it would not. do the thousands of violent, rioting Black Americans and the deeply anti-white/western Black Lives matter organization need to cite their sources before they riot, does the liberal demand this standard of them? Again, of course not. it is only ever an attack on the western mind, on the person who truly has sources and thoughts that escape the field of things easily recognizable to the liberal mind. the media is a plurality of

thought worlds, all with different standards defined by disparities in readership. if there is any true diversity of intellectual thought left in daily life, it is defined by the electronic publications we choose to attach ourselves to. they, in a very real sense, create tacit clans within society, and decrease levels of trust in our daily lives. can a man who frequents sites such as radix Journal, the occidental observer, right on, etc. ever fully get on with someone who consumes, with frighteningly little discernment, the watered down political messages on their social media flavor of choice, and of course the occasional Huffington Post article? Saying to someone in argument “maybe you should check your sources” is then a statement of a selfperceived superiority within the tacit plurality of clanship defined by our collective addiction to the internet. the media intake of the liberal mind is the near total composition of their identity. they bar themselves from historical and cultural identity, opting for a “culture” only of things given to them by immediate exposure, in a gesture towards pure solipsism, and a pure sensuality of taste, distilled of doubt and the effort required to be a responsible thinker. it may be that for this reason they create an absolute adversary out of their dissenters. they very much want to defame and cause harm to those whom they see, from their insulated media fed perspective, as racist. Viktor orban is racist. His defense of Hungary from absolutely destructive third world immigration at a time when we are seeing the senescence of europe and the west is, somehow, racist. And he is, of course, racist because he is stupid - irrationally frightened of otherness, an accusation used so often by the left to make anything conserva-

tive seem born of ignorance. He is a white european mind, henceforth when trying to defend his culture, his world, his people from suffering and tax slavery, he is racist. Such ironclad reasoning! these ideas are fed to millions of believers every day through their own brand of “sources”. to have different sources, to seek out things of greater quality implies that a natural hierarchy exists within the hypersaturated media-ideological landscape of the internet. it is this mere gesture towards greater quality, to elitism of thought, that is absolutely incompatible with egalitarian liberal thought, and so all nonliberal media sources must be dismissed. they do not want to consider that their intake is not superior to others, and when forced to, they lash out with defamatory accusations, even portraying dissenters as insane, unfit for arguing with. As, once again, they are the holders of a great form of knowing, convinced that their anti-white historical outlook is esoteric and see all past generations as a great homogeneous mass of racist euro-centricism. the liberal mind demands that it sets the standards of truth, and in giving nebulous definition to truth they erase the hierarchy of quality in our media. We must preserve and improve the elitism of these digital repositories of alt-right thought that we have. they may become, and already have become in a way, some of the last places where true western thinking and culture survive in the modern age of anti-white politics, education, and entertainment. For those amongst us that cohabitate with liberals the internet and our “sources” are of an incalculable value to awakening the white mind. Part 1 of 3... American Freedom Party report — Pg.11

AFP Action Report – Fall 2016 January: America national Super PAc formed by American Freedom Party. Jared taylor, William Johnson, James edwards, and others, record robocalls & radio Ads for the iowa Primary urging a trump Vote. nationalist candidate John eleniewski ran against Paul ryan in Wisconsin primary. media interviews: Washington Post, Daily Caller, Red State, Daily Wire, CNN, Daily Mail UK, NY Daily News, The Gazette, Daily KOS, US News, The Daily Beast, News ONE, Talking Points Memo, Washington Examiner and more... February: robocalls for new Hampshire and Vermont! primaries. tom Sunic attended the european nationalist identitarian conference.. March: Fec Filing for Bob Whitaker is complete and the Fec Form-1 Statement. the daily trump radio show with James Kelso and guests. tom Sunic interview on macedonian tV. interviewed by Huffington Post and Buzz Feed regarding support for donald trump Spoke at conference with AFP members sponsored by iHr. trump Hotline for Political Harassment established. April: radio Ads possibly for Bob Whitaker. •mother Jones extensive article on American Freedom Party. Spoke at conference with AFP members sponsored by iHr. May: Faith and Freedom conference last week with tom Sunic. Party chair William Johnson submitPg. 12 — American Freedom Party report

ted an application to be a delegate for donald trump in cleveland and was interviewed. Became a trump delegate for one hour after public objection.. mother Jones extensive article on American Freedom Party is in progress. We need to follow up on a school and/or camps, or conferences. tom Sunic attended Faith Freedom conference 2 years ago. tom Sunic spoke before nationalist groups in europe such as Afd. Afd has 50% of the nationalistic vote. conference in Philadelphia and dinner in manhattan. 11 attendees. everett corley for congress in Kentucky 3rd district. June: interview with Jake tapper went extremely well. mother Jones extensive article on American Freedom Party. interview with new york times. interview with nBc news. interview with esquire magazine. Proposed school and/or camps, or conferences for younger european American community.. tom Sunic addressed Afd “Alternative for Germany.” euroskeptic party. Afd has 50% of the nationalist vote. new york conservatives meetup Group with former Attorney General of the US michael mukasey. Alliance for Peace and Freedom (APF) meeting in turkey. Billionaire Peter thiel, co-founder of PayPal attended.. American Freedom Party attended. July: tom Sunic attended european-croatian conference in Australia. Urged decreasing third-world immigration.We need to preserve our heritage. interview in Japanese with William Johnson, to appear in Japan and in california news media. rick tyler “make America White

Again.” tennessee 3rd district, House of representatives “Peace and Freedom” conference in europe during the end of october. tom will be a participant as will Kevin macdonald. American nationalist Super PAc featured in the Huffington Post. AFP campaigned in nJ for trump. August: Attending republican convention in california today. Visitors from Japan and Slovakia. Guardian observer (UK) to feature Bill J. and American Freedom Party. the daily Beast article discussed AFP White nationalism. L.A. times interview about trump’s policies. Gov. christie has a transition team that meets every Sunday in n.J. We should collect résumés for trump’s team. interview in Paris newspaper. daily Beast will hold a debate for david duke. discussion of nationalist parties or nationalist Front September: September 26 debate Watch conference live in morristown (televised live from Hofstra University.) tom Sunic interviewed frequently in europe about the Alt-right Friday meeting with 8 participants with a reporter from esquire mag. S. melton and david Saxa from europe visited William Johnson in Los Angeles . identity europa group with nathan damigo consistently active. Monthly: the daily trump radio show 6 days a week, with J. Kelso and P. Fromm. monthly east coast meetup with AFP members for food and friendship. All AFP members welcome. West coast meetup with AFP members and William Johnson.

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