Asa phoenix vol 20 no 1 nov 1933

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Ruth Ford: May we present one of our most gracious personalities? Her versati1ity of talents has been shown through her work in the rt lub, the Dramatic Club, and as President of the College Choir. To quote from the college newspaper: "With her wit, charm, poise, dependability willingness, and inspirational leadership, Ruth Ford is a girl of whom the college may be justly proud." Virginia Guy: Here is a big girl with a big heart in which you'll find room for love, room for work, and room for play-with a joyful interest in it all. Nancy Burgwyrz: Nancy lends beauty, poise, and talent to our chapter. he has very outstanding dramatic ability and is a leader in student activities. !though she leaves us often for other college dances, she finds time to take the lead in every Dramatic Club play, to be President of the Junior Class, and to even appear in the May Court. Elizabeth Billups: Blonde, intelligent, and athletic are the words which best describe "Liz." It has taken her only one year to establish her niche in school activities as a member of the Athletic Council and the Rotunda staff. Sallie Perrow: She is an all-round college girl with the lady-bke traits of bea uty and artistic tendencies. Her picture may be seen in the annual in the beauty section, Dramatic Club, and Art Club. She also help to keep our memory book looking nice. Ida Mason Miller: H ere is a girl we all envy for she's fun to play with, fun to talk to, and you just can't make her lose her temper. If you want real results, put her on any committee and she'll prove her worthines . Mary Easley Hill: Mary Easley is an artist in many ways. She has been Pre ident of the Art Fraternity fo r two years and is a super-artist when it come to acquiring and keeping friends. This is the result of a talent fo r one and a love fo r the other. Susie Webb: Loveliness, dignity and graciousness with a sweet, steady per onality have ecured fo r Su ie a special place in our group. Though only a Freshman she has her place out ide the group a Pre idem of the hora1 lub. Lucy Potter: n angelic face with the personality to go with it ha made Lucy admi red by every one in one year. Who could be better uited for the out tanding Y. W. C. . work he ha done?

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