Asa phoenix vol 36 no 4 may 1951

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MAY, 1951 Rho Chi is proud of its sponsors who have made several appearan ces an television programs . Both Dr. Koehl and Mrs. Houts did very well on T-V. Two of our members are on the Committ ee of Wayne Women which is designat ed to plan for commun ity service during the emergen cy. Planned activities include acting as USO hostesses , and aiding Veterans ' hospitals. As always Alpha Sigmas are anxious to help! Marilyn Mack

BETA Pl Concord College, Athens, West Virginia Dear Sisters, March 18 will always be a day of remembr ance ta four of our members . On this day Shirley Flynn, Nancy Brown, Evangeli ne Hedrick, and Arlene Miller became active members of A"'EA. The solemn and dignified ceremony took place in the college social room , followed by breakfas t at the home of Mrs. C. J. Gerald, one of our beloved patroness es. Afterwar ds the girls went in a group to the Athens Baptist Church . Our four new members are really wonderfu l girls of whom we are proud. On April 4 we installed our new officers for the coming year. The installati on service took place at the home of Mrs. Harry Winklem an, our adviser. After the service delicious refreshm ents were served to the members and to Miss Nellie Ellison, our ca-advise r. New officers are: Norma Jean Ellis, presiden t; Pansy Howell, vice-pres ident; Peggy Hambric k, secretary ; Evangeli ne Hedrick, treasurer ; Nancy Brown, registrar ; Arlene Miller, chaplain; Louise Magyar, editor; and Shirley Flynn, sergeant at-arms. I know that these girls will carry out their duties ta their best ability and will strive to uphold the aims of Yours in A"'EA, Alpha Sigma Alpha. Louise Magyar

BETA RHO Northern Illinois State Teachers College, DeKalb, Illinois Under the leadershi p of our new officers, we of Beta Rho are busily ma k ing plans for our last activities of the year.. New officers of the chapter are: Maureen Sullivan, president ; Harriet Eadie, vice-pres ident; Rita Burke, secretary ; ¡Donna Frankfot her, treasurer ; Pat Parker, registrar; Shirley Anderson , social secretary ; Nyema Lindblad e, chaplain ; and Carolyn Werner, editor. Some of our members have recently been elected to campus offices. Maureen Sullivan is vice- presiden t of the Panhelle nic Council and treasurer of Women 's. League. Jane Heidorn is the new preside nt of the Women 's Athletic Associati on . Jane also wan third place honors in the national Alpha Delta cartoonin g contest held last month. Congratu lations for outsta nding sc holarsh ip are in order for Elise Singer, our former president , who attained the rank of sixth in this year's graduati ng class. An importan t event on our calendar is the Mother's. Day Tea schedule d for the latter part of May. At this. time we plan to have our mothers became a part of Alpha Sigma when we present them with Mother Patroness pins. Our enthusia sm and a sp irations for our chapter soared' even higher last month when we received a visit from Wilma Wilson Sharp. Mrs. Sharp's interest in the chapter's achievem ents and her inspiring attitude was felt -by each and every girl a s you will see by the smiling faces. in the picture. As the days before vacation grow fewer and fewer , our thoughts are beginnin g to turn toward vacation plans, and of course we're including an Alpha Sig summer re union to be held here at NI. Carolyn Werner

NATIONA L PRESIDEN T MEMBERS OF BETA RHO CHAPTER WITH MRS. SHARP , Mrs. Jerome Winn, chapter advise r. president, chapter Sullivan, Maureen , rp Sha Mrs. : right to Seated, left k ie Ell is, Donna Frankfoth er, Ann. Elsie Hauf, Harri et Eadie, Jac_ Standing , left to right: Mary Ann Maeck, Bernadett e _Gucwa, Parker, Janice Shir ley Anderson , Charlotte Arnqu1st, Virg1n1a Brown, Pat Sauerman , N yema Lindblade , Carolyn Werner , Liz Gall, Burke. Rita Matteson, Groce Powers, Koch, Donna Jackie Mueller, Nancy Wonish , Vi rginia Burns, Kay Wi ll iams, Seated on floor left to right : Georgetta Young, Faith Riley, Elsie Singer. Schuster, Marna Chadwick, Pat Ranallo, let Vio Boyd, Elaine Baker, Barba/a

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