The Nationalist Times - May 2014

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THE NATIONALIST TIMES Voice of the Real America No. 314

May 2014


Cliven Bundy Takes A Stand For Freedom

Bunkerville, Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy talks to some of the supporters who went to his property to help him in his fight against the Bureau of Land Management. - See Page 2

What Are You Worth? - Page 5

The Good News - Page 16

Intelligence Report - Page 17

Page 2 The Nationalist Times May 2014

First-Hand Report from the Bundy Ranch by Patricia Aiken, Exclusive to The Nationalist Times

heavy-handed, unconstitutional federal government tactics span a wide gamut. A 24-year-old member of the group Anonymous sporting a V for Vendetta mask on his backpack hitchhiked for six days from Coos Bay, Oregon, arriving as a 84-year-old woman from Oregon was going home after camping out for a week. Mark Chavez from the Rivercity Tea Party Patriots in San Antonio said their delegation inquired about the Bundys’ needs before hitting the road. They learned the ranch was in need of calf milk. Their Tea Party raised the funds so they could purchase and trailer 800 pounds of calf milk. Chavez reported that the calves have all been reunited with their mothers but some are unfortunately not expected to live since the trauma at the hands of the federal agents. After watching with frustration as this same BLM

families. The Oathkeepers and Militias have made strong calls for reinforcements. They stress that even if someone lacks military experience, they are A week following the stand-off with the Bureau worthwhile to the operation as witnesses. Mountain of Land Management, Carol Bundy invited Minuteman, a group of volunteers that track drug supporters to the Bundy Ranch for a BBQ to relax a smugglers by night on the Mexican border, encourage bit while showing the media the continuing support anyone with even a few days of available time to of those who came from near and far to stand with travel to the camp. Their leader, Robert Crooks, the Bundy family. Dressed in his Valley Forge insists that presence equals deterrence. uniform, “George Washington” made an appearance Reports of increasing intimidation include Black on a flat bed truck stage. After a stirring speech, he Hawk helicopter fly-overs. On Tuesday, April 29th, asked to be joined in a prayer he’d once written in five Black Hawk helicopters flew in single line his journal. The actor, a pastor from Texas, was formation over the ranch, which has been declared joined by about 1,000 supporters. a no-fly zone by the FAA. Right after the fly-overs, The relaxed atmosphere where children splashed Las Vegas police ran through the security point, nearly in the Virgin River on that Friday was a far cry from running over the sentry and went up to the camp. the tense situation the previous Saturday when agents They investigated the area, spoke to no one and left. of the Bureau of Land Management Most mainstream media outlets are threatened to shoot demonstrators before doing their usual spin on the situation. backing down and leaving the area. Although Internet Facebook sites and YouTube videos video reports only show a small number of have attracted an overwhelming, vicious people, the actual crowd was estimated at crowd of “trolls,” with most of them assumed 2,000, outnumbering the 200 BLM agents, to be paid disinfo agents. They appear to who of course had high-tech weaponry and be attempting to demonize the Bundys as body armor. liars, thieves, cheats, racists and worse to States Militia, Oath Keepers, reduce their support so the government can Minutemen and other individuals from around launch a strike against them and have the the country have been providing what largely uninformed segment of America not security they can to the area with snipers and complain too loudly during an election year. sentries posted around the ranch. When At the heart of the issue are water rights asked how long they plan to stay, the answer and Agenda 21. The BLM’s pretense of that’s repeated is, “As long as it takes.” endangered desert tortoises as the reason However, like their counterparts in 1775 for their campaign against Cliven Bundy New England, they lack not only would be laughable if the situation were not provisioning in a harsh enviroment but the so potentially deadly. Tortoises actually sophisticated modern weaponry the federal Bundy supporters face down heavily armed BLM employees flourish when there are cattle on the land since government has built up not only in the military but they enjoy nutrition from predigested grasses among police and the alphabet agencies. shut down 75% of trails near their home in Quartzite, and enzymes in the cow patties. Men from New Hampshire, Connecticut, Arizona, making it impossible for people to get to This area north of Las Vegas once had 54 cattle Arizona, Utah, Nevada, California, Illinois, Indiana, their mines, a couple trailered their ATV 6 hours to ranches. Today only the Bundys remain. After seeing Ohio, Oregon, Montana, Michigan, Texas and dry camp at the ranch to support total strangers. the BLM use monies from grazing fees against the Responding to a threat by Clark County, Nevada ranchers, Mr. Bundy stopped paying and attempted Wyoming answered the call to come protect the Bundy family and their ranch from what they consider Commissioner Tom Collins that anyone coming to to pay Clark County, which declined to accept. A the Bundy Ranch from Utah “better have a funeral side note is that not one case of “Mad Cow Disease” “naked state sponsored terrorism.” Well-respected former Arizona Sheriff Richard plan,” sisters Laura Jensen and Anna Riding made a has ever been traced to range-fed cattle but always Mack said sources within various police two-day trek from Northern Utah. to feed lot cattle. organizations reported the BLM was preparing a raid Jerry De Lemus from New Hampshire, press Acknowledging a near unanimous feeling among on the Bundy Ranch. He’s since said: “The word is liason for the gathered militias, said they are for a the volunteers of the similarities to the American since we exposed it publicly that they’re going back peaceful resolution but insist it be a fair resolution. Revolution, men that are there today recognize the to the drawing board.” When asked about the history of militias being Bundy Ranch conflict as a watershed issue. They During a second BBQ the following Friday infiltrated, he admitted that was a concern. They have feel a peaceful or other conclusion will galvanize evening, the militia volunteers made a hasty exit. They no way of knowing members from various states as others facing these same land grabs across the West. had received word from a source within the they do with their own, so they keep concerned eyes Moreover, they believe a groundswell of resistance government that Attorney General Eric Holder had and ears open to spot any possible government will start and put the overreaching, unrelenting federal authorized a drone strike against the ranch. Again, provocateurs. Their pledge is to never fire unless fired government back in its box. Mack confirmed the report. Although they say the upon. But they acknowledge their right to defend Also, the unanimous opinion of supporters, and informant was credible, they didn’t know if the call themselves against any violence. echoed by this eyewitness, is the valiant character of for a drone strike was real or just a scare tactic. Some men quit jobs to support the Bundys. the Bundy Family as a whole. They embody the Supporters of the Bundys standing against the Others have had to return to their jobs to support virtues that America once had.

In this issue of The Nationalist Times: Report from the Bundy Ranch . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 2 -- by Patricia Aiken Psychopaths and Establishment Idiots. . . . . Page 4 -- by Sartre

The Nationalist Times May 2014

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The Nationalist Times Voice of the Real America Vol. XXX No. 5 Issue #314 May 2014 “Men by their constitutions are naturally divided into two parties: 1. Those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes; 2. Those who identify themselves with the people, have confidence in them, cherish and consider them as the most honest and safe, although not the most wise depository of the public interests.

What Are You Worth? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 -- by Dr. Adrian H. Krieg

“In every country these two parties exist, and in every one where they are free to think, speak, or write, they will declare themselves.” - Thomas Jefferson

The Russian World is Coming to Europe . . . .Page 6 -- by Boris Mezhuev

The Nationalist Times is dedicated to returning Liberty to the Land by helping the American People liberate themselves from the elites who have manipulated and plundered the People and the Constitution in order to attain total power for themselves.

Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 7 Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7 Is the U.S. or the World Coming to an End? . Page 9 -- by Paul Craig Roberts The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10 -- by Ronald C. Corbyn

The Nationalist Times is published monthly, except for an occasional double issue, by the American Nationalist Union. E-Mail: Internet Domains: Subscription rates: $59 for one year, $109 for two years, $159 for three years. Outside the U.S.: Canada $70 per year, elsewhere $75 per year. Subscription rate is payable to The Nationalist Times, P.O. Box 218, Wildwood, PA 15091. For subscriptions outside the U.S. payment must be made by international money order, a check drawn on a U.S. bank, or with U.S. cash. Advertising is generally on an agreed to reciprocal basis. EDITOR and FOUNDER: Don Wassall

So What? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12 -- by Fred Reed The White Geek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14 -- by Ralph A. Brandt The Good News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 16 -- by Nelson Waller American ‘Anti-Communism’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 17 -- by Yancey Ames Intelligence Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 17 -- by Don Wassall


John W. Altman Yancey Ames Ralph A. Brandt J. B. Cash Ralph Filicchia Dr. Adrian H. Krieg Patrick McCaffrey H. Millard Dave Rollins Nelson Waller Carson Watkins

The Nationalist Times believes strongly in the First Amendment, thus the opinions expressed in each issue are those of the author only and not necessarily endorsed by The Nationalist Times or the American Nationalist Union. Nothing may be reprinted from The Nationalist Times that is protected by the author’s copyright without that author’s permission. Other material contained herein may be reprinted provided The Nationalist Times is identified and full address and subscription rate given. The Post Office does not forward third class mail. Send all address changes to The Nationalist Times well in advance.

Page 4 The Nationalist Times May 2014

Psychopathic Officials and Establishment Idiots by Sartre Few will dispute that careerist politicians often demonstrate psychopathic behavior. In the article, Who Controls our Government? The Psychopathic Corporate Elites of America, Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null attempt to answer several fundamental questions: “Is the problem, therefore, we the people? Are we at fault for having been seduced by those in power to sell us a blank bill of goods, drugs, products and policies that are more harmful than beneficial? Are we at fault for having deceived ourselves by being convinced that their illusion is the truth? Or is the elite, the best and brightest in Wall Street, Washington and throughout the top stories of the multinational corporate networks, the real obstacle to a promising future for all? Are the oligarchic elite, including corporate Democrats and corporate Republicans in all branches of government, not in fact a special breed of psychopath with no moral compass, striving solely to maintain their power, control and wealth.” What may be revealing to the average person is that many of the same sociopathic characteristics exhibited by the policy manipulators exist in the general population. Martha Stout, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and former Harvard Medical School instructor and author of The Sociopath Next Door. She “estimates that one in 25 people, 4 percent of the population, are sociopathic.” Dr. Stout describes sociopaths as those who, through grand schemes of contrivance, manipulation and deceit, seek to undermine and manipulate simply because they can. The tendencies for government officials, who prefer the designation “authorities,” is to project their dictatorial attitude upon a compliant public. Most disturbing of all, Stout says at least six out of 10 people “will blindly obey an official-looking authority to the bitter end.” The essay, Age of the Psychopaths, by Michael Colhaze, links the operations of the power elite to an authoritarian culture, which ordinary citizens willingly obey: “As Prof. Robert Hare coined it so simply yet fittingly: Serial killer psychopaths ruin families. Corporate psychopaths ruin societies. Particularly if the latter have aligned themselves, due to bonds of blood and faith, with the political psychopaths, which means in fact that a whole country has fallen into the hands of men who normally would be locked away in a mental hospital. “What is more, under the cover of an imaginary terrorist threat illegal laws have been promulgated that have curtailed the guaranteed democratic liberties. Crowned by the so-called NDAA, a Christmas present signed by the neo-con lackey, does the whole body signify a legal garrote that has turned the USA into a virtual police state.”

This malady of assimilation and submission is the result of decades of cultural engineering and social propaganda, going back to the application of Edward Bernays’ psychological mind control upon a naïve citizenry: “No serious sociologist any longer believes that the voice of the people expresses any divine or specially wise and lofty idea. The voice of the people expresses the mind of the people, and that mind is made up for it by the group leaders in whom it believes and by those persons who understand the manipulation of public opinion. It is composed of inherited prejudices and symbols and clichés and verbal formulas supplied to them by the leaders.” How can governance ever be self-regulating when the entire system operates under a delusional mental illness? Establishment idiots that rationalize compliance when government “public servants” turn

into despotic tyrants, usually are timid cowards or seek to extract some kind of perceived benefit from their psychopathic masters. These so-called civic employees are perpetuating the political psychosis of the cognitive dissonance society. Then factor in the deranged “true-believers” who bow down to an absurd reading of scripture. The perfect example of government hooligan goons from the Bureau of Land Management was unmistakably on display at the Bundy Ranch recently. In spite of this illegitimate storm trooper federal deployment, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott questions the BLM’s authority to seize 90,000 acres belonging to Texas landholders along the Texas/Oklahoma line. “I am deeply concerned about the notion that the Bureau of Land Management believes the federal government has the authority to swoop in and take land that has been owned and cultivated by Texas landowners for generations,” Abbott wrote. “The BLM’s newly asserted claims to land along the Red

River threaten to upset long-settled private property rights and undermine fundamental principles — including the rule of law — that form the foundation of our democracy. Yet, the BLM has failed to disclose either its full intentions or the legal justification for its proposed actions. Decisions of this magnitude must not be made inside a bureaucratic black box.” Before anyone gets excited about pushing back the District of Criminals Federales, the true and lasting test requires that internal non-compliance must start and gain momentum within each level of government agencies. The career climbers operate under the psychopath principle to attain a confirmed reliable position in their respective organization. Making your bones is an important ritual in any crime syndicate. All the time the dumbed down public pays tribute to the forces that use psychological mind control and law enforcement brute force to subdue any dissident elements that dare resist. Refusing to bow down to an illicit system is a sure sign of defiance. Institutionalizing such threats in a government funded mental asylum may seem appropriate to the “PC” enabler, but why waste the money when a “double tap” gun shoot can eliminate the opposition quickly. This kind of thinking is operationally sound within the perverted and sociopathic agency culture that most government proponents support. There is a reason why the public is stupid. As the standard of living deteriorates even more and the prospect of genuine individual liberty becomes but a faint recollection in the memory of the nation, the average peon becomes but chattel to the establishment. Doug Casey, of economic and social commentary renown, offers this deduction about the sociopaths running the U.S.: “Conversely, statism and collectivism, by restricting liberty, tend to reward stupidity. Remember that political leaders are oriented toward controlling other people; they’re clever about it, but they’re basically stupid about the rest of reality. Nonetheless, their animal shrewdness is enough for them to gain and keep power over others. “The immediate and direct consequences of that political power are gratifying for those who have it; the indirect and delayed consequences, however, are disastrous for everyone. But wait. It sounds like stupidity is related to evil. Which it is. Stupidity is a signpost of evil. It’s why it often takes a while, when things are going badly, to determine whether you’re dealing with a knave or just a fool.” Almost begs the question does the American public love evil, since they demonstrate so emphatically that they support this corrupt sociopathic establishment.

The Nationalist Times May 2014

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What Are You Worth? by Dr. Adrian H. Krieg

not some news of a local baseball team or football team, the only section of the paper, besides the front cover, that is printed seven days a week is the sports section. Should some student achieve an admirable effort in writing, science, or any academic effort it won’t even make page 10 of the fishwrap but if one of the muscle-heads stubs his toe it will be front page news. When we combine the lamestream media and the educrats we can clearly see the cause of our problem. People think that society progresses, I don’t. Consider Circus Maximus over 2,000 years ago — the people were as brain dead then as they are now. In Rome they went to see gladiators and chariot races and we go to football games and car races. The only conceivable difference is that the Roman circuses were more violent and entertaining. The variance in compensation however was more equitable 2,000 years ago. Nationally this has a deleterious effect on the entire society. We are graduating more lawyers than engineers, because of compensation. Lawyers produce nothing, they only consume. We graduate more sports figures than engineers and the outcome is obvious. Manufacturers are either moving overseas or they are exercising their government granted right to import skilled and educated labor from overseas. Why do we have such high unemployment, because we graduate people from high school who don’t even have the education of an 1850s 8th grader. We don’t graduate people needed in our markets, we graduate people who can throw balls through hoops, hit balls with sticks, and that is counterproductive for America. As an independent journalist I must say that I

am appalled at the sheer ignorance of the average person I talk to. The seething ignorance of geography, politics and government is just mind-boggling. People are oblivious on the issue of education; the two labor unions AFT and NEA and the federal Department of Education actually exert every effort to make things worse. The people of America live in an economic and educational media designed bubble that is very close to bursting. We are a nation of fantasy; our population believes the lies that government tells us, with the lamestream media endlessly repeating those exact fantasies. The government pronounces and the media distributes, no one even checks the veracity of the claims. The most obvious case is the Obamacare 7.1 million signees by our eloquent — if he has his TV monitor — empty suit President. As if it were fact, every known news source repeats the number that just this week supposedly went up to 7.5 million. Just the facts indicate the following. Kathleen Sebelius, the finally fired miscreant, before her departure stated: “We have no way of counting signups, because the end accounting software has not been programmed!” The only thing they are able to ascertain is how many visited the site. According to BMB, sign ups, the actual collections of payments for the first month are about at 20% of visits. Then we learned that all children to age 27 who are on their parents’ policies are counted, that all sign-ups to Medicare, which is paid for by the taxpayers, are counted. Oh, and just to clarify, all those 5.4 million whose polices were canceled due to Obamacare and the 3.4 million of them who then signed up are all counted as new. So, when you go through the numbers, which seems for lamestream journalists a step too far, we can surmise that the actual count is 2.1 million Obamacare sign-ups. What you are worth is a matter for you to find out in the coming five years. It will not be a pleasant experience. A new reality has been ingrained in America. There are no illegal immigrants, only undocumented immigrants; diversity is good for America because it increases crime rates. Michele Obama makes Marie Antoinette look like a piker, unemployment is at 6.7% because we simply changed the way we count unemployed, the national inflation rate is 1.6% even though prices have increased by 35% in the past three years. We have the largest incarcerated prison population in the world, the IRS routinely targets Christian and conservative people and businesses, the FEC has blocked seven national political parties from national accreditation thereby preventing them from legitimately organizing, and everything else is just fine.

Every year Parade, a Sunday supplement with a huge circulation which I really despise due to its systematic bias and lack of intellectual diversity, publishes a list called, “What People Earn.” Viewing this week’s fishwrap it struck me that on an ethical and moral basis if not an intellectual one, something is very wrong in America. I was already well aware of professional athletes that are paid ridiculous amounts of money for things that could well be done by most animals. It appears to me that something is amiss in our communal understanding of value. In trade, value is well understood, I have something you want and you have something I want and we trade. This was the system of barter based on conceived value. Today in our 21st century society, value and its concepts have been so distorted that they are no longer part of the social or economic equation. The income of certain people can only be described as ridiculous. Teddy Roosevelt said of the Vice President, “the VP is about as useful as a warm pitcher of urine!” Joe Biden’s income is $230,700 plus $29,761 in Social Security plus 100% of all his healthcare needs, plus so many perks it would take pages to list them, for a grand total of about $300,000. So he is worth $11,881 more in Social Security than I am and I’m four years older to boot. This is a man with the intelligence of a worm. Beyoncé, who I am informed is some sort of music pop star, earned $57 million, put another way $6,507 per hour, come on, that is just plain stupid. And now for a real winner: Charley Vannice is a train conductor, his skill consists of the ability to punch holes into pieces of paper, something that could be taught to a monkey in about 20 minutes, he is paid $120,000 per year. Interestingly, that occupation has been eliminated in Switzerland as unnecessary and wasteful. It seems to me that compensation ought to be accorded based on the benefit society derives from the effort. But what we do is base compensation on popularity, and the notoriety of the provider. Public figures and government employees are vastly over-compensated while providers of benefits to us are all but ignored. I really don’t know how to fix this but I will clearly say that if we do not fix it we will all suffer the consequences. In fact we are already doing so. Consider that the largest educational efforts in expenditures are not made on science or mathematics or engineering or medicine, no indeed the largest amount of money spent in education is for sports. I read our local fishwrap every day; not a day goes by that there is High-tech ‘bread and circuses’ are used to placate the masses

Read Dr. Krieg’s latest book is “The System,” which explains all this and much more in detail.

Page 6 The Nationalist Times May 2014

Putin: The Russian World is Coming to Europe by Boris Mezhuev Russian President Vladimir Putin’s four-hour long talk and news conference on April 17 offered a wonderful opportunity for reflecting on the present and the future of European civilization. The head of state sought to express his most fundamental ideas about the current geopolitical environment in Europe, and it was clear that his outlook on this issue is holistic and dynamic, yet inherently precise. First of all, Putin made it plain that he still considers Europe to be a single integrated civilization stretching from Lisbon to Vladivostok. He sees no need to “carve out separate civilizations,” by delineating the boundaries of which lands look to Russia, vs. those that identify more with Europe. But Russia cannot possibly accept the idea of NATO inching toward its borders. The problem with this treaty on collective security is that it ignores Russia’s interests — if NATO could only incorporate Russia, many of the problems would disappear. Russia finds the external imposition of extremely liberal moral values to be inappropriate, and on this issue Russians have much in common with the more principled majority of the European public — but their opinions are not verbalized by the official policy makers because of the latter’s over-dependence on Washington and Brussels. The Russian president pointed to his beloved Germany, where he claims fears of American surveillance force the politicians into the hallways to confer in whispers. But Putin noted that the political elite cannot entirely disregard the majority position, and the fact that they are unable to do so must be counted as a victory for Viktor Orbán and his colleagues in Hungary, as well as the result of advances made by the European Right overall. Putin hardly views Europe as an alien civilization; on the contrary, the continent represents a battleground between a liberal individualism that is truly alien to Russia vs. a European traditionalism, which — although still held captive by its Atlantic partnerships – is closer to Russia’s heart. The Russian world the president spoke about at the end of his show is a community of Russian speakers of varying nationalities who are scattered across the globe — a single people with its own, distinct genetic code, a people who do not fear death and who disdain mindless creature comforts — it is the world that is able to provide contemporary Europe with what it seems to lack — namely, the courage to defy culturally alien dictates imposed from the outside. In his responses to the media Putin made it clear that he was well acquainted with the political leaders of Europe and had great respect for them, emphasizing that they are very admirable and deeply professional individuals, but that they are all bound by a certain, utterly spurious, ideological solidarity — one that is both anti-conservative and anti-Russian. They

cannot support Russia’s position in the conflict with gess — a spent world in thrall to a cult of hedonistic Ukraine, even when the outwardly pro-European pleasure that has forgotten the words “Homeland,” forces at the helm there violate the law with anti- “Family,” and “God.” Semitic remarks in their pursuit of power. It turns out that in annexing the Crimea, Russia But meanwhile, a keen ear can detect the howls has not left Europe, but has finally returned to it after of Europe’s true heartland — the people who sim- two decades of isolation and self-imposed exile from ply cannot grasp why the EU, which is already burst- the continent’s fate. And while the Western public ing at its seams, should welcome in Ukraine, a coun- reviles the intellectuals and academics who for years try that is already depleted, poor, and unstable. That went on about Russia’s “uniqueness,” blaming them European public sees Putin as the most rational force for the current situation, Putin is celebrating the trion the continent anywhere from Lisbon to the Urals, umphant return of the Russian state to European civia force that is free of American control and immune lization, not as an unwelcome guest, but as its immito pressure from any unsolicited allies in the East. nent liberator. The Russian world is on its way to Europe in order to oblige the “official” Europe to listen to its Boris Mezhuev is a Russian journalist and own electorate, a group long forgotten by a Euro- philosopher. pean bureaucracy under the thumb of Washington. And for a long time we didn’t understand what was really going on in the silence of those European offices, until Edward Snowden broke the news to us “We now live in a nation where doctors deand to the whole world. And this was, in essence, the challenge that Putin stroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities put before the citizens of the West — an admonition destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, to listen to the voice of the majority — in this case the press destroys information, religion destroys the majority of their own countries — and to stop morals, and our banks destroy the economy.” resisting its opinion, with the added warning that if the West persists in this resistance, it should not be — Chris Hedges surprised if there is pushback. However, he pointedly refrained from any harsh rhetoric against the West. The Russian leader even found kind words for President Obama. An interesting era of struggle for the identity of Europe has begun — an era to reclaim the entire continent, an era of a new abduction of Europe. Economic pragmatism still has its place, but it is no longer the highest priority — oil and gas are now the arguments in a much more substantial dispute. A dispute of minds. A dispute of ideas. If the Russian world wins this dispute, a place will be found at the table of European nations (per- Many Americans still have good instincts and are fair-minded but have haps seated at the head) little or no exposure to Nationalism from an actual Nationalist source. for the new Euro-Russia, Give friends, acquaintances and relatives a strong, healthy dose of with its vast, diverse unabashed pro-American perspectives by purchasing for them a onepopulation. But if victory crosses the Atlantic, then year subscription to The Nationalist Times.

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a civilization will ascend to the top that has been List the name and address of the recipient(s) you wish to receive The cribbed from a dystopia Nationalist Times and include $34 per gift recipient. Mail to: The written about by Aldous Nationalist Times, P.O. Box 218, Wildwood, PA 15091. Huxley or Anthony Bur-

The Nationalist Times May 2014

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The Nationalist Times Founded 1985

Voice of the Real America

The Long March of Liberalism What is left of the historic American Nation is today suffering under the triumph of liberal/communist and corporate totalitarianism. While many trace the roots of the present situation to the Permanent Cultural Revolution unleashed in the late 1960s, the truth is that the abomination known as liberalism has had a stronghold in the United States in one form or another from its earliest days. The Articles of Confederation were viewed as restricting the central government too much and were quickly replaced by the Constitution, which from the beginning has been used ceaselessly to increase the power and reach of Washington, D.C., the Marbury vs. Madison Supreme Court case of the early 1800s being a landmark early example. The War Between the States greatly strengthened Washington and led to the craziness of Reconstruction and set the stage for many of the extremist antiWhite racial policies that are in full poisonous bloom now. The passing of the federal income tax in 1913 and the establishment of the Federal Reserve privately owned central bank the same year, then WWI, FDR’s authoritarian socialist regime during the Depression, WWII followed by the permanent national security state to go along with the welfare state implemented in the 1930s, the full-frontal onslaught of cultural communism and “open borders” immigration beginning in the 1960s and then later “free trade” and outsourcing, this country’s history has been that of the steady growth of liberalism, soulless monopoly capitalism, and zionism. There used to be a sufficient amount of common sense left — as communities, church congregations, and local and regional identities were strong enough to repel or delay parts of the agenda, especially in the deep South and parts of the West — but the rise of TV and movies with their unprecedented hypnotic powers enabled the totalitarians to methodically smash what was left of the good parts of the American character, leaving today’s atomized remnant that still has the ability to think and act. Many patriotic and courageous Americans carried on the fight against the ever-rising tide for generations, until finally being overwhelmed in the past decade. The administration of Barack Obama is the continuation of the status quo when it comes to the Empire’s aspirations of global domination, but socially, morally and demographically it marks the ascendance of a majority national coalition of racial minorities, feminists, homosexuals, and anti-Whites and anti-Christians of various descriptions to what they believe is an irreversible position of dominance. As a result, today “America” has communist social policies and monopoly capitalism/bankster economic policies. The ruling class was for a long time predominantly English in origin but became deracinated and decadent and is now predominantly Jewish, and unlike the former ruling class, those that displaced them cannot even be publicly referred to or identified, even in the most complimentary terms. But it would be wrong to point the finger solely at Jewish elites. The growth of the central government and the use of false flags in the service of foreign policy goals, goes back in U.S. history well before the floodgates of immigration were first opened in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to non-Christians. Those now in charge of state power have used historical American memes, myths and methodology to take charge over the endlessly gullible and now dumbed down and bewildered American masses. The historical American People are targeted for extinction. The only way they (we) will avoid that fate is to wise up very soon. On top of that, what it will take is unceasing populist activism at the local level, utilizing patience and foresight to focus solely on local and state governments. That is the only way to eventually lessen and defang the central government and its accompanying goosestepping institutions of power and propaganda. Armchair philosophizing and hoping for a “conservative” hero to emerge from the Republican Party is for fools and the hopelessly lazy. Cliven Bundy and the thousands of men and women who put their lives on the line in Bunkerville, Nevada showed the way. If they were willing to risk death in defense of liberty, being fully aware of the precedent set in Waco, Texas 20 years earlier and that the federal government has a policy of never backing down, is it asking too much for the rest of us to increase our activism and financial support of the American Freedom Union?


The ‘Next America’ -Phasing Out Whites “What will politics look like in the next America?” asks The Washington Post on page A2, 4/14/14, article authored by Chris Cillizza. “Next America” = the era of a majority of minorities. Which means the transition to what? What some Nationalists seem to miss is that the goal of the leadership elite of the USA has been racial amalgamation and world government, since at least the time of Woodrow Wilson. World government has floundered (League of Nations, UN), but racial mixing is still the defining element of the leadership of the USA and the rest of the so-called West. Would the elite retain a mostly White membership, as in much of Latin America today? Or be mostly as a caste, as it has been in India for centuries? Who cares? And forget that childish stuff about the Constitution. All that’s left of it is the Second Amendment and that is now under attack. A moldy piece of parchment isn’t going to hold back a horde of power-crazed psychopaths, not here or anywhere. Fred Gilmore Gaithersburg, Maryland ‘Global warming’ gibberish As we all know now, the earth is not warming, but cooling. Even the “global warming” environmentalist fanatics admit it now, so they have changed their mantra for demonstrations and argumentation to “climate change.” That is a safe position, because ever since the earth began it has alternated between warming phases and cooling phases, depending on rising or falling activity on the sun, lava flows beneath the earth’s surface, and other non-human factors. The environmentalist nuts who want us to swap our cars for bicycles and shut down our ‘Global warming’ extremists like Al factories and power plants are finally shutting up and going Gore now refer to ‘climate change.’

Page 8 The Nationalist Times May 2014 home with their pot pipes. What the “global warming” tizzy has demonstrated is not anything new about the global environment, but rather that we should ignore and discourage demonstrations by bunches of ignorant and excitable young students insisting that they alone know the sky is falling and they must get their parents to help them hold it up.

CFR subversives I keep reading, “the elites have done this,” “the elites are doing that.” Just who are the elites? It’s no mystery. The conspiracy has a name and address. It is the Council on Foreign Relations, based at The Pratt House in New York City. These globalists have infiltrated and subverted all three branches of government and the media. No wonder the media always supports the outlaw U.S. government. The names of all CFR members should be published on a regular basis, say once every four months, to show them we know who they are and what they are trying to do. It is not known if the current “President” is a member of the CFR; what is known is that he has been fashioned into a La Raza tool.

David Souter’s choice for all Americans is our bogus totem pole President, who is opposed by Vladimir Putin of Russia, an adherent of the Orthodox Christian faith and true “mother church.” Factually, Christianity started in Jerusalem and shortly thereafter was found to exist 300 miles further north in Antioch. There, believers were first called Christians. Putin has acknowledged the true mother church of the first 300 years of its existence, before Constantine moved from Rome to Constantinople in 330 A.D. Our counterfeit President attended Trinity Church in Chicago for 20 years. Trinity Church rejects a physical resurrection of Christ. It is not the Church of Christ, but the United Church of Christ, which believes in a “spiritual” resurrection only. However, the New Testament scriptures read, “And if Christ be not raised your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.” See I Corinthians 15 verse 17. Nice try Justice David Souter, but you did not fool me. Sorry you had to leave Washington so soon after declaring the Great One our President. Where in the wilderness of New Hampshire are you hiding on the family farm? Thanks to Dr. Jerome Corsi, who made the right call — I’m a no valid birth certificate guy for this “President” too!

George Bernard Van Haven Omaha, Nebraska

John W. Ryan Belvidere, Illinois

Will an Anti-Christ appear? In the letters to the editor section of the April issue of The Nationalist Times was an article by Yancey Ames (“The world of oneness”). It described the coming of an authoritarian government where all biological distinctions between people are blended away and the onset of a one-world religion except for the pharisaic one It struck me that this describes fairly well the Anti-Christ of the Bible. I am almost positive that this man will be a Jew, for Jews are the most rabidly anti-Christian group in the world. The coming anti-Christian holocaust is the continuation of the one perpetrated by the Jewish commissars of communist Russia. It’s high time that all Christians and patriots wake up: the soon to arrive economic collapse will bring the Anti-Christ on the world stage.

Russia seen at fault in Ukraine My father was Ukrainian, my mother was Polish, from Western Ukraine. Both lived through and survived Stalin’s punishment against Ukraine in 1932-’33. A famine-genocide was imposed, killing 7 million. Why was this done? To punish Ukraine for wanting to be independent, not communist, and to be friends with countries to their west. Sound familiar? Vladimir Putin, as Stalin and other Russian leaders, considered Ukraine to be a colony, similar to how England long considered Scotland and Ireland. When Viktor Yanukovich, the elected president of Ukraine, was forced out, after the deal he made with Putin, Ukrainian tempers flared. The deal was supposed to be with the European Union. We’ve seen how Yanukovich lived, in his luxurious estate. How does the average Ukrainian live? Pretty much the opposite. Corruption, having to give bribes, heavy taxation, suppressed wages, all wore Ukrainians down. The result is the revolution we’ve seen in Independence Square.

Cushman Cunningham Fort Myers, Florida

Karl Schiffbauer Elizabeth, New Jersey David Souter and Barack Obama Former Supreme Court Justice Moving on to the Crimean situation. It was Russian, but in 1954 the head of the then USSR, Nikita Khrushchev, a Ukrainian, gave it to the then Soviet Republic of Ukraine. It was on the anniversary of 200 years of Slavic unification. Khrushchev felt this was the right thing to do. The port of Sebastopol was still allowed to be used by Russia. The population of Crimea was of course mostly Russian. When the takeover of Crimea occurred, Ukraine’s position was difficult as it could not realistically take a military stand. Now we move on to the current situation in Eastern Ukraine, affecting all of Ukraine. Putin ultimately cannot allow Ukraine to join NATO. The buffer of such a large country, between Poland, Lithuania, etc., would be gone. Putin’s position is difficult but clear: if Ukraine is kept under control from Moscow, that is the only solution. Putin can put hundreds of missiles across Ukraine. Of course this would be for “defensive” purposes. And if nothing bad happens during Putin’s term, and even in his lifetime, then for sure “the West need not worry.” But what about the next Russian Federation leader, or the one after him? 10, 40, 70 years can go by, until the next move is made by Moscow. Then, who’s next? Nicholas Lashenko Chicago, Illinois More on World War One and Pearl Harbor Messrs. Thomas Drake (“FDR and Pearl Harbor,” letters, March 2014 Nationalist Times) and John W. Altman (“Race Lunacy,” letters, March 2014 Nationalist Times) bring up many legitimate points on Pearl Harbor and World War One. My article on Pearl Harbor (“Did FDR Provoke War?”, January 2014 Nationalist Times) was hardly all inclusive. Much more could be said on the subject, as Mr. Drake aptly points out. Many excellent books cover both the diplomatic background to the attack as well as the ever increasing evidence of deliberate set-up. Among the newer efforts are the books by Robert Stinnett and Victor Herbert; the older volumes include “Back Door to War,” “President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War,” “Pearl Harbor: The Story of the Secret War,” and “Pearl Harbor After a Quarter of a Century.” Retired naval officers have also written convincingly of FDR’s culpability. Mr. Altman is acutely accurate on World War One. Had the British not intervened, the Germans would have

won a quick victory on both fronts. The huge casualties, the overthrow of the upper classes and monarchies, the abandonment of the gold standard with consequent never ending inflation, the driving of women out of the home and the eruption of Communism worldwide would never have occurred. The disastrous treaties of Versailles, Trianon and Saint Germain would have been stifled as well as the creation of the Grand Duchy of Balfour in Palestine and the equally disastrous dissolution of the corrupt but tranquil Ottoman Empire in Arabia. Whatever the defects of Turkish rule it was a vast improvement on the artificial states of Israel, Transjordan, Syria and Iraq. The destruction of the Habsburg Empire has led to a quagmire of artificial states such as the former Czechoslovakia (now the Czech and Slovak republics), Yugoslavia (now its constituent components of Serbia, Croatia, BosniaHerzegovina, Macedonia, etc.). And, of course, Poland and its corridor led to war in 1939. Never did a war and its peace treaties lead to more disaster than in 19141919. Mr. Altman is absolutely correct in tracing the decline of the White race in the 20th century to the First World War. That is why the First World War was far more pivotal in the history of the world than the Second World War, which was merely the inevitable consequence of the First. Yancey Ames Cincinnati, Ohio Send your letters to The Nationalist Times, Letters to the Editor, P.O. Box 218, Wildwood, PA 15091; email: “The overriding goal of U.S. policy in Ukraine is to stop the further economic integration of Asia and Europe. That’s what the fracas is really all about. The United States wants to control the flow of energy from East to West, it wants to establish a de facto tollbooth between the continents, it wants to ensure that those deals are transacted in U.S. dollars and recycled into U.S. Treasuries, and it wants to situate itself between the two most prosperous markets of the next century. Anyone who has even the sketchiest knowledge of U.S. foreign policy — particularly as it relates to Washington’s ‘pivot to Asia’ — knows this is so. The U.S. is determined to play a dominant role in Eurasia in the years ahead. Wreaking havoc in Ukraine is a central part of that plan.” — Mike Whitney

The Nationalist Times May 2014

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Is the U.S. or the World Coming to an End? by Paul Craig Roberts


014 is shaping up as a year of reckoning for the United States. Two pressures are building on the U.S. dollar. One pressure comes from the Federal Reserve’s declining ability to rig the price of gold as Western gold supplies shrivel and market knowledge of the Fed’s illegal price rigging spreads. The evidence of massive amounts of naked shorts being dumped into the paper gold futures market at times of day when trading is thin is unequivocal. It has become obvious that the price of gold is being rigged in the futures market in order to protect the dollar’s value from QE. The other pressure arises from the Obama regime’s foolish threats of sanctions on Russia. Other countries are no longer willing to tolerate Washington’s abuse of the world dollar standard. Washington uses the dollarbased international payments system to inflict damage on the economies of countries that resist Washington’s political hegemony. Russia and China have had enough. As I have reported and as Peter Koenig reports here: http:// article38165.htm, Russia and China are disconnecting their international trade from the dollar. Henceforth, Russia will conduct its trade, including the sale of oil and natural gas to Europe, in rubles and in the currencies of its BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) partners. This means a big drop in the demand for U.S. dollars and a corresponding drop in the dollar’s exchange value. As John Williams ( has made clear, the U.S. economy has not recovered from the downturn in 2008 and has weakened further. The vast majority of the U.S. population is hard pressed from the lack of income growth for years. As the U.S. is now an import-dependent economy, a drop in the dollar’s value will raise U.S. prices and push living standards lower. All evidence points to U.S. economic failure in 2014, and that is the conclusion of John Williams’ April 9 report. This year could also see the breakup of NATO and even the EU. Washington’s reckless coup in Ukraine and threat of sanctions against Russia have pushed its NATO puppet states onto dangerous ground. Washington misjudged the reaction in Ukraine to its overthrow of the elected democratic government and imposition of a stooge government. Crimea quickly departed Ukraine and rejoined Rus-

sia. Other former Russian territories in Ukraine might soon follow. Protesters in Lugansk, Donetsk, and Kharkov are demanding their own referendums. Protesters have declared the Donetsk People’s Republic and Kharkov People’s Republic. Washington’s stooge government in Kiev has threatened to put the protests down with violence. Washington claims that the protests are organized by Russia, but no one believes Washington, not even its Ukrainian stooges. Russian news reports have identified U.S. mercenaries among the Kiev force that has been sent to put down the separatists in eastern Ukraine. A member of the right-wing, neo-Nazi Fatherland Party in the Kiev parliament has called for shooting the protesters dead. Violence against the protesters is likely to bring

in the Russian Army and result in the return to Russia of its former territories in Eastern Ukraine that were attached to Ukraine by the Soviet Communist Party. With Washington out on a limb issuing threats hand over fist, Washington is pushing Europe into two highly undesirable confrontations. Europeans do not want a war with Russia over Washington’s coup in Kiev, and Europeans understand that any real sanctions on Russia, if observed, would do far more damage to Europeans. Within the EU, growing economic inequality among the countries, high unemployment, and stringent economic austerity imposed on poorer members have produced enormous strains. Europeans are in no mood to bear the brunt of a Washington-orchestrated conflict with Russia. While Washington presents Europe with war and

sacrifice, Russia and China offer trade and friendship. Washington will do its best to keep European politicians bought-and-paid-for and in line with Washington’s policies, but the downside for Europe of going along with Washington is now much larger. Across many fronts, Washington is emerging in the world’s eye as duplicitous, untrustworthy, and totally corrupt. A Securities and Exchange Commission prosecuting attorney, James Kidney used the occasion of his retirement to reveal that higher ups had squelched his prosecutions of Goldman Sachs and other “banks too big to fail,” because his SEC bosses were not focused on justice but “on getting high-paying jobs after their government service” by protecting the banks from prosecution for their illegal actions. The U.S. Agency for International Development has been caught trying to use social media to overthrow the government of Cuba. This audacious recklessness comes on top of Washington’s overthrow of the Ukrainian government, the NSA spying scandal, Seymour Hersh’s investigative report that the Sarin gas attack in Syria was a false flag event arranged by NATO member Turkey in order to justify a U.S. military attack on Syria, Washington’s forcing down Bolivian President Evo Morales’ presidential plane to be searched, Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction,” the misuse of the Libyan no-fly resolution for military attack, and on and on. Essentially, Washington has so badly damaged other countries’ confidence in the judgment and integrity of the U.S. government that the world has lost its belief in U.S. leadership. Washington is reduced to threats and bribes and increasingly presents itself as a bully. The self-inflicted hammer blows to Washington’s credibility have taken a toll. The most serious blow of all is the dawning realization everywhere that Washington’s crackpot conspiracy theory of 9/11 is false. Large numbers of independent experts as well as more than one hundred first responders have contradicted every aspect of Washington’s absurd conspiracy theory. No aware person believes that a few Saudi Arabians, who could not fly airplanes, operating without help from any intelligence agency, outwitted the entire National Security State, not only all 16 U.S. intelligence agencies but also all intelligence agencies of NATO and Israel as well. Nothing worked on 9/11. Airport security failed four times in one hour, more failures in one hour than have occurred during the other 116,232 hours of the 21st century combined. For the first time in his-

Page 10 The Nationalist Times May 2014 tory the U.S. Air Force could not get interceptor fighters off the ground and into the sky. For the first time in history Air Traffic Control lost airliners for up to one hour and did not report it. For the first time in history low temperature, short-lived fires on a few floors caused massive steel structures to weaken and collapse. For the first time in history three skyscrapers fell at essentially free fall acceleration without the benefit of controlled demolition removing resistance from below. Two-thirds of Americans fell for this crackpot story. The left-wing fell for it, because they saw the story as the oppressed striking back at America’s evil empire. The right-wing fell for the story, because they saw it as the demonized Muslims striking out at American goodness. President George W. Bush expressed the right-wing view very well: “They hate us for our freedom and democracy.” But no one else believed it, least of all the Italians. Italians had been informed some years previously about government false flag events when their President revealed the truth about secret Operation Gladio. Operation Gladio was an operation run by the CIA and Italian intelligence during the second half of the 20th century to set off bombs that would kill European women and children in order to blame communists and, thereby, erode support for European communist parties. Italians were among the first to make video presentations challenging Washington’s crackpot story of 9/11. The ultimate of this challenge is the 1 hour and 45 minute film, “Zero.” You can watch it here: h t t p : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / watch?v=QU961SGps8g& Zero was produced as a film investigating 9/11 by the Italian company Telemaco. Many prominent people appear in the film along with independent experts. Together, they disprove every assertion made by the U.S. government regarding its explanation of 9/11. The film was shown to the European Parliament. It is impossible for anyone who watches this film to believe one word of the official explanation of 9/ 11. The conclusion is increasingly difficult to avoid that elements of the U.S. government blew up three New York skyscrapers in order to destroy Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah and to launch the U.S. on the neo-conservatives’ agenda of U.S. world hegemony.

China and Russia protested but accepted Libya’s destruction even though it was to their own detriment. But Iran became a red line. Washington was blocked, so Washington decided to cause major problems for Russia in Ukraine in order to distract Russia from Washington’s agenda elsewhere. China has been uncertain about the trade-offs between its trade surpluses with the U.S. and Washington’s growing encirclement of China with naval and air bases. China has come to the conclusion that China has the same enemy as Russia has — Washington. One of two things is likely: Either the U.S. dollar will be abandoned and collapse in value, thus ending Washington’s superpower status and Washington’s threat to world peace, or Washington will lead its puppets into military conflict with Russia and China. The outcome of such a war would be far more devastating than the collapse of the U.S. dollar. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during the Reagan administration and was associate editor of The Wall Street Journal.

A Secular View of the Conflict Between the Israelis and Palestinians number, are the ones who lived in Palestine during Jerusalem, Judah, or anywhere else in ancient Isbiblical times. The only thing that the eastern Euro- rael. Most of them are Zionists, fanatically dediheard a brief mention on television a few days pean Jews have in common with them is their con- cated to the idea born of their Levite priests that their ethnic god of the Old Testament required them ago that Israel attacked a Syrian military base version to Judaism in the 7th century A.D. The Ashkenazi Jews are not racially related to as punishment for “violating his Law” to go out and because they were providing arms and supplies to its enemies. Given the history of Israel, it is cer- the Sephardic Jews and they did not come from conquer all nations before they are allowed to return to Jerusalem to rule them with abtainly not surprising that its solute power. people would want to defend The Ashkenazi are the ruling themselves, nor that its surcaste not only in Israel but also the rounding enemies would have U.S. and the rest of the West. deep-seated grudges. Many have German, Polish, and But it is surprising, except Russian surnames. Israel is said to in the context of people taking be “our ally and the only democtheir religion too seriously, that racy in the Middle East,” but in fact this terrible conflict has perIsrael is a racist, Marxist state. Insisted without resolution since deed, it is the only country in the 1948. This was the year that region that has a communist party Israel, based on “biblical and allows it a share in government. prophecy,” was created It also has numerous communes. amidst 800,000 Palestinians Starting in 1948 these eastern by the U.S., Great Britain, and European Jews began a program the Soviet Union as a “national of terror, following the Old Testahome” for eastern European ment principle of “utter destrucAshkenazi Jews. tion,” to drive the Palestinians off Their original homeland their farms and out of their villages was not Palestine, but the area in order to occupy the land that of southern Russia north of the they say “God gave us long ago.” Black and Caspian seas The Palestinians, descendants known as Khazaria until the of the Canaanites, are well aware 10th century A.D. The of the Jews’ destructive principle Sephardic Jews of the Levant, and most of them fled their homeNorth Africa and Western EuPalestinian ‘Davids’ continue to fight the Zionist ‘Goliath’ land after the Israeli massacres at rope, now much smaller in by Ronald C. Corbyn

I Deir Yassin in 1948 and Qibya in 1953. In 1982, thousands of Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatilla refugee camps in Lebanon were massacred at the behest of the Israelis. We don’t hear much about these things, including the Israelis’ deliberate and deadly attack on the USS Liberty in 1967, because the U.S. corporate media and the government serve Zionism. Unlike the Diaspora Jews, the Israelis have never granted the Palestinians the right of return to their homeland. From the start, the Israelis have expected them to vacate Eretz (Greater) Israel and move to other Arab nations. It was inevitable that the 1948 decision by the U.S., Soviet Union and Great Britain to recognize Israel without according the Palestinians the same rights would lead to incessant war and strife. But they did it anyway. The Palestinians had lived there for the last 2,000 years in harmony with small numbers of Jews and Christians, but then the rabidly Zionist, self-righteous, violence-prone eastern European Ashkenazi Jews were dropped into their midst like a bomb. Is it any wonder that the Palestinians are willing to fight even with sticks and stones to get their homeland back? But as things stand, this is virtually impossible as long as the Zionist-controlled U.S. continues to provide Israel $3 billion a year in foreign aid and its latest weapons and technology. The alleged promise of God to return the Judahites (Jews) to Jerusalem can only have been made during their exile to Babylon in 586 B.C. Of the first five books of the Old Testament (Torah or Law of Moses), all but Deuteronomy were written in Babylon over the next 80 years by a sect of racist, xenophobic, tyrannical Levite priests. Before the exile, they produced Deuteronomy in 621 B.C. and read it aloud in Jerusalem to the horrified Judahites. In 538 B.C., under the Babylonians and again in 458 B.C. under the Persians, thousands of Judahites returned to Jerusalem from Babylon. In the interim, the other four books of the Torah were completed in Babylon by 506 B.C. Not long after the second wave arrived in 458 B.C., all of the books of the Torah were read to the Judahites in Jerusalem. “The people wept.” If you are a believer, this is the prophesied returned to the Jews to Jerusalem — not the one in 1948. Based on the Law (Torah), now committed to writing, the paranoid Levites transformed Jerusalem into a ghetto, required marriage within the tribe, and dissolved existing marriages outside the tribe. This alienated their neighbors and as a result the reconstruction of Solomon’s Temple did not begin until 520 B.C. Before they received the Law the Judahites had developed a peaceful relationship with their neighbors based on intermarriage and trade. The Levites tolerated no dissent to the endless petty rituals of their Torah, as found in half of the last three books. They claim these rituals were relayed to Moses from God. But they are so trivial and burdensome as to depict a sadistic God who enjoys causing dangerous psychoses among his “chosen ones.” The Levite rituals were multiplied further by the misanthropic Talmud, which appears first in the 6th century A.D. and which calls gentiles “cattle.” In sum, the priests of Judaism, through their To-

The Nationalist Times May 2014 rah and Talmud, have a pathological desire to completely control the behavior of each individual, in true communist style, and to do the same with the people of the countries they conquer from within, such as the U.S., Britain and Russia. It is eerily reminiscent of the IRS tax code and the 3,000 page laws being passed by the Zionist-controlled Congress, not to mention thousands of pages of regulations written by the executive branch. To the unforgiving Levites “non-observance” of the Torah or Law of Moses, not moral transgressions, is so egregious as to require punishment by death, curses, or ex-communication. For orthodox Jews especially, this policy has changed little over the millennia. It is clear to me that Zionism, or Jewish fundamentalism, is the culprit in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The extremism associated with it is no different than that associated with Christian or Islamic fundamentalism. All three religions have, at one time or another, produced long periods of war and strife because their priests and flocks took their primitive core religious documents too seriously. Zionism also embraces as many as half of all Christians. Unfortunately for them, Christians decided that the ethnic god of the Jews was theirs too. It is proof alone that Christianity is merely a Jewish sect. Many Christians, whose seminaries were infiltrated by the turn of the 20th century, were brainwashed by the Jews to believe that they must be secure in Israel before Jesus can return to “save the world.” Without the support of Zionist Christians, there would be no Israel-Palestinian conflict. It all boils down to the question “Which Western religion gets exclusive possession of Jerusalem and Palestine.” When the Jews finish using the Christians to conquer to Islam in the Middle East, they will be disposed of. They cannot tolerate dissent, especially from gentiles, and they want no competition from their sister religions. It is the communist way. I believe mankind can do better religion, but if it must exist it should be relevant. This is not yet the case with Judaism, Christianity and Islam, whose practitioners continue trying to get the present to conform to the past of 1,500 to 2,500 years ago. If their core documents — the Bible, Talmud, and Koran — cannot be augmented to reflect the important things we have learned since then, I believe it is imperative that leading preachers, rabbis, and imams, if they are truly the “guardians of morality and kindness,” reverse the disastrous course of religious fundamentalism that they have presided over for the past 40 years. It was obvious to me long ago that when people begin to take their core religious documents seriously they get mean, self-righteous, judgmental, intolerant and meddlesome. Then they start trouble — whether at the level of families, communities, states, or nations. This is the real cause of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It’s time for people who care about mankind’s future to realize that different cultures have different ways of looking at the world, that each one should be allowed to follow its own path, and than an inquiring mind and a broad education are the best way to cope with life and avoid unnecessary pain and suffering.

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“Corruption in the West is rampant. Unfortunately that is the ‘new normal.’ The system is so corrupt now that I don’t think it’s fixable, and to me this is the scariest point about all this. That might also be the best reason to own precious metals. “I strongly believe that the United States is so beset by institutional corruption that it is beyond being fixed. This relates to all the official agencies. We see this in the inability to prosecute blatant crime on Wall Street. Nobody goes to jail and everybody continues to rake in enormous bonuses. “The perpetrators, far from being harmed and being prosecuted, continue to benefit. And as long as that’s the case, people should expect it to continue because it’s being rewarded. So, yes, I’m cynical about what I see and I guess the most discouraging thing is that I hold out little hope that the process can be corrected, because I think the institutions responsible for doing the policing have been thoroughly corrupted.” — William Kaye, a long-time hedge fund manager who worked for Goldman Sachs 25 years ago

“Capitalism has been transformed by powerful private interests whose control over governments, courts, and regulatory agencies has turned capitalism into a looting mechanism. Wall Street no longer performs any positive function. Wall Street is a looting mechanism, a deadweight loss to society. Wall Street makes profits by frontrunning trades with fast computers, by selling fraudulent financial instruments that it is betting against as investment grade securities, by leveraging equity to unprecedented heights, making bets that cannot be covered, and by rigging all commodity markets. The Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury’s ‘Plunge Protection Team’ aid the looting by supporting the stock market with purchases of stock futures, and protect the dollar from the extraordinary money-printing by selling naked shorts into the Comex gold futures market. “The U.S. economy no longer is based on education, hard work, free market prices and the accountability that real free markets impose. Instead, the U.S. economy is based on manipulation of prices, speculative control of commodities, support of the dollar by Washington’s puppet states, manipulated and falsified official statistics, propaganda from the financial media, and inertia by countries, such as Russia and China, who are directly harmed, both economically and politically, by the dollar payments system. “As the governments in most of the rest of the world are incompetent, Washington’s incompetence doesn’t stand out, and this is Washington’s salvation. “But it is not a salvation for Americans who live under Washington’s rule.” — Paul Craig Roberts

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So What? by Fred Reed


am puzzled as to why racism is thought to be a terrible thing, rather than entirely natural and of ten reasonable, and why people allow themselves to be brow-beaten about it. Maybe we should stop. Domestic tranquility would follow in torrents. As nearly as I can tell, a racist is one who approves of rigorous education, good English, civilized manners, minimal criminality, and responsible parenthood, among other things. I am, then, a racist. I see no reason to grovel about it. I decided long ago that if, while I was doing a radio interview, a caller-in told me, “You’re a racist!” I would hesitate as if puzzled, and say “So what?” This would add immeasurably to the planetary supply of stunned silence. The expectation is that anyone so charged will fall on his knees and beg for mercy. It would be a lesser offense to be caught sexually molesting autistic three-year-old girls while attending a Nazi torch-rally. Herewith another and yet worse confession: I do not see, or care, why it is thought my duty to like, or dislike, groups because of their race, creed, color, sex, sexual aberration, or national origin. Nor do I think it their duty to like me. I especially do not understand why the federal government should decide with whom I ought to associate. But back to “So what?” Among its charms is that there is no answer to it, other than huffing and puffing and indignant expostulation. All of these amuse me. Used frequently, “So what?” would shut up people who badly need to shut up, or else force them to think. Not likely, as most apparently cannot. Let us, improbably, glance at reality. A characteristic of human groups is that they do not like each other. The greater the difference between the groups, the greater the dislike; the closer the contact between them, the more open the friction. Note that before the advent of mass immigration, Americans of whatever politics had no dislike of hispanics. Thus separation increases the likelihood of am-

ity. Is this not obvious? The instinctive rancor between disparate groups accounts for most of the world’s problems. Moslems and Christians dislike each other, Tamils and Sinhalese, Cambodians and Vietnamese, blacks and whites, Americans and Frenchmen, men and women, homosexuals and the normal and, as Tom Lehrer famously sang, “…everybody hates the Jews.” Except that in America Jews are so assimilated that most of us don’t remember to hate them. They aren’t different enough. I’ll have to make myself a note. Humans like to be among their own kind. This can mean many things. It can be political. In Washington, white liberals cheerlead for diversity while spending their time exclusively with white liberals and execrating Southerners, Jesus Creepers, genocidal conservatives (understood to mean all conservatives), Catholics, racists, owners of guns, rednecks, and so on. No dissenting voices are heard because, like conservatives, liberals choose to be among their own. Similarly, if in any of Washington’s dives you know that one person in a table of six has an IQ in excess 130, it is a good bet that all do. It isn’t snobbery. Smart people enjoy the company of smart people. Their own kind. So what? If left alone, people will naturally and peacefully form such associations as seem to them desirable. If left alone. So what? However, I do not want to impose my values and culture on others. American blacks for example are truly African Americans, and quite reasonably may have as little interest in European history as I do in African. Rationally this would argue for separate schools where each could study what and as it chose. For reasons impenetrable to me, to suggest this is thought worse than genocide. A reason for letting people associate as they choose is that, while groups naturally do not like each other, they overlap in curious ways. Left to themselves, people sort these matters out like water reaching its level. When I lived in Washington I used

to spend afternoons over a Bass and several of its friends at the Cafe Asia, on Wilson Boulevard just across Key Bridge into Virginia. The Asia was then staffed by Asian girls — Malays, Chinese, Vietnamese, and a lovely Japanese woman who managed it. The clientele ran to young white professionals. Their unanimous opinion held of these women by white men was highly favorable. Why? Well, these young ladies — they were ladies — were sleek, pretty, classy, never toilet-mouthed, and smart. Smart: One was doing graduate work in computer security, another was a wide-area network engineer, a third had been unable to find work after a master’s in biochem, and so was in dental school. Here we have an example of people, being left alone, deciding for themselves who to hang out with. The young white professionals had decided, probably not consciously, that the Asian women had enough in common with us, and enough not in common but appealing, that we really enjoyed them. Where is the fly in this ointment? I suppose we were racists, as we were assuredly discriminating racially: We thought Malays pretty. The horror. No doubt we were sinners all. Today of course we are federally admonished not to choose our own friends and neighbors as if our lives were our own business. No. Instead we must follow the social directives of the Potomac Soviet, whether anyone wants to or not. Few do. In Washington, on the Hill, upper Connecticut, the inner suburbs, the outer suburbs, everywhere, clubs and restaurants are either almost perfectly white or perfectly black. Whites happily patronize Latin American restaurants intended for the general trade, yet in mini-barrios many venues tacitly are for browns only. So what? It is how people want it. If freedom of association is racism, I am for it. So what? Fred Reed’s website is

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Page 14 The Nationalist Times May 2014


The White Geek by Ralph A. Brandt This month I will talk about the “gay mafia.” This whole drama started in November of 2008, when Barack Obama ran for president the first time. Black people showed up at the polls in record numbers in many states, particularly California. This had one side effect the Democrats had not anticipated. Proposition 8 was on the California ballot. Proposition 8 outlawed homosexual marriage. The blacks voted overwhelmingly in favor of Proposition 8, and the measure passed. Blacks have their share of shortcomings, but they have their strong points as well. Blacks believe that homosexuality is wrong. They are willing to say so in public. While this was going on, a gentleman named Brendan Eich contributed $1,000 to an organization that supported Proposition 8. Eich was the cofounder of Mozilla, the corporation that created the Firefox browser. He also invented a computer language called Javascript. One of my instructors once told me that the only similarity between Java and Javascript is the first four letters in their names. Javascript enables an Internet client to communicate with an Internet server without the user pressing the Enter key. When you do a Google search, you may notice a menu that appears when you type in a keyword. The more letters you type in, the more refined the menu becomes. This is Javascript in action. This year the Mozilla Corporation hired Brendan Eich as its chief exectutive officer. As soon as his hiring was announced, there was a backlash. OKCupid is a dating website. The CEO of OKCupid, Sam Yagan, dug up the fact that Brendan Eich had contributed $1,000 to the Proposition 8 campaign in 2008. The OKCupid website displayed a pop-up message to this effect anytime someone logged onto their site using a Firefox browser. Immediately charges of hypocrisy started to surface. It seems that in 2004, Sam Yagan had donated $500 to Chris Cannon. Chris Cannon was a member of the United States House of Representatives. He represented Utah’s Third District from 1997 to 2009. Chris Cannon had also supported legislation opposed to homosexual marriage. Shortly after that, Bredan Eich stepped down from his new job as CEO. I think the main complaint that his detractors had was that he didn’t grovel. It is amusing to read some of the homosexual blogs on this issue. They twist truth around and they turn logic on its head. They will claim that hypocrisy is not hypocrisy, that bullying is not bullying, and that blacklisting is not blacklisting. The late night television host Bill Mahr said, “I think there is a gay mafia. I think if you cross them you do get whacked. I really do.” One website,, had some interesting commentary. On March 26, 2014 they published an article titled “8 Godfathers in the

Gay Rights Mafia.” They gave the names of eight people who were possible candidates for Godfather of the Gay Mafia. The first candidate was Dan Savage. Dan Savage sabotaged Gary Bauer’s political campaign for the presidency. Bauer announced his campaign in April of 1999. He received 8% of the vote in the Iowa Caucus. He received 1% of the vote in the New Hampshire Primary. In February of 2000, he pulled out of the race and endorsed John McCain. Dan Savage came down with the flu about this time. He went around licking the doorknobs of Gary Bauer’s campaign headquarters. He even handed Gary Bauer a saliva-contaminated pen, hoping that it would make him catch the flu. The second candidate was Rick Caruso. Rick

Dan Savage’s sewage-filled, homosexual supremacist ‘advice’ column is carried nationwide by free urban newspapers. Caruso is one of the wealthiest residents of the Los Angeles area. He has a net worth of $2.5 billion. He’s the founder of Caruso Affiliated, one of the largest privately-held real estate companies in the nation. Manny Pacquiao is a world champion boxer. Not many people in the United States know who Manny Pacquiao is, but everyone in the Philippines knows who he is. He is also a popular singer as well as a politician. Pacquiao was scheduled to do an interview at The Grove. The Grove is a shopping center midway between Central LA and Beverly Hills which is owned by Caruso Affiliated. Pacquiao had made some comments on Twitter condemning homosexual marriage. When Caruso caught wind of this, he banned Pacquaio from The Grove. The third candidate is Sandra Fluke. This is a particularly odd candidate. Who ever heard of a mafia headed by a godmother? In this day and age anything is possible. Rush Limbaugh made Sandra Fluke famous when he called her a slut. Fluke was

a student at Columbia Law School. In February of 2012 Republican members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee refused to let her testify about how important it was for health insurance plans to offer birth control coverage. She did testify later, but only to House Democrats. This was a whole lot of dust kicked up over nothing, since birth control pills are available for nine dollars at either Walmart or Target. Fluke made a trip to Europe recently. While she was there, she said that Obama did not go far enough when he repealed the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy in the United States military. She complained that transgendered people are still not allowed to serve in the military. The fourth candidate was Perez Hilton. Hilton appeared on many people’s radar screens in 2009, when he was a judge in the Miss USA Contest. Carrie Prejean appeared in this contest as Miss California. Hilton asked Prejean about her views on homosexual marriage. Prejean answered that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. Hilton shook his head in disgust at her answer. Many people believe that this cost Prejean the crown. Shortly afterward Perez Hilton made a YouTube clip in which he called Carrie Prejean a “dumb bitch.” I watched the video. He was quite expressive in this video. He exaggerated his enunciation of words, and he exaggerated his mannerisms. He came across like a real swish. William Adams is a rap musician. He has received seven Grammy Awards, eight American Music Awards, a Billboard Music Award, et cetera, et cetera. His stage name is Will.I.Am. At a party in Toronto, Will.I.Am had an ugly confrontation with Perez Hilton. Hilton yelled at him, “You’re not a [expletive] artist! You’re a [expletive] faggot!” Hilton got punched two or three times. Witnesses claim that Will.I.Am’s manager did the punching. Will.I.Am claimed that he never laid a hand on him. The fifth candidate was Jack Black. Jack Black is a comedian. In 2009 he made a video condemning Proposition 8. It was a musical comedy performed by the Sacramento Community College Players. It was an off-off-off-Broadway musical. It starts out with the homosexuals doing their song and dance and the conservatives doing their routine as well. Then Jesus appears on the stage. He does a song about the Book of Leviticus: “You can stone your wife, or sell your daughter into slavery. “ “Well, we ignore those verses.” “Well, friend it seems to me, you pick and choose!” Then the whole chorus goes “You pick and choose.” I don’t know! A producer of bad musicals as the godfather of a mafia? Tony Soprano was on pretty shaky ground when word got out that he was seeing a therapist. The sixth candidate was Rick Ferraro. Ferraro is the spokesman for GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation ). He recently held a GLAAD media events award in New York. He was furious when two Fox News hosts attended the event. (Furious! I love that word!) Later on he discovered that a GLAAD representative had invited the Fox News hosts to attend the event. This prompted him to issue a non-apology apology. The seventh candidate was Rahm Emanuel. Emanuel was Obama’s chief of staff for his first term in office. Then he went on to run for Mayor of Chicago. Since he became mayor, Chicago’s credit rating has deteriorated to the point where only Detroit has a worse rating. Shortly after he became mayor, Emanuel was talking to some news reporters about the state of Chicago’s public schools. One reporter asked him if his daughter was going to a private school. He screamed that that was none of her business, and the stormed out of the room. Eric Massa was a member of the United States House of Representatives. He served from January 2009 to March 2010. He resigned from office because of an ethics investigation. He believes that Rahm Emanuel instigated the ethics investigation because Massa would not support Obamacare. Massa had a weekly radio show. On his show he talked about an incident that took place in the shower of the Congressional gym: “I’m sitting there

The Nationalist Times May 2014 showering, naked as a jaybird, and here comes Rahm Emanuel not even with a towel wrapped around his tush, poking his finger in my chest, yelling at me because I wasn’t going to vote for the president’s budget. Do you know how awkward it is to have a political argument with a naked man? . . . It’s ridiculous.” It was Rahm Emanuel who said to “never let a good crisis go to waste.” Another one of Emanuel’s gems is, “Chick-Fil-A’s values are not Chicago’s values.” Colin Flaherty, the author of the book White Girl Bleed a Lot, mentioned Rahm Emanuel as well. It seems that Emanuel ordered Chicago’s police commissioner to deny that Chicago has a problem with racial violence. I know that, as mayor, he has the power to do that. How on earth did he get the media to deny it as well? Only a godfather could pull off a stunt like that. The eighth candidate was Barack Obama himself. When he campaigned in 2008, he said that he was against homosexual marriage. Later on, however, he said that he was “evolving on the issue.” There have been calls from several individuals and several organizations to boycott Mozilla. You can participate in the boycott by uninstalling the

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Firefox Internet browser from your computer. One person promoting the boycott is a radio talk show host named Dennis Prager. Yes, I know that Dennis Prager is Jewish. If I am willing to give the blacks credit for their strong points, I am willing to give Dennis Prager credit for his strong points as well. I was listening to Dennis Prager talking about this boycott. He said, “This is not asking a lot from people. Nobody is asking you to put yourself in physical danger. Nobody is asking you to put your job in jeopardy. Nobody is asking you to expose yourself to public ridicule. All we are asking you to do is uninstall an Internet browser from your computer. Why is it so hard to motivate people to do something as simple as that?” I can actually identify with what he is saying. Ever since the American Freedom Party first came into existence, I have been holding monthly meetings. To date, the largest monthly meeting we have had has been five people. Perhaps I can motivate you by scaring you. What will you do when the queer agenda spreads from Mozilla to the public schools?

Page 16 The Nationalist Times May 2014

The Good News by Nelson Waller This new feature is in effect a rapid fire extension of tidbits of info found on the American Freedom Union’s much underused general discussion forum ( Gun Advocates Credit New Concealed Carry Laws For Sharp Drop In Chicago Murder Rate ( The first non-toxic news link on Chicago I can remember receiving in a long, long time. Ft. Hood Survivor Goes On MSNBC And Says That MORE Guns Are The Answer ( Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford, black, was shot 6 times in the 2009 incident and endured months of grueling rehabilitation. The IRS Got SERVED (Next News Network/ Gary Franchi) Formerly a leading member of Tea Party Patriots, Mark Meckler is suing the IRS for targeting his and other conservative organizations. Finally somebody accuses the goons of “terrorizing” us. More at Franchi again: Weather Channel Founder DESTROYS Global Warming Mythology. John Coleman was the original weather man on Good Morning America and has been calling global warming a fictional, manufactured crisis since 2007. A British Jew warns U.S. Jewish orgs to heed rapidly-shifting world opinion ( Photo caption: Sheldon Adelson wearing Romney button in Hebrew, at King David Hotel Jerusalem, 2012. Weiss presents a sound and impassioned message from a London professional man on the exciting BDS movement against Israel, i.e. Boycott, Disinvestment and Sanctions. Tea Party Write-in Candidate Defies the Establishment — Trounces Republican and Democrat candidates in state senate race ( Truck hauler Scott Wagner “garnered 48 percent of the vote in Pennsylvania, as compared to the meager totals by the establishment Republican (27 percent) and the Democrat (26 percent). Out of more than 22,000 votes cast, Wagner garnered 10,654 write-in ballots. This marks the first time in state history that a write-in candidate has won a state senate seat.” Can’t find anything that exciting about his agenda but let’s give him 25 points just for rankling the GOP power mafia that much. EXTRA! EXTRA! ‘Shocked’Anti-Defamation League slaps FBI ‘diss’ on hate crimes ( It’s too good to be true, but it is: $PLC and ADL have been “dumped as a ‘resource’ on the FBI’s Hate Crime Web page.....The Web page scrubbing, which also included eliminating the Anti-Defamation League, was not announced and came in the last month after 15 family groups pressed Attorney General Eric Holder and FBI Director James Comey to stop endorsing a group — SPLC — that inspired a recent case of domestic terrorism at the Family Research Council.” Beginning of the end for the big two’s para-governmental status?

Minnesota teen wins settlement after school takes Facebook password ( ACLU will share $70,000 damages with family of sixth-grader whose case it won. School trampled her email privacy too. Was Stalin to Blame for World War II? ( via IHR racks up five articles by respected analysts saying yes, yes, yes. The fact that at least two of them are by Stalin’s fellow Jews is quietly mind-blowing. Other gems there: a HuffPo writer sharing Michael Savage’s real name, Weiner, calls for Hollywood to de-blacklist Mel Gibson – she found him a groove in person; The Insane Brutality of the State of Israel: Atrocities in the Promised Land = former CIA analyst, also female

Mel Gibson

criminally forced people out of their homes and demolished them so the property could go commercial and yield more taxes, but wow: “The nationwide outrage that followed in the wake of the Kelo decision spanned from left to right and back again on the political spectrum... More than 40 state legislatures would later pass laws banning or restricting the use of eminent domain for economic rejuvenation, particularly if homeowners would be displaced. And at least seven states amended their constitutions to ban the use of eminent domain for economic development, with some state courts explicitly rejecting the Kelo ruling as precedent, The Weekly Standard reports” — a states’ rights movement astonishing by its combination of size, silence and invisibility. Supreme Court faces wave of free-speech cases from conservatives ( Apparently our side still has a pulse. Piercing comments at AmRen. The Germans Refuse to Play Ball (Occidental Observer via ANU News). Big German newspaper yanks its poll on whether NATO should attempt to rough up Russia when only four percent enter any support for the idea; “what they had to say filled the presstitutes from the Tagesspiegel with sheer horror”! Oklahoma Senate Passes Bill To Authorize Gold And Silver As Legal Tender ( “Oklahoma would become the second state to recognize gold and silver as legal tender authorized for payments of debts and taxes. Last month, the Arizona senate also passed a similar bill by a vote of 18-12.” Recognizing is great; let’s hope one of these states (cf. Utah) finally ratifies. Bitcoin refuses to flip: Virtual currency stays strong despite bankruptcies, gyrating rates – This from the Washington Post? Mt. Gox was the largest exchange but not the currency. A must-hear: Tom Woods’ 3/25 show with Amanda Billyrock on this and other subjects, ditto BrasscheckTV’s 3/29 “What’s the real deal” video. Mexican drug lord Nazario Moreno’s killing may end Knights Templar cartel ( He was called El Más Loco, “The craziest one,” and has been thought dead for three years. Reuters has it the thug’s demise “marks another major victory for President Enrique Peña Nieto’s government in its campaign to bring Mexico’s powerful drug gangs to heel.” Southern Poverty Law Center’s Criteria for Naming ‘Hate Groups’ Subpoenaed ( The $PLC is hatefully trying to get Eugene Delgaudio

(Counterpunch); via, Christopher Hitchens’ brother Peter suddenly, totally revisionizes WW2 – just pushes the whole romantic myth over! California Affirmative Action Revival Bill Is Dead ( “Asians kill deal that could have brought back racial preferences” (AmRen subhead). A semi-win for us, but surely the most colossal case of “diversity” irony yet. Maybe the funniest, being technically in harmony with the NAACP’s mission statement. At Airports, a Misplaced Faith in Body Language ( TSA spent a billion FRNs training agents to read facial expressions etc. People in public places have been detained for not looking happy (ergo innocent) enough, but now this further theft of basic normalcy has been trashed. Israel Closes Embassies Across the Planet ( all of them, over a pay dispute with their diplomats! Article insensitively concludes “Eventually, living amongst themselves is going to cause these Jews to eat each other alive.” Poll: Golden Dawn in First Place ( via Our Greek heroes dramatically dominate the bar graph. Seized property sits vacant nine years by Dr. after landmark Kelo eminent domain case ( “Justice” David Souter and company

Great ‘Politically Incorrect’ Books Adrian H. Krieg dumped as a four-term supervisor in Loudoun County Va., accusing him of mixing politics with his Public Citizen activism, but the article and AmRen commenters rally facts beautifully in his favor. An academic study has accused the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) of having an antiChristian bias in its reporting on hate groups in America ( – the study written by a black professor at U. of North Texas. The poverty palace rakes in “$38.5 million a year, with $256 million in assets feeding $300,000+ yearly salaries.” “Wearing ‘Palestinian’ t-shirt that obliterates Israel aimed to transfer Middle East conflict to Latin American soil” ( The fun of maps of the Levant that don’t show Israel is sweeping the globe. Wiesenthal is whining about Club Deportivo Palestino, the Palestinian community in Chile’s

The Nationalist Times May 2014 professional 84-year-old soccer group whose shirts show the Palestine region without the bandit ministate. How popular is (itself). The impressive site celebrates eight months of existence. Who knows what Alexa rankings are really worth, but it’s incredible to see anything so politically incorrect achieve a position of 40,678 globally and 25,297 in the U.S. Rabbis in Crimea Squealing for Help at Prospect of Russian Reunification – recent article. This website gets more traffic than many large daily newspaper websites ( re itself). “More Americans read this website than websites for the SPLC or ADL.” Hits 1 Million Unique Views! (itself). ZCF is the other bookend to but “TUT” boasts

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sensational illustrations, an amazing pace and volume of material, broadcast interviews with Mark Dankof et al, and a passionate Middle Eastern editor of some kind. Harvard: Fluoride Can Increase Autism and Attention Deficit Disorder ( A ghastly situation but it’s always great news when the establishment vindicates “conspiracy theory” accusations against itself. Cf. GMO-Science Takes a Blow as Studies Are Retracted ( True to Kafkaesque form they’re not admitting any fault but the implication is clear. One more win for the road: Federal Judge Clears Detroit Florist’s Delivery By Drone ( If we absolutely must have drones, it’s a pleasant shock that free enterprise can enjoy their use.

American ‘Anti-Communism’ by Yancey Ames Americans like to imagine that they are the most anti-Communist people on earth. They rail constantly against Stalin, the gulags and the twenty million plus deaths in the USSR. No doubt they are perfectly correct in these positions. But the terrific irony of all these antiCommunist dialectics is that these same Americans have willingly adopted Communist social values as their own. Although Americans would be shocked to know it, both racial equality and equality for women are basic Communist doctrines — and have been from their inception. Anyone who reviews Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Constitution of 1936 sees that in article 118 of said Constitution that racial discrimination is prohibited; and article 122 guarantees women equality in the job market and guaranteed maternity leave. From the beginning of the Communist revolution it was official Bolshevik policy to drive women

out of the home and into the factories. This was in stark contrast to the American system of one earner; e.g., paying a man enough money to support a wife and family. In the 1950s a book was published, “Women and Communism,” which included many documented statements by Lenin and Stalin that women must become factory directors and managers, just like men. If all this sounds exactly similar to post-1960s feminist doctrine; it is. Feminism originated post-World War Two with the publication of Betty Goldstein/Friedan’s “The Feminine Mystique” in 1963. Betty was a closet Communist whose background was deliberately covered up when her agit-prop book was published. Anyone who looks at the feminist movement knows that it, and the media which push it, have been Jewish instigated from its very beginnings. Jews like Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Gloria Allred, Shulasmith Firestone, Robin Morgan, Linda Ellerbee, Andrea Dworkin, Bella Abzug, Germaine Greer, etc. have been the

driving force of the movement. They are just as hideous and evil as the Ana Rabinsohn Paukers, Hilda Benjamins and Ghisella Vasses of “scientific socialism.” The membership of the American Communist Party in the 1940s was 40%-43% composed of Jewish females. Both the ethnicity and the red colors of American feminism are therefore obvious. The doctrine of racial equality has been equally Jewish and Communist inspired. The Communist Party had long agitated for black equality. Civil rights and equal opportunity in housing laws were longtime Communist Party planks. Americans have also adopted the Communist system of no-fault divorce. In the USSR it was accepted practice for couples to divorce for no reason or any reason. The Communist judge was prohibited from inquiring into the reasons for the break-up, which were legally irrelevant. In 1974, a Berkeley law professor wrote an article analyzing the American adoption of Soviet family law. Communist Party periodicals in the 1950s used to show mothers earning the money and fathers changing the diapers. All this gender radicalism long pre-dated the feminist revolution of the late 1960s and early 1970s in the U.S. The great irony of all this is that the American social structure has been bolshevized without the average American even realizing it.

INTELLIGENCE REPORT The heroism of Cliven Bundy and his supporters in risking their lives to face down armed federal goon squads enraged the same liberals and government worshippers who lionize the blacks and White liberals who defied the feds in the South in the 1960s in their battle against segregation, not to mention the anti-Vietnam War protestors and myriad other examples of the subversive left battling against their

somewhat less liberal elders in the establishment 40 and 50 years ago. But there has never been an ounce of sympathy from liberals for those on the “right” doing battle against injustice; in fact it often brings the barely hidden fangs of liberal totalitarianism and genocide into the open. Liberals took to Twitter to demand that Washington annihilate the Bundys and all of their supporters through drone strikes. A

number of their genocidal fantasies are shown verbatim on Info (“Statists Call for Drone Strike on Bundy Supporters”). And Ron Paul warned that the feds could still launch a “Waco-style assault” against the Bundys and the hundreds, at time thousands, of freedom fighters standing with them. “They may come back with a lot more force like they did at Waco with the Davidians,” said the ex-Con-

gressman. However, that appears unlikely because it is not as easy these days to launch a murderous assault against Americans as it was 20 years ago in Waco. The alterative media, particularly some large internet sites, allows for the bypassing of government/corporate media propaganda far more effectively these days. Alex Jones has millions of listeners to his daily radio show and readers of his

Page 18 The Nationalist Times May 2014 website Info When the lib- BLM soldiers armed with assault rifles eral thug Harry Reid called Bundy’s and body armor who were repeatedly telling them through loudspeakers that they would be shot if they did not retreat. It was tremendous heroism of a kind that should lift the spirits of everyone who thought the American Spirit was dead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . This Alex Jones has built up a large and impressive issue of The Intelliaudience through years of hard work gence Report could supporters “domestic terrorists,” there literally be filled from beginning to end were over 10,000 comments by with various aspects of the Bundy stand readers condemning Reid after Info against the BLM, but excerpts from a Wars reported what he had said. The couple of interesting articles that looked Drudge Report, owned by Matt at the broader demographic and poDrudge, for a long time was a neo-con litical issues involved will have to suforiented news aggregation site, but now fice. Jim Goad of routinely links articles from Info Wars, writes in “The Vanishing Yokel”: and also regularly features reports of “During the standoff, a County Comthe ever-growing epidemic of black- missioner from Utah named Darin on-White crime. World Net Bushman wrote on Facebook that, which also used to be Clark County Commissioner Tom strictly neo-con (and still is when it Collins referred to the Utahans who’d comes to blindly supporting Israel), is pledged they’d come to support also now routinely reporting black-on- Bundy as ‘inbred bastards’ who’d White crimes and gave Bundy and his ‘better have funeral plans’ if they supporters favorable coverage. The dared to show up. It is these ‘inbred Drudge Report has millions of daily bastards’ of rural America — those readers, and World Net Daily has hun- continually mocked hillbillies and dreds of thousands. Jones for example rednecks and teabaggers and throwlikes to acknowledge how his backs and country bumpkins — that listenership and site traffic dwarfs that have consistently been the target of of cable networks like MSNBC openly articulated cultural bigotry and CNN and others, and the in the USA for generations now. The viewership for the “news” shows of the federal government, major media, old-line networks (ABC, NBC and academia, and most city slickers hardly CBS) has been declining for a long time seem to view rural white Americans and much of the remaining viewership as human. This coincides with the fact is sharply skewed towards the eld- that in real numbers, they are a dying erly (the one group in America that breed. In 1790, only 5% of Americans doesn’t use the internet much as com- lived in urban areas. Now over 80% puters are very difficult to learn to use do. A century ago, roughly 70% of for many people who were unfamiliar Americans lived in rural areas. That with them for most of their lives). The quotient is down to about 15% and Bundys’ side of the story reached mil- falling. According to Census data, last lions of sympathetic people very year almost 60% of America’s ruquickly. Additionally, state legisla- ral counties suffered a net loss of tors from Nevada, Arizona and residents. In real numbers, America’s Utah traveled to the Bundy ranch to rural population has been dwindling for publicly support them, as did sheriffs three years in a row. This is the result from around the country. In short, of what’s known as ‘natural decrease,’ the government could not have slaugh- with deaths outnumbering births. As tered the Bundy supporters without rural America grows older and all likely massive retaliation and world- remaining manufacturing jobs have wide condemnation on top of the been tidily off-shored, young people many black eyes the Permanent Re- either flee to urban areas for jobs or gime has already received since it went toil for $8 an hour at the local Walmart, totalitarian following 9/11. Nonethe- where they stock, sell, and buy items less, the freedom fighters risked their made by Chinese workers in Chinese lives, slowly but surely advancing on factories. As Americans get more tightly packed into sprawling megalopolises, what coastal snobs dismiss as ‘flyover country’ is rapidly devolving into one giant ghost town. What used to be known as Middle Americans are now called extremists. The heartland has become the hinterlands. One of the biggest cultural divides in American culture has always been urban v. rural, city mouse v. country mouse. It appears that the city mouse has won. It is no coincidence that the last generation or two — an era of escalating sensitivity toward minorities, women, and gays — has unfolded amid a cultural climate that cheerleads the open negative stereotyping of that strange exotic breed that is the rural white American. In a 2002 article called ‘The Prejudice Against Country People’ — published in, of all places, The Progressive — writer Wendell Berry linked public contempt for country folks to their ongoing ‘economic genocide’: ‘Disparagements of farmers, of small towns, of anything identifiable as ‘provincial’ can be found everywhere: in comic strips, TV shows, newspaper editorials, literary magazines, and so on.…I believe it is a fact, proven by their rapidly diminishing numbers and economic power, that the world’s small farmers and other ‘provincial’ people have about the same status now as enemy civilians in wartime…The industrial and corporate powers, abetted and excused by their many dependents in government and the universities, are perpetrating a sort of economic genocide — less bloody than military genocide, to be sure, but just as arrogant, foolish, and ruthless, and perhaps more effective in ridding the world of a kind of human life.’ . . It may seem paranoid to liken the rapid erosion and eventual erasure of rural white yeomen, the gradual dying-away of cabin-dwelling frontiersmen in favor of unisex urban service workers being crammed into cement boxes, to murderous historical campaigns such as Scotland’s Highland Clearances or Stalin‘s centrally managed urbanization schemes. What’s clear is that the government, media, and academia comprise a cabal of urban supremacists who neither trust nor esteem rural Americans unless they are Injuns or tortoises. Historically, the dominant culture demonizes any group they are preparing for slaughter. In this case, those inbred rural bastards will be treated like so many cattle who had the nerve to roam freely.” . . . . . . . . . . “Fear of a White Rancher” by Gregory Hood (

2014/04/fear-of-a-white-rancher/) is a long article that argues that appeals to the Constitution and liberty are useless in the New Amerika. He concludes by writing: “It is said that taxes are simply the price we pay for civilization. This is true if you have a real country. This is not we have. Taxes are what you pay so your neighborhood can be destroyed by Section 8 housing, so your business can be shut down if you don’t hire enough ‘oppressed’ people, and so our soldiers can be sent to give welfare to Muslims who hate us, before they are eventually killed by our own ‘allies.’ If you do not recognize that the greatest threat to our survival is the System that rules from Washington D.C., you are not even in the struggle. Every dollar you pay to Washington goes to making your life worse and ensuring the government can replace you and your children with more pliable clients. What the American Right doesn’t understand is the ideological justification for this system, and the increasing hatred by the SPLC and other Leftists of ‘anti-government’ groups. A Gawker or Huffington Post will see no contradiction between screaming for global warming deniers to be imprisoned and screaming about civil rights abuses if the NYPD uses surveillance on Muslims. ‘Liberal fascism’ is not fascism precisely because it is directed against more traditionalist-oriented whites. The Constitution, or limited government, or ‘states’ rights’ are irrelevant. The Left — both SWPLs and non-whites — doesn’t want ‘liberty.’ It wants the state using force to restrain its enemy — the historic American nation. And yet, for all the talk about ‘liberty,’ even these would-be sons of the soil are dependent on state power. Bundy is, after all, asking to graze for free on government land. Bundy once enjoyed this right as he and other settlers were seen as assets by an implicitly white American government that wanted to secure its control over new territory. Now, Bundy is seen as a liability by an explicitly anti-white government – indeed, less valuable than a desert tortoise. And this macro shift in racial power has personal economic consequences — Bundy can no longer graze his cattle, and his lifestyle is marked for extinction. The System’s media and its client populations of nonwhites are utterly frank about the desirability of eliminating what Weinstein calls the ‘moronic armed brutes’ that once compromised the American nation. In contrast, Bundy’s battle was lost before it even begun. He and his supporters are appealing to legal arrangements in the blissful ignorance that law is only the surface of power — what sustains it is a belief in legitimacy backed with primal forces of identity and willingness to use violence. There are only two possibilities regarding the Constitution of the United States. One is that it is working as it was intended, in which case it is a monstrosity. The other is that it was broken somewhere along the way — in which case it failed. Either way, Bundy and his supporters, both on the range and the media, are but priests of a dead god, appealing to ritualistic legal formulas and sacred texts which have long been dismissed by the rulers of the country. The law is a creation of power, not a source. And politics is about who controls state power, not what after the fact rationalization is made up to con the rubes. The historic American nation cannot look to its salvation through the rhetoric of ‘limited government’ or an appeal to a White United States that is long since dead and buried. White Americans can only save themselves in the fight in their own name — not in the name of the very regime that is destroying them. The alternative is for Bundy and American conservatives, in this case and so many others, to continue to claim that they are the champions of the real ‘colorblind’ ‘limited government’American ideology. The clash in Nevada is between two differing versions of Idiocracy. Contra the media rhetoric, both sides are claiming to fight in the name of the true egalitarian American vision. It may seem incredible that so many whites are willing to say obviously untrue things like Martin Luther King would care about the constitutional rights of some cracker rancher in Nevada. But we should have some compassion. Admitting that America is dead, and that white people’s salvation can only come by carving out a state for ourselves, is far more frightening than facing down federal thugs with guns.” . . . . . . . . . . Those more pragmatic and action oriented than thinkers like Mr. Hood continue to battle the regime in whatever ways they can. In the aftermath of the federal persecution of the Bundy family, 50 elected legislators from nine Western states met on April 18 in Salt Lake City for the Legislative Summit on the Transfer for Public Lands, the objective being for the Western colonies to reclaim their land from the fedgov. Among the attendees were state house speakers,

state senators, county commissioners, and one U.S. Senator. Washington, D.C. “owns” more than half of the land in the West, including 95% of Nevada, home of Cliven Bundy. As has often been repeated by The Nationalist Times, local and state action is the best avenue and the best hope Americans have of regaining their freedom, or if Washington’s Global Imperial High-Tech Multicultural Banana Republic collapses, of salvaging parts of the country to live in. . . . . . . . . . . Congress’s approval rating has been in the single digits for a while now, and the latest Rasmussen Report finds that 53% of likely U.S. voters polled believe that neither of the two nearly identical organized gangs in Congress represents the American People. This shows yet again that there is very fertile political ground out there that hasn’t been tilled. Conservatives and Tea Partiers are terrified of saying anything contrary to the Cultural Communist party line, while “White Nationalists” live in a comfortable, sit-on-their-butt internet cocoon where armchair philosophizing about race is the only issue. The required populist approach of putting racial interests in their proper perspective (secondary to the economic, moral and privacy issues that affect the dispossessed working and middle class on a daily basis) is studiously ignored, which is why nothing ever gains any traction other than Ron Paul’s movement, which limited itself by taking libertarian instead of populist stands on immigration and race. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sheldon Adelson, the Zionist extremist billionaire casino mogul who has essentially purchased the Republican Party, wants the GOP to have its 2016 national convention in Las Vegas. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Christian Zionists are conservative on social issues and won’t approve of having the convention in “Sin City,” but Adelson can counter by saying that God’s “Chosen People” are for it, or perhaps he can have Benjamin Netanyahu endorse the idea, and since Christian Zionists believe the Israeli government is faultless and place it above the interests of their own country, they will likely end up flocking to Vegas like the good little deceived lambs they are. . . . . . . . . . . Economic “Recovery” Update: Nine of the ten most commonly held jobs in the U.S. pay an average wage of less than $35,000 per year. The top ten are: retail salespeople (4.48 million, average annual

The Nationalist Times May 2014 earnings $25,370); cashiers (3.34 million; $20,420); food prep and food servers (3.02 million; $18,800); general office clerk (2.83 million; $29,990); registered nurses (2.66 million, the one exception at average annual earnings of $68,910); waiters and waitresses (2.40 million; $20,880); customer service representatives (2.39 million; $33,370); laborers and freight and material movers (2.28 million; $26,690); secretaries and admins (not legal or medical; 2.16 million; $34,000); and janitors and cleaners (2.10 million; $25,140). Overall, nearly 60% of the American workforce makes less than $35,000 a year, and of course the actual unemployment rate is somewhere north of 20%. . . . . . . . . . . . . Pat Buchanan has been on a serious roll of late. Buchanan has forged a unique place for himself — in his books particularly he has laid out the current and historic evidence of America’s economic and racial decline, yet has still managed to remain a Republican Party Beltway insider and cheerleader, quite a feat that is unlikely to be duplicated again. The Ukraine crisis has brought forth Buchanan’s timeless wisdom on the virtues of nationalism and tribalism. In his column “The End of Ideology,” he writes: “Bush I spoke of building a ‘New World Order.’ The phrase is now an epithet. George W. Bush declared America’s mission to be ‘ending tyranny in our world.’ The new deity to which America seemed to want to convert mankind was the golden calf of democracy. . . At the end of the Cold War Francis Fukuyama predicted that we were approaching the ‘End of History,’ where liberal democracy would prove the final form of governance, embraced by all mankind. Yet not only in Russia and China, but also in much of Europe and the Third World, democracy seems to be not so much an end in itself for peoples, but a means to advance a greater cause. . .Understandably, countries all over the world want America to come fight their wars. But while that may be in their interest, is it any longer in ours? The American imperium, the last of the great Western empires, may be about to come down with the suddenness of the other empires of the 20th century.” In “Nationalism, Not NATO, is our Great Ally,” Buchanan states: “Secessionism and nationalism are growth stocks today. Centralization and globalization are yesterday. A new world is coming. And while perhaps unwelcome news for the

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transnational elites championing such causes as climate change and battling global economic inequality, it is hard to see any great threat in all this to the true interests of the American people.” . . . . . . . . . . . . Among those who understand Buchanan’s call for American Nationalism is 2012 American Freedom Party presidential candidate Merlin Miller. Miller will be conducting an all-day workshop to help build alternative media, with an emphasis on motion picture insights

Merlin Miller and screenwriting tools. It will take place in Gatlinburg, Tennessee on June 7th. For more information go to http:/ / . . . . . . . . . . . . A candidate for office worth supporting is David Macko, who is running for the House of Representatives in Ohio’s 14th District as a balloted Libertarian. Macko is not only a libertarian but a long-time dedicated supporter of America First issues and organizations. His website is Help him with a donation by mailing it to Macko for Liberty, P.O. Box 39233, Solon, OH 44139 . . . . . . . . . . . . When contrived national insanity erupted over NBA owner Donald Sterling’s private comments about blacks, Buchanan wrote: “When nonsense like stupid racial remarks by Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and Clippers boss Donald Sterling can consume the nation’s conversation for a full week, it does raise a far more disturbing question: Is America still a serious country?” . . . . . . . . . The howling anti-White lynch mob that went after Sterling is notable in two regards. First, it illustrated that Americans have no right to privacy now even in their private comments made to

Page 20 The Nationalist Times May 2014 friends and spouses. Everything and anything anyone says can be used to damage them if it doesn’t adhere to the cultural communist party line. Americans are now spied upon not only by the government, but by former friends and lovers, various websites, and other methods designed to harm them as much as possible. And there is no objection to it from the system, which is totalitarian in orientation and whose supporters eagerly want to use it to smash and in some cases even murder their enemies (namely, the “enemies” of liberals mentioned in the excerpts from Jim Goad’s article quoted above along with all other anti-liberals and anti-communists). Secondly, Sterling was portrayed as a “racist White male,” and in some instances as a “Southern White racist,” when in reality he is a liberal, Zionist, Jewish Democrat who even received a “man of the year” award from a branch of the NAACP. Not only Sterling’s Jewishness, but the indescribable hypocrisy of the Jewish establishment when it comes to race and immigration — elimination of the White majority in the U.S. and the West through immigration and psy-war propaganda while rabidly supporting racist, apartheid Israel — was never mentioned, as any public figure doing so would have instantly been as demonized as Sterling. As the anti-NWO Jewish writer Henry Makow ( put it when referring to the treatment given Sterling: “By spinning Jewish racism as White racism, the mass media reflects the real race-hatred: Illuminati Jewish hatred of White Christians and goyim in general” . . . . . . . . . . . The persecution of public figures like Sterling becomes more and more vicious, and is meted out not only to those who criticize blacks or Jews, but also those who upset the homosexuals, perhaps the most powerful of the powerful these days, as a large proportion of wealthy male homosexuals are Jews, as are many powerful “gentile” politicians (including in the Republican Party) and media figures. Brendan Eich, the head of Mozilla, was forced out of his job merely for donating to those trying to pass a referendum in California outlawing homosexual marriage. Digging through publicly filed donor files is why well-known people are reluctant to give money to “controversial” candidates like Ron Paul, and earlier Pat Buchanan, and to groups that oppose America’s homosexual/jewish/ black/feminist/anti-Christian/anti-

White ruling power structure. In the wake of Eich’s resignation, Bill Maher, the half-Jewish comedian who has become wealthy from a career based on hate-filled jokes about Whites and Christians, said on his show Real Time: “There is a gay mafia, if you cross them you do get whacked.” . . . . . . . . . . . . Whether or not one believes the government’s conspiracy theory about 9/11, it is undeniable that it pursued an agenda afterwards of stamping out privacy and freedom in the name of “protecting freedom and democracy.” Similarly, whether or not one buys the government’s conspiracy theory about the Boston Marathon bombing of 2013, it is undeniable that it resulted in what the Daily calls a “creepy autonomous AI CCTV surveillance network” that “watches all of Boston.” Writes Giuseppe Macri of the Daily Caller: “Following the Boston Marathon bombings almost one year ago, the Boston Police Department started looking toward more high-tech means of securing the city against future attacks. They found the solution in the form of an artificially intelligent, self-learning surveillance network that now watches the entire city, and all of its inhabitants. The Texas-based Behavioral Recognition Systems, Inc. (BRS Labs) headed by former Secret Service special agent John Frazzini has a reputation for developing advanced, AI-based surveillance platforms. The system the company built for Boston after the bombings is on the bleeding edge of such technology, and not only watches and analyzes human behavior, but learns from it to identify suspicious or abnormal activity. It actually predict threats by itself, completely free of additional human programming, guidance or monitoring.” George Orwell would be absolutely flabbergasted by the Surveillance State that has been created in “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” Note: The Nationalist Times is in great need of monthly distributors. If you believe this newspaper is worthy of being read by your fellow dispossessed Americans, use the ad on this page to sign up to sell or give away 10 or more copies of each issue. Johnny Appleseeds are needed more than ever!

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