Amana Living Annual Report 2015 2016

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Annual Report 2015/2016


Strategic plan 2015: Growing for the future


From the Chairman


From the CEO


Listening to customers


Building the brand


Our customer gateway


Half a million meals


The right people


Residential care set to grow


Models for living at home


Our eco conscience


Growth and excellence


Quality through training


Anglican essence


Thanks to our supporters


Growth of in-home services


Meaningful enrichment


The dementia care environement



Amana Living is one of Western Australia’s leading not-for-profit providers of care, accommodation and support for older people via:

To excel in providing Christian care and services in Western Australia

• 13 residential care centres


• Three day respite clubs • Home care services • 17 retirement villages • Two transition care centres For more information:

VISION To be WA’s leading provider of accommodation, care and support for people living the second half of life

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LIVING the second half of life

VALUES Compassion: We respond to people’s needs with care and empathy Justice: We treat each person fairly and honestly Hope: We are optimistic in the face of every challenge Inclusiveness: We welcome people from all walks of life


STRATEGIC PLAN Growing for the future Amana Living reviewed its strategic direction in 2015 to ensure it is well positioned to meet market demands and the needs of our residents and clients. The Strategic Plan 2015 summarises our vision for future growth and the key strategies we will use to get there.

Growth targets Grow our residential care portfolio to a minimum of 1,000 beds by optimising our own sites and partnering with others Grow in-home services via new packages, fee-forservice and acquisition Increase our housing portfolio by maximising our own sites and partnering with others Expand restorative and sub-acute services

Key strategies Customer Service • Develop the Customer Service Centre to provide a smooth, single entry point to all services

• Enhance the customer experience via staff training, process improvement and 3Rs culture development Sustainability • Consolidate and enhance our well known and admired brand • Focus on revenue growth and cost reduction while maintaining the quality of service • Reduce our carbon footprint via education and the use of energy-efficient design, plant and equipment Governance and Systems • Recruit and develop a flexible service-focused workforce • Maintain a well trained pastoral care team across all services • Foster excellent governance • Implement robust technology systems that meet our needs • Ensure strong systems, processes and measures that drive performance and promote excellence Innovation • Embrace innovation with a focus on the use of technology • Explore new markets to identify gaps and opportunities • Develop new services attuned to emerging needs

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FROM THE CHAIRMAN The 2015/16 year has been one of strategic planning for Amana Living. As the aged care industry switches rapidly to a consumer-directed care model, and more competitors move into the market, we are staying ahead of the game by planning for growth. We determined that our focus must be on new revenue streams to fund an increase in housing, care and services; greater quality of customer service; a wider range of products and services; and more capability through partnerships and training. To support these goals, we are working on a residential care vision, which will enable us to increase capacity in our care centres by 25%. Our home care and housing team has been innovating to create a wider range of services and models to meet more needs, more flexibly. Sub-acute and restorative services are also a key area for growth. Overarching this is our vision, “To be WA’s leading provider of accommodation, care and support for people living the second half of life”. A refresh of our brand, “Living the second half of life”, was kicked off in 2015 with the launch of our

new website, and marketing is now an important activity for us, helping us to entrench our leading position while maintaining momentum for the future. At the same time, a significant reduction in government funding for residents with complex health needs has put huge pressure on all aged care providers, requiring even more innovation to absorb the loss while pushing ahead with our plans for growth. At the end of the financial year, we said our farewell to Board Member Tracy Armson, who has made a tremendous contribution during her nine years with us. And we undertook a nationwide search for a new CEO, as Ray Glickman leaves us to pursue new professional ventures. Ray has devoted an outstanding 12 years to Amana Living, leading the organisation through a time of immense change. He has been an inspirational and highly respected leader and will be very much missed by the Board and myself. The CEO role has been filled by Stephanie Buckland, who comes to us with an impressive background, including a number of years as CEO of Tourism WA. We look forward to working with her.

Steve Scudamore


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FROM THE CEO Foremost in my mind as I write this is my imminent departure from Amana Living after 12 years in the role. With Stephanie Buckland at the helm, I have no doubt that the organisation will not only hold its current position of leadership and strength, but grow to become THE ‘go to’ provider for over-55s housing, care and services in WA. Amana Living is fortunate to have a brilliant and innovative leadership team and amazing staff who live out our 3Rs culture – people who are proud to work for our organisation and take every opportunity to enrich lives. Enrichment is embedded in what we do every day, helping us to fulfil our brand promise – to help our residents and clients truly LIVE the second half of their lives. We have put energy into developing the Enrichment Program during 2015/16. This has led to the development of a new music program for people living with dementia based on the US Music and Memory program, and our new Spring Arts Festival in partnership with the Black Swan Prize for Portraiture.

In home care, a valuable partnership with Telstra Health has seen the development of the new Amana Living eConnect ‘telecare’ program, with the pilot launching at the end of 2015/16. This innovation will help to connect people living at home with health care practitioners, McCusker Nurses and Amana Living home care staff, providing better clinical supervision and greater peace of mind for families. We were also delighted to welcome our Patron, Her Excellency the Honourable Kerry Sanderson, to open the new Amana Living Transition Care Bull Creek centre early in 2016. This continues our commitment to growing our restorative care services, strengthening our links with the health care sector. Finally, I’m very happy to leave with customer satisfaction at an all-time high. Our Customer Survey recorded an increase in overall satisfaction to 96.3%, with 94% of respondents saying they would recommend Amana Living to others. This is a clear testament to the dedication and skill of our Board, Leadership Team, staff and volunteers. My thanks go to them for making Amana Living the leading organisation it is today.

Ray Glickman

Chief Executive Officer

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LISTENING TO CUSTOMERS We want to know how our residents, clients and their families rate the care and services we provide, and how we might improve their experience of Amana Living. The Customer Satisfaction Survey is one way of encouraging feedback. Amana Living carries out a comprehensive Customer Satisfaction Survey every two to three years. The 2015 survey was our seventh. With the help of Professor Duncan Boldy from the Centre for Research on Ageing at Curtin University, we design the survey to give us the most accurate and useful data, while keeping it easy to use. We then analyse the results to help us create an action plan for improving care and services. As well as rating satisfaction levels, we asked respondents what is most important to them. This helps us in planning improvement. So if satisfaction has dropped in an area that’s particularly important to our residents, clients and families, we make sure we pay close attention to improvement in that area. The results Overall satisfaction 96.3% Would recommend Amana Living to others 94% Home care: overall satisfaction 97.2%

Combined Satisfaction by area (RL) 2015 100 95 90 85 80

Care By Staff

Individual Care Client Rights Needs and Coordination Preferences

Spiritual Support

Social Support and Community Involvement

Support Services

Feedback and Day Centre Involvement Activities


What matters most? Attention to ‘Individual needs and preferences’ is most important to home care and day respite clients, and is a part of the Amana Living philosophy. There has been an increase in satisfaction in this area since the previous survey taken in 2012, and we hope to see this trend continue. Where we can improve We identified ‘Social support and community involvement’ as an opportunity for improvement, and we are already working on this through our Enrichment Program. In the area of ‘Care coordination’, we have recognised the need for a notice period for changes in care, and easier access to information on fees and scheduling.

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Housing: overall satisfaction 96.18% Combined Satisfaction by area (RL) 2015 100 95 90 85 80

Care By Staff

Your Village

Social Lifeand Involvement

Links with the Community

Chaplaincy Service

Resident Services

Feedback and Involvement


What matters most? The areas of most importance to our housing residents corresponded well with the areas of high satisfaction: ‘The village’, ‘Resident services’ and ‘Staff’. Where we can improve ‘Social life and involvement’ was earmarked as an opportunity for improvement, and the need for greater ‘Involvement and feedback’ has led us to look at more ways to invite for residents to tell us what they think. Residential care: overall satisfaction 95.72% Combined Satisfaction by area (RL) 2015 100 95 90 85 80

Care By Staff

Individual Needs and Preferences

Your Room

Residential Centre

Social Life Links with Chaplaincy and the Community Service Involvement

Resident Services

Feedback and Overall Involvement

What matters most? Again, the high-scoring areas corresponded well with those that are most important to our residents and families: ‘Care by staff’, ‘Individual needs and preferences’ and the ‘Residential centre’. Especially important to the residents is that they are treated with respect and that staff ensure they have adequate privacy. Where we can improve We identified three areas for improvement: ‘Links with the community’, ‘Social life and involvement’ and ‘Resident services’. We are now establishing ways to help residents feel more connected to the broader community, as well as expanding enrichment activities.

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BUILDING THE BRAND was relaunched in August 2015 as a brand new website, providing better access, navigation and interactivity. Here are some key features of our new website. Google maps integration: The home page includes a Google map with pins showing the location of all our care centres and villages. The accompanying search tool enables the user to look for the service they’re after in the location that suits them. Individual centre and village pages also include a small Google map in the side menu, enabling the user to click straight into that particular location. Price calculator: Residential care pricing is complex and may be difficult for families to understand. We have therefore included clear explanations and a customised sliding price calculator that helps the user to work out exactly how much they will be charged up front and as a regular payment.

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Interactive village plans: Within the pricing section for each village is an interactive site plan. The user can see which units or villas are available and click on a unit within the plan for a pop-up showing the costs and other useful information. Visual content: Photo galleries, embedded videos and room layouts communicate visually with the user about our services and properties. This creates a more interesting environment for the user to explore, and helps to keep the attention of those who enjoy absorbing information visually. News/blog section: Telling stories about Amana Living services, innovations and achievements is a great way to communicate about our brand and engage people browsing our site. News stories are posted regularly, pushed out to social media and rounded up in our new eNewsletter, Amana Life. In addition to the user benefits, the website is constructed on a Content Management System (CMS) platform, which enables staff to keep the content up-to-date, and we are able to track our visitors’ journey from first click through to our Customer Service Centre. This gives us useful data, which in turn helps us to continually improve the service we provide via our website.

A fresh customer experience The new website was the impetus for refreshing the Amana Living brand right across the organisation. During the year, we continued to increase visibility via our vehicle fleet, updated the staff uniforms and launched a redesign of all publications and care centre entrances. The Amana Living uniform was refreshed with a new look and updated fabric technology, allowing easier movement and greater comfort. Additional pieces are available for warmth in winter, and for the first time we have introduced corporate uniforms for our administration staff. The uniforms are helping to reinforce a strong brand image in all areas of direct care, while making it easier for residents, clients and visitors to identify care and administration staff. A care centre foyer refurbishment program is creating a more consistent, comforting and professional experience for customers. The first to enjoy a transformation is St George’s Care Centre (formerly St George’s Home). As each foyer is upgraded, the sites will be renamed as ‘care centres’ in line with current terminology.

As part of this enhanced customer experience, our redesigned brochure set began rolling out towards the end of the 2015/16 year. The set is structured to provide clear information about the wide range of care and services we now offer, complementing the information on our website and matching the lighter, airier design. Amana Living vehicle livery was also designed to reflect the fresh look of the website, making effective use of the ‘kite tails’ graphics, which now flow through all our branded materials. In September 2015, two Optare Solo coaches were added to the fleet, thanks to Lotterywest funding. They are designed to be easily accessible and more comfortable for people who are wheelchair-bound or unsteady on their feet. This means residents and clients of all abilities in our Perth metro sites are now enjoying more outings together. The coaches are also being used to transport guests to and from the annual Residents’ and Clients’ Party and to shuttle visitors between the train station and the annual Retirement Living Expo in Fremantle, which is helping to enhance brand visibility.

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The range of services and pathways within aged care can be difficult for clients to navigate. The Amana Living Customer Service Centre is there to provide advice and assistance.

Producing half a million meals is the task of our catering division, Total Catering Solutions (TCS). A rotating cycle of menus is reviewed regularly in light of residents’ feedback, to meet expectations for variety and range of tastes.

To support staff in delivering excellent customer service, a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system has been introduced, which will link into new call centre software. The CRM is a secure relationship database that stores all relevant information on Amana Living clients in one place. Amana Living has also begun to implement new call centre software, which pulls a client’s details from the CRM and displays them on call centre staff computer screens when the client phones the centre. The information will include details of previous discussions and services provided. This means the client won’t need to repeat their history each time they call, and staff can immediately assist them. The software will also allow better management of customers on hold, shortening their wait time. The CRM and the call centre software will be rolled out to the rest of the organisation once their full functionality has been tested in the Customer Service Centre.

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During 2015/16, TCS developed and launched a new menu for its home delivery service, Easy Meals. This service is increasingly being taken up by our housing residents and home care clients. In addition, the year saw progress on refurbishment of the building, due to be completed by the end of 2016, and replacement of TCS vans and trucks used for Amana Living deliveries.


Ken Talbot Ken Talbot is an independent man who tells his fascinating life story in a way that captivates the listener. His first contact with our Customer Service Centre (CSC) was during a stay in hospital following a heart operation. Ken had recently lost his wife, who was, he says, a wonderful cook!

more height and support. Instead, Jane found a way to have Ken’s chair adjusted. Jane keeps in touch with Ken to ensure his services are right for him, and to respond to any changing needs and new requests. Caption: Ken in his favourite chair telling stories of travel and adventure from earlier in his life.

The hospital social worker referred Ken to Amana Living, and our CSC Coordinator visited him to guide him through the care options and how to access the services he wanted. Ken asked us to organise home care support for him, so our Registered Nurse Assessor met with him to set up a suitable package. Ken’s care is now managed by Jane, one of our Home Care Coordinators, although Ken remains very much in charge. One of his first requests was to keep his favourite chair! A new chair had been proposed that provided

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THE RIGHT PEOPLE Our staff culture is based on the 3Rs – being the Right People, doing the Right Things, and working in the Right Way The Right People make a positive choice to work for Amana Living; they follow set procedures but always look for a better way. Doing the Right Things means turning every encounter with residents, clients or their families into an opportunity to

connect and enrich their day. Those who pitch in with a smile are working the Right Way to support their team. Employees nominate their peers each month to receive a 3Rtist award. The overall 3Rtist awardees for the year are announced at the Amana Living Awards Night and Staff Ball. The 2015 3Rtists were Jessica Kierath, Amanda Koekemoer and Neville Binet.

Jessica Kierath

Amanda Koekemoer

Client Services Administrator and 3Rtist winner in The Right People category

Carer, Admin Assistant, Occupational Therapist Assistant and 3Rtist winner in the Right Things category

Jessica’s peers nominated her because she is always friendly, listens thoughtfully and helps out whenever she can to support the team; if Jess can find a better way to get something done, she will! Her role is to support clients, families and our coordinators in delivering home care packages. In her previous role as Home Care Resource Coordinator, she also helped community support workers through the transition to consumer-directed care, supporting them in their day-to-day activities.

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Amanda is busy filling three roles across two residential care sites. She loves her work, and is much loved by residents in return. Amanda was nominated for her award because she sees every encounter with staff, residents and families as an opportunity to help others. This includes mentoring less experienced staff and finding ways to enrich the lives of residents. Her peers also commented that she is always calm under pressure, which helps others to feel calm too.

Neville Binet Health and Safety Consultant and 3Rtist winner in The Right Way category With a background as a physiotherapist in private practice and hospitals, Neville combined his OHS role with that of Clinical Lead for Allied Health during 2015/16. He is a natural at pitching in to help, and says his challenge is to ensure he doesn’t take on too much. He enjoys seeing his work not only benefiting staff, but also having a huge impact on quality of life for our residents and clients both indirectly and directly, for example through the new Falls Management Program.

The Awards Night is also an opportunity to acknowledge and thank staff members marking long-service milestones with Amana Living. 10 years Margaret Allan Christine Blades Lynne Buck Suzi Cowcher Adrienne Cummins Maria Davison Mandy Dickens Lynda Evans Christine Firth Philippe Fano Rachel Fano Kok Fong Dianna Goodchild Eugene Hands Jill Hanna Kasia Harrison Tricia Hay Jillian Higginbotham Antoinette Holster Jane Kempton Therese Kersting Tanya Knott Graeme Mann Deborah Miles

Wendy Namposya Njovu Paul Nankervis Verity Pestell Shirley Power Julie Ray Priscilla Rowell Lamasia Semi Beverley Smith Adama Turay Jackie Turner Rodney Walsh Joyce Williams 15 years Roma Cacciola Kayleen Cougan Diane Currie Vicki Dean Wendy Frazer Lorraine Kilbride Colin Lilburne Stella Livesey Joanne Merifield Peter Mildenhall Jennifer Pullyblank

Christine Robertson Jan Rumble Adam Smith Leanne Smith Diana Stelmach Anita Tamati Susan Thomson Tanya Tobias Aileen Tombe

David Herrington Kathy Hilton Merridee Lawrence Allison Luckhurst Noelene Martin Elaine Morgan Yvette Morley Rita Palmer Sandra Webster

20 years

25 years

Vicki Bell Maria De Azevedo Catherine Doudie Brenda Fenton Diane Harrison

Anne Allott Beth Hunter Julie Nelson Antonia Stein


11 Annual Report 2015/2016


GROWTH OF IN-HOME SERVICES The introduction of consumer-directed care has brought with it growth opportunities as well as challenges for home care. Consumer-directed care means home care clients with packaged funding have more control and choice over the services they receive and how they are delivered, and from February 2017, they will have even more control. This means they will hold the Government contribution to their services, along with their own payments, in an account, and make up their own minds when and where to spend the money. The only restriction will be ensuring the services they purchase meet guidelines set by the Government. At the same time, the sector is growing as baby boomers age and more people are preferring to stay in their own homes for longer. We are seeing an increase in requests for social support, as well as meeting practical needs. As clients decide how to spend their packaged funds, or consider additional services under a user-pays model, the ability to work with each person to understand what’s important to them and how to achieve their goals cost-effectively will add real value to home care services.

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These changes are having a two-fold effect: 1) they have freed us up to offer a wider range of services in a more flexible, customer-focused way; and 2) more providers are seeing opportunities to offer home care services, leading to a more competitive marketplace. Amana Living is already well established in the home care market, and during 2015/16, our home care team has been innovating to stay ahead of change. We are growing our social outings via the Amana Living Kites program, which is offered to Home and Community Care (HACC) funded clients, and can also be purchased on a user-pays basis. At the end of June, we launched a range of new services, such as spring-cleaning and home maintenance. Amana Living eConnect People caring for their loved ones with dementia at home can become stressed and isolated, as the caring role increasingly takes precedence in their lives. Amana Living has partnered with Telstra Health to create Amana Living eConnect, a new service that helps to reduce the stress related to caring and increase peace of mind. Amana Living is the first provider in the country to offer this type of customised ‘telecare’ service to people living with dementia, and will be the first to utilise all four elements of Telstra’s MyCareManager platform, which are:

1. Video conferencing This enables practitioners, such as GPs, Amana Living Home Care Coordinators, counsellors and McCusker Nurses (dementia specialists), to participate in joint video calls with the carer and client. 2. Remote health monitoring (telehealth) Home care clients will be provided with devices like glucometers, weight scales and blood pressure cuffs that send vital sign measurements directly to Amana Living staff. This helps staff to remotely monitor and manage chronic conditions such as congestive heart failure (CHF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, asthma and hypertension. 3. Online portal The secure portal will enable clients or their carers to be more involved in their own healthcare

Maxwell Scott Maxwell Scott and his orchids are a fantastic illustration of how the consumer-directed approach to packaged care can transform lives with the right support. A few years ago, Max was running his own business and had developed a hobby – growing orchids. Max and his wife Myrna live in the family home, which has a stunning garden. Myrna spends many hours gardening, and Max loves nothing better than to be in his orchid house nurturing his beautiful plants.

by giving them access to their health records, appointments, Consumer Directed Care budget, and care plans. 4. Integration with home care service Amana Living eConnect integrates telehealth with ComCare, the mobile system currently used by Amana Living home care staff to access a client’s record. Linking this with telehealth monitoring means data is updated in real time so staff can respond more quickly to changes in health needs. By the end of 2015/16, product development had been completed and the home care team were preparing to trial it with 50 clients living at home with dementia. The service is part of a wider program, which will see all Amana Living home care clients able to use Amana Living eConnect in their own homes, with roll-out due to begin in 2017.

at being unable to pursue the hobby that brought him so much joy. So his packaged funds were used to widen access into and around the orchid house and install new flooring – simple changes that Max says have ‘made a hell of a difference’! Caption: Max in the orchid house, which he is now able to move around easily to tend his stunning plants.

After falling ill and spending some time in hospital, Max found himself wheelchairbound and unable to access the orchid house, which, he says, was ‘tearing him apart’. This is where consumer-directed care came into its own. A conversation with our Home Care Coordinator brought to light Max’s frustration

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MEANINGFUL ENRICHMENT Expanding enrichment The year has seen a reassessment of what ‘enrichment’ means in practical terms for individual residents and clients. Historically, the program has revolved around flagship projects run across multiple sites. These projects remain a key part of the overall program, and will continue to run with additional resourcing, evaluation and measurement to inform future development. At the same time as working on these key projects, we have become increasingly aware of grassroots activity, such as intergenerational program opportunities, as well as the needs of individual residents who may not want or be able to participate in larger projects. This has led us to a new objective, to embed enrichment more effectively within everything we do:

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• Within the 3Rs staff cultural program, the second ‘R’ encourages staff to do the Right Things, which means turning every encounter into an opportunity to enrich lives. This helps us to focus on the little things that mean a lot, such as a friendly chat during breakfast or organising a Skype session with a resident’s family, through to recognising opportunities to connect with the wider community. • Lifestyle activities are running at care centres that accommodate residents with high dependency. The Enrichment Program now encompasses these activities with a view to expanding across other centres over time. • Our pastoral care program focuses on emotional, psychological and spiritual wellbeing. This is essential to an enriched life, and the Enrichment Program is therefore now more closely aligned with Chaplaincy. This includes volunteer resources and procedures, support for chaplains’ use of enrichment iPads, and working with the Anglican community (such as Anglican schools) to develop enrichment projects.

The year also saw the development of two new flagship programs, Tune into Life (see page 16) and the Spring Arts Festival in partnership with the Black Swan Prize for Portraiture scheduled for October 2016. The annual Residents’ and Clients’ Party was also held in October 2015, and was once again a great success, taking the theme ‘Beach Party’. Guests were entertained by live music and dancing, and enjoyed a sit-down morning tea and lunch.

The added value of volunteers In July 2015, our Volunteer and Enrichment Programs were brought together under one portfolio within the Health Care business unit. Volunteers are a crucial asset to Amana Living, enabling us to further enrich the lives of residents and clients. In recognition of this natural synergy, and as we grow and embed the Enrichment Program, the 2015/16 year was spent reviewing our recruitment, up-skilling, retention and allocation of volunteers. During the year, our volunteers dedicated more than 10,000 hours to our residents and clients,

which adds a great deal of value to the services provided by our hard-working staff. Before growing the volunteer base, the focus has been on the best way to diversify the range of volunteers recruited, and alignment with the new national standards for volunteering, which offer benchmarking and guidelines on best practice. Planning has also included up-skilling sessions with external speakers, and a review of policies and procedures. The Volunteer Program is now positioned strongly for growth to support the expanding Enrichment Program.


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Tune into Life We know that music taps into a part of the brain that remains very much alive in people living with dementia. In May 2016, Amana Living launched the pilot for a new music program that draws on this opportunity to ‘awaken’ memories. Tune into Life adds a musical dimension to the Amana Living Enrichment Program. It is based on the ‘Music and Memory’ model developed in the US, which has consistently shown that immersing people in music that is meaningful to them stimulates old memories, renews connection with others and results in feelings of calmness and wellbeing. The model is very simple. Music play lists are created for individual participants, based on their personal histories, preferences and emotional connections. The music is loaded onto iPods and played via headphones to shut out extraneous

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noise. Care-givers are then trained in how best to use the play lists with each individual, looking for opportunities to enrich, connect and soothe. A resident may enjoy their music alone or share it with a family member or carer via split head-sets. While simple to set up, the program’s success depends on how it is managed at an individual level. This is why Amana Living has engaged a qualified music therapist, Goya Zheng, to run the program, which is where our model departs from the ‘Music and Memory’ prototype. The new position is generously funded by the John and Beryl May Henderson Foundation. Goya’s key tasks are to identify the music most likely to ‘awaken’ individuals with lost memories, to ensure staff are properly trained and to oversee the pilot and implementation. The pilot is running at our two dementia service centres. Once learnings have been recorded and embedded, the program will roll out across all our care centres. We anticipate that within three years, it will be sustainable and benefiting up to 1,000 residents and clients.

Mel Davies The Tune into Life pilot music program at Amana Living’s Lefroy Care Centre in Bull Creek has vastly improved connections between Imelda (‘Mel’) Davies and her husband John.

and feet – a joy for those around her! The music can also be used to calm her when she feels confused or agitated and, perhaps most importantly, it helps Mel and John to reconnect through a shared love.

Mel lives with advanced dementia, and this has severely affected her ability to communicate with those around her. This, and her love of music, made her an ideal candidate for Tune into Life. Mel and John are both keen on classical music, and John says he still has ‘a house full of records’. Goya, our Music Therapist, created a playlist of Mel’s favourite pieces that she and John can listen to through a split headset. When the music plays, Mel’s eyes brighten noticeably, she smiles and taps her fingers

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The themes and décor have also created a tool for conversation and reminiscence between staff, families and residents.

At Kinross Care Centre, one of our two integrated dementia service centres, a recent project has transformed the living environment for permanent residents.

Dementia service centre takes shape Our integrated dementia service centre in Bull Creek has taken a step forward with all four services coming together under one manager. This has streamlined resourcing and processes, facilitating smooth transition between the McCusker Nurse Service, day and residential respite, transition care and permanent residential care.

The project began with a decision to differentiate the centre’s three permanent care houses with feature walls and new names: Kookaburra House, Beach House and Frangipani House. A volunteer artist, Jane Dacruz, generously gave her time to paint a themed mural on each feature wall. A dedicated staff team then worked to refresh the interior design throughout the houses, replacing decorative items and pictures in line with the themes, bringing in new furniture, painting some of the old dining tables for use in the small sitting areas, and displaying photos and names of the residents at the house entrances. The results of the transformation have been quite marked. The whole site has a calm, settled feel to it, and the response from residents has been very positive. Some sat and watched the artist at work, and the bright colours of the feature walls provide something stimulating to engage people living with dementia. Both the brightness of the colours and the calmness of the environment are helping to reduce residents’ agitation and responsive behaviours.

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The McCusker Nurse North tops 1,000 clients The McCusker Nurse North Service accepted its 1,000th client in early 2016. McCusker Nurses are experienced registered nurses specialising in dementia. They support carers of those living with dementia by: offering advice, support and reassurance; providing accurate information on resources available; and guiding carers to dementia services most likely to help. This is a unique service in Australia, developed by Amana Living and funded by the McCusker Charitable Foundation, Perpetual Trustees and Amana Living Anglican Foundation.


Mona Anker Mona Anker loves everything about Club Kinross. It’s one of Amana Living’s three day respite clubs, offering people living with dementia a chance to socialise and have fun. Mona is affected only by memory challenges and is able to remain living independently in retirement housing; even so, she says it has made a huge difference to her to visit the club and interact with others. She agrees with her grand-daughter, Chanelle, that social interaction is vital at all stages of life. Chanelle says it means a great deal to the family knowing that Mona has the club to go to. Mona says she enjoys the homely and friendly atmosphere of the club, the quizzes

and other activities laid on by staff, and playing with the children who visit from the local kindy. Bringing young children to visit the club is a chance for the older people to apply their grandparenting skills, keep active and have fun. The children look forward to the trips too, benefiting equally from having several ‘grandparents’ in their lives! Caption: Mona at Club Kinross with her granddaughter Chanelle, and great-grandsons Elijah (left) and Corben 150 CLIENTS ATTENDED OUR DAY RESPITE CLUBS DURING THE YEAR.

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RESIDENTIAL CARE SET TO GROW Residential Care (incorporating Transition Care) has been a key focus for growth during strategic planning for 2015/16. For Residential Care, the ageing population and increasing dependency of older people represents a clear need for greater capacity. In the planning/feasibility stage is expansion of Parry Hostel in Lesmurdie from 40 to 100 beds and Moline Hostel in Karrinyup from 60 to between 80 and 100 beds. Planning and feasibility for an extension to Kinross Care Centre was completed in 2015/16, to include 40+ new high dependency beds. These will contribute to the overall strategic target to increase the number of places available by approximately 25%, bringing the total across our care centres to over 1,000.

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In preparation for increasing dependency, Amana Living has established a rolling program of upgrades. We expect to see new building codes come into force within the next two years. We are working ahead of the changes to upgrade sprinkler systems now.

Bull Creek dementia services centre The opening of Transition Care Bull Creek was celebrated in March with our Patron, the Honourable Kerry Sanderson AC, Governor of Western Australia. This purpose-built centre provides 18 beds for OAMH (Older Adult Mental Health) and dementia clients transitioning from hospital to either permanent care or back home. The Bull Creek hub has now become an integrated dementia services centre: so residential care, transition care, day and residential respite, and the McCusker Nurse South Service are all managed as a synergetic set of services. This will facilitate the customer journey from help at home through to permanent care, and the pooling of clinical expertise across the site.

The Workforce Project

Successful Compliance

Life within our care centres revolves around quality of care and services for our residents, and we are continually alert to ways of improving their experience.

Amana Living’s 13 residential care centres hosted 13 unannounced visits and nine reaccreditations by the Australian Aged Care Quality Agency. All were successful, and included a number of highly complimentary comments from assessors.

Recognising the importance of consistency in the carers attending to residents’ needs, Amana Living has been implementing the Workforce Project through the year. By centralising staff rosters, managed by dedicated support staff, we have increased efficiency and consistency. The result is a better way to maintain our high quality of care, ensuring that residents see familiar, well-trained carers, nurses, hospitality staff and therapists.


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Sydney Lynch Sydney Lynch could be mistaken for the gardener at James Brown House residential care centre in Osborne Park. Syd discovered the joy of nurturing plants while in hospital following a series of strokes, and then at Transition Care Mosman Park, where he took to watering pot plants. Now he enjoys watering the gardens around the care centre. Residents are often still active physically and mentally when they move into residential care, so our staff encourage activities that enrich the individual. Syd says it’s ‘beautiful being close to nature’ and he wishes he’d started gardening years ago! His other favourite pastime is visiting the local kindy kids and welcoming their visits to the centre. He says he ‘mucks around’ telling

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jokes and doing impressions to make them laugh. The only thing Syd misses is having fish and chips in Fremantle, where he used to live, so Amana Living is finding a way to involve him in social outings to the town. Caption: Brother-in-law Paul (left) visits Syd regularly and takes him to footy matches

Olivia Drower Olivia Drower’s son David is clearly proud of his mum, prompting her to tell stories of her youth. She was an accomplished athlete – rowing, running, long jump and hurdles – and was crowned Miss Kenya in 1951. Olivia’s age is a secret, but she says she is hoping for a telegram from the Queen in the next few years!

Despite her frailty, Olivia’s appearance, mind and sense of humour remain sharp. She keeps up with current affairs via Foxtel and doesn’t miss a beat in the conversation, while ensuring the photographer captures her ‘best side’. Caption: Olivia and her son David enjoy sharing memories

Olivia’s journey with Amana Living began in Moline Village in Karrinyup, where she lived happily for 11 years. A series of strokes led to a hospital stay, followed by a few weeks at Transition Care Mosman Park. Transition care gives older people time to recover from a hospital stay and restore abilities so they are ready to move back home or into residential care. From there, Olivia moved into Lefroy Care Centre in Bull Creek, where she enjoys her own suite and garden. Our care centres are among the most spacious, making the transition from the independence of living in their own home a little easier for our residents.

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MODELS FOR LIVING AT HOME The Housing and Home Care business units became more closely aligned under one General Manager in 2013, and since then, the team has taken up a number of opportunities to explore new models to help older people remain living independently, with support. Along with developing a wider range of Home Care services (see page 12), our focus in housing has been understanding the benefits wanted by residents of over-55s housing, and exploring alternative models to those currently available. We know that supported living is the key, whether the resident is living in their family home, or has moved to a retirement village – now something of a misnomer with more over-55s staying in work for longer. The oldest baby boomers are now turning 70, and their expectation is to be offered quality on-demand services, hospitality at home, and a wide range of choices. Many are still working or want to remain actively involved in their local community. Others experience reduced mobility or cognitive decline, leading to feelings of loss and isolation. So by offering a broader, more flexible home care service to our housing clients, as well as across the wider community, we can fulfil their expectations,

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while helping to delay, or possibly even prevent, entry into permanent residential care. Instead, older people can enjoy the benefits of having their own front door and keeping their extended family and beloved pets around them. Our flagship development, Amana Living Treendale, continues to grow, with the construction of 14 new units due to be completed by November 2016. This development is key for Amana Living in developing a presence within the growing south-west region. Similarly, the planned redevelopment of our Cottesloe site has progressed, and we hope to see planning approval in progress during the coming year.



OUR ECO CONSCIENCE Amana Living’s philosophy of care expands to include the environment. For some years, our ECO-Team, which includes representatives from key areas of the organisation, has been driving a range of projects that aim to reduce our carbon footprint. This commitment is now supported by our Strategic Plan. The ECO-Team’s stated objective is to promote a healthier environment by minimising the Amana Living carbon footprint via waste reduction, energy and water savings, and recycling. Where savings are made, resources are reinvested for the benefit of our residents and clients. This has now become embedded in the organisation’s strategic direction and performance review process, so that all staff work towards the same objective. This section summarises three key projects from 2015/16.

Microfibre a first A new microfibre cleaning system at our residential and transition care centres has resulted in better quality cleaning and reduced water consumption. The microfibre system is relatively new to aged care in WA, and Amana Living is the first to roll it out across all residential care centres. It represents best practice in the health industry, particularly within the acute sector. Microfibre achieves a cleaner environment, and is quicker and easier to use than the old mop-andbucket method, which involves heavy lifting and

uses a minimum of 20-30 litres a time . By contrast, the microfibre flat mop system uses a maximum of 6 litres of water per clean. As the system becomes embedded and carpets are replaced with vinyl, we expect to see water savings of 218,000 litres per year.

LED replacement program An LED replacement program across our care centres is showing positive results, with a drop in power consumption at some sites of up to 7%. The full impact has yet to be felt, so we expect this figure to improve. Lefroy Hostel in Bull Creek has reported the additional benefit of a brighter and fresher environment with reduced shadowing, which is important for people living with dementia.

Going solar Amana Living’s catering division Total Catering Solutions (TCS) have been getting ready to fire up their new solar panels. The Amana Living Eco-Team has researched the solar power options and potential impact during the year, and estimated that the new system will provide around 25% of TCS’s electricity needs, promising significant savings. TCS was chosen as the first site to have solar panels installed as its pattern of power usage and expansive roof space enables us to achieve good results. Other sites will be considered once this project is up and running.

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Clinical excellence

Board and Leadership

Clinical governance has been a key focus for review during the year, to ensure residents’ and clients’ health care remains of the highest quality.

The Amana Living Board continues to provide strong governance, support and direction to the CEO and Leadership Team. Engagement in the strategic planning process formed a major focus for the first half of the financial year, reviewing and resetting plans for growth in line with our mission and values. The Strategic Plan has been shared with senior staff at the regular Senior Staff Forum, encouraging an understanding of targets and strategies to be cascaded through the organisation to all levels. Membership of both Board and Leadership Team has provided stability and consistency across the year. The Board farewelled Tracy Armson at the end of June 2016, and is now engaged in recruitment in consultation with the Anglican Diocese of Perth.

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A clinical governance framework provides guidance on maintaining excellence in health care, in a sustainable way. It defines the principles, structure and processes that underpin service quality, continuous improvement and safety. The Amana Living framework has been refined to match our specific requirements as an aged care organisation, and to facilitate effective performance monitoring. Running alongside this has been a detailed review of clinical policies and procedures, forming an updated foundation for our model of care. Other initiatives in Health Care governance include completion of the first stage of a falls management program in partnership with Curtin University, and a gap analysis for an upgraded infection control program, which is to be implemented in 2016/17.

The Amana Living Financial Report for 2015/16 is available as a separate document and can be downloaded from our website


Chief Executive Officer

Board Members as at 30 June 2016

Mr Ray Glickman MBus, MA(Oxon), MA(Brun), CQSW, FAIM, FAICD

Mr Steve Scudamore MA (Oxon), FCA, SF Fin, FAICD Appointment: 2010 Position: Chairman Dr Peter Rudolph MBBS, DipGerMed, MHSM, AFRACMA Appointment: 2010 Position: Member Venerable Braden Short BEd, MSocSci, BDiv, Post Grad Dip Ed Leadership Appointment: 2015 Position: Member Mr Ian Ludlow BCom, CA, AFAIM Appointment: 2003 Position: Deputy Chairman, Treasurer, Chair Finance & Audit Sub-committee Ms Tracy Armson BA (Hons), MBA, GAICD Appointment: 2007 Position: Member

Incoming Chief Executive Officer Mrs Stephanie Buckland BS, MBA

Mr Damian Gordon BBus, FCA, SF Fin, MAICD Appointment: 2013 Position: Member Mrs Karen Field BEc, MAICD Appointment: 2002 Position: Member, Chair Governance Sub-committee Dr Robyn Lawrence MBBS, MBA, FRACMA, MAICD Appointment: 2013 Position: Member

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Amana Living believes in retaining good staff to ensure our residents and clients receive consistent, quality care and services.

‘Anglican essence’ describes a way of ensuring Amana Living’s Christian roots and mission remain embedded across the organisation.

One way of doing this is to offer education and training through our Registered Training Organisation (RTO), which encourages employees to develop their careers within Amana Living, helping us to offer continuity for residents and clients. Retention contributes to sustainability too, by harnessing valuable experience gained by staff and enabling them to apply it to new areas of the organisation.

Our Anglican essence is symbolised by the cross within the kite on our logo. In 2015, a pictorial explanation of this symbolism was developed for placement within each of our centres. As the centre foyers are refurbished, the new sign is being incorporated in an area visible to all visitors.

All qualifications offered by the Amana Living RTO are nationally recognised and free of charge to our employees. In 2015/16, the RTO implemented an updated training package, which incorporates the new Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing, Home & Community or Disability) and Certificate IV in Ageing Support. The Certificate IV in Leisure and Health is also offered.

Pastoral care remains a core activity for Chaplaincy, and is becoming more closely aligned with our Volunteer and Enrichment Programs in recognition of our commitment to enriching mind, body and soul. Volunteer pastoral carers, 80% from Anglican parishes, receive training and work closely with Chaplaincy in offering spiritual and emotional support that is meaningful to the individual, regardless of their religious affiliation. In 2016, Amana Living welcomed Evelyn Crommelin and June Ormerod to the Chaplaincy team, supporting residential care and housing residents. This brings the team to a total of three full-time and two part-time chaplains. In addition to pastoral care, significant connections have been made with Anglican schools. Year 5 and Year 10 students from All Saints’ College are participating in intergenerational programs. The younger children join in activities with residents at Frederick Guest Hostel in Bull Creek, while the older students are participating in the McCusker Advocates Program, which involves visiting residents who live with dementia. More recently, an enrichment project called Moline Connect involves students from St Mary’s Anglican Girls’ School sharing their knowledge of technology with residents at Moline Village.

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Thanks to our supporters Amana Living is a not-for-profit registered charitable organisation. Government contributions enable us to provide quality care and services; however, we aim to go beyond this to offer our residents and clients enriching experiences and environments. The extent to which we are able to achieve this is almost entirely dependent on additional support from sponsors, donors and volunteers. Amana Living is extremely grateful to those who have supported us during the 2015/16 year. Volunteers have continued to be generous with their time, especially in supporting Enrichment Program activities such as Project Picasso and the annual party. At a morning tea and tour of Kings Park in early 2016, senior staff were able to thank

some of our volunteers face to face. We hope to expand on these social celebrations for our volunteers in the coming year. Funding secured in early 2015 from Lotterywest Grants saw our first two accessible coaches arrive in September, and the Anglican Community Fund has once again supported our Residents’ and Clients’ Party, one of the key flagship Enrichment Program events that means a great deal to those who attend. The other key initiative that relies on philanthropic support is the McCusker Nurse Service for people living with dementia and their families. The McCusker Charitable Foundation, the John and Beryl May Henderson Foundation, generous bequests and other donations have enabled us to continue providing this free service.

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Amana Living Corporate Office 541 Hay Street, Subiaco WA 6008 PO Box 933, Subiaco WA 6904 Tel. 1300 26 26 26 Fax. (08) 9388 3142

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