Asa phoenix vol 12 no 4 may 1927

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EDUCATIONAL SORORITIES Educational Sororities came into existence about the same time as Academic Sororities. The first ones were founded in New York State about 1870. Other were established in the normal schools of New York in the '80s. The next state to take up the idea were Michigan and \ rirginia. Two Michigan societie that have continued until the present clay are Pi Kappa Sigma and Alpha Sigma Tau. Two Virginia sororities, both of them very well known, are Alpha Sigma Alpha and Sigma Sigma Sigma. 1\Iissouri established societies about the same time, but affiliated later with the two Virginia societies. The New York organization confined themselves to their own state, and have in some instances affiliated with the more vigorous nationals. lVIiami University in Ohio and the Kansas State Teachers College at Emporia have also had educational societies for a great many years, and both contributed important nationals,-1\Iiami being the mother of Delta Sigma Epsilon and Pi Delta Theta, ancl Emporia being the birthplace of Theta Sigma Upsilon. \tVhen the Academic Sororities began to expand, a few of them placed chapters in normal schools, but eventually decided to confine themselves to the liberal arts college, and so recalled the charters of those chapters that were located in other types of institutions. This decision on their part was the reason for the establishment of all Educational Sororities founded since 1890. As the latter endeavored to expand, they came across groups that were hopeful of receiving charters from Academic Sororities, and so it was necessary to come to some sort of agreement with the Academic Sororities. This understanding was reached between the Association of Educational Sororities and the 1'\ational Panhellenic Congress. Under this agreement, it is expected that each will refrain from infringing on the territory of the other. The agreement was put to the test about ten years ago, when an academic sorority placed a chapter in a teachers college. The ociety in question \vas given just one week to recall the charter. It did so by wire in two clays. Since that time, there has never been the slightest friction between academic and educational nationals. A member of an educational sorority, who transfer to a college of liberal arts. may join any campus society, from which an invitation has be e11

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