March 2022 KAPPAN

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Offer Your Gift. Reach Out with Petals of Knowledge.


Piecing the Past, Present and Future to Create an AΔK Legacy. Moving Forward.

Cuando Educas Con Amor, Inspiras. California Proud: Honor, Nuture and Support, Flourish. MARCH 2022

Dream Big, Work Hard, Succeed. Our Heart is Our Strength. Delivering Excellence in Altruism,

Education and World Understanding. Six Chapters One Mission Delivering Excellence in

Altruism, Education and World Understanding. Unlocking Potential. Love What We Do


Celebrating Possibilities. Take That Leap to Serve. to Learn, to Grow. Rooted for Growth


Mountains of Opportunities with AΔK. AΔK - A Pathway to Friendship and Growth. Serving Our

World. Current Relevant Promoting a Sisterhood of Excellence. LOVE AΔK. Sharing our LOVE o

Alpha Delta Kappa. Live It. Own It. Embrace It. Growing Kentucky with CARE - Connections

Altruism Respect Enthusiasm. Reaching New Heights Together. Connected, Rooted,


Share the Getting to the Heart of What Matters Most. Love

Discover and Share Our

Treasures. Illuminate the Possibilities. Illuminate the Possibilities. TogetherWe Cre2021-2023

Alpha Delta Kappa

te Friendships Altruism World Understanding. River of Love. Show Me Sisterhood. Mon-

ana Strong - Staying Connected Reaching Out. SOAR for AΔK - Sisters On Active Recruitment.

Better Together. Zooming to New Possibilities. Pearls of Excellence. Rising to New Heights

Communication Builds Sisterhood . Celebrating the Magic of AΔK. The Classroom and Beyond

Open Your Shell and Find the Pearl called AΔK. Let Our Own Heart Be Our First Teacher. Buzzing

with Opportunity. Energy. AΔK Shines Like the Rarest Gem! Oceans of Possibilities. Growing Together in Sissterhood Making a Difference. Going Places and Building Sisterships with AΔK. SOAR. Celebrating the Power of Friendship. Plant the Seed for Success. The Love of Alpha Delta Kappa. Treasure Our Connections. Outpouring of Sisterhood.


Travel Learn Grow with AΔK. The Joy of Sisterhood.


MARCH 2022

You 12



Features & Departments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 28 31 32 33

International President’s Message Accountability and Monitoring the Health of the Chapter Creating Thoughts for the Day Leadership Academy Honor A Sister So…What is the A∆K Foundation and Why is it Needed? Learning Session: Pathways to Well-Being Regional Presidents-Elect Elections Connections World Understanding Sharing a Good Book Opens Doors for Readers Quilting Connects Across the Ocean A Geography Hobby Winter Memory Bytes and Pieces Amazing Members The KAPPAN Congratulates Amazing Member Altruistic Projects #A∆K Omega Chapter Homeroom Humor A∆K Calendar

Regional President-Elect to be Chosen Five members have offered for the newly created office of Regional President-Elect. The new officers will be installed at their regional conferences this year. In 2023 at the International Convention, they will be installed as Regional Presidents and will preside over regional executive boards. The regions with candidates are Southwest, Northwest, Northeast, Gulf and Southeast with two candidates. At this time there are no candidates in the North Central or South Central Regions. Information about the position and the election procedure is on page 8. Information about the candidates is on pages 9-11.

KAPPAN EDITOR Joanne Grimm, CA Alpha Alpha KAPPAN STAFF Susan Pelchat, CT Mu Shannon Lorenzo-Rivero, TN Chi Betty Sherrod, VA Gamma Omicron Susan Whelan, NJ Kappa Erin Worthington, TN Chi Sara Armstrong, CA Alpha Alpha Julie Rehm, Digital Publications Specialist, Int'l HQ KAPPAN REVIEW BOARD Mollie Acosta, International President Ann Marie Brown, International President-Elect Judy Ganzert, Immediate Past International President Bev Card, International Executive Board Chairman Christi Smith, Executive Director Alpha Delta Kappa empowers women educators to advance inclusion, educational excellence, altruism and world understanding.

The KAPPAN magazine is published quarterly by Alpha Delta Kappa, International Honorary Organization for Women Educators. Find the KAPPAN Publishing Guidelines online at Alpha Delta Kappa International Headquarters: 1615 W. 92nd St., Kansas City, MO 64114-3210 (816) 363-5525, (800) 247-2311, Fax (816) 363-4010 email: Internet: The opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily in conformity with those of Alpha Delta Kappa or the editor.

How to Submit Items for the next KAPPAN

The deadline for submissions to the KAPPAN is two months before the issue publication date. The deadline for the June 2022 issue is April 1. Authors should include their name, state/province/nation and chapter, highest A∆K office held and when. The theme for the June KAPPAN is Share Your Gift. Each of us has a gift. It may be singing, playing the tuba, baking a perfect pie, or knowing the secret of getting red wine stains out of a white carpet. For the June issue, we are asking you to share your gift with your sisters. What is it, how do you use it, and how does it bring you joy? To submit articles/photos, go to the A∆K website> LIBRARY> PUBLICATIONS> KAPPAN. Drag and drop files at the bottom of the page. Follow submission guidelines on the webpage.

International President’s Message


Share the Love 2021-2023

Alpha Delta Kappa

haring Connections is what Alpha Delta Kappa and Share the Love is all about. The opportunities, the possibilities are infinite. This issue will touch on just a few of the many wonderful connections made within and beyond AΔK. Many of these “connections” become lifelong friends. One special connection for me has been with our 2019-2021 International Teacher Education (ITE) scholar, Trang Hoang, who came to the United States from Vietnam. I first met Trang through Immediate Past International Vice President (IVP) of the Northwest Region Glad Loreen. Glad and I co-chaired the 2018 NW/SW Joint Regional Conference in Anchorage, Alaska. Glad learned that Trang would be pursuing her Master’s degree in Educational Policy at the University of Washington, just twenty minutes from Glad’s home in Redmond, and I had already planned a visit to Glad and Ian’s home in September of 2019. Glad and I took Trang to lunch in Seattle and began to learn what an intelligent and dedicated student she was. Her message to us was that she wanted to give back to her community and to AΔK. Little did we know then what opportunities would lie ahead for her to do just that, even in the face of a global pandemic. Glad and I bonded quickly in the months following our installation as regional vice-presidents at the 2017 International Convention in New Orleans (what an outstanding convention!). I made five visits to Seattle prior to the 2018 NW/SW Joint Regional Conference. One of the many connections that hastened the bond was the importance of November 19. It is an anniversary that reminds us both of significant loss in our lives. It also now reminds us that sisters are always there for each other, in times of joy and of sorrow. I had always been impressed with the ITE scholars - remarkable women who have served their home country school communities and are furthering their education here. After attending the ITE weekend at Headquarters in Kansas City in November of 2018 and hearing their stories first-hand, I knew that this scholarship program is one of the best we have. When I learned Trang would be studying and was close to where Glad lived, I wanted to connect with her. Once the pandemic began, Trang’s studies went completely virtual, and she completed her Master’s with no face-to-face interaction with her fellow classmates or professors. Imagine being thousands of miles away from your home for those 15 months. Trang’s connections with AΔK sisters truly became a lifeline. She was made an honorary member of Washington Alpha

Delta chapter, presented virtually at several chapter and S/P/N meetings and excelled in her Master’s program. I was able to visit in June of 2021 and celebrate her graduation. At that time Trang already knew she would be unable to return home as planned in August of 2021. Vietnam was locked down with COVID cases rising, and commercial flights into the country canceled. It was a very difficult time for her, having spent two years away from her family and then not being able to return home. Additionally, Trang couldn’t work in the U.S. on a student visa without the Fulbright program’s permission, so she was financially strapped. The 2021 virtual International Convention was to be held in July. I invited Glad and Trang to come to California as my guests and join me during the convention. They spent just over a week. Trang was able to find some good Vietnamese food in the Los Angeles area and spend some time at the beach. More importantly, I was able to learn more from her about what a thoughtful person she is and more details of her Master’s work. It is fascinating. That is a topic for another time. The next challenge for Trang was obtaining a student visa extension with the Fulbright program’s help. It was a lengthy process. Her visa was not extended until the very last moment. She was also given permission by Fulbright to work in the field of her Master’s and an offer came from WestEd, a non-profit educational research company based in San Francisco. I am familiar with WestEd’s work, having been a curriculum coordinator and administrator in California. They have an excellent reputation. And so, our most recent connection was made when another sister and I picked up Trang at San Francisco International Airport, took her shopping, and helped her settle into her new home away from home in San Francisco. She was immediately invited to a holiday luncheon, and will continue to make connections with other AΔK sisters and their families in the area. Trang is working on multiple research projects for WestEd. She is contributing to our understanding of current educational policies within our country and learning invaluable skills that she will use when she returns to Vietnam. Her desire is to improve the educational system within her home country and, as with many other ITE scholars, I know she will. Trang’s story is one among many. The connections made with sisters in the Northwest region and now in the Southwest region are strong and inspiring. Through our desire to support Trang and all of our ITE scholars, connections are made across the organization. Each of our lives is enriched by the connections we make throughout and beyond AΔK. Sharing those connections with potential members will strengthen our sisterhood. Remember, each one, reach one.

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Accountability and Monitoring the Health of the Chapter

There you are, filling out the “Chapter Needs Assessment” again and asking yourself, “What good does this do?” Betty Jo Evers, International Vice President for Membership answers that question.


hy assess? Assessment is more than important; it is critical. The purpose of the Chapter Needs Assessment, a formative assessment, is to monitor success and give timely, up-to-date, action-orientated feedback. It helps identify strengths and weaknesses and targets areas for improvement. It provides unique and specific directions for chapters. Assessment is critical to the success of an organization whether formative, summative, or reflective. There are at least nine benefits of formative assessment: 1. Defines Goals: Provides information upon which to set S/P/N and/or chapter goals. 2. Need for Action: Acknowledges the need for growth and provides a pathway for growth. 3. Bonding: Provides a foundation for TEAMWORK. 4. Engagement: Identifies areas of interest of S/P/N and/or chapter members, which ensures participation in activities and projects. 5. Energy and Involvement: Increases motivation of members when they know where they are and where they want to be; then, they can decide how to get there. 6. Feedback: Focuses on positive and targets areas for improvement instead of negative, “what went wrong” statements. 7. Personalized: Receives information for individual S/P/N and/or chapters that is beneficial to them regardless of the size or location of their chapter. 8. Reflective: Determines individual S/P/N and/or chapter strengths, identifies what went well, what went “not so well” and why. 9. Data-Driven Decisions: Analyzing and using the data empowers members to make sound decisions in order to move forward. Our members share their thoughts on the benefits of Alpha Delta Kappa’s assessments.

Fran Mitchell, PA Gamma, states, “It begins with completing the Member Needs Assessment (MNA) on pages 32-33 in the Membership Development Manual (MDM). The results represent the concerns and suggestions from each member in the chapter. It lets us know how we are doing, what is working best, and what directions might we explore. All the information 2

from the MNA is examined, tallied and considered so we may move forward with programs of interest, altruistic activities, recognition of our members’ special achievements, educational excellence, etc. Completing the Chapter Needs Assessment was relatively easy using the MNA data as a basis. The overall results have shown that we can be diverse without being divided, each voice will be heard, and every sister is valued.” “The Chapter Needs Assessment (CNA) is a thermometer of what is happening in a chapter,” states Beverly Fletcher, IA Vice President for Membership. “I summarized the chapter reports and used the information for two newsletter articles. My findings are clear with data information, summarizing both positive and negative statements, along with giving suggestions for chapter issues. Chapters have the responsibility to look within themselves in order to have growth and make any changes.” “The CNA is a good record of the past year’s program strengths and weaknesses. Strong concentration in one area is a boring scenario for a chapter and leads to boredom and lack of interest for the members. Without diversity of programs in various areas, the chapter can become ineffective as it no longer offers meetings that are meaningful and engage the membership,” are words of interest from Sue McDowell, NJ Lambda. Immediate Past NCR Membership Consultant Mary Ann Gerdes states, “Analyzing the CNAs helped me establish the regional goals, gleaning ideas for recruitment, retention and leadership from chapters. This information helps us keep our mission alive.” OH Vice President for Membership Denise Sheely explains two benefits of completing the CNA. First, “The CNA asks for the average attendance for chapter meetings for the year. Many chapters were proud that this percentage didn’t decrease much from the previous years, especially during the pandemic. It is also a great indication whether programming is varied and interesting. Another positive reason for the CNA is to share resources. If a chapter didn’t include fraternity education activities often, the S/P/N membership consultant can recommend the resources on the Alpha Delta Kappa website.” Past Gulf Regional Membership Consultant Debby Stubing says, “The CNA identifies chapters that may be struggling or

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chapters that need a mentor and helps to set regional membership goals, assist the S/P/N in setting its goals, and provides information to the S/P/N Vice President for Membership to work with chapter membership chairmen.” Suzi Bonifay, GA Vice President for Membership, summarizes the importance of completing the CNA, saying it “is like a formative assessment. It tells the chapter whether they are meeting goals and pinpoints the areas that need work and what direction to take. The charted results also tell the S/P/N and International leaders what type of interventions or professional development are needed to support the chapter.” “The Annual Chapter Highlights” (H-114) is helpful to document how chapters are meeting requirements to maintain nonprofit status.

Mary Ey, Past International Vice President, Northeast Region, lists pertinent information included in the H-142 S/P/N President’s Report: “Data on the S/P/N conventions, Founders’ Day celebrations, Executive Board meetings, recommendations for S/P/N slate of officers, International Teacher of Education (ITE) scholars in the region, regional archives and issues and questions regarding membership, bylaws and leadership development.” The report is completed, so now what? It is now up to the individual S/P/N and/or chapter to analyze the data and determine what steps to take next. Not using the data collected to make future decisions, the assessment is time wasted. Why do we assess? It’s simple: Assessments keep members engaged and informed of the effectiveness of their efforts and are the basis for organization growth and development. Using it will benefit Alpha Delta Kappa and you.

Creating Thoughts for the Day By Paula O’Neill, TX Beta Chi, 2015-2017 International Chaplain


he agenda for a chapter, district, state, regional conference and International meetings usually includes a Thought for the Day. The chaplain will bring the message, and when there is no chaplain, members may take turns with the presentation. Why do we have these messages? They are meant to bring inspiration, points to ponder and perhaps to add a bit of humor. Educators know the importance of what we say and how we say it. Consider your audience. In Alpha Delta Kappa, we know our members follow various paths of inspiration in their lives, and therefore, we should be sensitive to all present. What would every person appreciate? Find inspiring words from a variety of sources. Use just a few sentences to inspire you to write more about them and relate them to the present situations in which we live, or simply, quote the message and its author. Inspiring words may be found in many places such as in books, lectures, magazines, newspapers and on the Internet. As educators we appreciate the poetry of young people, such as Mattie Stepanek or Amanda Gorman and so many others. Instead of speaking the Thought for the Day, listen to soothing instrumental “The Swan” from Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint Saens, “Nimrod” from Edward Elgar’s Enigma Variations, “Moonlight Sonata”, from Piano Sonata No. 14, First Movement by Ludwig van Beethoven. Sometimes songs stir our souls such as “Respect” and “Natural

Woman” by Aretha Franklin, “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong, “Sunshine on My Shoulders” by John Denver, “Let It Be” by The Beatles. Through the magic of electronics, we can find brief videos on the Internet that bring a quick point to ponder. Consider adding some humor to your presentation by using cartoons, posters, even words from anonymous students and other professional educators. Each member present may contribute by saying one word that inspires, energizes or calms her stress. You might share what two words can do for our spirits: I’m sorry; you’re welcome; I do; thank you. Laws provide boundaries when it comes to using someone else’s words and music. Your own composition is special. Consider the season of the year, an upcoming holiday or a special time in Alpha Delta Kappa, such as initiation or Alpha Delta Kappa Month. Check the International Website Library under “Chaplain’s Resources.” These original Thoughts for the Day were written by our members. You are Alpha Delta Kappa. You know how to inspire, and you know the importance of inspiring others. Find your inner voice of love and sincerity, find inspirational words from famous people, consider the occasion, share a bit of humor, let your audience participate and take a confident smile into that meeting. “You never know when a moment and a few sincere words can have an impact on a life.” - Zig Ziglar

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Leadership Academy Participants Share Their Perspectives and Plans for 2023 Academy

lans for the 2023 Leadership Academy have begun. Active educators who have been members for ten years or less and have not held an office beyond the chapter level may be eligible to participate in the second Leadership Academy. More information will be available at the 2022 regional conferences. The first Leadership Academy, according to academy leaders, far exceeded expectations due to the excitement, enthusiasm, and energy of all the participants. Leadership Academy participants continue to meet monthly with their mentors. Their creative juices flow as they plan their learning session presentations for the 2022 regional conferences. One team is working on a Big Sister/Little Sister mentoring presentation, bringing mentorship to a personal level by having chapter members buddy and support new members. Another group strives to create an interactive multimedia presentation called AΔK University. The goal is to create an onboarding experience for new and prospective members. Annie Kozma, MD Beta, said she is “so excited to be participating in the inaugural class of the A∆K Leadership Academy.” She feels that it has been a great experience virtually meeting other participants from all over the country and working with sisters at the International level to gain a better understanding of the organization. She is “grateful for this opportunity!” Katy Matthews, TX Gamma Nu, joined the Leadership Academy to learn and grow more in her A∆K path as well as to cultivate her skills as a leader in her school. She feels that “the academy is creating a new generation of leaders to keep leading Alpha Delta Kappa forward.” Carol Harper, NC Mu, adds that she was so excited to be accepted into the Academy and knows that she can become a better leader. She truly enjoys participating in the Leadership Academy and feels that it has taught her a lot about herself and what her leadership style is. Michelle Roosma, AZ Psi, applied to be part of the Leadership Academy because she was a newly elected chapter president and was new to A∆K. She hoped to gain more knowledge about herself to ensure that she could have a productive bien4

nium for her chapter. She thinks that “the Leadership Academy will help all of us feel more capable of holding various positions within the A∆K organization, whether at a local, state, or International level.” She plans on using what she’s learned to help encourage sisters to hold office as well as recruiting future A∆K members who are a good fit for her chapter. Maddie Powell, TX Zeta Zeta, feels that her few years in A∆K have been great, but as a new chapter member, she knew there was so much more they could do. In this short time, the Academy has helped her chapter grow together and create a focus. She also feels that “the Leadership Academy is benefiting A∆K as a whole by connecting newer members to others around the country! I’ve now got A∆K sisters in all parts of the country to go to for ideas, advice and overall friendship. I’ve already gained so much. I have a mentor and new friend, Kathy Beatty, VA Gamma Epsilon, whom I can call or text any time. She has helped me and our chapter by just talking through things they’ve done and ideas we could use. Because of what we have done in the Leadership Academy, our whole chapter is invigorated for the year and ready to go forth and serve.” Angelina Barela, CO Gamma, shared, “Before the announcement of the Leadership Academy, I was feeling I needed to do more as a leader. When the announcement of the Leadership Academy came, it was a type of calling for me. It was the answer I needed and was looking for. My skills developed over the classes. I gained more insight into who I was as a leader and how to grow to become a better leader. I hope one day I will serve as president for my chapter, then serve state, regional, and one day, International.” Angelina feels A∆K is a wonderful organization with wonderful sisters, but the population is heavy on the retired side. The Leadership Academy is giving active teachers the knowledge and confidence to grow and become leaders in our organization. It is opening doors to the future. Article submitted by the members of the first Leadership Academy Committee: Bev Card, International Executive Board Chairman; Su Wade, Chairman of the Leadership Academy Board; and Charlene Lauria, Executive Board Vice Chairman.

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A∆K Honor A Sister

The following members contributed to the Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation to recognize fellow members. Gifts received after December 15, 2021 will be published in the June 2022 KAPPAN. Ann Ainslie, International Vice President, North Central Region In honor of Erin Neal, GA Chi Diane C. Ankcorn, WA Nu In honor of Priscilla Reems, WA Nu Mary Lou Beck, OR Epsilon In honor of Marilyn Chandler, OR Sustaining Sheikla L. Blount, AL Beta Lambda In honor of Edwina Aaron, AL Beta Lambda In honor of Sherry Sublett, AL Beta Lambda In honor of Ginger Trawick, AL Beta Lambda Anita S. Brown, CA Alpha Lambda In honor of Karen McGough, CA Alpha Lambda Jeanne C. J. Chang, HI State President In honor of Kitty Nutting, Immediate Past International Vice President Southwest Region In honor of Betty Jo Evers, International Vice President for Membership In honor of Mollie Acosta, International President In honor of Meredith Ching, Immediate Past HI State President Shelly M. Couch, TX Epsilon Omicron In honor of Cindy White, Immediate Past International Vice President South Central Region Catherine Durvin, VA Mu In honor of VA Lambda Chapter In honor of VA Alpha Epsilon Chapter Betty Jo Evers, International Vice President for Membership In honor of Paulette Gordon, Vice President for Membership, Jamaica In honor of Asrey James, Jamaica National President In honor of Ann Marie Brown, International President-Elect In honor of Kelly Delgado, International Headquarters Program Coordinator Stefanie Fowler, VA Lambda In honor of Susan Bowman, VA Lambda Joyce Hinman, North Dakota Gamma In honor of Meme May, ND Gamma Karen Kirby, CA Gamma Mu In memory of Charlotte Fischer, CA Gamma Mu In memory of Lynn Miller, CA Gamma Mu In memory of Janet Hooper, CA Gamma Mu Andrea Maupin, NE Alpha Lambda In memory of Michelle Kirkpatrick, NE Alpha Lambda Jan Mees, MO Alpha Iota In honor of Susan Nichols, MO State President Barbara A. Nore, AK Gamma In honor of Nancy D. Dreydoppel, AK Gamma In honor of Helen Foster, AK Alpha In honor of Amanda Ross, AK Zeta In honor of Sue Pelchat, CT Mu In honor of Mary Jane Henderson, WA Alpha Nu In honor of Glad Loreen, WA Beta Alpha In honor of Katrina Nore, AK Gamma In honor of Karen Santos, WA Alpha Tau In honor of Susan Rae Long, Immediate Past International Vice

President Northwest Region In honor of Janet Johnson, International Vice President Northwest Region In honor of Laura Oversvee, Regional Membership Consultant Northwest Region In honor of Lesa Meath, AK Gamma In honor of Betty Jo Evers, International Vice President for Membership In honor of Melanie Bieniek, Immediate Past Alaska State President In honor of Virginia Howard, WY State President In honor of Linda Jones, OR State President In honor of Kris Hinz, Immediate Past ID State President In honor of Beth Hassler, ID State President In honor of Melodee Burreson, MT State President In honor of Cathy Jameson, WA State President In honor of Vanessa Jackson, AK Alpha In honor of Debby Thurman-Hunt, AK Gamma In honor of Kathy Port, AK Gamma In honor of Misha Gelvin, AK Gamma In honor of Sharon Jefferis, AK Alpha Chris C. Nunez, NC Beta Phi In honor of Carol Witman, NC Beta Phi Marcia R. Parrish, CO Alpha Gamma In memory of Annetta Schwalm, CO Alpha Gamma Beverly Quiring, OR Epsilon In honor of Marilyn Chandler, OR Sustaining Betty C. Sherrod, VA Gamma Omicron In honor of Vicki, Schoenly, VA Gamma Phi Debby S. Stubing, FL Alpha Sigma In honor of Betty Jo Evers, International Vice President for Membership In honor of Linda Rissel, NJ Lambda In honor of Judy Barnhill, TN Beta Zeta In honor of Mary Ann Gerdes, International Executive Board Member In honor of Jeanie Hinck, Regional Membership Consultant Southwest Region In honor of Nancy Medina, Regional Membership Consultant South Central Region In honor of Karen Santos, WA Alpha Tau Sherry L. Sublett, AL Beta Lambda In honor of Debbie Clark, International Vice President Gulf Region Roberta Y. Tom, HI Lambda In honor of Cherylanne M. Lee, HI Lambda Kaye Triplett, Jennie Whitaker and Ramona Griffin, KY Chi In memory of Rosemary Weddington, IEB Chairman 1997-1999 Dorothy Vaio, CA Beta In honor of Mollie Acosta, International President In honor of Judy Ganzert, Immediate Past International President In honor of Sandy Wolfe, Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation Chairman In honor of Sue Pelchat, CT Mu

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What is the A∆K Foundation and Why is it Needed? By Sandy Wolfe, Foundation Chairman and Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation, Inc. Board Members


he Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation holds the key to many facets of A∆K’s mission. It is the key that opens opportunities for members, the key that unlocks the heart, that opens minds and is a tool for accomplishing the Foundation’s goals. One of the earliest programs funded by the Foundation was the International Teacher Education (ITE) Program, which provides financial assistance for up to seven outstanding scholars each year, as well as loving and caring support during the recipients’ stays in the USA. The $10,000 in financial assistance is awarded to each of the scholars for housing and living expenses. Scholars may participate in the program for a maximum of two years. Since its founding in 1983, the Foundation has sponsored numerous educational and charitable programs. Recently, A∆K’s lawyers advised updating and changing the original Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation Trust to a non-profit corporation. The Missouri Secretary of State approved the formation of the new A∆K Foundation, Inc. and new Articles of Incorporation on August 25, 2021. Under the old Foundation Trust, each member of the current International Executive Board was a Trustee. In the new Foundation, Inc. the Board of Directors is composed of three current members of the International Executive Board, three past International Executive Board members, and the A∆K Executive Director. While governance of the Foundation is undergoing changes its work will continue to be as strong as ever. The Organization and the Foundation In order to understand the new structure, it is important to understand the roles of the International Chapter and Executive Board and the Foundation. The International Chapter and the International Executive Board serve as governing bodies to provide strategic direction, plan, promote, and carry out the purposes and mission of A∆K. The Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation, Inc. manages the altruistic arm of A∆K, carrying out the charitable and educational purposes of the organization. This includes raising and investing funds as well as distributing funds to scholarships, grants recipients, and selected charities. Why Do We Still Need Both Bodies? Both bodies are needed to separate and protect our assets for legal and security concerns. By separating the organization funds from the Foundation funds, neither body is liable as a result of action taken against the other. In addition and, for the same reason, our lawyers have advised us that the Boards for each body should not be identical, as has been our previous practice. 6

Can Foundation Funds be used to Fill the Financial Gap of our Dwindling Membership? No. Foundation funds can only be used to support our charitable and educational activities. This includes our scholarships, grants, world understanding projects, international altruistic projects such as St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and Alzheimer’s Association, disaster relief, and more. The Foundation currently distributes nearly $400,000 a year. Why does the Foundation Need to Continue to Raise Funds? We have made an ongoing commitment to our members to provide scholarships for their continued professional development. A major component of our mission is altruism. To meet that mission, we must have funds to support those programs that members have selected. Now that the organization has been granted 501(c) (3) status, we may begin to see more fundraising efforts from the organization. Don’t Our Dues Provide Funds for Our Altruistic Project and Scholarships? No. Your dues provide the revenue for our operational funds. These funds support the headquarters building including staff salaries, the website, the KAPPAN, and leadership and committee expenses. Scholarships, grants, and other altruistic projects are funded through members’ donations. How Can I Contribute to the Foundation or the Organization? Donating is very, very simple. You may donate online at https:// or send your donations to: Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation, 1615 West 92nd St., Kansas City, MO 64114. Make out checks to “Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation.” If you would like to direct your donation toward a specific project, write it on the memo line of the check or note it on your online donation. In addition to donations to the general fund of the Foundation or the Organization, St. Jude, or Alzheimer’s Association, you may choose to contribute to the following programs: Disaster Relief, Hall of Benefactors, Heritage Society, Honor a Sister, International Leadership Legacy Fund, The International Presidents’ Fund and World Understanding - Project C.H.E.A.R. For more information about the Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation, Inc., please contact any of the Foundation Board Members: Chairman Sandy Wolfe, Vice Chairman Ann Quinlan, Immediate Past International President Judy Ganzert, Four Year IEB Member Kathleen Buligan, PIEBC Ellen Roderick, PIEBC Barbara Stanfield, and A∆K Executive Director Christi Smith. We look forward to seeing you this summer at the A∆K Foundation table at your 2022 Regional Conference.

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Learning Session

Pathways to Well-Being


ecently, a friend stated that his teaching career was indelibly marked by his experiences with students during the pandemic. He says his 25 years before COVID are very different from March 2020 to now and going forward. Things have been different as they have been for all of us. Not being able to see many people in person is probably the biggest difference, which has a tremendous impact on how we feel about ourselves and others every day. Dr. Bertice Berry, the inspirational speaker at our recent A∆K Convention, shares her thoughts in a video blog about self-care ( She reminds us that we should all practice self-care on a regular basis so when things get tough, we’ve got reserves to help us stay balanced. In our book, “Pathways to WellBeing: Helping Educators (and Others) Find Balance in a Connected World,” my co-author, Susan Brooks-Young, and I delved into research with regards to happiness and well-being. We found six topics consistently cited as offering ways to move towards balance and increase joy. Gratitude. The benefits of expressing gratitude positively affect physical, mental and social health. Bringing awareness to whom and what I’m grateful for helps me keep what’s happening around me in perspective. One simple practice is to write a physical thank you note to anyone, living or dead, who has done something for which you are grateful. If possible, it’s ideal to hand deliver the thank you note, but sending it through the mail is just fine. Another idea is to keep a Gratitude Jar on your desk. On a small piece of paper, write one thing you’re thankful for that happened that day, and put it into the jar. Then review those pieces of paper on days that are challenging.

Being Positive. Positive psychology promotes the idea of being positive yet realistic. It’s not the idea that everything and everyone will always be positive. We can, however, choose to respond to situations in a positive way, for example, “What can I learn from this?” Or, we could respond negatively, for example, “Since this occurred, nothing else will go right all day.” Let’s consider our COVID experiences. While it might still be inconvenient to wear a mask and keep socially distant, there are people I’ve met through zoom sessions whom I would never have had the opportunity to meet or get to know otherwise. Several of them have become friends and I’ve gotten to hear storytellers from many countries, including Hungary, Australia, Indonesia and India. One of our suggested activities is to “accentuate the positive” and eschew negative people and situations. You can write down two or three positive experiences each day and after even a few weeks, reflect on the good things that have happened in your life. Another idea is to watch your self-talk, and make sure you are speaking to yourself as you would a good friend.

Getting Focused. Some of us are list makers. Being able to check off items on my To Do list is satisfying. Making a list also helps remind me of my commitments for the day. To help us get focused, Dr. Berry has suggested regular meditation and breathing exercises. In our conference presentation, Susan and I shared two images that can be placed on either side of a card—a flower and a candle. I keep such a card in my desk so that any time during the day when I want to get focused, I look at the rose and take a deep breath as if I’m smelling it, then I hold my breath as I turn the card over and exhale to blow out the candle. Doing that process a couple of times changes how I was feeling moments before. Empathy. Empathy lies at the core of what it means to be human. When we try to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes, we can make important connections. All too often, the assumptions we make about another person’s words or behavior would be changed if we understood their ideas or motives. Do you remember the Telephone Game? One person whispers something to another person who repeats what she heard to the next person and so on around a circle. It’s usually fascinating to learn what the last person heard. That message is often totally different from what was originally said. I just learned of a Native American group that uses this technique to teach their children about good listening. The story will be corrected at the end of the first round and then go around again and again until every child can say it accurately. How wonderful it would be if we all took the time to make sure we had heard something accurately and understood the intent as well. Kindness. Henry James said, “Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind: the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” Being kind to yourself often promotes being kind to others, both of which lead to well-being. Small gestures such as smiling at others can lift spirits. Even wearing masks, we can tell when another is smiling at us. Go ahead and find those short videos or silly jokes that make you laugh as well. Good hearty laughter manifests as kindness to yourself. It can also be infectious and spread joy to others. Movement. We all know it’s important to move every day. Making movement a habit increases well-being and the ability to stay flexible and healthy. Whether you visit a gym, walk every day with a buddy, take time to participate in on-line or video classes, or some other physical activity, it is important to “just do it.” As we reflect on the past year and a half in terms of our own well-being, let’s consider the positive aspects and think about ways to make what’s ahead more life-affirming and enriching for ourselves and others. Article by Sara Armstrong, PhD, CA Alpha Alpha. Portions of this article were presented by Dr. Armstrong at the recent International Convention Educational Symposium.

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REGIONAL LEADERSHIP (REGIONAL PRESIDENT-ELECT) ELECTION PROCEDURES INTRODUCTION: At the 2021 International Convention, the International Bylaws of Alpha Delta Kappa were amended to include Regional Executive Boards. During the transition, the election and installation of the first Regional Presidents-Elect shall be in 2022. Installation as Regional Presidents shall be at International Convention 2023. The Regional Conference for which they will serve as Regional President shall be in 2024. Election of Regional Presidents-Elect and Regional Vice Presidents for Membership shall be by a majority vote within their respective region as determined by the rules for the election of officers. ONLINE VOTING: Online Membership Directory “Officer Title Codes” will be used to identify the voting delegates. Delegates will receive notice when the Voting Center opens and a reminder before the Voting Center is to close. Election of Regional Presidents-Elect shall be by majority vote within their respective regions. DELEGATES: 1. There shall be no alternates for any of the delegates. Votes are not transferable. If a member has a vote in one capacity, she shall not have an additional vote. Only three votes per State, Provincial or National leadership for the 3 P’s (2. e. f. g. below) and one vote for the S/P/N VPM (2. h.), if applicable. Only two votes per chapter leadership. 2. Delegates for the election of Regional Leadership shall be as follows: a. Each Member of the International Chapter*........ 1 vote b. Each Past International President......................... 1 vote c. Each Past Chairman of the International Executive Board................................................... 1 vote d. Each Regional Membership Consultant............... 1 vote e. Each State, Provincial or National President........ 1 vote f. Each State, Provincial or National President-Elect..................................................... 1 vote g. Each State, Provincial or National Immediate Past President....................................................... 1 vote h. Each State, Provincial or National Vice President for Membership......................................................... 1 vote


i. Each Chapter President........................................ 1 vote j. Each Chapter President-Elect/Vice President ...... 1 vote k. Each candidate for Regional Leadership............... 1 vote *Each Member of International Chapter shall be entitled to one vote for Regional Leadership in her region during her term of office and one vote at each of the two following biennia, immediately succeeding her term of office. Additional Information: The following policy was adopted (12/1/21) by the International Chapter: VACANCIES FOR ELECTED REGIONAL OFFICES Regional President, Regional President-Elect and Regional Vice President for Membership vacancies shall be filled by appointment from the International President. PROCEDURE: In the event an elected Regional Office is vacant after the election of candidates because no one offered for the position, or an office becomes vacant between regional elections: A. The International President shall seek an eligible appointee. The International President and Headquarters will provide notice if the appointment is accepted. B. If no eligible appointees accept, the International President shall seek a member without eligibility who is willing to serve. The candidate must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of International Chapter (IEB-2023). The International President and Headquarters will provide notice if the appointment is accepted. C. An appointed Regional President-Elect shall serve until the next scheduled election and shall qualify to offer for the office of Regional President; both Regional President and Regional President-Elect shall be elected at the scheduled election. D. A member appointed to serve as Regional President-Elect/ Regional President without eligibility will not be eligible to offer for International President-Elect unless she subsequently satisfies the other requirements for eligibility for International Office. E. A member appointed to serve as Regional Vice President for Membership without eligibility is eligible to offer for International Vice President for Membership.

February 1................... Candidate information/speeches posted on CONNECT February 1-March 7.... Chapters review candidate information February 15................. Notice and instructions for voting sent to all delegates. (See list above) March 7-21.................. Voting Center open April 1........................... Election results announced K A P PA N • M A R C H 2 0 2 2




S/P/N and Chapter: Florida Epsilon Year initiated: 1992 International Conventions attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 2001, 1999, 1997 Regional Conferences attended: 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2004, 2002, 2000, 1998 Chapter President: Florida Phi, 1996-2000 State President: Florida 2018-2020 Leadership Experience, International Level: Educational Symposium Presenter 2005-2019 Leadership Experience Regional Level: Gulf Regional Secretary 20192021, Gulf Presenter 2007-2021 Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Levels: FL State Immediate Past President 2020-2022, FL State President 2018-2020, FL State President-Elect 2016-2018, FL State Vice President for Membership, 2014-2016, FL State Historian 2012-2014, FL State Treasurer 20082012, FL State Sergeant-at-Arms 2006-2008, FL State Treasurer 20022006 Non-A∆K organizations, offices and/or honors: Marine Corps League Adjutant Paymaster 2010-2021, American Legion Auxiliary President 2015-2019, American Legion Auxiliary 2009-2019, St. Davis’s Women’s Club Historian 2015-2018, Florida Association for Computers in Education President 1992-1996, FL Department of Education Computer Teacher of the Year 1992 Essay: Communication is key to an effective leader regardless of whether spoken, written, virtual, or in-person. As a regional leader, I would send a monthly newsletter, communicate monthly with S/N Presidents via Zoom, and set the expectation that S/N Presidents will support and promote the goals of the region. I will be readily available to answer any question via email or voice. I would investigate setting up a thread on A∆K Connect to make information available to all regional members. Timely communication conveys to the recipients that they are valued, and ideas are appreciated.

No Candidate after two application period opportunities. The International President will fill this position by appointment.


S/P/N and Chapter: Ohio Alpha Year initiated: 1980 International Conventions attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2001, 1999, 1997 Regional Conferences attended: 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, 1996 Chapter President: Ohio Alpha 1996-1998 State President: Ohio 2014-2016 Leadership Experience, International Level: None Leadership Experience Regional Level: None Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Levels: OH Sergeantat-Arms, OH Historian, OH Immediate Past President/Scholarship Chair, OH State President, OH President-Elect, OH Directory Chairman, OH Recording Secretary, OH Southwest District Chairman, OH Southwest Chairman Elect Non-A∆K organizations, offices and/or honors: 2019-2021 Daughters of the American Revolution, Chapter Treasurer, 2018 Eastern Star Grand Pianist, 2017-2019 Friendship Force Field Representative, 2016 Eastern Star Worthy Matron, 2011-2014 Friendship Force President Essay: Leaders in the 21st century have multiple ways to communicate with their members. Emails and texting seem to be the preferred way of communication, but I think this is not the most effective because members are inundated with these forms of communication and find them very impersonal. Sending personal notes and contacting members via the telephone tells them that they are very important and much respected because I am giving them the gift of my time. But the best form of communication is a personal visit. Members get to know you and the purpose of your goals.

“An invisible thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, and circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break.” ~Ancient Chinese Proverb Patsy McCrory, MS Chi K A P PA N • M A R C H 2 0 2 2




S/P/N and Chapter: Alaska Alpha Year initiated: 1982 International Conventions attended: 2021, 2019, 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, 1999, 1991, 1989 Regional Conferences attended: 2020, 2018, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2004, 2002, 1994,1992,1988,1984 Chapter President: Alabama Beta Iota; 1990-

1992, 1994-1996 Alaska Alpha; 2004-2006, 2010-2012; 2018-2020; 2020-currently State President: Alaska 2008-2010 Leadership Experience, International Level: Altruistic Chairman 20212023; Altruistic Committee member 2019-2021, Convention Action committee 2021, Archives committee member, 2019-2021 Leadership Experience Regional Level: NW Historian 2019-2021, Co-Chair for the Joint Regional Conference in Anchorage 2018, NW Regional Presenter 2008, Gulf Regional Presenter 1991 Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Levels AK Corresponding Secretary (currently), AK State Newsletter Editor (currently), AK Recording Secretary, AK Chaplain, AK President 2008-2010, AK Past President 2010-2012, AK Treasurer, AK Altruistic Chair, AK Policies and Procedures Manual Chair, AK Budget, AK Audit; Alabama: Altruistic Chair Non-A∆K organizations, offices and/or honors: Farm Loop Christian Center member, Family and Community Education crafts leader, state fair demonstrator, Bible Study Fellowship, member Essay: A successful leader communicates by giving, receiving, and sharing information. I plan to talk with, write emails and letters, listen to, and read what is shared with me. I will use Zoom technology to “meet” faceto-face with members to hear their opinions and exchange ideas. I love the use of monthly newsletters and the A∆K Northwest website as more outreach to our sisters. Besides these communication tools, I will make personal phone calls to gather and relay information. A∆K CONNECT and the International KAPPAN are also key tools to promote leadership. Above all, I will listen from my HEART.

SOUTH CENTRAL REGION No Candidate after two application period opportunities. The International President will fill this position by appointment.


S/P/N and Chapter: California Xi Year initiated: 1996 International Conventions attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2003, 2001, 1997 Regional Conferences attended: 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2002, 2000 Chapter President: California Xi 2012-2010,

2006-2004, 2000-1998 State President: California 2016-2014 Leadership Experience, International Level: Candidate Qualifications Committee 2019-2021, Innovation Grant 2017-2015, Educational Symposium Presenter 2019, 2017, 2015, International Choir Leadership Experience Regional Level: SW Region Secretary 2021-2023, 2019-2021 Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Levels: CA State Executive Board 2008-2018 Historian, CA Vice President for Membership, CA State President-Elect, CA State President, CA Past State President, CA State Executive Board Recording Secretary 2002-2004, CA Scholarship Committee member 2000-2002 Non-A∆K organizations, offices and/or honors: CA Retired Teachers Association 2013-Present, CA Teachers Association, Chapter President, Secretary 1994-2013 Essay: I believe the best way to support and promote effective leadership is to model and maintain consistent communication. At the heart of every successful organization is the ability to connect with members, and communication is key to those connections. Today there are many ways to reach out to sisters - email, social networking (Facebook, etc.), notes/ cards, and phone calls! As Regional President-Elect, I will commit to communicating effectively in every possible way to all our Southwest sisters as well as our regional leadership team. I’ll pick up the phone and call potential leaders to join us!

“A good friend is a connection to life – a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world.” ~Louise Wyse, author and advertising executive Patsy McCrory, MS Chi 10

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S/P/N and Chapter: Kentucky Chi Year initiated: 2001 International Conventions attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013 Regional Conferences attended: 2020, 2018, 2016 Chapter President: Kentucky Chi 2010-2008 State President: Kentucky 2020-2018 Leadership Experience, International Level: International Bylaws Committee member 2021-2023, Assistant Sergeantat-Arms 2015 Leadership Experience Regional Level: SE Region Sergeant-at-Arms 20212023, SE Conference Learning Session presenter 2018, SE Chairman Vice-Chair 2016, SE Officer Training Session presenter 2016 Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Levels: KY Immediate Past State President 2020-2022, Implemented Inaugural Leadership Training Cohort for Kentucky 2021-2022, KY President-Elect 20162018, KY President of Council of Chapter Presidents 2016-2018, KY Central Vice-President 2014-2016, KY Membership Service Award 2015, KY Courtesy Committee 2012-2014, KY Disaster Relief Committee Chairman 2010-2012 Non-A∆K organizations, offices and/or honors: Woodford County Teachers Association 2014-Present, South Elkhorn Baptist Church 2014-Present Essay: I have learned many effective ways to communicate during my career and through leadership positions. My strength in verbal communications is more in listening than talking. With this strength I will listen to those who laid the foundation for this leadership position and work to put their vision into action. I will also work to be accessible to all sisters to listen to questions and help facilitate understanding of the organizational change and the subsequent benefits as we move forward in Alpha Delta Kappa. When my leadership creates a shared vision among sisters then together, we strengthen Alpha Delta Kappa.


S/P/N and Chapter: Tennessee Alpha Theta Year initiated: 1997 International Conventions attended: 2021, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2001, 1999, 1997 Regional Conferences attended: 2020, 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, Gulf Region 2018 Chapter President: Teneessee Alpha Theta

2006-2010 State President: Tennessee 2016-2018 Leadership Experience, International Level: Voting Committee at International 2019, Presenter at Educational Symposium, 2019, 2017, Sergeant-At-Arms at International 2015, 2011 Leadership Experience Regional Level: SE Innovations Grants Committee 2021-2023, SE Recording Secretary, 2019-2021, SE Regional and Professional Development Scholarships Committee Chair, 2017-2019, SE Conference Presenter 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2010 Leadership Experience State/Provincial/National Levels: TN Altruistic Chair 2020-2022, PSP 2018-2020,TN President 2016-2018, TN President-Elect 2014-2016, TN Recording Secretary 2012-2014, TN Sergeant-At-Arms 2010-2012, ETDVP, 2008-2010, TN Convention Planning Committee 2020-2022, TN Convention Chairman 2008-2010, Presenter at Leadership Training 2018, 2016, 2014, 2012, President of Chattanooga Council of Chapter Presidents 2008-2009 Non-A∆K organizations, offices and/or honors: Encore Class- Lee University 2019-Present, Cleveland Pops Band, 2019-Present Essay: As a Regional President-Elect, I would continue virtual meetings, newsletters and add in person meetings, create a library of videos explaining current action and events in Alpha Delta Kappa and make myself available for state and council meetings. With my presence, actions and words, I would encourage and support our members. Our leaders have the ability to lead they just need the support and knowledge to serve. As the saving goes “Knowledge is Power” and it is time to communicate this message. Spread the word of Alpha Delta Kappa! Communicate our news.

“We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men, and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects.” ~Herman Melville, author K A P PA N • M A R C H 2 0 2 2


Sharing Connections


Wherever You Go, Sisters Are Waiting By Sue Pelchat, KAPPAN staff writer


ousing prices may have skyrocketed in 2021, but the cost of relocating in Alpha Delta Kappa is always a bargain. Sisters explained to the KAPPAN how and why they connected with new chapters, remained active, and maintained their Alpha Delta Kappa friendships. Jeanette Brightwell, GA Rho, has been a member of four chapters. “Each time I moved, I cried because I had such close friends and didn’t think I would ever find a chapter as friendly. But I always found new friends in the next chapter.” In 2002, she retired to Panama City, FL where she joined FL Tau. Returning to Georgia in 2017, she transferred to GA Gamma Epsilon, thinking she would live forever in Sharpsburg, but circumstances forced her to move again. “I began looking for a chapter in the Atlanta District so I could see my Gamma Epsilon sisters at meetings. At a district meeting, I sat with Beta Gamma sisters, with whom I immediately bonded. That made my transfer to GA Beta Gamma so nice since I had already become acquainted with friendly sisters. I receive hugs and feel so much love from my Beta Gamma sisters. In my thirty-five years in A∆K, I have enjoyed my four chapters. It’s like the Girl Scout song, ‘Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver, and the other gold.’” Charlene Johnson, GA Beta Gamma, migrated from Georgia to Illinois and back to Georgia. With each move, she contacted Headquarters staff who provided her information. “They may have contacted the local chapter as well since I received calls from them inviting me to a meeting. Each move was easy and allowed me to continue my association with A∆K.” Being an A∆K member when you’re 4,000 miles away from home is a plus. Pam Coyne, AK Alpha, said, “I have been a member in three chapters, three states, and three different regions. I’m going on 28 years in Alpha Delta Kappa, and I can’t imagine what those areas would be like without my special sisters.” Pam joined TN Eta in 1994. Eight years later, Alaska called; she moved and stayed for thirteen years. “One good thing about Alaska is that almost everyone is not originally from there. It’s a small world, and sisters become family. I joined AK Alpha and had many opportunities to serve in chapter offices and on the state executive board, eventually becoming state president (2014-2016).” Pam later moved to Fort Smith, AR, where the closest chap12

ter was 75 miles away. “If you love A∆K as I do, 75 miles is worth the drive.” AR Delta became her new chapter, and she became involved at several levels. “You can always grow where you are planted,” she said. Alaska beckoned again in 2020. “Now, it’s like a class reunion at the International Convention when I see many special friends I have made over the years.” Pam recommends contacting the area to which you plan to move and visiting a chapter in that area to reconnect when relocating. “I paid my dues and requested Active on Leave when I left Ohio Alpha Eta,” reported Past Ohio State President Bev Barnett. “I wanted to give myself time to find and join a Florida chapter.” The district chairman called and invited her to visit FL Fidelis Rho. Bev later transferred her membership and now serves as recording secretary and bylaws chairman. “I still miss my sisters in Ohio and the Northeast Region, so I take advantage of opportunities to attend meetings by Zoom and plan to attend the NER Conference this summer.” Carole Lee moved from Mountain Home to Boise, ID when acting as interim state president. She continued attending Eta chapter meetings in Mountain Home for several years to continue her friendships with members who lived there, as it was only an hour’s drive. Meanwhile, members in Boise invited her to their meetings and asked her to join their chapter. In April 2012, after traveling icy roads to Mountain Home and seeing several cars that had slid off the road, Carole decided the time had come and told ID Mu members she would like to transfer to their chapter. “One person who had made me feel wanted and welcome was Shirlee Henderson. She had frequently invited me to meetings and even picked me up for some of them. She created my connection to ID Mu.” Valerie Johnson, Illinois Xi, successfully transferred twice to other chapters. She was a member in Quincy, IL for eight years before making a career move to Decatur. The IL state president provided contact information, and Valerie called Gamma’s chapter president. During the first meeting, she knew it was a good fit. One of the members lived close by, and they started going to meetings together. Three years later, another career change took her to Rockford, IL. She contacted chapter presidents and visited each one before settling in to her next warm and welcoming chapter. Becky Prescott moved from Marietta, GA to Birmingham, AL, about ten years ago. One of her concerns was that she’d have to

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leave her many A∆K chapter friends. Her district chairman knew someone in the Birmingham area who could help. She contacted two sisters from AL Beta Lambda who got in touch with Becky, inviting her to attend their next meeting. “One of them not only gave me great directions, but she met me halfway and led me to the meeting. What a gift for someone unfamiliar with the area.” When she arrived at the meeting, every sister warmly greeted her, explained everything she needed to know about the chapter, and got to know her personally. How could she not go back? At that meeting she was given a job, cementing her place in the chapter community. Joanne Loy became a member of FL Gamma Pi in February 1998. Her sisters encouraged her to get involved, and she served in several official positions. Twenty years later, she moved from Florida back to Wisconsin to be close to her grandchildren. She was surprised to find only 12 chapters after living in Florida with more than 80 chapters. Fortunately, there was one nearby, and Joanne found the contact information of WI Psi’s president on the AΔK website. She contacted her via email, and the president responded with an invitation to their next meeting. Joanne is grateful to have found WI Psi with its great involvement in local altruistic projects. She is comfortable in her new chapter home, serving her state as historian, web developer, and chairman of the newly formed technology committee. In November 2014, Anne Brooks moved from Fairfax, VA to Sarasota, FL, a significant change in scenery, climate, and her A∆K life. She had been initiated into Tau chapter in 1980, so for 34 years those fine women were her sisters, supporting her in every office she held. Sarasota’s chapter is FL Gamma Omicron. She had heard much about it from Ellen Roderick who attended their meetings as a snowbird. Ellen introduced Anne to the chapter and her new, low-key life in A∆K began. “One of the persuasive points I used to mention when joining new chapters in Virginia was that if you move, you will find new friends and enjoy camaraderie with local educators elsewhere in the state or country. All this will happen very quickly because of the Alpha Delta Kappa chapter in the new area. Little did I know how true that point was until I moved from the Old Dominion to the Sunshine State.” Jennie Johnson said that transferring to a different chapter broadened her experiences. She had belonged to IA Zeta for 20 years and knew she’d miss those sisters. They had grown together both in their teaching experiences and their Alpha Delta Kappa experiences. “In Zeta I learned how to lead and served as chapter president, secretary, and treasurer. My chapter sisters kept pushing me to attend conferences and take on new roles. I left Zeta as state president-elect.” Jennie transferred to Tau Chapter in Des Moines, IA, and had attended just a couple of in-person meetings before COVID struck. “I felt like I barely knew names and faces. They were a large group, yet somehow they and their president found ways to make chapter meetings happen, utilizing outdoor meet-

ings in the park during summer and zooming during the cold, snowy months.” One sister started “a social distancing opportunity to work on craft projects in the park” once the weather got nicer. That was a great time to meet and encourage one another, as well as to refresh oneself with a craft. Jennie visits her Zeta sisters through zoom meetings and has hopes of attending in-person meetings in the not-too-distant future. She recently helped another sister connect with a new A∆K chapter as she relocated to Iowa. “The thing about Alpha Delta Kappa is we are sisters. We may not always live close, but we have a bloodline!” AZ Past State President Twyla Preising moved there from Florida in 1999. “I grabbed my copy of the Kappan and looked for the section that showed each state’s chapters and their pearl rankings. My rule was that I would not join any chapter with fewer than five pearls.” She found AZ Alpha Nu and called the chapter president who gave her a ride to their next meeting. There, at the Alpha Nu meeting, Twyla realized she had found her new home. “I started a new chapter when I moved to Idaho,” said Mary Jane Henderson proudly. What a way to remain active in Alpha Delta Kappa. When Mary Jane moved to Oregon, she researched chapter locations on the website. Finding a chapter in her area, she attended their welcome gathering, joined the chapter and was active with them until moving to Washington two years later. Once again, the website helped her find a new chapter. “Information can be found on the International website, but having state websites up to date makes connecting much easier when you move.” Elaine Chisolm Johnson, GA Fidelis Lambda, did not immediately affiliate with another chapter when she moved after her retirement. However, she began to miss the camaraderie of other teachers. “There’s just nothing like having ‘teacher’ friends; we understand one another.” So, when she saw “Alpha Delta Kappa Meets Here,” on a sign at the senior center, she made a few phone calls and visited the A∆K website. She was put in touch with Rhon Scheffield and visited a meeting of Fidelis Lambda. Soon after that, Elaine was reinstated. She still maintains friendships with coworkers from Florida and Georgia. She’s happy to be able to develop new friendships and is grateful that Alpha Delta Kappa has provided the opportunity. Ivette Bender, past chairman of the International Executive Board, told us, “As tough as it was to say good-bye to my original chapter, IA Kappa, I immediately connected with a Nebraska chapter. I was invited to attend a meeting of NE Theta and was cordially welcomed; it was an easy transition. I strongly encourage members to transfer their membership in A∆K when they move, and I strongly encourage chapters to seek out and welcome members who move into their community. That sense of welcome makes all the difference for transferring.” Thank you to our sisters who responded to the request for information via A∆K CONNECT.

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Sharing Connections Ellen’s Artistry

By Anne Brooks, Florida Gamma Omicron Co-President 2020-2022


he scene: Outside the ballroom at the New Orleans International Convention about 45 minutes before a plenary session. A woman is sitting alone when she hears a friendly, “Hello, may I join you?” Thirty minutes later the two sisters have connected. They know about their professions, their chapters and maybe the strongest connection, they were both born in Salem Hospital in Salem, MA. That conversation continues through correspondence and now they look forward to meeting again at the Regional Conference in Hawaii. Their connection has become permanent. The opening “hello” was made by Ellen Roderick. Such a scene is so typical of Ellen. She loves meeting people, connecting the dots and staying in touch. Ellen is the perfect person to illustrate how to make and keep connections. She is the most incredible person I know who follows up with the people she meets. Ellen finds ways to contribute to the organization and to connect with numerous people. For example, she has presented workshops at SER Conferences since 1986 and does so at other regionals and International Conventions as well. Her workshops on bylaws and Making Effective Presentations resulted in attendees contacting her long after the presentation. Sisters find her a friendly resource. She is often asked for copies of her speeches. All this leads to natural connections that last into the future. Initiating the Mentoring Program for state president-elects is one of Ellen’s favorite accomplishments. The first group, “The Originals” were the seven officers in the Southeast Region. As Ellen likes to say, the women made “connections for a lifetime.” The International Chapter formalized the program and now past leaders in all regions serve as mentors to state presidents-elect creating hundreds of new connections. What a terrific legacy. Ellen now serves as a mentor in the Leadership Academy, the outgrowth of the program she started. When asked what are the key elements to keeping connections, she will say communication in all its forms: in-person, visits, USPS, emails, and texts. I’m always amazed when I tell her about something in my life: a luncheon speech, a workshop, a dinner presentation, a retirement party, she says, “I’ll be there.” That’s Ellen. She shows up. She supports her AΔK sisters and friends without hesitation and enthusiastically. 14

She is no different with other affiliations. Ellen does not have an Italian bone in her body, but she served as the Italian Club secretary for years and connected people all over Sarasota, FL. She lives there half the year, but knows hundreds of people, not the least of which is the Gamma Omicron chapter. She attends every meeting she can and is a wonderful resource. Meanwhile, inviting sisters who happen to be in town simultaneously to her tenth-floor condo high above Sarasota Bay is a real joy. Once a birthday party was attended by sisters from Ontario, Ohio, New Jersey and Florida. Every year she sends hundreds of greeting cards for birthdays, holidays and just to say hello. Ellen keeps several AΔK spreadsheets. One is all the state presidents of the Southeast region by state since the beginning of the region. The information includes addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, local chapters, the biennium served and birthdays. A fabulous resource to promote connections. Past International President Susan Pelchat described her as “quite a communicator and a model for remembering that the personal touch is the way to keep connected.” Ellen has served AΔK in many ways since she was initiated into MD Beta in 1973. At the 2023 International Convention in Kansas, she will be recognized as a new Golden Sister. Currently she is serving a two-year term as a director on the Foundation Board. She has served ten years on the International Chapter in a variety of positions and was elected Chairman of the International Executive Board in 1999-2001. She taught and served as an administrator in the Montgomery County, MD school system before becoming Director of Training and Staff Development for the Federal government. She holds a doctorate in Educational Administration, Curriculum and Supervision from the University of Maryland. After 29 years as an educator, Ellen retired to Sarasota, FL in 2007 and began her connections with the sisters of FL Gamma Omicron. All those personal connections near and far came back to support Ellen one thousand-fold, to sustain her, to help her push through two years of pain, disability and rehabilitation because of two falls with serious injuries. Those friends got her through so that now she can resume her prior lifestyle. “Stay active if you want to maintain and create new connections,” Ellen emphasizes. “Support your chapter as an officer or committee chair, and your state also.” She loves being Maryland’s Courtesy Chair for the past four years and has many new connections as a result. Ellen’s story is one of connections. You might say that life’s work is meeting and enjoying people, connecting them with others and staying in touch. If we take instruction from her actions, our lives will be richer for it.

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Language Exchange Program Creates Dos Amigas


By Mary Ellen Lopez, CO Alpha Iota

articipating in the language exchange project initiated by Mexico President Marli Camargo and getting to know Daniela Olivares Valderrama these past twelve months has been a truly wonderful experience. Thanks to my CO Alpha Iota Sister Madeline (Maddie) Bosma who invited me to join her in a Zoom meeting in January 2021 to learn about the project, I agreed to be paired with Daniela who had a basic English vocabulary. I figured I could communicate with her since my Spanish comprehension skills and basic Spanish vocabulary were sufficient to drive our conversations. The parameters for the project gave participants the latitude and flexibility to select topics and approaches for each tutoring session according to the language proficiency of paired sisters. Daniela has been a perfect match. What initially began as my willingness to teach English to Daniela evolved to Daniela helping me with pronunciation of unfamiliar Spanish words and the acquisition of more advanced vocabulary. It has been a win-win situation. Each zoom session afforded me the opportunity to hone my conversational skills, cognizant that practice of a language is of paramount importance to achieving fluency. Growing up in a Spanish-speaking home has been a big boost. Much to my surprise, I have been able to retrieve Spanish words from my word bank, words I have not spoken for decades. Our conversations are interspersed with me saying, “Como se deci?” (How do you say?). Translations of English to Spanish and vice/ versa expedited our communication. As a retired teacher with teaching endorsements in Secondary English and Reading (K-12), I took the lead after a few tutoring sessions and suggested Daniela could best practice her language skills by reading English text. The first lesson was a short ebook I purchased, “Pancho Rabbit: A Migrant’s Tale.” I took screenshots and shared screen photos and text. To ensure comprehension, I translated after she read each paragraph. Before each session, I translated the text with the aid of a dictionary when necessary. I discovered after the first story that I could Google, “How do you say people in Spanish?” and I was able to retrieve the word as well as the pronunciation. Then, our approach changed. What began as an exercise to increase Daniela’s reading fluency in English became my opportunity to practice my Spanish reading fluency. I selected several fables including“The Boy who Cried Wolf” and “The Hare and the Tor-

toise.” I copied and pasted stories in English, uploaded them to a translator app on my phone and then emailed both English and Spanish versions to Daniela prior to our zoom tutoring sessions. Paragraph by paragraph, I instructed Daniela: I (Teacher) read in English, and you (student) read in English. Then, you (Teacher) read in Spanish, and I (student) read in Spanish. Our primary focus was on pronunciation but comprehension of text followed as we clarified vocabulary and engaged in discussion, i.e., How is a turtle different from a tortoise? We also discussed the moral of the fable or theme of the story. We will continue to implement this approach with our next reading challenge for 2022, “La Lauren,” a legend popular in both Mexico and the United States’ Southwest. What an exciting learning experience it has been for both of us. Thanks to a zoom encounter with our MX Eta Chapter, I have a friend (una Amiga). We both have so much to share and so much to learn. We both laugh when I tell her the Spanish text is much more difficult than the English translation. Of course, she disagrees since she excels in the mastery of her primary language. Each session makes me appreciate how fortunate I am to have this grand opportunity to share my expertise of English with such a willing learner while enhancing my Spanish speaking skills. This back-and-forth communication between Daniela and me is consistent with World Understanding and our new biennium logo, “ Share the Love.” Submitted by Mary Ellen Lopez, CO Alpha Iota Membership Chair, CO State Recording Secretary, 2016-2018.

Chaplain Thoughts About Making Connections

We all know the importance of connections. My goodness, if we don’t connect to a power source, none of our appliances work, and heaven forbid that we cannot connect to the Internet. I believe the two operative words here are power and source. Think about it. You are the power source for connections in Alpha Delta Kappa. It is up to you to initiate connections with sisters across our organization. Without individual efforts, there will be no real connections, so get busy and make sure that you are reaching out to share the love and connections with ALL our sisters. By the way, CONNECT contains seven letters…a message to all our seven regions.

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Judy Barnhill, TN Beta Theta, 2023 Convention Chaplain


Sharing Connections


World Understanding

Let’s Get Connected with C.H.E.A.R. to “Share the Love”


lpha Delta Kappa sisters put Project C.H.E.A.R. on the map last year when they selected it as the International World Understanding Project for 2021-2023. C.H.E.A.R. stands for Making a Children’s Home with Education and Agriculture a Reality. The Harambee Foundation and Alpha Delta Kappa are joining forces to implement C.H.E.A.R. in Tanzania. The Harambee Foundation believes in community-based decision making and aims to bring sustainable development to the communities it works with. The purpose of C.H.E.A.R. is to build dormitories, classrooms, a library/ media center, a kitchen and offices. There will also be an area for gardening and fruit trees, all on less than an acre of land. Tanzania is so distant from the United States that most Americans have little knowledge of the country and even less of a connection with it. But Cam Johnston and her sisters in Pennsylvania Eta chapter have a deep connection with Tanzania. They can help us connect. Cam’s son, Joshua, founded the Harambee Foundation to support his work to develop a holistic home and school for children in Tanzania. Here is the story according to Cam: Joshua first visited Babati, Tanzania, in 2006, where he saw some boys in a trash dump, scavenging for food and coals to keep warm. He came back distraught about their lot in life and said to his mother, “You ask yourself what difference can one person really make? What if God’s calling me to be one person to make a difference? I have to try!” And so, he founded Harambee Foundation, which supports his work at MAHOCE, the Manyara Holistic Centre in Tanzania. It’s a children’s home with small, specialized classrooms for children who aren’t accepted by traditional schools. Joshua’s wife, Felista, works with him and other staff at MAHOCE. As the social worker, she provides counseling sessions on Saturdays for the children who live there. They all come from impoverished and often abusive backgrounds. Felista also assists Joshua on home and school visits.

PA Eta Chapter has been actively involved since MAHOCE’s inception 14 years ago, supporting Joshua’s mission to “Empower Through Education.” Harambee Foundation currently provides education for 84 children who have come up through MAHOCE’s system and are now in traditional schools from grade one to vocational school, college or university. PA Eta chapter and many sisters from other chapters in the Northeast Region have sponsored children and made donations to Joshua’s mission. Just this May, Eta’s altruistic projects helped a longtime MAHOCE resident, Magdalena, become established as an independently living seamstress who is taking on MAHOCE apprentices. In 2019, Eta won the Regional Distinguished Program Award for making and delivering she-pads (reusable sanitary napkins) for the women and girls at MAHOCE as part of Eta’s altruistic endeavors. What will C.H.E.A.R. achieve at MAHOCE? They are going to build a children’s home so they can help more children. It will not be an orphanage, but a holistic center, and will meet the needs of not just orphans, but also abandoned or abused children removed from their homes and brought to MAHOCE by the police or social welfare, knowing they will be loved, nurtured, and educated. This is why it is the only facility of its kind in a region of over 1.4 million – because it takes children no one else will accept. By giving to C.H.E.A.R., you are giving an education and a loving home to those children who would otherwise be lost to poverty. World Understanding Chairman Grete Lima and the sisters of PA Eta thank you for choosing C.H.E.A.R. and giving us this opportunity to connect with Tanzania. You can help us “Share the Love” by contributing to C.H.E.A.R. through your chapter or personally before July 31, 2023. You may donate online by clicking on the Foundation/Donations/World Understanding/Projects C.H.E.A.R. You may also send your contribution to Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation, 1615 W. 92nd St., Kansas City, MO. 64114. Please write C.H.E.A.R. on the check memo line. This article was written by Cam Johnston, PA Eta and Grete Lima, CA Beta Iota and International World Understanding Chair.

“Our ancient experience confirms at every point that everything is linked together, everything is inseparable.” ~Dalai Lama XIV 16

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Sharing a Good Book Opens Doors for Readers


ducators who encourage children to read every day often Dianne Loonan, NY Alpha Zeta, shared that some of her incorporate that same interest into their own lives. Some chapter sisters were in other book clubs, but their chapter had enjoy reading alone, while others want to be part of a never established one. “We discovered an author, Susan Mathis, group of women who share the love of reading and conversations who was raised in our area and currently resides in Colorado. about books. Alpha Delta Kappa members who belong to such Her historical fiction novels are set in the Thousand Islands groups shared the hows and whys of starting a book club. area of New York.” The author suggested her book, “Katelyn’s Paula Davis, WV Xi, began reading books with camping Choice” for the group’s first read. Sisters met virtually with the friends during the isolation of COVID-19. When the CONauthor, discussed the book and got to know the author more NECT link on the A∆K website intimately. was created, Paula joined the book In the Dallas/Fort Worth area Anne Hutchinson started the first club community. She contacted of Texas, the ABC (Afternoon Book five sisters from different regions to book club in 1634 while on a ship Club) is composed of retired edumeet via Zoom and The Pages and cators who love to read. TX Beta traveling to the Massachusetts Pearls Book Club with 70 members Omicron sister Lea Bailey said that was born. Bay Colony. The ladies gathered the only criterion for joining is to Linda Warren, VA Alpha, enjoy reading “different kinds of to discuss books of sermons. shared her thoughts about her books and to be tolerant of various Escape Book Club, which began in viewpoints.” The member who sug2008. Currently, the 12 members meet monthly with the host gests the book becomes the facilitator of the discussion. The club choosing the book and leading the discussion. Normally, they maintains a Facebook page giving members access to announcegather in the homes of members, enjoy a snack and social time ments, files and discussions. Books are planned for 6-12 months, and then, according to Linda, “actually discuss the book.” Each but, if a popular title becomes available, adjustments to the list member is given a ballot and rates the book from one to five wine are made. glasses, with five as the highest. The Weekly Readers Book Club was started in 2018 by three Pauline’s Picks Book Club was started by Pauline Frantz. VA Alpha Lambda Sisters. While working on the chapter’s altruBridget Lang, MD Chi, said that having a book club was a pasistic committee report, the sisters began to chat sion for Pauline, and the Chi Sisters continue to honor her as about books and agreed that they wanted to they shine the light of excellence in their book choices. Chi start a book club and invite all chapter sisters to invites other chapters to participate in joint meetings, and the the first meeting. Marycarolyn France summed chapter envisions making this a regional event. up the book club when she said, “The Weekly VA Lambda created a World Understanding Book Club in Readers look forward to book club meetings, not 2016 after sisters heard about using clubs as a way to pursue one only because they love books, but also because of the missions of A∆K. The club’s 12 members meet monthly they love the people who read them.” during the school year. “When I moved to Florida, I wanted a Susan Taylor said they read fiction and non-fiction covering way to make friends in my neighborhood,” many cultural themes. “One sister will research questions about said Anne Brooks of FL Gamma Omicron. that month’s book to initiate the discussion. This format allows The afternoon book club, The Novel Bunch, for lively and informative interactions and creates an atmosphere has kept Anne reading for six years. Anne of sisterhood.” In the spring, each sister shares which book was explained, “Belonging to a book club stretches her favorite. a person. Generally, I would not select the Rebecca Beal, IL Alpha Nu’s president, explained that the books other members choose. I am rarely dischapter’s book club has a committee with a chairperson and is appointed and usually gain world understandresponsible for narrowing book choices to five or six including or a better understanding of humankind, ing a synopsis of each. Gathering at a restaurant for dinner, race, history, and geography.” the next month’s book is chosen and the title is posted on the Article by avid reader Betty Sherrod, VA chapter’s website. Gamma Omicron and KAPPAN correspondent. K A P PA N • M A R C H 2 0 2 2


Quilting Connects Across the Ocean The December issue of the KAPPAN featured traditional quitting. In this issue, the Hawaiian sisters share the beautiful and unique style often referred to as Hawaiian quilting.


he Hawaiian quilting tradition has its roots in kapa, an indigenous Oceanic textile made from finely beaten inner bark fibers of the wauke plant (Broussonetia papyrifera). Kapa can be found throughout Oceania, but its greatest exponent is found in Hawai’i, thanks to Native Hawaiian innovations that produced light, even-textured cloth decorated with colorful dyes, intricate stamped designs, and fragrant perfumes. Dr. Isabella Abbott, educator and ethnobotanist, has postulated that without the unique endemic flora of the islands, many kapa innovations would not have been possible. When New England missionaries arrived in the Islands in 1820, their wives were so impressed by both kapa and the nimble fingers of Hawaiian women that they enthusiastically taught them how to sew small patchwork quilts, also known as crazy quilts or kapa poho. It made sense to the women to get the greatest use out of every precious scrap of imported woven cloth, so they took to the craft readily. When it came to making larger quilts, however, the Hawaiians were reluctant to cut large pieces of cloth into small squares just for the purpose of piecing them together again. Hawaiian innovation won out again, and they developed a style of their own based on the “snowflake” paper cutting style taught to them by the New England women. Hawaiians certainly did not lack inspiration for their applique designs, as can be seen in the dazzling array of patterns that mimic the beauty of familiar and culturally important plants, animals, and objects. Certain patterns are as mysterious as they are beautiful, filled with hidden meanings, while others may commemorate a special event. The pattern “Nūnū lawe leka o Kahului” honors the first time, in 1893, that carrier pigeons were used to deliver mail from Honolulu, O’ahu to Kahului, Maui. Many patterns are named, often in honor of their originator, and some are even kept secret, passed down only through trusted family members and friends. The fun of quilting and 18

designing patterns was not restricted to women, as many of the widely known patterns were made by men with a gift for mimicry and a talent for geometry. Some quilts, kapa pulu, are stuffed with tree fern wool. However, most quilts are made using the kapa ’āpana or kapa lau applique technique, where a design is attached to a contrasting backing with many thousands of hidden stitches. What’s Hawaiian is the way that quilters create “ripples” around their designs using echo stitches that trace the outlines of the design in waves that radiate outward. Many enthusiasts prefer a thinly stuffed quilt in order to better showcase the tiny, precise, even stitchwork. Kapa kuiki are more than just utilitarian objects; because they are so laborintensive and require over 200,000 stitches, they are heirlooms and cherished pieces of art. During times of political unrest, Hawaiians turned to quilting to express their deep aloha ’āina, love for the land, and to protest illegal invasions of the Hawaiian Kingdom’s sovereignty. Kapa hae, flag quilts, are the most common type of these political expressions. Dr. Abbott’s family treasures their flag quilt, particularly for its bold cross-stitches that surround each Hawaiian flag: “It’s as if with each X, the quilter is saying, ‘Here is my protest, for I am unashamed to support the rightful queen.’” That queen, Lili’uokalani, was herself an able quilter, and during her unlawful imprisonment in ’Iolani Palace, she and her attendants created the well-known “Queen’s Quilt” in the kapa poho style. On it, she recounted many memories of her life, recording her joys and her sorrows in each piece. Not all families are lucky to have inherited a quilt from their forebears, as some quilters requested that their works be burnt after their death. It was believed that their souls might rest quietly, having recouped through the quilts’ burning all the spiritual power they had expended in life. Hawaiian quilts are still held in high esteem and remain a wonderful example of the saying, He lehulehu a manomano ka ’ike a ka Hawai’i – great and numerous is the knowledge of Hawaiians. Article by Karen Victor, HI Pi and Alohilani Okamura, HI Nu.

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A Geography Hobby

Collecting,Counting,Visiting Every County in the US Mary Krause, CA Beta Tau, has embarked on an amazing journey with her husband, Paul. Their goal is to visit every county in the US.


raveling has always been a part of our life. From our map you can see that we have lived in various places in the US. Since both of us were educators, we had time off in the summers and at certain times throughout the year that could help us attain our goal. Where we lived also contributed to how we visited all the counties in the US. When we were first married, we spent time in South Dakota, as Paul was a seasonal Park Ranger at the Badlands National Monument, now a National Park. So, traveling to that destination each of three summers allowed us to explore areas we had never been to on our travels to and from, never using the same way to get there and back. Later, when we both taught at Eastern Illinois University, Paul arranged two summer trips for students accompanied by us for six weeks to see as many National Parks as we could. We tent camped every night, and it is still hard to believe that we were willing and capable of doing that type of thing. Of course, each year had a different way of getting to and from our destination, and then the counties started to add up. Later, when we had a really cold winter in Illinois, we decided to go west. We ended up teaching at Chico, CA: Chico State for Paul and Chico Unified for me. So now, we had more places to visit, and we did. California is a huge state with many states bordering it. We certainly took advantage of that as we drove cross-country to get there. What happened after that? Well, we have been to a lot of

places. Getting older, we took opportunities to attend Alpha Delta Kappa conferences in areas that we wanted to visit. At that point, we planned our route getting to those places early to explore counties around those destinations. Later, we decided that we needed to visit as many National Parks as possible that we had not visited in our younger years. This always led us to visit nearby areas as well. Then, we realized the accumulations of counties we had built. As a side note, our children are extremely well traveled, too, probably more than most children today. They spent a year in New Zealand and Australia. They had to travel with us no matter what. Even today, we make them meet us in very remote areas at holiday time, for example. They don’t complain, and they get it. Our son Adam tolerates us and drives us around to new destinations. Of course, he too accumulates counties. Now to pull all this together. All these experiences helped me to look at the United States to see how much we are alike, but truly different in many respects because of where we live. This country is huge, and we all have different ways of how our lives are related. Some of us are rural, some of us are cosmopolitan, but overall, as educators we wish to make everyone’s lives better, and education is the only way. We must make sure our educators are smart and paid well enough to make the differences for our students in every county in the United States. Hope to see you all on our next adventure. Interview by Susan Whelan, KAPPAN staff writer. Mary Krause has been a member for 29 years and served as California State Historian.

“Since you cannot do good to all, you are to pay special attention to those who, by the accidents of time, or place, or circumstances, are brought into closer connection with you.” ~Augustine of Hippo Catherine Bart, VA Gamma Mu K A P PA N • M A R C H 2 0 2 2


A Winter Memory A Story My Grandmother Told Me


By Brigitte Tennis,WA Beta Iota

he air was crisp and cool as I took my daily walk through the small forest near my house. Fragments of fog hung among the snow-laden branches of the dark evergreens. The freezing ice water quietly bubbled over the salt-and-peppercolored rocks, and I felt a sense of peace and tranquility settle over me. A few birds broke the stillness by lapsing into a sweet, lilting melody, and occasionally, I caught the sleek streak of a wild snow rabbit darting between the columns of trees in front of me. As the last rays of the golden evening sun gently touched the blanketed landscape, the delicate snow seemed to wink at me as it glistened. I was reminded of a story that my Swiss grandmother told me long ago when I was a little girl on a treasured visit to Switzerland. My grandmother was a wonderful woman. She was rather short, about five foot, five inches, and a bit chubby. Her pale blue eyes twinkled with spirit from under her full head of once-strawberry blonde curls. My grandmother had a generous pink mouth, and, as I suppose most grandmother do, she had a lot of wrinkles. The wrinkles, though, could not hide her rosy cheeks and friendly face, which made any child feel comfortable in her presence. One winter when I was about four years old, my grandmother took me to see a play, “The Snow Queen” at the local theater in Zurich. To this day, I remember the evil Snow Queen who was so hauntingly beautiful. She rode in a sleigh pulled by dogs, and she wore a silver crown and a white mink coat. In the winter months, she traveled around to look for people who were angry or who had stored some hatred in their hearts. She lured these people into her sleigh with her beauty and with her cool voice, and then she took them to her castle where she cast a spell on them that turned their hearts to ice. Once this happened, they felt only the “cold” feelings of hate, anger, and jealousy. The bewitched people never felt those wonderfully warm emotions of love, kindness, happiness, or joy again. One evening, the Snow Queen came upon a little boy playing in the snow. She kidnapped the boy and turned his heart into ice. The boy’s good friend, Gretta, missed him very much and looked everywhere for him. Gretta became so desperate that she spent all of her savings to hire a small sleigh pulled by reindeer to travel the cold, snowy mountains, thinking her young friend may have gotten lost in the vast forests up there. Gretta traveled for days. Finally, in the most cold, remote place high in the hills, she saw her friend, the boy, playing with shards of ice. Gretta was so happy to see her good friend that she jumped out of the sleigh and ran to put her arms around him. 20

Startled, the boy looked coldly at Gretta, jerked himself out of her embrace and told her she should leave. He said he hated her and that he had been happy being alone playing with ice. He then bent down to play with the ice again and ignored her. Gretta was so hurt by the boy’s mean response that she could only look at his back and feel the terrible loss of her friend. What had happened to her happy, loving friend? Slowly, a tear trickled down her cheek and fell, ever so softly, on the boy’s shoulder. Soon, a whole stream of tears coursed down the ruddy cheeks of the girl, all landing on the boy’s back. When her tears had been spent, Gretta decided to give him one last hug and then do as he had asked – leave him alone. As she did, he turned around and looked into her eyes. The last of Gretta’s tears fell into his ice blue eyes and began to melt the Snow Queen’s spell. The boy’s eyes became a brighter blue, and the ice around his heart began to melt. With the spell broken, the little boy and girl hugged each other as good friends should. Gretta and the boy went back to their village in the sleigh, and both tried very hard to be good, loving, and forgiving people, so that the Snow Queen could never cast her wicked spell on them again. Even at four years old, I enjoyed this play immensely. Not only was I enraptured by the story, but it was also wonderful to sit next to my grandmother’s love for the evening at that play. By the time we left the theater, it was dark outside, and I remember that my grandmother held my hand securely as we began our walk home. While we had been in the theater, lacy snowflakes had covered the streets, creating a clean white blanket over the town. As we walked along the narrow cobblestone streets, the soft white light from the street lamps made the snow glitter – just as it was doing on my walk. My grandmother explained to me that wherever the snow glittered (‘glitzert’ was her word), the Snow Queen had walked. She told me that the voluminous white mink coat of the snow queen had trailed over the snow behind her and left the ice-cold sparkles. Beautiful, but it is a good reminder that beauty is not everything. My grandmother died about fifty years ago, but I still remember the play and her own story about the glistening snow. Every time I walk among those feathery white flakes, I think of my grandma and remember her love for the theater and a good story. And so, I took one last look at the beautiful, snowy forest scene around me, and, knowing that soon the smooth blanket of snow would be trampled with hundreds of children’s footprints, I turned, smiled at the now pale, yellow moon, and walked back towards home and the love of my family.

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Chapters Add Land Acknowledgment Statement to Meetings

“We begin with gratitude for nearby waters and land….” Several chapters in states, provinces and nations are reaching out to their members by including a short respectful statement at the beginning of their meeting acknowledging that the lands we live on and prosper from were first settled by aboriginal people. The statement is called Land Acknowledgement and provides an opportunity to show respect for the original people who inhabited the land. Such a statement was recently read at the opening of an International Executive Board meeting by board member Kathleen Buligan. Many Alpha Delta Kappa members are descendants of the people often called First peoples, First Nations, Aboriginal people, Indigenous or Native people. Land Acknowledgement statements came into usage when many countries signed the 2007 United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and implemented Truth and Reconciliation Policies. Those policies acknowledge the harm done and seek to repair relationships with aboriginal peoples. The Land Acknowledge statement is one small gesture towards that goal. Here are some examples of Land Acknowledgments that can be adapted to acknowledge the aborginal peoples and lands of any state, province or nation. Australia: “Reconciliation Australia acknowledges and pays respects to the past, present, and future traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual, and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.” Canada: “We acknowledge that we are gathered on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabeg, Haudonosaunee, Algonquin, and Huron Wendat peoples, nations who have sought to walk gently on this land. We seek a new relationship with the original Peoples of this land, one rooted in and based on honor and deep respect.” University of New Mexico:“Founded in 1889, the University of New Mexico sits on the traditional homelands of the Pueblo of Sandia. The original peoples of New Mexico-Pueblo, Navajo, and Apache- since time immemorial, have deep connections to the land and have made significant contributions to the broader community statewide. We honor the land itself and those who remain stewards of this land throughout the generations, and we also acknowledge our committed relationship to indigenous peoples. We gratefully recognize our history.” Kathleen suggests that sharing these statements with students is a good way to open a conversation about the history of land settlement and to start an aboriginal theme study.

The Longest Day

Bytes &

Alpha Delta Kappa is proud to again this year partner with the Alzheimer’s Association in the annual The Longest Day (TLD) campaign on June 21. Now is time for chapters to make plans for its Longest Day activity and to add it to its calendar. Members have raised more than $763,000 over the years for TLD with activities ranging from walk-a-thons to card parties. Information about how to donate will be available on the International website. Register teams and activities at Use the promo code FIGHT for complimentary registration. Concern for others is a hallmark of A∆K. Members have given generously of time, talent and financial resources to charitable efforts all over the world. The Alzheimer’s Association is another way that members can give to a worthy cause. Over 3.8 million of the more than 6 million people age 65 and older with Alzheimer’s in the United States are women. Funds from TLD help the Alzheimer’s Association to advance research toward methods of treatment, prevention and, ultimately, a cure, while ensuring that all those affected by the disease today have quality care and support.


Help Is a Washington Tradition

It is a tradition in Washington to connect each chapter with a liaison from the State Board. The assignments this year were done by State Co-Presidents-Elect Mary Jo Heller, WA Alpha Delta, and Karen Santos, WA Alpha Tau. The liaisons help with forms, give suggestions for fundraisers, remind members of scholarship opportunities and provide any assistance requested. An important task of the liaisons is to remind chapters that the State Board cares about every member. Chapters are encouraged to share their good ideas. Liaisons are also asked to attend three meetings of the chapters assigned to them. In addition, Board chairs also serve as liaisons, as Mary Jo and Karen say; this gives the chairs a better understanding of the workings of the State Board and makes them more likely to consider running for a state office. The program means that no chapter needs to struggle alone. There is a sister readily available to help. The Co-Presidents-Elect are interested in hearing ideas from other states about how they include the needs of all the chapters in the S/P/N organizations.

“Realize that everything connects to everything else.” ~Leonardo da Vinci

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AMAZING MEMBERS Good Morning, Haliburton County

Heather Lindsay spends a good chunk of her time in a canoe - not just any canoe, but Canoe FM 100.9, the local radio station where she is one of 100 volunteers. Heather hosts “The Drive Show” every Monday afternoon from 3:00-6:00 PM. Kashagawigamog Lake in the Haliburton Highlands is her home where she continues her volunteer spirit that began some fifty years ago. Heather served as Ontario Tau chapter president and 20072009 President of the International Council of Presidents. She said her interest began in college in the sixties when she met a handsome station engineer at Queen’s University, Kingston, ON. He told her he liked her voice and suggested she join the student-run radio station. Later, a technician would tell jokes and get her laughing. Mid-giggle, he’d put her ON AIR. “It was great fun,” she said. “I chatted and dedicated music. My boyfriend John liked to tape our shows. I don’t know where those tapes have gone, but John and I have been married for fifty-two years.” As Heather and John considered retirement, they weighed their options. There was Oshawa, where they had lived for years and had many friends, and there was Haliburton with its artist colony, where they had spent many summers in their cottage on the lake. Heather was established and active in her Oshawa home with friends, A∆K sisters, and many activities to keep her busy. What would she have if they moved to their cottage in Haliburton, their summer home since 1999? When two retired DJs decided to set up a radio station in Haliburton, Heather found a home. In a zoom interview, Heather described the station: “It’s a community station, funded by the community, informing the community, loved by the community. The station has morphed into an important part of the community. Our reports and alerts make us invaluable to residents.” People say they feel as if they know her just from listening to her voice. “I don’t know about that, but I love what I do,” she mused. Heather plans each show, often based on a theme. “Once I chose ‘the moon’ and played Moon River, Moon Over Miami, Fly Me to the Moon.” But there’s more to Canoe FM and Heather’s show than playing music. “People tune in because we tell them what’s going on in town. I read public service announcements, alert folks to traffic tie-ups, share community happenings, and announce upcoming events. We’re required to play six Canadian artists each hour on air, but I have the freedom to design the rest.” Heather said that new artists seek out the station as a place to launch their works. “John urged me to volunteer at the station; he wanted me to


establish roots there.” Heather’s show has aired since January 2010. She manages her own control panel, the fourth and most complex in her radio experience. After an hour or so of training on each new board, she’s left to her own devices. “It’s sometimes unnerving,” she revealed. “There are a lot of switches to manage, and my mind is shuffling lots of details at once. I don’t want to mess up the broadcast or make the station look bad.” Heather got a certificate as a primary school specialist and taught kindergarten for seven years. Each of her thirty years in education was spent with children in primary school. She worked in multi-grade classrooms, first through fourth grade, as a librarian, with “mentally challenged” students and as a speech and language specialist. Once offered a programming job with IBM, she reflected, “I loved teaching and considered myself lucky it was the career I chose.” “I research, edit, and broadcast the local news online, and I report it at 5:00 P.M. I read PSAs, so I usually know what’s going on in the area.” She shares short jokes, quotes, word plays, interesting and unusual facts, and occasional inspirational stories. She holds in reserve a pad of one-liner bad jokes from friends. “Sometimes, A∆K sisters have let me know they’ll be tuning in, and I give a shout out to them.” In her OFF AIR time, Heather belongs to two Probus (Professional Business) groups, Canadian Federation of University Womens’ Club, bridge club, book groups, and serves as her ON Tau chapter president. She says that the show gives structure to her week. It’s a job, but it’s one she loves doing. As for working without pay, she reflected, “Whenever you volunteer, you always get back more than you give. That’s not why you do it; that’s just the way it works.”


Janet Chavez-Vesely, AZ Pi, led her senior English class students at Coconino High School in a project celebrating Veterans Day. The 50 students wrote 240 letters of appreciation to local veterans. The students came up with the idea after the class read “The Things They Carried,” by Tim O’Brien. The book is a collection of short stories about the author’s time in the Vietnam War, using various items in soldiers’ packs as a metaphor for the weight of war. Janet contacted Sarah Cromer, AZ Pi, her husband Mike and her former fifth and sixth grade teachers who provided a list of veterans from the local chapter of the American Legion. Though this is the first year sending letters, Janet said she hoped this would become an annual project.

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Her Dreams Take Flight



hen at 29 , Kaye Ebelt, MT Eta and MT State Membership Consultant, was accepted to US Space Camp in Huntsville, AL, her life’s focus shifted from keeping her feet on the ground to soaring above the Earth enjoying a bird’s eye view of the world that she inhabited. This opportunity enriched her love of teaching by helping her to focus on STEM education and opening many doors for her in the field of aviation. During her 38 years of teaching, she has taken this knowledge into her classrooms influencing hundreds of students through her summer aviation and aerospace camps and aeronautics academy. After the program, Kaye created a youth space camp, “Return to the Moon/Mission to Mars.” She turned her classroom into something reminiscent of NASA’s mission control equipped with a student-sized orbiter simulator built by her father. She also began working on her master’s degree and taking flying lessons. She flew her first solo flight in a Cessna 152 in 1995. Her mother was a kindergarten teacher and her father a Lutheran pastor and a forestry engineer. Both encouraged her to be creative. Kaye was born in St. Paul, MN. When she was in the third grade, her family moved to Miles City, MT, where her father built a kid-sized airplane hoping that one of his children would share his enthusiasm for aviation. In middle school, some of her friends started to take ground school flying lessons. She asked her father if she could join them. He replied, “Here’s a tennis racket. Show me what you can do with it first.” When her family moved to Cut Bank, MT, she got a job at the airport and was mesmerized by the activity there. After high school, she played tennis at the University of Montana and began to work on credits for a degree in accounting. The first time she entered a classroom to help students with math, she was hooked and changed her major to education. Her BA in Education is from the University of Montana and her MS in Science Education with a concentration in physics, geology and astronomy from Montana State University. Kaye enjoys working with elementary school students. For most of her career she taught at Target Range School in Missoula, MT. For her master’s program, Kaye wrote a space mission script for her students and incorporated her own flight training experiences into the space simulation. She completed a Master’s of Education with an emphasis in Computer Technology from Lesley University in Cambridge, MA in 1995.

Kaye joined the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) and gained experience flying with retired military pilots. She logged hundreds of hours flying the CAP 182 on search and rescue exercises In 1996, Kaye began teaching middle grades in Ancient, MT. She was appointed as the Missoula CAP Squadron Commander while acting as the Montana Wing Director of Aerospace Education serving in these positions for eleven years. Kaye holds the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Montana Aeronautics recognized her efforts by awarding her the Aviation Educator of the Year in 2001. She gained national recognition when she received the A. Scott Crossfield Award in 2003 and was inducted into the Crown Circle for Leaders in Aerospace Education in Cincinnati, OH. In 2007, she began teaching fifth grade math and science. During this time, she was among the first group of teachers to be selected from Montana to participate in NASA’s Micro GX and Reduced Gravity Flight. Her team designed and engineered a liquid density experiment suitable for microgravity. In the spring of 2013, Kaye received word that she had won the Albert Einstein Fellowship. Kaye served a two-year fellowship in the Division of Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) Engineering. As an Einstein Fellow, Kaye helped pioneer a course, “Engineering Design and 3D Printing”. In addition to her fellowship responsibilities, she attended a twoyear mini-medical school at Georgetown University Medical Center and obtained her private pilot glider rating. After the Fellowship, she returned to Target Range School, teaching fourth and fifth grade engineering, second through eighth grade gifted and talented and fifth grade computer science. After school, she coached robotics. Her efforts earned her the Gifted and Talented Educator of the Year Award. In the spring of 2017, she retired from teaching in Montana and moved to West Palm Beach, FL to accept a position teaching fifth and sixth grade math, science and aeronautics as well as early childhood engineering at The Greene School. Kaye continues to pursue new endeavors and challenges. She is a certified SCUBA diver, a certified private pilot, a ground instructor and a CAP volunteer. In 2017, she was appointed STEM Curriculum Director for National Headquarters. She has volunteered numerous hours in the Ninety-Nines Women Pilots and as an instructor for aviation camps and programs. Whatever happened to that tennis racket?

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The KAPPAN Congratulates

Ann Fullerton Named Legendary Teacher

Ann Fullerton, AZ Psi, was named 2021 Legendary Teacher for Pima County at Sahuarita School District in Sahuarita, AZ. She was selected from over 400 tributes that were received through the nomination process. Ann teaches third grade at Wrightson Ridge K-8 School and is Psi’s recording secretary. Ann was nominated by Arthur Mejias, parent of a student in her 2019-2020 third grade class. Mejias stated in his tribute, “Mrs. Ann Fullerton has been amazing to my son for the last two years. While my son was in her class, she communicated very well and provided so much support during unprecedented times with online learning. She is a very special teacher and person. My son was so excited to see her after the summer. I am so grateful for all the guidance and support she continues to give my son, even after he moved on to fifth grade. Mrs. Fullerton, if you see this: THANK YOU SO MUCH!” Ann shared the struggles the student had with online instruction and his inability to make friends as a new student to the school. Fourth grade was difficult with all classes rotating to three teachers, and his feelings overwhelmed him again. He began seeking Ann out throughout the day. Ann reached out to the school counselor and the fourth grade team. They allowed him to come see her whenever he needed. The father’s heartfelt letter was about what Ann considered to be the most important part of teaching, caring for a child and giving that child what they need to be successful in school and in life. She said, “I would take this letter over any of the other dissertations of the other winners.” The Legendary Teacher committee honored Ann at a virtual zoom ceremony in September. She received a $200 stipend and the book “Legendary Teacher Stories: How to Catch a Swamp Frog,” by Dr. Nic Clement.

SD Alpha

SD Alpha’s Alicia Peterson was named South Dakota School Psychologist of the Year at the South Dakota School Psychologist Association (SDASP) annual conference in October, 2021. She was nominated by a number of staff members with whom she works and was selected by the SDASP Board Committee. Alicia works for the Cornbelt Education Cooperative servicing nine rural districts in Southeast South Dakota. 24

Recognition of Silver and Sapphire Sisters

Hats off to Antonia Light, NM Gamma, for asking why the names of sisters who had reached Silver and Sapphire status were not listed along with the Gold, Diamond and Platinum sisters in the December KAPPAN. Twenty-five and thirty-five years of membership are indeed important milestones. The KAPPAN congratulates the many sisters who reached that goal last year. Space just did not allow for printing the very long list. The names of these sisters can be found on the International website. Violet, Silver, Sapphire, Gold and Diamond Anniversary Certificates are mailed monthly to chapter presidents from Headquarters to present to members after their anniversary date. Members may print their own certificates by going to the Directory and clicking on Member Milestones on the Profile bar.

Florida Sisters Receive Heart of Gold Award

At a recent ceremony honoring Big Bend philanthropists, Florida sisters received the Heart of Gold Award from the Southern Scholarship Foundation for their sponsorship of the Alpha Delta Kappa Scholarship House on the campus of Florida State University. Florida is the only state, province or nation to sponsor an on-campus house. The award medal is on display in the House. The sisters work with the Foundation to provide on-campus housing at almost no cost to the Pictured Front row: Lisa Heil, Lottie students. Florida sisRoy, Betty Piper, Carolyn Twaddle; ters and their families Back: Shawn Woodin, Elisia Austin have donated almost $8,000,000 to the House since it opened in 1954. Epsilon chapter started what has now become the state altruistic chapter by providing supplies and one meal a week for the residents. Lottie Roy, FL IPP, Betty Piper, FL Scholarship Committee member and “House” grandma, and Carolyn Twaddle, FL PP, represented the sisters of Florida and received the award from Shawn Woodin, President/CEO SSF and Lisa Heil, SSF Director of Development. Also in attendance was Elisia Austin, Head Resident of the Florida Alpha Delta Kappa Scholarship House.

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Here She Is

NC Tau

This is the real Rose Lady, Elizabeth Moody of AZ Fidelis Zeta. The photograph with the article in the September 2021 KAPPAN about her birthday was not a picture of “Betty.” Happy 2022 Birthday, Rose Lady. Thanks to your eagle-eyed and devoted chapter members who pointed out the error.

NC Tau has two members who are candidates for the Teacher of the Year Award in the Alamance-Burlington School System. The candidates are Samra Bailey who teaches Foundations of Math at Western Alamance High School, and Lynn Bare who teaches AP English, yearbook and journalism at Southern Alamance High School.


The Second Time Around

Retirement for Mary Ellen Davis, CA Beta, was certainly different than she had planned. She retired from teaching in 2002 and in 2004, her life changed dramatically. She and her husband became the parents of their two grandchildren, an 18-month-old boy named Damien and a 2-yearold girl named Morgan. They parented the way that they had when their own children were little. “We wanted them to be happy, so we nurtured them, gave them guidance and support, lost some battles and won some battles,” stated Mary Ellen. Extracurricular activities kept them on the road to Little League practices and games, swimming lessons, practices and meets. “We wanted them to build self-confidence and to be able to speak in front of a crowd, so both children took acting lessons.” They were hired to do commercials and this helped to build the college fund. One child earned $3800 for a commercial. As a 60-year-old grandparent now parenting for the second time, Mary Ellen wondered if there were other grandparents raising their grandchildren. “I jotted down many notes while raising mine, so I thought it would be nice to share my experiences.” This led to the publication of her book “Grandparenting Journey: Leading the Way.” That 18-month-old is now a 20-year-old and continues to live with his grandparents while working and attending

college. Mary Ellen tells Damien that he lacks the life experiences that she has, but that he does know much more about technology. Mary Ellen Davis graduated from A&T University in Greensboro, NC and began her career in New York City teaching middle “Grandparents, like heroes, school English and are as necessary to a child’s math. When her husband, who was growth as vitamins,” said an engine mechanic Joyce Allston, author. for United Airlines, applied for a new job, they moved to San Francisco. For about a year, she taught in the School of Counseling at the University of San Francisco. She is a Silver Sister of A∆K and has served her chapter as president, vice-president and secretary. Mary Ellen is still busy with keeping house and reading articles about education, social justice issues and counseling. She took a class in doll crafting and now creates her own porcelain dolls, some with cloth bodies and others with all porcelain bodies. “I have created a doll in every ethnicity and have even sold some.” She is also learning more about politics as she serves as the secretary of the San Mateo NAACP. On top of all that, she is writing another book, this one about Generation Z. “It’s hard to understand this generation,” she said.

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“Around the world, members combine their energies and talents to enrich their lives and the lives of others through thousands of heart-warming community based altruistic projects. Because of these projects, it is a brighter day…” ~Alpha Delta Kappa Handbook

CA Zeta

CA Zeta continues to support Robyne’s Nest, their altruistic project. Over Thanksgiving break, sisters donated gift cards and food supplies to local at-risk and homeless high school students. Zeta also donated $120 to Precious Lamb Preschool in Long Beach. The school educates and cares for young children experiencing homelessness.

FL Fidelis Nu

FL Fidelis Nu members received a plaque for their chapter’s contribution to the Pensacola, FL Hadji Shriners transportation fund. The fund assists children and their parents with transportation to and from medical appointments. In November, the members heard about the history and services of Shriners Hospitals from Shriner Keith Goolsby.

VT Delta

VT Delta recently donated funds to the Proctor Wethersfield Library to purchase books in memory of Evelyn Beebe, a Sapphire sister who started Delta chapter twenty-one years ago. The children’s books were representative of Asian culture. Evelyn lived her early married life in Japan and returned to the United States to teach history. Delta’s September meeting was held at the library where sisters were able to look through the books and thank the children’s librarian who selected them in memory of Evelyn.


AR Nu Vice President Barbara Anderson reported that 3,500 items of paper goods were collected by members and donated to the City Youth Ministries as the chapter’s A∆K Month project. City Youth Ministries is a faith-based non-profit organization providing after school and summer programs at no cost to students in first to eighth grade and their families in the Jonesboro Community.

OR Epsilon

Members of OR Epsilon recently held their first non-zoom meeting in 21 months and spent it pasting bookplates into the 80 books the chapter donated to the Head Start program in Salem, OR. The bookplates identified the books as gifts of Alpha Delta Kappa OR Epsilon Chapter. The idea of donating the preschool books came from a presentation the Head Start director made to the group. 26


“Happy Birthday Dear Friends.” That was the message Wisconsin Nu Chapter sent to the residents of Dove West Care Center in Eau Claire, WI. Sisters gathered together to assemble gift bags for distribution to residents on their birthdays. Bags were filled with hand-made greeting cards with postage, lotions, candies, toiletries and many other items donated by members.

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MO Beta Xi

Sisters of Missouri Beta Xi donated food items in October to support the Rockwood School District’s “Got Your Back Pack” program. Each weekend, the District’s homeless students receive a backpack filled with nutritious food items that are easy to open, simple to prepare and accommodate a variety of living circumstances. Homelessness touches nearly every one of Rockwood’s twenty-nine schools. Collected items included: oatmeal, peanut butter, jelly, canned tuna, macaroni and cheese, pasta, spaghetti sauce, rice, dried fruit, fruit and vegetables in cans, soups and granola bars.

Chapters Connect in Joint Meeting

AL Beta Delta and AL Alpha Theta joined for the annual Founders Day meeting in October. The meeting was hosted by Beta Delta and included a dinner, program and several altruistic projects. “Curt’s Christmas” was one of the projects. Toys were donated for the organization to provide Christmas gifts for underserved children in the area. Alpha Theta collected cleaning and sanitizing supplies for the active teachers in their chapter to use in their classrooms, and Beta Delta collected crayons for Children’s Hospital of Alabama. The program included a skit honoring the Founders and a message from Alabama President-Elect Kay Taylor.

Louisiana’s First State Fun Day

LA sisters enjoyed their first state Fun Day in October at West Leeville Elementary School with games, sharing memory books and a Founder’s Day skit featuring Madama Delta Diva. The program announcer set the mood of the day singing “When the Saints Go Marching In.” A silent auction along with donations raised over $800 for the Shriners Hospital for Children in Shreveport, LA. The hospital is the state altruistic project. Among the fifty attendees were guests from Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. Debbie Clark, Gulf IVP, addressed the group.

TX Gamma Sigma

FL Phi and Xi

FL Phi and Xi chapter sisters brought gifts to the chapters’ combined holiday celebration. The gifts were intended for mothers and children at Safe Space, a program for victims of domestic violence. Pictured are: Judy Gleinn, Jackie Jacksons, Carol Newport, Lucy Agusti, Debra Fisher, Carol Akroyd, Liz Barrie and Sandi Biseglia with some of the gifts.

TX Gamma Sigma members donated a $230 check in memory of Jan East Snow, chapter president, and over $200 in winter clothing, blankets, diapers and food to Mission Arlington. Kathy Smith, TX District I historian, presented Tillie Burgin, Mission Arlington/Mission Metroplex Director with her A∆K District 1 Nominee for Texas Woman of Honor certificate. Cash donations came from members in Districts I and II. Pictured are Mike Snow, who presented the check, Tillie Burgin, Gamma Sigma member, Lynn Jennings, and Jan Snow’s granddaughter, Shelby East. K A P PA N • M A R C H 2 0 2 2


AK Zeta


AZ Mu Celebrates Sixty Years of Sisterhood

AK Zeta really connected this past year. They celebrated the chapter’s fiftieth anniversary and honored two Golden Sisters, Fran Zawacki and Nancy Norum, with sisters from AK Alpha and AK Gamma joining in. Using Zoom, the members connected with former Zeta sisters in California, Arizona and other states in the Northwest and Southwest regions. International President Mollie Acosta joined the connections. Other connections the chapter has made include: keeping in touch with NW ITE student Trang Haong, providing and serving food at the celebration of life for sister Linda Gage and connecting training sessions. They also forged a connection with Georgia sisters when a Georgia member moved to Alaska and joined Zeta chapter.

MD Beta

MD Beta held eleven virtual social “Happy Hours” this past year, creatively planned and executed by Vivian Hu and Betsey Bell. Members of MD Epsilon, along with prospective A∆K members, were invited to take part. The September theme was “Back to Beta -- Share a Recipe.” Mary Yeates and Terry Melo did zoom cooking demos of their savory and sweet favorites. Vivian and Betsey compiled all the recipes shared from MD Beta sisters and created a virtual cookbook for Beta chapter. Other “Happy Hours” were Disney Theme bingo, Fashion Night In, Making a Pie, Winter Scavenger Hunt, Name That Tune, Poetry Reading, What’s in the Box, Escape Room, Never Ever Have I and Beach Life.

Arizona Mu celebrated its sixtieth anniversary with beautiful decorations, delectable appetizers and cake. The program included the Mu sixtieth anniversary song, a hula hoop contest, a puzzle contest, candies from the 60’s and AZ Mu Trivia. Twenty-four members and nine guests took part in the fun. President Peggy McKitrick reminded sisters that even though Mu chapter might look different today, its mission is still the same – excellence in education, altruism and world understanding. State President Nancy Martinez spoke of the great altruistic work Mu has been involved in, placing it among the most altruistic in the state. The meeting ended with sisters hand in hand singing “The Lamp of Alpha Delta Kappa”.

NY Alpha Zeta

Four of the original 15 charter members of NY Alpha Zeta were part of the chapter’s fortieth anniversary celebration in September, one year late. The anniversary party was postponed until members could attend in person. The chapter celebrated with cake and a short ceremony and listened to stories from the charter members about the founding of Alpha Zeta. One of the memories shared was the visit of Agnes Shipman Robertson to Watertown to meet with the charter sisters. Audrey Blackburn, Margaret Hefferon-Roberts (standing) and Sally Scott (seated) are three of the four remaining charter members. Margaret was the chapter’s first president. Ruth Seaman, the fourth remaining charter member, was unable to make the meeting.


The Sunbeams, the presidents-elect in the Southeast Region, show their delight in being able to meet for the first time. Pictured at the July Tennessee State conference are (l to r) Margie Hogshead, TN, Craig Norton, NC, Michele DeCarlo, WV, Darlene Duseberg, SC, International President Mollie Acosta, SER mentor Connie Cathey, NC, Dana Meriwether, VA and Gena Richardson, KY. Maryland vice president Linda Lawrence was unable to attend.


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Mexico’s Winter Convention 2021

Alpha Delta Kappa Mexico held its Winter Convention on December 4. It was in hybrid mode with viewing parties in Morelos and Mexico City plus other areas of Mexico, and others in the world zooming in. Thirty people enjoyed the fellowship and information. Elizabeth Elmer, MX Epsilon, welcomed members and guests and acted as the Master of Ceremonies. Greetings were brought on Zoom by Rachel Shankles, International Vice President for the South Central Region and Kathleen Buligan, International Executive Board Member and Chair of the International Relations Committee. Many Mexico sisters were recognized for various accomplishments and awards by national officers Mary Yonker and Lorraine Castanares. One of the main speakers was from Guardians of the Forest and included AΔK sister Laurie Saunders. Each spoke about the ecology education program of reforestation. The final presentation was given by Eta President Paola Rodriguez and National President Marli Camargo about the altruistic efforts of all three of the chapters and Mexico’s National altruistic project of helping the shelter of Domus Alipio, an organization for helping women and children. Special congratulations were given to the efforts of the Toy Drive volunteers who distributed toys, books and other items to over 1,300 children at various locations in the midst of the pandemic.

Maryland Beta and Epsilon Chapters Finally Connect In Person

MD Beta and Epsilon Sisters were delighted to be able to participate in their annual holiday party once again. In addition to the party, sisters with friends and family gathered for their annual trip to a Olney Theater musical. This trip they enjoyed “Beauty and the Beast.” Conversations between sisters this year focused on how important and valuable in-person and faceto-face connections are for mental health.

Southwest Sisters Lend a Helping Hand

When the Southwest Sisters heard that their ITE student, Karina Munoz Baltazar, needed a new computer they jumped into action. Karina’s computer died in the fall and although the university loaned her a computer to finish the semester, she still needed a new one. Sisters from Arizona, California, Hawaii and Nevada quickly took care of that. Karina and her mother were brought to tears by the generosity of the members and the Christmas miracle they provided. Notice the big smile on Karina’s face as she displays her new computer.

Remembering the Ladies

“Remember the ladies,” Abigail Adams told her husband, US President John Adams. The members of MA Xi took her advice to heart when, in celebration of A∆K month, they donated a framed poster of the 1985 Abigail Adams U.S. postage stamp to Quincy High School in Quincy, MA. The school is known as the home of presidents. In 1776, Abigail sent a letter to her husband saying, “In the new Code of Laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors.” For several years the chapter has met in the newly designated Abigail Adams Function Room. Hung in the room were pictures of President Adams and his son, President John Quincy Adams, but there was no picture of the wife and mother of the presidents. The Presidents’ pictures now flank Abigail’s. School Principal Lawrence Taglieri placed a plaque acknowledging Xi’s donation near her picture. On the day of the presentation, Xi members were treated to refreshments from the school’s culinary department.

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PA Delta

NV Beta

NV Beta’s Maria Macaluso presented a workshop on quilting at the Nevada state virtual interim conference. Maria created a quilt that included the signature of the 140 Nevada sisters and presented it to Nevada State President Becky Hawkins. The quilt embodied Becky’s theme, “Better Together.”

PA Delta celebrated “World Kindness Day” at a recent meeting by honoring Pittsburgh, PA’s Mr. Fred Rogers. The sisters wore cardigan sweaters to celebrate his life of promoting kindness to others. Members received pens with the inscribed message, “Remember. Kindness Always.”

TN Alpha Theta

To celebrate the seventy-fourth anniversary of the founding of Alpha Delta Kappa and to show their appreciation to their actively teaching members, the retired members of TN Alpha Theta presented bouquets of flowers to the members who are still in the classroom.

MO Upsilon

MO Upsilon sisters are preparing to celebrate seventy years of sisterhood. The chapter was chartered on April 6, 1952. At a recent meeting, the MO State President Susan Nichols spoke to members about the fellowship among educators, as well as establishing high standards in education and promoting charitable projects and activities.

Meeting Place Liability Insurance, Say W h a a a t ? You’re holding a meeting or a special event and suddenly the venue asks you for a copy of your liability insurance policy. Now what? A∆K already carries an umbrella policy for this protection. Requests for certificates of liability, also referred to as proof of protection from damage, are commonplace and leaders needn’t worry that they have to use chapter funds to pay for the coverage. To receive a Certificate of Liability Insurance, chapters can either complete the A∆K website’s online application under Chapter Documents and Forms or contact Headquarters at (800) 247-2311 for assistance. Chapters are not to apply directly to the insurance company. To complete the form, provide: · The venue’s full name and complete address 30

· Applicant’s name, state, province or nation, chapter name (Greek letters) and email address If the venue needs to be identified as an additional insured, A∆K’s insurance company requires a separate, signed contract stating that they must be shown as an additional insured before the certificate can be issued. That signed contract, which may be uploaded or acquired from Headquarters, must be included with the Certificate of Liability Insurance request. A chapter may request a certificate that will designate their chapter as the certificate holder and will cover them at most places. Allow at least one week for processing that certificate which is valid June 1 to May 30 of the following year.

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Nancy S. Adair.................................................................. Alabama Delta

Maxine L. Ledford..........................................South Carolina Fidelis Alpha

Judy Adams..................................................... North Carolina Gamma Pi

Lynore Levenhagen.............................................Florida Gamma Gamma

Betty B. Agee...............................................................North Carolina Phi

Martha Lindberg.................................................................. Colorado Eta

Ethel C. Albers....................................................................Washington Pi

Barbara A. Lipscomb........................................................ Ohio Beta Beta

Yvonne C. Ambrose...................................................... New Mexico Beta

Joyce A. Markle.......................................................Kentucky Alpha Delta

Sandra L. Anderson.................................................................Virginia Phi

Georgia M. Martin............................................... West Virginia Alpha Zeta

Melba M. Ashburn....................................................................... Idaho Xi

Kathleen E. Martin................................................Michigan Alpha Upsilon

Elizabeth G. Aulie.................................................................. Minnesota Xi

Barbara W. McAlister...................................................... Georgia Gamma

Mary Bacigalupi........................................................... California Beta Eta

Joan McCarthy........................................................... California Alpha Psi

Betsy Barnes............................................................California Beta Theta

Emily H. McCune................................................................. Louisiana Eta

Kinma H. Bond...............................................................Georgia Beta Phi

Eugenia R. Morris.........................................................Alabama Beta Tau

Louise C. Campbell............................................................... Ontario Rho

Roberta S. Myers............................................................ Nebraska Theta

Joyce S. Cecil..................................................................Kentucky Alpha

Peggy J. Nelson................................................. North Carolina Alpha Nu

Nita E. Chambless...............................................................Georgia Delta

Melva D. O’Neal............................................................. Texas Sustaining

Eileen Convery..........................................................Colorado Alpha Beta

Deborah W. Oliver......................................................... Georgia Alpha Nu

Carolyn M. Crinkley......................................................Virginia Alpha Beta

Marilyn B. Overland.................................................... Minnesota Gamma

Clyda R. Edmonds......................................................Alabama Alpha Phi

Annye I. Piggotte......................................................... Florida Fidelis Zeta

Carol A. Epperson......................................................... Georgia Beta Eta

Charlene Pittman............................................................Missouri Gamma

Carole Fish...............................................................Connecticut Gamma

Leslie Pritchard..................................................North Carolina Fidelis Tau

Betty K. Fletcher.....................................................Alabama Fidelis Alpha

Margaret C. Rachal................................................Louisiana Alpha Sigma

Barbara C. Geissinger.................................... New Hampshire Sustaining

Emily C. Randall..................................................... Georgia Gamma Beta

Barbara M. Goggins...................................................... Florida Fidelis Nu

Erma T. Scarlette..........................................................North Carolina Mu

Betty D. Grant...................................................North Carolina Fidelis Tau

Francine A. Scheske................................................................... Ohio Eta

Martha C. Gropp.........................................................Pennsylvania Delta

Mary A. Shackelford...........................................................Oklahoma Chi

Joanne Harper......................................................... New Mexico Gamma

Eleanor Smiers............................................................... West Virginia Mu

Myrtle W. Hill................................................. West Virginia Alpha Lambda

Janet K. Smith....................................................... Michigan Alpha Sigma

Debbie Holley............................................................ Alabama Sustaining

Kathleen M. Smith..................................................... North Carolina Beta

Jean H. Honeycutt..........................................................North Carolina Xi

Elizabeth A. Spall..................................................................Florida Theta

Tacy A. Hunter....................................................................California Zeta

Vera Sunne.................................................................South Dakota Delta

Ladie A. James........................................................... Georgia Alpha Rho

Shirley W. Swain..................................................................... Maine Beta

Sara Z. Jerome.................................................................. Illinois Gamma

Deborah A. Taylor................................................Florida Gamma Gamma

Christine M. Johannes..................................................Michigan Beta Mu

Sandra J. Thiede................................................................Wisconsin Tau

Shawn F. Johnson.................................................. Colorado Alpha Alpha

Lois Ann M. Treat..................................................................... Idaho Beta

Barbara A. Jones............................................................... Michigan Delta

Ruth Anne Troxell..........................................................Virginia Alpha Rho

Editha Kern.......................................................................... Arkansas Nu

Olive J. Ubel..................................................................... Kansas Epsilon

Marion H. Kirk...............................................................Virginia Alpha Tau

JoAnn Van Dyke............................................................... Ohio Beta Beta

Martha V. LaWarre.......................................................................Ohio Phi

Linda Williams..............................................................Indiana Sustaining

K A P PA N • M A R C H 2 0 2 2


Homeroom Humor Only by Reputation

News Flash

Getting sixth graders interested in current events was not easy before the advent of the digital age. I gave an assignment to watch the news one night so we could discuss the world's events in class. The following day, as class was about to begin, I noticed there was a buzz of talking among the boys. I reminded them we were ready to start the day, but the talking continued. With my strict teacher's voice I asked, “What is so important that you are still talking?” One of the boys piped up, “When you have a vasectomy, do they cut it all off ?” There had been a segment on vasectomies on the news the night before that told much, and the boys were worried. It was hard for me to keep a straight face when I answered. Mari Page, CA Gamma Mu

I was teaching a lesson about Christopher Columbus and perhaps included a few too many details about his life. When I mentioned that he had red hair, a student raised his hand and asked, “Did you know him?” Mary Lou Johnston AZ Theta

Vocabulary Test

When I was reading a story written by one of my third graders, I saw that the student author had written that a snake “slittles.” After trying for the longest time to figure out what she meant, I gave up and asked her. I made a hand motion like a snake moving. She described what she was trying to say in her story. Suddenly it struck me. Slither. She meant slither. Melissa McKown, TN Chi

And “Nwod”

I was working with special needs kindergarten stu-

dents on opposite words, and I asked a young boy the opposite of “up.” He thought and said, “pu.”

Erin Worthington, TN Chi


K A P PA N • M A R C H 2 0 2 2

A∆K Dates and Deadlines March...................... H-107 Report of Chapter Officers due immediately following chapter elections

May.......H-134 & H-155 S/P/N Convention Reports due within 7 days after the S/P/N Convention

Women’s History Month

May 1.......................H-107 Report of Chapter Officers FINAL deadline Suspension of membership on May 1 for nonpayment of dues Chapter Needs Assessments Opens

March 1.....................Future Educator Scholarship Applications deadline (for A∆KCC Students only) Making a Better World Initiative deadline

May 3..................................................................................Teacher’s Day

March 13.................................................... Daylight Savings Time Starts

May 8...................................................................................Mothers Day

March 15.........Chapter Altruistic Report deadline - submit electronically

May 15.................................Regional Altruistic Reports to International Altruistic Chairman deadline

March 17..........................................................................St Patrick’s Day March 20........................................................................... Start of Spring April......... H-107 Report of Chapter Officers due immediately following chapter elections April.......H-134 & H-155 S/P/N Convention Reports due within 7 days after the S/P/N Convention

May 30.............................................................................. Memorial Day June.......H-134 & H-155 S/P/N Convention Reports due within 7 days after the S/P/N Convention June 1...................... Northwest-Southwest Conference in Hawaii Opens June 15... H-142 S/P/N President’s report to IVP for the Region deadline

April 1........................ KAPPAN submissions deadline (June publication)

June 21................................. “The Longest Day” Alzheimer’s Association

April 15.......................International Altruistic Project Proposals deadline S/P/N Altruistic Report to Regional Altruistic Chairman deadline Regional Mini-Scholarship deadline

June 30... H-114, Annual Chapter Highlights Summary to HQ deadline

April 30.................................. International Membership Campaign ends

June 30.................................Chapter Needs Assessment (CNA) deadline Chapter Treasurer’s financial forms due to Headquarters State Treasurer Financial forms to Headquarters

The Benefits of Attending a Regional Conference Regional conference season is upon us. Honolulu, Hawaii, is the site of the Northwest-Southwest conference opening on June 1. Conferences in July are South Central, Wichita, KS; Gulf, Jacksonville, FL; North Central, Frankenmuth, MI; Northeast, Atlantic City, NJ; Southeast, Wilmington NC. International President-Elect Ann Marie Brown answers the question, “Why Attend a Regional Conference?” The benefits of attendance at a regional conference involve connections, providing leadership and officer training, network development and travel throughout the region. Melba Priestly, International President (1995-97), explained, “Conventions are for business and conferences are for learning. While both offer fellowship and meeting new and greeting old friends, conferences offer many topics of interest which can easily satisfy everyone in attendance.” Ivette Bender, International Executive Board Chairman (2011-13), confirmed Melba’s explanation. “The first time I attended my regional conference, I was impressed with the presenters and appreciated the variety of learning sessions. I always return home after a regional conference full of innovative ideas and with renewed energy for Alpha Delta Kappa, which I share with my local chapter.” Mary Ey, IVP NER (2019-21), attended her first Northeast Regional Conference in July, 1986, one month after being ini-

tiated. “I was so excited to attend a session for first-timers with Grand President Mayme Chinn who made me feel so welcome. After meeting her and so many wonderful sisters at the conference in Hartford, CT, I was hooked. I have attended every Northeast Regional conference ever since.” Debby Stubing, IVP Gulf (2015-17), shared a similar experience. “I had only been initiated into my chapter for a few years when I accepted the position of chapter president-elect. My knowledge of AΔK was limited, and I did not know the chapter president’s responsibilities. My friend encouraged me to attend the Gulf Regional Conference that summer. I attended all the workshops presented to increase my knowledge and skills as a chapter president. Upon the conclusion of Melba Priestley’s workshop, I walked out, saying to myself, “I can do this.” Attending workshops at your regional conference expands your knowledge of our beloved organization. It allows you to develop new skills and provides the opportunity to network with educators in your region.” Ginger Green, IVP SER (2021-23), said, “ I encourage everyone to attend your regional conference, if possible. In addition to all the conference events, you may enjoy traveling to areas that you might not visit on your own. Now, more than ever, we need to capture those special moments that can only be experienced as we “Share the Love of AΔK.”


Alpha Delta Kappa

1615 West 92nd Street Kansas City, MO 64114-3210

Sister Scrabble

Photo by Betty Sherrod, VA Gamma Omicron, representing “Shared Connections,” the theme of this issue.

Front Cover

On the cover, the 2020-2022 biennium themes of the states, provinces and nations connect with the International theme showing how the many parts of Alpha Delta Kappa connect. There is one piece needed to complete the puzzle picture. That piece is you. Original design by Jana Kerns, design artist of Kansas City, MO.

“Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own."

~Charles Dickens

Bird on Branch photo by Erin Worthington, TN Chi

Jasmine in Snow photo by Shannon Lorenzo-Rivero, TN Chi

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