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The King Maker An undocumented historical mini-romance fable. Written by Allan Jon Kretzmar, JD




LOVE ENTWINED Two lives that came together Lucky in love with a twist of fate From a chance meeting That we cannot forget The time had come Paths that intersect Mining destiny For topaz in your eyes I thought that all was lost Washed away in a dream Across the dimension You met my needs I want to see you Leave the past in shreds But nothing can tear apart A love so entwined Eclipse the sun with the moon The darkness will not last The brightness of your soul Cascading down to me Our connection is forever I feel you here now As we are ready To unravel mystery

by Chris Steven Young




Great Britain – 15th Century

Prince Richard was one of three brothers vying for the throne of their father, King James, who had ruled England with a kind and benevolent hand for thirty-five years. Now frail and enfeebled, James was looking for the day when he could pass his throne over to one of his sons.

Richard, Hollbrook, and Henry, were different in temperament and age. Richard was the quiet intellectual, Hollbrook was impetuous, and Henry was stubborn yet brave, Different personalities, and James was worried about picking any favorites.

There were bigger problems brewing than just succession – there was the problem with the French. Some years after their Revolution, France was looking to exert its influence over Europe, and England was a likely target for some rather hostile intentions.


One evening King James pulled Richard aside, and led him into his study. “Quick, I think that we will be safe here, and can talk without fear of anyone listening in.” “What is it, Father?” “Time for me is short.” “Please, Father, don’t say that.” “I am afraid I must, for I am concerned about what may happen here in England, and in this Castle. You and your brothers have to come to some accommodation, Hollbrook can be devious, and Henry has limited intellectual fortitude.” “What about me?” “You my son, I hate to say it, are too nice. You will get stepped on by either of the two of them if they sense your weakness, and sense the crown lies within their grasp.” “What do you want me to do?” “Unfortunately, your battle skills are not hardened, and I fear that the French are up to something. Their revolution has made them restless, and they are turning their 9

hatred upon themselves. The guillotine has been working day and night, and I fear that they may have some territorial ambitions as well.” “Father, I believe that God is on our side.” “My son, we all believe that. But I fear that tough times lie ahead for the kingdom. Please have your wits about you.” Richard kissed his father’s ring, and left the study. He was perturbed by their conversation. He knew that his father had ruled for 35 years, and had well-honed instincts to have stayed alive as King in such a visible position of power for as long as he had. If his father was right, there could be trouble abroad, and at home, and there may be subterfuge that he could encounter from his brothers, who had ambitions for the throne. For Richard, this was not really a priority in his mind, he was content on involving himself with affairs of trade, fancying himself as having a vision of opening up the possibility of trade routes with the East. He was fascinated with the stories that he had heard from sailors returning from


lands as far away as India and China, who brought back spices, as well as knowledge. While few could read and write, Richard could, and he was fascinated by the bound hand-written volumes that his sailors had brought back to him from the East – in Chinese and Arabic that needed translation. There was clearly a new and different understanding there than existed in England and the West, and he was fascinated to find out more about religions from across the seas. The warning from his father to be watchful and wary did not bode well. There was likely to be some bloodletting before the throne would change hands. Actually, events were unfolding faster than the young Richard could have anticipated. That very evening, French ships had moored in the seas to the south of England, and dispatched soldiers to create a beachhead with supplies and weapons. There were several boats that unloaded cargo and men under the cover of darkness, and the men encamped in the forest to establish a forward base. Reconnaissance crews could now use the forest as a launch ground, assessing 11

the relative strength of the English army and relaying information back to France via courier. However, “army” was a little too organized a term for the motley collection of men that were under the command of the King’s three sons. Given Richard’s relative youth and inexperience, he was provided the smallest number of men. Hollbrook and Henry controlled the largest battalions, with other trusted soldiers commanding troops to the North. A battle with France did not seem possible, so there was a lack of discipline and morale among the men. Most had joined for their rations of food, rum, and money, mostly rum, but the fortitude of the British soldier could change when conditions demanded it. The French boats returned back safely, and they landed and dropped of their advance party of men and arms for three more days without any detection. Hollbrook and his men were camped on the outskirts of the forest in a small farming community. The camp was filled with the songs of a thousand drunken men, who did not even notice the dark figures that emerged from the forest. The men 12

dressed in black, spoke French, a sure sign of foreign intervention. They circled the camp, and counted the men and supplies the English had assembled. Then they retreated back into the forest again. Another foray went out and spotted the camp that Henry and his men had made, and again the same data collection and analysis took place. The French then submitted the data via courier who waited by the waterside for the small fishing boat to take him to Leopold’s command ship that was moored a distance away outside of the cove. “It is undoubtedly an easy foe that we face,” the courier told Leopold, “for the English seem more concerned with singing and drinking than guarding their Kingdom.” “I will report this to Paris immediately, and you have done well, “Leopold said, and he opened a small coin purse, selected two gold coins, and handed them to the courier, who thanked him profusely. “Thank you, Monsieur,” he said. “Plans are in place. We will attack when the signal is given.” 13

“We await your further instruction,� the courier said, and he returned to the fishing boat to return him to shore. By now, the forest had been completely infiltrated. The French had been able to smuggle supplies, guns, ammunition, many men, and create a division already on English soil. A surprise attack with about eighty ships was all in the works, and France was ready to show its brawn and muscle, emboldened by the Revolution just a few years before. Long rivals, England and France had fought war after war. Now, the French believed, a surprise attack would wipe England off the map, and France would be the dominant world power. A week later, Hollbrook decided to lead his men through the forest on a routine patrol, to make his way down to the shoreline. Far out to sea, the French ships were gathering, waiting for the full moon to give them better visibility through the channel. Hollbrook and his advance party of men posed a danger that the French position would be discovered. Hollbrook was impetuous, and he wanted the 14

throne so badly he could taste it. His father was weak now, and his days surely numbered. A French advance through the forest, if discovered, could lend cause to suspect that the bigger plans might be discovered, and Hollbrook and his group of men were spotted almost as soon as they entered the forest. The French felt there was no choice but to kill them. The attack upon Hollbrook and his men lasted only a few minutes. With skilled accuracy, the arrows were dispatched, and Hollbrook and his men were slaughtered in the attack without firing an arrow. The French took their uniforms, realizing that that would stand them in good stead if they needed to blend in later in the village beyond. It was in taking the uniforms that it was discovered that it was the King’s son who had also been killed. “Merde!” said the leader of the French pack, “Zis is not good! They will be looking for him soon enough, and his disappearance will be noted. Quick, drop ze body in the village at night, and make it look like an accident.”


“Oui,” said the soldiers, and Hollbrook's body was transported at night, and left slumped in the alley alongside the Inn of the Distant Traveler. Brandy was poured over the body, to make it appear that Hollbrook had been drunk when he was attacked and robbed. At least, that was how it was supposed to appear. King James was devastated when the news reached him that his son had died, and he summoned Henry and Richard to the palace. “My sons,” he said feebly, “This is the beginning of the end for me. You have to be vigilant. I want you immediately to cut all rations of rum by half for all the men, and the foot patrols must be doubled. There is something about this that makes my instincts bristle. I don’t believe that Hollbrook was drinking alone, or that he would be attacked. Something is not adding up, as I have been told that fifteen men are missing as well.” “Father, we are all in mourning. We will dispatch a messenger, and return to our men after the funeral.”


It was a somber affair, and Richard and Henry accompanied their father to the gravesite outside of the Tower of London. The first blood had been spilled. When Henry returned, he consolidated the command of Holbrook’s men under his command. Henry had fought battles before, and had commanded men in the campaigns against the Austrians just a summer before. There had been a flare-up over water rights, but the situation could have created regional tensions had not the uprising been quelled. He was savvy and astute, and with Hollbrook gone also felt that his chances for acceding to the throne were now excellent. Times were changing fast. Full moon was only a few nights away. The French ships were mooring outside of the cove, and the ships were being filled with provisions. The guns on the ships were loaded, and the flotilla was lying in wait. There were many hundreds of men now at the ready. Richard still had the small group he had been given. He was of the opinion that a small and mobile group could do an excellent job protecting the beachhead. His deficiency in 17

the number of men he had at his disposal was made up for in mobility and agility. The French were not sitting idle. They were at the ready, and were waiting for weather conditions to shift in their favor. Leopold had decided on a diabolical plan. One of his sailors had died on his ship from scurvy, and the man was dressed in a French army uniform and dumped on the roadway outside of Henry’s camp. Inside the breast pocket of the tunic, Leopold had left a map. Not just any map, but one that purported to show that the French navy was ready to attach at Dumbarton, a beach located five miles down the coastline. “Sire,” said the Lieutenant. “We found a body on the road. It is a French soldier.” “Really? How odd.” “We found this,” he said, handing the letter to Henry that he found in the pocket. Henry studied the map intently. “Alexander,” he said to his trusty assistant. “What do you make of this?” 18

“This,” he replied, “Could be the opportunity you need to win the battle. We should not ignore what its message might well be. This is a windfall. Luck and chance has smiled on us all. You succeed and you will be crowned King.” “Excellent, I think we should dispatch the men to the beachhead. Have the men on alert. The rum rations should be halved again, just to keep the men vigilant and not drunk!” “Aye, aye sir, shall do.” In the meanwhile, Richard was on his horse, approaching the coastline. He was deep in thought, so that he did not notice the horse that was coming up upon his left. Nor did he see the rider. He only became aware of her when she pulled up alongside him. He looked at her intently. He did not hear her coming, and he had never seen her before. Everything about her was different. His hand was placed on his sword, just in case. She was riding a dark steed, and was dressed in a full suit of armor. Her features were sharp and angular, and she had a slightly longish nose. Her hair was pitch black, and tied 19

in a ponytail. She had a long sword in its scabbard, and she wore a wire-mesh vest under a dark silver chest-plate. In the middle of the chest-plate was hand-painted a red heart, and a red letter “K” was painted over it. “Halt! Do I know you? Who are you?” “I am Isabella. I am sorry if I startled you, Prince Richard.” “How do you know my name?” “I am familiar with you and your family. You Father asked me to help you – in fact he prayed for it.” “How did you get past my guardsmen?” “Don’t worry, I mean you no harm. I am with the Royal Court of Spain. My papers.” Richard took the papers from her, and looked them over carefully before handing them back to her, warily. “Apologies then for my suspicions. These are worrying times and much deceit abounds.” “I bring a message. There is grave danger ahead. I know the French are definitely getting ready to launch a terrible and sudden attack.” 20

Richard brought his horse to a halt. He turned and faced her, bringing his horse alongside hers. “I know my brother has gone to set a trap for them. I was told this by a man loyal to me in his camp, who slipped away to tell me.” “I have sad news,” she said pensively, and for the first time Richard could see her yellow-brown eyes, “but your brother is the one for whom the trap has been set. The French are planning an attack through these waters just up ahead.” She pointed to the cove, not the beach up ahead. Richard followed the direction of her pointed finger. “You mean the cove up ahead? Surely they will seek a less narrow passageway?” “That is what they know you will likely think. The straits are narrow, but they can navigate it easily, and they have men in the forest too that will provide them an advance to their troops landing in great numbers.” “My God, what am I to do? My father was right about me. I prefer peace to war and swordsmanship. I don’t have the intestinal fortitude to launch attacks. I would rather be writing 21

poetry or examining spices to import, something like that which advances the Soul, not tears it down.” “Richard, you have more power than you believe. Your greatest power is your power of imagination, and you are doubting it. Your power of imagination is what will win you this battle and make you King.” “Now you are just flattering me.” She shook her mane of black pony-tailed hair back and fro, “There you are wrong. I am here to attest to the fact that you will find what it takes within you not only to lead your men, but repulse the attack. Come, let me show you.” She started her horse at a gallop, and Richard found himself following her without question. This sudden meeting created in Richard some fears and doubts, but she seemed so strong and convincing that he found he had no choice but to follow her. In fact, he found he had a tough time keeping up with her steed at a gallop. They raced for a mile, until finally she led her horse down a long incline to a cave on the beach. The sun was high in the sky, and the surf was crashing against the boulders. Richard 22

got off his horse, and helped her down from hers. He was amazed at how muscular she was when he touched her, her body seemed as taught and strong as the horse’s muscles she rode on, perhaps as strong as the steel-mesh that covered her body. She was tall, and stood almost up to his forehead when she alighted from her horse. This was not a woman to be messed with, Richard concluded. She flashed a smile at him, “I will give you the strategies and all the information that you need to win your battles in your life, to become King.” Richard did not know what to say, so he motioned for her to carry on. “There is one thing you must do.” “And what is that?” “You must follow all of the directions I give you to the letter. You cannot deviate or falter, even when it might seem impossible. You have to follow everything I tell you exactly -understood?”


“Why in the world should I do this? I don’t even know who you are! What, we have met but a few minutes and you are dictating to me what to do?” Richard was angry. “All the better, don’t you think? All these years you have asked and prayed for someone who could come into your life, help bring you direction and purpose by pulling from within you powers that you did not even know that you have, and that is the thanks I get? How ungrateful you are!” “Ungrateful? You come here out of the blue and I am supposed to drop everything and follow you?” “Today the day you prayed for is here at hand. You have to trust me, and you have to believe, besides,” she started to remove the steel chest plate, “You don’t have too many other options right now, now do you?” Confused, Richard breathed a long sigh. He took off his sword and scabbard, placing it alongside his saddle. “I can’t believe I am following directions from a woman whom I never met before, whose advice could have me killed.” “You could also be following advice whose strategies will change your life forever, for I am a ‘Kingmaker.’ I will literally 24

make you the most powerful man in this kingdom, and for that I want only one small thing in return.” “What is that?” “All in good time . . .” Unable to take it all in, he wanted to run away. This was not he planned or wanted. Escape – where can I go? Excape was all that he could think of. Richard looked at the gleaming blue water, and suddenly stripped down to his silk underwear. “Oh, what the hell, tomorrow we may all be dead. Care for a swim?” Richard ran down the surf, and jumped into the ocean. The water was cold and invigorating. He dove under the waves, then bounced up, yelling at her, “C’mon, Isabella, it’s great! Don’t be shy! I won’t bite, I swear I won’t.” Isabella looked at Richard with alarm, yelling back, “Have you gone completely stark raving mad?” “Yes I have,” he said, “But imagine the freedom!” diving back under the waves.


Isabella looked at Richard, and then shook her head. “Why do I always go for the crazy poets? What is wrong with a lawyer, a butcher, or a blacksmith?” she thought to herself. She stripped down to her undergarments and shyly walked to the edge of the surf. “C’mon!” he yelled, “What is taking you so long? Get in here already, will you?” Isabella was a little shocked at the coldness of the water, but after two days of riding, found the water strangely refreshing. Slowly she allowed her head to submerge below the seawater, and when she emerged, she brushed the water from her face with her hands, and smiled, revealing the most amazing white teeth. She let out a squeal. “This feels so good!” “Yes, it does. And all the more so because you are here.” She smiled, and dunked her head under the water again. It felt cold, but refreshing. She found peace and joy in the cold waters. All tiredness lifted from her bones. They swam for about a half an hour, then exhausted they collapsed on a knit blanket that Richard pulled from under his saddle. They dropped onto the blanket, and allowed the hot 26

rays of the sun to dry the water droplets from their bodies. Richard was careful to keep a safe distance from her, because he felt that he needed to convey to her that she was safe with him. He felt strangely protective over her, she seemed so delicate and her skin had a soft fragile-porcelain-like look to it. Richard need not have worried, under the fragile exterior Isabella probably was as tough as the steel of the blade that she carried. She was lying on her back, and covered her eyes with the crook of her arm. She was exhausted and her body felt limp. “I have traveled two days by horseback to get to you. I am just out of energy.” Her eyes closed gently. Her body moved rhythmically to her breaths. “Sleep pretty darling, don’t you worry, we are safe here. But I can stay awake watching over you, if you like.” “Thanks, but this really is a road less traveled except by tradesmen and fishermen. The French will not have extended themselves this far. For the moment, we are indeed safe. We should both get some rest.” She closed her eyes, and in that


moment looked so young, so fragile, and beautiful, that Richard found himself staring at her. In the middle of a potential war, and the height of his vulnerabilities, she showed up. Richard was dazed and confused about her being there, next to him, and a beach, when just an hour before his life was so different. She sensed his gaze, and opened one eye. “What are you staring at?” “You.” “And what make me so interesting?” “Everything. I have not met anyone like you before. I mean apart from all that Kingmaker stuff – you are also just simply so beautiful. Naturally beautiful.” “I like your look too.” “What did you mean about the Kingmaker stuff?” “I meant what I said. I have the power to make you King. But you have to promise me that you will not deviate from your instructions. I will tell you what I want from you for my help later. In the meantime, let us catch some rest while we can. The next few days will be hectic.” 28

She closed her eyes, and moved closer to him. He felt the slight touch of her skin against his, and the wind caught her hair, softly blowing it in his face. It felt damp and soft. Richard looked at her again. She looked at him. “I am serious about getting some rest. The next few days may find little time for rest. It will seem like a luxury, believe me.� Richard dropped his head down on the blanket, and draped one arm over her body. She responded by grabbing his arm, and pulling his body closer to hers. Richard did not know what to think. His brain was whirling, thoughts cascading like the ocean. He did not feel tired, but he knew that if she was right and that the battle would begin soon, who could know how long it could last. She was breathing slowly and rhythmically, and Richard sank into a troubled rest. The sound of the crashing waves, the hot sun, cool breeze, was contentment revisited. The girl now beside him was a vision come true. She was from the brief time they now had shared an invigorating free spirit that enticed him in every way. He did not know if she would stay, or for how long, but he felt he 29

had no choice but to find out more about her. He pulled her body closer to his. They slept in close proximity to one another for an hourand-a-half. When they awoke, Richard found his mind refreshed, and his body rested. It was as if he traveled to a desert island, and had collapsed on the sand for a week. Slowly he moved and turned to find her standing over him, sword in hand. He got a fright. “Don’t tell me you are an assassin sent to kill me?” “If I was, I would have killed you when I rode up behind you, don’t you think?” “I suppose.” “Well, here is your lesson plan. The French navy is moored off the coast to our right up a mile or so. They will attack when the moon is highest in the sky, for they believe that moonlight will give them an opportunity to move men and machine, boat and horse, with maximum visibility. Their plan of attack is to use the power of surprise. But you have a strategy that can and will stop them.”


Richard watched and listened as the amour-clad messenger proceeded to lay out plans that were detailed, complex, yet maddeningly simple. It also involved changing the cannon firepower Richard had from the ground, to a vantage point high above the cove entrance. “How do I move these ship’s guns up to the top of the ridge?” “Pulleys.” “Pulleys?” “Yes, you will be able to do this. The smaller cannons are relatively the lightest, and can be hoisted. It will take many men, and they will be exhausted. They will have a chance to rest. Henry’s fate I am afraid is sealed. And so are those of his men. They will not escape the ambush that awaits them. It is all on your shoulders.” “Why did you not warn Henry?” Richard asked, suddenly perplexed and exasperated with her. “I cannot interfere with Destiny, only help guide it in the direction to which it is already headed. Do you understand what I mean?” 31

“No.” “We are born with a pre-set destiny -- we just have to fulfill it. Your doubts have only delayed its happening, but you have not stifled it. Your brother, I am afraid, has his path and what happens to him is part of his journey. He has no more paths to follow, no more trails to tread. His journey has come to its end. I am so sorry. If I could I would have changed it for him, but I cannot.” “But he will die, you are telling me?” “Yes. But he will have fulfilled his Soul’s destiny for this lifetime. I cannot affect it nor can I change it I am afraid. Fate has a strange way of bringing things together.” “Or apparently ripping things apart.” “I am afraid that you have a very mundane way of looking at life in terms of absolutes. Absolute good, and absolute bad.” “And how do you view it?” “Mine through travelling the world has evolved to a more esoteric outlook, and my belief is that things are more complicated than a simplistic good and evil, black and white, absolute definitions as people are taught.” 32

“What do you ever mean?” “A better view is that often times good comes out of bad, and bad out of good, and that determines luck in life in the long run. One can never tell when a bad situation will lead to a good one. The French might have created a plan that will win them a victory, but cost them a war. You will be there, in the right moment, and at the right time, to capture the situation back from the brink, even with limited men and resources, and prevail to win in the end.” “Why are you helping me? I mean really, you can be honest with me, please.” “I have my reasons, and my country’s reasons as well. The Revolution in France was supposed to make people free. But the opposite has been the case. Those who came to power have beheaded all the nobles, and now they are turning upon themselves. Anyone who challenges the new ruling order find their heads at the bottom of a large woven basket. The streets of Paris run with blood now and the French have plans to export this ‘great revolution’ elsewhere in Europe. Your Country as an island has always seen itself as detached from 33

what is happening in the rest of Europe, and will be unprepared for the butchery and savagery that has been unleashed. The French revolution is not a genuine one in that it seeks to replace one tyranny of the few, the royals, with the tyranny of the masses, the peasants. But the peasants are weak and feeble-minded, and actually are being manipulated by a clever class of bankers and lawyers, who are profiting now immensely. They are amassing vast fortunes, confiscating millions in gold and spoils from the nobility from whom they stole. The French have to be stopped, and a loss at sea in battle will have them retreating. If not, the reign of terror will continue all through Europe. The person who will repulse their attack, and bring them to their senses, is you!” “Are you sure of all of this? This is more than I signed up for.” “No Richard,” she plunged her sword into the sand, and adjusted her pony tail, tying it with a strap of leather, “it is exactly what your Soul signed up for before you came here.” “To the cove?” “To this life.” 34

“And what is your role in all of this?” “Ah, my reasons. I am the twin-sister of the Queen of Spain. We do not want to see the French export their havoc over to our borders. If England falls, we could be next. We seek the chance to live in peace. I am also selfish in my own respect. I am looking for a husband, and not just any husband – a King for a husband.” “M-m-me?” Richard asked timidly, eyeing her sword. “Maybe. I need a special man. A King. Like I told you. If I need one, I make one!” “Have you made one before? A King I mean?” “Yes.” “Where?” “The Kingdom of Hapsburg, in the Bavarian Alps. We lived in a Castle overlooking the great lake. My husband was a man much older than I was. When he died, I inherited his wealth. He started small. He was from the royal family, so was very well connected, and prominent in the political affiliations. He was the special counsel and advisor to the King, and as such, we were always entertaining or being entertained. I 35

helped guide his political career. Soon he was in charge of making all of the appointments for the King, a position of great wealth and power. Then when the King died, my husband took over power. The King had no male heirs, and my husband assumed the Hapsburg throne. I, however, was always in the background, he was so busy I never got to see him really very much.” “What happened to your husband you made King?” “Unfortunately, he died.” “Did you kill him?” “Not in the traditional sense, but in a manner of speaking. He was much older than I was as I told you. He died in his bed.” “With a knife in his back?” “No. In my arms. I was I guess too much for him. His heart gave out. But, he died happy. Which man would not want to die as he did? Peacefully, in the arms of the woman he loved?”


“Well, I hope that when I die it will be in the arms of the women I love, rather than in battle with a sword in my back, lying in pain and bleeding to death.” “Well, he died smiling, I can say that. I think he was happy, what can I say. After a few years wandering the Royal Court and my son on the Hapsburg throne, I decided I needed to find a new life. I was going crazy just walking and pacing the palace. I was left alone, and being alone with my thoughts, I could do nothing else but contemplate what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I missed my family in Spain. So I went back to my sister’s Court. When she saw what was happening in France, she dispatched me to do something.” “You alone.” “Not alone, with her blessing of course to help her, and find my new King.” “This conversation is strange,” Richard said, standing up. His body was dry, and he started to put his clothes back on. “You say you are helping me become King so that you can become Queen. We just met.” “So?” 37

“We need time. I need time. To think. I can’t tell you I will marry you when we just met.” “What do you want to think about?” “If I am ready.” “To be King?” “No, I am ready for that, perhaps. But to get married? That commitment. That sense of losing yourself in someone else. I don’t know that I am ready for that?” “What else are you afraid of? You would be happy to fight and die in battle, yet afraid to love in your own bed?” “For love? Love is scarier. In battle, you can die but once. In love, you can die many times.” She laughed, “Did you not say in your tent just two nights ago that you were ready for love to find you?” “How did you know that?” “You are not telling me if you did or not. Well?” “That’s personal.” “Private?” “Yes, that too.”


“I am not pushing you. I just think it funny. Men are always more eager to die by the sword that live by their hearts.” Richard looked at the beautiful women that was standing there in front of him, “You surprise me.” “Why? Because I am being brutally honest?” “Yes,” he nodded, “That you are. You just seem so calculating.” “It is my greatest talent.” “Really?” “How else, dear man, do you think you can defeat an entire French armada? By luck and good looks?” “I have been told I have good looks, yes,” said Richard, and he raced to his horse, and plucked a lyre out of the saddlebag. “Here,” he said returning to where she was standing, “I will sing you one of my poems,” and began to strum and sing. “Hold steady my hand Lest I not falter Hold fast my heart 39

Lest it not fall For it not to shatter in pieces a thousand or more of diamonds and gold for tis I your love Pilgrim the night is so long behold above us does shine of silver and blue so sublime a Smuggler’s moon through clouds it does peek this traveler is weary so take now thou mine heart you need not be leery this is your plunder to keep.” He finished strumming, and looked at her for a reaction. “What do you think? It is a new composition.” Her reaction came fast, and what she said surprised him. “Spare me your musical incantations! Moreover, this is neither the time nor place to jest. Time is so short,” she scolded him, “and there is much preparation that has to be done. I have 40

done all of the calculations for you. All that you have to do is follow them. ” He bristled as she continued, “I have told you in great detail the winning strategy. All you have to do is follow it. What could be simpler, and you will be King from it?” “I have to follow your strategy to the letter, yes I know, you said that, not so?” “Yes, to the letter. That is so important. My plan will not fail. You will be lucky. But if you deviate, you invite disaster, and you will lose.” “How so?” “While others may talk about luck you embody it. You live it. You are taking your Destiny, and making it happen. No more just a ‘pretty boy.’ You are a born leader. You must become one. From the moment I first saw you I knew that you were special. I am not going to allow you to waste your potential. Do you understand me? What I am saying?” Richard walked over to her, kissed her on the forehead, and walked off. There was a slight salty taste on his lips.


“Take good care. I hear you. Let’s make this happen!” He turned and smiled at her, as he mounted his steed, and she waved back. “Are you riding with me?” “No, I am not. You will have much to do and much to accomplish. I will only get in the way. But I am sure that we will meet again. That part is destiny too.” “What is?” “Our meeting again.” “You think?” “I think.” Isabella pulled a medallion off a chain on her neck, and tossed it to him. “Here,” she shouted, “keep this around your neck.” “What is this?” “A talisman. It will bring you luck. I mean it.” Richard placed the medallion over his head, and the medallion dropped to rest above his heart. “Nice. I like it.” “The next time I see you, you will be King of England.” 42

“If that is the case, I will be humbly amazed.” “Maybe you will be. I won’t be. I know you have it in you, now you will prove that to yourself. You will have much fame, and money. Gold and wine. But I have a word for you, sire.” Richard stopped, turned, and trotted back to her on his horse. There was a tone in her voice. She was serious. “There was something that I forgot to tell you.” “What was that?” “You will have a lot, a lot, a lot of money soon at your disposal. Men will fling themselves at you to take it from you, and women will try to entice it from you. But you must be comfortable with the level of success that you are about to enjoy, so that you will not let it corrupt you from the inside out. Remember your brothers. Do you think they would have handled money and power well?” “They are my brothers, my blood. But no. My father expressed his concerns to me about them.” “There are too many in this world who will corrupt themselves and others for money. Greed and power. They come from a place of lack and so they will always be hungry. 43

That is what is happening in France right now as we speak, those in charge want even more power, yet they now don’t want to give those who won the revolution for them anything for having achieved it. They are killing and will continue to do so throughout Europe as their hunger for blood and spoil is insatiable. What their Revolution has unleashed in the minds of these men is scary beyond belief, and you have a chance to stop it spreading. As a reward for this job that you will do, you will be rewarded with money, jewels, and power. I am here to give you another choice too. To choose Love in your life.” “That was not an enumerated choice there. You said money, jewels and power.” “I am being serious.” “I was being coy. I am listening to you.” “You will have a chance to run the kingdom in many different directions. If you choose love, you will choose to find a mate who can be there for you, who will compliment you well, and round off your energy. It can be the perfect blend between the male and female energies on the throne - arts and culture, might and learning, helping people read and write, 44

know right and wrong. Your Queen can be strong in all the areas where you are weak, and she can lean on you for strength in all the areas where she is weak. You have an amazing life ahead for you if you make the right choices, soonto-be-king Richard.� Richard looked at her for a long time as she spoke, slowly and intensely realizing when he spoke to her that he was feeling a power emanating from her. He was looking deeply into her eyes, and felt almost as if she could reach through him, and touch his Soul. He literally felt a physical sensation just from her gaze. He felt vulnerable and unable to withstand what seemed like her stare penetrating his every defense. Then he began to feel a special power and contentedness course through his veins. He was looking at her, into her eyes, and it felt as if she was transferring some of her inner strength and power to him through their eye contact. It was the strangest sensation he had ever felt. Her eyes were so mesmerizing, so deep, so beautiful, he found himself lost in her gaze. He saw an image of himself, a vision before him. He was facing himself, sitting on the throne of his father, the gold 45

crown of the Kingdom was resting his head. As he looked at himself, there was a slight smile of contentedness on his face. He recognized the smile was really less of a smile and more of a smirk, and it represented himself. He often smiled that way, when he accomplished a task at hand, such as writing a poem, or finishing a song on the lyre. His heart felt full of emotion. He also felt calm, collected, and at ease. The fear and the doubt had eased, and he no longer felt intimidated by war, or scared of peace and love. He saw himself, and as his vision of himself pulled away, he then saw a woman, this woman in front of him, now sitting next to him. She had a smile on her face as she was talking to someone in the court. “I got it! You are the reward!” he exclaimed, “I got it!” “What are you talking about?” “I finally get it. You are the reward for the accomplishments that lie ahead. There would be no sense in winning the war, and losing the peace. One cannot go through life alone. It helps me little to have you as a Kingmaker accomplish this task, without me in turn being a Queenmaker to you too. In China, they have Yin and Yang energy, what is 46

positive and negative, male and female, good and bad, all tied together. When they are tied together, they are in balance. When they are disrupted, the results can be catastrophic.” “My word, Richard. You have learned fast. You are a better student of life than I thought.” “No, as a student of life I would fail if I did not have a way to apply those feelings and thoughts into action. I have just met you but I feel I have known you for years.” “You have.” “Have what?” “Known me for years . . .” she said. “When?” “Not just now. But before.” “Before when?” “A lifetime ago, at least.” “We knew each other in a past lifetime?” “Yes, we did. We were married then, too!” she got onto her horse. Richard adjusted the reins on his horse, and turned to her, “You are saying we were married in a past lifetime?” 47

“Yes, that is what I am saying. We knew each other from before. Then when we were married. That is where our ‘connection’ comes from.” “What if we were just brother and sister?” “No, it was more than that, I can assure you.” “How did you know where to find me?” “I did not.” “Then who did?” “My heart tracked you down. Found you again.” “The heart on your chest-plate?” “Yes.” “And the ‘K’ in the design?” “For ‘King’ of course.” “You seem pretty confident in those tracking abilities.” “I have to be.” “How so?” “If I did not find you, I would not be fulfilling my destiny either. There is much that I want to accomplish as well. Time for all of us is shorter. I have much work that I need to do. I


cannot flitter time away without purposeful pursuits. Much lies ahead for us.” “You keep saying ‘us.’ We only have known each other a few hours.” “Time is immaterial, timing is crucial. Did you not feel what we both felt looking into each other’s eyes? Where do you think that feeling comes from? That feeling of contentment. That feeling of recognition. That feeling of finding yourself in another person.” Richard waved at her, “Well, it feels like I met you just in time to save England.” “That too. But just in time to save your heart as well!” She caught it, and smiled. “When next I see you, your life will be totally transformed. I guarantee you, my love.” Richard touched his hand to his heart, brought his hand up to his lips, and blew her a kiss. He rode his horse up the embankment. When he got up to the top, he looked down. She was gone.


As he rode to rejoin his men, Richard thought about the “offer” that Isabella had made to him. Yes, he would help him, but at a price -- her price -- to be Queen and she made that clear. What would happen if he did become King? He could have any one of the fair maidens not only in the Court, but also in the Kingdom. On the other hand, love came unexpectedly to him with Isabella, and she seemed good from the inside, as well as the outside. She seemed straight forward, honest and level-headed. It was a dilemma, he did not know if he would succeed, and he was following the advice of a woman whom he had just met, whom he may also never see again. When Richard met his men, he was about to give them alternate orders, then remembered what she told him that he was not to alter, in any way, the carefully laid out strategic plans that she imparted to him. “I need to be exact, be accurate,” he thought to himself, “But that approach has gotten me no-where, and if or actually more like now when the French will launch their strike, there won’t be time to plan.” 50

He called his officers together, and gave them the plans Isabella gave to him, in great detail. His men balked at the idea of hauling ship cannons up the embankment. “That embankment is too steep, sire, and we cannot do that in the wee amount of time ye’er allowing us.” “I understand your pointers and objections. But do it anyway! Demand of the men more than they could demand of themselves. It just has to be done. We don’t have a choice, don’t you see. If the French as much as land, they have advance troops already on land in the forest. It is infiltrated.” “How do you know?” Richard did not want to tell them that this vision of a woman came over and whispered in his ear battle plans and strategies, so he countered, “I did a reconnaissance myself in the forest. It’s thick with French troops. Believe me, this is our only hope. We have one shot at this, and it had better work. If not, we will end up as goose-liver pate´. If you don’t follow what I am saying, they will eat us alive!” The men nodded ruefully. “Hauling the cannons up there will take all day tomorrow.” 51

“Tomorrow? Today!” Richard yelled, “Who said anything about tomorrow? We are starting NOW. If we don’t we will end up as frog’s legs, if you know what I mean. It is a choice between their flag or ours, men, and which do you want flying over Great Britain? I personally don’t want to see their colors flying over my home. So get started!” Hauling the cannons to the top of the embankment at night was next to impossible, or so the men thought. Two cannons were lost when the straps and pulleys broke, and five men were dead when a cannon rolled over them on the ascent. Carrying the cannon balls was no easy task either, and only one per man was humanly possible given the weight of these steel balls. The men had to carry each one in a canvas pouch, and another three men and five cannon balls were lost in the battle to load their deadly supplies and surprise up the hill. When first light came, Richard surveyed the encampment. “No, no,” he said, “place three cannon balls at the bottom, and one at the top. Place the piles close to the cannons. When the time comes these will have to be foisted in


quick succession, and you cannot run back and forth to collect them.” The men were literally too exhausted to move. As the sun was striking up behind them, Richard told his officers. “Let them sleep two hours. Then rations, and tea, and we begin again. This has to be all wrapped up by nightfall tonight. Time is short and our enemies’ resources great. I fear that my brother may be slaughtered. He has gone to meet what he thinks is the flotilla and I fear a trap awaits them instead.” Richard sank down under a tree, and pulled out his pouch, and he surveyed the scene. The battle plans were drawn up and fulfilled. Now he had to wait. Patience was a virtue, and he lacked any ability to calm his mind. She is an Angel to come to me when she did. But I have my doubts, he thought, can I really believe that what she is telling me is accurate. True? I will be such a fool if she is wrong. Then he thought of what could be the fate that lay ahead for his brother, and he shuddered. “She really is my only hope,” he thought. He could picture her eyes in his mind’s eye, how they seemed to penetrate his defenses. 53

Richard was not used to giving up control to anyone else, especially a woman. Now he was realizing that he had given her complete control over all of his movements. The French flotilla was way out of the sight of even his eyeglass, and what if she was a spy sent by the French? She could have led him to a fate worse than death. If he did not die, he would be ridiculed for the rest of his life. No one would entrust anything to him ever again. He oversaw the preparations and plans all day, with Doubt and Fear tugging at his mind relentlessly. Finally, it was nighttime, and he could retreat to his tent. He had a small fire in a brick urn going, and it gave warmth to his bones. His men were not so lucky. They slept out in the open. He heard a tug at the entrance flap of his tent. He sat up, looked up, and grabbed his musket. It was Isabella! He placed the musket back down on the wooden bench, and ran to her, embracing her. This time, he kissed her on the lips. She held him close. “What are you doing here?� 54

“Miss me?” she asked shyly, “I missed you!” “Oh my, have I ever! But I am overwhelmed, and I still wonder about you. What if you were a spy? I will lose everything!” “A spy? Have you lost your mind? Why would I mislead you?” “I just met you! I don’t know you.” “So? Are you still on about that?” “It can’t be love. It is too soon.” Isabella turned, and held her hands over the flames. She looked at Richard with concern. She placed her hand over his mouth to stop him speaking. “I know that I have asked a lot of you. To trust a total stranger whom you have just met with possibly the most important decision that you might ever make in your life. But this is the most pivotal moment of your life, when you go from nothing to having everything you dreamed of overnight. What you do not realize is that Love is like that too. I am not talking about attraction, I am talking about True Love that fires your Soul and ignites in your chest like a thousand firecrackers. I 55

know it is a lot for you to comprehend. But I have only one bit of advice for you.” “What is that?” “Follow your heart! What does your heart really tell you to do?” Richard stood behind her as she stood in front of the fire. He whispered in her ear. “My heart tells me to follow you in everything you say and everything you do.” The flames danced as he put his arms around her, and she leaned backwards into his arms. He kissed the back of her neck. They lay down on the hides piled up as a bed. In the morning, Richard awoke to find her gone. She was the most maddeningly beautiful women he had ever known. There was something about her, the way she felt, the touch of her skin, which made him feel frightened and exhilarated at the same time. Richard thought, “If I die today, at least I can say that she came along and let me taste a little bit of Heaven,


especially if I am going to travel to Hell or Heaven courtesy of a French bullet or blade.” He shuddered at the thought. Time was almost upon them. The deciding hour. His hour of decision. His Fate and England’s, it seemed, entwined in a single moment. He was glad she gave him the plan, the strategies, without those plans, he realized, he would have been sitting there like a lamb waiting for the slaughter. The French may well find out, he thought, that their battle plans for victory may have just been rearranged, not by the English army, ragged as it was, but by an unexpected Messenger in armor, a woman with unknown battle talents and abilities. Richard held her medallion over his heart, and muttered to himself, “I am going with my heart! I am going with my heart!” But his mind was still very scared. As night fell, the moon peeked behind the clouds, as if it was too afraid to look and see what was happening. Aboard the French command ship, there was much joy and merriment – their time, they thought, had come to deal a defeat to the English that would go down in history. The French ships 57

began to set sail quietly, without any burning lanterns. The clouds obliged by parting. The moonlit night sky was silvery blue, giving a soft light under which to navigate. High above on the mountaintop overlooking the cove, Richard peered into the blackness with his looking glass, and slowly began to discern movement down below in the waters. The French ships were approaching. His men were ready, and their cannons were ready too. His men peered into the blackness, but did not have the vantage point that Richard did through the instrument. They waited on his command to fire. Richard went over his mental notes, and contemplated what Isabella had told him. His sign was a hawk that would fly and land on his arm at the appropriate time for him to give the order to fire the cannons. He did not tell this to his men, but he hoped and prayed that she would fulfill her part of the bargain by sending the hawk out to give him the signal. After leaving Richard, Isabella returned to her men who had journeyed from Spain with her. She led them into the forest to find and encircle the French troops that had gathered there ahead of the arriving armada. She knew exactly where 58

they were lying in wait. The steel of her sword glinted in the moonlight glow. She wondered about Richard. He was, after all, still a baby emotionally, and being heir to the throne was a huge responsibility that she hoped he would have the capacity to fulfill. He was, after all for her, the best choice available. But he could also slip backwards just as easily, and become overwhelmed by the responsibility that had been placed upon his shoulders at so young an age. She was leading the small group of Spaniards dressed in English uniforms. Spain definitely did not want to be discovered officially joining the fray. Aboard the French command ship, Leopold opened a new bottle of Bordeaux wine by slicing off the bottleneck with the blade of his sword. The commanders toasted their revolutionary rulers, and themselves, and guzzled the wine down from silver goblets with a single gulp. All that could be heard was the quiet lapping of the seawater against the sides of their wooden ships. There were no lights on these ships, no lanterns, no candles, no flames. 59

The first of the French ships had crossed the cove and were coming up to landing on the beach when high above a hawk circled overhead, then suddenly shot down into the darkness. The bird landed on Richard’s left shoulder, and dug into his flesh with its long talons. He was alarmed and surprised, and yelled in panic, “FIRE!” And fire the men did. The night air was suddenly filled with acrid smoke, and the loud crash of gunpowder exploding, hurtling payloads of death and destruction from the mountaintop upon the French ships down below. The air was sparked with red flashes and thunderous explosions filled the night. Down below the first arriving French ships took the brunt of the attack and lay crippled and listing, and as they caught fire, they blocked the landing pathway for the ships behind them. As those ships came within range the murderous volleys of lead found their mark too, and the cove was lit by the burning hulls of ship after ship. Suddenly there was a monstrous roar as gunpowder aboard one ship after another ignited. Isabella proved to be right. The English cannons as she suggested them to be placed could not have been better 60

positioned, and with a minimum of weaponry but a superiority in surprise and targeting, burning French ships now filled the cove. There was no forward access available, the element of surprise was now gone, and the French could not land their men. Merriment aboard the French command ship was sucked out like a sail losing its wind, and the tides of war had suddenly shifted. Leopold looked incredulously through his looking glass at the devastation ahead. “Merde,” he cried, “this cannot be happening to me!” He was within range of the shore, and then he dropped his looking glass. “It cannot be,” he thought, and retrieved the looking glass. He peered at a group of men on the beach. They appeared to be English soldiers. Some were on horseback. Among this group, he saw what appeared to be a woman, and he moved the looking glass around to find her in his vision. “There she is,” he said under his breath, and he saw a woman with a coat of armor and chain body armor. She was not wearing a helmet, and had long black hair in a ponytail. Her long silver sword flashed in the moonlight.


“Who is she?” he yelled, “Only two nights ago victory was in my grasp. I could have won over the English. I lured the English army away. Now look at this,” he cried, tears running down his face, “Lady Luck has betrayed me.” He looked and could see emblazoned on her chest plate of armor the red heart, with the “K” emblazoned over it. He knew victory had been snatched from his grasp. He did not know who this woman was that he saw, but to him she epitomized Luck, Luck that had changed course and was fighting on the “other side.” Loepold did not want to tempt fate any further. “Give the order to turn around!” Leopold yelled, “Now!” He was not a particularly bright man, but he knew that to stay longer would only result in more losses – of ships, of men, and of supplies. Best to retreat, for now his battle was over. “Advance to the rear!” he screeched. I will have a score to settle with that woman, he promised himself, no matter how many years it will take. The wrath of the new French rulers would be fierce, and Leopold knew his chances now for victory were ruined. He hoped his life could be spared when the rulers found out that he saved the vessels 62

and men. Such is the power of Luck, he thought, or maybe just this one time? The cove was a burning inferno. Those ships that could turn around and set sail back did. Those ships that could not, slowly sank. Richard rode his horse down to the beachhead, and was amazed at the carnage that had been caused by the front ships burning, and the resultant hits on the other ships. The last French troops in the forest had been routed, and his men were driving those soldiers back from the forest to the beachhead. Richard noticed Isabella riding back and forth, herding the stray men, shouting at them to drop their weapons and surrender. She was aware that many men had died tonight, and she wanted to spare the lives of those that either could make their way back to the small rowboats and the retreating ships, or give up their weapons and wait to be captured alive. In time, they would be returned to France in exchange for some treaty that would announce the end of hostilities. England had indeed survived to live another day! After two hours, the battle was indeed over. 63

The men in Richard’s army were jubilant. Richard was riding along the beach when he saw Isabella’s horse pull in front of him. “I am so sorry to intervene. I wanted these men to surrender, not fight. So many men died in this folly. There does not need to be more killing.” “Isabella, that might be so. But how many more would have died in the long run had they won?” She nodded, rubbing her hand over a mud streaked forehead. “I know. But at least some lives could still be spared, don’t you think?” “I owe this victory, my victory, to you. I am so sorry that I questioned the authenticity of your love, and advice.” They rode together alongside one another. Smoke and the cries of the injured and dying men filled the night air. “I understood you were hesitant.” “How did you find out about their plans?” “We had Spanish spies aboard Leopold’s command ship,” she confided, “and we overheard his plans. But it started long before at the Palace in Paris with the army and navy commanders counseling the King.” 64

“You knew this attack was being planned?” “Yes. A French spy told my sister last summer at a state visit, that very soon the French revolutionaries said they would successfully take the English crown and place it on their heads to humiliate the English. She understood from this their territorial ambitions were very real, not imagined. The spy told us a great deal of information, much of which I imparted to you, my love.” “I am sorry I doubted you, I have some issues with trust. Growing up with two brothers who are eying the throne of your father, you get suspicious of everything.” There was a gash on her arm, and blood was running down it. “You have been hurt, let me look at that when we get back to camp. The men will be up all night. I have to ride ahead of them to go to London and give my father the news.” His men were so overjoyed with their victory that they lost track of Richard, and never even noticed Isabella who rode alongside him. Richard and Isabella were able to slip into his tent undetected. He lit a fire, and placed kettles over it to heat the water. He helped her out of her armor, and she gently let 65

the armor fall onto the ground. She was gritty from the salt water and sweat and blood covered her body. She allowed Richard to pour the warm water over her, and slowly the red and brown streaks were replaced with the naturally olive complexion of her skin. The sword cuts and slashes Richard slowly wrapped in bed sheets that he tore into strips, placing an ointment over the wounds as a salve first. “This should stop the bleeding. We have only a small supply of ointment, but it will work.” She stepped in front of him, and looking into his eyes, said softly, “Now, it’s your turn.” He disrobed, standing naked before her, and she in turn poured heated water over his body. He was amazed at the two sides of her personality. There was a ferocious side that he had seen on the beach, where it seemed that she had fought relentlessly to save the lives of French soldiers, and here she was gentle and soft. He held her face in his hands, and kissed her softly on the lips. He then went to a pile of drying towels, and dried her wet body carefully, taking care to gently mop the water around 66

her bandages. “Come my love, let me dry you off. There are only a few short hours left until daybreak. We must rest now.” Richard sank onto the bearskins, and felt her move her naked body close to his. He was just aware of how soft and warm her body felt, before a welcomed sleep overwhelmed him. In the morning, she was gone. He awoke to find the sunlight streaming in through the doorway of the tent. There were men all around his tent, his men, and they were all beaming and shouting. “To Prince Richard! You have saved us! Three cheers!” Richard acknowledged the men and their valiant fight. “You have fought like lions, and repelled an army that was coming here to burn down our homes and kill our women and children. You are brave and loyal, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Fight now with the same zeal for peace.” The men cheered. Thirty minutes later, Richard was on his horse, and heading back to London with two men alongside him. All along the way in villages and towns, the news of the French defeat had somehow been imparted and carried forward, and people were already lining the streets. 67

They held up babies and flowers. It was an awe-inspiring sight. Richard was bemused by the attention, and was genuinely touched by the appreciation. “My men ride behind me,” he would yell out, “Please show them the same love and appreciation! Long live Great Britain!” When he arrived at the Castle, he found out his father was not doing well. He was bedridden, and had the nurse prop him up on the thick embroidered pillows. When Richard entered the room, he held out his hands. “Come here my son, let me see you!” Richard stepped forward and kissed his father, not on his ring, but on his forehead. “Father, I have done us all well.” “You are a genius. You are a military strategist beyond compare! I knew you had it in you.” “No father, not I,” and Richard asked to be alone with his father. He then told his father about Isabella, the information she imparted, and the reciprocal promise he had made to her. “Oh my dear boy,” his father said feebly, “we already have you promised in marriage to the Princess Gerta from the 68

Bavarian Kingdom in Germany. It is all about political arrangements, you know. Alliances are all political my son. You are too naive to understand all this, my boy.” “I need to make my own choices, father!” James shook his head, “What do you think you are you going to do now? Marry Isabella? Are you crazy? She may have helped you, fine, I understand that, but we need the support of Germany to survive in case there is another attack from France again, and the whole of Europe is filled with political marriages from one country to the next.” “I love her, father!” “Nonsense, you only think you do. She was good for fun, my boy, but not for anything serious. Surely, you are not such a fool? Tomorrow will be a tribute to you. It is decided, son, it is all decided, like destiny. You are to marry Princess Gerta and that is that,” he coughed and wheezed, “You really will be the death of me.” Richard looked at his father with pain and amazement. He was soon to be the King of England, and already decisions


about his life and love were not only being made, but apparently had been made without his input, or consent. Richard excused himself from his father’s room, and walked down the hallway to his quarters. Already there was a staff of court attendees changing the linens, and the drapes. “Princess Gerta has already sent us through courier her bed sheet requests, sire!” Richard exploded, “Get out! Am I not even told anything beforehand? Get out!” The door slammed shut, and he sank down into his seat in front of the fireplace. He looked at the flames that crackled and breathed in the rich aroma of burning apple wood logs. His baptism into real-world politics had been quick. He decided to take a bath in the huge copper tub in the middle of the room. He ripped off his clothes, and sunk into the hot bath water. Someone had placed some rosemary and menthol oils, along with rose petals in the tub water, and these ingredients along with the hot water soothed each and every aching muscle that hurt. He sank gratefully into the tub water. 70

Suddenly there was a stirring in the cupboard, and its door swung open. “Who is it, who is there?” Richard clutched a knife on the counter alongside the bathtub. A soft voice said, “Is that a knife? Or are you just happy to see me?” “Isabella! Oh my God. How did you get into the Castle?” She smiled at him, she was wrapped in a sheet. She let the sheet that was meant for Gerta drop down around her. She stepped up onto the step, and slowly lowered herself into the hot water alongside him. She looked like a vision. She nestled down and lay in his arms in the tub. The hot water shifted gently and accommodated the two tub occupants. “What are you going to do?” Richard took the medallion from around his neck, and placed it around hers. “Thank you, this has protected my life, and my heart.” “I see you have been promised away already to a political union. How are you going to solve this?” 71

“It is my father’s work. He is manipulative until literally his last breath. He controls everyone around him, as he has controlled me. Literally I was born into wealth and luxury, yet never once did I feel rich or free.” She smiled and held him closer. “That was,” he said, “until I met you.” “You will be King soon! Picking wives is regarded like picking fruit. It is done for you.” Richard shook his head, “If I don’t start now, today,” he said, kissing her forehead, “and think for myself, and show I can make decisions for myself, I will forever lose everything that I fought for . . .” “What do you mean?” Richard brushed her wet hair from falling over her eyes. Her dark ponytail was long, and wet. He pulled her closer to him. “I did not fight for freedom for the people only to win and be ensnared into an arranged marriage for myself. I have met Gerta before. I share nothing in common with her at all. She is a cold, calculating, and heartless woman imbued with her own 72

sense of entitlement. She does not care whom she tramples to get where she wants. Much the way I thought of you in the beginning, I must say.” “I was pretty calculating too, you know.” “It is different with you. You gave me something along with a battlefield victory, you gave me for the first time the chance to feel what true love is like.” “And?” “It is just as important for me to be free to make decisions of the heart as it is to make decisions for my Country. Not everyone will like my choices, and beginning tomorrow, I realize that I am the one that has to live with the decisions that others will make for me. My father wants the marriage, as it is his way of getting his way all the time. I want to make my own decisions, and will. It begins with you.” She looked up at him. She was seeing him grow and mature in front of her. “You inspired me to believe in myself so that I could lead others, and bring about a victory that few see in their lives. I


could not have done that without you. But you inspired something more in me.” The bath water was beginning to chill. Richard reached for the kettle of hot water and poured it into the tub making the water tolerable again. Richard settled back, and continued, “You also made me realize that there was something more in life. There was a feeling that I had with you that I have never felt with anyone else. This feeling I either believe in, and make grow, or I could be a fool, follow my father’s wishes, and throw it all away. This may be tough, the toughest decision I make, for I know that if I tell him and do differently from what he wants, it could kill him. He is spiteful enough that he could just die just to prove his point. If I thwart him in his plans he could literally die on me, to make me feel guilty for the rest of my life.” “Are you OK with that?” “I am ready to do whatever it takes to make love grow with you,” he looked at her intensely, “even if it means losing my father’s love, or even my father. I have to complete my share of the bargain.” Richard looked at her intensely. 74

“Isabella, you made me a King. Will you marry me and let me make you my Queen?” She rested her head on his chest. The water in the tub was beginning to cool again, and in that moment, there was nowhere else in the world that she wanted to be. It was quiet in the room for a long while. “Yes,” she finally nodded and whispered, “I would be glad to be your Queen.” “You have made me the happiest man alive!” “And you me. Ultimately,” she murmured, “we all need a reason to believe in love.” He closed his eyes for what seemed like seconds, and when he again opened them the water was dread cold and Isabella was gone. As he stepped from the tub he heard a commotion in the hall. A pounding on his door startled him as he stepped into his breeches. “Yes,” he called out.


His valet came running in followed by his cousin, the Duke, who quickly announced, “You majesty, the King is dead. Long live the King!�



Allan Jon Kretzmar Š2011. All rights reserved. All characters in this mini-book are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons living or dead, is coincidental. No part of this mini-book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a newspaper, magazine or journal. First printing.

Edited by Maria Comfort. Images by Kane! Poetry by Chris Steven Young. Follow further stories and adventures at Check out the other Mini-books in the series.


Forbidden/unexpected Angel The Series: Luck, Love . . . and a Twist of Fate! Other book titles

1. unexpected Angel The novella. A modern-urban love story with a supernatural twist. Angels show up in our lives when we least expect them. Jake Morrison is a bright, young and ambitious attorney hell-bent on achieving his vision of success. But his vision is about to become a nightmare. Zara Jane is a real-live Angel, sent from Heaven above to guide Jake through these pivotal changes in Jake’s life. She ends up working at Jake’s firm and dating him, so that she can watch over him. They fall in love. But Jake rejects the message and her love and his life spirals out of control. As an Angel Zara Jane imparts wisdom and insight for his life and world, and expresses her insight on the road that lies ahead, not only for Jake, but also for humankind as a whole. When Jake takes her words to heart his life goes through a metamorphosis, and he finds himself living his life in a manner that he could not have dreamed of before. KINDLE: unexpected ANGEL. Luck, love . . . and a Twist of Fate! (Forbidden/unexpected ANGEL) | NOOK:

2. CUPID’S ARROWS A mini-romance mythological fable, where Zara Jane, Angel, creates a love connection between Mahmoud and Genevieve-Marie at the Palace of Versailles. This is part of her job as an Angel, and one of the more satisfying of her tasks. She takes special care and attention in the pursuit of these activities, and explains in a hilarious interchange with the Love Cherubs the state of affairs connected with helping humans find True Love. This caper involves a tinge of Cupid’s Love Potion #5, 2 cherubs, one Angel, and 2 Cupid’s arrows. KINDLE: Cupid's Arrows (Forbiddem/unexpected ANGEL) | NOOK:


3. WILD HORSE TALE$ A mini-paranormal-action adventure set in Santa Barbara, California. Zara Jane, Angel, and Jake Morrison, erstwhile-lawyer, form Paradise Paranormal Investigations, Inc. This is the first case for their fledgling company, and they are called in to solve the mystery of racehorses that are dying, almost daily. What they uncover are some unexpected twists and turns. KINDLE: WILD HORSE TALE$ (Forbidden/unexpected ANGEL) | NOOK:

4. WHERE ANGELS FEAR TO TREAD A mini-paranormal-action adventure, that takes Zara Jane, Angel, and Jake Morrison, erstwhile-lawyer, on their second caper under their company, Paradise Paranormal Investigations, Inc., on a worldwide dash to stop the Holy Grail and the Golden Calf falling into the wrong hands, in this case, Gustavo, who is not your ordinary villain. He is a fallen Angel himself, with superpowers too. The CIA and the US government call in the two sleuths to provide investigative help. KINDLE: Where Angels Fear To Tread (Forbidden/unexpected ANGEL) | NOOK:

5. set the world on fire! (CONTINUATION OF “WHERE ANGEL’S FEAR TO TREAD!”) A mini-paranormal-action adventure, that takes Zara Jane, Angel, and Jake Morrison, erstwhile-lawyer, continue on their second caper under their company, Paradise Paranormal Investigations, Inc., on a worldwide dash to stop Gustavo in his tracks. Subject matter includes the Holy Grail, the Golden Calf, and the Knights Templar. KINDLE: Set The World On Fire! (Forbidden/unexpected ANGEL) | 6. ying-yang love


A mini-romance. Vickie Ying lives in New York, Christian Yang lives in Hong Kong. They are worlds apart, yes each night respectively in their dreams they connect on a deep soul level that is turning their lives upside down. Their dreams are becoming an obsession, and when they dream they begin to see the other with increasing clarity. The chemistry and tension builds as they wonder if they will ever meet in person. Enter an Angel (Zara Jane) who tries to guide them both, but her message is not immediately recognized or followed. Ying-Yang Love (Forbidden/unexpected ANGEL) | NOOK:

7. ONLY LOVE MATTERS: INTERCEPTION A sweet mini-romance. Katherine Potter lives in London, for years entombed waiting for her husband to return after his military mission failed. She is invited by her nephew Drew to Hawaii. Enter an Angel that intercedes on behalf of Frederick, her husband to save her life, and allow her the chance to find love again. KINDLE: Only Love Matters (Forbidden/unexpected ANGEL) | NOOK:

8. what yA gonna do when the angel comes? A mini-travel-adventure-romance. Jake Morrison, erstwhile lawyer, is convinced by his friend Dr. Robert Powell to try regression analysis to isolate when and where he and Zara Jane, Angel, really met to better explain their attraction. As the regression continues, Jake discovers that the answers come not only from this lifetime, but to ones that took place well hidden in the past. Jake unlocks the doors to open up new vistas of adventure, and understanding. KINDLE: WHAT YA GONNA DO WHEN THE ANGEL COMES? (Forbidden/unexpected ANGEL) | NOOK:


9. WHEN ANGELS COME HOME TO ROOST (Continuation of “What ya gonna do when the angel comes?” A mini-travel-adventure-romance. A continuation of the regression analysis that Jake is undergoing with his friend, Dr. Robert Powell. Jake finds himself married in this past life to Zara Jane, when a violent storm blows their spice ship off course. Will they survive, and what secrets will be revealed? Stranded on an as-yet-uncharted island they meet Hoppy, a genie, who promises them a way out, with a surprising twist.

10. DEVIL’S ADVOCATE (Continuation of “WHEN ANGELS COME HOME TO ROOST”) A mini-travel-adventure-romance. A continuation of the regression analysis that Jake is undergoing with his friend, Dr. Robert Powell. Jake finds himself married in this past life to Zara Jane, still stranded on an as-yet-uncharted island with Hoppy, the genie who has promised them a way off the island. But is this really what Jake wants? Find out the surprising twist as Jake’s mind plays the devil’s advocate. KINDLE: NOOK:

11. ROBBER BARON (PART ONE) Jake is encouraged by his friend Baron to take up the practice of law again and head up the Loss Mitigation Department at the mighty Trust Bank, headquartered in San Francisco. Jake feels that his name and reputation are about to be misused to further some dark motive that he as yet is unaware of, and he has his misgivings. John Wiley is an attorney representing sympathetic clients as the battle-lines start to get drawn in this modern-day “David and Goliath” zero-sum contest. Jake trusts that whatever the motive behind Baron’s offer, it will somehow be revealed in time to him before damage can be done. Jake realizes this is all a puzzle -- this interplay between light and dark forces -- and that he would need almost a clairvoyant’s skill to separate them in time. KINDLE: NOOK:




LovEntwined The Series: Finders, Keepers, Losers, Weepers Other book titles 13. THE KINGMAKER An undocumented historical mini-romance fable set in 15th Century Great Britain. The throne of King Henry is about to be passed on to one of his three sons, but war with France looms. Enter Princess Isabella, an armor-clad messenger, who meets Prince Richard, and guides him in the greatest adventure of his life. THE KINGMAKER (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | 14. GOING IN FOR THE KILL (CONTINUATION OF “THE KINGMAKER” PART ONE) A 15th Century mini-action-romance adventure fable, where Leopold, the French naval commander, seeks revenge and kidnaps Princess Isabella. Now King, Richard faces dark days as he struggles with the loss of his Queen, and decides to extract revenge of his own with unanticipated consequences. KINDLE: GOING IN FOR THE KILL! Part Deux of THE KINGMAKER (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:

15. THE WORLD’S YOUR OYSTER A mini-romance set in Italy. Francesca is a filmmaker and the daughter of a famed director who decides to enter her short film at the Venice Biennial. Enter an Angel who encourages Justin to enter his paintings in the Biennial Art Festival. The bait has been set, and they are destined to meet. KINDLE: THE WORLD IS YOUR OYSTER! (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:


16. MOMMY’S GONE! A bitter mini-romance. Brad and Mara have been married for fifteen years and have two children, Jamie and Mark. A poignant tale that explores keeping love alive in a marriage that goes through dramatic changes. Mara serves in the Navy, and completes a tour of duty in Iraq. Then Afghanistan follows. . . A story as current as our headlines. KINDLE: MOMMY'S GONE! (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:

17. FOLLOW THE FIRE! (alternative ending to mommy’s gone!) A bitter-sweet mini-romance. Brad and Mara have been married for fifteen years and have two children, Jamie and Mark. A poignant tale that explores keeping love alive in a marriage that goes through dramatic changes. Mara serves in the Navy, and completes a tour of duty in Iraq. Then Afghanistan follows. . . A story as current as our headlines. This story is the alternative ending to “Mommy’s Gone!) KINDLE: Follow The Fire! (Alternative ending to "Mommy's Gone!) (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:

18. (LOVE) ON THE WINGS OF ANGELS A mini-romance. Mary and Pete are destined to find each other, but their ability to meet gets stalled. Enter an eagle that brings about their chance meeting, that in that instant changes both of their lives from that point forward forever. Luck, love, and a twist of fate. KINDLE: (LOVE) ON THE WINGS OF EAGLES! (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:


19. WHEN LIGHTENING STRIKES TWICE! A mini-romance set in Mumbai, India. Ramish is a lawyer who is travelling on a train and is struck by lightening. In that instant the most beautiful woman in the world, his world, gets revealed to him. Ghita Raj is a Bollywood film star, wondering if she will ever find true love. She seeks answers from her astrologer and palmist, Mister Choksy, who tells her that a chance meeting with a man may be soon. Very soon. KINDLE: WHEN LIGHTENING STRIKES TWICE! (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:

20. COWgirl KATE A mini-romance. Kate is a student in Texas who receives an unexplained and untraceable email and text message on her cellphone to make sure she goes to her grandmother’s funeral. She is told that she needs to make sure she attends, for there is a fated meeting that has to take place there. Kate is given control of the family cattle ranch after her grandmother’s passage, but the email and text message concern affairs of the heart. KINDLE: COWGIRL KATE! (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:

21. HOLY LAND: BLOOD BROTHERS A mini-romance set in the Holy Land. A metaphorical bridge is being built between Rami, an Israeli soldier, and Ghita, a beautiful young Palestinian girl. They begin to steal moments together, knowing that on both sides such encounters are forbidden. The story moves with dynamic intensity to its conclusion as Rami and Ghita struggle to find freedom to live and love. As topical as today’s headlines. KINDLE: HOLY LAND: BLOOD BROTHERS! (ENTWINED lovENTWINED) | NOOK:


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