Why Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is The Future of Mental Health

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Why Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is The Future of Mental Health

According to Mind, the UK mental health charity, one in four people in the UK will suffer from a mental illness in their lifetime. These can stem from a variety of factors from circumstances in the home to stress within your career. Consequently, the skills and expertise provided in our Psychology and CBT Bundle are becoming more and more relevant to the complex world that we live in. But what exactly is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and why have we combined it with Psychology in this course? CBT is one of the most popular forms of therapy for anxiety and depression, aiming to recognize a cycle of behaviour and teach the patient ways to intercept and alter it. CBT offers tangible solutions to the cyclical nature of mental illness, and here are just a few reasons why we think CBT is the best way of tackling mental health in the modern world.

1. It’s proactive. In the busy world we live in, many people think they do not have the time to attend therapy amongst their careers, families and other commitments. CBT teaches patients skills they can take into everyday life to use in between sessions with their psychologist. Our module ‘Setting Goals With The Client’ hones in on this, preparing patients to be able to go on beyond their course of therapy.

2. It’s personal. As a form of talking therapy, CBT recognises individual behaviours that need to be changed for the patient’s well-being. CBT does not apply a one size fits all policy, but instead focusses on the individual needs in order to ensure individual progress.

3. It’s inclusive. CBT can be applied to a wide variety of mental illnesses. The modules on our course include everything from anxiety to eating disorders, ensuring you are prepared for whatever client may come your way. Most importantly, CBT is effective. We have created our bundle course because it is the best solution preparing you for a career in psychology that will produce the best results in your patients. Take our course today at Alpha Academy in order to start your career within this fascinating and important field of study.

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