Digital Marketing Basics for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide

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Digital Marketing Basics for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide

Previous generations are used to seeing products or marketing campaigns in the billboard. When they walk around the billboard, attractive advertising stacks them there. People were really accustomed to seeing ads in the billboard, newspaper or outdoor marketing. But nowadays people stack when they find something interesting on a digital platform. They are not spending their time visiting stagnant billboard areas, they are expecting products and offers in their smart touch or one click away. Learn the definition, examples, importance with statistics, trends, types, history and steps to start a career in Digital Marketing. Moreover, here you will learn from 8 golden Steps to Getting Started to know the digital marketing basics for beginners. To know the digital markets of modern era. Start as a beginner is the first step to become an expert. So, adapt with the transformation of Marketing. Unlock your opportunity. May be you are actually trying to outreach that career which is boomed recently and have

To explore the journey, learn Digital Marketing basics from scratch. In this article, I will guide you to the questions in your heart. You will have no confusion if you can continue Let’s do it…

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is a portion of marketing that is implemented via digital channels to promote your product or service. You can do online or offline digital marketing to get more traffic or customers to your website or shop or service. If you can do proper digital advertising in different channels, then you have a chance to get more conversion to increase your profit margin. Therefore, you can go for content marketing, search engine marketing, display advertising, mobile marketing. Beside these marketing, focus on social media marketing, email marketing, influencer marketing, affiliate marketing, video marketing, audio marketing and some other offline marketing.

However, there are lots of strategies to be implemented digitally in this digital era. Every business is trying to reach most of the digital advertising media to ensure the highest presence in the web. People in today’s world search anything in Google first, then they get more information from elsewhere. Google is known as the platform where you can rank on your digital presence. As a result, you need to get a place on the front page of Google search. After that, you can read more about digital marketing from Wikipedia or watch this video by Hubspot.

Why digital marketing matters? Before jumping into the steps to getting started, you should know why digital marketing matters. For better understanding of WHY, you need to check some statistics to think on digital marketplaces. Let’s have a look: According to INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, digital media growth was estimated at 4.5 trillion online ads served annually with digital media spend at 48% growth in 2010. Similarly, according to Hubspot research data of 2020, 70% of marketers are actively investing in content marketing. Around 77% of companies say they have a content marketing strategy. Moreover, according to iTunes, over 30 million podcast episodes exist. On the word of Statista, 2020 research data, a survey of bloggers found that 32% of respondents always checked the analytics of their blog posts. There are 2.6 billion monthly active Facebook users. To know more statistics, click here. Followings are just some of the many reasons to take digital marketing seriously as a beginner: 

Cost-effective marketing

Booming Google trends in the UK and worldwide

Better ROI (Return on Investment) for your business or your client's business

Easy global reach via online

Can interact with targeted audiences in real time

More advanced and detailed analytics

Very easy to scale & adapt

Aligns with online shopping

High paying jobs available

Fit in marketing with mobile technology

Levels playing field for small business

Reach people where they spend their time & money

Connect the power of data


Digital marketing gives instant results

Highly targetable and personalised campaign is possible

Know the trends of digital marketing worldwide and in the UK You can see the trend of Digital Marketing worldwide and in the UK in these following figures:

Worldwide Trend of Digital Marketing (2004-Present). Check here

Trend of Digital Marketing in UK (2004-Present). Check here Now, you can understand the opportunities of Digital Marketing. Hoping that your career will

be in an upward trend near the future. As a beginner, you have many questions in your mind such as – 

Types of Digital Marketing

Changes of marketing in digital platforms over the years and prospects

Is there any opportunity for you with digital marketing basics

How to learn more

What digital marketing tools and skills required for advancing your career

If these answers support your career planning, then you might take further steps such as get hands on training on digital marketing. So, we are here to answer all the questions that round your thinking.

As a beginner, you need a short introduction about digital marketing strategy. Therefore, here is an introductory video for you-

Evolution of digital marketing: from traditional to digital

Digital and traditional marketing target the audience and linked to the products that fulfill their needs. Influencing the audience to purchase products using different marketing strategies is the main focusing point of both Digital and Traditional marketing. In this digital era, Traditional marketing does not engage well to the audience due to its ancient technique or strategy. That is why digital marketing took place to fulfill the gap. Digital marketing uses digital media to engage with the audience, which is easy, cost effective and sales oriented. Evolution of Digital Marketing (30 YEARS) Conventional marketing or traditional marketing has gone through a process of evolution. Have a look at the following infographics for evolution of Digital Marketing from 1991Present. After knowing all the fundamental knowledge on Digital Marketing, its history and branches, it is an obvious that you want to know How to get into digital marketing easily?

Types of Digital Marketing Below section will give you a brief idea on different online and offline marketing area under Digital Marketing: Online Marketing 

Content marketing

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Search engine marketing (SEM)

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Pay-per-click advertising (PPC)

Video marketing

Affiliate marketing

Email marketing

Offline Marketing 

Enhanced offline marketing: Digital billboards, Digital product samples

Radio/TV marketing: Radio and TV commercials, Teleshopping, Super Bowl commercials, Phone marketing, Program sponsorship

Phone marketing: Text messaging, QR codes, Cold calling.

1. Learn the basics of digital marketing Starting from scratch is an easy way to learn the basics of any subject. So, everyone should start from basics to make a strong foundation. Fundamentals of digital marketing will provide you the information about Search engine optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Search engine marketing (SEM), Pay-per-click advertising (PPC), Content marketing, Affiliate marketing and Email marketing. Digital marketing funnel and digital marketing channels must be known to you to become a master or digital marketing specialist. Learn more about Digital Marketing

2. Start your website to ensure online presence After the fundamentals, it is worthy of the next move to become a master in digital marketing. Starting your own website to ensure online presence is one of the easiest ways to implement various digital marketing strategies. Theoretical knowledge on digital marketing will give you the basics of SEO and social media marketing. But, you need to know the realistic strategies to become a successful digital marketer. Therefore, you need to know how to implement the multiple strategies in an integrated way. You will be required to support the websites of your clients to boost organic traffic using SEO or PPC or social media ads as a digital marketing consultant .

3. Learn SEO to know how search engine works If you have fantastic knowledge in SEO you can drive more conversion as a digital marketing consultant. After getting skills of experts in SEO, then focus on other skills to advance your digital marketing career. Your strong SEO skill will help you to rank your targeted website easily in the first page of search engines like Google. As a SEO professional, you can easily figure out which content and strategy search engine actually prefer for better user experience. You content boosting on Google ads or Facebook ads with SEO knowledge will ensure the best ROI. Try to develop your SEO skill slowly, and then start with the rest. Benefits of SEO: 

Higher ranking in search engine

Collection of leads

More conversion

Relevant user experience

Improve branding

Improved cost management

Target specific audience

4. Grab a Google Ads Certification Recently Paid promotions through Google are getting hits and earns more ROI for business. So, become a certified Google Ads professional that will guarantee your expertise area in

PPC marketing.

After certification in Google Ads, you will be able to do better Cost Management, brand awareness and Long-Term Marketing Strategy. Ultimately it will assist you ahead of the Competition. Your digital marketing skills will assist you to invest money for Google advertising with a smart strategy to increase ROI.

Know the updated information of Google algorithm to reach the target audience. Becoming a master in google and facebook advertising in today’s digital marketing strategy will give you a head start from others. You need to play with search engine Google. Therefore, knowing its algorithm is a must.

5. Become a Master in Analytics to know the future prospects From Google Analytics you will get different analytics and using that you can forecast to make the right decision for your website. When a visualisation of a big present in front of you, it is easier to decide what is the main issue to overcome, where should we need to give the effort to make the best out of it, how to to increase the profit margin and so on… Learn Google Analytics, Google Search console and other useful analytics tools to become a master in digital marketing data analysis. The skill of these tools will give you the opportunity to scale your business and you can analyse the market trends and customer behaviour.

6. Entry as a Digital Marketer Digital marketing is a parent terminology of different marketing strategies that are implemented digitally. You can skill up there and establish your career as a freelancer in the different job market. Among so many opportunities, Freelancing is one of the most popular ways to establish a career in digital marketing. Digital marketing consultants have an average hourly rate of $140.29 per hour (worldwide) and average hourly rate is about $161.57 (for US-only). See closely the following image to know the Worldwide hourly rates of Digital marketing consultants:

Worldwide hourly rates of Digital marketing consultants. Photo source: Credo Salary for Digital Marketing Specialist may vary country to country or region to region. But top 10 High Paying Countries and average salary (per year) are listed below – 











AUD 82,166 (USD 62,444.52)

€34,000 to €57,000 (USD 38,765.1 – 64,988.55)


£33,393 (USD 43,060.27)

€37 000 (USD 42,185.55)

C$47,818 (USD 37,127.22)

S$38,880 and S$59,760 (USD 28,132.14 – 43,240.15)

€30,800 (USD 35,116.62)

€30,650 (USD 34,945.6)

€27,000 and €31,000 (USD 30,784.05 – 35,344.65) Moreover, you can run your own agency without any obstacles. Get your client from the globe. So, surely considering digital marketing career is a good choice.

7. Get an apprenticeship - 4 Steps to Follow You can expect higher salary range when you join as a full time digital marketer in a company. For that opportunity, you need to manage an internship or hands-on training from any local or national digital agency. This real world marketing experience will give you the ability to take right decisions for your digital marketing strategy. To get an internship, just you need to follow 4 steps1. Build Your Portfolio 2. Sharpen Your Skills 3. Create your brand identity 4. Apply proactively

8. Acquire skills & continue learning to the updated information Be skilled in digital marketing tools, software and strategies and know the updated information to become a digital marketing professional. 

Ability to analyze quantifiable metrics

Writing and Editing Skills

SEO and SEM Skills

Email Marketing Skills

CRM Skills

Social Media Skills

Paid Advertising Skills

Creativity and analytical

Mobile Marketing

Basic Design Skills

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) What does a digital marketer do? Digital marketer do marketing for brands using digital platforms with effective strategies. A digital marketer can promote products to the targeted audience and can boost sales to widen the profit margin and lessen the cost. What are the benefits of digital marketing for any company? Is there any remote digital marketing jobs available? How much do digital marketers make in the UK?

Conclusion In conclusion, follow the mentioned 8 Golden Steps to start your career in Digital Marketing. When you will start, the hands on experience will give you the confidence of making new strategies and A/B testing. To adapt this digital world you must need to transform your marketing from Traditional to Digital.


So, I know that the biggest you ever faced is about Getting started. Boost yourself up to follow these 8 golden steps to start earning from Digital Marketing. Want to become a Master in the Digital Marketing?

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