Amber Approved Magazine | July/Aug | Eleventh Edition

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As parents we have a responsibility to take the best care of our children. I know parenting is a tough job, probably the toughest job out there. I want to give you some tips to help you to keep your kids healthy in this fast-paced, ever-changing world. We just need to rediscover the basics. Here are the five ways to keep our kids healthy:

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Eat real food. Our bodies are hardwired to eat real, nutrient-dense food from the earth. The closer it is to coming right out of the earth, the more nutrientdense the food is and the healthier it is for us. Let’s feed our children from the earth, not from a package.

Avoid the toxins. Our foods are filled with chemicals such as herbicides, insecticides, antibiotics, food dyes, additives, preservatives. These synthetic chemicals increase the toxic load in our bodies and our kid’s ability to handle a high amount of toxins from our food and our environment is a lot lower than a fully

mature adult. If our bodies are unable to effectively move these toxins out, then the body puts the toxins into storage in various tissues, which can affect the function of different systems in the body. I suggest to eat organic foods as much as possible, in order to decrease the toxic exposures in our children.


amber approved magazine -

Eleventh Edition

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