Asa phoenix vol 11 no 4 may 1926

Page 20



HOW DO YOU DO, OMICRON OMICRON! Hazel Keener Alpha Sigma Alpha leader, Fair as judge, persuasive pleader. H ear her g rateful sisters cheer For their President so dear.

Hilda Bachman An able aid is Hilda B. Independent lady she, Never flinching at the test, Serving what she thinks is best.

Ethel McMaster Ethel McMaster, minute girl, On the spot with pep she'll twirl , Banish sadness, gloom, and fea r, With her most contagious cheer.

Kathryn Green American g irl, all, K athryn Green, Is true to "Style" whenever seen, Athletic beauty as should be Girl of "Land o f Liberty."

Elizabeth Kist Indeed there is upon this list Fidelity's hand maid, E lizabeth Kist. Quiet, pretty little g irl, Soft brown tresses all in curl.

Miriam Seese Miriam "Cease" we oft did cry As our pennies said "good bye." King Midas' wondrous gift hath she, A nd all that spells "Efficiency."

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