Amana Living Annual Report 2012-13

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Annual Report 2012 - 2013

Our Mission To excel in providing Christian care and services in Western Australia to people living the second half of life.

Our Values Compassion — Courtesy and kindness are extended to each person in every circumstance. Justice — All interactions are based on fairness and honesty. Hope — Is the expectation of triumph over every challenge. Inclusiveness — We exist to serve people from all walks of life.

Front cover image: Amana Living residents Deane and David Back enjoy the freedom of retirement living Back cover image: 90-year-old resident Rona Panos out and about with Occupational Therapy Assistant Jan Fairclough


About Amana Living . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 From the Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 From the CEO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Customer Service Feedback helps us to excel .












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Clinical Innovation Tracking and responding to change . . . . . . Taking the lead in clinical services . . . . . . More people to benefit from McCusker Nurse Service Life stories share happy memories . . . . . .

Home Care and Housing Home care joins housing under one roof . . . . . . . In her own home at 93, thanks to support service . . . . Options reflect diversity of needs and aspirations . . . . A community for active independent people . . . . .

14 15 16 17

Enriching the Mind, Body and Soul Opportunities to enrich lives . . . iPads connect to our world . . . Fulfilling our mission . . . . . Volunteers learn to listen and connect

. . . . . . . 18 . . . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . . . 20 . . . . . . . 21

Sustainability Training a diverse workforce to deliver excellent care Toolbox aids effective leadership . . . . . . Injury prevention program a huge success . . . Reducing our carbon footprint . . . . . . .


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Governance Clear focus on innovation . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Executive and Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Financials What we earn and spend . . . . . . . . . . . 28 What we own and owe . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Celebrations Marking 50 proud years . Back to the sixties . . . Awards and accreditation 800 years of service . .

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Supporting Us I would like to help Amana Living . . . . . . . . . 36 Thank you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

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About Amana Living


Established in 1962, and a part of the Anglican Community, Amana Living is one of Western Australia’s largest not-for-profit providers of aged care, accommodation and support via: • Five high care residential centres • Nine low care residential centres and three dementia specific day clubs with co-located respite centre • Home care services to support those who choose to remain in their own home • 17 retirement communities

Our Philosophy of Care We strive to enrich the mind, body and soul of those we serve by: • Generating a sense of passion and energy about people living their life to the full • Creating genuine choices so that people can live life in a meaningful way, reflective of their preferences and individuality • Creating opportunities for people to stay connected with past friendships and to develop new ones • Always involving and consulting people in decisions that affect them • Creating opportunities to improve and restore physical abilities and mental agility so that people can keep fit, active, involved and independent wherever possible • Providing excellent clinical and health care in all circumstances • Supporting people to explore and develop their spirituality • Encouraging and acting on feedback to improve care and services

Regional Centres:

Perth Metropolitan Area: DS H R Kinross Care Centre DS D Kinross Day Club



R Wearne Home RL Wearne Village RL Treendale


RL Wollaston Court


R NH E Lady McCusker Home RL Lady McCusker Village RL St Francis Court H

R Edward Collick Home RL Muschamp Village


R Moline Hostel RL Moline Village

R H James Brown House DS D Catherine King Day Club


NH R St George始s Home


RL Riley House


H Dorothy Genders Hostel RL Dorothy Genders Village NH R R


E Peter Arney Home RL Peter Arney Village


H Hale Hostel RL Hale Village

Le Fanu Court RL St Mary始s Close RL



Hillandale Village RL


R H DS Lefroy Hostel R DS D Lefroy Day Club

Parry Hostel H Parry Village RL



H Frederick Guest Hostel RL Frederick Guest Village


H Thomas Scott Hostel RL Thomas Scott Village


Key NH Nursing Home/High Care

DS Dementia Specific

R Respite Care

H Hostel/Low Care

D Day Club

RL Retirement Living

E Extra Services


From the Chairman

Steve Scudamore, Chairman


Strong management and imaginative leadership during 2012/13 have enabled Amana Living to continue to meet challenges head on and to innovate in a changing environment. Once again we have battled for a better deal for our older people by challenging the Commonwealth Government to face up to the growing demand that ageing will inevitably place on society and our sector. Eleventh-hour changes in Commonwealth Government funding kicked off the 2012/13 year, presenting significant hurdles, particularly within residential care. Indeed, the year was characterised by instability at the Federal level, resulting in a lack of focus by the Government on the aged and community care industry. I am optimistic that a better operating environment will emerge following the election of a Government with a clear majority. It is certainly time for the spotlight to shine much more brightly onto the demands of our ageing population. Obstacles can strengthen resolve, and the Board and Leadership Team at Amana Living are testament to this. Together we have achieved clarity around the Strategic Plan, innovating ahead of change in order to be ready to meet emerging demands, and strengthening the organisation’s direction.

It is clear that people will increasingly wish to remain at home and we see housing as the cornerstone for care, backed up by in-home support. To facilitate this, we have now combined housing and home care at an organisational level to deliver synergies between the two areas. The ageing population will bring a growth in the number of older people living with dementia and drive other high clinical care needs. To meet this challenge, we are lifting our clinical capability, planning new dementia-specific services and have secured funding to expand the unique McCusker Nurse Service. Above all, we have remained committed to our vision for the future – a world where older people are respected, adequately housed, have real choices and live meaningful lives. Attendance and involvement of members of the Board over the year has been more than commendable given members’ other responsibilities and I thank them all for their support. I also wish to acknowledge the efforts of our CEO, Ray Glickman, for his leadership and the Amana Living staff for their hard work and dedication during yet another challenging year. Steve Scudamore Chairman

From the CEO

Ray Glickman, Chief E xecutive Of ficer

The 2012/13 year has been both challenging and exciting. Once again, our staff have worked hard to continue to deliver quality care in difficult conditions. Amongst many challenges was the closure of Sundowner, our Cottesloe home and village, earlier than expected. The tasks of moving residents to appropriate alternative housing and care, and staff to other suitable positions, were completed efficiently and with compassion. Amana Living’s 50th anniversary celebrations in 2012 were a welcome opportunity to celebrate the successes of our organisation. We have also received a number of industry awards, and marked milestones amongst our long-serving staff. A restructure of our management teams, strengthened by new management training tools, has resulted in more effective support for staff who are delivering our services. We have started planning the redevelopment of our Cottesloe site, Sundowner, moved forward with the growth of our Australind retirement community, Treendale, expanded our dementia services team, and added more

support services to help people continue to live in their own home. At the same time we have maintained our determination to go beyond quality care to enrich the lives of our residents and clients. Our enrichment program continues to lift spirits, tap into long-lost skills and memories, and remind us of the importance of humour and happiness. The results of our latest Customer Satisfaction Survey were very pleasing, with overall satisfaction reaching 97%. Inevitably, there are areas where we could raise our performance even more, so that our clients, residents and their families enjoy a positive and seamless experience of our services. This process will be supported by our new GM of Customer Service Innovation, whom we welcomed earlier this year. Aged and community care is a tough game, but most worthwhile. I thank our incredibly committed leadership team and, above all, our dedicated staff and volunteers, for getting the job done today and designing and developing the services of the future. Ray Glickman Chief Executive Officer


Customer Service

Feedback helps us to excel


Residents and clients gave Amana Living a big tick with a 97 per cent overall satisfaction rating in the 2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey. One of the most telling results is the percentage of our respondents who would recommend us to others: this is up by one per cent since 2010, to 95 per cent. Feedback is important to us as it helps us to excel at providing quality care and services. So while we are pleased with the results of our sixth Customer Satisfaction Survey, there is always room for improvement. We are now working on priorities and actions for the next two to three years in response to survey data. Overall satisfac tion 97%

All our residents and clients, or their representatives, were invited to complete the survey. We asked questions about 56 aspects of our care and services – from the care provided by our staff, to resident involvement in activities, to social and spiritual support. 95% of respondents would recommend us to others

An exceptional result came in from our residential care sites. At six of the 15 sites, 99 per cent of respondents were ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with the care and services. Among our retirement living residents, 95.7 per cent said they were satisfied or very satisfied, especially with the homes they live in and the village environment. On the other hand, the survey told us that our residents want more opportunities to socialise and be involved. We are already working on this through our Enrichment Program, which has led to an increase in satisfaction since 2010. For those receiving services at home, care by staff brought the highest result (97.7% satisfaction), with room for improvement in social support and consistency of care. Strategies will now be put in place to address these areas. We thank everyone who took the trouble to complete the survey, which enables us to focus our energies on continuous improvement.

Encouraging and acting on feedback to improve care and services

What we surveyed

These are the areas we surveyed Residential Care

Home Care


Care by Staff


Individual Needs and Preferences

Individual Needs and Preferences

The Village

Your Room

Care Coordination

Social Life and Involvement

Residential Centre

Client Rights

Links with the Community

Social Life and Involvement in the Centre

Spiritual Support

Chaplaincy Service

Links with the Community

Social Support and Community Involvement

Resident Services

Chaplaincy Service

Support Services

Resident Involvement and Feedback

Resident Services

Client Involvement and Feedback

Overall Views of the Village

Resident Involvement and Feedback

Day Centre Activities

Overall View of the Residential Centre

Overall View of the Service

Customer Service

Care By Staff


The survey results This is the percentage of people who would recommend Amana Living, grouped by service

Customer Service



Yes- 2012

Yes -2010

This is the percentage of people who completed the survey Service


Resident/ Client


Residential Care



Home Care



Residential Care







Retirement Living




Overall Amana Living



Home Care




This char t shows the levels of satisfac tion in our residential care centres in 2012, compared with the last sur vey in 2010

This char t shows satisfac tion with housing and ser vices in 2012, compared with 2010

Customer Service

This char t shows average satisfac tion across home care and day club ser vices in 2012, compared with 2010

CDC and EACH D were added since the 2010 survey. Key: CDC: Consumer Directed Care EACH: Extended Aged Care at Home EACH D: Extended Aged Care at Home (Dementia) HACC: Home and Community Care CACP: Community Aged Care Package


Clinical Innovation

Tracking and responding to change A new process to spot trends in the clinical needs of residents is enhancing Amana Living’s quality of care. The clinical care team gathers data from all residential sites and then uses this to pinpoint issues that require attention. This enables us to develop innovative solutions and target training to where it is needed. The data also helps identify practices that are particularly effective and can be rolled out to other sites. This process will become increasingly important as people entering residential care become more frail and have higher rates of dementia and more acute care needs. The Productivity Commission’s 2011 Caring for Older Australians report predicted this trend, and we are already seeing evidence of it. More than one million Australians receive aged care services. Increasingly they want to remain in their own homes for as long as possible and are able to do so with community packages and services to support them. As a result, people move into residential care when they have much more advanced care needs. We have appointed clinical specialists to help our staff to respond to the care challenges, through training, information sharing and development of innovative programs. The page opposite profiles two of those specialist roles.

Telehealth is another initiative introduced during the year. It allows residents to consult specialists in the comfort of their room via video conferencing equipment, accompanied by our nurse practitioner. Telehealth is particularly helpful for residents who have difficulty getting out of bed or travelling to a specialist’s rooms. It was established with Federal Government subsidies.

At 30 June 2013, there were 780 beds in Amana Living’s 14 residential care centres, and 144 clients using our three day clubs.

Louise Hancock, Manager, Dementia and Restorative Ser vices, is spearheading Amana Living ’s quest to lead dementia care in WA


Meeting the increase in high care needs

Taking the lead in clinical services Louise Hancock is spearheading Amana Living’s quest to lead dementia care in Western Australia’s aged care sector. We have set Louise a challenge: to bring together all our dementia services and develop a vision for first-class care and support for people living with dementia and their families. Louise is a physiotherapist with 15 years experience as an allied health manager working with people with dementia. She was appointed this year to the newly created position of Manager, Dementia and Restorative Services.

Pam established Amana Living’s Telehealth (see previous page) and coordinated Amana Living’s involvement in the Wicking Project, a four-year research study with the University of WA that is investigating the potential for nursing intervention to prevent unnecessary hospitalisation of residents.

In 2012/13, Amana Living delivered 68,495 hours of dementia-specific day club care.

Clinical Innovation

Louise’s team includes occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, physiotherapists, physiotherapy assistants and podiatrists, plus dementia specialist Louise Jones and McCusker Nurse Karen Malone. The team provides person-centred lifestyle, pain management, rehabilitation and dementia services to help residents, and clients living in the community, to enjoy a satisfying lifestyle. Another evolving role is that of nurse practitioner. Pam Deans is a Master’s degree-qualified nurse practitioner who combines the role with her clinical development manager responsibilities. Her background in chronic disease management prepared her well for her extended clinical role. Duties include assessment and management of client and resident health issues, prescribing medications and ordering diagnostic investigations, such as x-rays and blood tests. An increasingly important part of the job is training staff in clinical care, as health care needs of residents and clients become more complex, and our pool of nurse practitioners grows.

Pam Deans combines the roles of Nurse Prac titioner and Clinical Development Manager – enabling care staf f to manage the increase in acute needs

Meeting the increase in high care needs


More people to benefit from McCusker Nurse Service

Clinical Innovation

Amana Living’s unique McCusker Nurse Service has surpassed expectations in providing support and information to carers of people living with dementia – and now it’s set to expand. Carers need emotional suppor t, education and information

When the service was established in Perth’s northern suburbs in 2011, funded by the McCusker Charitable Foundation, its objective was to see at least 100 clients a year. It has done 80 per cent better than that, seeing an average of 180 a year. And it has achieved a very high 95 per cent customer satisfaction rating. The McCusker Nurse is unique in addressing the dual requirements of carers and the person with dementia, free of charge. Ideally, a referral is made to the McCusker Nurse at the time of diagnosis. This is the time when carers have the greatest need for emotional support, education and information about how to access services. Winner 2012 Aged & Communit y Ser vices WA

Two years on, Amana Living has matched new funding in order to expand the award-winning service to Perth’s southern suburbs. The McCusker Charitable Foundation is continuing to fund the first nurse for three years, and there are plans to develop a telephone support service for those in rural and remote areas. The McCusker Nurse was involved in the trial of ‘Just Checking’, a 24-hour computerised monitoring system for people with dementia. The data collected can identify changes in sleep, personal care habits and other routines. It highlights risky behaviour, such as wandering or leaving the house. The objective data can give carers peace of mind and enable the person living with dementia to remain at home, safe in familiar surroundings, for as long as is possible. Winner 2012 Mental Health Good Outcomes Awards - Edith Cowan Universit y Award

While the system is not available to clients yet, it is yet another innovation that may help to support carers in the future – offering much-needed respite and peace of mind.

E xcellence in Care awards (New Projec ts)

Life stories share happy memories Margaret Daily loves her book of memories. Her daughter, Margaret Rushack, brought in family photos and wrote stories, recording a life 94 years long, to help keep the memories alive as dementia progresses. The photos and stories were turned into a durable book with laminated pages, by Curtin University occupational therapy students, in Amana Living’s Life Stories project. ‘Mum has recognised parts of her life that she had forgotten,’ says daughter Margaret. ‘There are photos of Mum from when she was six, with her family, and then when she met Dad and married and had children. Mum can look at the pictures and relate to them, and identify her father and brothers, sisters and husband.


Meeting the increase in high care needs

‘Mum enjoys showing people her book. She likes them to see that she wasn’t always old and in a wheelchair. She was very active, loved swimming and dancing and was a life-saver.’ Margaret says she feels the staff at Amana Living’s Lady McCusker Home know her mother a little better because of the book. ‘She was so proud of the book she had all the staff read it. Now they know she used to like horse racing and they will talk about that with her. She says to them, oh I love the races; I used to go every Saturday. They have seen photos of her husband, Jack, and can talk to her about him. ‘The Life Stories book means a lot to Mum. She says, I don’t know who did this, isn’t it lovely.’

Margaret Daily enjoys recalling her earlier life with daughter Margaret Rushack, prompted by her Life Stories book

Clinical Innovation

Meeting the increase in high care needs


Home Care and Housing

Home care joins housing under one roof Amana Living’s home care and housing services merged in January 2013, making it easier for people to adjust the level of care they receive. More than 1000 people living in their own homes benefit from Amana Living’s home care services. Now, with our new integrated approach, more people living in our retirement villages have better access to these same services. At the same time, our home care clients have more opportunities to understand and access Amana Living’s housing choices. The result is a package customised to suit the individual needs at a moment in time. With 17 retirement villages spread across a wide geographical area, Amana Living has options catering for a wide budget range, from low cost subsidised housing through to top-of-the-range villas.

No matter where a person lives – in their own home, a rental or an Amana Living retirement village – we can help them remain living in the place they call home. Helping people stay in the place they call home

If they receive home care and decide to make the move into our retirement housing, we can facilitate a seamless transition. Their relationship with Amana Living care services remains in place and they can continue to receive support from the people they have come to know and trust. Residents can rest assured that they can increase their home support as their needs change, remaining as independent as possible, for as long as possible.

At 30 June 2013, Amana Living had 721 retirement living units across 17 facilities, and 908 clients receiving care at home. During the year, we delivered 202,825 hours of home care services.


Creating genuine choices for independent living

In her own home at 93, thanks to support service Cody Williams has lived next door to her daughter, Karen, for eight years. As her hearing and short-term memory declined and she became more frail, she needed help to remain living at home. Karen says she has been delighted with the support that Amana Living provides for her 93-year-old mother.

‘It’s important for her to be able to live at home’

Cody Williams enjoys a joke with Leonie Demunck,

Home Care and Housing

‘Amana Living became involved because Mum was forgetting things and she had to have medication every day,’ she says. ‘She damaged shoulder tendons in a fall and needs help around the home with things like vacuuming and hanging the washing. ‘Someone from Amana Living comes every day to make sure she’s taken her medication. A cleaner comes once a week and also someone to wash her hair. ‘When Mum was first approved for these HACC-funded services, we had a choice of providers and decided to go with Amana Living. ‘They have been fantastic. Mum has several support staff and they are all so helpful and friendly. If it wasn’t for them, we just wouldn’t be able to manage. Although I live next door, I work full-time and can’t give Mum the full support she needs. ‘Mum is a very independent person and it’s important for her to be able to live at home. She’s a lot happier there, surrounded by her own,

familiar things. The longer we can keep her at home, the better off she is. ‘Amana Living is very responsive to Mum’s needs, adjusting and adding to the services as her needs change. ‘A bonus of our relationship with Amana Living is that they suggested Mum might enjoy activities at their Catherine King Day Club, which caters for people living with dementia. They pick Mum up twice a week and take her for the day to participate in some interesting activities. She loves it.’

Home C are Client and Staf f Suppor t

Creating genuine choices for independent living


Home Care and Housing

Options reflect diversity of needs and aspirations Treendale in Australind, near Bunbury, is at the forefront when it comes to liveable housing for over-55s, and the latest in Amana Living’s portfolio (see story on opposite page). The village heart is The Club, officially opened in July 2012. The leisure centre helps to give Treendale a resort-style ambience, with its pool and spa, gym, library, craft room, kitchen, café, lounge, barbecue area and bowling green. These are open to the broader local community to use – adding value to the area and helping residents to maintain connections with their neighbours. The surrounding area continues to develop, with a growing, thriving shopping centre within easy reach. Planning is underway for the next stage of Treendale – an additional 16 units – due for completion at the end of 2014. Treendale is a lease-for-life village suited to a particular demographic with certain requirements for an active, independent life in a resortstyle setting.

Our housing portfolio continues to cater to widely differing needs, offering subsidised and rental housing options, communities with co‑located respite and residential centres, as well as other lease-forlife villages. Looking to the future, our long-term housing strategy positions us to respond to new demands as they emerge. Our housing portfolio caters to widely differing needs Currently on the drawing board is the redevelopment of the Sundowner site in Cottesloe. The buildings reached their use-by date in early 2013, and Amana Living moved residents to alternative accommodation over a period of a few months. Planning for redevelopment is now underway.

Parr y Village of fers subsidised rental unit s, and is now fully occupied following ex tensive refurbishment


Creating genuine choices for independent living

A community for active independent people Jenny Spence and her husband Dave fell in love with Amana Living’s Treendale retirement village when they helped Jenny’s brother, Peter Fairall, and wife Julie, move in. Each subsequent visit deepened their feeling that they would like to live there, too. ‘People look out for each other here – there’s a good community spirit’

Jenny Spence relaxes with neighbour May Guppy in The Club –

Home Care and Housing

So at the beginning of 2013 the couple, aged in their early 60s, sold their Joondalup home and completed the tree-change-sea-change shift to the South West. ‘We decided to retire sooner than we originally planned, so we could get the benefit of this great lifestyle earlier,’ Jenny said. ‘We’re getting a caravan – there’s a secure place here to store it – then we can lock up and go, and we don’t have to worry about leaving the house.

‘There’s a wonderful village community spirit here. You know the people around you and we look out for each other. People know when you’re away and keep an eye on your place.’ The community spirit is alive and well at The Club, too, the social heart of Treendale. ‘We have a lot of social functions for the whole community,’ Jenny says, ‘such as craft afternoons, happy hours and other club-room activities. We’re having a Grand Final day with a sausage sizzle and we’ll watch the footy together. ‘The facilities are exceptional. One of the things that attracted us here was the pool and spa. We go every morning. I do hydrotherapy exercises in the pool and then have some time in the spa. The shops are close by, just a 10-minute walk. Most people walk to the shops for bread, milk and the newspaper, so we don’t need to take the car out. ‘The house is lovely – very spacious with wide doorways and passageways and a roomy bathroom. It’s been designed to be fully wheelchair-friendly in case we need that later in life.’

Dave Spence enjoys The Club, where family and friends are welcome to visit

Treendale’s leisure centre and the hub of the village communit y

Creating genuine choices for independent living


Enriching the Mind, Body and Soul

Opportunities to enrich lives Amana Living’s award-winning Enrichment Program offers real opportunities for older people to lead interesting, fun and happy lives. The Program is a growing collection of events, competitions and activities that encourage residents and clients to be active and socially engaged. It’s not about adding years to life – it’s about adding life to years. Amana Living’s initiative, the Wii World Cup, has grown from small beginnings two years ago to a competition engaging up to 40 aged Lefroy Day Club client Ada Street with her ar t work produced during Projec t Picasso 2013

care sites around Australia in the annual Nintendo Wii ten pin bowling competition. Project Picasso is an annual art adventure, bringing families and volunteers together to help people living with dementia to create artworks, culminating in a public exhibition at Christ Church Grammar School. Twelve centres, more than 100 artists and 60 volunteers participated in 2012 and 2013, creating more than 240 pieces of art, the sale of which contributes to funding the following year’s project. iPad trials (see next page) dovetail with the Windows to the World project to connect residents to the riches of the world through the internet. We have also created a Mac Media Hub, a central depository of resources, which will be developed to enable staff to share ideas and tap into useful resources. Our Enrichment Program depends on volunteers and staff. Corporate Office staff – our Enrichment Army – participate in enrichment activities throughout our sites, and the Amana Living-funded CoachEnrich Grant Scheme provides a spark for innovation at our residential centres. 2012 Mental Health Good Outcomes Award for Projec t Picasso 2012 ACSA A Bet ter Prac tice Award for Windows to the World


Opportunities to stay connected and involved

iPads connect to our world independently. It gives them access to a greater variety of activities than I can offer on my own. ‘Technology is changing rapidly and residents are pleased to be able to understand what the young people are using, to understand terminology like “wifi” and “internet”, and to experience a new way of sending letters. One resident’s daughter had an overseas holiday and they corresponded by email and shared photos, via the iPad. ‘While Thomas Scott is a low care facility, we have a number of residents living with dementia. They respond well to the iPad as we can bring up material that prompts memories from their younger days. ‘We take lots of photos with the iPad during activities and I show slideshows on the dining room television. ‘The iPad has made a big difference to the lives of residents, stimulating interest and conversation and opening access to all that’s going on in the world.’

Encarnita Mason, OTA , says iPads have given resident s such as Shirley Scates

Enriching the Mind, Body and Soul

As part of our Enrichment Program, Amana Living residents embraced new technology during trials to see if iPads could connect older people to the world in ways that traditional activities can’t. Encarnita Mason, Occupational Therapy Assistant at Thomas Scott Hostel in Kelmscott, has been delighted at the big difference the iPad has made to the lives of residents. ‘iPads have given our residents more options to connect to the world, keep-up-to-date with modern trends and share experiences,’ she says. ‘We can connect the iPad to a large television so people can share explorations. Together, we can look at photos, newspaper articles and videos, and find music on YouTube. It’s a great conversation starter! ‘People can book the iPad to use by themselves when it’s not being used for a group activity. It is constantly in circulation. One gentleman likes to play chess, one lady looks at ballets on YouTube, and others play word games. The iPad allows residents to explore interests

(lef t) and Marion Russel oppor tunities to connec t and share experiences

Opportunities to stay connected and involved


Enriching the Mind, Body and Soul

Fulfilling our mission Amana Living is a rebranding of the original Anglican Homes, which was established to care for older people who had limited or nonexistent means. This mission to assist those who could not otherwise access housing and services continues today. Amana Living now has almost 400 housing units available for those who could not otherwise afford a place to live. In our residential care centres, the target is to maintain 40% of places for people free of bonds. In fact the level is currently 45%. But our mission is not just about providing care and housing. It is about how the day by day care is offered to all our residents and clients, to their families, and to our volunteers and staff. Sometimes

this all flows wonderfully and sometimes it is a struggle in the face of many factors. There is the quest to develop excellence in care, and to maintain it. This is reflected in the awards that Amana Living has received, and the specialists in dementia, clinical care, IT, human resources and training who have come on board during the year. Chaplaincy is integral to delivering excellence in pastoral care. Supporting our chaplains in this important role is a new team of volunteer pastoral carers (see next page). Amana Living’s ‘Anglican Essence’ initiative continues to examine our nature as an Anglican organisation, and we maintain fruitful links with parishes, Anglican schools, bishops and the Diocese.

Senior Chaplain the Reverend David Atkinson Our catering division, Total Catering Solutions, delivered 372,109 meals to Amana Living service locations in 2012/13


Opportunities to stay connected and involved

Volunteers learn to listen and connect Melissa Pike responded to an advertisement in the local paper inviting people to join Amana Living’s Volunteer Pastoral Care Program. ‘Connecting with residents has made me look at life differently’

Melissa Pike, Volunteer Pastoral C are Worker, with Wearne Home resident Jean Rawling

Opportunities to stay connected and involved

Enriching the Mind, Body and Soul

‘I was already working as a primary school chaplain, which I thoroughly enjoy, and I thought it would be interesting to work at the other end of the spectrum,’ said the 38-year-old mother of five. It has turned out to be more than interesting. After intensive training, which ranged over a variety of topics, including the grief process, dementia and instruction on the work of chaplains, with a practicum at an aged care facility, Melissa was assigned to Amana Living’s Wearne Home in Mandurah, where she spends half a day a week visiting residents.

‘I love it,’ she says. ‘I look forward to it every week. I learn something more about the world. I appreciate what they have been through and I love that they are happy to share those things with me. ‘I sit with the resident, listen a lot, talk, laugh – build a relationship,’ she says. ‘They might be a new resident, they might be angry or depressed, or just want someone to talk to. ‘I would like to think that I give them friendship and companionship. It’s good for people to feel that someone cares for them. ‘The people I visit grew up during the depression and war years. They didn’t have much materially, and appreciate anything and everything they have. Connecting with these residents has made me look at life differently.’ Twelve volunteers graduated in 2012, ten more were trained in 2012/13, of which six will provide pastoral support to residents in residential care and home care service clients, and another course has been scheduled for 2013/14.


Training a diverse workforce to deliver excellent care


Amana Living’s flexible training options equip our diverse workforce to meet the changing needs of residents and clients. The challenge is to provide training in ways that suit a wide spread of needs. Our employees come from 84 countries, English is the second language for at least 40 per cent, and ages range from 17 to over 65. Many have not set foot inside a classroom for 30 years or more.


Training places were filled to capacit y

Our registered training organisation (RTO) has met the challenge with creativity. The focus is on prior learning and on-the-job skills assessment, where staff can demonstrate their competence in a practical setting. Trainers customise study pathways to suit each individual: they train students in areas where there are gaps in skills and knowledge, in a way that best suits their learning styles and preferred learning environments. Mind Matters is a new three-day dementia training course for direct care staff. The course provides specialist training to care for the growing number of Amana Living residents and clients who live with dementia. It is based on Alzheimer’s Australia’s dementia training, and is a joint initiative with Amana Living. Changes in Government funding this year cut in half the number of training places we could offer on nationally accredited courses. The available training places were filled to capacity and our RTO achieved a higher rate of qualification completions than is usual in this industry. The RTO successfully completed a double audit, one for our five-year re-registration with the Training Accreditation Council and a strategic audit of Aged Care Certificates.

Nurturing our staff and environment

Toolbox aids effective leadership To empower its managers to effectively lead their staff, Amana Living has developed a Manager’s Toolbox – a one-stop-shop of information, checklists and flowcharts, plus training modules, which support managers when they are dealing with people-related matters. One of the first to launch into the Toolbox training was Sara Atkinson, Service Manager at Lady McCusker Home. Sara is an experienced senior manager who found she had to update her UK knowledge with Australian industrial relations particulars.

‘When I came to Australia, I found that I needed to revise my knowledge to be a good manager here,’ she says. ‘I have thoroughly enjoyed the Manager’s Toolbox. I like the fact that the tools are practical, applied, and accurate for Amana Living. They were made by Amana Living for use by Amana Living managers, so they are instantly applicable. We don’t have to adapt them – they are easy to pick up and use. ‘They cover the entire range of the human resources, occupational safety and health, and workers’ compensation skills we need every day to be a good manager. I’ve learned about managing performance, grievance processes and fair treatment principles, occupational safety and health incident investigation. I particularly loved learning about communication skills and coaching for high performance.

‘I carry Toolbox documents with me and use them all the time. If I have an issue to deal with, I will flick through the Toolbox to find the appropriate checklist or flowchart to follow. Particularly useful for me are the performance improvement plan and the employee coaching checklist to make sure I’ve covered all the areas and have done things fairly and appropriately. ‘Fairness and equity are important to create a harmonious working environment. And it’s important that Amana Living provides a pleasant, home-like environment for residents, with staff working together as a team.’


‘Fairness and equit y are impor tant’

Sara Atkinson, Ser vice Manager, Lady McCusker Home, says the Toolbox helps her to be thorough and fair in managing staf f

Nurturing our staff and environment


Injury prevention program a huge success


Amana Living has reduced workplace incidents and cut compensation claims dramatically, through injury management and prevention programs.


Compensation claims cut by three‑quar ters in five years

Compensation claims have been cut by 75% in just five years, thanks to a hands-on, caring program established by injury management specialist Lesley Bazley. Her approach includes an early injury management program that encourages staff to report injuries at an early stage, and working with managers to smooth the transition for people returning to work after injury or illness.

Nurturing our staff and environment

‘If we catch something early, we can redesign work practices so the problem doesn’t progress to something more serious,’ she explains. ‘Staff returning to work after an illness or operation may have lost fitness and strength, so we help them to ease back into their job. We might encourage them to work fewer shifts initially, or find a site closer to home where they can work. Amana Living’s site managers have been pro-active in finding flexible ways for people to return to work.’ Our manual tasks program has achieved for Amana Living a much lower incident rate than the aged care industry generally. It includes training and provision of appropriate equipment to minimise risk of injuries. An annual flu vaccination program and an annual audit of Amana Living facilities are part of our successful program to prevent workplace injuries and illness.

Reducing our carbon footprint Eco-T is a staff team that drives our program to reduce our environmental footprint. They encourage staff members to come up with good ideas, reward good actions, and promote good practices. In 2012/13, we have reduced our electricity usage by nine per cent over three years by turning off lights, keeping air conditioners set to 24 degrees, and making sure washing machines and dishwashers are full. These may sound like small actions but when everyone commits to them we are able to have a big impact on our carbon footprint. Ever ybody ac ting together can make a big dif ference

Many ideas to promote environmental sustainability originate from staff at our care centres.

Amana Living ’s corporate of fice in Subiaco has been awarded a 5 -star rating for


Staff at Lady McCusker Home began re-using towels to save water rather than automatically washing them after each use. The idea has spread to other sites and staff now check linen and clothes to make sure they really need washing. The maintenance staff at each Amana Living site plays an important role, conducting a monthly audit that includes environmental footprint matters. They pick up dripping taps, leaky cisterns and broken reticulation and make sure they are fixed quickly. The building that houses our corporate office in Subiaco received a five-star rating for its green office interior from the Green Building Council of Australia in 2012. The rating represents Australian excellence in environmentally sustainable building practices. The corporate office was also awarded the Chemform Green Certification. This means that all cleaning systems, dispensing equipment and cleaning chemicals meet the required environmental standards.

it s interior, from Green Building Council of Australia

Nurturing our staff and environment



Clear focus on innovation Our new strategic plan was completed in 2012, setting the scene for a period of innovation in our pursuit of excellence. Work has already begun on some projects we have committed to in the strategic plan. We have implemented a new system of reporting on clinical key performance indicators to prepare us for future challenges as the complexity and acuteness of clinical needs increases (see page 10) We are defining the future direction of specialist services, such as dementia and residential care. And we have invested in well-qualified and experienced clinicians to support our focus on quality clinical care (see page 11).

We have set the scene for a period of innovation

We have brought together home care and housing to better integrate services, especially for people living in our retirement villages (see page 14). To better communicate and improve access to our services, we are planning for a more customer-friendly entry to Amana Living services. Various changes to the Board took place this year. Roger Port retired from the Board in June 2013 after 16 years of outstanding service and Geoff Mather resigned due to a conflict of interest that arose from his employment after five years of service. In February 2013 Amana Living was delighted to welcome Dr Robyn Lawrence, Executive Director of Sir Charles Gardiner Hospital and Osborne Park Health Care Group to the Board, and in July 2013 we also welcomed Damian Gordon, Director and CFO of Hawaiian Group to the Board.


We are very pleased to have Robyn and Damian on board and look forward to their input in the future.

More about Dr Robyn Lawrence Dr Robyn Lawrence MBBS MBA FRACMA GAICD trained at the University of Western Australia and worked as a clinician at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital before commencing training in Medical Administration in 1997. She was awarded a Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators (FRACMA) in 2003. Prior to her current position, she was the Executive Director of Innovation and Health System Reform within the WA Department of Health. In this role she had oversight of all major system reform initiatives in WA, including elective surgery, acute demand (4 Hour Rule Program) and ambulatory care, and was WA’s representative on the Health Policy Priorities Principal Committee. This role also had responsibility for the Aged Care Directorate in WA Health.

More about Mr Damian Gordon Mr Damian Gordon joined Hawaiian in February 2002 and is responsible for the group’s financial activities, real estate developments and financial asset portfolio. He was appointed to the Hawaiian Board in June 2008. Mr Gordon’s career began in the Corporate Finance division of KPMG, followed by five years working in various corporate roles in the engineering, mining and resource development sectors. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, a Fellow of Finsia and a Member of the AICD. He holds a Bachelor of Business (Accounting and Business Law) from Curtin University, a Diploma of Property Services (Agency Management) and completed INSEAD’s inaugural LEAP (Leadership Excellence through Awareness and Practice) Program in 2012/13.

Strong governance drives strategic direction

Mr Ray Glickman MBus, MA(Oxon), MA(Brun), CQSW, FAIM, FAICD Chief E xecutive Of ficer

Ms Suzi Cowcher RN, MBA, GAICD, FLWA Chief Operating Of ficer

Mr Steve Scudamore MA (Oxon), FCA, SF Fin, FAICD Appointment: 2010 Position: Chairman

Mr Ian Ludlow BCom, CA, AFAIM Appointment: 2003 Position: Deputy Chairman, Treasurer, Chair Finance & Audit Sub-Committee

Mrs Karen Field BEc, MAICD Appointment: 2002 Position: Member and Chair Governance Sub-Committee

BA (Hons), MBA, GAICD Appointment: 2007 Position: Member

The Right Reverend Kay Goldsworthy BTheol Appointment: 2008 Position: Member


Ms Tracy Armson

Mr Damian Gordon BBus, FCA, FFin, MAICD Appointment: 2013 Position: Member

Dr Robyn Lawrence MBBS (UWA), MBA (UWA), FRACMA, MAICD Appointment: 2013 Position: Member

Dr Peter Rudolph MBBS DipGerMed MHSM Appointment: 2010 Position: Member

Strong governance drives strategic direction


What we earn and spend


Amana Living made a surplus of $1.4 million to invest in enriching the lives of residents and clients. Sales from Treendale properties, a high occupancy rate at other Amana Living sites and more diligent pursuit of government subsidies contributed to a 3.5 per cent growth in income over the previous year.

Staff costs are the main expenditure item. They rose this year because resident and client needs rose, and we received funding to match. Our surplus was achieved despite a once-off loss of $1.4 million from closing the Sundowner centre in Cottesloe.

What we earned

What we spent


Committed to long-term sustainability

What we own and owe We have increased our cash holdings by 61 per cent on last year. This has come partly from bequests of $1 million and partly from careful cash management. We track cash flow daily and revise long-range forecasts regularly. The advantage of a strong cash balance is that we can avoid the costs of borrowing money and invest in innovations to benefit residents and clients.

We have paid off debts from developments at Treendale and major refurbishments at other sites and reduced our borrowings to one per cent of liabilities. Our major liability now is resident accommodation bonds and resident entry contributions.

What we own

Committed to long-term sustainability


What we owe



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Committed to long-term sustainability

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2013 $’000s


2012 ALI





Summary of Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income for the financial year ended 30 June 2013 83,272 1,766 (1,284) 83,754

82,106 1,755 (1,284) 82,577

Income 1,166 11 1,177

79,344 1,455 24 80,823

79,331 1,453 24 80,808

58 2 60

Employee benefits Catering and food supplies Maintenance and repairs Depreciation Other expenses from ordinary activities Expenses from Ordinary Activities Profit/(loss) from Ordinary Activities Total Profit/(loss) for the year

57,008 4,837 4,214 6,793 9,501 82,353 1,401 1,401

57,008 4,837 4,214 6,793 9,479 82,331 246 246

Expenditure 22 22 1,155 1,155

54,956 4,332 3,875 6,195 8,826 78,184 2,639 2,639

54,956 4,332 3,875 6,195 8,814 78,172 2,636 2,636

72 72 (12) (12)

Other comprehensive income (1,097) 1,155 1,542

(1,097) 1,539


Net value gain on available-for-sale financial assets Total Comprehensive Income for the year

1,443 2,844

1,443 1,689


Revenue Investment revenue Other gain and losses Revenue from Ordinary Activities

Summary of Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2013 Current Assets







Non-Current Assets







Total Assets







Current Liabilities







Non-Current Liabilities







Total Liabilities







Net Assets







Total Accumulated Funds








Marking 50 proud years


Marking 50 years since the foundation of Amana Living (then Anglican Homes), two key events were held in November 2012. A Night of Wisdom at Government House on Wednesday 7 November was our high-profile awareness-raising and fund-raising event, in the presence of our Patron and Governor of WA, His Excellency Malcolm McCusker.


The highlight was the Governor’s hear t felt speech

The highlight of the night was the Governor’s heartfelt speech, in which he spoke about the connections between the McCusker family and Amana Living, moving the audience to a greater understanding of the issues surrounding aged care, and dementia care in particular. At the conclusion of Bendigo Bank Seniors Week Festival 2012, on Sunday 18 November, the Department for Communities joined with Amana Living for a special celebration at St George’s Cathedral. The Seniors Week Festival aims to challenge negative stereotypes, present a positive image of ageing and promote a ‘life-course approach’ to active ageing. The Seniors Week Festival Evensong: ‘Celebrating the Second Half of Life’ marked the conclusion of the week-long festival and Amana Living’s 50th anniversary year.

In his address, Archbishop Roger Herft explored the theme of wisdom and acknowledged the evolution of Amana Living to become WA’s principal Anglican aged care organisation. Hon Robyn McSweeney, then Minister for Community Services; Seniors and Volunteering, and Mr Ray Glickman, spoke at a reception following the service.

Maria Davison, Suresh

Kay Brindle

Rajendra and Peter

with her

Mildenhall from Amana

mum Mavis

Living, and Annabel


Amman from Linc, with

Amana Living

jewellery donated by

resident, at

Brinkhaus for the Night

the Night of

of Wisdom silent auction


Connecting with our history and community

Back to the sixties Every year Amana Living throws a party for its residents and clients. In 2012 we took the chance to celebrate our 50th anniversary together. More than 800 guests were transported back to the sixties on Tuesday 30 October at Crown Perth (formerly Burswood). The ‘1962: Swinging Sixties’ theme inspired residents, clients, staff and volunteers to dress up and dance to sounds of the sixties with live band Chain Reaction. Guests were treated to some classic sixties grooves by young soloists from St Hilda’s School for Girls, acrobatic comedy from performance

group Bizircus, and short videos celebrating the era and reflecting on enrichment activities from 2012.

Guests were transpor ted back to the swinging six ties

Individual Amana Living centres also celebrated by throwing parties, each in its own unique style – the only common feature being the sharing of ‘Pearls of Wisdom’ as a way to connect with one another and benefit from the experience of our residents and clients.


Connecting with our history and community



Awards and accreditation Amana Living is proud to have received the following awards in 2012/13: • Aged & Community Services WA (ACSWA) ‘Excellence in Care’ Award in the ‘Employee’ category for the achievements of our Chaplain, the Reverend Deborah Joyce • Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency (ACSAA) Better Practice Award in the ‘Resident Lifestyle’ category for Windows to the World at St George’s Home – a project that puts residents in touch with the wider world via the internet • Mental Health Good Outcomes Award in the ‘GESB Improved Outcomes in Seniors’ Mental Health’ category for Project Picasso – our annual art program for people living with dementia

Amana Living Chaplain Deborah Joyce receives her ACSWA Award from Sarah Baldwin, Business Development Manager of Awards Sponsor Health Super


A focus on business excellence

• Mental Health Good Outcomes Award in the ‘ECU Award for Prevention, Promotion and/or Early Intervention’ category for the McCusker Nurse Service (see page 12 for more on this service) The following were shortlisted in the ACSWA ‘Excellence in Care’ Awards: • Gary Heatly, volunteer at Amana Living Thomas Scott Hostel, in the ‘Volunteer’ category • Life Stories, in the ‘New Projects’ category (see page 13 for more on this project) Amana Living residential care sites passed all accreditation audits and satisfied all requirements set by the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Authority. The agency conducted a total of 32 visits across 15 residential care facilities during 2012/13.

Curtin University Occupational Therapy student Ben Ngo and Amana Living resident Reg Smith participate in the shortlisted Life Stories project

800 years of service

A focus on business excellence


Amana Living staff celebrated more than 800 years of dedication at the Annual Ball and Staff Awards in September 2012 The annual awards ceremony provides an opportunity for Amana Living to recognise staff members’ achievements and those who have devoted a significant number of years to the organisation. Jane Thomas and Helen Shurrock were two employees celebrating 25 years of caring – Jane for the residents at Thomas Scott Hostel, and Helen as an Enrolled Nurse at St George’s Home. “My experiences over the years have taught me a range of skills, and every experience has added to my personal and professional development,” said Jane. “The most important thing I have learnt is to treat our clients as if they were my own family, ensure they are always comfortable and happy, and above all maintain a good sense of humour.” Helen commented: “I just love my job. I have been fortunate to receive opportunities to work in a range of areas from physiotherapy through to enrolled nursing and it has all been delightful. Each day I come to work I am greeted by a great bunch of clients and work colleagues. Everybody gets along so well; we really are like one big happy family.” Amana Living places a high priority on making One of the longest-ser ving staf f members, Julie Mor fit t, receives her sure staff are well rewarded, both financially and award for 30 years of ser vice from former Board Member Roger Por t and with opportunities for training and development. former GM of Residential Care Libby Simpson Staff are also encouraged to enjoy a work-life balance, flexible working hours and an employee assistance program.


I would like to help Amana Living

Supporting Us

Please complete and return this form to: Amana Living Anglican Foundation, PO Box 933, Subiaco WA 6904. You are invited to make a donation to a particular Amana Living care centre, or a general donation to the Amana Living Anglican Foundation:  Donation to (specify name of centre):…………………………  General donation to the Amana Living Anglican Foundation  I would like to give the following amount:  $25  $50  $100  $250  $500 or a different amount of your choice: $...........................

 I would like to make a regular donation to the Amana Living Anglican Foundation to be drawn automatically from my credit card (until I choose to discontinue):  Bimonthly  3 monthly  6 monthly other (please specify): ……………

 Monthly

Please deduct the following amount from my credit card for each payment:  $25  $50  $100  $250  $1000 or a different amount of your choice: $.................

Name:................................................................... Bankcard Mastercard Visa

(please circle)

Address:................................................................ Card no:............................. ......................................

P/Code...................... Amount:..................... Expiry Date:


Email:.................................................................... Cardholder Name:................................ Phone:.................................................................. Signature:............................................ Donations over $2.00 are tax deductible Cheques should be made payable to the Amana Living Anglican Foundation

 Please contact me with information about how I can contribute time or expertise as a volunteer.  Please send me information about helping Amana Living through a Will or Bequest.  Please include me on the Amana Life newsletter mailing list. THANK YOU! By enriching the lives of others, you enrich your own life too.


Enriching the lives of those we serve


Thank you To our sponsors and donors Amana Living relies heavily on the generosity of the Perth community to enable us to go beyond quality care and help older people live a rewarding and meaningful life. Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, we are able to produce this annual report, and stage major events such as our annual party for residents and clients.

The generosity of our donors enables us to provide a thriving Enrichment Program, and to support the carers of those living with dementia through our award-winning McCusker Nurse Service.

To our staff and volunteers Our staff and volunteers are second to none, demonstrating the dedication and compassion that makes Amana Living one of the leading providers of aged and community care in WA. Thank you for your time and energy – they are never taken for granted.

Enriching the lives of those we serve

Supporting Us

Amana Living appreciates the support of our sponsors, donors, staff and volunteers.

Amana Living Corporate Office 541 Hay Street, Subiaco WA 6008 PO Box 933, Subiaco WA 6904 Tel: 1300 26 26 26 Fax: 9388 3142 Website:

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