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',11(5 :,7+ *,5$))( $ 7$/. :,7+ 1,*+7 6$)$5, &(2 he African-Lanna style building is surrounded by houses of zebras, camels, little horses, giraffes, white tigers and lions. From the relaxed terrace one can enjoy a meal with a 360 degree wildlife exhibition and live music as accompaniments. From the inspiration of the scenes in the film ‘Coming to America’ (1988) and the restaurant in Guangzhou Zoo that exhibits a tiger house at its center, 'U 6DUDZXW 6ULVDNXQD &KLHI ([HFXWLYH 2IĂ€FHU RI &KLDQJ Mai Night Safari, created the Giraffe Restaurant. Giraffe Restaurant is established as a new hangout for families and couples as well as friends who want to KDYH D Ă€QH OXQFK RU GLQQHU ´1LJKW 6DIDUL DLPV WR SD\ back customers through this restaurant. Well priced food in a luxury location with an extraordinary ambience.â€? ´7DVW\ OX[XU\ DQG HFRQRPLFDO SULFHV Âľ VDLG WKH &(2 DERXW WKH FRQFHSW RI *LUDIIH 5HVWDXUDQW ´,¡P VXUH \RX will be surprised by the menu, with dishes starting from RQO\ %DKW , SURPLVH WKDW LI SHRSOH FRPH WR HDW D full course menu, those will not pay over 1,000 Baht for food. We serve premium food with special prices. Even our chef Methee Mahamitr warned some of the dishes on the menu are too low such as premium Australian Beef 6WHDN DW RQO\ %DKW 7KH FKHI WROG PH LI DOO FXVWRPHUV RUGHU WKLV WKH UHVWDXUDQW ZLOO ORVH PRQH\ , VDLG VR EH LW , MXVW ZDQW WR VHUYH SHRSOH WKH EHVW Âľ

Dr. Sarawut Srisakuna

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