Amber Approved Magazine Winter 2018/2019

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Issue 20 winter 2018












































Cover Shot: Moments Marketing Photography Graphic Design: Fierce Web Designs Stock Photos from ShutterStock and DepositPhotos

Welcome to the winter edition 2018 of Amber Approved Magazine. I am so excited to share some wonderful Canadian companies sharing about some of my favorite products of the season to support your optimal health. These can also be great holiday gifts as well. As we get ready to venture into winter, enjoy wonderful new recipes, health information and a fresh start to 2019.


Amber Approved Magazine is a digital publication with limited print copies available in designated markets. Amber Approved Magazine welcomes all contributions. Amber Approved Magazine assumes no responsibility for content or advertisement. No representation is made as to the accurate hereof and is produced subject to errors and omissions.

Copyright Š 2018 Amber Approved

High-Vibe Health Inc. is local to Calgary and is Alberta’s only certified organic Bone Broth Company. Their passion is people, and the health and well-being of all humans is the driving force behind their nourishing business. After bearing witness to multiple family illnesses, including cancer, heart disease, and chronic inflammation disorders, founder of High-Vibe Health, Chrystal Chau, made a heart conscious decision to use the high-vibrational power of whole foods, traditional foods, and plant medicine to help nourish herself, her family, and her local community. Through High-Vibe Health, Chrystal continues to honor ancient food preparation and practices by creating clean, local, organic, mineral and nutrient-dense natural health food products, made with integrity, and with the intention to help educate and nourish the people. High-Vibe products include organic chicken, turkey, beef, bison and pho bone broths, veggie broth for vegans, vegetarians and meat-eaters alike, Chocobroth™, a delicious chocolate bone broth beverage, gluten-free bone broth gravies, Brothsicles™, a sugar-free, fruity bone broth freezie, and Pawsicles™, a bone broth freezie for our furry friends!

Chocobroth Warm up with a steamy cup of our customer favourite – Chocobroth! Crafted with organic beef or grass-fed bison bone broth, almond milk, raw cacao powder, pure maple syrup, pure vanilla, and stevia¬– ¬all clean, all organic, all the time! Top with a dollop of coconut whip and serve in place of the usual sugar laden treats during holiday season. Pick up your decadent, delicious, mineral & collagen-rich Chocobroth at our High-Vibe Health Broth Shop, from one of our amazing retail stockists, or order online to have it delivered straight to your door!


Now Open! High-Vibe Health Broth Shop Stop in for a hot cup of nourishing bone broth, or a cheeky cup of chocobroth to go, or stay a while and enjoy a delicious bowl of bone broth soup! Add in a freshly baked gluten-free tallow biscuit, and finish up with a gluten-free treat! Frozen take-homes also available.

Located in Midnapore at: #233 227 153 Ave SE Calgary, Alberta T2X-2K2

(403) 455-VIBE See you at the Broth Shop!

Liver congestion is one of the most common problems we see in our practice. I had a patient come into my clinic experiencing hormonal imbalances. She was having heavy, painful, irregular periods and by improving her liver function we were able to regulate her periods with normal flow and no pain. I think many people underestimate the power of a well-functioning liver. The liver filters 2L of blood every minute. Liver enzymes breakdown unwanted chemicals so that they can be harmlessly released or bound to molecules that render then inactive and easier to excrete.

1. DETOXIFICATION. The primary role of the liver is to process and help move unwanted chemicals out of the body. If the liver is not functioning at its best then toxins are accumulating in different tissues in the body and this can lead to a host of other problems in the body.

2. HORMONAL BALANCE. The liver is where the hormones are metabolized. Liver makes cholesterol and cholesterol is the building block of all your hormones including hormones for your ovaries including estrogen and progesterone, hormones for your adrenal glands including cortisone and adrenaline, and hormones for your thyroid. Therefore if there is any type of hormonal imbalance in the body, then we also need to evaluate liver function.

3. CLEAR SKIN. When the liver is not functioning at its best, then the body uses a secondary organ of detoxification, which is often the skin because the skin is the largest organ. So if you are experiencing any skin issues including acne, rosacea, rashes, itchy or blotchy skin, then it may be related to liver issues. Get the liver functioning better and skin issues will clear up!!

4. BETTER DIGESTION. The liver processes nutrients absorbed from the small intestines. If the liver is congested then people will often experience abdominal bloating. The liver also plays a role is bile production, which is needed to digest fats. If a person is having difficulty properly digesting fats, then it can be related to the liver not functioning optimally.

5. DECREASED INFLAMMATION. When the liver is functioning well, the body is better able to move unwanted chemicals, toxic loads and inflammatory factors out of the body, therefore these chemicals or toxins or inflammatory factors will not move into the tissues and cause inflammation.

6. BETTER SLEEP. The liver is the most biologically active between 1-3am, therefore if you are waking up between 1-3am this can be a sign that the liver is congested and if you work on improving your liver function then you can improve your sleep.

7. IMPROVED ENERGY. If the liver is functioning efficiently and able to effectively move unwanted substances out of the body then the body can function better and this overall helps to improve our energy.

The foods you can be eating that will help to improve your liver function are foods from the Brassica family (cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, kale), lemons, Artichoke, dandelion and the herb turmeric.

Dr. Melina Roberts (@drmelinaroberts) is a Naturopathic Doctor, Author of Building a Healthy Child and Clinic Director of Advanced Naturopathic Medical Centre in Calgary. She is a leading authority in the field of naturopathic medicine specializing in European Biological Medicine effectively treating digestive issues, chronic disease and cancer.

With winter, comes dryness. Extremes of temperature as we venture outside puts our skin through its paces. Combine that with the fact that our cold, winter air is a greedy bugger, trying to strip your skin of moisture. Heels crack, lips chap, cuticles bleed and our skin is in a general state of unhappiness. Good news is we have regulating mechanisms built in to try and prevent this from happening. I’m talking about our sebaceous glands.

Let’s learn about these often villainized citizens of your corpus: Sebaceous glands release sebum into the hair follicle that migrates to the skin’s surface. Their activity is really sensitive to hormonal changes (androgens, corticosteroids, substance P, cytokines, etc.) as well as external pressures (like the weather). Sebum. Seems like an ugly word. It is an important component of the skin as it helps create a protective layer that helps our skin resist dehydration and is important in establishing the pH of the skin surface – which is slightly acidic. Acidity is good in this case as a lower pH discourages infection (bacteria and viruses) and this “acid mantle” (AKA barrier) helps protect us.

Things can go wrong. Follicles can get plugged, oil can be over produced, hormones go wonky. Combine these and you get problems (blackheads, whiteheads, nodules, etc.). So how do you prevent things from going wrong?

1. Stay hydrated – inside and out. 2.

Gently wash your face with a mild cleanser that cleans vs strips your skin. As well, what is in your cleanser may also be a problem. A notorious baddy is sodium laurel sulfate (SLS) which, in our opinion, not only strips your skin of a lot of the inherent goodness, but it also is wildly known to be a skin irritant that won’t help that acne problem. Looking for ideas? we recommend You sure Clean Up Nice! Face and Body Wash because we make it, it is gentle enough to bathe our babies with yet it is powerful enough to wash off stubborn makeup… so it is just awesome). As well, watch your water temperature. The hotter the water, the harsher washing can be on your skin, no matter the cleanser.


Moisturize. After you wash your face, you likely washed away all of that that sebum. That’s a good thing as it was likely a little old and a little dirty. Thing is, now that it is gone, it needs to be replaced and your body doesn’t work that fast. So you need to moisturize. Choose one that contains simple ingredients and penetrates your skin. Avoid mineral oil and petroleum based moisturizers as they just sit on the skin. Here again our Rub it in Why Don’t Ya! Hand and Body Lotion is a yearlong staple. The fact that we use locally sourced, unrefined, fair trade ingredients, Rub it in Why Don’t Ya! is EWG Verified™ as being safe and it is abundant in essential fatty acids that can act directly to decrease inflammation, it would be hard to find a more value-packed product on the market.

Stay warm friends and take care of your skin!

Prairie Naturals has been helping create beautiful, healthy hair naturally, since the early 1990’s. As a family owned and operated business, health and environmental responsibility has been a primary focus behind product development. Founder and owner, Robert Pierce, recognizes the strong connection between our health and the health of our planet. It is his mission to create clean, nonpolluting hair care formulas that do not harm the people who use them or the planet. With more than 40 products for all hair types, Prairie Naturals offers a range of exceptional salon quality formulas made with love in the beautiful Okanagan Valley. We source only the finest ingredients and organic botanicals to create glorious, healthy hair with no dangerous ingredients. Prairie Naturals Hair Care Products contain no: SLS, parabens, phthalates, MEA, DEA, TEA, xenoestrogens, propylene glycol, synthetic colours, artificial fragrances, or mineral oil.

Non-GMO Gluten-Free Vegan Cruelty-Free

Digestive enzymes can help! Without adequate enzymes available to the body at meal time; protein putrefies, fat turns rancid, carbohydrates ferment, and the fibre in fruits and vegetables does not properly release trapped vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients for absorption. The result is a heavy feeling in the stomach, gas, cramps, bloating and either constipation, diarrhea or both. These symptoms indicate inadequate enzyme production by the digestive system and improper nutrient absorption. Holiday meals tend to be eaten in large amounts. The more food you cram into your stomach, especially carbohydrates, sugars, fructose and lactose, the more gas that is produced. This gas creates pressure on the esophageal sphincter (the muscle that closes off the top of the stomach & keeps digested food down where it belongs) by pushing the stomach up. When the pressure is great enough, food and acid will back up, causing heartburn. Carbohydrate-digesting enzymes along with the lactose-digesting enzyme lactase (Lactaid) can aid in breaking down the complex starches and sugar, helping to prevent discomfort from bloating and gas. Holiday foods are generally high in dairy, fat, and alcohol which can cause liver congestion, and weight gain. Liver congestion can produce a heavy feeling in the stomach and often nausea upon awakening. Fatty foods slow down digestion and can trigger reflux. The fat-digesting enzyme lipase supports the liver in its ability to break down fats. Most holiday treats contain hard-to-digest proteins such as the dairy proteins and the gluten proteins found in wheat, barley and rye. When proteins are not properly broken down into amino acids, they tend to form a paste in the bowel causing constipation. Or they irritate the lining of the intestines, causing a flushing action that often leads to diarrhea. Protease or protein-digesting enzymes can help to break down most proteins, especially the turkey, ham or most meat-based protein. However, special protein-digesting enzymes are needed for foods containing gluten and dairy. Both Peptidase DPP IV (a special type of protease), and Kiwi extracts with standardized protease enzyme content, are known to be effective for breaking down dairy and gluten proteins and relieving constipation and symptoms of IBS. Holiday foods are usually low in fibre. Low-fibre foods tend to aggravate constipation and do not provide the right environment for healthy intestinal bacteria to flourish. Enzyme supplements can provide fibre-digesting enzymes to help.

Holiday stress triggered by mall shopping, cooking, cleaning, travel, and family visits can cause upset stomach and heartburn. During stress, and the flight or fight responses, enzyme production is significantly decreased. Many people cope with stress by overeating and drinking too much.

Improve Your Digestion with Enzymes Excessive eating can overwhelm the body’s ability to produce sufficient enzymes, but it is possible to improve digestion by adding an all-purpose digestive enzyme supplement at the beginning of a meal. A supplemental enzyme formula should incorporate a variety of plant-based enzymes to ensure complete and proper digestion. Plant-based enzymes are more active, versatile and effective throughout the entire digestive tract. They can perform their enzymatic activity across a wider range of acidity and alkalinity within the body.

RoseMarie Pierce, B.Sc.Pharm, earned her degree in Pharmacy from Dalhousie University in 1972. After extensive studies in herbal and nutritional medicine, RoseMarie integrated these disciplinary practices with her pharmacy education to become Canada’s first Holistic Pharmacist.

Collagen is a protein that our body naturally synthesizes in very large amounts – about 3kgs of your body mass is collagen. It’s the most abundant protein in our body and it provides structure and strength in our skin, bones, joint tissues and major organs. At age 25, our body’s ability to synthesize collagen begins to slowly decline. That decline intensifies as the years pass and then drops off drastically as we hit middle age. We see and feel the manifestations of depleted collagen when our skin wrinkles and loses tone, our joints become painful and arthritic, cartilage and ligaments deteriorate, and we lose bone density. Supplementing with a high-quality marine collagen can combat these symptoms. DeepMarine makes a 100% made-in-Canada marine collagen peptide from the skin and scale of wild-caught fish. These collagen peptides, often referred to as super-foods, are highly absorbable through the gut lining. They have strong anti-inflammatory action, antioxidant action and also stimulate the body’s collagen producing cells to replace lost collagen. Restoring collagen levels and reducing inflammation in the body creates remarkable improvements for people suffering from inflammatory bowel problems, joint pain from osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis and provides relieve for people with inflammation-based skin problems like eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. DeepMarine’s Canadian collagen also helps to heal difficult wounds like pressure ulcers. Age related skin changes provide a good example of tissue changes as collagen declines. When collagen is lost the skin weakens, wrinkles, becomes loose and fragile and is less able to hold moisture. With daily use of DeepMarine, fine lines fade away, skin hydration increases and skin tone evens out for an overall healthier, younger look.

As collagen synthesis declines, we see similar deterioration in other tissues, including joints and bones. In joints the articular cartilage, which covers the ends of bones and facilitates smooth joint motion, degenerates creating pain and inflammation - the hallmarks of osteoarthritis. DeepMarine’s Canadian Collagen is especially effective at reducing inflammation and increasing collagen in joint tissues which significantly reduces joint pain and improves joint function.

Because DeepMarine Collagen is made from start to finish in Canada, customers can be assured that they are consuming a collagen that is produced using the highest quality ingredients and that manufacturing adheres to the world’s strictest health and safety standards. Our premium collagen provides you with a pure, clean, 100% natural solution to reduce joint pain, improve bone density, reduce symptoms from inflammatory gut and inflammatory skin conditions as well as provide effective anti-aging benefits.

The holiday season brings together family and what seems like endless Christmas music and eggnog. But along with quality family time comes stress and overindulgence. Between holidays parties, shopping, cooking and entertaining relatives, we lose sight of our self-care routine and may feel burnt out. Take control of the holiday season with a little planning and self-care routine.

SLEEP We may feel inclined to stay up late and skip on a few hours of sleep, but sleep is essential especially during the busy times. Ensure you get adequate amount of rest every night and avoid technology an hour before bed time. For quality sleep, eliminate caffeine after 2pm, lay off the eggnog and treats before bed, as it’s been shown to disrupt your sleep.

EXERCISE One of the things we tend to put on the back burner during the holidays is our exercise regimen. Between holiday parties and running errands, we struggle to find the time to exercise. But it doesn’t have to be a struggle. Exercise has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood and concentration, and combat depression. So why would it be the first thing we skip on? If you cannot commit to a consistent one-hour workout, opt for any type of movement. It can be as simple as a 15-minute walk outside or light stretches throughout the day.

COZY UP WITH PUDUS SLIPPER SOCKS Pudus Slipper Socks are an ideal final touch to bringing comfort and warmth this holiday season. Pudus have a faux-fur lining on the inside that keeps your feet warm and dry. Pudus are small luxuries that are great for relaxing during the busy holiday season. Pudus are here to keep your feet comfortable so you can focus on enjoying the precious moments. We cannot stop winter from coming, but we can prepare ourselves with Pudus that will keep us warm, relaxed, and comfortable. Skipping on sleep and exercise, and not taking time for yourself to recharge will not make you or your family happier or healthier over the holidays. Making time for yourself, even for as little as 30 minutes will make all the difference.

Your Guide to Getting Through the Holidays The holidays are fast approaching and soon your schedule will be filled with family get togethers, holiday shopping and unlimited eggnog. To get through the busiest time of year, we’ve put together some must-haves to keep you energized and relaxed.

Dr. Segal’s Energy Socks Traditionally, compression socks have been perceived to be only worn by the elderly. However, everyday millions of people go home after a long day of sitting or standing longing to take off their shoes and finally put their feet up. Dr. Segal’s, the first to market fashionable compression socks, brings effective relief to those people who suffer from tired, achy, swollen legs everyday by improving circulation. This holiday season, stay ahead of the game and stay energized with your own fun pair of compression socks.

Fuel with nutrient-dense foods Between holiday shopping and travelling from one party of the next, it can feel as though you’ve been running without taking a moment to refuel. We often opt for a chocolate bar hoping it’ll keep us going but soon realize our energy is crashing. Before you head out, make sure to pack a few nutrient-rich snacks for sustained energy. Here are a few snack ideas: Protein Bars, Mixed Nuts, Hummus and Pre-cut Veggies.

Stay Hydrated Staying hydrated can feel impossible with all of the holiday parties and running endless errands. Staying well hydrated will help boost energy by restoring vital nutrients, relieve headaches and constipation by improving digestive health, and helps fight infection. During the cooler months, we are less prone to drinking water compared to the warmer days. To keep you on track, keep a water bottle handy and refill as you go. You can also set a timer in your phone should you need the reminder.

Reflect Take a moment to away from the chaos to appreciate what you currently have in your life. The end of year is a busy time for everyone and often passes us in a flash. Take note of how you are feeling, list out what you are grateful for and take a moment to appreciate the people in your life.

Dr. Segal’s Energy Socks Traditionally, compression socks have been perceived to be only worn by the elderly. However, everyday millions of people go home from work after a long day of sitting or standing longing to take off their shoes and finally put their feet up. Dr. Segal’s, the first to market fashionable compression socks, brings effective relief to those people who suffer from tired, achy, swollen legs everyday by improving circulation. This holiday season, give the gift of energy with Dr. Segal’s Energy Socks. Available in fun and colourful patterns that won’t compromise your style.

Healthy Chef Delivery™, operating since 2011, is a local Calgary online company offering a full range of prepared organic meals delivered to your home or office. Your health is our #1 concern. Everything we do is designed for your health and a sustainable Alberta. As a local Calgary company, we do things differently than other online companies. Our focus is on personal customer service, improving your quality of life, building a healthy and strong Alberta, and making a difference in our community. We provide you with the widest range of organic meals to satisfy your palate, make your life easier and improve your quality of life. When you choose Healthy Chef Delivery™ you reap the benefits of health, great tasting food, and contributing to a strong Alberta food chain. Our Red Seal Chef sources organic, local and natural products of the highest quality and then delightfully weaving these ingredients into delicious, nutritious meals for you. Each meal is nutritionally balanced and we use the ‘common sense’ approach in our recipes. We make each meal as if it were for our family, with healthy food that loves you back.

Judy Dahm, the founder and CEO of Healthy Chef Delivery, had borderline diabetes as a teenager, and learned pretty quickly how important food choices are to health. Judy learned to prepare and enjoy meals that were healthy, delicious, nutritious, and balanced. In Judy’s corporate life and leadership coaching career, it became clear how challenging it can be for people to lead healthy lifestyles. Eating properly is a foundation to a healthy and stress free life. That is why we do what we do. We provide beautifully designed meals: simple to order, reducing food waste, saving money and time and giving you confidence to live your best life. We choose the highest quality whole food ingredients, prepare from scratch, blend our own spices, lightly use sea salt and only healthy fats. Healthy meals are nutrient dense, contain high levels fibre and act as a slow burning fuel in your body, therefore more satisfying and better for you. The majority of our meals are gluten free, dairy free and sugar free. We offer a wide range of proteins, complex carbohydrates and fresh vegetable choices for you. You will feel great, improve your health and vitality, and save time and energy! Our customers include singles, families, seniors, new mothers, those with special diet requirements, busy working folks, fit and diet conscious adults. Our customers of all ages, tell us how much they love the meals, and that they can count on the taste and the quality, every time!

With the holidays coming up, consider this: • Gift Certificates for Christmas! Give the gift of health with a Healthy Chef Delivery Gift Certificate. Guaranteed to be a winner, as people love receiving the gift of healthy food! • Have a few Healthy Chef Meals in your freezer so you will have a healthy meal available on those busy days! • Check us out at or give Judy a call at 403-265-2433 We look forward to serving you soon!

Botanica is a curator of great nutrition, herbal medicine, and a mindful lifestyle. They create some of the world’s finest superfoods and herbal products to achieve that goal, while promising three things: 1. Whole Plant Ingredients Botanica curates the best ingredients from around the world and always uses the whole herb and ingredient, never isolates or synthetics. They also never add any fillers, artificial ingredients, preservatives, or colours. 2. A Rigorous Craft Process Botanica takes pride in every detail – from where their ingredients are sourced, how they’re grown, and how they are made – all to ensure the best absorption, the best bioavailability, the highest concentration, and the greatest purity and potency. 3. Herbal Traditions They use herbs and superfoods that have seen centuries of traditional use, perfected over time. Some of my favourite products from Botanica are their three amazing superfood latte blends. All three are made with certified organic ingredients and are also vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free, sugar-free, and non-GMO, while also checking off all three of the Botanica promises. All three are made in small batches and are of course free from any fillers and artificial ingredients.

Turmeric Golden Mylk Botanica’s original blend is a modern take on a traditional Ayurvedic beverage. Made from a whole food blend of turmeric, dates, coconut, cardamom, ashwagandha, black pepper, and cinnamon and containing 2000mg of turmeric per serving.

Chocolate Turmeric Golden Mylk Also a modern take on a traditional Ayurvedic beverage, this blend contains 1000mg of turmeric per serving. It is made from a whole food blend of turmeric, cocoa, dates, coconut, vanilla, ashwagandha, black pepper, and the added decadence of chocolate. Reishi Hot Chocolate Containing a therapeutic dose of Reishi mushroom with 1500mg of Reishi per serving, Botanica’s Reishi Hot Chocolate is a modern take on a traditional favourite to support a healthy stress response and relaxation. It’s made from a whole food blend of cocoa, dates, reishi, chocolate, and coconut. They use the entire Reishi mushroom – mycelium and fruiting body – to capture all the benefits of this amazing plant. Their Reishi mushroom is sourced from the Pacific Northwest of the USA and grown in a protected environment, organically grown, and tested for herbicides, pesticides, and heavy metals to ensure its purity.

Chocolate Turmeric Golden Mylk Botanica’s Chocolate Turmeric Golden Mylk is a modern take on a traditional ayurvedic beverage with 1000mg of Turmeric per serving. Made from a whole food blend of turmeric, cocoa, dates, coconut, vanilla, ashwagandha and black pepper. Now enjoy it with the added decadence of chocolate. Made in small batches, free from any fillers and artificial ingredients. It’s also certified organic, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, non-GMO, and soy-free. Turmeric Golden Mylk Botanica Turmeric Golden Mylk is a modern take on a traditional Ayurvedic beverage. Made from a whole food blend of turmeric, dates, coconut, cardamom, ashwagandha, black pepper, and cinnamon. It also includes 2000mg of turmeric per serving and is made in small batches, free from any fillers and artificial ingredients. It’s also certified organic, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, non-GMO, and soyfree. Reishi Hot Chocolate Upgrade your afternoon or evening ritual with Botanica’s Reishi Hot Chocolate, a modern take on a traditional favourite to support a healthy stress response and relaxation. Made from a whole food blend of cocoa, dates, reishi, chocolate, and coconut. It includes 1500mg of Reishi per serving and uses the whole Reishi mushroom – mycelium and fruiting body – to capture all the benefits of this amazing plant. Sourced from the Pacific Northwest of the USA and grown in a protected environment, Botanica Reishi mushrooms are organically grown and tested for herbicides, pesticides, and heavy metals to ensure its purity. It’s also certified organic, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, nonGMO, and soy-free. Reishi Hot Chocolate 1500mg of Reishi per serving Turmeric Golden Mylk 2000mg of Turmeric per serving Chocolate Turmeric Golden Mylk 1000mg of Turmeric per serving All three are: Made with whole food, organic ingredients, Vegan, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free, Stevia-Free, Made in small batches, free from any fillers and artificial ingredients.

MegaFood creates premium supplements that support organic and regenerative agriculture for a healthy, sustainable future. Their premium supplements are made with real food from trusted farm partners. MegaFood believes that the more real your supplements are, the better your body can be. That’s why their supplements are made with real foods from trusted farm partners and added nutrients, so you can nourish your body and taste buds with deliciously real gummy vitamins. Their new gummy vitamins are made with real, whole foods sourced from farm fresh partners to deliver a range of health-promoting compounds. You can even SEE the real bits of food in the gummies (and taste it too of course!). There is no artificial or added colours, flavours, or preservatives and they’re free from gelatin, gluten, dairy, and soy. Plus, they’re easy to chew and swallow, perfect for anyone who has trouble swallowing large pills or tablets.

AND they’re available in FOUR different varieties: D3 Wellness Mixed Fruit Made with fresh-picked organic oranges, tangy cranberries, Quebec blueberries and spicy ginger root to give these MegaFood gummies a real boost in flavour and colour. This combination creates a seriously mouthwatering flavour you’ll look forward to eating every day, while 1000 IU (25 mcg) of FoodState Vitamin D supports bone, muscle and immune health. C Defense Tangy Citrus Each serving of Gummy C Defense Tangy Citrus provides 180 mg of FoodState Vitamin C to help support immune health, while juicy, farm-fresh organic oranges give these MegaFood gummies an authentic citrus flavor (and colour!). Organic berries and ginger round out the formula to provide additional antioxidant compounds. B12 Energy Cranberry Each serving of Gummy C Defense Tangy Citrus provides 180 mg of FoodState Vitamin C to help support immune health, while juicy, farm-fresh organic oranges give these MegaFood gummies an authentic citrus flavor (and colour!). Organic berries and ginger round out the formula to provide additional antioxidant compounds.

B12 Energy Ginger Each serving of Gummy C Defense Tangy Citrus provides 180 mg of FoodState Vitamin C to help support immune health, while juicy, farm-fresh organic oranges give these MegaFood gummies an authentic citrus flavor (and colour!). Organic berries and ginger round out the formula to provide additional antioxidant compounds.

Made with real foods to nourish your body and taste buds with deliciously real gummies. Contain absolutely no: o o o o o

Gelatin Artificial flavours/colours/sweeteners Preservatives Sugar coating Gluten, dairy, or soy

Product Descriptions: • D3 Wellness Mixed Fruit: MegaFood Gummies are made with real, whole foods sourced from farm fresh partners to deliver a range of health-promoting compounds— no artificial or added colours, flavours or preservatives, period—plus they’re easy to chew and swallow. Fresh-picked Florida oranges, Wisconsin cranberries, Quebec blueberries and Kauai ginger root give MegaFood gummies a real boost in flavour and colour, while 1000 IU (25 mcg) of FoodState Vitamin D supports bone, muscle and immune health. • C Defense Tangy Citrus: MegaFood Gummies are made with real, whole foods sourced from farm fresh partners to deliver a range of health-promoting compounds— no artificial or added colours, flavours or preservatives, period—plus they’re easy to chew and swallow. Each serving of Gummy C Defense Tangy Citrus provides 180 mg of FoodState Vitamin C to help support immune health, while juicy, farm-fresh oranges give MegaFood gummies an authentic citrus flavor (and colour!) and provide complementary cofactors. • B12 Energy Cranberry: MegaFood Gummies are made with real, whole foods sourced from farm fresh partners to deliver a range of health-promoting compounds— no artificial or added colors, flavors or preservatives, period—plus they’re easy to chew and swallow. 24 mcg of B12 help support cellular energy levels and production; tart, farm-fresh cranberry gives MegaFood gummies real berry flavour (and colour!). • B12 Energy Ginger: MegaFood Gummies are made with real, whole foods sourced from farm fresh partners to deliver a range of health-promoting compounds—no artificial or added colours, flavours or preservatives, period. These Ginger B12 gummies deliver a unique and yummy ginger root zing. Not too spicy—just right! Plus, B12 helps support cellular energy levels and production.

Ollia Macarons and Tea is a boutique patisserie local to Calgary that specializes in classic French Macarons with a modern touch. Ollia was founded by husband and wife duo, David and Lindsay Rousseau, who together saw a vision of creating special moments for others to fit into every day life and memorable occasions. Ollia carries over 20 flavours of handcrafted macarons as well as their own line of organic house blended loose leaf teas. Ollia is also an exclusive carrier of the iconic French ‘Kusmi’ Tea. Ollia hosts a number of monthly classes including a ‘Macaron 101’ baking class and a Tea Blending class. If you are interested in learning how to create your own customized tea blend or are intrigued how classic macarons are made, visit for more class information.

Stay warm and cozy all season long with macaron and tea pairings by Ollia It’s time to cozy up with a fuzzy blanket, crackling fire, good book and a cup of Ollia tea to start hibernating from the cold front that is upon us. We’ve curated a couple seasonal tea based drinks from our looseleaf tea collection that pair perfectly with our signature macarons. Each of these tea and macaron combinations will help you find comfort through the cold and to add some sweetness to the days ahead!

Cinnamon Spice Tea Latte + Gingerbread Macarons Indulge in warm flavours of the season Two Servings / Preparation Time: Five Minutes / Caffeine Level: High

Ingredients Three teaspoons of Ollia’s ‘Cinnamon Spice’ tea (a blend of black tea, cinnamon, star anise, cardamom, cranberry, mango, apple and orange peel) Two cups of boiling water One cup of almond or dairy milk Steps 1. Bring two cups of water to a rolling boil and steep the ‘Cinnamon Spice’ tea for 4 to 5 minutes 2. Heat one cup of almond or dairy milk in a frother or in a pot and whisk until frothy 3. Pour tea into a mug and add the frothed milk on top. Sip and enjoy this warm tea latte! Pair this tea latte with a Gingerbread flavoured macaron from Ollia. This limited edition treat is a holiday favourite that tastes just like a soft and chewy gingerbread cookie… and it is gluten free! Ollia’s Holiday Collection of macarons will be available in store and to pre-order starting Nov. 1

Berry Blush Tea + Matcha and Raspberry Macarons A berry sweet combination to revive and hydrate Two Servings / Preparation Time: Five Minutes / Caffeine Level: Caffeine Free

Ingredients Three teaspoons of Ollia’s ‘Berry Blush’ tea (a blend of honeybush, hibiscus, lemongrass, saskatoon berry, cranberry, raspberry, peach, citrus peel, linden flowers, strawberry and cherry) Two cups of boiling water Honey or sugar based on your sweetness preference Steps 1. Bring two cups of water to a rolling boil and steep the ‘Berry Blush’ tea for 4 to 5 minutes 2. Strain the tea from the water and pour into your favourite teacup. Taste test this berry delicious tea and add in honey or sugar to determine your sweetness preference. This fruity herbal tea is filled with fruit antioxidants to keep your health and hydration happy though the cold months. Try pairing this tea with with two favoured macarons, Matcha and Raspberry. Each of these macaron flavours are available regularly in store or to pre-order. Matcha is filled with a white chocolate ganache infused with matcha powder. The popular raspberry macaron is filled with a raspberry white chocolate ganache and a raspberry fruit puree centre. Macarons stay fresh for approximately three days when kept in the fridge in an airtight container. Macarons are also freezable for up to one month! They are the perfect treats to fulfill your sweet cravings. To view our full flavour menu and find out what seasonal macarons are currently available


Catching seasonal bugs can often feel like a given reality each year. But what if you could avoid coming down with one at all, or at least only catch it once a year? I’m sure you would also appreciate reducing the intensity when you do get sick and being able to recover much more quickly afterwards. It has been my goal over the last 20 years, as I have explored many different strategies, foods and supplements, to minimize and avoid these dreaded seasonal sicknesses. What I’ve found, is that there doesn’t seem to be any ONE single magic remedy. The best approach I have found, in addition to a healthy lifestyle of clean eating, exercise and proper rest, has been to add in certain immune boosting foods such as medicinal mushrooms, probiotic ferments and vitamin-C rich berries like rose-hips and camu camu. As well as taking elderberry syrup, drinking herbal teas, tinctures and broths when you feel like something might be coming on. However, another very effective remedy I’ve been using to support my immune system that I’d like to share with you, is a very potent liquid you can shoot as a shot and/or use as a “hot sauce”. This is a powerful recipe you can make at home with very common and accessible kitchen ingredients. From my personal experience I have dubbed it: One of the Most Effective (& Flavourful) Remedies for Cold’s, Flu’s & more. It is known in Western herbal traditions as ‘Fire Cider’. This wonderfully delicious & very effective recipe is a kitchen remedy that can be made to suit your tastes and with the ingredients you have on hand. You can get a bonus remedy, by dehydrating the left-overs to yield a powdered spicy seasoning mix you can sprinkle on your food anytime - for extra flavour and good measure!

1/2 cup diced onions 3-4 Tbsp diced garlic 3-4 Tbsp diced ginger 1-2 Tbsp diced turmeric (optional) Fresh or dried chili’s Fresh or dried herbs - rosemary, oregano, thyme... Spices - coriander, black pepper, etc‌ Raw Apple Cider Vinegar 2-3 Tbsp Honey Optional Additions: Slices of citrus like orange or grapefruit wedges (skin on) 1/2 cup fresh horseradish root

Further Upgrades & Variations Use a kombucha or jun vinegar instead of apple cider vinegar Add in liquid from your probiotic pickle or kraut juice Use propolis honey or other medicinal honeys for further benefit Add some superfood, herbal and/or medicinal mushroom powders like chaga, echinacea, camu camu, etc‌ How to Prepare: Pack all diced and chopped ingredients except honey and vinegar in a jar, and press down well. Place a fermentation weight, stone or another smaller mason jar on top of the veggies to hold them down as you pour apple cider vinegar over top so everything is submerged in the vinegar. It is important to have everything submerged under the liquid and not exposed to the air. Let this sit for 2-4 weeks at room temperature - the longer it sits the better, as all the good, healing properties will be extracted into the vinegar. Once ready, strain through a fine-mesh strainer or nut milk bag to separate the liquid and plant fiber. Add your honey to the strained liquid and place in a jar. This liquid is your ‘fire cider’ which you can use as a shot or seasoning for soups, salads and sauces. The remaining plant matter you can use as an addition to soup, or as a fresh minced spicy vegetable paste OR spread it out on a dehydrator or baking sheet, and dehydrate, which you can then powder and use as a seasoning, sprinkling on any dish you want. Storage - both the fire cider and the powder can be kept at room temperature or in the fridge for months and months at a time.

Malcolm Saunders mission is to help you connect more deeply to your food. He has worked in the field of food and nutrition for close to 20 years and is the owner & creative visionary of the Light Cellar. Malcolm is an expert who specializes in sharing the alchemy of superfoods and superherbs. Through his videos, workshops and seminars he has helped thousands of individuals recreate their relationship to food. You can connect with him in person at Light Cellar in Calgary or on social media through @lightcellar and @themalchemist

How to Enjoy: Fire cider is a delicious addition to any soup, as seasoning in sauces, dressings and marinades or try adding to cocktails like Ceasar’s. Fire cider can be taken as a shot anytime before or with a meal to help increase digestion. You can take fire cider at the first sign of a cold or flu to help boost your immune system, as well as even when you’re sick to help decrease symptoms and shorten the length of your sickness. Fire cider is so delicious you can simply pour a little in a glass and enjoy straight or add water to dilute. Fire cider in a tincture bottle is easy and convenient way to carry around your remedy to flavour up your meals out or kept in a bag or purse to dose up throughout the day. The key to help avoid or reduce colds and flus is to take shots of it regularly throughout the day.


K Ingredients: 1 cup 100% pure dark chocolate (unsweetened) ½ cup honey ¼ cup goji berries ¼ cup almonds ¼ cup shredded unsweetened coconut ¼ cup crushed up “wholesome brand” candy canes

Instructions: 1. In a medium size pot over medium heat melt dark chocolate. 2. Add honey and when it comes to a boil and bubbles while mixing turn off heat. 3. In a 9x9 pan add a piece of parchment and pour the mixture onto the parchment. 4. Let set in the fridge to slightly harden and once the bark is still soft and a bit sticky bring out and sprinkle on remaining ingredients and freeze for 1 hour. 5. Slice into pieces and enjoy!

Notes: Love this recipe? Use the social media buttons below to share with your friends! If you are not yet signed up for the Amber Approved Magazine get more amazing recipes by signing up here:

Special Thanks To: Amaranth Whole Foods in Calgary for supplying the beautiful ingredients to create these recipes. Be sure to visit one of their locations and check out their website at Photo by Jennifer Brazil

WARM CHOCOLATE MATCHA DRI Ingredients: For the chocolate

For the matcha mint

½ cup unsweetened coconut milk 1 tbsp maple syrup 2 tsp cacao powder 1 tsp vanilla powder 1 tbsp coconut cream

½ cup unsweetened coconut milk ½ tbsp maple syrup ½ tsp matcha powder ½ tsp organic peppermint extract 1 tbsp coconut cream

Instructions: 1. In one medium size pot over medium heat add all cacao powder and a small amount of milk to make a paste, and then add the rest of the ½ cup coconut milk and milk cacao in well. 2. Add the rest of the ingredients for the chocolate part of the drink and pour into your mug. 3. Wash your pot or in a new medium size pot over medium heat, add all ingredients for the matcha mint layer and heat until simmering. 4. Once simmering, turn off heat and add to the chocolate drink for your chocolate match mint drink! Notes: Love this recipe? Use the social media buttons below to share with your friends! If you are not yet signed up for the Amber Approved Magazine get more amazing recipes by signing up here:

Special Thanks To: Amaranth Whole Foods in Calgary for supplying the beautiful ingredients to create these recipes. Be sure to visit one of their locations and check out their website at Photo by Jennifer Brazil



Ingredients: 1 cup unsweetened coconut milk 1 tsp cinnamon ½ tsp nutmeg 1 tbsp honey 2 tbsp coconut cream 1 tsp vanilla powder 1 Cinnamon stick

Instructions: 1. In a medium size pot over medium heat add coconut milk, honey and coconut cream and whisk well. 2. Whisk in vanilla powder and spices and bring to a simmer. 3. Once simmering turn heat off, pour into your favorite mug and add a cinnamon stick!

Notes: Love this recipe? Use the social media buttons below to share with your friends! If you are not yet signed up for the Amber Approved Magazine get more amazing recipes by signing up here:

Special Thanks To: Amaranth Whole Foods in Calgary for supplying the beautiful ingredients to create these recipes. Be sure to visit one of their locations and check out their website at Photo by Jennifer Brazil

WARM MATCHA MINT DRINK Ingredients: 1 cup unsweetened coconut milk 1 tbsp honey 1 tsp organic peppermint extract 2 tbsp coconut cream ½ tsp matcha powder

Instructions: 1. In a medium pot over medium heat add coconut milk, honey, peppermint extract and coconut cream and mix well. 2. Add matcha and mix in until any small lumps of matcha are well blended and let come to a simmer. 3. Turn off heat and serve in your favorite mug!

Notes: Love this recipe? Use the social media buttons below to share with your friends! If you are not yet signed up for the Amber Approved Magazine get more amazing recipes by signing up here:

Special Thanks To: Amaranth Whole Foods in Calgary for supplying the beautiful ingredients to create these recipes. Be sure to visit one of their locations and check out their website at Photo by Jennifer Brazil


K Ingredients: 1 cup coconut butter ½ cup coconut oil ½ cup honey ¼ cup cranberries ¼ cup pecans ¼ cup shredded unsweetened coconut ¼ cup cacao nibs

Instructions: 1. In a medium size pot over medium heat melt coconut oil and butter. 2. Add honey and when it comes to a boil and bubbles while mixing turn off heat. 3. In a 9x9 pan add a piece of parchment and pour the mixture onto the parchment. 4. Let set in the fridge to slightly harden and once the bark is still soft and a bit sticky bring out and sprinkle on remaining ingredients and freeze for 1 hour. 5. Slice into pieces and enjoy!

Notes: Love this recipe? Use the social media buttons below to share with your friends! If you are not yet signed up for the Amber Approved Magazine get more amazing recipes by signing up here:

Special Thanks To: Amaranth Whole Foods in Calgary for supplying the beautiful ingredients to create these recipes. Be sure to visit one of their locations and check out their website at Photo by Jennifer Brazil

Chocolate Berry Torte This is one of those easy recipes that when served looks impressive.

Chocolate Cake:

1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1 cup boiling water 1/2 cup vegan butter (such as Earth Balance) 1 cup coconut sugar 1/4 cup maple syrup 2 large eggs 1 1/4 cup Bob’s Red Mill 1 to 1 gluten free flour blend 1 tsp baking powder


3 cups frozen cherries 1/4 cup water 2 Tbsp maple syrup 1/2 Tbsp arrowroot starch Or use any type of fresh fruit for the filling and topping such as raspberries or strawberries. I liked to top each serving of the torte with whipped coconut cream.

How to prepare:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a deep square baking pan with parchment paper. In a small bowl mix the cocoa powder with the boiling water. Stir until combined. Will be a thick paste. In a standing mixer add the vegan butter with the coconut sugar and mix well. Add the maple syrup and eggs and mix. Scape the sides of the bowl to incorporate all ingredients. Increase speed on mixer and beat for a minute. Add the dry ingredients and mix on low until combined. Increase speed and beat the batter on high for 2-3 minutes. This gets a lot of air into the batter thus helping the batter to rise more when baking. Pour batter into lined baking pan. Bake in oven for 25-30 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool completely.

For The Filling:

For the filling add the frozen cherries and other ingredients to a small saucepan. Stir. Heat on low/medium for 5-7 minutes. Remove and let cool. .....Or you can use fresh fruit for the filling.

To Serve:

Remove the whole chocolate cake from the pan by lifting the edges of the parchment paper. Slice the cake into serving sizes depending on how many guests or how large you want the servings to be. Slice each serving in 1/2 horizontally to allow you to add a filling. Place bottom of each cake on a plate. Add a bit of fruit filling, then place the top of the cake on. Top with a bit more filling and then coconut cream.

Cobbler Fruit Pie This recipe makes enough filling for 2 regular pie crusts or 1 large pie crust. You can make your favourite pie crust or buy a gluten free pie crust in the grocery store.

Filling: 7 cups frozen fruit ( I like to use a mix of berries like cherries, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries) 1/2 cup maple syrup 1/2 cup coconut sugar 1 Tbsp lemon juice 4 Tbsp arrowroot starch 1 Tbsp vegan butter

Cobbler Topping: 1 1/2 cups Bob’s Red Mill 1 to 1 gluten free flour mix 1/2 cup raw finely chopped nuts (like almonds, pecans, walnuts) 1/2 cup coconut sugar 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 cup vegan melted butter

To Prepare Filling:

In a medium saucepan combine the frozen fruit with the arrowroot starch. Stirring well. Turn heat to low/medium and add the maple syrup, coconut sugar and lemon juice. Stir again. Cook over low/ medium heat for 10-12 minutes. Increase heat to medium and cook for another 5 minutes or until mixture starts to thicken. Remove from heat, add the vegan butter and stir to melt. Cool filling for 10-15 minutes.

To Prepare Cobbler Topping:

In a medium bowl add the dry ingredients and whisk to combine. Add the melted butter and stir until mixture is crumbly.

To assemble pie: Add cooled filling to pie shell. Sprinkle the cobbler mixture over the top of the fruit filling. Place pie in a preheated 350 degree oven for 30-35 minutes. Remove pie from oven and let cool completely. Once cooled put pie in refrigerator to set overnight.

Spiced Bliss Balls Looking for a healthy treat post holiday season? This one is rich in protein and lightly spiced satisfying that craving you might have. No need to drizzle with dark chocolate like I did in the photo. They are super tasty without it.

You will need:

How to prepare:

1 can (19 oz/540 ml) chickpeas, drained 1/4 cup flaxseed 1 Tbsp maple syrup 1/2 cup raw pecans 1/4 cup almond butter 1 Tbsp organic molasses 1 tsp dried ginger 1 tsp cinnamon

In a food processor add the drained chickpeas, flaxseeds and pecans. Process for a few minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients and process until mixture comes together. Use a small ice cream scoop to scoop out the balls. Place in the refrigerator to set and firm. Store in the refrigerator for up to a week.

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