The Phoenix of Alpha Sigma Alpha; Summer 2012

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Jani took a chance during her last semester in college and contacted a Mansfield University alumna to ask about a tour of ESPN. The alumnus was able to arrange the tour as well as passing along her resume which resulted in an interview during the tour. Jani was lucky enough to start working for ESPN one week after receiving her college degree. “I find myself very, very lucky to have such good fortune. I actually never applied to any company before ‘falling’ into my career at ESPN. I will be celebrating my 12th anniversary in May 2012,” said Jani. Christina wanted to work at ESPN since she was in junior high school. She watched and played every type of sport and wanted to be a sportscaster at the network. In college, she realized that her passion was more focused on the behind the scenes planning and execution, so she followed a more technical class schedule instead. Christina then utilized contacts she made through her advisor to get her resume directly to a hiring manager at ESPN. “ESPN was the only place I wanted to work and that was the first place I interviewed and received a job offer,” said Christina. Jani’s advice for sisters interested in a similar career “Be willing to get your feet wet in a position that might not be your ‘dream job.’ If you are proactive, reliable and work hard, the job you really want to do will become available. I am not saying that someone should settle for a job they don’t want,but you don’t want to be close minded. Also, opportunities and jobs will not fall into your lap, and you have to work hard before being rewarded,” said Jani.

Christina’s career advice for sisters “Follow your heart and don’t give up. This business, particularly television, is predominantly a male business but, women are slowly coming up the ranks with senior management and making a statement in my career. Always take time to get to know the people around you as you never know how they could help your dream come true,” said Christina. ESPN’s corporate campus is actually bigger than some colleges, and ESPN encourages employees to take time out of their busy days and utilize the campus grounds and fitness centers to stay active and fit. Jani says that because of the size of the campus, she is able to do a lot of walking, which helps her stay healthy. Christina and Jani both feel very lucky that they had the belief system and bonds of Alpha Sigma Alpha to help them transition from collegians to alumnae. Jani started at ESPN a few months before Christina and the chapter sisters were able to form a new friendship when they started working together right after graduating and moving to a new town. Both women also find time to volunteer for Alpha Sigma Alpha as advisors to the Theta Sigma Chapter at Southern Connecticut State University. Christina is the recruitment advisor and Jani is the standards advisor. “The bonds you make as a sister can and will last a lifetime if you cultivate them. It’s amazing how when you meet another alumna, you can instantly connect because you have the same belief structure. I am so thankful for the 15 years of sisterhood I have under my wings and look forward to many more to come,” said Jani.

Christine Pleban, Delta Eta, Manager, Event Marketing and Sales, for Feld Entertainment

“I love my job and what I do. I am surrounded by dynamic individuals that push me to be my best every day.” Christine grew up in a sports family – playing and watching sports from the time she was small. She played varsity soccer, basketball and tennis in high school and played soccer at Loyola University, New Orleans before transferring to DePaul University in Chicago. Christine’s family are huge hockey fans and love the Colorado Avalanche. “The Avs came to Colorado when I was just a wee one. We had a huge rivalry with the Detroit Red Wings and there’s nothing like a sell-out game with the energy of a rivalry of that nature. Plus I love hockey jerseys, they’re comfy,” said Christine. Christine works for Feld Entertainment, the company that owns and operates Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey, Disney On Ice, Disney Live!, Monster Jam, Supercross and FMX. She is the local promoter for all of the shows that come to St. Louis and the area properties - the Edward Jones Dome (home of the St. Louis Rams), Scottrade


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