KAPPAN March 2024

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MARCH 2024



Joanne Grimm, CA Alpha Alpha


Susan Pelchat, CT Mu

Shannon Lorenzo-Rivero, TN Chi

Betty Sherrod, VA Gamma Omicron

Susan Whelan, NJ Kappa

Julie Kinder-McMillan, TN Alpha Gamma

Gwen Steele, NE Kappa

Daniel LaBorde, Digital Communications Coordinator, Int'l HQ


Ann Marie Brown, International President

Conway Blankenship, International President-Elect

Mollie Acosta, Immediate Past International President

Christi Smith, Executive Director

Alpha Delta Kappa empowers women educators to advance inclusion, educational excellence, altruism and world understanding.

The KAPPAN magazine is published quarterly by Alpha Delta Kappa, International Honorary Organization for Women Educators. Find the KAPPAN Publishing Guidelines online at www.alphadeltakappa.org.

Alpha Delta Kappa International Headquarters: 1615 W. 92nd St., Kansas City, MO 64114-3210 (816) 363-5525, (800) 247-2311, Fax (816) 363-4010 email: headquarters@alphadeltakappa.org www.alphadeltakappa.org

The opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily in conformity with those of Alpha Delta Kappa or the editor.

Submitting Items for the next KAPPAN

The deadline for the June 2024 issue is April 2, 2024. Tell us about the bridges you build with your communities and your members. Please include your name, chapter, state, province or nation, your office, and a way we can reach you if there are questions or more information needed.

To submit articles/photos, go to the A∆K website >About>Publications> Submit to the KAPPAN. Follow submission guidelines on the submission form.

Alpha Delta
& Departments 1 International President’s Message 2 Initiated a New Member? Now What? 4 Reinstatement: A Rejuvenating Process 5 Distinguished Programs Reflect A∆K Purpose 5 Building Strong Relationships 6 Fraternity Education 8 Ad Hoc Committee on Voting Schedules March Listening Sessions 8 IEB Committee Revises Ceremonies 9 IEB Makes Changes to Guiding Documents 10 World Understanding Project Update 11 Convention and Conference Dates 12 Planning a Conference - Smart Ways to Cut Costs and Stay Within the Budget 13 The Ps and Qs of a Successful Meeting 14 Three Ps of Successful Workshop Presentations 15 Bytes & Pieces 16 Meet the Regional Presidents-Elect Candidates 18 A∆K Classroom Grants Impact Students 19 Iowa Grant Recipient Shares Treasure Trunk Theatre Experience 20 Seven Peas in a Pod 22 Turning to Self-Care 23 Anniversaries 24 Amazing Members 25 Altruism 28 #A∆K 31 Omega Chapter 32 Homeroom Humor 33 A∆K Calendar

International President’s Message

“Our nation needs bridges, and bridges are built by those who look to the future and dedicate themselves to helping others,” Sandra Day O’Connor, Associate Justice, Supreme Court of the United States, told the graduates during her 2004 commencement address at Leland Stanford Jr. University, California. She could have been talking about the sisters of Alpha Delta Kappa. Our theme for this biennium is “Bridge to the Future.”

Justice O’Connor died last year. She knew how to build bridges. President Ronald Reagan appointed her to the Court in 1981. She was the first woman to sit on the Supreme Court and often said she was appointed to bridge the chasm between the sexes. She was the swing vote on many Supreme Court decisions regarding civil rights, personal privacy, voting rights, discrimination, etc. Justice O’Connor described the Brown vs. the Board of Education 1954 decision as a bridge built by many small stones, each laid by someone who decided that even a small difference was worth making. Doesn’t that sound like the altruistic deeds we do? You, sisters, donate school supplies, contribute funds for special programs and provide meals – small stones that make a difference.

Ralph Ellison, author, described education as “a matter of bridge building.” As teachers, we build bridges of intercultural education, helping our students and ourselves learn what is on the other side. Isn’t that what we do through our International Teacher Education and World Understanding programs?

Whether it is an arch, a beam, a cantilever, or a suspension bridge, it wasn’t built in a day. The Brooklyn Bridge took years to complete. The building starts with a dream, and the dream becomes an idea, and the idea becomes a plan and then a bridge.

You “build a bridge,” said Ken Poirot, “by extending your hand” and inviting someone to cross the bridge. A bridge is not a connection until it is crossed and the possibilities on the other side are explored.

The Rev. Dr Martin Luther King urged us to build fewer walls and more bridges. A bridge overcomes barriers. A bridge overcomes obstacles. I know I talk a lot about bridges. I like them. I like to see what is at the other end. But how do we follow Justice O’Connor’s example and build bridges?

First, building bridges is a common metaphor for leadership. The foremost duty of elected officers is to build bridges

connecting all the different groups they lead and to help their members cross those bridges. I regard that as one of my most important responsibilities. The bridges are the KAPPAN, CONNECT, and the bi-weekly Alpha Delta Kappa International News. Reading them connects us to what is happening in our organization and the lives of our members. Not everyone may agree with what they read, but everyone has an equal opportunity to connect.

Our state, provincial and national (S/P/N) conventions and regional conferences are bridges. Their programs and speakers connect knowledge, skills and attitudes. On the other side of those bridges are new friends and new experiences. I urge you to step out on that bridge this spring and summer. I’ll be there, and we can cross together.

Accept a seat on an S/P/N committee or offer to be chair. Offer for an office. It doesn’t matter if you are folding programs or leading the program; your participation is a stone to building that bridge.

We often start on different sides of a bridge and pass each other by as we cross, too busy to stop and acknowledge that we may be going in different directions, but we are on the same bridge. Let’s pause in the middle and share the view, perhaps seeing it differently.

To me, friendship is the bridge we build together. Friendship can start with a shared laugh, a tear, a piece of chewing gum or a banquet seat. Start friendships at your chapter meetings with warm greetings, sharing and inclusion in activities. It is not enough just to initiate a sister. It would be best if you made her feel valued.

At the conclusion of her Stanford University speech, Justice O’Connor spoke of her career and said, “At every step of the way, I felt the thrill of doing something right for a reason that was good. It was the thrill of building bridges. I don’t know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future: It is you. Commit yourself to being a bridge builder. We need you, and those who cross the bridge you built will thank you.” Hear the words of the “cowgirl from Eastern Arizona” who opened the door for women to take their place as public servants. Lay a stone in the Bridge to the Future. You are the future of Alpha Delta Kappa.


Initiated a New Member? Now What?

Congratulations! Your chapter just initiated a new member. What does your chapter do to welcome and inform the new member within the first week or two after she is initiated? Do you have a celebration at the initiation and then wave goodbye and tell her you will see her next month at the chapter meeting?

The International Membership Committee (IMC) has had discussions about ways to integrate new members into the chapter. At our Membership Summit in September, IMC shared what we learned from the book “Membership Recruitment” by Tony Rossell. Headquarters liaison Phyllis Robinette shared a video, “Ensuring Your Onboarding Journey Gets Results,” from a webinar she attended. One definition of onboarding is the action or process of integrating a new member into an organization. The onboarding journey is essential so that the excitement that new members have when they first join can be capitalized on. To do this it is important to inte -

VALIDATE – Day 1 to 14 after initiation

How do we welcome the new member to Alpha Delta Kappa?

How do we help the new sisters experience the value they sought when they became a member?

DEMONSTRATE – Day 14 to 3 months

How will we demonstrate the value of Alpha Delta Kappa that the new member desired?

CELEBRATE – 3 months to 9 months

How will we celebrate the value of Alpha Delta Kappa for our new sister?

Are we seeking feedback from the new member? Are they still seeing value in their membership? If not, what might the new member want to be different?

Onboarding is most effective when the information shared with new members is targeted to the individual.

grate them into the chapter and engage them in the activities about which they are passionate right away. Too often in organizations, there is more focus on whether the new member will renew her membership at the end of the first year instead of having the new member undergo an onboarding process to hook them from the beginning.

Onboarding is most effective when the information shared with new members is targeted to the individual. Onboarding is not as successful when members give new sisters all the information the older members think they need as they start their membership journey rather than what the new members need. The key is sharing information about what the new member wants from her membership. The first step in onboarding is to ask the new sister her WHY – why did she join Alpha Delta Kappa?

There are four stages of onboarding, as well as one final stage, looking at data. Read through each stage, and consider what your chapter does to validate, demonstrate and celebrate new members in their first year and to encourage renewal. Notice that this process is targeted to the new member, to what she values in membership.

RENEWAL – 9 months to 12 months

How will the new member find the renewal value of Alpha Delta Kappa?

What do we do if they do not renew? Do we entice them in some way? Do we just accept their resignation and move on?

DATA – How are we tracking renewals of new members?

The beginning of the calendar year is when many chapters initiate new members. To start, focus on the first two stages described below. If you have already initiated new member(s) this year and they have not gone through an onboarding process, it is not too late; start now.

As part of the VALIDATE stage, chapters are encouraged to assign the new sister a mentor. The mentor should be a sister different from the sponsor who brought the new member into Alpha Delta Kappa. The goal is for another sister to build a relationship with the new member. The sponsor


will continue to support the new member in her membership journey, and then, other sisters will also be a part of it. The mentor should meet with the new sister one-on-one to build a relationship and learn why she became a member.

The DEMONSTRATE stage is where you want to get the new member involved. Studies show that if a member volunteers with an organization, even a little, they are more likely to continue their membership. Go back to the new member’s WHY. What was it that drew her to become a member? Get her involved in that part of the chapter. Involvement gives them a role, helps them to build relationships with sisters and gets them engaged with what they value in membership.

The blog “Unboxed” shared this about onboarding in a pro-

fessional setting, “Onboarding is important because it helps new employees acclimate to their new work environment, integrate into the company culture and become effective contributors. A good onboarding experience shows employees that their workplace will be supportive, as well as one that encourages professional development.”

A positive onboarding experience in Alpha Delta Kappa will help new members to be integrated into our organization from the beginning, build relationships with sisters and have a role that allows them to contribute. After being members of our organization, many sisters share that they value the support and sisterhood membership offers. An effective onboarding program would allow new members to feel that from Day One.


Reinstatement: A Rejuvenating Process

What happens when members move to another state or travel to meetings becomes too taxing? What does one do when caring for ailing parents or young families requires increased involvement? If job responsibilities change, or responsibilities in other organizations become more demanding, what’s a member to do? These real-life issues have created hardships for members and have caused them to relinquish their membership in Alpha Delta Kappa. However, situations change, and people can find themselves with the time and desire to recommit to Alpha Delta Kappa. Fortunately for them, the process of reinstatement allows former members to reaffiliate with a chapter to rediscover the networking, altruism and sisterhood of Alpha Delta Kappa.

Donna Kinzer of WV Alpha Mu moved back to the area of her former chapter. VA Beta Lambda’s Sylvia Massie missed the sisters and the altruistic activities in the four chapters with which she had been affiliated. She missed the travel to conventions and conferences where she could be with her sisters and attend workshops. Hildred (Bitse) Griggs of GA Alpha Delta shared, “My family duties had lessened, I was retired, and dear A∆K friends encouraged me to rejoin.” Kelley Pellegrini of CT Kappa had said that she would go back to A∆K when her kids were in college. “I was always impressed by the magnitude of A∆K and how generous sisters are; I missed the camaraderie of my sisters.” Kelley loves being part of something bigger than herself. So, when her former chapter’s president, Maureen LeFrancis, reached out and invited her back, she was thrilled to return to CT Kappa.

Karen Burns of SC Iota relocated back to upstate South Carolina and wanted to have that special connection with educators she had experienced as a member of Alpha Delta Kappa. Elaine Johnson, GA Fidelis Lambda, retired, moved nearer her daughter, and missed fellowship with educators. She sought reinstatement to reconnect with other professionals. Asked by a teaching colleague and being better able to handle the stresses of her job, Susan McCandless had resigned from MD Iota but chose to be reinstated as a member. “It was an easy decision to reinstate my membership,” she noted.

Fond memories of activities, professional relationships, events and opportunities to grow as an educator inspired Adrienne Snow of CT Kappa to return to her original chapter. She explained, “Charlene has always sent me a holiday card and last year’s really tugged at my heartstrings. It brought up all of the memories from those lovely years together, and

I wanted to experience that same happiness again.” Another member found she could once again participate in meetings, and when she was asked to join again, she was happy to reinstate.

Of those who responded to the survey about resigning from A∆K, 22% had held memberships for 0-3 years, 22% had been members for 4-7 years, 33% had been members for 10-15 years, and 22% had been members for more than 15 years. These numbers suggest that reinstatement is a valuable option for members of any number of years in A∆K.

When asked if someone encouraged them to reinstate, more than half of the respondents named a specific sister who had approached them and encouraged them to reconnect with their A∆K sisters. The personal touch has an impact on membership reinstatement. Each person said the process was easy and that if there had been glitches of any kind, they were easy to deal with when supported by another sister.

To a person, members said they were glad they had been reinstated. One member said, “I love being able to continue my friendships with colleagues from around the county; I also enjoy collaborating with other sisters across Maryland.” What does Alpha Delta Kappa offer that can’t be found elsewhere? One member is enjoying the camaraderie and the opportunities to make a difference through A∆K. Connecting with other educators and contributing to local causes fulfills another. A vital sense of belonging and sisterhood sustains yet another. Involvement and engagement with empowered women who love teaching and learning satisfies another. The day’s stress melts away, and people can be themselves, cited another. Members mentioned the sisterhood and its altruistic components, invaluable friendships, and the A∆K perspectives of sisters past and present. Elaine Johnson declared, “I am in awe of their spirit, generosity and determination.”

Adrienne Snow added that rejoining A∆K has provided her with much-needed self-care. Susan McCandless appreciates that rules have become more relaxed, which makes the organization more flexible and welcoming. And, thanks to reinstatement, Sylvia Massie can say, “I am now a 50-year member who treasures memories of my time in chapters in four states.”

The Membership Reinstatement process can be found under the Members Only tab>Resource Library>Tutorial. The Reinstatement registration is under the Membership Tab on the International website.


Building Strong Relationships

Spring is in the air. Soon, our first S/P/N Convention for 2024 will take place. It is such an exciting time as we honor the officers who have given their service and welcome the new officers as they begin their journey.

For those of you who are incoming officers, congratulations. Take time to understand your roles and responsibilities. Review the training tools for chapter and S/P/N officers in the Resource Library, ask questions and build strong relationships.

One way to build strong relationships is through a communication approach called “People First Language.” This approach was originally introduced to communicate respectfully with and about a person with a disability. However, it is a wonderful approach to communicate respectfully with all individuals. It supports a strengths-based approach to communication. Whether you are an active educator, a community volunteer, or an officer for Alpha Delta Kappa, using this approach removes barriers that can exist with communication.

“People First Language” involves a communication approach that emphasizes the individual before their condition or characteristic. This approach is particularly important when interacting with people who have disabilities, medical conditions, or any other characteristic, but should be used anytime. Here are some tips for using” People First Language” to foster positive relationships:

Put the individual first: Focus on the person rather than their condition or characteristics. For example, instead of saying “autistic child,” say “a child with autism.”

Avoid labels: Refrain from using labels that define a person

solely by their condition. For instance, say “a sister who has Alzheimer’s” instead of “an Alzheimer’s sister.”

Ask and Listen: If you are unsure about how someone prefers to be described, ask them directly. People’s preferences can vary and it is important to respect their individual choice.

Educate Others: Encourage those around you to use “People First Language” too. Sometimes, people may not be aware of the impact of their words, so gentle education can help.

Emphasize Abilities: Focus on a person’s abilities rather than their limitations. Highlighting what a person can do promotes a positive and empowering perspective.

Be Open and Inclusive: Create an inclusive environment where individuals feel comfortable expressing their needs and preferences. This openness fosters trust and understanding.

Celebrate Diversity: Acknowledge and appreciate the diversity of experiences and perspectives. Recognize that everyone is unique, regardless of their background or characteristics.

By incorporating “People First Language” into your communication, you demonstrate respect, empathy, and a commitment to valuing the individual for how they are rather than defining them by their conditions or characteristics. This approach contributes to building strong and positive relationships based on understanding and mutual respect.

For more information about “People First Language,” visit CDC.gov or scan code at right.

Distinguished Programs Reflect A∆K Purpose

From auctions with traveling corsets to hand-tied, no-sew blankets for immigrants to tea parties for potential members, the 2023 chapter programs chosen as Distinguished Programs are as varied as the chapters who created them. Videos describing the programs are on the International website.

The Distinguished Program Award (DPA) recognizes chapters with programs that reflect the purposes of A∆K and programs that focus on personal enrichment. Chapters may submit one program that took place from June 1 through May 31 of the most recent program year. The submission period is June 15 to August 15 using the online Kaleidoscope application. Regional

officers adjudicate the programs.

Award recipients for their 2022 programs are Gulf: FL Gamma Omicron; North Central: MI Alpha Upsilon and IN Alpha Beta; Northeast: OH Sigma; Northwest: AK Gamma; South Central: AK Alpha Epsilon; Southeast: TN Chi; Southwest: CO Alpha Iota and AZ Iota.

To learn about the programs of the latest recipients, click the Membership tab on the International Website > Membership Awards or scan code at right.


Bridging to the Future by asking “WHY?”

WHY?” Such a powerful question. “WHY” asks us to step beyond the what, when, who details and to focus on gaining insight into the big picture. “WHY” helps us see relevance and importance.

Fraternity Education is the story of our organization, the story of members across the years and why Alpha Delta Kappa is so meaningful to each member. Fraternity Education resources are presented at our monthly chapter meetings and continue through each meeting level, Founders Day and Alpha Delta Kappa Month events, conferences and conventions. Members enjoy learning about our organization, whether it be a talk from a member, a game, a skit or a presentation.

What is Fraternity Education? It is spending time appreciating why Alpha Delta Kappa is important to members, our organization, our communities and our world. Fraternity Education is fun, meaningful and time well spent.

Beginning with the 2023 International Convention, Alpha Delta Kappa has a standing International Fraternity

Education Committee. Each Region has a Fraternity Education Chairman appointed by the Regional President. These Regional Chairmen work directly with the S/P/N Fraternity Education Chairmen to expand and share Fraternity Education resources. With the formation of the International Committee, chapters will have more Fraternity Education resources to choose from; these resources will be current and interactive and chapters will not only look at the basics of Alpha Delta Kappa but will begin to focus on “WHY” they are important.

“WHY” Fraternity Education is important looks at the reasons and history behind Alpha Delta Kappa topics. An example can be seen in “WHY” Fraternity Education now is an International Committee. Fraternity Education used to be included in the responsibilities of the membership committees. Since membership focuses on recruitment and retention, the International Executive Board chose to separate the two areas to give Fraternity Education its own focus. Membership will always be an important focus. Now, the Fraternity Education Committee has members dedicated to expanding the library of resources.

Fraternity Education
“ 6 KAPPAN • MARCH 2024

“WHY” Fraternity Education is an important area that touches every member through chapter meeting programs.

“WHY” Now, more members will be able to create, revise, improve and make Fraternity Education resources available to the membership. Fraternity Education has this new opportunity to reimagine, expand, broaden and explore all of the reasons “WHY” Alpha Delta Kappa is important and meaningful to us.

Are you getting excited about learning more about the “WHYs” of Alpha Delta Kappa? The International Fraternity Education Committee is excited and busy working together to create new, innovative, interactive and useful resources! What can you do to join in? If you have a Fraternity Education resource that you would like to share with the committee, send it to your Regional Fraternity Education Chairman. Alpha Delta Kappa members are invited to submit Fraternity Education resources to the Committee for review and possible inclusion on the International website. The steps to submit resources will come soon, including a criteria rubric to help members create or revise resources to be memorable, easy to use, accurate and current. Look for this rubric in the next issue of the KAPPAN

What kind of “WHY” questions could be asked with Fraternity Education resources? Coming soon to the Resource Library will be Fraternity Education Resources to answer these and many more “WHY” questions!

“WHYs” of the PEARLS of Achievement program


“WHYs” of World Understanding

“WHYs” of A∆K Collegiate Chapters

“WHYs” of Educational Excellence

“WHYs” of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

“WHYs” of International Executive Board

“WHYs” of Altruism

“WHYs” of Scholarships and Grants

“WHYs” of new changes at the International and Regional levels

The members of the first International Fraternity Education Committee (2023-2025) include: Julie Brown, International Committee Chairman, KY Alpha Eta; Carolyn Twaddle, Gulf Region Chairman, FL Upsilon; Amy Leitze, North Central Region Chairman, IN Beta Epsilon; Karen Taylor, Northeast Region Chairman, NH Mu; Mary Jane Henderson, Northwest Region Chairman, WA Alpha Nu; Cheryl Hagedorn, South Central Region Chairman, KS Alpha Alpha; Emily Castillo, Southeastern Region Chairman, VA Alpha Omicron: Jeanne Donadio, Southwest Region Chairman, NV Gamma; Phyllis Robinette Headquarters Liaison, CO Eta; Terry Peyton International Executive Board Liaison, LA Alpha Psi; Roberta Casabon, International Executive Board Liaison, ON Zeta.

Members of the International Fraternity Education Committee contributed to this article.

And the Word Is

Karen Taylor, Fraternity Education chair for the NE Region, shared this activity, created by Karin Anderson, NH Lambda and Lucille Constantine, NH Eta, for the NH State Convention and NE Regional Conference.

Create cards with words on them that are connected to Alpha Delta Kappa. One person takes a card without showing it to the others at the table. The cardholder gives clues to the word or words on the card without using any of the words on the card. Once someone has guessed the word, members can use this word to start a conversation about the word. For example, if the word is “Regioneer,” the discussion could be about who at the table is a Regioneer.

Information from Sue Whelan, KAPPAN Correspondent.

What Does It Stand For?

Play “Name Those Initials” at a chapter meeting as a Fraternity Education program.

Here is a list of commonly used A∆K abbreviations. How many can you identify?

(The answers are below.) How many of them can you use in one sentence?

It Stands For 1. Alpha Delta Kappa Association 2. International Executive Board 3. International Membership Committee 4. International Teacher Education 5. World Understanding 6. State/Province/Nation 7. Chapter Membership Chairman 8. Chapter President 9. Regional Vice President for Membership 10. Regional President 11. Past International President 12. Alpha Delta Kappa Collegiate Club 13. Policies and Procedures 14. Distinguished Program Award 15. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 16. Executive Director 1. A∆KA 2. IEB 3. IMC 4. ITE 5. WU 6. S/P/N 7. CMC 8. CP 9. RVPM 10. RP 11. PIP 12. A∆KCC 13. P and Ps 14. DPA 15. DEI 16. ED KAPPAN • MARCH 2024 7

Ad Hoc Committee on Voting Schedules March Listening Sessions

As a result of varying thoughts about voting at the International Convention, the International Executive Board (IEB) appointed six members to study this topic and make recommendations to the IEB. Members are Ann Quinlan, committee chair, IEB; Lauren Balint, VA Gamma Chi; Roberta Casabon, IEB; Kathy Learn, IA Upsilon, PEBC; Barbara Nore, Regional PresidentElect NW and Barbara Stanfield, NM Gamma, PEBC.

The issue the committee was asked to study centers around voting at or before the International Convention. Before 2021, all elections, such as candidates, bylaws and resolutions, were held at the convention with time for discussion of proposed bylaws and resolutions. This allowed for questions to be asked and answered and comments about them to be shared with the convention attendees.

The 2021 International Convention was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Elections were held electronically as there was no in-person convention. Comment blocks were provided for an electronic discussion of the proposed bylaw changes, and voting took place electronically. The IEB continued this pre-convention voting format in 2023 and introduced a bylaw proposal to make this the method to handle future convention voting. Comment blocks were again provided for an electronic discussion of the proposed

bylaw changes. The proposed bylaw was voted on and passed by the delegates.

Member input is vital on this issue to help determine how voting for candidates for International office and voting on proposed bylaws and resolutions should proceed. A series of one-hour Listening Sessions was held by Zoom in January. The next series of Listening Sessions is scheduled for March. Members may attend more than one session. The discussion questions will be the same at each session. Members will be asked about the pros and cons of in-person, virtual and hybrid voting. Other questions that will be posed are: Why is it important for you to attend the International Convention? How can we use technology to increase member engagement with candidates and proposed business items in preparation for voting at the 2025 Convention? What about this program has helped you clarify your thoughts about the issue of voting, and did you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and ideas? Members who cannot attend a Listening Session may send a written response to the questions to Headquarters or to a committee member.

Watch the International News and CONNECT for details on how to join in on the discussion.

IEB Ad Hoc Committee on Voting Chair Ann

IEB Committee Revises Ceremonies

The International Executive Board (IEB) sub-committee did not waste time getting to work bringing A∆K ceremonies up to date. Their goal was to streamline all of the ceremonies so they do not have to be rewritten every biennium. “No more rewrites,” cheered IEB Member Roberta Casabon, who worked with fellow IEB Member Terry Peyton on the edits. The two comprised the revision committee.

The committee members say they are proud of the work that has been done and hope they have provided a fresh, modern set of documents that encompass the essence of our organization. By eliminating the need to rewrite the ceremonies in each biennium, they feel that they have freed up time for the IEB to focus its energies on more timely and critical issues.

"The main problem with this great obsession for saving time is very simple: you can’t save time. You can only spend it. But you can spend it wisely or foolishly.” ~

The first consideration was whether or not ceremonies were really needed. The team felt that important occasions still needed to be recognized, which was one of the reasons they worked to refresh several ceremonies for special observances. “We still celebrate milestones in our lives, so why not in Alpha Delta Kappa?” commented Casabon. The committee considered changes needed to the Installations of Officers at all levels: New Member Initiation, Reinstatement, Honorary Member and Memorial Service.


Presidents can add information about themes in the introduction or closing to make ceremonies meaningful to members. A separate document that outlines the International theme and biennium logo will be prepared for each biennium so that information can be incorporated as desired. This document should be the only one in each biennium regarding ceremonies that would be rewritten, according to the committee members.

After approval from IEB, revised ceremonies will be posted on the International website; they are currently in the Resource Library in the MEMBERSHIP column under the All Members tab. Some of the older ceremonies will be placed in the Resource Library in the “History” document. That file is also due for revision. Ritual booklets will no longer be printed.

SAVE THE DATES Listening Session Times March 5, 2024 6 p.m. CT March 7, 2024 8 p.m. CT March 11, 2024 7 p.m. CT March 16, 2024 2 p.m. CT

IEB Makes Changes to Guiding Documents

Almost 1,000 pages, 934 to be exact, was the total sum of the five governing A∆K documents before the International Executive Board (IEB) began updating the Handbook, the Policies and Procedures and the Guidelines. These three documents, along with the Constitution of A∆K and the Bylaws of A∆K, comprise the Guiding Documents that identify the organization’s mission and the standards by which it manages its affairs.

Guiding documents needed to be updated to meet the changes and current needs of the organization, according to Executive Director Christi Smith. The IEB plans to complete all the updates on the International Resource Library by April.

“I am much appreciative of the time and effort Christi and the IEB members have made to provide an updated, relevant resource to our members,” said International President-Elect Conway Blankenship. The work on the documents began in the biennium of Past International President Susan Pelchat, Past International President Judy Ganzert, and Immediate Past International President Mollie Acosta and is continuing in the biennium of International President Ann Marie Brown.

Revisions were necessary to accommodate the changes in governance structure and the updated policies and procedures. Changes in the protocol for head table seating and order of officers’ procession were needed, and the receiving line was eliminated.

Some of the information in the A∆K handbook will now be “standing alone.” The information in the revised documents will be located in the Resource Library on the International website. The Resource Library is under the Members Only heading. The information described as “standing alone” is stored under topics instead of a specific document. Want to know how to display a badge? Go to the Resource Library and type in “Badge” to find the information. Hard copies of the

A bridge is a meeting place… a possibility, a metaphor.
Rather than focusing on the obstacle in your path, focus on the bridge over the obstacle.

Handbook, which included ceremonies, protocol and duties of officers and chairs, are no longer available. Putting the information on the website as a specific topic will make the information more easily accessible.

The P and Ps are essential for organizations as they describe the operating procedures. The University of Wisconsin-Madison, in its “Policy Library” documents, defines policy as “the established standards by which an organization operates” and procedure as “the process necessary to implement the policy.” Policy covers such topics as reimbursement for travel expenses, duties of standing committees and the frequency of conferences.

While bylaw changes are two years in the making, the P and Ps can be added or revised at any time by a vote of the entity that wrote them. Each chapter, state, province and nation (S/P/N) should develop policies and procedures that define their standards. Formalized policies and procedures promote consistency and can avoid issues.

The chapter and S/P/N governing boards need to evaluate their Policies and Procedures in each biennium to ensure they align with the organization’s current activities and help leaders make appropriate decisions.

In addition to the policies and procedures, organizations should have written guidelines that align with the policies and procedures. The guidelines include the responsibilities of the committee members and how the committee completes its duties. Changes to Guidelines do not require a membership or governing board vote. Unlike the P and P’s, following guidelines is not mandatory.

Executive Director Christi Smith, Immediate Past International President Mollie Acosta, Past International President Susan Pelchat, International President-Elect Conway Blankenship and KAPPAN Correspondent Gwen Steele contributed to this article.

International President Ann Marie Brown expresses her most heartfelt gratitude to the sisters, chapters, S/P/Ns, and International Executive Board for the many greeting cards, emails, and texts received after the car accident in which she and her husband, Wayne, were injured in January 2024. The many thoughtful words shared have provided the strength needed during our recovery. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.


World Understanding Project Update

If you have been wondering about the status of the next International World Understanding Project, you are not alone.

Since the first project in the 2009-2011 biennium, each project has served as a tangible and powerful embodiment of Alpha Delta Kappa’s focus on world understanding as a major tenet of its mission. The WU Project allows members to support education around the globe by identifying specific, worthy organizations deserving of additional funding. However, support of the most recent recipient, Project C.H.E.A.R., ended at the conclusion of the 2021-2023 biennium, and the International website states that applications for future projects have been deferred “until further notice due to current global conditions and the complexity of the world in which we live.” Thus, many sisters may ask, “What’s next for the World Understanding Project?”

$73,000 raised by A∆K sisters – ensuring that the application and adjudication processes comply with legal regulations is vital.

“This pause in the WU Project has simply been a chance for us to recalibrate; the goal in reviewing the process has been to align our practices with tax laws and grant standards while still honoring the purpose of the program,” Smith shared.

"We are an international organization, and we invest in young women around the world…"

The good news is that the WU Project is alive and well. As further stated on the website, the World Understanding Committee and the International Executive Board have been very busy over the past year working to “review and revise the guidelines and application for the next project.” While the exact details are not yet available, leaders have made tremendous progress in revamping and revitalizing the program to guarantee that it will continue to have a strong impact in the future.

Two recurring themes emerged from recent conversations about the status of the WU project, and the first was the significant value of this program.

“We are an international organization, and we invest in young women around the world to further their education through the ITE program. Doing the same with groups around the world is imperative and fits well with our mission,” said Ann Quinlan, IEB Liaison to the World Understanding Committee.

Christi Smith, executive director, agreed, stating, “The World Understanding Project is not going away. It has been and will continue to be a fundamental part of our mission as an organization.”

Since the project is so critical and garners a significant amount of funding – Project C.H.E.A.R. received more than

The second universal theme was the importance of sustainability.

“We began to look more intently at the sustainability factor of potential projects,” said Quinlan. “In other words, we will consider whether the potential recipient organization has sources of ongoing funding other than Alpha Delta Kappa’s single biennium of support.”

“Revising the adjudication process to ensure that the project is sustainable for the long term was part of our conversation,” added Smith.

According to World Understanding Committee Chair Lucy Kubo, who was also a committee member in the 2021-2023 biennium, the committee’s work to revise this program was well underway during the previous biennium. With additional guidance provided by the IEB at the beginning of the new biennium, the committee has made swift gains toward rolling out the revised and approved program details, which will be presented at the Regional Conferences in the summer of 2024.

“I think members are going to be really pleased with the new guidelines,” said Kubo. “The success of Project C.H.E.A.R. showed that a clear outline of goals and frequent progress updates are essential to sisters embracing the project.”

Quinlan applauded the WU Committees of both the previous and current biennium for their hard work updating the program’s guidelines and procedures. She hopes that Alpha Delta Kappa will be able to name the next WU Project for the 20252027 biennium.

To read more about past WU Projects, visit the International Website and click Foundation>World Understanding. Stay tuned for more information about the newly revised program criteria to be available at and after Regional Conferences.

Build bridges of insight through empathy, see the world through the eyes of others, understand the world through their experiences and feel the world through their emotions. ~TIM BROWN - NFL FOOTBALL PLAYER
10 KAPPAN • MARCH 2024

Convention and Conference Dates

It’s that time again. It’s time to pack your bags, make hotel reservations and head off for a special time conducting A∆K business and having sisterhood fun. Below is a list of locations, dates and presiding presidents.

Louisiana March 8 Lafayette Leslie Ann Koenck

Virginia March 15 McLean ...................... Dana Meriwether

Delaware March 16 Dover Tanya L. Humes

Hawaii March 22 Honolulu....................... Susan Y. Okano

Alabama April 5 Birmingham ...................... Kay H.Taylor

Maine April 6 Portland .....................Janie D. Bradstreet

Nebraska April 6 Omaha ............................Eileen M. Noll

Missouri April 12 St. Charles .......................... Dee A. Elder

Tennessee April 12 Franklin ............... Margaret P. Hogshead

New Hampshire April 12 Manchester Karen L. Taylor

Mexico April 12 Mexico City, MX ............... Mary Yonker

Vermont April 12 Montpelier Pamela T. Nadeau

Oregon April 13 Salem .................. Cynthia W. Wood and Beverly C.Quiring

Utah April 13 Murray .............................. Susan F. Potts

North Carolina April 18 Greensboro Craig Norton

Arizona April 19 Tempe-Phoenix .............. Kristi A. Koziol

Colorado April 19 Manitou Springs Joy D. Shaw

Kentucky April 19 Bowling Green ....... Gena K. Richardson

Mississippi April 19 Biloxi Jan S Cameron

South Carolina April 19 Summerville .......... Darlene R. Duseberg

West Virginia April 19 Wheeling Michele DeCarlo

Iowa April 19 Johnston ........................ Megan P. Steahr

Illinois April 19 Springfield Valerie S. Johnson

Arkansas April 20 Little Rock................... Patricia L. Snipes

Idaho April 20 Boise ....................................Sue L. Beitia

New Jersey April 20 Boonton ....................... Caterine Pierson

Pennsylvania April 20 Carlisle.........................Elizbeth L. Doerr

Minnesota April 26 St. Cloud ....................... Diana J. Vasicek

Ohio April 26 Columbus ........................ Carla J. Hartz

California April 26 San Jose ....................... Rosena B. Kruley

Florida April 26 Safety Harbor .............. Elizabeth A. Lilly

Maryland April 26 Annapolis Kay E. Caviness

Wisconsin April 26 Wisconsin Dells ............Theresa H. Ness

Indiana April 27 Terra Haute, Laurel A. Van Dyke

Manitoba April 27 Winnipeg .................... Susan D. Marlatt

Washington April 27 Yakima Mary Jo Heller and Karen Santos

Nevada May 3 Reno Jamie Hawkins

New Mexico May 3 Albuquerque..............Roxilana L. Moore

STATE DATE CITY ............................................... PRESIDENT

New York May 3 Watertown........................ Betty J. Kulpa

Puerto Rico May 3 Anasco, P.R. Silkia Obregon Vargas

Alaska May 4 Anchorage ................... Jessica Willis and Rhiana C. Gay

Connecticut May 4 Enfield ................... Charlotte C. Zenzick

Kansas May 4 Topeka Marla M. Hayden

Massachusetts May 4 Middleboro ........ Martha J. Raphael and Sara R.Kelly

North Dakota May 4 Bismarck....................... Sarah C. Wollitz

Michigan May 4 Grand Rapids Lisa Philomene Bartnik

Jamaica May 11 Santa Cruz, St. Elizabeth ....... Charmaine

Gaillimore-Ricketts and Asrey V. James

Georgia May 17 Augusta......................... Debra L.Boswell

Rhode Island May 22 Cumberland ........ Kathryn A. Desjardins and Wendy R. Hickey

Ontario May 24 Saint Jacob’s ON ...... Margaret Nieradka

Wyoming June 1 Rock Springs ......................Joy Christian

Oklahoma June 4 Hulbert......................... Cathy Matthews

Texas June 7 South Lake ...................... Nancy B. Carr

South Dakota June 13 Alcester ............. Cynthia S. Johnson and Christi Larsen

Montana June 15 Billings......................... Susan M. Runkle

Regional Conferences

Southeast June 22-25 Charleston, S.C ............... Carol Peace


Southwest June 28-July 1 Bellevue, WA .... Mary Ann Englehart and Helen Foster

South Central July 7-10 Rogers, AR Nancy Thompson

Gulf July 13-16 Atlanta, GA Lottie Roy

North Central July 19-22 Des Moines, IA ........... Nancy Bishop

Northeast July 25-28 Philadelphia, PA .......... Judy Hornsby

STATE DATE CITY ............................................... PRESIDENT
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Planning a Conference - Smart Ways to Cut Costs and Stay Within the Budget

It’s 2024, and the regional conferences are this summer. As the ever-rising costs of hosting a convention or a conference continue to put a damper on our plans, here are some ways to save.

Plan Early

When vendors still have a lot of availability, they are much more willing to work with you on price and may be able to include a few “extras” at little or no cost. Try to be flexible on dates. Rates can vary greatly by the time of year, the day of the week, etc.

Know your Budget

Before you even start any of the planning, know your budget so you can keep priorities in order.

Get at least two estimates on your big expenses, such as catering and printing. Vendors may offer better pricing when they know they are competing for your business. You may be surprised how much pricing can differ for similar services.

Carefully consider your cancellation policy and last date for canceling. This will eliminate unforeseen reimbursements that hurt your bottom line.

Negotiate on everything. While it can sometimes feel uncomfortable, it’s the norm in event planning. There’s a bit of wiggle room in pricing.

Hidden venue costs can push you over your budget if you don’t plan for them. Read the contract carefully. ++ means the addition of a service charge (usually 25%), and taxes will be added to your final bill.

Sponsorships = Free Money. Cities, regions and states all have “Visitors Bureaus,” and many of them offer money for bringing guests into the area. Don’t pass up that free money.

Food and Beverage

Get creative and be smart. Some venues have an Open Catering Policy. If so, this allows you to bring in less expensive food from outside sources.

Use smaller cups for beverages. This may sound silly, but a gallon of coffee can go for up to $100/gallon in large metro areas. Using a 6 oz. cup rather than 8 oz. or larger can add significant savings.

Have a dessert or snack break in the afternoon. Desserts at lunch often go uneaten, so saving dessert or other snacks until

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the afternoon can be practical if your guests start to get hungry again. Make them grab ‘n’ go for convenience.

Simplify breakfast and lunch. Breakfasts and lunches are becoming more about sustaining our nutrition than being meal experiences. If your group is going to be working from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., just make those meals to nourish everybody.

Don’t sit. If you typically plan seated dinners every night during a meeting, save a bundle by changing things up for a night or two. Have a standing reception or some heavy hors d’oeuvres or heavy food stations. Schedule it for a limited time frame, and people can move on.

Cut portion sizes. Talk to the chef about how much food is going on each plate. A six-ounce steak is an ample size for a meal. The average attendee probably consumes 500 to 1,000 extra calories a day while at meetings.

Let food serve as centerpieces.  Place dessert plates and bowls of local fruit or miniature fruit trees on banquet tables. Some organizations donate leftover whole fruits to local food pantries and get a tax credit for the good deed.

And if your attendees are eating on their own, food trucks make an interesting and cheaper alternative to hotel restaurants.

Audio Visual Equipment

Only pay for the audio/visual that you NEED.

Bring your own, then just purchase the tech-support package. The fewer elements you need to rent from the A/V provider, the more money you can save. Just make sure you have a backup

plan if something breaks or doesn’t function correctly.

Speakers /Entertainment

Seek talent from within, ask around, and see who has special talents or may know someone who does.

Think local. Choosing a local speaker or entertainer can save you big money on travel costs.

Get more from your speakers. When deciding which keynote speakers to hire for an event, consider whether it makes sense to have them stay for a breakout session or a book signing.


Raid the closet. When planning meal functions, use the hotel’s in-house décor and linens instead of renting your own. The property also might have props from prior events, such as artificial plants or other elements that would be a good fit for your group, perhaps eliminating the need for fresh flowers or other centerpieces.


Limit promotion of your event to email, social media and your website. Create an online communications strategy that builds excitement. An effective online campaign can allow you to do without any mailed pieces, eliminating printing and postage costs.

The bottom line is to be smart, flexible, and creative and don’t assume anything.

The Ps and Qs of a Successful Meeting

The call to order opens a meeting, and the agreement to adjourn closes it. The elements that make a successful meeting come between the gavel’s opening and closing raps. They are preparation, participation, process, payoff, and purpose, or purpose, product, people, and process. Communication, connection, and celebration are other ways to name the steps to a productive meeting. There is also agenda, attitude and action.

However the elements are listed, whether it’s participation, people, connection or attitude; experts in meeting planning agree that planning the agenda, telling the members the purpose and the goal of the meeting and encouraging participation are the key elements.

At the opening of the meeting, the presiding officer reminds the members of the goal of the meeting. An exam-

ple would be, “Today, under new business, we are choosing our altruistic project.” A goal statement lets the members know what is to be accomplished before adjournment.

The agenda drives the meeting. When the meeting convenes, there should be an opportunity to add to or amend the agenda. Once the agenda is approved, it is to be followed.

A successful meeting needs structure, order and ground rules, not only so that action can be taken but also so the members have the opportunity to participate. A suggestion is to rule that a member may speak only once on a subject until everyone can express an opinion.

Remember the Ps and Qs of a successful meeting when planning a meeting. What is Q?

It’s “that was quite a good meeting.”

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Three Ps of Successful Workshop Presentations

You have been asked to present a workshop…now what? You want this presentation to be the best. What can you do to make this happen?

Yes, presenting in front of our peers can be a daunting experience. In fact, it can be difficult and stressful. Overcoming this anxiety can be accomplished by making one simple mind adjustment: Presenting is not about YOU… it is about the AUDIENCE!

Think about the 3 Ps of Presentation: Preparation, Practice, and Podium Protocol. Orrin Woodward, Leadership and Management Expert and on the Top 100 Speakers List, states, “The more prepared you are the less pressure you feel.” So, let us begin with Preparation.


• Know your topic. Do your research. Stay on topic. Redirect the discussion if needed. The audience looks to you as the expert.

• Know your audience: educational vs business, administrative vs classroom educators, elementary vs secondary, etc.

• Outline your talking points. Do not write the script word for word. “Wordy reading” will bore the audience.

• Type the master script using double spaces, a large font, and color-coded important points.

• Have post-it notes available for making last-minute edits.

• Prepare an agenda or handouts for the audience. Use digital support as well as hard copy. Meet the needs of all your audience.

• Create slides for the PowerPoint. Use size 32-36 font and no more than 6-8 lines on a slide. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words.


• Practice at home in front of a mirror. You cannot have too many rehearsals. Correct small issues that can sabotage your presentation. Self-evaluation is the most powerful.

• See the presentation through the eyes of the audience. What did they understand? Were they engaged? Were they bored?

• Give your audience a “big bear hug” by keeping your arms open and away from your body. Never cross them in front of you.

• Movement can be distracting. Gestures should be an extension of the message.

• Time your presentation and honor time-frames by starting and ending on time as advertised.

• Arrive early on the day of the presentation to check room setup, projector, lighting and microphone, and arrange materials in the order you will use them during the presentation.

• Make a quick run through your slides and check the remote. Tom Landry reminds us, “If prepared, you will be confident and will do the job well.”

PODIUM PROTOCOL: Delivering the Content

• Remember, it is NOT about YOU; it is about the AUDIENCE.

• Dress one level above your audience. Your appearance reflects respect for the audience.

• Share a brief introduction given by a person other than yourself.

• Begin with a smile and a welcome, even in a business meeting. Podiums are “crutches” for the novice presenter. To engage with the audience, you must be able to walk among them or at least vary your position.

• Stand tall as if a string is connected from your head to the ceiling. Speak over or across the mic, never into it. Open with a light-hearted story/situation/joke. Use humor if appropriate.

• Make eye contact with the audience. It is a must. Speak slowly and use pauses to emphasize important points.

• Be confident: Never apologize for your lack of preparation time or nervousness. The audience rarely detects your anxiety. In fact, a few “butterflies” before a presentation are good. Your excitement will permeate and strengthen the presentation.

• Engage the audience using questions and answers, partner activities, turn and share, or some visible response. Share leadership roles when possible: take turns participating/responding.

• Encourage questions to foster understanding. Use responses such as: “Thanks for your question,” “I’m glad you asked that,” or “That’s a good question.” Then, repeat the question so the audience can hear it. Presentation killers like “UGH,” “you know,” “OK,” and “ah” should never be used.

• Avoid prolonged discussions with one person. After responding to their question, ask the person if you answered it sufficiently.

• Interact with the audience as much as possible. Are they understanding the information shared? This is the signature of a successful presentation.

• Thank your audience for attending your workshop.

• Be available for short individual conversations at the end of the presentation. Participants appreciate being able to speak with the presenter afterward.

It is possible to enjoy presenting. It is possible to have fun as you interact with the audience; just be yourself, be passionate, and speak from the heart. Follow the 3Ps of Presentation, and success will be your reward.

The author of this article, Betty Jo Evers, a member of AZ Iota and 2019-2023 International Vice President for Membership, is well known in the A∆K world for her hundreds of humorous and useful presentations.

14 KAPPAN • MARCH 2024

DEI Names

Discussion Books

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee invites members to participate in book discussions starting in April. The books selected cover a variety of subjects. Discussion Zoom links will be made available by Headquarters before each discussion, which members of the International DEI steering committee will facilitate. Books for discussion are:

Bytes & pieces

Monday, April 1, 2024, at 7 P.M. (ET) “The Diary of Anne Frank” by Anne Frank

Saturday, August 3, 2024, at 3 P.M. (ET) “House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros

Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at 7 P.M. (ET) “The Family Outing” by Jessie Hempel

Thursday, January 9, 2025, at 7 P.M. (ET) “Just Mercy” by Bryan Stevenson

Saturday, April 5, 2025, at 3 P.M. (ET) “Mad Honey” by John Picoult

Position Sharing Grows in Popularity

Many hands make light work is an old adage that many chapters adopt as position-sharing becomes a popular form of leadership.

The “Harvard Business Review” describes two types of job-sharing. In the Twin style, the sharer has the same duties and responsibilities but on different days. In the Island method, the work is divided according to the interests and abilities of the co-officers. However, the responsibilities are divided; all of the position holders share the responsibility for the outcome. This method is the one used by the three Tennessee Chi co-presidents.

“I don’t mind talking in front of people. My voice is very loud and understandable by the majority of our members so that I could take charge of the meeting,” said Pat Coggins, Chi co-president. Melody Smallwood, another Chi co-president, does the newsletter. Jeanne Abbott, the third co-president, was in charge of communication for the chapter’s “Bingo for Scholars,” asking businesses and members for prizes.

To make the shared-position model work, it is important to have a positive working relationship, to understand roles and responsibilities and to communicate with those sharing the positon. Sharing a position can reduce the stress of assuming a leadership role.

The KAPPAN is interested in learning about your job-sharing experiences. Tell us why your chapter decided to have co-leaders, how the responsibilities were divided and the problems and their solutions.

Shannon Lorenzo-Rivero, KAPPAN correspondent, contributed to this article.

Building a Bridge from Canada to Australia

OMembership Consultant

N Psi Chapter understands the importance of reaching out and making connections. One example of our community bridge building is an Excellence in Education Award, presented to a graduating student in the Faculty of Education at Brock University. A committee made up of Giselle Whyte, Elizabeth McQueen and myself, is building allies and supporters on staff and with the student population with a view to membership and a future Collegiate Club at Brock. Annilee Baron, the 2023 recipient, and D’Hann Ch’ng, attended our Founders’ Celebration Tea, hosted by ON Rho. The ON Executive Board, under the direction of President Marg Nieradka and Presidents-Elect and Membership Consultant Maria Luisa Lebar, partnered with Psi, providing the funds for the young educators to attend the event. Thus begins our international bridge-building story.

D’Hann graduated from the University of Nottingham in England, specializing in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). She then returned home to Malaysia, where she taught for three years. While teaching, she met the Head of Schools, a Canadian, who encouraged D’Hann to become certified in Canada. To earn the money to travel and study abroad, D’Hann started a business, coaching parents to support their children at home. She was the only International Student in the Faculty of Education at Brock University in her 2023 graduating class. She accepted a teaching contract in September with one of the local Boards of Education.

Just as her Canadian teaching career took off, D’Hann’s husband received a career promotion requiring a move to Australia. While still in Canada, she joined ON Epsilon. Just as we build bridges by reaching across geographic borders, we will be building bridges across generations to share wisdom, much as Psi Membership Co-Chair Amanda Rankin and I do. We plan to nurture D’Hann professionally and personally and teach her more about our organization. Technology will allow us to extend our membership reach across the miles to Australia and keep us connected virtually. D’Hann is already active on CONNECT.

I have contacted Australia’s Julie Ditton to expect D’Hann’s arrival. ON President Marg, while visiting her family in Australia for three months, also contacted Julie and other former A∆K members in person. These professional contacts will support D’Hann and build further bridges of connection. The possibilities and opportunities are endless. We encourage all chapters to invite D’Hann virtually to share in exciting programs.

KAPPAN • MARCH 2024 15
Annilee Baron with D’Hann Ch’ng. At a celebration dinner for D’Hann before she left Canada.


Meet the Regional Presidents-Elect Candidates

Congratulations to the candidates who have offered and been certified for the 2024-2026 Regional President-Elect position.


Barbara Stainback

S/P/N and Chapter: Louisiana Alpha Sigma Year initiated: 1984

International Conventions Attended: 2023, 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008, 1998

Chapter President: Louisiana Alpha Sigma 19901992

Leadership Experience International Level: Chairman of the International Resolutions Committee (2023-2025), International Convention Site Selection Committee Member (2022), International, Educational Symposium Co-Presenter (2023), International Educational Symposium Presenter (2021)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: Gulf Regional Conference Workshop Coordinator (2022), Gulf Regional Conference Co-Sergeant -at-Arms (2020), Gulf Regional Conference Presenter - Picture Perfect Pictures (2020), Gulf Regional Conference Assistant Sergeantat-Arms (2016)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: LA Immediate Past State President (2020 - 2022), LA State President (20182020), LA State President-Elect/State Membership Chairman (2016 - 2018) LA State Chaplain (2014 - 2016), LA State Sergeant-at-Arms (2012 - 2014), LA State Altruistic Chairman (2022 - 2024), LA State ByLaws Chairman (2020 - 2022), LA State Budget Committee Member (2016 - 2022) LA State Membership Chairman (2016 - 2018), LA State Resolutions Chairman (2006 - 2008), LA State Convention Parliamentarian (2008 & 2010) LA District II Chairman (1996 - 2000)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices, and/or honors: Louisiana Association of Principals: (2010 to Present), Louisiana High School Trustee and Executive Board Member (2008 - 2010), Saint Michael the Archangel Catholic Church: (2023 - 2024) A.C.T.S. Core Member and Director of Communication (2016 to Present) Lector and Eucharistic Minister of Holy Communion, (1984 to Present) Ladies Circle Member and (2020 to Present) Secretary, (2017) Knights of Columbus Council #4156 Mardi Gras Queen, Louisiana State Department of Education: (2011) Louisiana State Region 7 Principal of the Year, Vernon Parish School Board: (2011) Vernon Parish Middle School Principal of the Year (1986) Vernon Parish High School Teacher of the Year (1986) Pickering High School Teacher of the Year, Louisiana Association of Student Councils 2004 Principal of the Year

Essay: My educational experience from classroom teacher to school administrator has afforded me the opportunity to recognize that my skill as a communicator and collaborator is a winning combination. It is truly my deepest desire to serve and work alongside my sisters, providing a forum to foster shared wisdom and experiences between state leaders. We must continue to recognize outstanding educators and provide leadership opportunities for growth and sisterhood. Together, we can share the vision of our founders and shine the light on our profession at every level. Each sister has a voice, and I am here to listen.


Ginna Alysse Allen

S/P/N and Chapter: New Jersey Alpha Alpha

Year initiated: 1978

International Conventions Attended: 2023, 2021, 2019, 2017, 2013

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2016, 2008

Chapter President: New Jersey Alpha Alpha 2012, 2004

Leadership Experience International Level: International Ad Hoc Diversity and Inclusion Committee Volunteer (2020)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: Northeast Region Vice President for Membership (2023), Northeast Region Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (2021-2023), Workshop presenter at Northeast Region Conference (2022)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: New Jersey Immediate Past State President (2022), New Jersey President-Elect (2016), New Jersey Corresponding Secretary (2014), NJ Fraternity Education (Chair, 2022), NJ Budget Committee (Chair, 2019, 2020; member, 2016, 2018)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices, and/or honors: 2020-Present, Hammonton Historical Society; 2010-Present, Harbour Pointe Resident’s Association (President 2014-2016, Recording Secretary 2020-Present); 2019-Present, First Ward Civic Association

Essay: My role as a past state president has afforded me the experience to grow in leadership by fostering strengths in communication and collaborative skills. These strengths are necessary to support and encourage our members, to promote membership and develop future leaders as they continue their altruistic, world-understanding and diversity projects. The Northeast Region is strong in dedication and commitment. As an enthusiastic leader, my communication and collaborative skills will be used to inspire, motivate, offer encouragement and support to allow all of our members to be creative and continue to grow and shine in the Alpha Delta Kappa.

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Elizabeth (Betsy) Ruckman

S/P/N and Chapter: Texas Epsilon Sigma

Year initiated: 1997

International Conventions Attended: 2023, 2021, 2019, 2017, 2013, 2011, 2009

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008

Chapter President: Texas Epsilon Sigma 2006-2008

Leadership Experience International Level: Regional Mentors to S/P/N Presidents-Elect (SCR member, 2022) (International committee, but adhering to the years of the S/P/N biennium), 2025 International Convention Local Host Committee (Vice-Chair, 2023)

Leadership Experience Regional Level: South Central Region Secretary (2021), SCR Distinguished Program Award Committee (Chair, 2013), SCR Conference Assistant Sgt.-at-Arms (2017), SCR Regional Conference Presenter (2013)

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Texas Immediate Past President (2022), Texas President (2020), Texas PresidentElect (2018), Texas Historian (2010), Texas President of the Council of Chapter Presidents (2008), District Mentor (2022, 2020, 2018, 2010, 2008)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices and/or honors: Texas Retired Teachers Association - Humble Area (member, 2020 to present), The Woodlands Methodist Church (member, 2009 to present)

Essay: Alpha Delta Kappa provides many opportunities for service and leadership. Much information is available, but the ability to understand and organize the important details in a timely manner is crucial to member participation. Our members are willing and eager to serve and their access to timely and concise information is essential. This is a leadership skill I have practiced while serving as a mentor for the South Central Region S/P/N Presidents-Elect. As a mentor, it is necessary to analyze, simplify and clearly communicate the important details. I will provide this type of assistance to encourage successful member participation.


Julie Brown

S/P/N and Chapter: Kentucky Alpha Eta

Year initiated: 2008

International Conventions Attended: 2023, 2021, 2019

Regional Conferences Attended: 2022, 2020, 2018

Chapter President: Kentucky Alpha Eta 2014-2016

Leadership Experience International Level: International Fraternity Education, Chair, 2023-2025

Leadership Experience Regional Level: Assistant Sergeant-At-Arms, 2022

Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Level: Immediate Past State President (2022), State President (2020), State PresidentElect (2018), Eastern District Co-Vice President (2016), Ways and Means Chair (2022)

Non-AΔK organizations, offices, and/or honors: Alzheimer’s Association, Community Education Volunteer (2023), Sigma Theta Tau, Honor Society of Nursing, Eastern Kentucky University, Chapter President (2010-2012)

Essay: My leadership quality of organizing and planning is what I can use to build on the strengths of sisters in the Southeast Region. I strive to continually improve and to work with others to achieve our mutual organization’s goals. Planning, organizing, prioritizing, staying on track, and creating innovative new strategies are skills that I enjoy using. I believe that a positive attitude sets the tone for leadership. If honored with the opportunity to serve Alpha Delta Kappa as Southeast Regional President-Elect, I will endeavor to lead through effective communication and empathy.

The following regions have no candidate for the 2024-2026 Regional President-Elect position: North Central, Northwest and Southwest. International President Ann Marie Brown will make appointments in these regions as provided for in the Bylaws of Alpha Delta Kappa, Amended 2023.

“ARTICLE XI, Section 2b. (3) Vacancies shall be filled by appointment from the International President.” An appointed sister and the elected Regional President-Elect will be installed at their regional conference this summer. Appointed Regional Presidents-Elect must be candidates for election as Regional President in 2026.

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A∆K Classroom Grants Impact Students

Alpha Delta Kappa Classroom Grants are designed for innovative Alpha Delta Kappa members who are engaged in education to assist them with the cost of materials and services that will enhance student learning. One $400 grant is awarded annually in each region. Some of the projects funded during Fall 2022 included purchasing deep pressure vests for preschool, first grade, and special education classes to help improve students’ focus, purchasing Vernier Go Direct temperature probes for second-year chemistry students and purchasing programmable Root Robots for STEM students in grades two through five.

Several recent recipients of Fall 2023 A∆K Classroom Grants shared how their students benefit from the materials purchased with their grant funding:

Mary Thompson, Nebraska Beta

Our school had not had any new books for our students to read in over ten years. Purchasing a classroom set of Cormac McCarthy’s “The Road” sparked excitement and wonder in our sophomore students. The ability of a teacher to offer a student an author that draws them into a new world, captures their attention and makes them want to read more is the most wonderful experience that I have had as an English teacher.

Mathy Milling Downing, Maryland Beta

Thank you for recognizing the importance of my requested reading resources. So many students will benefit from important contributions for building literary success. To be able to purchase such quality materials at a time when money is not available to update texts at the early emergent level is a priceless gift. Thank you for improving the lives of my reading students, and I look forward to sending pictures of them in action.

Rachel Terlop, Iowa Alpha Delta

Installing an Augmentative Alternative Communications (AAC) board on an inclusive playground is essential to promote inclusivity and communication for non-vocal learners, such as individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder or those who speak languages other than English. It provides a means for these individuals to communicate their needs, express themselves and engage in play, contributing to a more inclu -

sive and welcoming environment for everyone.

Exciting things are happening in schools because of A∆K Classroom Grants. Consider applying for a Classroom Grant. The application process is easy. The application deadline is October 1, 2024.

Catherine League, Virginia Beta Omicron

Teaching with an innovative reading program for 7th graders, Catherine purchased high interest novels, pencils, folders, calming strips and minute timers. Ultimately, 75% of her students passed or showed adequate growth, on the state reading test - most for the very first time! The program was a success.

Augmentative Alternative Communications (AAC) Board
18 KAPPAN • MARCH 2024

Iowa Grant Recipient Shares Treasure Trunk Theatre Experience

Iam so proud to share the wonderful experiences our little actors have had since I was awarded an Alpha Delta Kappa Fine Arts Grant this year. The Des Moines Community Playhouse and the Des Moines Public Schools (DMPS) joined me to bring literature, theatre, music and dancing to 200 Head Start preschoolers this fall. Since I am a master teacher at The Playhouse with 30 years teaching creative drama to students from preschool through high school, retired from Des Moines Public Schools in 2016 and have been an Alpha Delta Kappa member of Iowa’s Tau chapter since 2015, being able to merge these organizations is very motivating and personal for me.

In January 2023, wanting to bring the magic of theatre to an underserved group of children in the Des Moines area, I contacted area educators. Ten Head Start preschool classes in the four early learning centers in Des Moines Public Schools were identified very quickly. I collaborated with Robin Spahr, Education Director and Nate Weber of Education Outreach at our metro theatre, The Des Moines Community Playhouse, to write the grant application with these young, diverse scholars in mind. Knowing that the families we would be working with came from 75 language groups, we wanted a wonderful multicultural book with animals as the characters. After being contacted with the exciting news that we received a grant, I began coordinating with the DMPS Family engagement facilitator coordinator to plan the same hour-long lesson for each class. There were a few titles of picture books we considered with animals as the characters, but being able to order the 210 copies we needed for each child and each classroom library made us narrow our focus. The book we chose, “Giraffes Can’t Dance,” written by Giles Andreae and illustrated by Guy Parker-Rees, was perfect. We wrote pre-lessons for teachers to develop background knowledge, the lessons we would teach during the hour-long classes and extension activities for the classrooms and the families.

Nate and I co-taught each class. School staff and volunteers from my A∆K chapter helped the students with dancing, writing and much more. We began the class by asking what the children predicted was in the Treasure Trunk; many hoped for pirate’s gold! Then, as we opened the trunk to take out our photos of animals in the book, I assessed background knowledge and filled in

the learning gaps with facts about giraffes, warthogs, rhinoceroses, lions, chimpanzees, baboons and crickets. We discussed the difference between the photos of animals and the illustrations in the book before Nate read the book to the children. Predictions were made as it was read, and various dance terms were introduced. The growth mindset of making goals to achieve something we can’t do yet but want to learn was mirrored as Gerald the giraffe found his own song and unique dance. Then, we used Roll-a-Dance Dice and taught the scholars how to waltz, rock and roll, tango, cha cha, do the Scottish Reel and gave them a chance to show their own dance, just like Gerald expressed his uniqueness. Then, I showed a PowerPoint presentation comparing the animal photos, illustrations, and facts about each animal. We went into the trunk again and handed out masks for the animals and musical instruments to have our own Jungle Dance. We used the terms actors, musicians and dancers to describe these little learners and told them that they would become authors and illustrators as well. After explaining how to complete the “Giraffes can’t dance and I can’t_________ yet” sheet, we helped the children complete their part of what would become a classroom book. When that was completed, they got to finish drawing a picture of dancing Gerald to take home and share with their families.

Each child was sent home with a book copy and a retelling activity. This included color illustrations of the rainforest setting and two sets of animal pictures so families could play a memory game too. Each classroom was given a set of 10 wooden instruments, the Roll-a-Dance dice, music playlist and a Story Stones Sensory Tub. The tub has stones with animal illustrations, plastic foliage and various small beans for the group to retell the story and make up some of their own stories.

In January, actors from The Playhouse came to each preschool center again to perform another multicultural story, “The Leopard’s Drum” by Jessica Souhami. This is the same book we wrote the lesson plan for in our grant application, so seeing this project come full circle was especially exciting. All the students at each school can participate in this interactive telling of this book.

I’m looking forward to presenting about this incredible opportunity this July in Des Moines at the North Central Regional Conference.

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Seven Peas in a Pod

At the International Convention in San Diego in 2007, Carol Peace, Southeast Regional President, met a sister whose clothes did not arrive. Peace offered to share clothes with her, “but obviously, we were very different sizes.” They met again years later, and “we were still very different sizes,” laughed Peace. Kindness is one of the many ways that A∆K Regional Presidents shine.

The Regional Presidents are, according to Lottie Roy, Gulf Region’s President, “The Seven Peas in a Pod.” Their similarities seem mind-boggling yet not too different from how most sisters define the relationships that they share in their chapters, states, regions and at the International level. Lottie Roy (Gulf), Nancy Bishop (North Central), Judy Hornsby (Northeast), Helen Foster (Northwest), Nancy Thompson (South Central), Carol Peace (Southeast) and Mary Ann Englehart (Southwest) have become close friends and share many identical thoughts about our sisterhood, where we have been, where we are now and where we are headed.

Areas of focus for them include retention, recruitment, reinstatement, revitalization, technology advancements, adapting to change, growing leaders, nurturing established chapters and creating collegiate clubs. They are making advances in each of these areas. Nancy Thompson is proud of Baker University’s Collegiate Club because “the students are excited and involved and give all of us a renewed faith that our profession and Alpha Delta Kappa are in good hands.” “I envision continual growth of new chapters as well as growth in membership within our state,” shared Helen Foster. The Gulf Region, according to Lottie Roy, is working closely with Jamaica and Puerto Rico, supporting teachers whose priority is the children they teach. Carol Peace wants to focus on technology, learning and adapting to the rapid changes that are taking place. Nancy Bishop shared, “We must retain our members and develop strong ties so each of them will see the value of this organization and want to recruit.” Nancy Bishop wants to offer leadership training using Zoom. Judy Hornsby is working to ensure a smooth transition in leadership, “creating an environment of order for the upcoming presidents.” Mary Ann Englehart feels that the “teamwork shown by the Regional Presidents and the respect that we have for one another will be an inspiration for new leaders.”

In 1957, Alpha Delta Kappa was divided into five regions and included the city of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, and Washington, D.C. The first realignment took place in 1963 and resulted in eight regions. Eastern and Western Ontario and Puerto Rico were added at this time. In 1969, the final realign-

ment occurred, and seven regions were created and, except for a few changes, remain this way today.

Keeping the organization healthy is a priority at every level, but how sisters tend to that health can vary from sister to sister and state to state. The seven Regional Presidents agree that the regions play an important role in the wellness, strength and agility of Alpha Delta Kappa through their focus on communications and connections. Nancy Thompson states, “We are able to share sisterhood and create strong bonds with other sisters.” Judy Hornsby speaks with enthusiasm when she says that the chapter presidents “feel that they can talk and share with me, which, in turn, allows me to communicate with the International Executive Board.” Continuing good health for Alpha Delta Kappa is important to Lottie Roy because her focus is to support the members now and in the future. Roy stated, “Once our one-year term ends, we will continue to guide our successors and encourage sisters to step up to leadership positions.” Nancy Bishop feels that there is diversity across the regions, which gives Alpha Delta Kappa variability in the interests, points of view, cultures and backgrounds of sisters. Bishop shared, “It is these variances that make us the unique organization that we are today” and help to maintain the organization’s good health.

When the new regional structure was implemented in 2022, Helen Foster, then a Regional President-Elect, was excited to learn under the guidance of Conway Blankenship, a mentor to the RPEs and current International President-Elect. Carol Peace said, “Conway saw us as “Trailblazers,” but we did not think the rugged name applied to us. We, instead, became the “Seven Peas in a Pod.” Helen Foster explained, “Not only was Conway our mentor, but as the year went by, she became a friend as well. We could talk about the small things affecting A∆K as well as the hard things. I enjoyed her encouragement from the very first time we met.”

With the knowledge gained from working with their mentor, the Regional Presidents do not see their roles as difficult, but some challenges do occur. Judy Hornsby shared that the “distance between the states” in the Northeast Region can seem daunting, but all Regional Presidents agree that using virtual technology has been helpful. Supporting Puerto Rico and Jamaica is a priority for the Gulf Region and Lottie Roy. “I hope to attend Jamaica’s Nation Conference, which is one day long,” stated Roy. “Serving only one year places a time crunch on reaching all the states in my region and accomplishing all of our responsibilities,” shared Carol Peace. She added, “We have

20 KAPPAN • MARCH 2024

many zoom meetings, once each month with the International Executive Board, and the seven Regional Presidents meet often, sharing what is going well, offering support and solving difficulties.” “The regions serve as an avenue for communication from Headquarters and the International Executive Board to states, chapters and individual sisters,” said Nancy Thompson.

All these sisters agree that the purpose of having Regional Presidents is to be the eyes and ears of each state and chapter they serve. When issues arise, communication with International will take place promptly and chapters feel that they are being heard. Helen Foster feels that “For Alpha Delta Kappa to operate successfully, a regional structure is needed. It allows a smaller group of state leaders to meet at regional conferences and International conventions and to share their problems and discuss ways to operate more productively within the region.”

Collaboration and bridge-building are important aspects of leadership, as shared by Mary Ann Englehart and Nancy Bishop. These sisters are working together, along with their conference leaders and state leaders, to have a joint conference this summer. Englehart’s regional theme, “Soar into the Future” and Bishop’s theme, “Rockin’ Round the Region,”

address the importance of membership as the key to a positive future. This summer, Judy Hornsby wants to attend as many conferences as possible. Nancy Thompson enjoys working with this group of sisters and states, “We are a strong unit; we share ideas and support one another.” Lottie Roy summed up working together with “We check on each other to make sure that we are being our best selves. Each month, we share concerns and accomplishments as well as how our regional conferences are shaping up.”

As with any leadership position in Alpha Delta Kappa, one encounters moments of laughter. When Judy Hornsby asked Pennsylvania State President Betty Doerr to be her convention chair, Doerr said, “What will you do if I say no?” Hornsby replied, “I’ll cry.” Needless to say, Doerr came on board. Nancy Bishop was humbled when one of her Nebraska sisters changed the lyrics from “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” to fit her theme, “Rockin’ Round the Region.” “The gathering of sisters sang that song, and I got a bit choked up,” she said.

With their clarity of vision, the seven Regional Presidents, also known as “The Seven Peas in a Pod,” build bridges to the future for Alpha Delta Kappa.

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Standing with International President Ann Marie Brown are Regional Presidents; (L to R) Front Row: Carol Peace, Southeast; Nancy Thompson, South Central; Helen Foster, Northwest; Judy Hornsby, Northeast. Back Row: Nancy Bishop, North Central; International President Ann Marie Brown; Lottie Roy, Gulf; Mary Ann Englehart, Southwest

Turning to Self-Care

Her screams were piercing. They echoed through the air as a siren would do to warn everyone of the danger quickly approaching. For being a girl nine years of age, those screams were formidable. She was not being injured. She was not in any pain. Her screams were those of distress. She did not want to enter the school because, for her, that meant leaving behind a sense of safety and security. It meant a dooming cloud of anxiety would engulf her in every sense. I learned about her history quickly, as any concerned person would do. Her biological parents suffered from substance use disorders

in order to save those of us who are drowning in compassion fatigue. It can feel utterly exhausting to always hear how important it is to self-care. In fact, I can hear the sighs and witness the eye rolls from educators who have to undergo yet another professional development workshop on self-care. Self-care is an experiential opportunity, not a lecture.

After the trials I faced with the nine-year-old, I finally realized how essential it was for me to prioritize my self-care. It was no longer something I could put on the back burner or hide in the hall closet. My purpose and meaning were buried in the

In these moments of tribulation we experience as educators, there is a persistent question of willpower: Is it worth it?

and consequently abandoned her. She and her brother were left in the care of their grandmother. As a mental health professional, it was clear to me the behaviors we were witnessing were a result of the trauma she endured. She suffered from separation anxiety. Her screaming marked the first phase in a two-hourlong struggle to get her peacefully to class. After her grandmother was able to get her into the building, the staff and I painfully persevered through the yelling, the kicking, the hitting, the throwing, and the deprecating comments about our own character. This nine-year-old girl, who was known to be sweet, caring, and friendly by so many, was not herself. She was the victim of her own trauma.

In these moments of tribulation we experience as educators, there is a persistent question of willpower: Is it worth it? Is the compassion fatigue worth it? Is the physical anguish worth it? Is the low income worth it? Any educator would tell you these questions linger in our minds not once but many times throughout our careers. The fairy tale answer would be a swift “YES,” but the realistic answer to these questions would be “not always.” The headache, the soreness and the diminished self-confidence I experienced with this nine-year-old was a testament to this.

Educators have to endure secondary traumatic stress (STS). The National Center on Safe and Supportive Learning Environments writes that educators often experience vicarious trauma, or STS, by hearing and witnessing the negative effects of trauma on students. This is often associated with increased levels of anxiety, fatigue, withdrawal, intrusive thoughts and hopelessness for those bearing witness to this trauma. Self-care strategies and plans are continuously encouraged in the field

vicarious trauma, and the only way I could return to my passion was by prioritizing my self-care experience. I started exercising regularly at the gym. I did not have any weight loss or muscle gain goal but simply to show up. The feeling of accomplishment filled my soul, knowing I was taking care of myself physically. The second experience was seeking out comforting activities, including sharing time with loved ones and visiting some of my favorite places in my city. These activities gave me the opportunity to remove myself mentally and physically from the stress. I was also grateful for the opportunity to take advantage of our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to pursue counseling for myself. Initially, I felt embarrassed to do this because it seemed as though I was failing, but I felt so relieved to share my experiences with someone who then provided me with additional insights.

All of these self-care experiences unquestionably aided me in returning from the despair and sorrow I felt regarding my career decision. However, the unwavering truth of persevering through vicarious trauma is embracing the joy that surrounds us all. Shortly after being used as a human punching bag, I prioritized joy. I chose to share time with the students I would deny if anyone asked if they were my favorites. I would return a hug. I would let them show me their picture of a rainbow kitty cat. I would play a game of Uno with them. Sometimes, taking a step back from the constant physical and emotional demands to prioritize joy is the only answer. It reassures us of the meaning and purpose we have in our work as educators.

Levi Smith, an elementary school counselor in the Independence School District, Independence, MO, is a guest contributor to the KAPPAN.

22 KAPPAN • MARCH 2024

Chapter Anniversaries

Chapter anniversaries as recorded at International Headquarters

Happy Anniversary and Many More!

Chapters with 20 Years

Florida Epsilon Delta ............ 8/16/2004

Virginia Gamma Kappa 4/22/2005

Chapters with 30 Years

Mississippi Alpha Theta ....... 10/16/1993

Puerto Rico Alpha Gamma ... 5/19/1994

Virginia Beta Tau .................. 12/5/1993

Virginia Beta Upsilon 1/23/1994

Virginia Beta Phi 1/23/1994

Washington Beta Iota ............ 9/28/1993

Chapters with 40 Years

California Gamma Mu .......... 6/11/1983

California Gamma Nu 2/25/1984

Louisiana Beta Iota 10/15/1983

Mississippi Alpha Delta ........... 4/7/1984

New Jersey Alpha Iota ......... 11/15/1983

Ohio Beta Alpha ................. 12/11/1983

Texas Epsilon Theta ................. 4/1/1984

Virginia Alpha Rho 6/5/1983

Chapters with 50 Years

Arkansas Alpha Rho ................ 6/2/1973

Colorado Alpha Lambda ....... 9/16/1973

Connecticut Kappa ................. 6/2/1973

Delaware Zeta 12/4/1973

Florida Gamma Chi 1/22/1974

Georgia Beta Omicron .......... 9/16/1973

Georgia Beta Pi ....................... 4/6/1974

Louisiana Alpha Tau .............. 3/16/1974

Maryland Rho ..................... 11/26/1973

Mississippi Tau 6/3/1973

New Jersey Pi 6/5/1973

Oklahoma Alpha Eta ............. 9/13/1973

Pennsylvania Sigma ................. 6/3/1973

Pennsylvania Upsilon ............ 3/17/1974

Texas Delta Mu ..................... 3/23/1974

Virginia Alpha Iota 1/13/1974

Chapters with 60 Years

Alabama Beta Beta ................ 4/18/1964

California Beta Eta .................. 1/6/1964

Florida Beta Lambda ............. 2/27/1964

Florida Beta Mu 5/30/1964

Georgia Alpha Phi 2/28/1964

Iowa Phi .............................. 11/23/1963

Kentucky Kappa .................... 6/15/1963

Kentucky Lambda ................. 6/22/1963

Kentucky Mu ...................... 10/13/1963

Kentucky Nu 11/2/1963

Kentucky Xi 11/9/1963

Louisiana Alpha Alpha .......... 3/22/1964

Michigan Alpha Sigma .......... 11/9/1963

Michigan Alpha Upsilon ....... 1/25/1964

Michigan Alpha Phi .............. 3/18/1964

Minnesota Pi 3/31/1964

Minnesota Phi 5/27/1964

Mexico Sustaining ............... 10/26/1963

North Carolina Alpha Nu ... 10/12/1963

North Carolina Alpha Omicron .. 5/3/1964

North Carolina Alpha Pi ....... 5/30/1964

Nebraska Mu ......................... 5/16/1964

Nevada Delta 2/15/1964

New York Mu 6/12/1963

New York Nu ........................ 6/27/1963

New York Xi ........................ 12/16/1963

Ontario Epsilon .................... 1/25/1964

Oregon Tau ........................... 11/9/1963

Tennessee Alpha Theta 5/31/1964

Texas Beta Lambda 11/18/1963

Texas Beta Nu ....................... 2/22/1964

Virginia Sigma ...................... 12/4/1963

Virginia Rho ........................... 6/1/1963

Virginia Tau .......................... 4/19/1964

Virginia Upsilon 5/9/1964

Chapters with 70 Years

California Alpha .................... 8/25/1953

California Beta ...................... 8/25/1953

California Gamma ................ 8/27/1953

California Delta 8/29/1953

California Zeta 8/29/1953

California Eta ........................ 9/19/1953

California Theta .................... 8/26/1953

California Sustaining ............. 8/25/1953

Colorado Gamma ................. 10/4/1953

Florida Beta 5/8/1954

Florida Theta 5/11/1954

Georgia Alpha ....................... 3/13/1954

Georgia Sustaining ................ 3/13/1954

Iowa Beta .............................. 9/26/1953

Illinois Iota .......................... 12/30/1953

Illinois Lambda 3/27/1954

Illinois Mu 4/10/1954

Illinois Xi ................................ 5/1/1954

North Carolina Sustaining ...... 4/3/1954

Nebraska Beta ......................... 4/6/1954

New Mexico Beta .................. 6/11/1953

New Mexico Sustaining 6/10/1953

Oklahoma Epsilon 12/18/1953

Oregon Alpha ....................... 8/22/1953

Oregon Sustaining ................. 8/22/1953

South Carolina Alpha ............ 3/20/1954

South Carolina Beta .............. 3/21/1954

South Carolina Sustaining 3/20/1954

Washington Alpha 8/15/1953

Washington Beta ................... 8/17/1953

Washington Sustaining .......... 8/15/1953

KAPPAN • MARCH 2024 23

The KAPPAN Congratulates

Celebrating 40 Years

Ruthie Graybill was surprised by her FL Gamma Xi sisters with a celebration of her 40 years as a chapter member and her ninetieth birthday. She was given a scrapbook with a personal entry from each member and photos from over the years. The members and Ruthie shared anecdotes about her chapter activities and the many offices she held.

Gamma XI President Debra Magnusson said that the chapter was in decline when Ruthie joined in 1983. She shared, “Ruthie was instrumental in helping to recruit and save our chapter. She is responsible for recruiting many members. Gamma Xi even received an award at the International Convention in Nashville in 1991 for initiating the most members in Florida.”

Alaska Recognizes Amazing Members

Meet Amy Culver-Bell, AK Gamma, a Ticasuk Brown Elementary School teacher in Fairbanks, AK. She was recognized by the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District for her excellence in education in their November newsletter, which highlighted Amy’s philosophy of substitute teachers. Their newsletter said, “Amy is not only an amazing teacher, she is an amazing person. She has built great relationships with our substitutes, or as she refers to them, ‘Guest Teachers.’”

Amy explains her philosophy in her own words. “I call all substitute teachers in our building Guest Teachers. I want my students to know that the person in my room, or any other class, is a teacher. I have a class discussion early in the year about Guest Teachers and how I expect the students to behave when I am gone. I make it very clear that the Guest Teacher is to be respected above all else. If the Guest Teacher is in the building for a specialist, I remind my students that there will be a Guest Teacher, and then I tell them at the door that their ‘best guest manners start now!’ I explain to my class that I leave plans and activities for them, and the Guest Teacher may not do things the same way I do, and that’s okay. The Guest Teacher is the adult in charge, and they need to follow their directions. I also tell my class that the biggest compliment I can get is for a Guest Teacher to leave me a note saying they had a good day and they’d like to return to my room. I leave clear plans for my Guest Teacher and a few extra activities. I also let them know that they can do whatever they need to to get through the day and enjoy my class. It is fine with me if they need to change things up. I would much rather they have a good day than worry about following my plans to the letter. I also leave a Keurig coffee pod and chocolate because who doesn’t need that?” The newsletter article concluded by thanking Amy for all she does and for her professionalism.

Giselle Whyte smiles as she receives the 2023 Ontario A∆K Membership Award from Ontario President Marg Nieradka at a Founder’s Day luncheon hosted by Ontario Rho. Giselle, a Sapphire Sister, is a member of Ontario Psi. Along with her Psi sisters, she helped establish a scholarship at Brock University Faculty of Education and is working to start an A∆K Collegiate Club there.

Past Alaska State President Teresa Hall helped her AK Zeta sisters with funds for the chapter’s altruistic projects by donating the proceeds of her January art show. Zeta awards scholarships to local students and supports Stevie’s Place, a child advocacy center in Fairbanks.

The show, “Light in the Arctic,” featured the works of Teresa and her long-time friend Alicemary Rasley, a retired judge. Both artists paint outdoor scenes. Teresa likes depicting natural light.

During college, Teresa dabbled in classes in drawing, ceramics, calligraphy, photography and oil painting, but her desire to expand as an artist did not surface until after she retired in 2016. She taught secondary math in the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District for over 30 years. Teresa moved from Oregon in 1981 to do her student teaching in Napakiak, AK.

The North Pole resident enjoys hiking in national parks and traveling and is passionate about photography, paper engineering and Alaska native art. She is currently taking classes in watercolor. Teresa is a member of the Fairbanks Watercolor Society.

Alicemary donated her sales to the Breast Cancer Donation Center in Fairbanks. The exhibition was held at the Hoarfrost Distillery.

24 KAPPAN • MARCH 2024


“Around the world, members combine their energies and talents to enrich their lives and the lives of others through thousands of heart-warming community based altruistic projects. Because of these projects, it is a brighter day…” ~Alpha Delta Kappa Handbook

AL Alpha Theta

At its December altruistic project, AL Alpha Theta chapter collected 28 board games for Hanceville Elementary, a local school. Showing the games contributed are (L to R) Mary Ellen Pinion, Carla McKee, Stephanie Blair, Linda Creel, Alpha Theta President Laurita Hogland, Barbara Guthrie, Lynn Moody, Nancy Horton, Sue Ann Patrick and Kelley Neal.

KY Alpha Kappa

Members of KY Alpha Kappa, knowing that hunger never takes a day off, donated non-perishable food and made monetary donations to the Action Ministries in Latonia, KY. The Ministries has served the community for over 30 years and now serves over one thousand families a month.

Pictured standing (L to R) are Bonnie Duncan, Carol Terry, Peggy Arnold, Judy Boster, Peggy Lorenz, Anna Dunavant, Vanessa Vandergriff, Joyce Miller and Susan Anderson. Seated are Sandy Banta from Action Ministries, Donna Murphy, Alpha Kappa President, Joy Tucker, Alice Herron and Kelly Beasley.

FL Beta Lambda

FL Beta Lambda sisters (L to R) Linda Denmark, Nancy McClung, Marcia Demers, Darlene Bruner, Amy Blocher and Shirley Agrella display the hygiene kits the chapter assembled for the unhoused who visit The Mission, a Winter Haven Day Center. Beta Lambda’s Jeanne Icenhour introduced the members to the day center and the possibilities for helping. In addition to assembling kits that included soap, a comb, toothpaste, a toothbrush, mouthwash, lotion, nail clippers and other items, they also assist the Center with GED study guides, children’s books, socks, clothing and food items throughout the year, including a chapter meeting at The Mission.

MS Iota

A delightful “Thank You” to MS Iota was posted on the Facebook page of Runnelstown Elementary School, Runnelstown, MS, after the delivery of A∆K month treats. “You are just WRITE. Thanks for being a great teacher.” The candy pencils were made by chapter leaders, Immediate Past President Teresa Walker, Historian Lisa Jenkins and Altruistic Chair Linda Burcaw, from 1.7 oz. Rolo candy rolls, Hershey Kisses and downloaded wrappers from skiptomylou.org.

MT Zeta

MT Zeta sisters (L to R) Kathi Hoyt, Andrea Doles, Joanne Timmons-DeSaveur, Desiree Caskey, Rena Bucher, Leona Roberts, Cheryl Lenhardt, Barb Adelblue, Kelli Delaney display the wrapped gifts of pajamas the chapters gives every year to the children at the YWCA.

Seated is Elaine Shong, the chapter’s newest Golden Sister. Elaine has been MT State President and State Treasurer. She also served as president of MT Gamma. Zeta President Leona Roberts says, “Zeta got a gem when Elaine transferred her membership to Zeta after her chapter disbanded.”

NM Eta

NM Eta sisters donate books for the first baby born in the new year at the Lincoln County Medical Center (LCMC) in Ruidoso. The annual project features books for new babies and youngsters. The basketful of reading materials is delivered to the Pediatric Unit at LCMC with messages to the parents encouraging them to begin reading to their children as early as possible. “Eta members hope this project will ‘build a bridge to learning’ from birth forward,” said Dorothy MacVeigh, chapter publicity chairman.

Eta members Dottie MacVeigh, Ruby Dulin, Darla Lathan and Eta President Sarah Ball present a basket of books to the pediatric staff at Lincoln County Medical Center.

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CA Beta Xi

CA Beta Xi hosted the Golden Gate Council’s annual holiday lunch and toy drive this year. The chapters comprising the Council have collected toys for underserved San Francisco area children since 1955. In 2019, they began contributing to the San Francisco Firefighters Toy Drive.

Beta XI Toy Driver Organizer Linda Guitron gives the toys collected at the Golden Gate Council luncheon to Firefighter Ray Ko of the SFFD Station 22 in the Sunset District. Ko participated in the drive for seven years. Linda says she enjoys the happiness the drive spreads. Immediate Past International President Mollie Acosta and Southwest Regional President Mary Ann Englehart were special guests of the Council.

AK Zeta

AK Zeta members (L to R) Kathy Doyel, Mary Ann Fathauer, Carolyn Gray, Shelia McCleary and Amanda Ross show the table of gifts they gave to the family the chapter adopted for the holidays. The chapter works with Helping Alaska, a local organization that pairs groups with families. Chapter Altruistic Chair Kathy Doyel recorded the sisters’ gifts for this year’s Adopt-A-Family project.

FL Theta

MO Beta Xi

Beta Xi Chapter, St. Louis, MO, hosted two events in December. “Canvas for a Cause” was a guided painting event led by Beta Xi Co-President Lynn Blosser. Students, parents and chapter members who painted raised nearly $1,000 towards annual scholarships the chapter awards. Chapter members also celebrated the holidays at the “PJ Palooza” pajama party. The members collected household items for the school district philanthropy, “Rockwood Gives Back.”

OH Epsilon

OH Epsilon planned and hosted the Ohio Southwest District Fall Meeting at Sulphur Grove. Each Alpha Delta Kappa member made a blanket with a partner to give to children entering foster care in Warren County, Ohio. “Each child will have their very own blanket to take to their new home, which will give them great comfort,” said Sheryl G. Betche, Epsilon’s corresponding secretary.

Showing the blankets they made are (L to R seated) Judy Holt, Willa Jean Smalley, Mary Heery and Brenda Sowers. Standing: Violet Carr, Shirley Mlod, Phyllis Kitchen, Jeanne Egan, Winona Moss, Carol Lambdin, Martha Rutan, Nan Hottle, Chris Tokarz, Maria DiPuccio, Sheryl Betche, Karin Dillman, Vicki Stewart, Sandra Holway, Barb Fisher, Rachel Werst.

WI Zeta

Sisters of FL Theta chapter pose outside the Build-a-Bear store after enjoying the chapter’s favorite altruistic project, making teddy bears. For eight years, sisters have been selecting the perfect teddy bear, filling it with the right amount of fluff and dressing it in the perfect outfit to comfort a new friend. The bears are donated to Heroes to a Child, the Guardian ad Litem program of Pinellas County. The organization gives bears to children entering the foster care system during the holidays.

Members of the WI Zeta chapter display the thirty-plus birthday bags and adult bibs they assembled for Home Inspired Senior Living, an assisted living center serving Kenosha County. The bags were filled with small personal items and a birthday greeting from a Zeta sister. Thrivent, a financial services company founded by Lutherans, and an anonymous woman donated money for the project. Gayle Collins spearheaded the project with assistance from Kay Schultz and Faith Pfeiffer.

TX Alpha Upsilon

The sisters of TX Alpha Upsilon added $2,315 to their donations to the Alzheimer’s Association through their participation in the “Walk to End Alzheimers” in Beaumont, TX, over the past ten years. This year’s donations bring the chapter’s total to over $10,000. Junelle Gatza and Becky Lee were chapter walk participants.

Altruism, continued.
Pictured are (L to R) Back Row: Norma Stalions, Lori Gaudreau, Marj Gorick, Dot Rusinik, Joyceann Braisted, Jeri Antozzi, Kathy Pollak. Front Row: Karen Bosso, Debbie Colson, Cathy Foltz, Jody Barnum.
26 KAPPAN • MARCH 2024

Hawai‘i Alpha Delta Kappa

One of Hawai‘i Alpha Delta Kappa’s goals is the formation of A∆K collegiate clubs. An initial step in building “bridges” and relationships with future teachers has been support for the teacher candidates at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa College of Education (COE). This past fall semester, in response to HI A∆K Vice President for Membership Janice Oumaye’s request, two HI A∆K members teaching on the Mānoa campus on Oahu proposed Project Ka’i (to lead, direct and coach) for teacher candidates. HI Nu’s ‘Alohilani Okamura, an Assistant Professor at the School for Teacher Education, and HI Pi’sKaren Victor, the Curriculum Studies Project Manager for Hawaiian Immersion Assessment, held three lunch-hour sessions of the Emma Nakuina Metcalf series, honoring the educational heritage of one of Hawai’i’s own unsung heroines. A Mānoa native, Emma Nakuina Metcalf used her talents and formidable scholarship to advance the cause of Native Hawaiians through the turbulence of the early 20th century. The sessions gave the students, faculty and staff the opportunity to listen to mo’olelo (place-based stories) of the Mānoa area of Oahu, assisting them in making Hawaiian culture the foundation for K-12 place-based education, with resources for developing engaging classroom lessons as teachers committed to Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity and Sustainability (JEDIS).

HI A∆K sisters overwhelmingly supported the project, making monetary and goods donations to provide refreshments and teaching supplies, with A∆K flyers included, for the initial monthly sessions. The students gave a special mahalo (thank you) to the creators of the Mo’olelo sessions for deepening their understanding and appreciation of Hawaiian culture and language, to ‘Alohilani Okamura for bringing groups and resources together and to Karen Victor for creating entertaining, informative presentations and sharing references and teaching tools. The students also expressed their appreciation for the contributions of all the HI A∆K ladies who helped to make this series possible.

Coordinator Okamura and Presenter Victor will continue the Mo‘olelo Series with Sessions 4-6 during Semester 2 in 2024 to inspire and nurture more teacher candidates while being introduced to A∆K.

Pictured (L to R) Catherine Payne, ‘Alohilani Okamura, Jan-

KY Sigma

KY Sigma sisters filled 27 blessing bags with non-perishable food, placing them in five of the 16 blessing boxes in Danville/ Boyle County. The boxes, built and maintained by individuals and organizations, help county residents in need. There are blessing boxes at two of the elementary schools. People post on Facebook when the boxes are empty, full or need maintenance, and community members respond to the need. For Sigma members, their contributions allow them to build a bridge of giving with their community.

Paula Meckes and Ann Arnold drove around town to fill the boxes with the collected blessing bags and show a blessing box.

MN Psi

MN Psi members filled bags of school supplies for children visiting the Little Red Schoolhouse at Carlton County fairgrounds in Barnum, MN. An annual service project for Psi includes cleaning the school before the fair and taking shifts greeting fairgoers during the four-day event. The Schoolhouse is a former one-room school relocated to the fairgrounds as a living history exhibit. Visiting children enjoy writing on old-fashioned slates, and adults reminisce about their days in a one-room school.

Psi sisters have a variety of literacy projects, including providing free books to the children of their food-shelf families. They also give a book to all newborns at the local hospital and maintain a little free bookshelf. The chapter awards scholarships annually to seniors in four school districts.

KY Alpha Iota

KY Alpha Iota sisters reached out to a Shelbyville, Kentucky, nursing home whose residents needed basic supplies for everyday living. Martha Lawson, Alpha Iota’s altruistic chair, worked with the staff at Colonial Manor Hall to identify items used and needed by their residents.

Alpha Iota sisters brought the items to their December meeting along with shoebox-size containers. They filled and decorated 60 boxes. Each box contained shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes, room decorations and many other personal items to make the residents’ day-to-day activities easier and more pleasant. Maggie Nicholson, Alpha Iota fraternity education chair, and Louise Watts, altruism committee member, assisted Martha in delivering the boxes to the residents.

Pictured is Martha Lawson loading the boxes into her car.

ice Oumaye, Naomi Yap, Maxine Joe, Susan Okano, Carol Emerson, Karen Victor, Jean Suzuki, Betty Yoshida, Sandra Kubota, Sherry Yamada
KAPPAN • MARCH 2024 27


NC Gamma Gamma and Alpha Gamma chapters celebrated Alpha Delta Kappa Month with a joint tea. Among the guests were NC State President Craig Norton and NC District VIII Vice President Betty Brown. The afternoon featured a poem about the Founders read by Gretchen Jordan.

In the front row (L to R) Gamma Gamma President Lindsey Howell, NC State President Craig Norton, District VIII Vice President Betty Brown and Alpha Gamma President Lou Rose.

ME Alpha

To support their scholarship and altruistic project, ME Alpha members work with Ventures Endurance, one of the largest event organizers in North America, as paid volunteers at local races. Ventures sponsors road, obstacles, cycling and virtual races. The connection suggested by Kaity Getchell, an Alpha member, answers the chapter’s search for a fundraising opportunity that did not require selling items and was not labor or time-intensive. Pictured at a recent race are members (L to R) Elizabeth Gorham-Johnson, Jennifer Robitaille, Jill Patterson, Kaity Getchell, Carlene Iverson and Donna Rimiller.

AK Zeta

AK Zeta crossed the generation bridge in 2022 when they initiated two new members who, along with their sponsors, represent four generations. Pictured are the sisters who “Shared the Love” of A∆K and bridged the gap from older to youngsters. (L to R), Amanda Ross (on Zoom) invited Teresa Hall, who invited Robyn Atkins, and Kathy Doyel, who invited Elizabeth Beks and Jenny Hopper. The chapter’s Sisters Supporting Sisters Committee takes flowers and other treats to sisters in the classroom twice a year.

ON Celebrates

A speaker from Empowerment Squared, an organization supporting newcomers to Canada, a fashion show and memories of A∆K Founders were on the program at the Founder’s Day event hosted by Ontario Rho in Hamilton, Ontario. Sisters from Ontario Psi, Sigma, Zeta and Rho, along with potential new members and recent graduates of Brock University, were in attendance. International Board members Kathleen Buligan, Roberta Casabon and Mary Johnson were honored.

Enjoying the afternoon were (L to R) Mary Johnson, ON Psi chapter membership chairman; Amilee Baron; Giselle Whyte, ON Psi, D’Hann Ch’ng, ON Epsilon.

Sister Honored

WA Alpha Nu members attended the dedication of the Nancy Madison Audiology Clinic in Lakeland Village, a facility for residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Washington state. Nancy, a member of Alpha Nu and an audiologist with the Cheney School District, died in 2022. The wall plaque reads, “An audiologist for 50 years committed to the hearing of so many with unmatched skills and dedication to children and those of special needs. One who served with dedication to Lakeland Village.”

San Diego, CA Chapters

The three San Diego, CA, chapters that comprise the San Diego Presidents’ Council met to hear state and region reports and make plans for the coming year. Pictured are (L to R Front Row: Council President Cindy Acerno, Beta Omicron; Council Treasurer Diana Keyes, Eta.

Center Row: Council Secretary Mary Rowe-Sample, Psi; Barbara Campbell Eta. Back Row: Linda Aguilera, Beta Omicron; Mary Offord, Psi; Holly Foster, Beta Omicron. Southern District Liaison Sara Cooper took the picture.

CA Zeta

CA Zeta members (L to R) Marilyn Anania, Sylvia Olson, Patricia Handy, Terrilynn Handy, Barbara Powell, Ella Anderson, Susan Blough, Laura Henriques, and Jan Martois raise a glass at a recent chapter meeting at the Huntington Beach, CA, Total Wine & More store. The store provided a complimentary meeting space and information about the four wines the members tasted.

28 KAPPAN • MARCH 2024

FL District VII

FL District VII, Miami area members enjoyed an afternoon celebrating Founder’s Day. After lunch, a program featuring the mystic Alpha played by District VII Chairman June Shreve entertained the crowd. Music was provided by Audrey Pilafian, a cellist and a Diamond sister. Audrey joined the Omega chapter in November 2023. Pictured (L to R) are Debra Fischer, Jacqueline Jackson, Audrey Pilafian, June Shreve and Pat Szulczewski.

FL Delta Sigma

Members of FL Delta Sigma, Ft. Walton Beach, are pictured enjoying an evening celebrating Founders’ Day. Dinner, a program and door prizes were among the evening’s festivities.

LA Alpha Sigma

Three charter members attended LA Alpha Sigma’s fiftieth-anniversary party at the St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church Center.

Chapter President

Candy Bennett and Chapter President-Elect Karen Robertson presented Pat Crawford Schwartz, Jeri Broyles and Pat Martinez-Triplett with gifts of appreciation from the chapter. Jeanette Moses, an educator in the Vernon Parish School System, was the inspiration behind the establishment of the chapter. The chapter with Jeri Broyles as president had twelve members when it was chartered in May 1973. A slide show of the chapter’s activities over the last fifty years was presented, with sisters adding commentary about the events. Pictured (L to R Jeri Broyles, Pat Martinez-Triplett and Pat Crawford Schwartz.

Bridges are built by those who look to the future and dedicate themselves to helping others.

~Sandra Day O’Connor, U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

FL Gamma Omicron

Connections were made by FL Gamma Omicron members when they showed how they “Share the Love” with a potluck brunch with Schoolhouse Link, their altruistic partner, and potential chapter members. Schoolhouse Link provides educational and financial assistance to unaccompanied Sarasota County, FL youth. One guest commented, “This group is exactly what I’ve been looking for since moving to Florida.” Connections were made with the unhoused students by hearing their stories from the Schoolhouse Link liaison and with prospective members in fellowship.

Pictured are the hostesses for the FL Gamma Omicron brunch (L to R): Dabney Pelegrin, Sue Pryer-Bell, Betty Tucker, Lisa Schuerholz-Winters and Sandy Alexander.

Historical Society Recognizes Work of KY Sister and Husband

KY Alpha Eta Member Shirley

Dezarn and her husband, Beverly, received the 2023 Preservation Award presented by the Madison County

Historical Society for restoring The Bend One-Room School. Both had long teaching careers in Madison County, KY.

Their farm was where Beverly grew up and attended The Bend One-Room School. The couple were able to save the school Beverly attended, where his mother and two of his aunts had been his teachers. The restoration began with moving the schoolhouse to a nearby site and restoring it to the original walls. Even the original black paint on the wall, which had been the blackboard, was revealed. One of their most rewarding restorative achievements was having period windows constructed from salvaged wavy glass windows. The county school system donated antique desks that had been in storage. Today, the restored one-room schoolhouse is used for student field trips, learning opportunities, group gatherings and an Alpha Eta chapter meeting. Alpha Eta members sat at the student desks, viewed artifacts and envisioned what it would have been like to teach in a one-room school with students of all ages.

The visit to the school included telling what it was like to teach in a one-room school. When the visitors were asked, “How many of you would like to teach in a one-room school?” Without fail, everyone eagerly raised their hands.

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WA Beta Beta

WA Beta Beta members display the 1940s styles they modeled in the chapter’s Founders’ Day fashion show. The script, written by Patti Lee, placed each model in Kansas City working, going to the park, shopping or going out for the evening. Models from Beta Beta and ID XI are: L to R (back row) Hazel Christensen, Gail Scott, Cottie Hood, Haelee Hoseley, Karle Warren, April Lockard, Julie Snider, Nancy Benson, Sharon Hoseley (front

CA Eta

VA Alpha Omicron

VA Alpha Omicron President, Liz Riffey as Ms. Pearl, channels the A∆K Founders at the Founder’s Day celebration of the VA Blue Ridge District. Sisters from six chapters gathered to hear Living Legacy Executive Administrator Taylor Alger describe the organization’s work in Page County, VA and honor the Founders. The sisters contributed monetary donations to Living Legacy.

TX Gamma Eta

CA Eta members recently celebrated their chapter’s 70th anniversary. The San Diego, CA, chapter was chartered in September 1953 and is one of the state’s earliest established chapters. It supports two major altruistic projects. Aseltine School serves children experiencing learning disabilities or behavioral and emotional issues, and Reading Legacies connects incarcerated family members and deployed military family members with their children through reading to them via videotape. In addition, the chapter contributes to the Water Conservation Garden, the Armed Forces YMCA, and the San Diego Food Bank. “Our members enjoy spending time together socializing, taking part in interesting programs and working together to do good in our community,” said Chapter President Barbara Campbell.

CA Eta members pictured are (L to R) Front Row: Nancy Keller, Diana Keyes, Barbara Campbell, Trina Gerdes-Hughes, Donna Niemeier and Zahydie Annandono.Back Row: Suzi Olsen, Linda Rankin, Marti Livingston, Sandee Tessier, Ann Marie Monahan, Pat Stromberg, Sandy Gerrard, Evy Newton.

When the TX Fidelis Xi Chapter dissolved, a few retired teachers from that group decided to join the TX Gamma Eta Chapter as active members by transferring their memberships. The goal was to apply to A∆K Headquarters for a Chapter Organization Alternative Plan or C.O.A.P. group within the Gamma Eta chapter. There were seven members from Fidelis Xi. The application went through within six months. Since August 2021, the C.O.A.P. group has met faithfully, and many of the retired teachers within the chapter have attended extra monthly meetings. We have visited different places in our county and enjoyed learning more about Texas history, different cultures and newly opened restaurants. We also heard many speakers about our various school districts. Our attendance now averages between eight and 12 members every month. We follow the guidelines of attendance at the regular chapter meetings, serving on committees and ensuring that in our C.O.A.P. meetings, we have fraternity education and accept responsibility for altruistic projects when they occur. We have built a bridge between our chapter and our communities in our county since we have members from several cities. Taking advantage of the daytime meetings has allowed the members to visit some museums and local places of interest. It also gives the group an abundant history of Alpha Delta Kappa since we have several Golden, Sapphire and Silver Sisters. Each has experience and ideas to share in our future.

As one of their many activities, the C.O.A.P. group visited the Angleton High School C.T.E. campus for lunch at The Bistro, part of the Culinary Arts School, and a tour of the facilities. Waiting to be served are (L to R) Cecile Newton, Elizabeth Leeper, Patti Bludau, Betty West, Linda Winder, Pam McDaniels and Kim Forrest. Not pictured is Paula Raeke.

ED Note: For more information about creating a C.O.A.P., contact Kathy Beatty, International Vice President for Membership

row), Patti Lee, Emma Lockard, Kathi Meshishnek.
30 KAPPAN • MARCH 2024

Omega Chapter


Wilda S. Jones Alabama Beta Theta

Margie C. Wingard Alabama Beta Theta

Jane Gray Arizona Mu

Lisa Wilson ...................................................... Arizona Omicron

Carolyn R. Melton ............................................. Arkansas Alpha

Helen Brown Arkansas Tau

Ann Lawrence Arkansas Xi

Marsha L. Nice California Alpha Lambda

Marlyce Bjeldanes .......................................California Alpha Phi

Alice C. Tarbush ....................................... California Beta Theta

Sally M. Freese California Gamma Lambda

Merrie K. Slagley California Pi

Nancy L. Harris California Tau

Shirley F. Brown ..............................................Connecticut Beta

Sandra Brassard..........................................Connecticut Kappa

Joanne K. Leahy Connecticut Psi

Helen J. Berrie Florida Alpha Eta

Jane Wagner Florida Beta Lambda

Marilyn S. Buchanan ......................................... Florida Beta Mu

Audrey Pilafian .......................................................... Florida Chi

Mary E. Morton Florida Delta

Rhea A. Wilson Florida Epsilon

Jenny Hamilton Florida Fidelis Tau

Bonnie Smith ................................................. Florida Fidelis Tau

Florence Foss ...................................... Florida Gamma Omicron

Alice A. Tebbs Florida Gamma Omicron

Helen T. Foden Florida Nu

June C. Smith Florida Nu

Carol A. Woodburn ............................................... Florida Theta

Lin O. Nelms....................................................... Florida Upsilon

Deborah M. Upchurch Georgia Beta

Cynthia M. Estes Georgia Beta Iota

Martha Hill Georgia Beta Rho

Frances Lunsford .................................................... Georgia Chi

Verna L. Krizenesky ................................................ Idaho Theta

Ruth I. Bromley Illinois Theta

Diane K. Burkhart Indiana Sustaining

Susan M. Garrels Iowa Epsilon

Lorraine Maus....................................................Kansas Upsilon

Dorothy H. Segretto....................................Kentucky Alpha Iota

Lillian W. Sorrels Kentucky Alpha Iota

Donna G. Preston Kentucky Alpha Iota

Virginia H. Wade Louisiana Alpha Alpha

Joyce Aitken ....................................................... Manitoba Beta

Bernadette Kasunic ............................................ Maryland Beta

Patricia Mace Leonard Maryland Sigma

Ruth E. Mapes Michigan Alpha Upsilon

Judy Keier Michigan Phi

Myrna H. Boyken Minnesota Alpha Alpha

Coral White........................................Minnesota Alpha Omicron

Pamela K. Dahlager ................................. Minnesota Alpha Rho

Shirley Comeaux Minnesota Alpha Rho

Patricia Caranna Mississippi Lambda

Yvonne Fowler Missouri Beta Alpha

Joyce Lindsay ....................................................... Montana Eta

Virginia Davis .............................................. Montana Sustaining

Judith Stratbucker Nebraska Upsilon

Virginia D. Fitts North Carolina Alpha Zeta

Mary Ann Sugg North Carolina Beta Phi

Judith L. Bowerman .......................................... Ohio Alpha Iota

Marilyn Foreman ............................................. Ohio Alpha Theta

Deborah K. Danley Ohio Beta Alpha

Beverly Goodenough Ohio Epsilon

Joan R. Hespe Ohio Sigma

Lana K. Pearson ........................................ Oklahoma Alpha Mu

Hazel McCallion .................................................. Ontario Sigma

Bethena Magrini Oregon Tau

Helen E. Edwards Pennsylvania Mu

Carol M. Armbrester Pennsylvania Upsilon

Susan H. Heitsman ............................. South Carolina Alpha Phi

Barbara T. Harris............................ South Carolina Fidelis Alpha

Mary C. Monahan South Carolina Fidelis Alpha

Bernice H. Melton South Carolina Psi

Martha A. Johnson South Carolina Upsilon

Grace A. Wilder ..................................... South Carolina Upsilon

Betty J. King ..................................... Tennessee Alpha Omicron

Emily A. Canter Tennessee Eta

Norma L. Morphis Texas Alpha Upsilon

Jill Christoffersen Utah Gamma

Blanche E. Adamski ........................................... Vermont Alpha

Eleanor B. Avery .......................................... Virginia Alpha Beta

Judy L. Scruggs Virginia Alpha Upsilon

Charlotte M. Walker Virginia Beta Chi

Donna M. Shifflett Virginia Gamma Omicron

Justine J. Wood ...................................Washington Alpha Delta

Betty J. Clark Corpron ............................. Washington Alpha Psi

Edith Zimbelman Washington Rho

Debra Dangerfield West Virginia Alpha Alpha

Bonnie Kinsey West Virginia Lambda

Jean W. Bane .................................................. West Virginia Mu

Phyllis J. Ord ................................................... West Virginia Psi

Judith Winkel Wisconsin Delta

Ω KAPPAN • MARCH 2024 31

CA Alpha Nu: Cards Craftsmen

What is better than receiving greeting cards? Ask the sisters of CA Alpha Nu. They will enthusiastically answer, “Making them, selling them and donating the profits to the George Mark Children’s House (GMCH) in San Leandro, hands down!” As she built her chapter’s altruistic calendar roughly 15 years ago, Carolyn Rising hatched a plan stemming from a successful cutand-paste card art project her kindergarten students had recently finished. What if chapter member Byrll Terrell, whose hobby room held 12 cabinets of papers and equipment for card-making, could formulate a plan with her and enlist Alpha Nu sisters to create 3½ x 5 greeting cards for sale to support the San Francisco Bay Area charity? LaVerne Stoetker is the current Alpha Nu President.

created. As Hull said in a recent TED talk, “We can’t control the outcome, but we can control the journey.”

GMCH was founded in 2004 by Kathleen Nicholson Hull, a psychologist who lamented the sterile, noisy, impersonal and institutional hospice hospital setting where infants and children languished for months or longer with sparse family support. The first free-standing pediatric palliative care house in the US, GMCH provides pediatric nursing, palliative care, end-of-life care and additional support services to children with life-limiting conditions in a comfortable family suite residence. Classes and activities are offered, holidays are celebrated and a degree of normalcy is


One of the things I love about six-year-olds is that they have no concept of age. When I was teaching first grade in Illinois many years ago, it had been one of those mornings where chaos ruled, and my nerves were quickly fraying. As we were lining up for lunch, one of my sweet little girls asked out of the blue, “Mrs. Harrison, how old are you?” Feeling the exhaustion of the day, I quipped, “Today, I’m a hundred and ten.” With a smile on her face, she looked up at me and excitedly asked, “Oh, is today your birthday?”

Over the past years, Alpha Mu has donated nearly $7,000 to GMCH through its card sales. Although Byrell now resides in Texas, she continues the project, most recently emailing cards for sale at this past summer’s International convention. The chapter continues to craft as well; papers, equipment and time are all donated, so the project’s profits sit at 100%. These hand-constructed 3D cards are sold in packs of four for $10 at conventions and district conferences. GMCH has twice been designated as the state altruistic project. It is California’s current state altruistic project.

Alpha Mu’s enthusiasm and dedication are herculean; their members have driven far and wide to spread the greeting card joy, even selling from their car trunks. Once, the group came upon an empty table at an International convention in Utah. They commandeered the space, much to the delight of the hotel staff who bought their wares! While the most popular categories are thinking of you, get-well, birthday and sympathy, cards for nearly every occasion are made and kept ready. Charity may begin at home, but Alpha Nu goes one step further—charity is made at home.

If You Can Read This, Thank a Teacher

“A day for honoring teachers and recognizing the lasting contributions they make to our lives.” This is the purpose of National Teacher Appreciation Day, according to the National Education Association (NEA). This year, that day is Tuesday, May 6.

Teacher Appreciation Day became a National Day in 1953 when First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt convinced Congress to designate a day to say thank you to teachers. The month selected was March. In 1985, the National Parent Teachers Association, working with NEA, moved the day to May.

Dia del Maestro is celebrated in Mexico on May 15. In Puerto Rico, it is May 20 and May 6 in Jamaica.

Canada and Australia celebrate World Teachers Day in October. May in the United States, Puerto Rico, Jamaica and Mexico is Teacher Appreciation Month.

Some ways to express gratitude to teachers in the classroom and retired teachers are posting thank you messages on social media, writing letters, volunteering in the classroom, donating school supplies and delivering goodie bags.

Homeroom Humor
32 KAPPAN • MARCH 2024

A∆K Dates and Deadlines


............. Update Chapter Officers in the directory. Due immediately following chapter elections

March 1 .... Future Educator Scholarship Applications deadline. For A∆KCC students only

Making a Better World Initiative deadline Suspension for nonpayment of International membership dues

March 15 Chapter and S/P/N Altruistic Report submission deadline *New Date for S/P/Ns in 2024

March 29 ..........................................Holiday - Headquarters closed

WV Lambda turned the holiday season into a donation season. The sisters donated school supplies, toys, games and other items to the Appalachian Christmas Project for distribution in West Virginia, Kentucky and Virginia. Mother Jones Center, an organization that helps the unhoused in Wheeling, WV, received monetary donations from the chapter. The members also gave to a local toy drive in Cameron, WV.

WV members pictured: (top-down) Kathy Miller, Marguerite Harbison, Judy Lyons and Susie Davis


... Update Chapter Officers in directory Due immediately following chapter elections

H-134 & H-155 S/P/N Convention Reports due within 7 days after the S/P/N Convention

April 2 ....... KAPPAN submissions deadline for the June publication

April 15 ...... Regional Mini-Spring Scholarship application deadline


May ......H-134 & H-155 S/P/N Convention Reports due within 7 days after the S/P/N Convention

Update Chapter Officers in directory. Due immediately following chapter elections- LAST DEADLINE

May 15.......... Chapter Needs Assessment (CNA) and S/P/N Needs Assessment end of Biennium Reflection JotForm deadline *New

May 27..............................................Holiday - Headquarters closed

Flag Salute

The salute to the American flag may be performed even when no flag is in the room. The members place their hands over their hearts and repeat the pledge, facing the person leading the salute. The salute is never directed to a photograph, poster or digital image of the flag.

“At first, we are strangers, until you decide to approach. Only effective communication can break this barrier and build the bridge of friendship.”

Mwandeke Kindembo, Congolese author of “Destiny of Liberty”.

To Err is Human

On the Classroom Humor page of the December issue, Pam Bley’s name was inadvertently omitted. A member of OR Epsilon and former member of MT Eta, she had saved letters and works from students and parents of both herself and her mother, also a teacher. The KAPPAN apologizes for the omission.

Former Alaska State President Nancy Dreydoppel’s last name was misspelled on page 17 of the December issue. Sorry, Nancy.

WV Lambda

1615 West 92nd Street

Kansas City, MO 64114-3210

The Bill Thorpe Walking Bridge, once named the Fredericton Railway Bridge, crosses the Saint John River, connecting Fredericton with Devon in New Brunswick, Canada. The 1905-foot-long structure was built in 1888. It was renamed to honor Thorpe, a high school teacher and administrator at Fredericton High School who is considered the Father of the Fredericton Trail System. Every year, over 600,000 people cross the bridge, considered one of the longest walking bridges.

Alpha Delta Kappa

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